Correct birth. How to push and breathe correctly during childbirth? Proper childbirth: reviews

At the beginning of the second stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​fully opened, the fetal head, thanks to uterine contractions, begins to move down, squeezing the walls of the rectum. In response to irritation of rectal receptors, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm reflexively contract: this is how pushing begins. The fetal head presses on the woman's pelvic floor and rectum, causing her to want to empty her bowels - the urge to defecate. This is an attempt.

When can you push?

Before you start pushing, you need to call a doctor so that he can determine where the baby's head is. It is necessary to push only if she has passed almost the entire birth canal and is already lying on the pelvic floor. Premature pushing leads to rapid exhaustion of the woman’s strength, weakness of pushing, disruption of the uteroplacental circulation and lack of oxygen for the baby.

All women experience the desire to push at different times. If it appears when the head is already quite low, but the cervix has not yet fully dilated, then by pushing the head forward with force, the woman in labor can provoke a rupture of the cervix. To control premature labor, a woman in labor is recommended to use a special breathing pattern.

How to breathe during childbirth

  1. Take a full, deep breath.
  2. Hold your breath, as if swallowing air, tense your abdominal muscles (the muscles of your thighs, buttocks and face are completely relaxed). Gently increase the pressure on the bottom. Tighten your abdominal muscles more and more, helping the baby move through the birth canal.
  3. Exhale smoothly.
  4. Next, when you feel that you are short of breath, exhale smoothly, but in no case with a jerk. During a sharp exhalation, intra-abdominal pressure quickly decreases and the baby's head also quickly moves back, which can lead to traumatic brain injury. After this, immediately, without relaxation or rest, take a breath - and push.

During the full push, repeat all these steps three times.

After pushing, take a full breath and restore calm, even breathing with complete relaxation. This way you can quickly regain strength for the next push.

Attention! At the moment of removing the head, the midwife will ask you not to push - breathe like a dog.

How to push correctly during childbirth?

While pushing, press your chin tightly to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, spread them apart and pull them towards the armpit. The force of pushing should be directed to the point of maximum pain. Increased pain after pushing means that you are doing everything right and the baby is moving along the birth canal.

How long does the pushing last?

In primiparous women, this period lasts on average 2 hours, in multiparous women - 1 hour. Its duration can be influenced by various factors. Thus, the use of one of the methods of pain relief - epidural analgesia - leads to an extension of the second stage of labor by an average of up to 3 hours in primiparous women and up to 2 hours in multiparous women. A large fetus, a narrowed pelvis, weak labor, and overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall can also increase this stage of labor. Conversely, in women with well-developed abdominal muscles, the duration of the expulsion period is reduced.

How to avoid ruptures during childbirth?

Protection of the perineum begins from the moment the head erupts, i.e. from the time when the child’s head does not go back between attempts. The midwife uses three fingers of her right hand to prevent rapid advancement of the head during pushing, which leads to gradual stretching of the skin of the perineum and prevents ruptures. Normally, the fetal head passes through the entire birth canal with its smallest diameter - in a bent state (the chin is pressed to the chest). To prevent ruptures, the midwife clasps the baby's head with two fingers of her left hand and monitors its correct progression.

The occipital region of the head erupts first, then the crown, then the head expands and the face is born. From the moment the fetal head begins to unbend until the full birth of the face, the woman in labor is prohibited from pushing. It should be remembered that the integrity of the perineum depends not only on the actions of doctors, but also on the behavior of the woman herself during childbirth. Breathing through the mouth "dog" can significantly weaken the efforts. The born head is facing backward in 96% of cases; then the child's face turns to the mother's right or left thigh. Simultaneously with the external rotation of the head, an internal rotation of the shoulders occurs, then the anterior shoulder (located at the symphysis pubis) and the posterior shoulder (located at the sacrum) are born. Further birth of the baby's body and legs occurs without difficulty.

No matter how a woman behaves during childbirth, her every action will certainly affect this important process. The successful birth of a child depends on whether the mother can adapt to several phases of labor. When contractions begin, it is important not to get confused and put into practice all the knowledge you have acquired about proper breathing and methods of relaxation. A little later, in addition to contractions, pushing appears when the muscles of the diaphragm, abdominals and pelvis are in a state of strong tone. It is at this moment that the outcome of childbirth depends solely on the woman’s degree of preparedness. If she knows how to push during labor, the baby will be born quickly and easily.

Attempts are called involuntary contractile activity of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, due to which a child is born. Attempts appear in the second stage of labor, which begins after the cervix is ​​fully dilated and continues until the baby is born.

The mechanism of pushing development

When the cervix is ​​dilated by more than 10 cm, intense uterine contractions cause the baby's head to gradually move down, squeezing the rectum. Being under pressure, the receptors of the walls of the rectum send a signal to the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm, and they begin to reflexively contract. A woman has an urge to have a bowel movement - these are the so-called pushings.

Duration of pushing

The woman in labor cannot in any way influence the strength of the contractions, but she has the power to control the intensity of the pushing. Attempts last from 20 minutes to 2 hours. The duration of this period of time during childbirth is determined by the following factors:

  1. Parameters of the mother's pelvis. It is much easier for a woman with a wide pelvis to expel the fetus and she can do it faster than a pregnant woman with a narrow pelvis.
  2. Fruit size. It is difficult for a “well-fed” baby to move through the mother’s birth canal.
  3. Position of the baby during childbirth. It’s great if the baby presses his chin to his chest and descends along the birth canal with the back of his head forward. But the position of the child facing forward significantly delays the moment of his birth.
  4. Childbirth goes faster if it is not the first. On average, the period of pushing takes 2 hours for women who give birth for the first time, and 1 hour for multiparous mothers.
  5. Use of epidural analgesia for pain relief. This method increases the duration of the pushing period by an average of 1 hour (3 hours for primiparas and 2 hours for multiparas).

How can a woman in labor stimulate labor?

As a result of centuries-old obstetric practice, today every doctor and woman in labor under his guidance know how to facilitate the process of childbirth:

  1. In order for the baby to lower himself faster, his mother needs to spread her legs wide and sit down. At the same time, it is important to lift your heels off the floor surface. Everything, of course, depends on the specific situation. So, for some women it is more convenient to sit on a chair at this moment, while others lie on the floor and pull their spread legs as close to them as possible.
  2. A woman’s ability to breathe and push will help speed up labor. You need to rehearse a very long and leisurely exhalation in advance. It is important to relax the perineum, vagina and buttocks. At this time, the diaphragm will press on the fetus and it will begin to descend. You cannot push on purpose; this is allowed only in cases where it is impossible to cope with the involuntary desire.

What happens in the second stage of labor

When the cervix opens wide to allow the fetus to pass through, the woman feels the same sensations as when she wants to empty her bowels. That's why she finds the strength to push. If a woman in labor listens carefully and does everything the doctor tells her, she will successfully complete her natural mission.

To do everything right, within five minutes, the mother must know a few simple but very important rules by heart. Contractions that have reached their peak strength last from 60 to 90 seconds, and the interval between them is on average 1 minute. During this short period, a woman should try to restore her strength: if possible, completely relax her muscles and rest.

How to push correctly during the second stage of labor

Here is a detailed diagram that covers all the important points that a woman giving birth needs to remember:

  1. During the next contraction, the expectant mother should grab the arms of the chair and pull them towards herself. At the same time, you need to take a deep breath, drawing in full lungs of air.
  2. Now you need to hold your breath, as if conserving the air inside. All efforts should be aimed at the lower region. It is wrong to push “in the face” (“in the head”) during childbirth. To support the baby in his progress towards the exit, the mother presses her chin to her chest and tenses her abdominal muscles. In this case, the hips and buttocks should be in a relaxed state.
  3. The exhalation must be smooth, otherwise the baby's head will return to its original position. And if you exhale forcefully (with a jerk), the child can even get a traumatic brain injury. On the contrary, the deep and calm breathing of a woman in labor provides the baby with a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  4. After exhaling, you cannot relax and rest. You need to take a deep breath and push again. During the time that the full effort lasts, inhalation and exhalation according to the principle described above must be repeated 3 times. The woman in labor should purposefully push for at least 15 seconds, then inhale deeply and push again. She should repeat this 3 times, and then rest a little. For some women, it is enough to push 2 times, for others – at least 5. Everything is very individual. In any case, you need to carefully listen to the advice of the midwife.
  5. During childbirth, a woman must be very attentive to the signals that her body gives. If the pain caused by the next push intensifies, this is a good sign. Mom does everything right and the baby moves closer and closer.
  6. You should not scream while pushing. In this case, the valuable oxygen that the baby so needs is spent by his mother screaming.
  7. After completing the push, the woman restores measured, even breathing, rests and prepares for the next push.

Childbirth can bring many unpleasant moments to a woman. However, at this time she needs to think about her baby, who is several times heavier.

This is important! When the baby's head comes out, you can't push. At this moment you need to breathe like a dog.

What happens in the third stage of labor

Finally, the baby overcomes all obstacles and is born, after which he is immediately placed on the chest of an exhausted but happy mother. At the same time, the third, postpartum, period starts. After about a quarter of an hour, you will need to push one more time so that the uterus can expel the so-called baby's place. This process is not painful, since the placenta weighs only 500 g.

How to learn to push during childbirth

At special courses, a pregnant woman will be shown exercises that will help her understand and remember how to push correctly. During the classes, expectant mothers will be taught how to control their muscles and breathing.

The starting position for most exercises is lying on your back. At the same time, the woman spreads her knees wide, pulls them to her chest and fixes them with her hands. You need to tilt your head forward and press your chin to your chest. Next, the instructor will explain how to properly tense your stomach in order to push the fetus towards the exit. Some exercises can only be performed with the support of a man in the presence of a midwife. They are performed while lying on a hard surface with a pillow under the head.

During the classes, a woman will also learn what actions during childbirth are strictly prohibited. It is forbidden:

  • push not into the lower part of the body, but “into the head”;
  • arch your back, lifting your pelvis and perineum;
  • bring your knees together;
  • give in to panic;
  • scream;
  • sit on a hard surface.

When a woman pushes incorrectly for any reason, she only prevents the baby from moving forward. Here is one important point that you need to pay attention to during childbirth: it is uncomfortable to push on an unfolded maternity chair, so with the doctor’s permission it is better to meet the first attempts near it.

When to start pushing during labor

Every expectant mother should not only inquire in advance about how to push during childbirth, but also know when to begin this important mission. First, the doctor must decide on which segment of the birth canal the fetal head is located. You can start pushing only if the fetus has already passed most of the birth canal and its head is located on the pelvic floor. If a woman begins to strain ahead of time, she will quickly use up her strength, so she will be completely unprepared to push when it is really needed. In addition, such a rush can disrupt the uteroplacental circulation and lead to oxygen deficiency for the baby.

The need to direct all your strength to pushing properly appears in all women at different times. If such a desire arises when the baby’s head is low, but the cervix has not yet fully dilated, you should not push, otherwise this may lead to rupture of the cervix.

How to push properly during childbirth and avoid tearing

A pregnant woman should know how to breathe and push correctly during labor, not only to help her baby be born easily, but also to avoid harming herself.

You need to worry about the safety of the perineum from the moment when the little man begins to confidently erupt forward and does not return to his previous position. At this time, the midwife inserts three fingers of her right hand into the vagina - this prevents the baby’s head from quickly moving forward under the influence of the effort and helps the skin of the perineum gradually stretch and the risk of ruptures, accordingly, decreases.

The most correct position for the baby's head is when the chin is pressed tightly to the chest, since in this case the head passes through the birth canal with the least energy consumption. To protect the woman in labor from ruptures, the midwife holds the baby by the head with two fingers of her left hand and controls her correct progress.

First, the back of the baby's head comes out, then the crown appears, then the baby's chin comes off the chest and the face emerges. When the baby's head begins to change its position and straighten, but the face has not yet appeared, the woman in labor can no longer push. Let us note that it primarily depends on the woman whether she will experience ruptures during childbirth or not. So, with the help of dog breathing, you can significantly reduce the force of pressure when pushing. Most often, the baby's emerging head is turned face down, then the baby turns to the mother's left or right hip. Immediately with the turn of the head, the shoulders that have not yet come out turn, after which the front shoulder appears, which is located near the pubic symphysis, and then the back shoulder, which is located at the sacrum. And finally, without much effort on the part of mother and child, its torso and legs slide out.

How to push correctly during childbirth: the nuances

When a baby makes its way to the world through a woman's birth canal, its body puts a lot of pressure on the organs that surround it. Let’s add to this the mother’s tension, which she purposefully builds up in order to push correctly. Naturally, the bladder and intestines may empty themselves involuntarily at this time. Despite the fact that a woman, taking an active part in childbirth, may not pay any attention to what happened, such an “embarrassment” is replayed with horror in the heads of all expectant mothers before giving birth. Do you know what doctors will tell you about this?

This is the last thing you should worry about on the eve of giving birth. Firstly, this is a natural and natural reaction of the body of a woman who is going through the process of childbirth. In addition, such phenomena are not new for medical staff. Secondly, all sudden and unwanted discharge will be immediately eliminated by the midwife, so their contact with the medical staff and the woman herself is minimal.

Instead of worrying about such trifles, a woman who has almost become a new mother should focus on her feelings and carefully listen to the doctor’s recommendations. Then very little time will pass and the two closest people in the world will finally meet!

How to push during childbirth. Video

Pushing is an integral part of childbirth. If a woman pushes incorrectly, this leads to various complications. To avoid such situations, you need to push correctly during childbirth.

Algorithm of actions

To understand how to push and give birth correctly, you need to understand what pushing is. As the fetal head begins to move down the fallopian tubes, the walls of the rectum are compressed, causing the diaphragm to contract. At this time, attempts begin - the desire to empty the intestines.

The pain caused by each subsequent push indicates that the baby is moving closer to the uterus. It is not recommended to scream while pushing, as this takes away excess oxygen from the baby. At the end of each push, you should rest, gain strength and continue pushing again.

When you need to push during childbirth is best determined by your doctor. First, he will find out where the baby's head is. If you start pushing ahead of time, this will quickly lead to exhaustion of the woman in labor, but if there is inaction on the part of the mother, this leads to various kinds of complications.

How to push and breathe correctly during childbirth:

  1. the first thing you need to do is take a comfortable position with your knees bent;
  2. during contractions you need to inhale deeply while holding the arms of the chair;
  3. breaths should be deep and slow;
  4. you need to push only with the maximum urge;
  5. you should not strain your face and eyes so that the efforts are directed towards the abdominal organs;
  6. then it is recommended to hold your breath, tensing the lower abdominal muscles. In this case, the hips should be relaxed;
  7. with each push it is necessary to push the baby forward;
  8. it takes at least 15 seconds to push, then take a deep breath and strain again;
  9. you need to inhale evenly and rhythmically, and exhale smoothly so as not to damage the baby’s head;
  10. One contraction should take at least 3 attempts.

What does it mean to push during childbirth? This means contracting your lower abdomen while maintaining proper breathing technique. During childbirth, the main thing is to breathe correctly and perform actions on time. Some women in labor begin to push when the baby is ready to be born and is almost out, while others - when the fetal head has not yet reached the pelvic floor.

A midwife must be present at the birth, who will tell you how the fetus is progressing and indicate the mother’s further actions. You should push by tensing the abdominal muscles, not the intestines. If you ignore the advice, there is a possibility of acquiring hemorrhoidal seals.


If after childbirth there is pressure on the anus, you need to see your doctor, who will determine the cause and make an accurate diagnosis.

Why does the anus hurt after childbirth:

  • constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • helminths;
  • anal fissure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • inflammation of the rectum.

If it shoots in the anus, this indicates intestinal diseases, possibly a manifestation of colitis. A doctor who will prescribe the necessary examination will help you verify this.

To reduce pain in the anus, doctors give the following recommendations:

  • use non-steroidal pain-relieving ointments;
  • use ointments that contain heparin, glycerin or troxevasin;
  • make antiseptic baths;
  • follow a diet;
  • use laxatives or antihemorrhoidal suppositories;
  • engage in physical exercise.

Attempts in the anus appear due to various diseases of the rectum. To avoid postpartum complications, you need to push and breathe correctly, using the recommendations of your midwife. It is best if the expectant mother familiarizes herself with breathing techniques in advance on the Internet or at special courses for women in labor. You should not rely only on the doctor; much depends on the woman in labor herself.

A couple of days after giving birth, unpleasant sensations and memories will be left behind. Happy parents will enjoy congratulations from relatives, friends and communication with the baby.

Hello! Today we will examine in detail the issue of correct attempts.

Thank you, Lyudmila! You provide very valuable information. By the way, about pushing, it’s very interesting - Can you learn how to push correctly? Even though I gave birth, I have no idea which pushes are correct and how to do it. I most likely pushed incorrectly, because my red whites of my eyes scared my husband for a week after giving birth))))

Many women, due to improper pushing, encounter phenomena such as:

  • red eyes (this is not scary, it goes away quickly);
  • hemorrhoids (already worse, especially depending on the degree), more about hemorrhoids during pregnancy >>>;
  • uterine ruptures (not at all good, since anesthesia will be required);
  • perineal ruptures (unpleasant because it prevents you from feeling good after childbirth).

Do you want to avoid these phenomena? Then read on very carefully!

What are attempts?

Pushing is a reflex act that occurs spontaneously!!!

What we see now in maternity hospitals is the artificial stretching of a woman. The doctor looks - the dilation is complete, the head has dropped - and begins to command the woman when to push and when not!

With this development of events, then you ask the question - how to push correctly? After all, you didn’t feel the true attempts or felt them weakly, or maybe in the rush of labor you didn’t even understand that it was them.

If the effort is spontaneous, it is very difficult not to notice it! At this moment, your ENTIRE body contracts and smoothly pushes the baby out. This is a very gentle pressure that allows you to keep your tissues intact and the baby’s head from injury.

When pushing naturally, a woman does not ask the doctor - is it possible to push? When to push? You just feel it!!! It's like a wave that has caught you and you can only surrender to its power and let it do the work!

Why don't women feel like pushing?

There are usually a number of reasons for this.

Poor feeling of your body.

During pregnancy, little attention is paid to preparing for childbirth. And the point is not even to train breathing or study poses. The point is to create the maximum mood for a natural birth. Remove anxiety and stress, and fill yourself with positivity, relaxation and gentleness.

I think this is primary. This is the foundation without which all methods of pain relief, breathing, etc. they just won't work. There will be mechanics, not feelings.

How to do this - this is what the course “Five Steps to a Successful Childbirth” is dedicated to. Take it and study it. Start practicing what I'm talking about and see the results.

Artificial initiation of labor.

Everything has long been invented for us. There is a deadline when a child should be born, and at the moment there is a point of view that I really like, which says that it is the child who determines the onset of labor.

Not the doctor, not the schedule of maternity hospitals closing for cleaning, not the departure of the midwife with whom you agreed to give birth - a CHILD! And you need to let him do it! This is something worth fighting for and defending your rights and waiting for labor to begin on its own.

No interventions during childbirth.

Perhaps this point seems impossible to you and the most difficult? Perhaps this is so! However, everything depends on you and on your perseverance - if you want, you will give birth as you intended.

A friend of mine recently gave birth. The first birth was through a caesarean section, the second I was in the mood for an independent birth. That was the mood - but all her external actions were absolutely opposite.

She went to the maternity hospital in advance, followed all the instructions and was not interested in why she was doing this, she quickly got tired during childbirth, stimulation was required, after stimulation the baby’s heartbeat worsened and the doctor suggested having a cesarean section so as not to suffer. She agreed.

Now there are big problems with breastfeeding, depression, guilt and difficult recovery.

Why am I telling you this? Moreover, if you declare that you want to give birth in such and such a way, base your specific actions on this! Take concrete steps that will help you have a good birth!

In it we analyze in detail everything from the beginning of contractions to arrival at the maternity hospital:

  • Arriving at the maternity hospital: when is the best time to do it?
  • Admissions department: what to do, what to refuse, what documents to sign and what not to sign;
  • Types of doctors and their views on childbirth;
  • Maternity ward - what's there?
  • How to talk to doctors so that they listen to you and not dismiss you as ANOTHER woman in labor?

I love this course because everything is very specific and to the point. Although many write that I am always on business, an easy birth is the basis without which I would not even advise you to go to the maternity hospital.

See you!

Lyudmila Sharova, psychologist for pregnant women.

Every woman behaves differently during childbirth. However, the process of bringing a baby into the world largely depends on specific actions. The success of childbirth is often determined by the ability of the expectant mother to behave correctly at different stages of labor. From the very beginning of the first contractions a woman must pull herself together and apply practically acquired previously knowledge regarding proper breathing and methods of relaxation. It is especially important to learn to push at the moments of pushing, when the muscles of the pelvis and abdominal press become extremely toned. This will allow the baby to be born much faster and easier.

Features of pushing

In the second phase of labor, after the uterus has dilated more than ten centimeters, the woman begins involuntary contractile activity of the muscular system of the anterior abdominal wall, which does not stop until the baby is born. This process allows you to gradually lower the baby's head down to pass through the birth canal. At the same time, the woman in labor, in addition to severe pain, feels the urge to have a bowel movement.

A woman does not have the opportunity to influence the strength of contractions, but the intensity of pushing may be completely under her control. Their duration usually varies from twenty minutes to two hours, depending on the following aspects:

Method of facilitating the process of childbirth

Today, in most courses for pregnant women, expectant mothers are explained in detail how to facilitate labor. But even if they did not attend such lectures, the doctor delivering the baby must explain the features of this process.

To move the baby through the birth canal faster, a woman should spread her legs as wide as possible and, without lifting her heels off the floor, sit down. Some women in labor find it easier to do this while sitting on a chair, while others prefer to carry out this procedure while standing.

If a woman learns in advance to breathe and push correctly during childbirth, this will significantly ease her suffering. It is important to prepare for a long and leisurely exhalation while simultaneously relaxing the vagina, perineum and buttocks. In this state, the diaphragm begins to put pressure on the fetus, gradually lowering it down. It is worth remembering that it is undesirable to push on your own, because this can lead to various ruptures and negatively affect the baby. Any similar actions should be performed only on the command of a doctor, with the exception of rare cases when there is no strength to avoid it.

Contractions during pushing usually last about 60-90 seconds with a minute's interval between them. It is during such intervals that you need to try to restore the strength spent on the previous push, relaxing the muscles as much as possible in order to be ready for the next contraction.

How to push correctly during labor in the second phase?

When going to give birth, every woman should remember certain rules that are important to follow. in the second phase of labor.

While in the maternity room, the main thing to remember is that the child in this situation is several times worse off than the woman herself, so you need to think not about your suffering, but about how to ease the lot of the baby.

Attending pregnancy courses

Many pregnant women find out how to push during childbirth, attend special courses. On them, instructors show exercises that allow you to understand the principle of this process, help you master it, teach you how to breathe correctly and control your muscles.

Most exercises are performed in a lying position with the knees wide apart and pulled up to the chest. Here they also talk about the features of proper abdominal tension, which facilitates the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. Some of the exercises are performed on a hard surface with a pillow placed under the head under the supervision of a midwife and with the support of a man.

During the classes they tell you what actions you should definitely avoid during childbirth. These include the following:

  • push “in the face” or arching your back while simultaneously lifting the pelvis and perineum;
  • while in the delivery room, bring your knees together;
  • panic;
  • sit on a hard surface;
  • scream.

All this greatly complicates the process of moving the baby forward.

How to choose the time to start pushing during childbirth?

Every expectant mother needs to ask a specialist in advance at what point she should start pushing. To do this, the doctor monitors the location of the fetal head in the birth canal. Making your first attempts This process follows after the head has passed into the pelvic floor area. Muscle tension ahead of time can take away almost all the strength that will be needed in the process of delivering the baby. Moreover, such a rush can provoke a violation of the uteroplacental circulation, as a result of which the child will lack oxygen.

For each woman, the need to start pushing arises at different times. It's important to remember that with insufficient dilation of the cervix strong muscle tension can cause it to rupture, so even if the baby’s head is already low, you should try to relax.

How to give birth without tearing

A pregnant woman needs to be able to push correctly not only to facilitate the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, but also to prevent the formation of damage to the genital organs.

You should start worrying about a possible rupture of the perineum from the minute when the baby clearly began to come forward. To prevent injury to the vagina, the obstetrician inserts three fingers into it, lightly holding the baby's head so that he does not damage the skin of the perineum under the influence of pushing. This action helps to gradually stretch it, and therefore reduces the risk of ruptures.

The most correct position of the baby's head is considered to be when his chin is pressed tightly to his chest, which greatly facilitates his passage through the birth canal. This process is controlled directly by the obstetrician. Initially, the back of the child's head comes out, after which the crown of the head is shown. Next, the baby lifts his head from the chest and his face appears. After the fetus begins to change position and straighten it, the woman in labor is advised to stop pushing.

The formation of ruptures during childbirth in most cases becomes the cause of incorrect behavior of the woman in labor herself. . Thanks to shallow, rapid breathing After the baby's head appears, you can significantly reduce the pressure exerted during pushing. In most cases, the baby initially emerges with its face directed downwards, which then turns towards the mother's hip. Then the hangers appear, and the child’s torso slips out quite easily without any significant effort.

Nuances that may arise during childbirth

Many expectant mothers who are expecting a baby worry about possible bowel movements during the birth process. This happens quite often under the influence of the emerging baby, which puts strong pressure on the internal organs, including the intestines. And the woman in labor herself can contribute to this by straining during pushing. However, you shouldn’t worry about this, because in fact, in the maternity chair, a tired woman in labor simply doesn’t focus on it anymore.

And doctors don’t pay any attention to such things. This reaction of the female body to childbirth is completely natural and natural, and happens very often. . In addition, the medical staff, when any sudden x and unwanted discharge quickly eliminates them, ensuring minimal contact between the obstetrician and the woman with them.

Therefore, when going to give birth, you should not worry about such trifles, but rather focus on your own feelings and the advice of the obstetrician. Following doctor's recommendations will speed up and facilitate childbirth, bringing that long-awaited meeting with your baby as close as possible.
