The program of the wedding scenario for the toastmaster. Modern wedding scenarios

The tone of many weddings is set by a professional host or toastmaster. In the absence of such, the responsibility for creating a relaxed cheerful atmosphere can be shifted onto the shoulders of honorary witnesses. One way or another, the result should be a bright, memorable wedding. And this is possible only if a pre-prepared scenario with contests and games is observed.

Brief wedding script

Both a beginner and an experienced wedding host should have a ready-made script for a wedding with competitions. Of course, in the process, many blanks undergo changes, but the general course will remain unchanged.

When writing a wedding script, you should pay attention to the significant events of the celebration:

  1. Meeting of the young.
  2. Congratulations to the spouses.
  3. First table.
  4. Dance break.
  5. Second table.
  6. Fun with contests, dances and songs.
  7. Final words of the young.

Do not be pedantic about writing a script. A wedding implies some kind of amateur performance and seeming randomness under the vigilant control of the host. The sense of proportion and the innate tact of the toastmaster will allow you to correct the behavior of the merry guests in time or interrupt the protracted permission of the second cousin's aunt.

Meeting and congratulations of the young

By tradition, young people are greeted with a noisy ovation at the venue of the solemn banquet or in the banquet hall itself. For a European wedding, the second option is more suitable. The newlyweds, announced by the toastmaster, enter the hall to the jubilation of the guests. You can declare a pair with the following words:

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet the cutest couple ever! Happiness in the eyes, love in the heart and engraving on wedding rings united them on this day for many years of comfortable family life! We meet the family (surname! )

After the applause subsides, the toastmaster passes the floor to the parents of the bride and groom. Mothers should be advised to leave long speeches, but to say sincere parting words to the new family and thank them for the happiness of being with them on this significant day.

After the words of the parents, the young are congratulated by relatives and friends. Comic congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of gifts to the newlyweds may also be appropriate. After accepting congratulations and gifts, as well as a short photo session with the guests, the presenter invites everyone to the table.

After the guests and the young have taken their places, the host takes the floor and pronounces the first toast to love, accompanied by the usual wedding “Bitter!”. At this time, contact is established with the audience. To do this, you can invite guests to shout “Bitterly” and reward the loudest guest or the loudest table.

The next step is to let the parents speak. In response to warm words from the lips of the parents, after the words of the toastmaster, words of gratitude to mothers and fathers from the bride and groom should follow, who should be warned in advance so that they can find the right words.

After that, you can play with the newlyweds. To do this, you can invite young people to say many beautiful words to each other. At the same time, witnesses and guests can actively help the bride and groom. In this case, in addition to the generally accepted beautiful words of love, one can hear comic associations, and then, at the suggestion of a witness, the bride is associated with a flowering cactus, and the groom, in accordance with the prompts of her girlfriends, appears as a mischievous Carlson. At the end, the toastmaster may offer to confess young love to each other.

The first table implies no more than 7 toasts. At the end of the first part of the wedding feast, the host invites guests to watch the first dance of the young, imbued with warmth of feelings and thoughts. This is followed by a 30 minute dance break that can be used to host multiple competitions.

Competition 1. Couples are invited to participate in the competition, who dance alternately to various music, ranging from hits from the 80s to Russian folk songs. The winners are chosen by the guests, giving their favorite couple their applause.

Competition 2. Participants of the competition are tied to the foot of a small air dance. The task is to break through the opponent's ball to energetic music and save your own. It can be both battles and team "battles".

Competition 3. Participants of the competition are given a clothesline of the same length, on which knots of wishes are tied. The winner is chosen by the number of nodes or by the degree of eloquence.

During the second table, you can hold competitions for the title of "Noble music lover" (like guess the melody), "Voice of the wedding" (those who wish can sing a line from a famous song, and guests can choose the winner by the strength of the voice and the charisma of the singer) or "Wedding polymath" (questions concerning weddings and young people). An original wedding gift for newlyweds from friends can be given during a break between toasts and shouts of “Bitter!”.

At the end of the second table, the host can invite guests to a dance flash mob. Incendiary energetic music and unpretentious movements will unite guests.


It is customary to end the wedding banquet with the newlyweds lighting up the family hearth and the final dance. Words of gratitude to the young guests who shared their happiness and rejoiced at their reunion on this significant day will also be useful.

Regardless of the prepared scenario of the wedding, the toastmaster should avoid comparing the relatives of the young, prevent disputes and family strife. In this case, the wedding will be remembered for interesting contests, original congratulations and touching confessions.

The most long-awaited day in the life of any girl is a wedding. To make the holiday fun and unforgettable, come up with an interesting and unusual scenario!

Traditionally, the toastmaster or host meets the young and the guests at the banquet, where the feast begins. The duties of the presenter include conducting a banquet, competitions, inviting guests to make a toast. The traditional wedding script includes the following items:

  1. Meeting of the newlyweds at the entrance to the restaurant with bread and salt
  2. Inviting guests to the table, assistance with seating arrangements
  3. Opening speech, a toast to the young
  4. Humorous stories that will allow guests to enjoy light snacks
  5. Giving words of congratulations to the parents of the bride and groom
  6. Reciprocal gratitude from the newlyweds to parents
  7. Entertainment, for example, determining the sex of the unborn child
  8. Giving the floor to grandparents, other relatives
  9. Newlyweds first dance
  10. Competition for the distribution of future family responsibilities
  11. Congratulations words are pronounced by friends of the newlyweds
  12. Touching slideshow in the style of Love Story with photos of the newlyweds
  13. Congratulations from friends
  14. Solemn throwing of a garter and a bouquet
  15. sand ceremony
  16. Dance fun competitions
  17. family hearth
  18. Cutting the wedding cake
  19. Words of gratitude to the guests from the newlyweds

All items can be changed at the request of the heroes of the occasion or at the discretion of the presenter.

Scenario wedding for the toastmaster

Often, the toastmaster does not dedicate the newlyweds at all to the intricacies of holding their holiday, so that this evening will also become a surprise for them. In advance, young people may be asked to prepare a list of all those invited to the wedding with names, describe the history of their acquaintance, tell about funny stories from the life of the guests.

The task of the toastmaster is to prepare such a scenario that is suitable for this couple and their guests, to be ready to quickly change jokes if the audience is not disposed to such humor. It is best to warn the host in advance about what topics it is better not to joke about and what contests to refuse, for example, not everyone encourages contests with collecting money from guests or jokes of a sexual nature.

Cool wedding script

The standard scenario provides for the same type of scheme for holding a fun and memorable feast, but to make your wedding different, you can come up with a specific theme, for example, an old Russian wedding.

At the entrance, the host distributes masks and props, kokoshniks, helmets and small notes with tasks to all guests, which say something like the following:

  • you have to steal the bride and hide her on the 2nd floor right after the newlyweds dance
  • as soon as you notice that the young have not kissed for a long time, immediately shout loudly “Bitter!”

Little tricks will allow the host to coordinate the holiday and involve all the guests. An example scenario looks like this:

  1. The arrival of the young, the guests line up in a long line, forming a corridor, and greet the young, showering them with rice and confetti, at the end of the corridor, the young are met by mothers who hold a loaf and salt on a towel, the one who bites off a larger piece of the loaf will be the main one in the family.
  2. The host invites everyone to follow the young people: “Dear guests, follow the newlyweds to the hall, today you will attend not just a wedding, but a solemn feast, where we will honor the king and princess of tonight!”
  3. The guests take their seats in the hall, which is decorated in the theme of the evening, the presenter tells the story of the acquaintance of the young: “In one kingdom, a state, for three nine lands, a beautiful princess languished in a tower. Not a single brave man could save her, because a stern and evil dragon guarded her. And then one day a fine fellow passed by the castle and saw a beautiful girl in the window and was struck by her beauty. He did not sleep at night, he kept thinking how he could save the princess. With the help of a potion, he put the evil dragon to sleep and saved the princess, returned her to her parents' three-story house on Rublyovka, and in gratitude received permission to marry her and Toyota Corolla in addition. The young people got married today and today they called all the guests from all over the world to have fun together, sing and dance.
  4. Their parents rush to congratulate the young, in order to determine the order, the presenter offers a contest for ingenuity “What can be done from an ordinary birch trunk?”. Who will give more answers, he will be the first to congratulate!
  5. Then, congratulations from the rest of the guests and various competitions in the style of a Russian wedding alternate, for example, without hands to catch an apple from a basin, shoot an arrow at a target, braid a Russian braid, perform a Russian folk dance, sing a folk song, sketch pictures of famous Russian artists and offer the rest guests to guess what is shown.
  6. The waiters bring a cake, which the young people cut together, the bride takes the first piece to the mother-in-law, the second groom takes the mother-in-law, then the young people treat all the guests.
  7. The wedding ends with the words of the newlyweds, in which they express gratitude to all the guests for their attention, kind words and gifts.

Scenario for a wedding with contests

Contests allow you to make the wedding more fun and relax the guests, give them the opportunity to express themselves. By watching others participate, your friends and family will be more relaxed, which means they will have a good evening and they will have the most pleasant memories of your wedding.

Wedding contests can be arranged for the bride and groom, for example:

  • Choose one of two options when answering simple questions. questions about spouse The more matches, the better. For example, the wife must answer which superhero her lover likes the most, Batman or Spiderman. At the same time, the groom also answers, the answers are compared, then the situation changes.
  • Baby photos- you need to find your spouse in various photos of the kids.
  • Find a kiss brides on a sheet with a bunch of kisses.
  • Spouse is asked tie a waffle towel as tightly as he loves his wife, and then untie him as easily as he would resolve any disputes in the family.
  • The bride can be offered try your hand at future motherhood, for example swaddle a doll.
  • From rose petals, the newlyweds must lay out a word that unites them.

Competitions for guests:

  • Find your wife- several couples are invited, the men are blindfolded, and the girls are seated on chairs in one row, feeling the knees, the man must find his woman.
  • The host says a word from the song, and the guests should sing a verse or chorus of a song, where there is a hidden word.
  • Two volunteers hold the rope, cheerful music sounds, and the rest of the guests must go under the rope leaning back. The rope descends lower and lower with each round, until the most desperate ones give up trying to crawl under it.
  • The competition for who knows the bride and groom better, for example, you need to answer the question of what category in sports the groom has, how many years ago the bride dyed her hair for the first time, or how many children they dream of.
  • Contest " Invisible hula hoop" will also amuse all the guests, the host invites several men and gives them an invisible hula hoop, while the music is playing, the hula hoop must be twisted first on the waist, then on the neck, then on the arm and on the knees.

Wedding ransom script

Traditionally, the wedding day begins with the ransom of the bride. The groom will have to go through many trials to prove his love and devotion. Usually contests are held by bridesmaids, who certainly know what to ask and how to test the strength of the groom. Depending on the desire, various scenarios can be used:

  • If the bride lives in a high house, then tests can be arranged on the stairwell, each floor is a new task for the groom, the main thing is to make sure that he does not use the elevator.
  • The bride only needs a healthy groom, so you can arrange a “medical examination” for him, let him go through all the doctors and prove that everything is in order with his head, and his strength is heroic.
  • The bride can be imagined as a princess locked in a tower, the entrance to which is guarded by evil sorceresses, they are the best friends of the bride. Until the groom answers all their insidious questions from the category of when the mother-in-law and father-in-law have a wedding day, he will not get to the bride or he will have to pay a ransom.

home wedding script

A wedding can also be celebrated at home, especially if the dimensions of the room and the culinary skills of the hostess allow. Prepare the room in advance, it may be worth moving the furniture and asking friends for additional chairs and tables, prepare a place for outerwear and bags, instruct, for example, parents or witnesses to resolve these issues.

The room can be decorated with photos of the newlyweds, stickers on the wedding theme. So that the guests do not get bored of talking and do not sit up, appoint one of the guests (it is better to warn him in advance) as the host of the evening, who will announce the next congratulations and offer an entertainment program. One of the friends should help with the musical arrangement of the evening.

Contests for a home wedding:

  • You will need two clotheslines and two spoons, you need to tie the ends of the ropes to the spoons, ask the guests to split into two groups, the task of each group is to pass the spoon through the clothes of each participant, the team that does it before the other wins.
  • Arrange a fortune-telling game, let the guests pull out one piece of paper and read what awaits the newlyweds in their family life.
  • Married couples are called, husbands write on a piece of paper what they plan to give to their wives, and women, not seeing this sheet, tell how they will use it.
  • Competition for the best dance couple of the evening, everyone is invited, loud dance music is turned on.
  • Ask guests to write a short poem using the newlyweds' names and the word "wedding".

Set up a photo booth with fun props like mustaches or hats where guests can take pictures with the bride and groom.

Scenario of a modern wedding

A modern wedding is a very broad concept, young people want to spend this day in their own way, sometimes completely rejecting any established principles, for example:

  • After the registry office, the bride and groom go for a walk around the city with their closest friends, they can order their favorite food or drinks in their favorite places, visit the place where the couple met. All this time they are accompanied by a photographer, full impromptu, no clear plans, no worries with preparation. I send relatives who do not understand such behavior to a restaurant, where they celebrate in accordance with their ideas, in the evening young people join them.
  • Thematic European wedding outside the city, in a cozy cottage, where guests will spend two days with the newlyweds. Often, young people deviate from their usual routine and choose a solemn exit registration of marriage outside the walls of the registry office, so they do not depend on traffic jams, are not afraid to forget their passport in the turmoil, or do not stand in line among the crowd of people getting married. The place for the ceremony can be a picturesque area in front of a restaurant or a country hotel, then the toastmaster acts not only as a host of the banquet, but also as a wedding registrar.
  • A traditional wedding, according to generally accepted ideas: the ransom of the bride from the parents' house, the registry office, a wedding walk through the most beautiful places in the city, a banquet in a restaurant and dancing until the morning.

Wedding scenarios: board games

Recently, board games have become especially popular among young people. This is a great way to spend time in a company, so you can entertain guests at a small home wedding, for example, by playing Jenga, Imaginarium, Concept or other games.

For a big wedding, board games are used:

  • The most traditional game is pass the box (the box is wrapped in 7-10 layers of wrapping paper), music is played and the box is passed from one participant to another, when the music stops, the participant in whose hands the box is, must quickly tear off as much wrapping paper from it as possible , as soon as the music starts playing again, the box is again passed from hand to hand until the next stop. This continues until one of the guests pulls the prize out of the box.
  • The comic game “Why did you come to the wedding?”, You need to prepare papers in advance with answers like “Tasty food”, “There is nowhere to spend the night”, “Everyone went, and I went” and put it in a bag, then the host asks the question “Why did you come to wedding? ”, The guest takes out a piece of paper and voices the answer.
  • The host distributes cards with the letters of the alphabet to the guests, the guest must choose an adjective for the letter that has fallen out to him, which characterizes the newlyweds, for example, “I” - bright, “N” - newly made, etc.
  • Guests from the bride and groom participate in the competition, they are divided into two teams. The host gives each team a blank sheet of paper and a marker, in 5 minutes, passing the sheet to each other, the bride's guests need to draw the groom, and the bride's guests, each guest draws one figure and passes the sheet to another, at the end the portraits are solemnly handed over to the young.

Second wedding day script

If the bride and groom want to extend the holiday, then the second wedding day is perfect for this purpose. In advance, you need to foresee where the guests will spend the night, and what you will treat them to on the second day. All these opportunities are offered by country hotels or serviced cottages.

To organize the day, you can hire a host or do everything yourself as a hostess. The mood of the guests on the second day will be positive, but not active, so it is better to postpone various sports and outdoor games. Guests will also get up in the morning at different times, so do not rush to gather everyone in one place.

  • On a fine summer day, offer guests barbecue, outdoor games, badminton, tennis, paintball
  • In winter, you can relax in the sauna or bath, especially after yesterday's fun, play billiards
  • In autumn or spring, you can arrange to watch the video that was recorded yesterday, because everyone is so eager to see themselves from the side

You and your guests will remember your wedding day for a lifetime, so try to organize it in such a way that there are no regrets about missed opportunities. A toastmaster at a wedding is necessary, since it is a professional who can organize a holiday so that young people and guests can relax and have fun from the heart.

Video: Funny scenario for the wedding day

Don't know where to start in organizing the perfect wedding? The portal for future spouses advises you to initially decide on the program and theme of the celebration: do you want classics or do you prefer funny scenarios for a wedding? After all, wedding traditions in Russia allow young people to organize a celebration that will fully reflect their tastes and preferences.

An interesting scenario ensures that your guests will be satisfied and the event will be held at the highest level. On the pages of the portal, brides will be able to choose original and suitable themes for the celebration, get practical advice and view relevant photos. Ready to get started in the mysterious and hectic world of pre-wedding preparations? More

Modern wedding scenario

A lot of things change in wedding fashion over the years: the styles of the bride's dresses and suits of the grooms, the requirements for the design of the ceremonial hall and the banquet table. Modern trends have not bypassed the wedding programs. To come up with and organize an unusual wedding scenario for 2019 is perhaps the main goal of every bride. After all, you really want the celebration to truly stand out and be remembered by everyone invited!

Of great importance is the professionalism and charisma of the wedding host. Therefore, the choice of toastmaster should be treated with maximum efficiency. It is from him, from his jokes, that the mood of the guests and the atmosphere of the event as a whole depend.

Professional toastmaster:

  • Can offer ready-made scenarios for the wedding. This option is perfect for couples who do not know what they want or are completely confused in the variety of programs;
  • Always make concessions to future spouses. A professional in his field always wants to develop, so new and unusual ideas of newlyweds always meet with a bang. For example, you can offer cool scenarios or dilute the host's version with your own contests;
  • He can always advise competitions and entertainment programs, regardless of the theme of the celebration. The scenario is fully coordinated and discussed with the bride and groom, in order to avoid embarrassing situations.

When looking for a toastmaster, always take into account the reviews of acquaintances, check out the site of the presenter, the responses of other brides, ask for ready-made scenarios for weddings, cutting videos from the holidays.

Scenario wedding evening with contests

When planning a celebration, remember: every guest, going to a wedding, plans to have a good time there and break away from the soul. Don't deprive your guests of this opportunity! Even the scenario of a small wedding evening should include a fun program, dancing until you drop, and more wedding contests that will affect every friend and relative. It is very important that it is interesting for guests to participate in the proposed "competitions", and do not forget to prepare pleasant surprises-rewards!

At small weddings, the most active and positive friend/acquaintance can act as a host. The script for the toastmaster will help the "self-proclaimed" host to navigate the celebration and the entertainment part of the holiday. The main thing is to help the bride and groom with the choice of the program and the organization of the evening.

Even if your couple is closer to a small wedding scenario, fill it with positive and good mood! No one should leave sad or with a sense of wasted time! Even a small wedding celebration can remain in the memory of loved ones for a long time, if you approach its preparation with all responsibility. And listen to our proven recommendations...

Fun scenario:

  1. Should not affect the religious views of any of the guests. This point must be discussed in advance with the toastmaster;
  2. Consider the age and status of the invitees;
  3. If there are children at the wedding, then we recommend including entertainment in the script, in which small guests can also take part;
  4. Jokes on topic. If you or your loved ones do not accept statements and jokes with vulgar overtones, also inform the host in advance;
  5. The festive program should be varied so that guests with any physical fitness and with any moral principles can take part in the competitions;
  6. The young and invited should be comfortable and really funny from the jokes and entertainment included in the 2019 wedding script.

Considering our advice, you will be able to avoid unpleasant situations during entertainment, and guests will definitely appreciate your approach to organizing a holiday and taking care of each invited person.

Wedding without contests: fashion trend of recent years

Many enter into a stupor when they hear about wedding celebrations without a competitive program. In our country, this way of spending festive evenings is relatively new and far from clear to everyone. The scenario for the toastmaster no longer matters, here is a completely different approach to the celebration.

A wedding celebration without competitions came to us from America and Western countries. And this does not mean that guests and young people will be bored.

As a rule, solemn events without a host:

  • Implies a small number of people present;
  • Promises live musical accompaniment. It can be a musical group, vocalist, musicians, DJ;
  • Active communication between guests;
  • The presence of the original wedding photo zone;
  • Celebration in an open area.

If you are afraid to organize a “non-competitive” wedding on your own or want an unusual scenario for a bachelorette party, you can always turn to wedding coordinators for help and advice.

Whatever celebration you choose, remember: the wedding of your dreams must meet exactly your desires and expectations. You should not adjust your celebration to generally accepted clichés if they contradict your tastes and ideals.

Walking through our thematic sections will be interesting not only for brides. The specialists of the site portal are sure that the hosts of wedding events, especially beginners, will gladly adopt ready-made scenarios for weddings. We always know exactly what modern couples in love need!

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If it so happens that your friends' wedding is small, but you want it to be remembered for all its cheerful mood, originality and comfort - feel free to get down to business, our wedding scenario for a small company without a toastmaster is exactly what you need. So, we carefully read the script, analyze what is needed for the wedding - props, decorations, a wedding loaf and cake, prizes for competitions, etc. Next - it remains to bring everything to life, and give your friends your talent! The absence of a toastmaster does not interfere with interestingly celebrating the most important day in the life of the newlyweds!

So, the scenario of the wedding - 2017 without a toastmaster for a small company

We offer to take on the mission of leading the holiday to a witness and a witness, or an honorary matchmaker and matchmaker. Holding a wedding with relatives for young people will give the evening a special charm. Believe me, the bride and groom will forever remember everything that their friends did for them that day.

Well, the preparations for the holiday are over, the exciting day has come, the newlyweds, happy and excited, drove by car to the wedding venue.

Meeting of the bride and groom

In order for the guests not to languish in anticipation of the bride and groom, who, as a rule, are usually late - before the arrival of the newlyweds, the witness and the witness invite the guests to drink a glass of champagne and eat small fruit and meat snacks. Telephone communication with the bride and groom should be under the control of the witness and the witness - they will be the main organizers of the wedding for a small company without a toastmaster.

So, at the moment when the wedding car drives up to the courtyard of the wedding for a small company without a toastmaster, the witnesses ask the guests present for attention, because in a few moments the bride and groom will appear in the hall.

Romantic solemn music sounds. Witnesses begin the ceremony of meeting the newlyweds.

WITNESS: A woman and a man. These two words are inseparable. It was created in order to become the main thing in her life. She will always be his guiding star, which will lead him to success. Him, a man.

WITNESS: And together, in love, they will give life to wonderful children, they will delight their parents with new successes and achievements, new victories. All this will be, but then. For now…

WITNESS: Dear parents, relatives, friends!
Today the door of the restaurant "____" is open for the most relatives and friends, for those who want to raise their glasses in honor of a young couple of spouses.

WITNESS: Every person in life has significant dates and the most significant dates. Significant - this is the day of entry into school, graduation from school, the first salary.

WITNESS: Today we celebrate the birthday of a young but very beautiful love story of two wonderful young people. To your thunderous applause, let me invite our fiancé Alexei to the hall!

Rhythmic modern music sounds, Alexey enters the hall.

WITNESS: Well, let's look into the eyes of our groom - we see that he is especially excited today - he has been looking forward to this day for 3 long years. Every night he went to bed and woke up with the name of his beloved on his lips. For her, he is ready to say goodbye to his habits, bachelor frivolity, passion for football and fishing, and devote all his time to his beloved.

WITNESS: Let's, all together, meet our bride Elena in the festive hall!
The exit of the angel with the bride. "Angel" sprinkles rose petals in front of the bride

WITNESS: Dear parents of the young, go up to your children and shower them according to the folk custom.

WITNESS: We pour rye on you that your family was fruitful.
Parents sprinkle the young with rye

WITNESS: Sprinkle with spring wheat so that you are a couple in love.
Parents sprinkle wheat on the young

WITNESS: We sprinkle you with a handful of sweets so that you can live together for a hundred sweet years.

Parents sprinkle the young with caramels

WITNESS: Dear parents, we ask you to bless your children for a happy family life.

WITNESS: Go to the people closest to you for blessing. As usual, bow down to them three times.

WITNESS: Since ancient times, the loaf was considered the main bread of the Russian house. It is a symbol of fertility, continuation of the family, family and tribal unity, happiness, health and well-being.

WITNESS: By its shape, the loaf is likened to the sun and, according to popular belief, is the incarnation of the sun god, who descends to earth to take under his care a newlywed who enters a long and happy life. So, kiss him three times in turn. And you, parents, pass the loaf to honorary matchmakers

farewell to childhood

WITNESS: It seems that we could invite everyone to the table, but our bride still ... has not said goodbye to her maiden name, and the groom - to a bachelor life. We desperately need to immediately dot the "and".

WITNESS: I want the bride to tell us very loudly what her last name is from now on.

The bride loudly announces her new name.

WITNESS: Then, quickly write your old name on this balloon, and release it into the sky to the applause of your guests.

The witness brings the bride a bouquet of balloons inflated with gel, colored markers, the bride writes her old surname on the balloons, and together with the groom sends all this beauty into the sky.
Gifts from guests

WITNESS: Dear bride and groom! Today you have come to congratulate the dearest and closest people to you.
Here, the falcon found Lebedushka. They decided to make a nest
To love each other, and to raise children,
And a lot of feathers are needed for the nest, oh, how it is necessary!

WITNESS: Donate for grandchildren, and for the cradle ... - this is what grandmothers used to say a long time ago, and we will say it bluntly - young people need a material base: we will explain why ...

WITNESS: In order to buy a chair to sit on, a table to sit at, a TV to watch,

WITNESS: A machine in which to wash diapers,
Carpet - so that there is something to beat the dust out of,
A car - to roll my mother-in-law,
Refrigerator, so that there is often where to look ...

WITNESS: And therefore, I invite here - counting and assembly - shaking out commission.
WITNESS: The chief accountant of our commission, he is also the FIRST SWAT Mr. ____________________.

WITNESS: Matchmakers accept flowers and gifts for the young and keep a report in front of them, and I represent each guest by name!
Well, our dear guests,
It's your turn now
Let each of the wallets, from the pocket
He is the first to receive his contribution.

Don't Forget About Inflation
Even shares are donated
And EURO, and rubles, and dollars,
Banknotes of any color.
And gold and silver
And other expensive goods.

Guests give gifts to young people. After that, the witnesses invite everyone to the festive table.

WITNESS: Let me start the wedding! Bride and groom, stand facing the guests. Bow the first time, and the second time, and the third time. Invite guests to the wedding table!

Wedding feast "Champagne fireworks"

In order for the wedding guests for a small company without a toastmaster not to be bored, the witnesses will have to try a little. Before the first toast, invite all the guests to stand up, the men to take champagne in their hands, and to the applause of the guests open all the bottles at the same time - you get a wedding champagne fireworks.


Proclaim the first toast "For Love" immediately after the champagne fireworks. The second toast, as a rule, is proclaimed by the parents of the young. The third toast - native grandparents. The fourth toast is the godparents of the young. The fifth toast is native uncles and aunts. After the fourth toast, have fun for the bride and groom.

Fun for the bride and groom "While everyone is at home"

Witnesses, on two trays, bring hearts made of cardboard to the bride and groom. On the back of the heart are the bride's questions and the groom's answers. Witnesses offer young people to read texts from hearts in turn. Here are the options.

The heart of the bride:

1. The only one, will you help me clean the house?
2. My dear, is it profitable to raise ostriches?
3. My cat, will we have a rest in the Canary Islands every year?
4. Bunny, I know that you love children. Do you mind starting a family soccer team?
5. Breadwinner, is it true that you will give me all your earnings?
6. My happiness, will you return home immediately after work?
7. My joy, will we have our own plane?
"Heart" answers of the groom:

1. As you say, my dearest!
2. Let's wait and see, my bunny!
3. Definitely, my little fish!
4. This is all I dream about, my love!
5. Everything is in your hands, dear!
6. Dream, dream, my dear!
7. If finances allow, my heart!

Competitions in the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster for a small company

Competition for the bride and groom "I recognize you from a million"

The first test is for the young wife. The bride is blindfolded. On the chairs, in the center of the hall, several men are planted. The bride is brought to the men, the task of the bride is to recognize her husband with the help of her hands, feeling the ears of the men.

The second test is for the groom. Now he is blindfolded, and girls are put on chairs, they must take off their shoes, put their foot forward. The groom, by touch, must guess which of the ladies of his spouse.

Competition for the mother of the groom and mother of the bride "Mother-in-law"

For this competition, you need to prepare props - two very long, 5-6 meters each, ropes, or elastic bands, you need to glue a ballpoint pen to them. The pens will symbolize the “needle”, the rubber bands will symbolize the “Thread”. Witnesses say that the mothers of our newlyweds are experienced women, they can glue and sew everything that is necessary and not necessary. Therefore, the task for them is to assemble a team of several men (4, 5 each), then sew them together. To do this, insert a ballpoint pen with an elastic band into the left leg of the trousers, and remove it through the right leg, then the next man is sewn, and so on until the last one. The mother who did it first wins the contest "Matchmaker".

Competition for guests "Mutual contact"

Among the guests, you need to choose couples who are actively dancing. They are placed in the center of the room. Men sit on chairs, women sit on their knees. The witness gives each couple a napkin.

The music turns on, the task of the couples is to rub the napkin with the help of dance movements.

The most energetic couple who did it first receives a prize from the young ones.

Competition for youth "Yolochki"

Witnesses choose several pairs for the competition. The guys are blindfolded, given props - tin cans of drinks pinned to clothespins. The task is to pin "Toys" on "Christmas Trees". Then, partners are changed without untying their eyes, and they offer to remove the "toys".

The task of the young man is to find all the clothespins blindfolded. What you need: 10-12 clothespins for each pair, empty tins, scarves to cover your eyes.

"Aerial Dance"

Couples should dance with a balloon on their forehead, back, belly, buttocks... The music should be modern and fast.

The end of the holiday

A beautiful end to the holiday will be the ceremony of removing the veil from the bride. It should be accompanied by beautiful and romantic music. The groom removes the veil from the bride, then kisses his wife, and dances the first family dance with her.
Then, the bride and groom should cut their wedding cake together, eat the first piece of the cake together, and treat the rest of the pieces to their guests.

In parting, the bride and groom thank all those present at the holiday for the joy of the holiday of love shared with them.

Then, all together - guests and newlyweds rejoice at the wedding fireworks in honor of their love, which will light up the night sky ...

We hope that you liked the scenario of holding a wedding for a small company without a toastmaster and you will definitely bring it to life.

Read also what

All these services will be provided to you by our "Banquet-Moscow", the main task of which is.

I ask the guests to prepare for the first wedding toast. Men, please take some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding volley in honor of the newlyweds. They give a countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... a volley!

Guests fill glasses with champagne.

I ask everyone to stand up and support me at the end of the toast.

Music, against its background the first toast sounds.

Dear Ivan and Maria!
On your big day
We wish you only happiness.
Have a nice meeting
And sunny roads.
In matters of success
And in the family of consent,
Not knowing grief and anxiety!
God forbid you grow old in soul,
Keep your love like a talisman
And in a good hour, the road is straight
Hand in hand, go all your life!
We all congratulate you together,
We drink wine for you!

While the guests drink the first glass and have a snack, the host reads out the rules of conduct at the wedding.

Friends! I think that after each toast you will drink so that you can see the ceiling through the bottom of your glass;
the first three glasses are drunk necessarily (the rest will go on their own);
let everyone present take an active part in the celebration, otherwise his behavior will be recognized as a flagrant disgrace;
adhere to the rule: if you pour yourself a drink - pour it to your neighbor, if you get drunk yourself - give your neighbor a drink;
having heard music, do not sit at the table, but start dancing, not sparing your legs. If you can't dance standing up, dance sitting down.
It is strictly forbidden: to sleep at the table, especially with snoring;
skip toasts;
sing songs under the table; to beat the dishes on the neighbor's head;
eat with a fork from someone else's plate;
to leave all unmarried and unmarried one by one;
the heaviest crime is to leave a wedding with a boring face.
We don't have room for boredom.
Let's congratulate the bride and groom!

The host picks up a beautifully designed bottle and explains the rules of the game. While the music is playing, all the guests pass this bottle from hand to hand. The one who has it after the end of the music gets up, pours himself a glass of wine and makes a toast in honor of the newlyweds. The bottle "stops" 5-7 times.

Drain the glasses to the bottom.
Newlyweds loud ...
Oh, dear guests!
Everything is as if you are relatives,
Everyone shout "Hurrah!"
In honor of the bride, groom.
But look left, right
For fathers and mothers.
What tirelessly raised
Sons and daughters.
Dear bride and groom!
Today, on this holiday, many wishes will be addressed to you, but what could be warmer and more precious than the words of your mother and father? I'm talking to the bride's parents.
Let everyone hear this hour
Your parental mandate.

Order of the bride's parents.

Well, the groom's parents.
It's time to give you your order.

The command of the groom's parents.

There is an old custom in Russia,
Many years to him, many centuries:
Congratulations on your wedding day
Parents of brides and grooms.
Dear Parents!
Let time fly
But don't get old.
Let the grandchildren grow.
Be younger at heart.
Good to you, health, a huge increase.
We raise a celebratory toast to you!

The guests are drinking.

I wonder if the parents remember the time when they were the same as the bride and groom. Dear parents! Try to answer my questions.

Each parent is asked one question.

At what time of the year did you meet your spouse?
What was the day of the week?
What was the weather like on the day of the marriage registration?
What was your wife wearing on the day they met?

Thanks for answers.
Dear newlyweds!
Don't forget the first meeting
And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.

The song "Parents' House" sounds. Parents are invited to dance.

How happy to be
At the grandchildren's wedding
And see them as
Young spouses.
So I want to say a lot, wish
And to give parting words on the path of life.
The floor is given to the grandparents of the bride and groom.


Expensive... (names of grandparents)!
Let the years flow slowly
May your grandchildren bring you joy
And here is our main promise:
Live healthy up to a hundred years!
I propose to raise glasses of wine for the grandparents of our newlyweds!
There is no better honor than to serve the bride and groom. I want to introduce you to the best friends of the bride and groom. Meet... I'll ask them to stand up and congratulate our young people.

Congratulations to the witness and the witness.

Since you are the best friends of the newlyweds, you are well aware of their advantages and disadvantages. Assignment to the witness: to praise the groom. Assignment to the witness: to praise the bride.

Witnesses are doing their job.

Maybe the guests want to add something?

The guests help the witnesses to praise the bride and groom, listing their virtues.

Witnesses! I turn to you
After all, you are not just friends to young people.
Beyond your friendly ties,
Signing by hand,
You have taken on a heavy load
Keep control of the new family
And you keep the answer for everyone:
Are you ready to help young people?
We will make sure of your help now,
We want to check you out as soon as possible.
You will perform this task in pairs: the witness with the bride, the witness with the groom.

Each pair is given one pair of scissors and an album sheet on which a heart is drawn.

Holding together different rings of scissors, you need to cut out a heart. Whose couple will complete this task faster? Ready? Started!

The results of the competition are being summed up.

And now, dear bride and groom, show all the guests the hearts that you have made.

Two hearts to the beat sound from now on.
The union was held together by two rings.
Now in the abyss of life
You two will go to the end.
Task for the bride and groom: give each other hearts, while saying the most important words.

The bride and groom give each other hearts.

The bride is given a broken chair, nails, a hammer. She completes the task given to her.

Ivan, we ask you to rate Masha's work.

He checks, stands with his feet on a chair.

Yes, a real wife should be adapted to everything. Some say that a wife is a suitcase: it’s hard to carry and it’s a pity to leave, others say: it’s a diamond in the frame of our life. Ivan is lucky. Let's drink to his diamond and wish him good health!

The guests are drinking.

Bride! We approve your decision and choice,
But we will now test the groom.
Imagine, Ivan, this situation: Some time passed after the wedding, and your beloved wife gave you twins. Once she went away for the whole day on her own business, and left you with two children.

There is a coffee table in front of the groom, on which there are 2 dolls, 2 bonnets, 2 vests, 2 sliders, 2 plates, 2 spoons, 2 glasses, 2 toothbrushes, 2 diapers.

Your task is to get the children out of bed, wash them, brush their teeth, feed them, go for a walk with them and put them to bed singing a lullaby. Get started!

The groom does the job.

My toast, friends, for endurance,
Self confidence.
Sometimes it's hard to nurse
Two children in the family.

They drink toast.

Come on women, all together
Let's see the bride.
And the bride is just a dawn,
Come on, let's shout "Bitterly!" together.
The last test of our young people will show all the guests whether the bride and groom are suitable for each other. To do this, the newlyweds will have to show mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Task: holding hands, try to tie one bow from a satin ribbon with both free hands.

The newlyweds complete the task. The leader sums up the result.

Dear Ivan and Maria!
To grief and sorrow
In your life you don't know.
We invite you today
Dance of happiness to dance.
I think the guests will support the bride and groom and form a ring around them.

dance department . Music sounds. The bride and groom are dancing. The guests, holding hands, walk around the young people either to the right or to the left. During the dance break, the following contests and competitions can be held.

"Portrait of the bride and groom." 2 teams of 10 people are selected. Before each team, at a distance of 4-5 m, a sheet of whatman paper is attached to the wall. The first participants are given a marker to blindfold. Participants in teams agree among themselves what details of the portrait each of them draws (ears, nose, head, hair, eyes ...). Tasks: the first team with closed eyes draw a portrait of the groom; the second team with closed eyes draw a portrait of the bride. The winner is the one who draws the portrait faster and more accurately. The following competition rules apply. The competition starts at the signal of the leader. The first participant, having completed the task, returns to the team and passes the marker and scarf to the second participant, who blindfolds himself and continues to draw a portrait, returns to the team, etc.

Attention! Cavaliers invite ladies, everyone gets in pairs. This dance will definitely lift your spirits. Everyone dances while the music plays. As soon as it was interrupted, all gentlemen should kneel on their left knee, put their right knee in front of them. The lady runs around the gentleman and sits down on her exposed knee. The lady who sits down last is out of the game along with her gentleman.

Our wedding continues
Here at this wedding table.
And the fun never ends
We drink to the bride and groom.
Guests, pour glasses,
Drink every drop.
Only, friends, just check
Isn't wine quite bitter?
Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!
Dear newlyweds!
I didn't come to your wedding in vain
All the groom's family.
I ask the groom's relatives to rise. Imagine, please.

Acquaintance with the relatives of the groom.

The groom's relatives have prepared an unforgettable gift for you.

The groom's relatives are given comic musical instruments: a bunch of keys, a rustling bag, a pot lid, a rattle, a children's pipe, a grater with a fork, etc. The host prepares the text of the songs “We wish you happiness” on the card in advance. The groom's relatives sing an excerpt from this song to the accompaniment of their comic musical instruments.

Thank you! Please introduce yourself to the bride's relatives.

Acquaintance with the relatives of the bride.

This party will also not be in debt and will perform a wedding song for you.

The soundtrack of the song "Smile" sounds. The bride's relatives perform new words to this motive.
May you live happily ever after!
Sing along with us more cheerfully.
Let the whole district ring from this song,
Like a bridegroom with his bride.
So let's fall in love with each other.
Chorus: And then surely
We will glorify the groom
And his same bride.
From the blue stream
The river starts
And at the wedding this song
Very appropriate.
May everyone be brighter today.
Our house will “shudder” from fun.
Shout: "Bitter! Bitterly!" do not be sorry.
It won't take long to persuade them.

Like at the wedding table
Two families gathered
Two different peoples.
And how our young people got married,
So their families were related for life!
Dear bride and groom! Follow folk wisdom: "Love me, love my relatives." And you, dear relatives of the bride and groom, from today have found kindred friendship and fraternal help. I propose to raise a glass to the relatives of the bride and groom!
And now I will ask the young friends to rise and introduce themselves to all the guests.

Acquaintance with friends of the bride and groom.

In honor of our newlyweds, friends perform an incendiary dance "Apple". I propose to divide into pairs and place an apple between the foreheads of each pair. Your task: without the help of hands, hold an apple with your foreheads, performing dance movements. So, hands to the sides! Started!

Cheerful music sounds. Friends of the bride and groom perform a dance.

Well, without hiding feelings of hot.
I want to raise a glass
For the real ones, for the real ones
For the most devoted friends!

Dear our guests!
You came together to the wedding,
Flowers, gifts, toasts
They brought it for the newlyweds.
Come on, guests, do not be stingy,
Share your generosity!

Giving gifts to young people.

dance department
Dance fun "Lower and lower." Two people at a certain height hold a ribbon 5 m long, under which all participants must pass in turn, while performing dance movements. Gradually the ribbon is lowered. The game is played until one of the most flexible participants remains.

Dance fun "Steam Train". Two male participants are selected. Their task is to kiss as many women as possible at the wedding on the cheek or hand. The one who was kissed becomes a train behind her man. Who has a longer train? The game starts at the signal of the leader.

Dear guests! Today is also famous for the fact that the parents of the bride and groom are given new titles. ... becomes a mother-in-law. (Medal given). ... father-in-law. (Medal given). .... from today called mother-in-law. (A medal is given.) ... father-in-law. (A medal is given.)
In order for the new titles to be firmly entrenched in the above people, it is necessary to arrange a test for them. Everyone knows that at first the young will have difficulties in family life. Often they will turn to their parents for advice. Dear parents! Imagine this situation: you are in a hurry, late for work, at the last moment you hear a phone call. In a hurry, you pick up the phone and quickly answer the question. The son-in-law will call the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, and the daughter-in-law will call the mother-in-law and the father-in-law.

Parents are given a children's phone. The host acts as a telephone caller.

Son-in-law (father-in-law):
Hello, my light is not on here, what should I do?

Dialogue between son-in-law and father-in-law.

Son-in-law (mother-in-law):
When will the sausage arrive?

Dialogue between son-in-law and mother-in-law.

Daughter-in-law (mother-in-law):
What if it doesn't stick?

Dialogue between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

Daughter-in-law (father-in-law):
Tell an animal from 7 letters.

Dialogue between daughter-in-law and father-in-law.

Well done! I drink for my mother-in-law and I drink for my father-in-law,
I also drink for my mother-in-law with my father-in-law.
Let's have a drink together
For this friendly family!
To make this big family even more friendly, I propose to perform the dance in the following couples: the groom with the mother-in-law, the bride with the father-in-law, the mother-in-law with the father-in-law.

Dance performance to the friendly applause of the guests.

A goose flew past the wedding,
Came to our holiday.
Father-in-law immediately caught him
The father-in-law plucked quickly.
The mother-in-law washed him in an instant,
And the mother-in-law already salted,
And finding a place in the oven.
The dish was made by the bride.
The groom himself got the goose
And showed it to all the guests.

Goose sale.

I propose a toast to a beautifully prepared dish that a large family has worked on. For a successful goose sale!

At the end of the wedding evening, all guests see off the newlyweds. The bride throws the wedding bouquet.

Oh, come on, stay where you are
Now we will entrust the bride
Throw your wedding bouquet:
Whose wedding will you celebrate next?
Close your eyes Maria. And spin...
Say goodbye to the wedding bouquet!

The bride throws a bouquet to the guests. The tradition says: whoever catches the bouquet will soon celebrate the beginning of family life.

(Material from the website
