Work with parents for the year preparatory group. Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group

I affirm:
Head of MKDOU DS No. 3
______________ T.A. Martyanova.
Long-term plan for working with parents of the preparatory group
for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Active forms of work Visual information
Joint preparation for
academic year.
Questioning parents
“Daily routine”, “Business
group card"
Memo for
characteristics of children
senior preschool
Parent meeting:
"Healthy child -
successful child"
(organization of life and
raising children 67 years old)
Folder design
age-related movements
"Development of the hand for
teaching writing at school."
Physical training! Hooray! Hooray!"
(reminders, recommendations for
healthy lifestyle theme
life, prevention
posture disorders,
Encourage parents to be active
joint activities during the academic year.
Studying parents' attitudes towards
the problem of preparing children for school, their
expectations from preschool educational institutions, identifying
individual characteristics of the child -
future school student.
Determining the range of problems on the issue
preparing the child for school.
Expansion of pedagogical
parental competence.
Forming the right position
parents in assessing readiness
preschoolers to school.
Introduce parents to the results
monitoring at the beginning of the school year.
Answer parents' questions
Conversations on preparation for
academic year, update
gaming material on
group area.
Individual conversations with
parents, answers to
Exchange of views on business
groups, recommendations for
planning work on
The new school year

Consultation for
Photo newspaper for
parents "Summer"
holiday of sun and light!
sets of exercises).
Folder moving “Autumn”
golden visit us
Exhibition design in
group corner
Draw parents' attention to
safe behavior of children.
leisure activities for children in summer.
in the exhibition
Individual conversations,
answers to current
questions from parents.
Help with registration,
selection of material.
. Consultation “Game as
means of education
information folder for
parents on the topic:
"To parents about boys and
knowledge among parents,
theoretical assistance to parents in
issues of raising children.
Memo: “Child and
Advice for parents: “If
the child speaks poorly"
Booklets: “Safety on
village roads"
Foldermoving "Children"
they have a right"
Design of the “games” folder
on speech development"
"Advice from a speech therapist"
Expansion of pedagogical knowledge in
security issues
Spread of pedagogical
knowledge among parents, help
parents on development issues
Individual conversations
with parents o
compliance with the rules
Answers on questions
consultations with
consultations: “Clothing
children in the group."
Exhibition “What do we need about autumn?
"Every family has its own
Announcement, invitations,
exhibition of crafts.
Booklet “Let's talk about
“We develop by playing
Involving parents in joint
creative activity, creation
conditions of creative activity.
Promote compliance
existing traditions in the family and
the emergence of new ones; promotion
Help with registration,
answers to
parent questions
Help with registration,
selection of information.
Individual conversations with

pedagogical culture of parents.
parents about home
responsibilities of children.
Spread of pedagogical
knowledge among parents
Involving parents in the choice
notebooks for additional activities with
children in a group; arouse interest
parents to their children's success.
Observations in nature
late autumn
"Let's learn together."
Explore with
child, signs and
signs of late autumn
Selection of artistic
literature, memos
"By playing, we learn"
Booklet “10 important rules
communication with children"
conversations with
speech therapist,
conversations "Security
children are our common
Help and advice in
registration of works.
conversations, recommendations
on prevention
diseases in
at home.
Creating a portfolio
.Visibility “Garlic –
folk remedy
Spread of pedagogical
knowledge among parents
Exhibition “Portrait of my
Exhibition design,
explore together with
Cultivate love and respect for
mothers, caring attitude towards their
Consultation: topic “How
Don't get sick in kindergarten"
Article: “How to increase
"Getting ready for winter"
Introduce parents to ongoing
health in the group and in the garden
savings activities.
Observation in nature
Draw parents' attention to

winter period
"Hyperactive child."
parent's corner
winter theme:
"Hello, guest
Explore with your child in
Printed material in
corner for parents
Preparing for New Year's
holiday, decoration
“Children are taught that they
Exhibition of joint
creativity: “Winter
"New Year's signs and
"What to give this year"
exhibition design
Conversation: “Future mode”
first grader"
Printed material in
corner for parents
Parent meeting:
“Getting ready for school:
Let's develop speech!
Moving folders (ready
is your child to
learning at school),
booklets (10 commandments
first grader).
information from the parent corner
using the visual method.
parents for education
hyperactive child; enrichment
parents' knowledge about preventive
measures to preserve children's health.
Involve parents in joint
preparation for the upcoming New Year
holiday, in joint work on
construction of a snow town and
decorating the site for the purpose of sharing
group, classes, routine
moments. Give an opportunity
observe your child in
team, classes. Maintenance
interest in educational
educational process
Inform parents about the importance
adherence to the regime for future

issues of child upbringing and development
answers on questions
parents by
carrying out
observations in winter
recommendations for
regime organization
hyperactive children
Tips for parents:
“What are the dangers of winter
Expert advice,
opinion exchange,
problem solving
group situations
Answers on questions
Conversations and advice on
topic. Offer
recommendations for
this topic.
Educators and
Consultation “Profilak Visual printed
Remind traditional and folk
Tips for parents:

tic diseases of acute respiratory infections and

Workshop of good deeds
"Feeders with their own
hands" (joint
evening activities
parents with children and
Consultation “Secrets
raising polite
. Congratulatory newspaper
for dads "My dad is the most
Consultation “How
organize the child"
Sports –
musical festival
"Good Soldiers"
material “What to watch
in nature in February."
Exhibition design
newspapers "I defend
Fatherland", photographs
children's dads.
Printed material in
corner for parents
Booklet “How to educate
without punishment!
photo exhibitions about
joint event
Dissemination of teaching experience
Cultivate love and respect for your own
dads, grandfathers, Russian army.
Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge
among parents, helping parents in

Involving Dads in Sports Participation
holiday; involve them in the creative process
communication with children. Develop desire
actively hold joint holidays,
receive satisfaction from prepared

material in parent
methods of prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and
"Let's forget about
Visual material
Unite generations, children and adults,
engaged in a common cause. Involve parents in
joint work; uniting children's and
adult team.

Opinion exchange,
answers on questions
Conversations and advice on
topic. Offer
recommendations for
this topic.
Tips for parents
children's abilities
Expert advice,
opinion exchange,
problem solving
group situations
Preparation Tips
for the event, answers
to parents' questions.

Consultation “Child and
Printed information in
corner for parents.
foster cohesion.
disseminating knowledge among parents about
proper organization of the child’s work
Advice for parents
exchange of views on
this topic.
Technique instruction
security « Why is it dangerous?
there's a thaw outside."
Article “How
warn spring
Familiarize parents with the rules
behavior on the street during icy conditions.
Concert with tea party
"Women's Day".
Photo exhibition “My
beloved mother"
Create a festive, warm,
friendly atmosphere at the holiday
Exhibition of drawings “Flowers
for grandma."
Articles: “Education –
this is a dialogue", "Grandmothers and
Cultivate respect and feeling
gratitude to my grandmothers,
encourage children to bring them joy
Tips for parents:
"Development of creative
child's abilities"
Printed information
Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge
among parents, helping parents in
issues of child upbringing and development.
Consultation: “Magical
world of books"
"Observations of early
spring" printed
implementation of a unified kindergarten approach and
families in organizing research
activities of preschool children, parents to
conclusion that reading children's books plays
huge role for their comprehensive
Expert advice,
opinion exchange,
problem solving
group situations
Selection of poems,
drawings, wishes,
assistance in registration
Help with registration
Expert advice,
opinion exchange,
problem solving
group situations
conversations “Punishments,

. Parent meeting:
“So we began for a year
grow up."
Advice for parents: “Let
the child knows what's in the world
there is danger"
"Know the rules of the road
everyone deserves"
Open Day.
Consultation for
parents: “Children’s rights”
Printed material in
parent's corner.
Consult parents about rights
Conversations and advice on
topic. Offer
recommendations for
this topic.
Expert advice,
opinion exchange,
problem solving
group situations
Conversations and advice on
topic. Offer
recommendations for
this topic.
Conversations and advice on
topic. Offer
recommendations for
this topic.
Conversations, exchange
opinions, decision
problem situations
in Group
Booklets, printed
material: “Readiness
child to school
Printed material,
Photo report:
"Our successes!"
Invitation for the day
birth of kindergarten.
List of events in
holiday week.
Photo report: “one day from
life of the group"
Provide parents with information about
the child's level of readiness for school.
Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge
among parents, helping parents in
issues of child upbringing and development.
Formation in parents and children
communication skills, cohesion, receiving
positive emotions
Familiarize parents with progress in
group, classes, routine moments.
Give the opportunity to observe your
child in a group, activities.

introduce parents to the progress of the group,
activities, routine moments. Give
opportunity to observe your child in
team. Arouse interest in educational
– educational process.
. Decoration of the “Day” stand
Consultation for
Folder moving “How
tell children about
Article: "Active
rest, how’s that?!”
Develop patriotic feelings in children.

Implementation of a unified educational
approach to teaching children rules
Expert advice,
opinion exchange,

parents: “Road
"safe games on
traffic in rural areas and at home.

problem solving
group situations
Tips for parents:
"Be offended in silence"

Photo vernissage: “Here we go”
We have become a year older."
Graduation evening "Before"
dates, kindergarten!
Printed material for
article “Not in nature
"useful" and "harmful"
animals, everything
interconnected and
"Red Book".
Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge
among parents, helping parents in
issues of child upbringing and development.
Help parents develop
and children's communication skills, cohesion,
receiving positive emotions.
Draw parents' attention to the nursery
Involving parents in preparation for
graduation party. Strengthen friendships
relationships within the group.
Conversations and advice on
topic. Offer
recommendations for
this topic.

conversations "Safe

Yulia Erigina
Plan for working with parents in the preparatory group


Consultation “The role of the family in the development of a child’s speech”

Purpose: To provide the necessary knowledge about the development of speech in older preschoolers. Invite parents to actively participate in the development of the child’s speech.

Parent meeting. “Age characteristics of children in the seventh year of life”

Purpose: To acquaint parents with the age characteristics of a seven-year-old child.

Conversation: “Your child’s daily routine”

Goal: To familiarize parents with the daily routine of a preschooler.

Folder moving “Autumn”

Purpose: To introduce autumn signs, riddles, sayings.

Memo for parents “Teaching children to be observant on the street”

Parents' attitudes towards preparing their children for education. school.

Exhibition “Generous Gifts of Autumn”

Goal: To attract and interest parents in creating joint works with an autumn theme.


Booklet “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

Goal: To familiarize parents with health-improving exercises.

Consultation “From play to study or the crisis of 6-7 years”

Purpose: To acquaint parents with the age characteristics of a child 6-7 years old.

Memo “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children”

Goal: To attract the attention of parents to problems in raising a child.

Conversation “Rules of good manners”

Goal: Activation of parents in the work of the group and development of positive relationships between the kindergarten and parents. Observe the rules of behavior in the group, encourage warm relationships with each other.

Booklet “The Competent Pedestrian”

Purpose: To familiarize yourself with safety precautions on the road. To clarify and supplement parents’ ideas about safety on rural roads.

Consultation “Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?”

Purpose: To introduce safety precautions on the road. To clarify and supplement parents’ ideas about safety on rural roads.


Conversation “Teaching preschoolers at home”

Goal: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Memo “The role of the family in educating children’s speech. Game and game tasks for children’s speech development at home"

Purpose: To introduce parents to the work of kindergarten in the area of ​​speech development. Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents.

Folder "Mother's Day"

Purpose: Familiarization with parents' holiday.

Exhibition of children's drawings for Mother's Day.

Goal: Development of creative interaction between parents and children.


Consultation “Flu. Prevention measures. Symptoms of this disease."

Goal: To familiarize parents with preventive measures against influenza.

Parent meeting No. 2

"Seven Steps to Health"

Purpose: To familiarize parents with measures to harden children.

Consultation “Preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing”

Goal: Talk with parents about their child’s readiness for school.

"New Year's Tale" matinee for children and parents


Conversation “Hardening is one of the forms of prevention of colds”

Purpose: To familiarize parents with measures to harden children.

Consultation “How to develop memory in children?”

Goal: Improving the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents. Activation of parents' pedagogical skills.

Folder – moving “Merry Christmas”

Goal: To instill Orthodox traditions in families.


Exhibition of children's drawings "My Dad"

Questionnaire for fathers and grandfathers “What kind of man are you?”

Goal: To foster love and respect for children for their fathers, grandfathers and the Russian Army.

Consultation “How to make a winter walk with your child enjoyable and useful?”

Goal: To introduce parents to various forms of walking.


Exhibition “Making gifts for mothers”

Goal: To cultivate respect and gratitude for their mothers, to encourage children to bring them joy.

Matinee "Feast of Mothers".

Purpose: Demonstration of children's creative abilities. Development of emotionally rich interaction between parents, children and preschool employees.

Purpose: To introduce the history of the holiday and congratulations for women.

Parent meeting “Prevention of infectious diseases and observance of personal hygiene rules in the family.”

Goal:Preventing infectious diseases. Obtaining information about forms and methods of improving children's health at home.


Memo for parents “How to measure talent?”

Goal: Enriching the pedagogical skills of parents in raising children.

Consultation “How to prevent vitamin deficiency in spring”

Goal: To offer a range of vitamins and food supplements for children in the spring.


Goal: Involving parents in a cleanup event at the group site.

Exhibition “I am an astronaut”

Photo vernissage “So we have become a year older”

Purpose: Demonstration of children's creative abilities.

Design of the “Victory Day” stand.

Goal: To attract the attention of parents to issues of patriotic education.

Graduation party "Goodbye, kindergarten."

Goal: Demonstration of children's creative abilities and developed creative skills.

Publications on the topic:

Annual plan for working with parents in the preparatory group September “Getting ready for school together” involves parents in dialogue on the issue of preparing for school, creating an atmosphere of common interests and emotional.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the pre-school group MDOU No. 1 “Little Red Riding Hood” NMR Perspective plan for working with parents in the preparatory school group “Bear Cubs” for the 2015 – 2016 academic year.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group for the 2016–2017 academic year Long-term plan for working with parents in preparatory group No. 1 for the 2016–2017 school year. year. Name of the event Purpose of the event.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group September 1. Organizational parent meeting “What a 6-7 year old child should know.” 2. Individual consultations 3. Photo album for parents.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group for 2015–2016. September Parents' meeting “Results of primary diagnostics, introduction to educational activities in the preparatory group for school.

Planning for the future of all affairs of joint children, parents and educators.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 13 “Smile”, Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan.

Plan for working with parents for the year

In the preparatory group.

teacher of the highest qualification category

Long-term plan for working with parents.


  1. Decorating a parent's corner with an autumn theme. Goal: To prepare the parent corner for the autumn season in order to attract the attention of parents to useful and necessary information.
  2. Consultation Topic “Safety”. Goal: To draw the attention of parents to the safe behavior of children at home and on the street.
  3. Parent meeting on the topic: “The role of the family in preparing a child for school.” Purpose: To introduce the tasks of the educational process, creative projects and plans for the upcoming academic year.
  4. Consultation Topic “Preschooler preparing to become a schoolchild”
  5. Folders - moving “What a 6-7 year old child should know” and “The role of the family in preparing a child for school.”
  6. Consultation “Everything about the development of children’s speech.” Goal: Psychological and pedagogical education of parents on issues of child speech development.
  7. Memo for parents “Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age.”
  8. Questionnaire for parents: “What kind of parent are you?” Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.
  9. Photo newspaper for parents “Summer is a holiday of sun and light!” Reflect in the exhibition the cultural and leisure activities of children in the summer.
  10. Consultation “Family is my home. The influence of the family on the development of the child" To form knowledge about the influence of the family on the development of the child.
  11. Conversation “Road safety. Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road? Goal: Implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching children traffic rules in kindergartens and at home.
  12. Exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents “Miracle Vegetable”. Goal: Activating collaboration between children and parents.
  13. Wall newspaper design: “We are the preparers.”


  1. Exhibition of drawings and crafts “Autumn Vernissage”. Attract and interest parents in creating joint works with an autumn theme.
  2. Consultation: topic “How not to get sick in kindergarten” Introduce parents to the hardening activities carried out in the group and in the garden, give recommendations for hardening at home.
  3. Autumn holiday for children on the theme: “Autumn has come to visit us.” Encourage children and parents to jointly prepare the event. Contribute to the creation of positive emotions.
  4. Consultation “Game as a means of educating preschool children.” Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising children.
  5. Individual conversations with parents about the need to get vaccinated against influenza. Analysis of information about students and their families.
  6. Pedagogical comprehensive education “What you need to know about your child.” Activation of parents into the work of the group, and development of positive relationships between children and parents.
  7. Questionnaire for parents: “Do you know your child?”
  8. Conversation on the topic “Rules of good manners.” Observe the rules of behavior in the group, encourage warm relationships with each other.
  9. Tips for parents: “Children are our repetition” - working on your mistakes
  10. "Physical training! Hooray! Hooray!" (memos, recommendations on healthy lifestyle, prevention of flat feet, posture; sets of exercises). Promote a healthy lifestyle, introduce measures to prevent flat feet and poor posture. Offer sets of exercises and interesting outdoor games.
  11. Individual conversations about the child’s self-care skills.” Goal: To familiarize parents with the tasks of developing self-care skills
  12. Consultation “Vitamin ABC of Health”.

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents


  1. Healthy leisure. Cultivate interest in Russian folk outdoor games, nursery rhymes, and jokes
  2. Consultation: topic: “Parents to avoid payment arrears”
  3. Exhibition “Favorite Toy” together with parents.
  4. Exhibition of children's drawings for Mother's Day. Cultivate love, respect for mother, caring attitude towards your family.
  5. A holiday for children and parents. To give parents knowledge about the importance of educational games in the development of a child;
  6. “Dedicated to our dear mothers!” Get interested in the problem;
  7. Parents' meeting "Game as the most important means of educational work with children in the kindergarten and family." Involve the child in play in a family setting;
  8. Consultation “How to spend a day off with your child?” Offer parents a number of activities and techniques for spending a weekend with their child.
  9. Memo for parents: “Fire safety rules.” Combining the efforts of teachers and parents to introduce children to the basics of fire safety.
  10. Exhibition of children's drawings for Mother's Day. “Mommy is our sunshine” Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children. To cultivate love and respect for mothers, to convey to children that there is no one more precious than a mother, that a mother is the closest and best friend. To provide parents with the necessary knowledge about the speech development of older preschoolers
  11. Consultation “Main directions in the development of speech of children of senior preschool age.”
  12. Carrying out sports leisure activities “Dad, mom, me - a sports family.” Goal: Creating favorable and positive emotions among the families of group students.


  1. Individual conversations with parents. To identify parents’ attitudes towards preparing their children for school.
  2. Decorating a parent's corner with a winter theme: “Hello, guest Winter!” Draw the attention of parents to the information in the parent corner using a visual method.
  3. Preparing for the New Year holiday. Involve parents in joint preparation for the upcoming New Year's holiday.
  4. Decorating the site with snow buildings, garlands and toys made with your own hands from waste material. Involve parents in joint work to build a snow town and decorate the site for the purpose of joint creativity.
  5. Sleigh tournament. Involve parents in participating in a sporting event.
  6. Consultation “Flu. Prevention measures. Symptoms of this disease." Familiarizing parents with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of children at home and in daycare settings.
  7. Parent meeting. Topic: “Healthy lifestyle. Necessary advice." Creating conditions for parents to understand the need for joint work between the home and the family.
  8. Oral conversation: “Game spies are one of the measures to prevent viral infections.” Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.
  9. Test - questionnaire for parents: “The state of your child’s health.”
  10. Consultation “Preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing.” Provide recommendations to parents on preparing their child for school.
  11. “New Year's Tale” - a matinee for children and parents. Involve parents and children in preparing for the New Year holiday.


  1. Conversation: “The regime of the future first-grader” Inform parents about the importance of following the regime for future schoolchildren.
  2. Safety briefing “Epiphany frosts”. Remind parents of the importance of following the rules of behavior outside on frosty days.
  3. Individual conversations. “Children’s aggression” Involve parents in the work of the kindergarten.
  4. Conversations. “Hardening is one of the forms of preventing colds in children.” Familiarizing parents with the tasks of preserving and improving the health of children and developing self-care skills.
  5. Consultation “Everything about baby nutrition.” Formation of a unified approach to nutrition rules in kindergarten and at home.
  6. Conversation. “How to spend a day off with a child?” Offer parents a number of activities and techniques for spending a weekend with their child.


  1. Consultation for parents “Prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.” Remind traditional and folk methods of prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.
  2. Congratulatory newspaper for dads. To foster love and respect for children for their fathers, grandfathers, and the Russian army.
  3. Consultation “Development of artistic abilities of children.” Suggest to parents how to develop children's artistic abilities
  4. Place books in the corner to read at home. Offer books to parents to read at home
  5. Entertainment “Towards the Olympics” Cultivate interest in the Olympics in winter sports
  6. Sports holiday. Involve dads in participating in a sports event; involve them in the creative process of communicating with children.
  7. Parent meeting “It’s so good to have a family” Promote an active lifestyle.
  8. Homemade crafts from salt dough on the theme: “Maslenitsa”. Continue to involve parents in joint artistic activities at home, intensify the creativity of parents and children.
  9. Individual conversations with dads, topic: “Who do you consider most important in raising a child?” Identification and analysis of information about the role of fathers and grandfathers in raising children. Instill love for a man (father, grandfather).
  10. Consultation: “How to make a winter walk with your child enjoyable and useful?” Identification and analysis of information about the conditions of a healthy lifestyle in the families of pupils.
  11. Photo newspaper “My best dad!” Involve mothers and children in the design of the exhibition, cultivate a desire to give gifts.


  1. Safety briefing “What is the danger of a thaw outside.” Familiarize parents with the rules of behavior outside during icy conditions.
  2. Concert with tea party "Women's Day". Create a festive, warm, friendly atmosphere at the holiday.
  3. Drawing competition "Flowers for Grandma." Cultivate respect and gratitude for your grandmothers, encourage children to bring them joy.
  4. Decorating a parent's corner with a spring theme. Prepare the parent corner for the spring season in order to attract the attention of parents to useful and necessary information.
  5. Parent survey. To identify the family’s level of readiness for the arrival of a schoolchild.
  6. Consultation for parents: “Children’s rights.” Exhibition of works “I have the right to...”. Consult parents about children's rights.
  7. Holiday “My beloved Mommy!” Involving parents in the work of the kindergarten. Demonstration of children's creative abilities, skills and abilities.
  8. Exhibition of children's works for March 8, “Beloved Mommy.” Instill in children a love of nature.
  9. Joint creation of a vegetable garden in a group. Involve parents in creating a vegetable garden in the group, continue introducing children to plants and caring for them
  10. Consultation “Development of a child’s creative abilities.” Inform parents of the requirements of the program for the activities of senior groups.


  1. Parents' meeting: “So we have become a year older.” Exhibition of children's drawings "Happy Cosmonautics Day". Provide parents with information about their child’s level of readiness for school.
  2. Memo. “How to prevent vitamin deficiency in the spring.” Offer a range of vitamins and food supplements for children in the spring.
  3. Consultation. "Mode of the future student." Identifying concerns for parents

Plan of interaction with parents of children in preparatory group No. 8 “Sun” for the 2016-2017 academic year

Target: Creating the necessary conditions for the formation of responsible relationships with the families of pupils and the development of the competence of parents, ensuring the right of parents to respect and understanding, to participate in the life of the kindergarten.

Tasks for interaction with parents:

1. Study of the social and pedagogical experience of parents, the needs of parents in raising children.

2. Give parents knowledge about various issues in raising and educating children.

3. Involve parents in holding joint events at the preschool educational institution. Joint activities with families.

Parent meetings:

I meeting October

Consultation “Game as a means of preparing for school”

Target: Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of enhancing the play activity of preschoolers in a family environment, enriching the educational experience of parents on the issue of the child’s readiness for school.

II meeting February

Parent meeting (business game): “Development of the intellectual abilities of a preschooler with the help of mathematical games”


III meeting April

Round table “Soon to school”

Target: Introduce parents to the problems of first-graders (during the period of adaptation to school); equip with practical tips and recommendations for preparing your child for school.


1. Conversation “What a 6-7 year old child should know.”

Purpose: to acquaint parents with the requirements of the kindergarten education program for children aged 6-7 years.

Questionnaire “Wishes for the Year!”

Goal: identifying requests, interests and wishes when organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

2. Consultation “Learning by playing”

Goal: to activate the pedagogical skills of parents in the intellectual development of the child in the family.

3. Exhibition of creative family works “Artist Autumn”

Goal: To attract the attention of parents to children's creativity.


1.Consultation “Brawlers. How to fix the situation"

Goal: Involving parents in teaching activities. Solving educational problems.

2. Folder - movement "Main directions in the development of speech in children of senior preschool age."

Goal: to give parents the necessary knowledge about the speech development of older preschoolers.

3. Business game “Personal development of a preschooler”

Goals: to identify, during the game, parents’ ideas about problems, ways, forms and methods of promoting the development of a preschooler’s personality;

4. Consultation “Our little brothers.”

Creation and exhibition of posters “Let’s save and preserve the living world!” (joint activities of children with parents).

Goal: to attract parents to World Animal Day /October 4/. Organize and conduct creative events together with parents to unite the efforts of families in preserving the animal world of the planet.


1. Consultation “Healthy lifestyle. Necessary advice."

Goal: to familiarize parents with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of children at home and in kindergarten conditions.

2. Family work competition “Family Logo”

Goal: to enhance parental participation in the life of the kindergarten and the upbringing of the child. Creating an atmosphere of community of interests of children, parents and kindergarten staff.

3. Consultation “The role of the father in raising a child”

4. Workshop of good deeds “Do-it-yourself feeders” (joint evening activity of parents with children and teachers).

Goal: To unite children and adults with a common cause. Involve parents in the moral education of children and joint work; unification of children's and adult teams.


1. Visual information material “What to observe in nature in winter.”

3. Competition of creative family works “Winter's Tale”

Goal: attracting parents to the work of the kindergarten; development of creative

interactions between parents and children.

4. Consultation “What will Santa Claus give? How to give New Year's gifts"

5. Joint holiday “Wonderful New Year holiday”

Goal: inviting parents to participate in preparations for the New Year's party, decorating the group. Let everyone feel their importance and necessity at a joint holiday, get positive emotions, a holiday.


1.Parental forum “How to spend a day off with your child.”

2. Individual conversations “How to make a winter walk with your child enjoyable and useful?”

Goal: identification and analysis of information about the conditions of a healthy lifestyle in the families of pupils.

3. Consultation “Child and computer”

Goal: disseminate knowledge among parents about the proper organization of a child’s work on a computer.

4. Thematic exhibition: “Drawing with dads.”

Goal: to involve dads in raising children and conducting joint activities with their child at home. Foster a desire to be creative and active.


1.Parent meeting (business game):“Development of the intellectual abilities of a preschooler with the help of mathematical games”

Target: To increase parental competence in the development of the child’s intellectual abilities, to introduce them to mathematical games, to unite children and parents by jointly performing intellectual and creative tasks.

2. Visual information material “Safe behavior of children on the road.”

Goal: implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching children traffic rules in kindergarten and at home.

3. Consultation “I have been friends with books since childhood.”

Memo “Instilling in Children a Love of Reading.” Tips for designing a children's home library “Books in your home.”

Goal: To improve the quality of work of parents with children on the use of children's books in their cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development. Involve parents in creating conditions for developing children’s interest in books at home and in kindergarten. Stimulate the creative self-realization of the family by introducing children to reading.

4. Photo report with the story “Playing at home!”

Goal: find out what educational games are played at home and how. Involving parents in jointly creating photo reports with their children.


1. Visual information material “What to observe in nature in spring.”

Goal: implementation of a unified approach between kindergarten and family in organizing the research activities of preschoolers.

2. Individual conversations “Punishments, rewards or... dialogue?”

Goal: dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, practical assistance to families in raising children.

3. Family club “My mother is a craftswoman.”

Goal: stimulate the desire to create crafts with your own hands.

4. Seminar-workshop “Drawing with plasticine.”


1.Consultation « Why do children lie?

Goal: to help parents understand the reasons why children tell lies.

2.Pedagogical lounge “How to make your child successful”

3. Consultation: “Politeness is cultivated by politeness.”

4. Individual conversations “Children’s safety at home”

Goal: to discuss with parents the problems of raising children's safety, to help them see the need to conduct preventive conversations with children at home.


1. Conversation “So we have become a year older”

Purpose: to provide parents with information about the child’s level of readiness for school.

2.Individual conversations “Safe Summer”.

Goal: familiarization with the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around them. Basics of personal safety in the summer

3. Graduation party “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

Goal: involving parents in preparing for the prom.
