Red fluffy cat. The most beautiful red cats: photo by Alla Lebedeva

Cats that are painted in a bright red color are magnificent. It seems that they came to us from the very sun. The red color symbolizes joy and a positive attitude. It pleases the eye with its brightness. There are different variations of red color: black and red, white and red and others. There are some beliefs associated with ginger cats. It is believed that the red cat charges people with positive energy and brings wealth. The red color is never completely uniform; there is always some pattern on it: stripes or spots. It may be bright, or it may be barely noticeable, but it is always there. Red color is found in the standards of many breeds.

Fluffy cats are considered the largest of all domestic cat breeds. Adulthood lasts for four years, although cats of other breeds reach maturity by two years. The history of the origin of the breed is shrouded in mystery. Due to its resemblance to a lynx and a raccoon, the cat was nicknamed the Maine coon cat. The Maine Coon can come in a variety of colors. Red cats look very beautiful: it seems that they were touched by the sun itself.

Big cats that look like lynxes are actually completely non-aggressive. They get along with children and other pets. In terms of intelligence and affection for the owner, Maine Coons are compared to dogs. Cats of this breed are exceptionally kind. They love communication, so they may seem intrusive. Maine Coons meet their owner from work, climb into his bed, follow his heels, not wanting to be left alone. Cats of this breed can be born with polydactyly - a large number of fingers.

They have always been a symbol of aristocracy and greatness. In Russia, the breed became known in the nineteenth century. A characteristic feature of the Persian cat is its depressed nose, which is almost at the same level with the eyes. Persians' eyes are very large and attentive. The silky coat is the pride of the Persian cat. It can be colored grey, purple, black, red, blue and cream. Red Persian cats are very popular.

Persians remain faithful to their master. They are very sociable and find a common language with all family members: children and adults. The Persian cat is afraid of loneliness; she will gladly accompany her owner on a trip, as long as he does not leave her alone for a long time. Persians are considered very calm and balanced cats; they rarely meow. IMPORTANT! Persian cats are not bred to catch mice; they rarely catch rodents.

White-red cat of the Turkish Van breed

Its roots go back to the Middle Ages. The world learned about the existence of unique cats in 1955, when two English journalists saw unusual cats in Turkey that were able to swim in bodies of water without fear. The Turkish van is large in size: its weight can reach from six to ten kilograms.

The Turkish Van's coat is medium length and has no undercoat. Due to the climate in their natural habitat, cats of these breeds have shorter and coarser fur in the summer than in winter. The coat is very soft to the touch and resembles cashmere when stroked. Wool is waterproof. Color – multi-colored spots are located on a snow-white background. They occupy the surface of the head and tail. The spots can be of different shades: cream, black, blue. The color with red markings is common. Turkish Vans love to swim. Owners say that these cats are very affectionate and spontaneous.

Cats belonging to this category have a unique breed characteristic – ears turned inside out. The first representative appeared in 1981. A little kitten came to a Californian farm, whose owners immediately took him in. A cat with a unique appearance was presented at the exhibition and registered in the TICA system.

American Curls are compactly developed animals with an elongated body and a rounded head. A cat can wear almost any color: brown, silver, white, blue and red. Curls have excellent health; experts do not identify any diseases specific to the breed.

Attention! Cats are suitable for keeping by men. They are easy to care for.

The American Curl is attached to its owner and is always ready to take part in family fun. He can even perform simple tasks like fetching slippers and jumping over obstacles.


- unique animals. They got something so interesting Name thanks to his small stature: everyone knows that the great commander Napoleon was short in stature. The breed was created by an American breeder named Joe Smith in 1995. Napoleon's appearance combines the characteristic features of Persian cats and munchkins.

Napoleons weigh from two to three kilograms and are distinguished by a flattened muzzle and large paws. There are two breed varieties: animals with long legs are called classic, and cats with short legs are considered extreme. The color of the breed comes in a wide variety of colors: gray, white, peach and red. Cats of this breed do not like loneliness and suffer from inattention. They are very trusting and peaceful. Napoleons are able to get along with other pets.


In the sixties of the last century, felinologists drew attention to unusual cats with lush fur and no tail. They are characterized by a rounded head, compact build, developed muscles and the possible presence of a small cartilage instead of a tail.

The real wealth is the coat. The coat is long and has a pleasant undercoat. There are different colors: white, tabby. The red Cymric looks beautiful under the sun's rays. Cats of this breed have a calm disposition; they do not destroy the apartment, do not hang on the curtains and do not damage the furniture. Kymrik is trainable and can be taught simple tasks. The friendliness of animals helps them find a common language with all family members.

The Karelian Bobtail breed was recognized by the World Cat Federation only in 1994, although the first cat was presented at the exhibition in 1987. Russian breeders do not pay enough attention to the breed, so it is very rare and close to extinction.

Karelian Bobtails are medium in size, excellent health, good character and stunning coat. A characteristic feature is the pompom-shaped tail. Karelian Bobtails are very responsible, they like to be in control of the situation and fulfill their duties in the house. They can guard the child or walk around the area after sleep.

Important! If they are shouted at for no reason, they become demonstratively offended.

Karelians feel the tension reigning in the house, they try to smooth out the conflict by doing something original.

They are rare. The breed was created as a result of natural processes; man did not have a hand in its formation. Unusual curly cats lived in the Urals, where in the forties of the last century they caught the eye of geologists and travelers.

The Ural Rex is of medium size. The short coat is curled and consists of dense small curls. The most common Ural rexes are chocolate, blue, tortoiseshell and, of course, bright red. Representatives of this breed love to communicate with their owner; they happily sleep in the same bed with him and fall asleep in his arms. They are loyal to strangers and even allow themselves to be petted.

Which some brave souls keep at home in spacious houses. In their natural environment, these predators live in the desert areas of Africa and Asia, off the coast of the Caspian Sea. Caracals are awake at night, they settle in caves and rocks, swim excellently and climb trees. Outwardly, these cats look like a lynx, the highlight being the charming dark tufts on their ears. Animals weigh up to twenty kilograms.

The color is sandy or bright brown. Caracals are self-sufficient and self-confident animals; they do not like familiarity. The cat is friendly and affectionate towards friends. A private house with an enclosure, where the animal can enter at any time, is perfect for keeping.

Attention! Caracals love water treatments, so sometimes they are given warm baths.

They go to the toilet in a litter box, like other domestic cats. With proper upbringing, the caracal behaves good-naturedly, affectionately and actively, without showing aggression.

People call it the “domestic fox.” Her ancestors are Abyssinian cats. How the breed originated is still unknown. Some believe that it was the result of a genetic mutation, while others think that the Abyssinian cat was crossed with a long-haired animal. The Somali cat looks like an elegant and flexible animal. The cat is decorated with large pointed ears. In some individuals they are crowned with small tassels.

A distinctive feature of the breed is the frill located in the neck and tail area. The color of the Somali cat is complex and interesting. The coat can be beige, brown, orange, red and red. All colors are mixed to form a ticked coat. Somalis love to play, run and jump. They calmly tolerate loneliness and do not require increased attention.

It is believed that the birthplace of Siberian cats is Siberia. However, initially there were no cats in these territories; they were brought from the southern regions. Siberians are characterized by a thick coat with a dense undercoat. The warm “fur coat” was formed naturally under the influence of the harsh climate. The color can be different: plain, for example, red, bicolor, tricolor, tabby.

Important! adapts to any place, she shows the skills of a real watchman and leaves no chance to rodents.

She is clean and well-mannered, so there will be no problems living in an urban environment. Siberians find a common language with young children. A Siberian cat will get along with another cat or dog, but it is not recommended to keep rodents and rabbits.

Is Great Britain. The history of its origin is shrouded in complete mysteries. Now this breed is very popular; many Russian families have it. British cats are very powerful and large animals, they can reach four to six kilograms in weight. The massive bones are combined with short and large paws. Lilac and blue colors are considered classic, but there can be many variations. Britons can also be colored red.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their calm disposition and aristocracy. They are independent, do not like to be held, and can be alone for long periods of time. The British do not show aggression; they are affectionate cats that subtly sense the owner’s attitude towards them.

“Rudi-Rudi-Rudi-red, and in Russian red” was sung in a once popular song. The red color has always been particularly popular and, probably, for good reason, because red is a state of mind. This applies equally to people and animals. And it’s a completely different story - the red cat.

Everyone knows that cats are individuals and very independent at the same time. A sunny cat will always be able to stand up for himself, and sometimes he won’t let his owners be offended. It is red cats from the cat family that are considered the real protectors, and they have rightfully begun to be elevated to the rank of healers. There is still a belief that if a ginger cat begins to protect a patient, the latter will recover much faster after surgery or a serious illness.
Many are inclined to believe that the red cat is the hope and support of all those who suffer and are sick, since optimism and a positive attitude always work wonders, and red cats, as true carriers of this positivity, are an excellent “medicine”, they are especially useful for people suffering from attacks migraines and pressure changes.

Like people, red kitties are ambiguous in their behavior, they can be both insidious and affectionate, but, all the same, the number of people who want to connect their lives with them is steadily growing. And those who have already become the owner of a red pet will probably say that they are under no circumstances ready to exchange it for any other cat. After all, animals with this color help to maintain a healthy atmosphere of mystery and magic in the house. This coat color is also called golden, and people living in the same house with such a “sunny” animal are 100% sure that it will bring with it a cheerful and joyful mood for all household members, without exception, and at the same time a share of wealth, the symbol of which is his red fur. It should also be noted that all information about the character of ginger cats and cats is very contradictory. But there is one common opinion: ginger cats are incredibly smart.

Another feature of these amazing animals is their tolerance towards children: once they make friends with a child, they will forgive him a lot. According to legends, if a ginger cat leaves its owners, it takes away all their secrets, and if it comes to a new home, it brings joy, comfort and harmony. It has been correctly noted that if a fiery cat accidentally wanders into your house, then expect money, but bioenergy therapists claim that cats do not come by accident, i.e. It is they who choose their owner, and not vice versa. They probably feel each other at a distance: people with red hair and red cats, because for red-haired people such cats are a symbol that reveals their cheerful and bright nature.

Cats with red or, as experts say, red and cream colors are rightfully considered very cunning; any fiery cat is always daring and independent, and the more red in its color, the more difficult it will be to come to an agreement with it. After all, cats of this color require double attention, and if you do not satisfy their whims, they will take revenge on you with great pleasure. But, if you care for this amazing pet the way he wants, then your pet friend will always be kind and surprisingly affectionate, making constant attempts to get into your arms and will snuggle closer to his owner. In addition, a red pet will always be playful and mischievous, regardless of age. The most attractive, in terms of fun, among the red cats is considered to be the cat with green eyes. A cat with this combination can give you such a wonderful gift as a sign of being chosen: you are just touching her, and all her fire has already passed to you, and you become a person of extraordinary brightness. You can believe this or not, but in any case, lovers of sunny-colored cats claim that a pet with such amazing fur is unlikely to ever bore its owner and will give him a lot of pleasure.

Red cats often appear as heroes of literary works. It would be appropriate to recall the wonderful redhead Thomasina from the story by Paul Gallico, and the fat cat Garfield, known to everyone for his impudence, is generally beyond competition. Images of red cats are popular in cat advertisements, and advertisers of other products do not ignore them. This is a very cunning move: professionals in their field know that there can never be too many red cats.
The fiery color is often found in different cat breeds, such as Siberian, Persian and British, and is not a feature of any one of them. In fact, the majority of red cats are among the so-called yard cats. These animals interbreed well with each other, so getting a wide variety of colors is not at all difficult. An interesting feature of the red tone color is that it will not be equally even. All red cats from the cat family have a pattern on their fur: spotted or marbled. This pattern can be different: both bright and faded, but it will definitely be present. Recently, the most attention has been attracted to cats with spots “a la leopard” or tiger stripes, which breeders, seizing the moment, have learned to breed.

Red color is so unusually warm and bright, it adorns the one who wears it with pride like no other. This is the color of autumn leaves, the color of the sun, fire and gold. The ginger cat itself is bright, like the flame of a fire; it is a cat-sun that personifies a burning hearth, the warmth and comfort of home. For Russia, the sunny red color is the most popular and in demand when choosing a kitten. And not in vain, because in fact, red pets are surprisingly positive creatures and are very human-oriented. Make yourself such a friend and see for yourself!

The red color, commonly called red, is one of the most popular in the world and in Russia as well. Such cats are credited with the ability to bring happiness, and non-superstitious people simply call them “home sunshine” because the bright warm color of their coat gives a sea of ​​positive emotions.

A type of melanin, faumelanin, is responsible for the appearance of the red pigment in a cat's color. Unlike eumelanin, which gives the coat a black, ebony color, faumelanin particles reflect light in the red-yellow-orange range, which gives the cat's fur a fiery hue.

Cats are more often red

The red color is associated with the tabby pattern and is more common in males than females.

The red color has two interesting features. Firstly, it is extremely rarely solid, and is usually accompanied by a pattern (tabby), although modern breeders, using selection, manage to reduce the contrast as much as possible, achieving an almost uniform color. The second feature of the red color is that cats are more often “red” than females, due to the close connection of the red pigment with gender.

Copper eyes are a sign of the breed

The deep orange tint of the eyes is the result of the work of breeders.

There is no such thing as “red eyes” among professional cat breeders; this eye color is usually called orange or, if it is a deeper dark shade, copper. The orange color of the irises quite often accompanies a red fur coat and is one of the most saturated shades of cat eyes in the range.

However, the combination of red color and orange eyes is much more common among purebred representatives of the cat family than among outbred cats, because all pure and rich shades are nothing more than the meticulous, long-term work of the breeder-breeder.

The orange color of the eyes in cats only appears with age; it is quite difficult to predict the depth of the shade in a kitten, although there is an opinion that if at an early age a cat’s eyes are brownish-brown, one can expect that in the future his eyes will resemble oranges.

Cats with orange eyes: breeds of solar predators

The red color is represented by a wide variety of shades - from soft cream, pinkish, to rich chestnut. We present our gallery of cat breeds with orange eyes, whose fur coat can be red.

Ginger cat with red eyes: Somali breed

The Somali is a long-haired variation of the Abyssinian cat. The wool of both of these breeds is characterized by ticking - zonal coloring of each of the hairs.

Once you see this fiery creature with beautiful almond-shaped whiskey-colored eyes, you will remember him for a long time. Its two main color variants - classic wild (English ruddy), which can be described as orange-brown, or burnt sienna color, and sorrel (English "bay" or reddish-brown) - are found most often in the breed.

So, if you dream of a red cat with red eyes, the Somali breed is a 100% hit. Orange eye color goes well with both of these colors, but shades of gold and green are also possible.

Persian and exotic cats

Both Persians and ginger cats of the exotic breed are characterized by dark orange or copper rich eye color.

The red Persian cat looks truly regal, demonstrating with all its appearance that it belongs to high society. Its chic, thick coat can be either a delicate peach-and-cream shade or a rich red - due to the length of the coat, the tabby pattern is noticeable only on the limbs and tail. Round, bright, dark orange eyes, always a little surprised, give the Persian even more irresistible.

Soft, plush, charming red exotic is the embodiment of tenderness. The touching look of his round shiny eyes can melt even the hardest heart.

British Shorthair and Scottish Fold

According to the standard, both the red Scottish Fold and the British must have golden or dark orange eyes.

The expression of the round, orange eyes of a British ginger cat varies from surprised and wary to languid. Wide, full cheeks give the British a slightly stern appearance, but this does not give the impression of toughness, but rather resembles the restraint of a true aristocrat.

Round, wide-open eyes give the Scottish Fold a special charm, which intensifies when the cat is interested in something or is ready to play with its owner.

European Burmese cat

Not all Burmese cats have sable fur. The breed standard allows for different colors, including red (in felinology it is designated as red).

The grace of a panther, the refined lines of the body, the “signature” stern look - this is all about her, about the Burmese cat. The breed has two standards: European and American. Europeans differ from their American relatives in their more pronounced almond-shaped eyes, wedge-shaped muzzle, lighter bones and, of course, a wider range of colors allowed by the standard, including red.

Visually, it can be described as a warm apricot coat color, which is combined with eyes of different shades of yellow: from champagne to noble amber. Both American and European Burmese belong to the group of acromelanic colors, however, the contrast between the light body and dark limbs is practically minimized, the color looks almost solid.

Maine Coon

According to statistics, red color is one of the most popular in this breed.

The Hercules of cats, the stately, stately Maine Coon can also have an apricot coat and orange eyes. The strong-willed chin, the sullen look, the “M”-shaped “crown” on the forehead formed by the tabby pattern leave no doubt that this is a real cat king. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this monarch: the Maine Coon, although harsh on the outside, is soft and friendly on the inside.


The compact body, rounded back and lack of tail, combined with the bright red color, make the Manx look like the sun.

The Isle of Man cat, or Manx tailless cat, is another breed whose standard allows for a combination of red color and orange eyes. The eye color of the red Manx cat varies from golden to deep orange.

Curly breeds of red cats

Many Rex cat breeds with curly or wavy coats allow all shades of red in combination with orange eyes.

People have long chosen the animals that captured their hearts - cats. Red cats are especially popular; many legends, tales and omens are told about them.

People have long chosen the animals that won their hearts - cats

The most famous sign is that a ginger cat brings happiness to the house. It is considered a particularly good sign to let a pet into a new apartment before its owners, then the pet will immediately enter the house and, with its presence, drive out everything bad from the home. They also say that red-haired fatties bring money. Not in a literal sense, of course, but the financial situation of their owners will rapidly improve.

The fiery color is caused by the Orange gene, which is most common in males. Indeed, the ginger cat is much less common in nature. This is caused by genetic characteristics in animals.

“Sunny” color has its own specifics - it cannot be solid; most often there are striped or marble shades. Dilution of this gene led to the appearance of another color, which can be called cream or “cafe au lait.”

Red-haired fatties, according to their owners, have their own character traits. They say that such pets are very smart and friendly, love children and get along well with other animals. Of course, there is another opinion - red cats are often associated with impudence and harmfulness, which are almost impossible to fight. However, psychologists recommend having such animals for people suffering from depression or recovering from a long illness.

This is due to the fact that orange is associated with the sun and summer and has a beneficial effect on the psyche and general condition of the body. There is even a sign according to which, if such a cat is constantly near a seriously ill person, he will recover, and much faster than without the presence of a pet. There are so many popular beliefs associated with the healing properties of ginger cats that you inevitably begin to wonder if there is some truth in them. We can say for sure that having a beautiful ginger cat has never bothered anyone.

Perhaps the above played a role in the fact that people love red fluffy cats so much, or it is simply caused by their beauty. But the ginger kitten is a popular pet. There are many of them in popular culture, for example Garfield or the arrogant red cat from the well-known Soviet cartoon “The Return of the Prodigal Parrot”. They also like to use fire cats in a variety of advertisements.

What are the most popular cats in the world (video)

Gallery: red cats (25 photos)

Breeds with a “sunny” color

Red fatties can be representatives of many cat breeds. True, this color is not defining for any of them and is considered a rarity. Most of these cats are among ordinary outbred animals.

The most common breeds of red cats are the varieties of pets known to everyone from childhood.

These include breeds:

  • British;
  • Scottish;
  • Siberian;
  • Persian;
  • Maine Coon.

British and Scottish kittens of this color are rare, but not out of the ordinary. British redheads have a Red color, which implies a rich, uniform shade without the addition of white hair. There can be a tortoiseshell color, as well as tabby (striped), which is a combination of different shades of color.

Scots usually produce kittens that are cream colored, which can be described as light red. The breed has a shade called red merle, which is a creamy color with stripes that curve in a bizarre way, giving that same merle effect.

Red fatties of both the British and Scottish breeds can be both short-haired and fluffy. You can find cream-colored fold kittens that are famous for their cute appearance.

In the Siberian and Persian breeds, this shade is usually very bright, both light and dark. Considering that the pets of these breeds are very fluffy, they look impressive. Persian cats sometimes have a very beautiful peach color.

Fire Maine Coons are one of the most popular kittens of this breed. The big red cat looks like a small lion due to its size. Such cats are usually fluffy, with a bright marbled color. It is believed that Maine Coon cats of this color have the highest intelligence among their relatives.

Whatever breed you choose, know that a “sunny” kitten will bring happiness and good luck to your home not because it has some mystical properties, but because such kittens are one of the cutest and most beautiful creatures on the planet.

Maine Coon (video)

Attention, TODAY only!

A ginger cat in the house has long been considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity and joy. These creatures represent sunlight and warmth. In nature, there are no completely red cats, but there are all kinds of variations: black or white and red, with light or dark spots, stripes and strokes. Some animals may have very bright coat colors, while others may have a paler coat color. A special gene is responsible for the appearance of a red tint, which is not always inherited. Despite this, red color is not uncommon, so those who want to have a “sunny” cat have plenty to choose from.

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    Maine Coon

    This breed is one of the favorites among cat lovers. Unlike other cats, Maine Coons are fully formed and reach their final size only by 3-5 years, while other cats - by 1-2 years. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their impressive size, but at the same time they retain mobility, playfulness and energy, remaining kittens at heart until old age.

    The coloring of the animals resembles a lynx and a raccoon in appearance, so the second name of the breed is often used - the Maine raccoon cat. Red Maine Coons have a calm, friendly character. They lack aggression, but the animals behave warily towards strangers. But with family members and brothers living in the house, Maine Coons are friendly, kind and affectionate.

    Cats of this American breed are intelligent, but are not always ready to obey, so problems in education are possible. But Maine Coons become so attached to their owner that they are ready to follow him literally on his heels, sleep in the same bed, and do not even want to be left alone for a moment. Cat lovers often compare this affection to the devotion of a dog.

    Persian cat

    Persian cats, or Persians, became popular in Russia back in the 19th century. Since then, the love for these animals has not waned. These fluffy beauties are considered a symbol of wealth and social significance. Even an inexperienced cat lover can recognize Persians. The breed stands out from the rest by the characteristic structure of its muzzle, on which the depressed nose is almost in line with large and attentive eyes.

    The Persian breed is known for its variety of colors and soft and silky coat. But it is the red Persians who look the most impressive: they are like rays of sunshine, delighting their owners on a cloudy rainy day. Cats are characterized by calmness, balance and silence. They will not bother you with meowing, but will try not to let the owner out of their sight. Representatives of the breed can easily tolerate traveling by transport and walking, and love to communicate with children and adults.

    Turkish van

    The breed is named after the lake of the same name, which is located in Turkey. Turkish cats are one of the oldest breeds, as confirmed by recent genetic studies. Their unique feature is their love of swimming and bathing. Small kittens and mature cats are ready to splash happily in a shallow pond, while other representatives of the cat family try to stay away from the water.

    The wool of Turkish Vans is soft, feels like cashmere, and is waterproof. The hairs on the body are shorter than on the tail. The standard color is white with red (red). True, most of the body is white, and the sunny color is present only on the tail and head.

    The character of Turkish Vans is cheerful and friendly. They get along with people and other animals, but prefer to dominate in relationships and do not tolerate oppression. The animals are smart and emotional, easily understand their owner and quickly learn to walk on a leash.

    The Turkish Van is perfect as a pet for a person prone to allergies. He has no undercoat, and frequent bathing (every 4-6 weeks) will help promptly remove allergens - saliva and dander.

    American Curl

    The breed was officially registered relatively recently - at the end of the last century. A distinctive feature of Curls is their folded back ears. Moreover, kittens are born with straight ears, but after a few days they begin to bend back and take their final shape by 4 months. The bend of the ears can be 90-180 degrees.

    Among the American Curls, there are two varieties - shorthair and semi-longhair. Among the variety of colors, animals with red fur are especially notable. “Sunny” Curls are distinguished by their attachment to their owner, excellent health and long life expectancy. They are easy to care for, so they are perfect as pets for single men.

    Ural rex

    Ural rexes are an indigenous breed of cats, spotted in the Urals in the pre-war years. Its characteristic feature is its curly coat, which naturally forms into graceful curls. Curly-haired cats are few in number and not as popular as Persians or Maine Coons. But those who want to have a saffron milk cap can purchase a kitten in one of the major cities of our country.

    Ural rexes are smart, patient and silent, they love to spend time with children and adults, sleep on their laps or in their master's bed. They are calm towards strangers, but remain loyal only to their owner. In terms of playfulness, animals are not inferior to even the most energetic dogs, so the main condition for keeping them is the presence of a play corner.

    Devon Rex

    Another cat breed with curly hair. Devon Rexes are often called alien creatures or elves due to their unusual appearance:

    • big eyes;
    • slightly upturned nose;
    • large protruding ears set at the edges of the head;
    • very short curled mustache;
    • wide flat head;
    • graceful body;
    • long thin tail;
    • long and strong paws.

    Representatives of the breed are distinguished by modest parameters: girls in adulthood gain no more than 3.2 kg, and the weight of boys does not exceed 4.5 kg. Animal fur is considered hypoallergenic, as it causes allergies less often than others.

    Devon Rexes are often compared to monkeys: like primates, cats love to jump to impressive heights, climb onto bookshelves and sleep on top. The pet will spend all its free time with the person: climbing on the lap or shoulders, playing, jumping, fetching objects and performing various tricks. Devon Rexes remain active into old age.

    Cornish Rex

    The Cornish Rex's coat is a bit like karakul: thick, deep, slightly wavy, soft and silky. The colors can be very diverse, among which red coat color is not uncommon. Often there are tri-colored Cornish Rex cats, which have red, black and white hairs on their body at the same time.

    Animals of this breed become attached to their owner no less than dogs. For them, the person himself is important, and not the house in which the cat lives. If you teach a kitten to walk from an early age, then in adulthood he will be happy to walk on a leash or travel in a purse. Cornish Rexes cause virtually no trouble: they do not mark territory, do not steal treats from the table, do not bite, do not take revenge, and do not damage shoes or furniture.

    Siberian cat

    Back in the 16th-17th centuries, Siberian cats were found throughout almost the entire territory of the Russian Empire, including Siberia. The harsh climate with snow, winds and frosts contributed to the appearance of long, waterproof wool and thick undercoat in animals, protecting them from the cold.

    By nature, furry pets are flexible, affectionate and friendly. But inside every “Siberian” lies hunting instincts that help them cope well with mice, rats and other small prey. Thanks to the Siberian cat, you can get rid of unwanted rodents from your home forever. Animals of this breed are neat and sociable, love children. They can get along with cats of other breeds and dogs, but they cannot stand rabbits and decorative rodents (rats, hamsters, guinea pigs).


    A cheerful, playful, affectionate, sociable and devoted cat with a soft, flexible character. It will be an excellent option for active, cheerful people who prefer chatting with friends, walks and long trips. Animals of this breed adapt well to any conditions and easily tolerate moving. They love to meow to attract attention.

    The Ocicat is distinguished by its characteristic coat pattern: it does not have striped, spotted or solid colors. The entire surface of the body and tail is covered with spots of a darker color compared to the background, and on the forehead there is a pattern in the form of the letter “M”.

    British shorthair cat

    According to legend, the ancestor of the British was the well-known Cheshire Cat. However, there is probably some truth in this. British cats do not like to be held for long periods of time; their behavior shows independence and self-sufficiency. Animals are distinguished by intelligence and quick wits, they subtly sense the mood of the owner and his attitude towards himself. For the most part, they are affectionate creatures with a patient and reserved disposition, but at times they can be aggressive.

    British wool deserves special attention. It consists of dense, thin, short and shiny hairs and thick undercoat. There are many color options, and red is quite common among them.

    Norwegian forest

    The long and thick fur of the Norwegian forest cat has water-repellent properties, and the thick undercoat warms the animal in the cold season. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their agility, natural strength and gentle temperament. Norwegian forest animals reach full development only at the age of 5 years.

    These cats are suitable for both single people and families with children. Throughout their lives they remain playful, active and energetic. Animals are able to easily climb to the highest place in the house, and thanks to the power of hunting instincts, they can cope with small rodents.

    When interacting with humans, cats are friendly and loyal, but do not tolerate being picked up, cuddled or kissed. All they need to be happy is to sit next to their owner, curled up. Norwegian cats are very attached to all family members, but behave very reservedly with strangers and rarely visiting guests.

    Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold cat)

    Scots have a short, dense and dense coat that feels like soft plush. A feature of the breed is the characteristic structure of the ears. They are curved forward and downward, which gives the felines a special charm. The color of fold-eared pets can be absolutely any color, but red and white cats are the most popular.

    Stottish Folds are calm, unobtrusive and undemanding creatures. They are loyal to only one person, even if they live in a large family. However, pets will not ignore other inhabitants of the house - people and animals. Cats love to play, lie next to their owner or “do yoga”, taking unusual poses.

    Somali cat

    The coloring of Somali cats is striking in their richness of colors. The red color can take on various shades - from light cream to deep red. You can distinguish a Somali cat from another breed by the black tips of its hair and the light frill on its neck.

    Animals calmly tolerate loneliness, so they are suitable for those people who are not at home for a long time during the day. But first, the kitten must be provided with a variety of toys, otherwise, out of boredom, it will find entertainment for itself and ruin everything it gets into its teeth. Somalis are not afraid of water and love to play with it, for example, trying for a long time to catch drops of water dripping from a tap.

    Abyssinian cat

    This is one of the oldest breeds that existed before our era. Abyssinian cats are depicted in ancient Egyptian paintings and sculptures. Large ears, almond-shaped eyes, an elongated body and a long tail make it possible to accurately identify animals of that era with modern representatives of the cat family.

    The sun cat, as the breed was called in ancient times, can live up to 20 years with good care. They are balanced, independent and sociable animals. They value care and attention, but are slow to learn the rules of behavior in the family. They can be friends with other domestic cats and dogs, but often show signs of aggression, especially when it comes to food.


    Tailless cats are not uncommon in the animal world, and Cymri cats are proof of this. The Cymric breed appeared in the last century due to a random natural mutation. Lush fur, a balanced character and good trainability will make the kitten an almost ideal pet. He will be able to learn how to perform various tricks, communicate with all family members, accompany him around the apartment and help the owner with business.

    The hunting instincts lie dormant inside the Cymrics, thanks to which not a single mouse will enter the house. Animals love water and playing with it, love open taps, but do not tolerate bathing well. They adapt perfectly to the owner’s regime, can travel with him on transport, and get along well with other felines and non-aggressive dogs.

    Karelian Bobtail

    The Karelian-Finnish cat, or Karelian bobtail, is a rare breed of small-sized indigenous Russian cats. They are distinguished from other tribesmen by their pleasant character and short tail, 4-13 cm long. It was this that became the reason for the appearance of the word “bobtail” in the name of the breed.

    Karelian bobtails are affectionate, friendly, kind, sympathetic, tolerant of children's games and guests. There is no importunity or rancor in them, and animals do not like to meow over trifles. Karelians get along well with other pets, but it is better not to leave rodents in an open cage, otherwise they can become easy prey for a dexterous and intelligent hunter.

    Kurilian Bobtail

    Another breed of Russian short-tailed cats, named after their homeland - the Kuril Islands. These animals are very similar to their Karelian counterparts: in appearance they resemble a lynx, run and jump like hares, and are loyal like dogs.

    Bobtails do not tolerate loneliness well and prefer to be in the company of people or other four-legged friends. They will follow their owner's heels or lie on his lap. Kuril cats are excellent at catching mice and fish, swim well and love to swim. When playing with children, they will be patient and will not show aggression; in extreme cases, they will hide in a secluded place.
