Sapphire is the king of gems. Sapphire - a stone meaning power and immortality Sapphire magical properties

Sapphire is a type of corundum, one of the hardest minerals, second only to diamonds in this indicator. Beauty, strength, splendor and transparency are the hallmarks of this stone. As a rule, if you do not specify the color of sapphire, then a priori it is assumed that it is blue corundum. However, there are varieties of it in other colors, such as green, yellow, orange, etc.

Sapphires are popular in jewelry markets around the world, and it is not for nothing that they are considered one of the most beautiful stones.

In ancient times, it was called a frozen drop of the elixir of youth. Consistency and reliability were associated with it. In the future, people discovered more and more different properties of this stone.

Sapphire and its history

Sapphires have been known to people since ancient times, the ancient people who lived in Southeast Asia found unusual hard stones, which were called "corundum", which became the basis for the modern jewelry term - corundum. Precious varieties of corundum are called sapphires, everything except red, most people know this stone under the name - ruby.

Where did the word "sapphire" come from? There are several versions of this, there is a Greek word with a similar sound, which in translation means a blue stone. Another point of view suggests that the name "sapphire" is a modified Babylonian "sipra" - scratching, which is quite suitable for the stone, given its hardness. In Rus', the mineral was known for a long time as the azure yahont.

Sapphire is considered a stone of fidelity, modesty, chastity. It is a transparent corundum (aluminum oxide) of blue color. Sapphire owes its unique color to the combination of titanium and iron in it. Other shades of the stone, except for blue, are called "fantasy". Orange corundums are called padparadscha.

  • Sapphire is considered a symbol of the heavenly dome, a stone of reflection and contemplation.
  • The priests of the temple of Jupiter constantly wore cornflower-colored sapphires in their ring.
  • Sapphires were used to decorate the clothes of priests in Judea and India. They decorated the crown of Cleopatra.
  • It is believed that the blue color of sapphire and its energy field soothe, relieve excitement, calm raging passions.
  • Sapphire is a stone cold and pure, therefore it is considered a stone of virginity.

This stone is sometimes also called the "stone of the nuns", as it has the ability to cool passions. The therapeutic effect of sapphire is very wide, and earlier it was used for rheumatic pains, diseases of the spine, neuralgic pains, epilepsy, hysteria. Sapphire is recommended to be worn around the neck, in a gold frame.

Treachery Protection

Sapphire protects from treachery and fear, keeps from slander, heart disease and poisons, cleanses the blood. This stone bestows power, helps in travel and business trips. It is not recommended for weak-willed and inactive people to wear it, as it will deprive them of initiative even more.

Named from the Greek "sappheiros" - a blue or blue valuable stone (until the 13th century lapis lazuli), originating from the Babylonian (Akkadian) "sipra" scratching or Hebrew sapphire for transparent blue corundum, this name was proposed in the 18th century. G. Vallerius. Synonyms: safir, azure yahont, blue yakhont.

The name means blue or dark blue transparent gem-quality corundum, colored with iron and titanium impurities. In Western gemological terminology, sapphire (with an adjective indicating color) is a transparent corundum of any color except red and orange, although the English gemologist G. Smith notes that sapphire is always a blue stone.

In Russian literature, the term "sapphire" usually meant only blue corundum, but the lack of special names for corundums that are neither red nor blue in our country led to the fact that terms such as green sapphire, yellow sapphire, and even pink sapphire and blue began to be used in special articles. sapphire.

History and legends

For several centuries, all blue stones were called sapphire, because it is difficult to determine how the question was posed in many historical texts.

  1. In Eastern religion, he is given an honorable place; according to Buddhists, it calms the mind, brings happiness and spiritual enlightenment. Hindus believe that it is one of the mystical stones and blue gives good health, wealth, happiness and blessings from God. According to the Greeks, this is the "crystal of Apollo"; believed that it could kill spiders.
  2. An ancient Persian legend says that the gem was born from the last drop of amrit - the magical elixir of immortality or the milk of the Goddess, the giver of life.
  3. According to Hebrew, King Solomon's ring was made of sapphire. In the Middle Ages in Europe, it was believed that the properties of the stone protect chastity, reveal deceit and betrayal, protect against black magic and repel the plague. In France in the 18th century they were worn to escape poverty.

In the 12th century, Christian clergy turned it into their religious attribute so fascinated by it that Pope Innocent III issued a decree according to which all bishops must wear a gold ring with a sapphire. Now, it turns out that most of the surviving rings in those days were made of blue clay or frosted glass.

"Saint Edward"

The Saint Edward sapphire, which is today set in the British royal crown, is associated with a curious legend. The story goes that King Edward the Confessor gave a sapphire ring to a beggar. Years later, the ring was returned to the king with a note: "We will meet in heaven." A little later he died and was buried along with the ring.

After 200 years, his coffin was opened, the ring pulled out and given to Westminster Abbey. People believe that touching it will cure paralysis, epilepsy and poor eyesight.

In the Middle Ages, he treated by adding a crushed mineral to milk. They smeared boils and other skin rashes.

The brilliant blue crystal was used as a remedy for poison and bites from poisonous animals. Doctors used it to treat fever, skin and eye diseases, stomach ulcers and plague. In the 17th century, St. Paul's Church in London received a large gem for medicinal purposes.

Known in the Middle East as an amulet of love. Craftsmen in the court of the eastern ruler Haroun al Rashid made a special love stone for Emperor Charlemagne (800-814) to give to his wife. It consisted of one square and one oval, motivated by a cross. The idea of ​​this talisman probably came from an Eastern legend that all star sapphires contain three good spirits that bring good luck, faith and hope.

In other cultures, it is considered a stone of destiny; its three intersecting beams signified the Trinity Goddess of Fate. According to ancient tradition, it brings good luck in the best sense of the word. Eastern civilization ascribes this meaning to the star ruby.

Sir Richard Burton, who traveled throughout the Middle East, had a large star sapphire or asterisk and believed it to be a lucky magical talisman. The people of this region said that it brings good luck, so Burton always wore it and in return received the best horses and enviable attention.

In Europe

In ancient Greece, all pilgrims who visited the oracle of Apollo were required to wear a blue sapphire. According to Greek mythology, the titan Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give it to people, wore a ring with this mineral.

  1. In the old days, it was believed that all sorcerers and witches used for spells, charms and the interpretation of prophecy.
  2. In the Middle Ages, they often scared the locals that the blue sapphire turned purple in the presence of an atheist. It was said that he revealed deceit, betrayal and magic, in addition, envy and revenge on the part of enemies.
  3. Already in the 7th century BC. e. it was known to the ancient Etruscans. It has been used in ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome for many centuries. In the middle was preferred by European kings to create rings and brooches, it was believed that it protects against envy and damage, as well as fraud and violence. (Document of the XI century.).

A later French manuscript said that the sapphire saved from poverty. Other experts of that time wrote that he makes the fool wise, and gives restraint to the seasoned.

A later French manuscript stated that a sapphire with three crossed star lines was called the "Stone of Destiny". According to legend, these are rays of faith, hope and destiny. Another legend says that these are the sparks of the Star of Bethlehem.

Germany named the star sapphire the "Stone of Victory". (Document of 1609).

Sapphire is crystalline alumina, aluminum oxide. It occurs both in individual crystals in the form of a barrel, double pyramid, or tabular shape, and in a group of intergrown crystals. The main properties of this sapphire stone:

  • Glass strong luster.
  • Density - from 3.9 to 4.1g per sq. see, which indicates its incredible strength.
  • The melting point of sapphire (corundum) is 2050 degrees C.
  • Cleavage (the ability of crystals to split along planes) is imaginary, caused by non-parallel fusion of crystals. It seems that it is not difficult to split a stone.
  • On the Mohs scale, the hardness is 9, which is second only to diamond.

  • It has dichroicity, that is, it is able to divide the light beam into 2 or more parts. It is this quality that allows you to admire the refraction of light on the facets of a precious stone. (Maximum refractive index - 1.778)
  • Due to its structure, it is suitable for jewelry processing.
  • In addition to the classics - blue, it has many shades, they are also called fantasy.

The richest sapphire placers are located in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Burma, China, Vietnam), in India, Australia and the United States. In Russia, industrial production is not carried out due to the lack of large deposits.

The most valuable and beautiful, recognized as the standard, are Kashmir sapphires, which got their name from the place of their extraction - Kashmir. (disputed area occupied by India and Pakistan). They have a juicy blue-cornflower blue hue and do not change color depending on the lighting, and due to microcrystalline inclusions they are not transparent. In Kashmir sapphires, the structure of the mineral is most pronounced; from a certain angle, parallel layers forming a crystal can be seen.

Kashmir sapphires

So, the most valuable of all sapphires are Kashmir - blue crystals with a purple hue. They are mined in the northern valley on the border of India and Pakistan. The secret of this amazing stone is in its color. This is a deep rich blue tone with a lot of violet. The price of a Kashmiri sapphire is based on color, cutting method, clarity and carat weight.

The greatest value of the stones are bright, cornflower blue. Sapphires of darker or lighter tones are priced cheaper. Of the cutting methods, the most expensive is oval mixed. This form allows you to best highlight the advantages and mask the possible shortcomings of the stone.

The purity of sapphire, depending on the inclusions, varies from stones completely transparent to matte. The price of transparent, of course, is higher. But there are exceptions. If, after cutting, the stone acquires the characteristic features of a star sapphire, it will be valued more than a transparent one.

The weight of the stone plays an important role in the price. Each carat increases the value of a sapphire by approximately 25% or more. The high price of Kashmiri sapphires is also explained by the fact that new stones of impeccable quality are found less and less. Most of the jewelry material in this region was mined more than a century ago, the mines themselves have already officially closed. Although some of the crystals currently mined in Ceylon and Burma are very close in quality to Kashmir sapphires, they are not as popular.

Rarity and value surrounded Kashmiri sapphires with an almost mythical halo. They are rarely presented even at closed and the most elite auctions. Most of them are exhibits of private collections.

  • All sorts of frauds associated with Kashmir sapphires are also quite common.
  • Often, an artificially grown crystal is given out as a natural one, which can be distinguished only with the help of a series of tests.
  • Also, sapphires are often given out as Kashmiri, which were found in a completely different region.

natural and synthetic

For the first time, artificial sapphire was synthesized in the USA in the middle of the 20th century, and since then large-scale production of such corundums has been carried out all over the world.

  1. The main difference between artificial stones is the absence of natural inclusions, which can only be seen under a microscope.
  2. Under a UV lamp, a synthetic mineral will give off a green tint appearance, while a natural stone will have a white sheen.
  3. Sapphires are actively synthesized in laboratories, the first experiments on the artificial creation of a stone were started in the century before last and were successful.

Stones obtained by artificial means are used both for making jewelry and in industry.

You can distinguish a stone created by people by the absence of any inclusions in the structure of the mineral. If you put it under an ultraviolet lamp, it will look greenish. However, synthesizing methods are constantly being improved, so often only a specialist can unambiguously determine the origin of a stone after a series of complex experiments in the laboratory.

Often, sapphires are replaced with glass rhinestones, which can be identified by their low strength and gas bubbles in the glass. Sometimes there is a piece of real sapphire on top of the crystal, and glass below. In appearance, the gluing seam is invisible, but under a magnifying glass it can be seen.

Unfortunately, only a specialist can distinguish artificial sapphire from natural in finished jewelry, therefore, in order not to purchase a fake, you should require a certificate for the product.

Natural natural sapphires are quite rare and expensive, usually the cost consists of four factors.

  1. Color is the most decisive of them, it is he who largely determines the value of the mineral. The most expensive are Kashmiri sapphires and stones from the island of Sri Lanka.
  2. Clarity is the absence of any foreign inclusions inside the stone. Even a small amount of rutile or other extra particles significantly reduces the price.
  3. The cut also affects the cost. Depending on the methods, you can give the stone different shades, revealing its beauty, which makes the mineral more valuable.
  4. Weight also affects the formation of prices, it is logical that the larger the stone, the more expensive it is.

The word "sapphire" in Greek means "blue stone". At the same time, stones of various colors are found - colorless, pink, green, purple, orange, yellow. Such stones are very expensive, however, even the high cost does not guarantee the authenticity of the mineral. For this reason, luxury lovers should keep in mind how to check the stone so as not to purchase a fake.

Take a close look at the sapphire, it is recommended through a magnifying glass. If you notice some defects in its structure like colloidal inclusions (impurities of iron and titanium), then the probability of authenticity of the precious stone increases.

Focus on transparency. The higher it is, the more precious the stone. At the same time, ideal transparency should arouse suspicion: it is possessed by specimens that have been grown artificially, and in natural stones there are some defects of the so-called. inclusions.

Rate the color of the stone. If, for example, it is dark blue, however, at the same time there are noticeable inclusions of other colors (for example, yellow, red, or several at the same time), then such a mineral is real, although its cost should not be high. Expensive are only stones that have a uniform color, respectively, and the price for 1 carat of such a mineral will be significant.

Deal with the edge. The more facets, the brighter the product shines.

The quality of the cut and the number of facets can be found on the product label. Thus, the letter "A" indicates that the cut class is the highest: the rules of symmetry and proportionality are observed exactly. The further along the alphabet, the lower the skill level of the cutter.

Analyze from stone tactile sensations. If you took the mineral in your hands and felt cold, then the stone can be considered natural. Counterfeits made synthetically do not cause such a feeling.

Pay attention directly to the design of the product in which this mineral is used. If the stone is really expensive, then it no complex faceting required, because it prevents a comprehensive analysis of the quality of sapphire.

Do you still doubt the authenticity of the stone? Look for an experienced jeweler or a qualified gemologist who has professional equipment.He will set a price for the examination, paying for which you will receive accurate information whether the mineral is real or not, how many carats it contains and what is its value.


It is also an important parameter of how the mineral looks. There are several ways to improve corundum. First of all, they try to get a more intense color for pale stones.

  • This is done by heating them in a thermostat.
  • At the same time, impurities that are part of the mineral and determine its color diffuse through the structure.
  • In some cases, the color of the sapphire is very dark, and they try to lighten it by processing.
  • Cracks in the stones are filled with resins or plastics, you can add the effect of silk or asterism to the mineral.
  • During heat treatment, fiery marks remain, which can only be distinguished by microscopic examination.
  • In addition, when exposed to high temperatures, all gas and liquid inclusions disappear from the stone, and the zonal color becomes more contrasting.

Heat treatment is considered quite acceptable, but it is impossible to remain silent about it, since this effect has a significant impact on the price of the product.

Thus, sapphire is a variety of corundum of various colors. The highest value has a stone with a cornflower blue hue, as well as sapphires with an asterism effect.

High-quality specimens should have a minimum of inclusions and defects, but not be perfect. Crystals found in nature do not have gem quality, they can only be used as jewelry after cutting, which must be done at the highest level.

How to distinguish a fake

It is difficult for a person who is far from jewelry or mineralogy to do this. But there are some recommendations:

  • The mineral has great hardness. Therefore, you can try to scratch it with something sharp. There will be no marks left on the real stone. True, it is unlikely to be done in a jewelry store, you can get a lot of trouble because of such an experience.
  • Natural sapphire stone has a heterogeneous structure that can be detected in bright light. If so, then the product is real. If the structure is homogeneous, then the fake is unambiguous. But jewelers have learned to fake other natural minerals, less valuable, such as tourmaline, instead of corundum.

  • Experts have a special liquid composition, dropping into which the product, you can confidently determine its authenticity. Therefore, it is better to invite a friend or an independent jeweler, who will determine the authenticity of corundum. Do not save on this, because there is a risk of acquiring a fake at the price of a precious stone.
  • Make purchases only in reliable stores and carefully study all attached certificates.

Jewelery containing corundum requires regular cleaning and care. The sapphire stone is very hard, but still a careful attitude will not hurt. Cleaning is carried out with a soft cloth or a brush with a solution of washing powder. This applies to gold and platinum frames, silver cannot be cleaned in this way. After that, rinse with clean water.

Refresh corundum and all jewelry can be a solution of ammonia at the rate of 5 ml per 200 g of water. Perfectly cleans minerals with a warm aqueous solution of salt, soda and bleach. After the procedure, be sure to rinse.

Before carrying out such cleaning, it is worth carefully considering the method of attaching the mineral to the precious metal. If the stone is "planted" on glue, then it is better not to tempt fate and take the jewelry to the workshop.

Do not allow too much heat. Many minerals are subjected to heat in the treatment process to enhance their color, so additional exposure to heat can damage the corundum.

The meaning of the stone

Brings hope, good health, strength and joy, cheerfulness and faith. Helps to find the truth and calms the soul, brings humility and modesty, justice. It is a stone of constancy, mutual love and sincerity, virtue and restraint, chastity, honesty and pure thoughts. Supports a strict lifestyle. Appeases. Protects military affairs. Pledge for victory.

Sapphire holders are not only pleasing to others, but more than that - the stone helps win someone's love. Sapphire enhances the feeling of compassion, increases the ability of meditation, as well as remorse.

Banishes fear, irritability and melancholy. Saves from captivity, excesses and temptations. It does not allow black envy, sinful thoughts and adultery (including marital infidelity). Prevents thirst, profuse sweating and fires. Does not allow bites of poisonous insects and reptiles.
The patron saint of innocence and virginity, friendship and friendly relations with others, nobility and selflessness.

It is believed that it drives away fatigue and exhaustion, is a countermeasure from all poisons, relieves anger and rage. Same:

  1. Gives composure and courage.
  2. Increases the sense of honor.
  3. The holder gets brave.
  4. According to another legend, it increases appetite and helps to avoid exhaustion.

Types and colors of sapphire

The mineral has a rich palette of shades, which includes many colors, although the most famous is, of course, blue sapphire, which is what most people think of when they hear the name of the stone. Depending on the shade, the chemical composition, and hence the properties of the stone, are slightly different.


The stone can have shades of color from light yellow to amber and orange, uniform tones are extremely rare. Like all corundums, it has a special hardness.

The mineral is a powerful amulet, protecting a person both from external negativity - evil eye, damage, and from internal - unreasonable fears and anxieties. The energy of the stone has a positive effect, beneficially influencing the character of a person, making him better and allowing good qualities to manifest.

For creative people, yellow sapphire can be a talisman that attracts inspiration and new ideas. It also gives people courage and determination, protects from false slander and slander. The mineral is able to bring understanding and well-being to the family.

It is important to remember not to wear this stone all the time as it can lead to restlessness and anxiety. In addition, sapphires with defects are dangerous, their influence can be negative.


This type of sapphire is the most common and recognizable. The hue can be different - from pale blue with an admixture of gray to deep blue. The color is influenced by the chemical composition of the mineral. The most valuable are stones without inclusions, clean, but they are quite rare. Also, the color of the stone is additionally influenced by the cut, which can give certain shades.

Stones in which rutile inclusions resemble a star with rays are considered strong talismans.

  1. It is believed that such a stone will help to attract good luck, prosperity and success in love affairs.
  2. He also gives people wisdom and patronizes those who seek knowledge.
  3. Sapphire is a good cure for heart disease, people who have heart problems are advised to carry a sapphire talisman with them.
  4. Also, the stone can relieve headaches, heal skin diseases and inflammation.
  5. The mineral has a beneficial effect on vision, and the water in which the sapphire has lain down is considered healing for the eyes.


It is an opaque mineral with a characteristic sheen and tint. The stone is considered a strong amulet that can protect its owner from evil forces and the intrigues of enemies. The beneficial effect of black sapphire on the psychological state of a person is noted. It helps fight bad mood, depression, restores vigor, optimism and self-confidence.


This variety of sapphire is useful for those who want to establish a connection with the subtle world, looking for peace of mind and balance. White sapphire is also recommended for those who want to achieve some goal - the stone helps to achieve what they want and show their own potential. This stone symbolizes fidelity and purity of love, so it can be presented to your loved one as a talisman and a sign of your sincere feelings.

The appearance of white sapphire partially resembles a diamond, so it is often combined with diamonds in jewelry, which reduces their value.

White color means that there are no impurities in the stone, which is rare in nature, so most often, to get a white tone, light sapphires are simply heated.


This shade is considered one of the most expensive and is very much appreciated in jewelry. Most blue sapphires are mined in India.

The stone has a beneficial calming effect, helping to put your thoughts in order and focus on an important matter, or, on the contrary, relax and unwind. He gives confidence to timid people, helping to insist on his own to the end, and openly express his own point of view, leaving embarrassment aside. It is believed that blue sapphire will help develop psychic abilities and open the "third eye".


Green sapphires are never actually pure green stones. If you carefully examine them under a microscope, you can see that the illusion of a green tint is created by overlapping stripes of yellow and blue.

This stone helps to be more attentive to people, to understand others, their feelings, needs and requirements. It develops compassion, empathy, kindness. Green sapphire helps to improve sleep and remember dreams. It is believed that it is useful for people who suffer from eye diseases.

The shade of pink is considered a rarity; there are few natural stones of this color in the world. They are usually found on the island of Madagascar and Sri Lanka.

This stone has the effect of a magnet, it attracts into a person's life what he thinks about.

  • Therefore, you should be more careful with pink sapphire, wearing it, you need to tune in to a positive perception and think about the good, then this is exactly what will happen in your life.
  • But it is better not to allow bad thoughts, otherwise negative energy may accidentally be attracted to you.
  • The stone is useful when working with emotions, it will help overly emotional individuals to calm down, and for those who are experiencing emotional difficulties, remove the blocks and begin to fully experience life.

This type of stone has an interesting optical effect - it seems that a small star glows against an opaque background. It is believed that the stone allows you to develop intuition well, anticipate the actions of others and feel lies.


Declassed minerals in jewelry are natural stones that have a low cost. As a rule, they have a non-marketable appearance - too dark, opaque, with a large number of inclusions.

What zodiac sign suits sapphire jewelry

Each precious or semi-precious stone has its own energy field. It can have both positive and negative effects on the person who wears this stone. When purchasing a stone, it is important to know which jewelry inserts will help enhance significant positive personality traits, and which ones are better not to wear.

The formation of the theory of the influence of a stone on a person born under a certain sign of the zodiac took place gradually, over more than one millennium.

The astrological sign, being an ancient system that combines the date of birth with a special arrangement of stars, has its own special characteristics. These include jewelry inserts. If they are chosen correctly, then there is a concentration of energy that can increase the internal capabilities of a person.

Sapphire is a stone of people capable of leading. Jupiter is traditionally considered the planet of the stone. This explains the positive effect of sapphires on people born under the sign of Sagittarius. It is better for women to wear pendants and brooches with blue sapphire. This will enhance their natural attractiveness, cool the stormy outbursts of passion. And the men of this sign with the help of a ring or a bracelet with a sapphire will gain confidence and determination.

  • Aquarians with the help of sapphires can develop spirituality, and in moments of uncertainty, gain courage in making decisions. For girls born under the sign of Aquarius, a talisman with a sapphire will give amazing eloquence and the ability to conduct business negotiations.
  • This gem is perfect for Aries. Sapphire will help them moderate their temper and control emotions well. Representatives of this sign will be able to become wiser and more far-sighted. Sapphire repels negative energy from Aries-women and counteracts all ill-wishers.
  • Jewelry with sapphires will help Virgos to more easily find mutual understanding with people around them. For female virgins, sapphire will help build relationships with the team, enhance your communication skills.
  • Sapphire will help Gemini to find true friends and reveal their best sides. For twin women, yellow sapphire will promote good mood and relieve stress.
  • Sapphire can also be worn by Taurus, but only to those representatives of the sign who are not afraid to take responsibility for other people. According to the horoscope for Taurus women, sapphire gives its mistress an upbeat mood and a positive attitude towards life.

Effect on scorpions

Scorpions with the help of sapphire can calm their temperament, creating a sense of harmony and peace. The stone will help them cleanse themselves of worries about unrealized ideas and the disorder of their personal lives. Sapphire for a female scorpion is good as an amulet against extraneous influence and attempts to manipulate a person.

Those born under the sign of Cancer can fully experience the healing qualities of sapphires. The stone is able to make the medical treatment of diseases of the heart, kidneys and diabetes much more effective. In addition, Cancer women under the influence of sapphires become incredibly generous and noble.

For Lviv, a talisman with a sapphire gives peace of mind and spiritual harmony. When wearing jewelry with sapphires, Leo women harmonize their inner state and set their psychological state for very fruitful work.

Sapphire will help Pisces and Libra to be more insightful and wiser, although not to the same extent as other signs. Sapphire will protect women born under these zodiacs from troubles, and will contribute in all endeavors.

But Capricorns categorically should not wear sapphire. It will only take away the vital energy of those born under this sign. Also, the stone will not help lazy and irresponsible people.

mature stone

Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, it is better for mature people to wear jewelry with sapphires. The stone gains its strength in the 36th year, when Jupiter makes its third revolution. It is during this period of life that the stone is able to strengthen authority, restore justice, protect against slander and infidelity.

The properties of sapphire are manifested better if the stone is donated. But a sapphire bought on its own also helps a person whose thoughts are pure, devoid of pride and envy.

  1. Since ancient times, people have used stones as amulets and talismans.
  2. Talismans help the fulfillment of desires, amulets protect from negative energy.
  3. In this case, the sign of the zodiac is not so important.
  4. Sapphire as an amulet is often chosen by women who want to find happiness in love, protect themselves from slander and betrayal.

Corundums are healing stones. They are able to heal not only the soul, but also the body. Sapphire helps to normalize the work of all internal organs. Especially the cores get a lot of benefit from it. It is able to restore the musculoskeletal system, eliminate muscle problems.

This is the best immunostimulant. Very important is the fact that sapphires tend to heal women from infertility.

They have a beneficial effect on the restoration of vision. Not only the stones themselves have healing properties, but also the water infused on them. She lubricates painful areas of the body and wounds.

Sapphires eliminate headaches, skin inflammations. They treat neurosis, stress and deep depression.

World renowned sapphires

Large sapphires are rare and surrounded by fame and myth. The largest star sapphire is the Star of India at 536 carats. Found in Sri Lanka about three hundred years ago, this stone was donated to the American Museum of Natural History by financier J.P. Morgan. Later, the infamous burglar Jack Murphy, nicknamed Murph Breaker, stole the stone. The return of the sapphire to its place two months later only gave it fame.

The 423-carat Logan Sapphire is on display at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. It is the largest cut sapphire in public display and possibly the largest known blue sapphire. This cushion-cut egg-sized stone is set in a brooch and surrounded by 16 carats of diamonds. It was donated to the Smithsonian by Mrs. John. A. Logan in 1960.

Other famous sapphires include the Midnight Star, a 116-carat black star sapphire. The deep blue star of Asia weighing 330 carats can be seen at the American Museum of Natural History. Also among the stones of the English crown there are two famous sapphires: St. Edward's sapphire and Stewart's sapphire (104 carats).

Natural sapphire is not just a beautiful gem, but also a strong amulet that attracts positive energy. This stone was a favorite of the representatives of the royal dynasty and adorned the rings, bracelets and crowns of kings.

This mineral, a variety of corundum, is considered one of the four most expensive stones in the world.

What does a sapphire look like? Sapphire is a hard mineral with unique transparency and many color shades.

Characteristics of the stone: glass luster, density - 4 g / cm3, hardness - 9.

What does sapphire mean? Translated from Greek, sapphire means "blue stone".

What are the magical properties of this stone? This mineral is called the stone of the soul, it helps to restore peace of mind and achieve success in many areas of life. The magical properties of corundum depend on its color.

What is the significance of sapphire for a person? For women, corundum will not only become an expensive decoration, but will also help to feel their feminine strength, a man will feel a surge of strength and energy and will achieve great success in life.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

This stone is patronized by the planet Jupiter, which is why it has a positive effect on a person. But corundum is categorically not recommended for those who were born under the Capricorn zodiac sign.

Who does he fit according to the horoscope? Sapphire has the most favorable effect on Sagittarius. A man born according to this sign, the stone will help to become influential and successful. In a Sagittarius woman, she emphasizes beauty and feminine strength.

How does sapphire affect other signs of the zodiac:

  • Emotional Aries sapphire will help to become less quick-tempered.
  • The gem is suitable for Taurus in cases where he is going to make some important decision.
  • Gemini under the influence of corundum will find true friends.
  • Representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer will feel the full power of the healing properties of sapphire.
  • Lions wearing this mineral will find spiritual harmony and balance.
  • Virgo stone will help to become more open and sociable.
  • For Libra, corundum will become a talisman against negative energy.
  • He will help Scorpions achieve success in love affairs.
  • Aquarius, the gem will give self-confidence.
  • Pisces mineral will help to avoid trouble and succeed in any endeavor.

What color and how it looks: varieties of stone

In nature, you can find the following varieties of sapphire:

Stone color Description
Blue Blue sapphire is an excellent talisman for good luck in all matters: both love and financial.

This stone is a symbol of sobriety of mind, craving for new discoveries.

Blue corundum is often used by clairvoyants in their practice, as it helps to see the future.

The mineral calms, balances, puts thoughts and feelings in order. It will become a good mascot for people looking for themselves.

Yellow Yellow sapphire is considered rare. This mineral is one of the most powerful amulets.

The yellow gem will bring well-being and prosperity to its owner. It will protect from the evil eye and damage, relieve anxiety and depression.

The stone is charged with positive energy, which affects the character of a person.

Under its influence, a person can become more kind, balanced and self-confident.

Yellow corundum helps creative individuals find inspiration, especially during times of crisis.

This mineral scares away evil and envious people from its owner. Yellow corundum also has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house.

With his appearance in the family comes love and understanding.

Despite the positive energy of the stone, it is not recommended to carry it with you all the time, it can cause anxiety.

This is due to the fact that yellow corundum absorbs negative energy, and it must be periodically cleaned so that all the negativity does not pass to the owner of the stone.

It is believed that yellow corundum with defects carries negative energy.

Green Green corundum makes a person more responsive and understanding. Such a stone is ideal for a delicate female nature.

It creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. If there are frequent scandals in the family, carry green corundum with you and the situation in the house will return to normal.

star black Black sapphire is a strong amulet against dark forces.

It will help its owner get out of depression, restore self-confidence and a positive attitude.

White There are practically no metal impurities in the white mineral, it is transparent in appearance, and it can even be confused with a diamond.

White corundum will become a talisman for those who want to find peace of mind.

Jewelry with white sapphire is a wonderful amulet gift for a loved one.

Blue There are no pure blue sapphires in nature, usually blue is called corundum, which has a share of other shades of no more than 15%.

This stone is considered "fancy" and usually has a double name, such as blue-green.

There are many types of blue sapphire.

How much: price

How much does a sapphire item cost? The price of jewelry depends on many factors: the shade of the mineral, its size, transparency and purity, the presence of a gem cut, origin and weight.

On average, the price of corundum weighing one carat varies from 20 to several thousand dollars.

Products and decorations made of stone and its application

What is the use of sapphire? Sapphire is one of the most fashionable stones in the collections of famous jewelry manufacturers. Jewelry with sapphire is combined with any outfit, but it will look especially impressive with an evening option.

Corundum is used in the manufacture of pendants, pendants, beads, earrings, brooches, belts and other jewelry.

Medicinal properties

It is impossible not to mention the healing properties of this mineral. Corundum will help to cure not only the soul, but also the body.

The stone has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, has a good effect on visual acuity, treats female diseases, improves immunity and helps eliminate muscle problems.

Not only the mineral itself has a healing effect, but also the water infused on it. It can treat wounds and diseased areas of the body.

How to distinguish a fake: authenticity check

The natural raw mineral has a heterogeneous structure, which is visible in strong light. It retains this property even after processing. It is quite difficult to distinguish corundum from a fake on your own.

If in doubt that you have a real sapphire in your hands, contact a specialist. With the help of a special composition, he will be able to determine the authenticity of the stone.

Mineral deposits

The deposits of this mineral are about. Sri Lanka and about. Madagascar, Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Tanzania, USA, Kenya and others. One fourth of all sapphires are mined from Australia.

Care and storage

Sapphire jewelry should be cleaned regularly with a soft brush. You can refresh the stone by wiping it with a solution of ammonia (5 milliliters per glass of water). Sapphire also cleans well with a solution of soda, bleach and soda.

After cleaning, corundum must be wiped. Despite the fact that the mineral is very hard, it is worth storing the jewelry carefully, if possible in a cloth bag.

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Natural stones are not only interesting for their purpose, but also for their properties. In today's article, you will learn what a sapphire stone is, its properties, purpose and other interesting facts.

As it turns out, sapphire is a very hard natural stone and takes second place in this criterion immediately after diamond. Among other things, it is a kind of corundum (like ruby). Such stones come in different colors, and the most expensive is the blue sapphire. The cost of real sapphires is almost as high as that of diamonds, it is not for nothing that they say that sapphires are their best friends.

For a very long time, all stones that have a blue color were called sapphires. Of course, such an assumption was erroneous, but in many historical documents the question regarding natural stones was raised in different ways, and it was difficult to understand which one was being discussed:

  1. As for the religion of the East, here this stone was given a separate, very honorable and significant place. Buddhists believed that this stone:
  • brings good luck
  • calms the mind, dispelling the veil over it
  • gives spiritual enlightenment
  1. The Hindus were sure that it was sapphire that could help:
  • improve health
  • improve financial condition
  • receive divine blessing
  1. The Greeks claimed that the stone in question could even kill terrible insects:
  • large beetles
  • spiders, etc.
  1. The most common version of the history of sapphire is the legend of Persia about how a deep blue stone was obtained from the last drop of the elixir, which gives the immortality of the so-called amrit (some translations speak of the Goddess's milk, which can give life).
  2. In the Middle Ages, Europeans sincerely believed that sapphire was capable of:
  • bring a person to clean water (reveal fraud, betrayal and deceit)
  • protect from evil forces and black magic, which was practiced in those days and which everyone was very afraid of
  • save from the plague that raged at that time
  1. The French in the 18th century always carried this stone with them, believing that it was he who saved them from poverty and various troubles.

  1. In the 7th century, the clergy of the Christian faith made sapphire an attribute of their religion. The then Pope, Innocent III, passed a law requiring all high-ranking clergy to wear gold and sapphire rings on their fingers without fail. Modern excavations have shown that in fact the then "divine" rings were molded from blue clay and glass.
  2. In the Middle Ages, sapphire was a cure for various skin diseases. It was crushed and added to milk, after which the resulting mixture was applied to:
  • various types of rashes
  • boils
  • skin irritations, etc.
  1. In the Middle East, this stone was used as an effective remedy for the bites and poisonous secretions of dangerous animals. Among other things, the healers of that time treated with a blue crystal:
  • eye diseases
  • fever
  1. In many cultures, the fossil in question was considered a stone of destiny.
  2. Even in the old days, people were sure that it was this stone that witches and sorcerers used in their activities.

There are a lot of interpretations, myths and stories regarding sapphire. Which of them is true and which is fiction is not easy to make out, but only one thing is clear, that this is not just a stone, but a fossil with very interesting properties and possibilities, and with which ones, we will find out right now.

The meaning and properties of sapphire

Like any other stone of natural origin, sapphire has its own properties and has its own meaning, it is not for nothing that so many stories and secrets go around it. Many people believe that sapphire is able to make the human body stronger and at the same time become an excellent protection against various kinds of damage.

Among other things, sapphires are also credited with the following properties:

  • protection of the owner of this stone from enemies
  • helps to determine what is true and what is false
  • able to cure some ailments

In ancient times, it was believed that the royal gem can even soften the wrath of God, and is also able to help the believer find the right path and the right decision.

It is believed that the stone in question finds its owner on its own, therefore, earlier, finding a sapphire meant God's gift, because it is able to protect against:

  • anger
  • hate
  • curses, etc.

It should be noted that sapphires come in different colors, but at the same time, deep blue sapphires remain the most expensive and precious of the available. In principle, all corundums, except for red ones, can be called sapphires.

Let's look at the properties of sapphires, different from each other in color:

  1. Properties of yellow sapphire. Yellow sapphire will become an excellent companion in life, because it carries the energy of the sun and warmth, abundance, and creativity. It is believed that such a sapphire nourishes our soul and body with positive energy, and this is facilitated by its bright and rich color.

It is also worth noting that the owner of this stone becomes peaceful and very calm, because the stone affects the relaxation of the entire nervous system. Medicinal properties were also attributed to this stone, namely, they could cure mental illness, such as insanity.

  1. properties of black sapphire. By itself, the black color has some kind of magical connotation, so black sapphire simply has to be something magical. Many magicians and sorcerers wear black sapphire on their neck and hands, because it is believed that it is capable of:
  • protect from otherworldly forces (if the magician is engaged in communication with them)
  • fulfill desires (but, at the same time, it takes vital energy)
  • protects from traitors and intruders
  1. Properties of pink sapphire. Pink corundums are actually quite rare, which is why they are valued. They can be either pale pink or rich in color (similar to manganese). The brighter the color of such a stone, the correspondingly, it will be more expensive. It has long been believed that pink sapphire:
  • is a talisman and a love amulet (today in some countries they are often given as wedding gifts to young people)
  • helps to return his soul mate if the lovebird took him away in an "unconventional" way
  • protects spouses from betrayal by each other

  1. properties of white sapphire. It is believed that it is white sapphire that has a very powerful energy, it is able to attract to a person:
  • money
  • success
  • power
  • prosperity
  1. The magical properties of blue sapphire. As mentioned earlier, blue sapphire is highly valued in the jewelry market today, and for good reason. In fact, it is a sapphire of this color that is considered the most powerful of all available. If sapphire of any other color has certain properties, for example, it only attracts money or acts exclusively on the psychological state of a person, then blue sapphire can be said to be omnipotent:
  • get rid of ailments
  • help with money problems
  • improve the psychological state, etc.

The healing properties of sapphire

It is clear that the considered properties of sapphire have not been proven by scientists, but, according to legends and numerous stories of various shamans and magicians, sapphire is capable of:

  • positively influence the endocrine system by stimulating pituitary functions
  • reduce body temperature, for this you just need to attach it briefly to the heart
  • heal spirit and mind
  • relieve pain in the back and joints
  • improve the condition of nails and hair if you wear such a stone constantly
  • fight cancer cells (according to some beliefs)
  • remove warts
  • cure depression
  • solve gastrointestinal problems
  • stop the bleeding
  • reduce blood sugar, etc.

The list of its medicinal properties is quite large, but it is impossible to say for sure how true these facts are.

Who is suitable for the sapphire stone according to the zodiac sign?

In fact, the sapphire stone is considered to be very powerful yet versatile. Only now it acts differently on each sign of the zodiac, and how exactly - we will find out right now:

  • Sagittarius is very fond of the stone in question, because this talisman gives them self-confidence and determination. The fact is that Sagittarians, in fact, are like that, but almost all the time they try to keep it inside themselves, and sapphire helps them open up and be more active everywhere and in everything.
  • This stone will help Aquarius to gain their spiritual strength and, at the same time, will become an excellent assistant in a variety of stressful situations. For Aquarius, peace of mind and psychological balance are very important, which is why sapphire suits them so well.
  • This fossil will help Aries to be more decisive and, at the same time, more careful in love affairs and affairs. Aries are very stubborn and never listen to anyone, so they often get into problem situations, especially on the love front, so this stone will obviously come in handy for them.
  • Virgos are quite sociable, but, at the same time, very vulnerable. Sapphire will help them to see in advance evil and malevolence in people and will take them away from such unpleasant personalities before they have time to do some filth or meanness to the Virgin.

  • Geminis are very vague, especially in their mood. It can change them several dozen times in one day. Sapphire will reason with them, and make their mood even and good, will not let them fall into depression and panic. Among other things, a necklace of these stones will help the Gemini to make decisions faster and more correctly in many matters.
  • Sapphire will give Taurus confidence, because their willpower suffers greatly precisely from their uncertainty, modesty and lack of faith in their own strength. As soon as Taurus believes that they are able to "move mountains", their affairs will immediately go uphill.
  • Sapphire will also cope with a very quick-tempered Scorpio, calming his temper and calming his emotions. Experts recommend wearing such a stone to Scorpio businessmen, where emotions should not prevail over reason.
  • Sapphire will reward Cancer with nobility, which will make them almost ideal people. Such a stone on the finger of Cancer will contribute to harmony in his soul.
  • Lviv will be able to direct this fossil into a creative direction, removing their aggression and ardor.
  • Libra and Pisces who wear sapphire will become more purposeful and reasonable
  • The only sign of the zodiac that is contraindicated in wearing sapphire is Capricorn. All their negative qualities will become even more pronounced if they decide to put on a stone or carry it with them.

Who is the sapphire stone suitable for?

Many may not take this information seriously, because most often they choose gemstones clearly not by their own name, but still there is an opinion that the stones in question are more suitable for some names than for others:

  • Sapphire will look great on Catherine's chest. The name Catherine is as great and luxurious as this gem.
  • A ring with a sapphire will look harmoniously on Nadezhda's finger. It is worth noting that one stone in the decoration is enough to make it look luxurious and very simple at the same time.
  • Daniella is a very soft and chic name at the same time, so a sapphire bracelet would look appropriate on the hand of a girl with that name.
  • Angela is also suitable for a sapphire jewelry, so girls with that name should pay attention to this particular gem.

The magical properties of sapphire will especially affect people with the names listed above, so before you think about buying a diamond, think about whether a sapphire will suit you more and bring more benefits.

How to wear a sapphire stone?

Before buying this or that gem, it is imperative to find out how to wear it, with what and how to care for it, so let's find out all this about sapphire.

So let's get started:

  1. Favorably this gem is combined with:
  • jade
  • topaz
  • beryl
  • agate
  1. Do not combine this stone with:
  • pearls
  • amber
  • hematite
  1. It is best to wear such a stone in a necklace or pendants, in general - on the neck, then its effect on the aura will be stronger.
  2. If you wear a ring with a sapphire, it is better - on the ring finger, moreover, on any of the hands.
  3. A great option is to wear jewelry with sapphire in warm weather, when the sun is shining brightly, and it will shimmer beautifully under the sun's rays.
  4. There is an opinion that sapphire is more suitable for older people, but this is just an outdated stereotype. Because jewelry with sapphire is at the peak of fashion today, and everyone can wear it at any age.

You also need to be able to take care of the stone:

  • it is mandatory to have a separate box for storing it, you can not throw it in a box with other accessories
  • it is worth washing sapphire exclusively in water from a spring, and in a thin fabric bag
  • after rinsing in water, you can not wipe it, it is better to dry it in direct sunlight

Sapphire is an amazing stone and a luxurious gem for any piece of jewelry. Now you know about all its properties and meaning, so whether it is worth buying it and whether it is a necessity is up to you.

Video: "Properties of sapphire for women"

Sapphire is a stone that has adorned the symbols of royal power since ancient times and was endowed with many mystical properties. It belongs to the group of precious stones mined from hard rocks, and for many centuries it has captivated people with its unique beauty. Many people ask if this stone is precious or semi-precious. Along with natural emerald and ruby, the generally accepted classification, of course, classifies it among the precious gems, the cost of which is often considerable.


The origin of the name of these stones is still disputed. According to some historians, the word "sapphire" comes from the language of ancient Babylon from "spiru", which means "scratching". It is the hardness of sapphire, most likely, that became the reason for such a name. Another, more poetic version, traces the origin of the word to the ancient Indian language, to the word "caniprya" (beloved by Saturn). In Hellas, "sappheiros" was the name for all dark blue gemstones. There are other names of sapphires in history. So, until the 19th century in Russia they were called azure yahonts, lapis lazuli.

The most famous sapphire jewels, adorned with large and pure stones, belong to the ruling dynasties of Europe and Asia. The brooch, which belonged to an Indian maharajah, was made from a 4,000 carat gem. The orb of the Russian emperors is adorned with a half-sized stone. From ancient times, the sapphire gemstone means the direct relationship of its owner to power and control of a large number of people.

A large blue stone of 167 carats, cut into the shape of a rose, adorns the crown of the British Empire. The cut of sapphires can be different. For example, another world-famous jewel belonging to the English royal family is the engagement ring of Princess Diana, which is now worn by the Duchess of Cambridge, nee Kate Middleton. The ring is set with an oval Ceylon corundum surrounded by diamonds. By the way, sapphires were generally one of the favorite stones of Lady Dee, who adored all shades of dark blue.

The collection of the Orange dynasty, ruling in the Netherlands, included parure, which included massive jewelry trimmed with sapphires and diamonds. Now many of the decorations from this set have been redesigned into more modern ones.

The tradition of decorating the jewels of rulers with corundum comes from ancient times. According to legend, these beautiful stones were inserted into the crown of Cleopatra herself.


Now all corundums are called sapphires, with the exception of those that have a red color (rubies). From the point of view of chemistry, the description of the stone is as follows: sapphire is a mineral almost entirely composed of aluminum oxide. It has a glassy luster and one of the highest strength ratings on the Mohs scale (the table indicates a number of 9 points). Only is considered a harder mineral. Clarity and clarity of sapphire may vary. There are both transparent stones, different in purity, and absolutely opaque gems.

Some corundums are characterized by such a phenomenon as asterism - the appearance of a star with six or twelve rays on the surface of the stone. This feature occurs in minerals that have rutile inclusions, using the cutting method, which is called "cabochon". costs more than others.


Sapphire is a stone whose deposits are found on all continents except Antarctica. The most valuable and beautiful of them are minerals from India and Tanzania. Ceylon is also a popular place where sapphire is mined. In India, the Kashmir deposit was discovered after an earthquake that exposed the richest deposits of sapphires of amazingly pure, cornflower blue color. This shade is considered the reference for blue corundum. Ceylon stone and gems from Burma are approaching him. Now the development of the Kashmir deposit has been stopped.

In Tanzania, two types of stones are mined, which have received a separate name. Songea and Tunduru are the names of the deposits, which have also become the names of the sapphires mined there. Songea - more often green or reddish stones, among which there are many minerals with the effect of asterism. It is believed that these corundums have the richest color palette. An interesting feature of the songea is its striking purity, combined with its small size. A 2-carat songea is already a rarity. Tunduru is the only deposit in Tanzania where blue-colored minerals are mined.

Stones from the island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) are known not only for their quality, but also for their rare properties. Minerals are often mined there that can show asterism after a suitable cut or change color under certain conditions. They often become collection items in their own right, without being included in the jewelry.


Sapphire is a stone that from time immemorial has been credited with magical properties, largely related to its color scheme. So, minerals, whose main shade is blue, were associated in different civilizations with divine power and authority.

This precious gem has always served as a worthy decoration for the vestments of the clergy in India and Judea. In the Roman Empire, only priests of the supreme deity of the pantheon, Jupiter, could wear jewelry with them. In these religions, sapphire, whose properties were especially valued by the high priests of the Roman pantheons, personified calmness and a penchant for contemplation. In the countries of the Ancient East, this stone has always been spoken of as a carrier of wisdom, and in Europe - modesty and virtue.

Astrologers believe that sapphire is associated with Jupiter and Saturn, and recommend it to the signs of the air and fire elements. For Leos and Sagittarius, wearing these stones will bring stability, help curb irrepressible energy and negative character traits. Unstable Aquarius and Libra sapphires give peace, self-knowledge and confidence. Useful sapphire for Pisces.

Previously believed in. It was believed that a lady who wanted to attract the attention of her lover needed to drink him from dishes inlaid with corundum. And the properties of the stone associated with the manifestation of asterism were considered the embodiment of Faith, Hope and Love.


The cost of a stone is determined by four indicators, which in English-speaking countries are called the rule of four Cs (Colour, Clarity, Cut, Carat weight):

  • sapphire color;
  • the purity of the stone;
  • cut;
  • carat weight.

These characteristics of sapphire together determine its value. The most important of these is considered color as a decisive indicator of the quality and the possibility of using a stone in jewelry.

Now these stones, so beloved by the august persons, occupy a worthy place in the catalogs of the largest jewelry houses. Regardless of whether the piece of jewelry uses a classic or innovative combination of metals and stones, sapphires will emphasize the refined taste and style of their owner.

How to choose?

When choosing a stone, it is important not to stumble upon a fake made of glass or other material that unscrupulous dealers can pass off as an expensive natural gem. How to choose the right sapphire? It can be difficult to do this, especially if the buyer is new to the jewelry business and understands little about the essence of the issue. However, some tips are still worth following.

The main physical characteristic of a mineral is its hardness. You can try to scratch it a little, without fear that the indignation of the sellers will have consequences because of this simple check, which can be decisive. This is often done, and if, when a stone is scratched with a pointed object, traces appear on it, then it is a fake. Of course, it is not a fact that the seller will be satisfied, but you can try.

What does a sapphire look like if it is real? Usually the structure of a natural mineral is heterogeneous, which is clearly shown by bright light. If the stone inside is suspiciously uniform in color and has no roughness, most likely it is a fake. It is also important to keep in mind that the colors of sapphire and even its structure can be imitated by using some other, cheaper natural stone. This means that you need to increase your vigilance. Moreover, there are many cases when specially colored tourmalines are often given out for expensive types of sapphires.

In specialized gemological laboratories, there are special chemical solutions, thanks to which it is possible to determine a fake with much greater accuracy. It is best to consult with familiar jewelers before buying, if they exist, and you should buy jewelry in trusted places.
