Sage for acne is a generous gift of nature. Sage officinalis for face and hair

Sage is an effective remedy for clean and healthy skin. It would seem that what could be simpler and more effective means, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries?

Even Hippocrates called sage "sacred herb", probably referring to its amazing healing properties. Even the name of the plant sage from the ancient Greek is interpreted as "the sun and health."

Sage is a unique custodian of many useful, and often necessary, especially for the female body, substances. A decoction of sage is recommended to maintain health and beauty for women after 30-35 years.

But besides this, in the modern world, the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antiseptic and astringent properties of this plant are very valuable. It is they that make it possible to widely use sage for the face in cosmetology and dermatological practice.

Salvia medications are available at the drugstore, but using sage for your face at home is not difficult to ensure clear and healthy skin. This is what will be discussed in today's article Beauty Pantry.

Considering all the listed cosmetic properties of sage, it is easy to assume that it is recommended for use in the care of oily, combination, problematic facial skin in order to cleanse it of acne and inflammation.

But, as you know, the best care is prevention, so sage for the face in a low concentration is suitable for normal, and even for dry skin, prone to acne and inflammation. At the same time, in no case should we forget that the variety of cosmetic recipes based on medicinal sage does not eliminate the need for an integrated approach to solving the problem.

So, it's not a secret for anyone that acne and blackheads on the skin can be both the result of improper skin care and an indicator of the disease of the body. In the latter case, sage for clean facial skin will become a faithful assistant, but by no means the main means of salvation.

Traditional medicine knows a recipe in which sage, normalizing the body's metabolism, contributes to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which, as a result, leads to high-quality skin cleansing. Only in combination with other components (even natural ones), sage for the face has a pronounced effectiveness.

In home beauty recipes, these can be herbal preparations: chamomile flowers and, birch leaves and nettle leaves, as well as natural honey or essential oils.

A popular recipe is in which, in equal proportions, birch and sage (2-3 tablespoons each) and pour herbs with boiling water (400-500 ml.) Infuse for 10-15 minutes, take two glasses a day of the prepared broth - in the morning and evening. With the systematic use of the decoction, the healing effect of herbs on the body will certainly be displayed on the external condition of your skin.

Just remember: medicinal herbs have high biological activity, have contraindications and side effects, so you should consult a specialist before taking it.

Recipe 3. Rejuvenating sage face mask

To prepare the mask, you will need to dilute the decoction of sage (2-3 tablespoons of herbs per cup of boiling water) with milk powder to a creamy consistency. Mix thoroughly and apply on face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with room temperature water.

Recipe 4. Sage for swelling under the eyes

In this recipe, the Beauty Pantry recommends you contrast compresses of a weak decoction of sage (2 tablespoons per glass of water) on the area around the eyes. First, a cotton pad must be moistened in a warm decoction, applied to the eyelids for 30-60 seconds, then in a cool one. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

Recipe 5. Steam bath for skin cleansing

Another wonderful one with sage, used for cleansing and toning the skin: 1 tablespoon of medicinal herbs - chamomile and linden blossoms, sage, birch, mint and willow leaves, as well as oak bark, pour 1-1.5 liters of water and bring to boiling. Herbs are boiled over low heat and at this time the skin is steamed over the steam (but not so close as to burn the face).

At the end, wipe the skin with a tonic, apply a light cream or face mask. The steam bath dilates blood vessels, cleanses the skin, and helps to get rid of blackheads. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a month.

- ethereal medicinal plant, widely used in folk medicine. Decoctions and infusions of this herb are well known as a natural astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, tonic and emollient. In addition, it reduces sweating and removes excess fluid from the body.

The medicinal raw materials of sage (and these are its leaves) contain: linear, cineole, thujone, borneol, flavonoids. But this plant is especially useful for the presence of Omega acids: oleanic, ursolic and linoleic acid glycerides. These acids proved to be indispensable for the human body, since they take an active part in all chemical reactions. It is they who prolong the youth of a person.

This makes sage in cosmetology one of the most popular means.

Sage: healing properties for facial beauty

Included not only in most anti-inflammatory and expectorant fees; its infusion is used to treat skin and hair.

What does sage do for the face:

  • Rejuvenates the skin.
  • Stops the aging process.
  • Smoothes wrinkles.
  • Well tones, preventing the appearance of new wrinkles.
  • Refreshes.
  • Softens the skin.
  • Fights pimples and acne.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Hides age spots.
  • Regulates the level of fat content.
  • Removes puffiness.

The fastest and best results can be obtained if sage is used in facial cosmetology not only externally, but also internally. Due to the improvement of metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the skin smoothes and rejuvenates faster.

Ways to use sage for skin and hair

  • Enrichment of cosmetic products with sage.
  • Masks using sage.
  • Washing or wiping the face with sage infusion, both warm and frozen.
  • Steam baths for skin cleansing.
  • Rinsing the hair with infusion and rubbing the decoction into the scalp. This will stop hair loss and improve their growth, remove excess fat and stabilize the sebaceous glands.
  • Lotions for the treatment of purulent infections, boils and ulcers.
  • Compresses under the eyes to relieve puffiness.
  • General strengthening and toning baths for the whole body with the addition of infusion. They will improve the condition of the whole organism. This will also affect the skin of the face, making it more toned and healthy.

Sage infusions are also an excellent antifungal, antibacterial agent. This makes it possible to use them to combat dandruff and other fungal and bacterial lesions of the scalp. Results will be visible after just a few sessions.

Sage for the face extraordinarily helpful. This is generally an amazing medicinal plant that can heal the body, improve skin condition, take care of the beauty of a person as a whole. From this plant, you can prepare oil, decoctions, infusions, lotions and masks for facial skin. And also it can be taken orally for general healing and treatment of specific diseases. Let's figure out what the benefits and harms of sage are, find out useful recipes for masks and decoctions.

Benefit and harm

The benefits and harms of the plant should be familiarized with before use. Useful properties are largely due to the unique composition of the plant, since it contains:

  • carnosic acid (this substance can reduce pain due to burns, prevent the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, rejuvenate the skin and remove free radicals from it);
  • ursolic acid (it allows you to treat acne, eczema, acne and black spots, heal microcracks and wounds, and also effectively remove dead cells);
  • flavonoids (these substances help prevent early aging, as well as minimize the risk of cancer and infectious diseases).

It is important! Facial sage can be used for absolutely any type of skin. It is also recommended to combine it with other plants. For example, you can improve efficiency for dry skin by mixing sage with chamomile and lavender, and for oily skin by adding wormwood, nettle or St. John's wort.

The use of sage for the face in any form will be indicated for such problems as:

  • rosacea;
  • pimples, blackheads, eczema, blackheads;
  • pigmentation and unhealthy complexion;
  • sagging and wrinkles;
  • inflammation, including strong ones;
  • peeling and dryness;
  • oily skin with enlarged pores;
  • excess toxins in the skin;
  • the need to strengthen the facial vessels and stimulate the lymph flow;
  • protection from the harmful effects of sunlight;
  • prevention of premature aging.

The harm of sage can be observed in cases where the plant has an allergic reaction. Also, in some cases, there may be an overdose when taking a decoction of sage inside. No other problems were noted in the numerous reviews. In other words, it is enough to adhere to general recommendations, and then sage will not cause any harm to the body.

Application of sage for the face

The use of sage for the face is presented in numerous ways. You can prepare ice from sage for massage, a decoction or infusion for washing, a tonic for cleansing the skin and masks for rejuvenation. In cosmetology, they often use all the tools described below, choosing ready-made cosmetics or preparing everything at home..

Essential oil

Sage essential oil is often used for massage. To do this, mix 5 ml of base oil with two drops of sage essential oil. Facial skin massage is performed in the usual way. All movements should be performed starting from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the ears, counterclockwise around the eyelids, from the wings of the nose to the ears. The following exercises will be most effective:

  • stroking to prepare the skin for stress;
  • circular movements to knead the skin and relieve muscle tension;
  • light patting and tapping to prepare for further loads;
  • gentle pressure, vibration and soft pinching to stimulate blood flow in the skin and regenerate the skin;
  • stroking to soothe the skin.

Massage will be useful for those who want to correct the oval of the face, strengthen blood vessels, improve blood flow, get rid of swelling and puffiness, smooth out wrinkles and sculpt a new skin relief. In addition, the massage as a whole refreshes and rejuvenates. It can even boost your immune system.

Advice! Before performing a massage, be sure to cleanse the skin. At a minimum, you need to get rid of decorative cosmetics, but in general, deep cleaning is shown.

In addition, essential oil will also be effective for enriching ready-made cosmetic products, such as creams, emulsions and gels. It is enough to add 2-5 drops, depending on the volume of the finished product.

Ice from sage

Sage ice can be used to massage and rub the skin. It is quite effective for the face, as it allows you to strengthen blood vessels, relieve swelling and stimulate lymph flow.

Ice is easy to make. You will need ingredients such as:

  • 7 grams of sage herb;
  • 3 drops of sage essential oil;
  • 3 grams of chamomile flowers;
  • 120 ml of water.

To make ice, it is necessary to pour dry medicinal herbs with hot water (its temperature should be more than 70 degrees). The remedy must be infused for an hour, and then add the essential oil and mix. After that, you need to strain the finished broth and pour it into molds. It remains only to put the broth in the freezer.

You can use the product immediately after freezing. It is recommended to wipe the skin of the face with an ice cube in the evening before applying a nourishing care product. Cryotherapy is performed with smooth movements, moving along the lines of the lymph flow.

Advice! At the age of up to 30 years, a course of ten procedures will be enough to maintain the beauty and health of the skin. Then it can be repeated once every six months. But after the age of 35, you need to regularly maintain skin tone by performing two to four cryotherapy procedures per week.

plant decoction

A decoction of the plant is one of the best remedies for cleansing and maintaining youthful facial skin. Such a composition will have an antibacterial and rejuvenating effect. The preparation of the decoction is extremely simple. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 12 grams of dry grass;
  • 270 ml of water.

To prepare the broth, you must also prepare a glass or enameled container (pot, ladle, stewpan). You need to immerse dry grass in it and pour it with hot water. After that, the container must be set on fire and cook over low heat. Cooking should not last longer than 20 minutes.

Next, the broth should cool, after which it can be filtered. It is best to pour the liquid into a container with a dispenser, but you can also use an ordinary jar. Ready broth to wipe the face twice a day. In the presence of visible skin defects, such as acne, you can increase the number of rubbing to four or five.

Advice! You can supplement the rubbing of the face with a decoction of sage with contrasting compresses. They are also made from a decoction of this plant. By the way, the same liquid can be used to prepare makeup removers and masks at home.

Sage infusion for the face

Sage infusion for the face is an effective remedy in the fight against acne, purulent formations and inflammation on the skin of the face. To prepare the tincture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 15 grams of sage herb;
  • 150 ml of alcohol or vodka.

To prepare the infusion, you can use both dry and fresh herbs. It should be placed in any suitable vessel, but it must be dark. Next, the grass must be poured with alcohol or vodka. You can also use cognac. The liquid should be infused for eight days. To do this, the container should be installed in a cool place. Shake the bottle from time to time.

The use of sage infusion involves wiping problem areas with acne or acne. It is important to carry out the procedure daily in order to quickly cope with inflammatory skin processes.

Worth knowing! You can additionally prepare a lotion in which the tincture and herbal decoction (sage or a combination of herbs) will be combined in equal doses. This remedy will be especially effective for combination or oily skin. If you need to increase the concentration of the lotion, you can simply add a little more sage tincture to it.

Useful face masks

Useful face masks allow you to heal the skin, soothe it, stop or prevent age-related changes. There are many different recipes for masks, and the most effective ones are listed in the table, which indicates the ingredients necessary for preparation and application features.

Name of the mask

Required Ingredients

Effect of use

Preparation and application

With sage oil

You will need 7 drops of sage oil, 8 drops of avocado oil, 12 grams of buckwheat flour, 5 drops of retinol

Calming the skin, stopping age-related changes

It is necessary to grind buckwheat groats in a coffee grinder to a state of powder or use flour immediately. Nutritious oils and retinol should be added to the flour. The resulting mixture must be poured with herbal decoction (both sage decoction and a liquid from a combination of herbs are suitable).

The mask should be applied to the face with soft massage movements (preferably in circular motions). After fifteen minutes, the product can be washed off. It is recommended to use fruit tea for this.

from sage

For the mask, you need to prepare 6 drops of sage ether, 17 drops of grape oil, a little freshly brewed green tea, 11 grams of clay (pink or red is suitable)

Getting rid of acne, purulent rashes and pustules

It is necessary to dilute the selected clay with green tea (it must be freshly brewed). The result should be a mass that resembles a paste in consistency. Next, oils are added to it.

Before applying the mask, it is necessary to steam the skin of the face using a hot compress or a steam bath, then the composition should be distributed over the skin (a spatula is suitable for this). The mask must be kept on the face for 20 minutes. The final step is to perform a contrast wash.

From wrinkles

4 grams of shea butter, 14 grams of cocoa powder, 20 ml of sage broth should be prepared

Restoring skin elasticity, increasing elasticity, smoothing wrinkles

It is necessary to dilute cocoa powder with sage broth (it must be warm). In the liquid mass, you need to introduce oil, which was previously melted.

Before applying the mask, you need to steam the skin using a hot compress or using a steam bath. Next, you need to apply the product on the skin of the face, avoiding the eyelid area. After half an hour, you can wash off the mask. It is advisable to use a decoction of linden for this. In conclusion, you need to moisturize the skin of the face. Coconut oil is perfect for this.

From sage and starch

You will need 18 grams of starch, 6 drops of sage essential oil, 7 grams of milk powder

Lifting effect with a pronounced result

Potato starch and milk powder should be mixed and diluted with warm tea. Next, sage ether is introduced into the product.

Before applying the mask, it is recommended to steam the face (an herbal steam bath is suitable). The mass must be distributed over the skin of the face, moving from the chin to the cheekbones and forehead. After twenty-five minutes, you can wash off the product with water, in which a little pomegranate oil is diluted.

From sage and chamomile

You should take 9 grams of sour cream, 2 grams of chamomile flowers, 3 grams of sage herb, 9 grams of oatmeal

Improving complexion, fighting uneven pigmentation, accelerating blood flow, maintaining skin elasticity and youth

Dry herbs need to be ground to a state of powder using a coffee grinder. Then they need to be mixed with flour and fresh sour cream.

Before applying the mask, you need to wash off decorative cosmetics. The finished mass should be distributed over the skin and washed off after twelve minutes. At the end, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with rice oil.

For dry skin

You should take 22 grams of avocado, 15 ml of sage broth, yolk

Restoration of skin structure, nutrition, saturation with vitamins

Fruit pulp should be prepared by rubbing it into gruel. In the same mixture, add the yolk and warm herbal decoction. The mask should be mixed well - and it is ready for use.

For oily skin

2 drops of lemon balm ether, 4 drops of sage oil, 11 grams of yeast, 12 drops of wheat oil

Cleansing and blocking the spread of infections

Yeast should be dissolved in mineral water. Next, essential oils are added to the mixture.

Before applying the mask, cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics. Then you can apply a mask, hold for ten minutes and rinse (it is best to use lime water).


Ingestion is quite possible. But you need to know when you can drink decoctions, infusions and teas from sage. It is important to remember that the plant has some contraindications. Ingestion is indicated in many cases due to the antibacterial properties of the plant.. In this case, all parts of the plant are useful.

The most useful decoction and infusion of sage for such purposes as:

  • treatment of light burns, frostbite, skin diseases, including eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis (it is recommended to use gauze napkins that are specially soaked with decoction of the plant);
  • a decrease in sweating (the infusion will also help with feverish sweating, while the process stops very quickly, and the duration of the result lasts for 2-3 hours);
  • treatment of diseases of the chest systems and respiratory organs, including tuberculosis;
  • disorders of the stomach and intestines (sage is used in combination with other herbs in gastric and laxative preparations);
  • treatment of a number of diseases: articular rheumatism, hepatitis, infectious diseases of the oral cavity, hypothyroidism;
  • prevention of hair loss;
  • memory improvement;
  • getting rid of senile hand trembling.

Sage is used in folk medicine as an astringent, choleretic, expectorant, analgesic, and diuretic. In modern medicine, sage-based preparations are prepared that are prescribed during menopause, with obesity, to improve mental activity, to increase potency, to get rid of infertility. Many folk healers recommend using an infusion of sage seeds with linden to increase the chances of conceiving a child.

It is important! Sage also has some contraindications. These include allergic reactions, acute nephritis, epilepsy, gestation and lactation (there is a possibility of reduced milk production), amenorrhea, problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland. And also do not give a decoction of the plant to children under the age of two years.

It should be remembered that sage is not a miracle cure for all diseases and problems. But when used correctly, it can improve health. But improper use threatens with an overdose, which manifests itself in the form of general intoxication of the body and severe headaches.

  1. Sage has a strong spicy aroma and a slightly bitter taste. This makes the plant in demand for use in the food industry. Often sage is used as a component for marinades, soups, salads, meat, fish and vegetable dishes.
  2. The plant can be added to tea or completely brew drinks based on it. This practice is especially common in China, where teas are made from clary sage leaves.
  3. You can make a homemade deodorant with sage hydrosol and alum. You can buy these components at any cosmetic store. The preparation is very simple. You will need to take alum and hydrolat in equal amounts and simmer for two hours until the liquid evaporates. Next, it remains to pour the product into molds and wait for it to solidify (usually 10-24 hours).
  4. Sage will help to cope with puffiness under the eyes. To do this, you need to prepare a compress from a decoction (it is prepared from two tablespoons of grass and a glass of water). Compresses are placed on the area around the eyes, wetting alternately in cold and warm broth and keeping for 30-60 seconds. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-5 times.
  5. To cleanse and maintain skin tone, you can use a sage steam bath (you need to mix a tablespoon of linden blossom, chamomile inflorescences, birch, willow and mint leaves, oak bark and sage, and then pour the mixture with 1-1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil ). It remains to steam the skin. In conclusion, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin. The optimal time to repeat the procedure is 2-3 times a month. It will be possible to get rid of black spots, cleanse the skin as a whole.

Sage is a good helper in the fight for beauty. You can use the most suitable recipe, taking into account the type of skin and the desired effect. You can increase efficiency by combining methods at home. The effectiveness of each of the described methods of skin rejuvenation and healing has been proven by numerous reviews of those who have already tried the recipes in practice.

The benefits of plants for health and beauty have been known to people since ancient times. One of the most famous medicinal plants is sage. The essential oil obtained from the flowers of this plant has been used by beauties since the time of the pharaohs. Our contemporaries are also happy to use sage oil for wrinkles, because the beneficial properties of this product have been confirmed by thousands of years of experience in use.

For the production of ether, flowers and leaves of plants are used, the raw materials are subjected to distillation and extraction processes. The composition of the product is very diverse, this explains its complex effect.

The main components are:

  • Borneol, which has a pronounced antibacterial effect, contributes to the relief of inflammatory processes. In addition, this substance helps to get rid of unwanted pigmentation.
  • Cineol, also, is an excellent antiseptic.
  • Salvin has a tonic effect on tissues, including on the wall of blood vessels. Thanks to this, blood circulation improves, cells receive more nutrients, and the complexion becomes healthy.
  • thuyon is a toxic substance, extremely dangerous in high concentrations. But in small quantities, this substance has a beneficial effect on the skin, toning and giving greater elasticity.
  • Rich kit vitamins and minerals the most favorable effect on the skin. As part of the product of vitamin B group, ascorbic acid, retinol. And also, magnesium, manganese, iron.

In addition, sage oil contains organic acids - ursolic, carnose. These substances effectively exfoliate dead cells, treat fungal skin diseases, and help get rid of acne.

Who can apply?

  • prevention and appearance of signs of aging;
  • elimination of flabbiness, smoothing wrinkles;
  • protection of cells from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • stimulation of blood circulation, which helps to improve tissue nutrition.

This product is suitable for the care of sagging skin, it perfectly rejuvenates, smoothes wrinkles, and eliminates age spots. Ether is perfect for oily and problematic skin, as it has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

Who can't apply?

There are few contraindications to the use of sage essential oil. This product should not be used if hypersensitivity of the skin to the product is found. To make sure that the product is safe, you will need to do a test and check the reaction of your skin to contact with the product.

Important nuances

It is very important that the use of essential oil is correct, otherwise, instead of the expected benefits, you can get burned. Esters, unlike base oils, have a high concentration of active substances, so they are added to the bases not with spoons, but with drops. It is strictly forbidden to apply undiluted essential oils to the skin.

Advice. Do not modify the recipe to your liking, do not try to add more essential oil to make the composition more effective. You will not achieve the best result, but you risk getting skin irritation or a rash.

It is necessary to prepare the compositions immediately before application. Ether is added last. At the same time, make sure that the mixture into which the essential oil is added is not hot.

It is necessary to apply the mixture on cleansed and, preferably, steamed skin. When applying, you need to be as careful as possible so that the compositions do not fall on the mucous membranes and especially in the eyes. If this does happen, you should immediately rinse the affected eye with water, and drip drops like "Clean Tear" into it. If the eye turns red, and there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign object under the eyelid, you should consult a doctor.

It is necessary to remove the compositions with a wet swab. In the process, do not stretch the skin or put pressure on it. The final stage of the procedure is the use of a tonic and cream suitable for your skin type.

It is recommended to use the compositions in a course consisting of 4-6 procedures. It is necessary to carry out procedures twice a week. It is undesirable to apply cosmetic compositions with sage oil before going out, as this product increases the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight.


There are different ways to use sage oil, you can choose the most suitable for you.

Mixing with finished cosmetics

The easiest way is to add ether to store-bought cosmetic products. You can enrich creams, scrubs and masks. It is not necessary to mix the entire volume of the product with the oil at once, since the valuable substances of the ether can be destroyed and there will be no positive effect.

Mixing is carried out before each use. Simply scoop as much cream as you normally would into the palm of your hand and add one drop of sage ester. Mix and apply. This method will significantly increase the effectiveness of the use of store cosmetics.

cosmetic ice

Regular use of cosmetic ice prepared with the addition of sage oil will help:

  • take off puffiness faces;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • tone the skin, making it more elastic.

To prepare, you need to take a full teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers and twice as much dry sage. Pour this mixture with hot, but not boiling water, insist for three hours, then strain, squeezing the grass well.

Add three drops of sage ether to the resulting broth, mix. Pour the resulting solution into molds and freeze. Use every morning to cleanse the skin. Swipe the ice cube in the direction lymph flow lines(massage lines) without pressure. Around the eyes you need to hold a cube, barely touching the skin.

The main thing is not to apply pressure, otherwise you can stretch the thin skin of the eyelids, which will lead to the appearance of even more wrinkles. After completing the procedure, gently blot the skin with a soft cloth and apply the cream. The full course of procedures is one and a half months.

Oil compresses

For the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a tissue base. For this, it is recommended to use cotton fabric or gauze folded in two or three layers.

You can prepare a fabric base for applying to the entire face, while making sure to cut holes in it so that the skin of the eyelids and lips remain open. You can carry out the procedure locally, for example, to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead or neck, as well as to eliminate nasolabial folds. For this, tissue bases are prepared to cover problem areas.

Prepared tissue bases are moistened in warm oil and applied to the skin. You can put a terry towel on top to create a "greenhouse effect". If the procedure is carried out locally on the skin of the forehead, then the fabric base can be covered with parchment or cling film and the bandage fixed with an elastic bandage.

For the compress, you can use different oil mixtures. As a base, it is recommended to use rosehip, almond, grape seed oils or other base options.

Composition options:

  • For smoothing and tightening: on a tablespoon of the base - 2 drops of sage ether;
  • To eliminate flabbiness - for two tablespoons of the base - 2 drops of sage ether and 1 drop of lemon, chamomile, lavender esters;
  • To soften weathered, flaky skin for 15 ml of base - two drops of esters of sage, magnolia, lavender;
  • For smoothing and tightening (suitable for oily skin of the forehead) - per teaspoon of the base - 2 drops of sage ether.

Rejuvenating mask options

It is very useful to include sage oil in anti-aging masks. Such procedures perfectly smooth wrinkles, tighten, tone.

Strawberry with honey

Warm up 10 grams of natural honey a little so that the product becomes plastic.

Mix it with two tablespoons of natural yogurt and mashed two or three fresh strawberries. Add a little oatmeal to the mixture, the flour is added so that the mixture is thick enough to be applied to the skin in a thick layer. Just before application, add three drops of sage ether to the composition and stir again. Apply for twenty minutes.

with avocado

Grind half a ripe soft avocado to a puree state, mix the puree with a teaspoon of soft honey, add three drops of sage oil to the mixture. Apply to the steamed skin of the face for twenty minutes.

With kiwi and white clay

This composition is ideal for mature skin with enlarged pores. Dilute a tablespoon of cosmetic clay with water until a thick mass is obtained. Mix with one crushed kiwi fruit and five drops of sage ether. Mix and apply for twenty minutes.

with parsley

This composition can be used for aging skin for rejuvenation and whitening. It is necessary to prepare parsley juice, for this, chop the greens in a blender and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix a teaspoon of juice with two drops of sage oil, apply to the location of age spots and freckles. The same composition will remove the spots left after the healing of deep acne.

with an apple

This composition perfectly rejuvenates by filling the cells with moisture, in addition, it allows you to restore a healthy color to your face.

You need to cook it from green apples. Grind half of the fruit, after cleaning it from seeds and skin. Add five drops of sage and rosemary oils to the puree, stir and apply for twenty minutes.


It is necessary to heat 20 grams of honey until softened. Mix warm honey with fresh yolk, stir. Add three drops of sage and grape seed oils and one drop of tea tree ether to the prepared mixture.


This composition helps to restore elasticity, in addition, it perfectly smoothes fine wrinkles. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of dry sage in advance by pouring two full teaspoons of dry raw materials with hot water (150 ml). With a strained infusion, dilute two tablespoons of cocoa powder so that a mass is obtained that resembles a cream in density. Add 4 drops of sage oil to the mixture. Apply the chocolate composition for a quarter of an hour.


Mix a tablespoon of potato starch with a teaspoon of powdered milk. Dilute this dry mixture with cold green tea. Add 5 drops of sage oil to the creamy mixture. Apply for a quarter of an hour.

The composition perfectly tones and tightens.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Sage has found wide application in cosmetology. Experts confirm the effectiveness of the use of this tool, including the use of essential oils. The main thing is to follow the rules for using the product.

The main benefit of sage oil will be for women aged 30+, as the product helps to rejuvenate and smooth wrinkles. Oil can also be used to treat teenage skin problems, to eliminate excessive greasiness, and to treat acne.

Women's opinion

The effectiveness of sage oil for rejuvenation is confirmed by the good reviews of women.

Svetlana, 38 years old:

I add sage oil to my regular cream, it significantly increases the effectiveness of ready-made cosmetics. After application, the feeling of a “greasy film” does not appear on the face, and after a week of use, the first results can be seen, the skin will become smoother, acquire an even and healthy color.

Hope, 35 years old:

I prefer to use natural skin care products. I used to just apply base oils, and then I began to enrich them with the addition of a few drops of esters. The mixture of almond oil with the addition of sage ether suited me the most, after such a mixture the skin looks healthier and fresher.

“Salvation” or “savior” - this is how the name of such a healing plant as sage is translated. Not only sage itself has unique medicinal properties, but also the essential oil, which is obtained as a result of the processing of leaves and flowers. This miraculous herb was known back in the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, the priests used it to cure female infertility, and during the medieval plague epidemic they used it as protection against this terrible disease. Today, sage and its oil are widely used both in aromatherapy and traditional medicine, saving from various ailments, and in home cosmetology, helping in many everyday situations. Therefore, let's talk today about what sage essential oil is valued for, useful properties and its use in cosmetology for the face and hair.

Properties of sage essential oil

The composition of sage essential oil has not been fully studied to date, but it is precisely known about several dozen substances contained in it that can have a beneficial effect on the human body. The strongest effect of sage, from the point of view of medicine, can be recognized as an antimicrobial property, so the oil copes well with the problem of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat or oral cavity and can even restore a hoarse voice.

Essential oil "Sage" is an excellent assistant for women, which solves problems associated with cycle and hormonal balance disorders, improves uterine tone, and makes you feel better during menopause and PMS.

This remedy has long been used as a pain reliever. It also has a beneficial effect on the emotional state and psyche of a person, as it has a powerful relaxing effect, relieves tension and fatigue (both mental and physical), relieves stress and anxiety. The smell of sage extract awakens intuitive abilities, improves memory and mental activity, helps to make the right decision.

It is known that oil strengthens the immune system, helps to quickly recover from serious illnesses and maintain health during an epidemic.

Essential oil of sage - use in traditional medicine

Sage is well known and widely used in dentistry - its astringent and bactericidal properties are stronger than those of chamomile or oak, it helps well with gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis and eliminates bad breath.

For inflammation in the mouth:

It is necessary to combine half a teaspoon of honey with 3 drops of sage oil, apply this composition to the inflamed areas in the mouth 2-3 times, taking a break of 10 minutes. In order to prevent such problems, it is enough to periodically treat problem areas with this remedy.

Sage oil has long been used by speakers, lecturers and singers - it eliminates tension in the vocal cords, eliminates tickling and.

Add 3 drops of oil to one teaspoon of honey, put this mixture into warm freshly brewed tea, drink in small sips.

Sage oil has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, eliminates colic, excessive gas formation in the intestines and abdominal pain.

Gargling with colds and acute respiratory infections with the addition of sage oil is also effective, it will help relieve pain and perfectly disinfect the mucous membrane.

Composition for rinsing with a cold:

Put a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water, add the same amount of honey, 1/2 tsp. salt and 4 drops of sage oil. Gargle with this composition several times a day.

Gas remedy:

Add 1 drop of sage oil to a small amount of honey or jam, drink the mixture with tea or kefir. Take this remedy 1-2 times a day.

For various skin lesions, bruises and tumors, sage oil compresses can be used - it will relieve inflammation, reduce pain and contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.


To 10 ml of the main oil, which can be used as olive or sunflower, add 3-5 drops of sage essential oil, apply such a compress for several minutes to the affected area of ​​the body.

Essential oil of sage in cosmetology

Application for hair

Sage essential oil for hair is a wonderful helper and a real beauty elixir. It has a complex and effective effect on the skin and strands, it is truly a universal remedy, because in combination with various additives it is suitable for any type of hair. Owners of oily strands with the help of sage oil can get rid of the terrible greasy shine, as this remedy normalizes, first of all, the secretion of sebum. Dry and damaged hair will gain healthy shine and vitality with this oil. Numerous nutrients in sage oil will accelerate the growth of strands and reduce their loss, and thanks to its pronounced antibacterial properties, you can permanently get rid of dandruff, fungal diseases and scalp irritation.

Hair loss mask

It is necessary to combine 20 g of sage oil, 150 g of grape seed oil, 100 g of fatty sour cream, apply the mixture on wet hair, leave for an hour, and then rinse with shampoo.

This composition will perfectly strengthen the hair follicles and accelerate the growth of curls.

Mask for damaged and dry hair

It is necessary to add 10 g of lavender and 5 ml of sage to 100 g of olive oil, heat the mixture in a water bath, apply to the strands, wrapping your head in a towel, wait half an hour and rinse with shampoo.

Olive oil, like sage oil, nourishes lifeless curls well and restores damaged ends.

Oily hair product

It is necessary to combine 125 g of bergamot essential oil, 10 g of lavender and cypress, 6 drops of sage, the mixture is heated in a water bath, applied to the strands for an hour (while keeping the head warm) and washed off after that with shampoo.

This composition reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin on the head, improves the appearance of curls, giving them freshness.

Essential oil of sage for the face

Numerous healing properties of sage allow the active use of its essential oils in cosmetology. It contains acids that promote skin rejuvenation and regeneration, its cleansing and healing, and they also have an anti-inflammatory effect, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

winter mask

Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with 2 teaspoons of avocado pulp, add 5 drops of sage oil. Apply the mask to the face with dry and clean fingers, hold for 20 minutes and rinse.

These ingredients perfectly moisturize, maintain the balance of moisture in the skin cells, so thanks to this you can get rid of peeling and dryness of the face, especially in winter.

Mask for oily skin

Mix a tablespoon of cosmetic white clay with a teaspoon of kiwi pulp and the same amount of lemon juice, add 4-5 drops of sage oil. We put this composition on the face for half an hour, and then wash it off. This mask should be used daily.

This tool well reduces pores, making them invisible, cleanses the skin of impurities and excess fat, preventing the formation of acne and inflammation.

Mask for mature skin

Mix 1 tablespoon of the following herbs: chamomile, lavender, sage. Add boiling water to the dry mixture to form a thick slurry, let the mixture cool slightly and add 5-6 drops of sage oil. Apply to cleansed face, wash off after 15 minutes.

The components of this tool help to reduce age-related changes in the skin, smooth wrinkles.

Despite all the beneficial properties, sage officinalis essential oil should be used with some caution. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dosage. It is forbidden to use this remedy for pregnant women, drivers, hypertensive patients and epileptics.
