How long does bleeding last during pregnancy? Slight bleeding after examination

From the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman worries about everything going well.

One of the reasons for concern may be vaginal discharge.

Before you start panicking, you need to figure out which secretions are dangerous and which are not.

The most alarming thing will be spotting, which may indicate a progressive problem.

Every woman worries about which discharge can be considered normal and which will indicate a possible pathology. All discharge is usually separated by color and consistency.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, the discharge becomes more numerous, it is whitish in color (or completely colorless), and does not have any odor. The reason for such discharge will be hormones that begin to work hard to ensure that the fetus is well established, a placenta is formed, etc.

Sometimes, possible. This indicates that the woman has thrush. In this case, there is also no need to panic, since modern medications are absolutely safe for women and children.

Yellowish discharge indicates an inflammatory process that can cause miscarriage, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

We should also talk about the most dangerous, bloody discharge, which most often indicates the development of a very complex problem that threatens the life of the child, and sometimes even the mother.

Causes of bleeding

As mentioned above, what scares women the most is spotting. And this is quite normal, since they are the ones who talk about the danger.

The most dangerous is spotting at the beginning of pregnancy.

In order to prepare yourself for possible situations, you need to know why this might happen.

All reasons are usually divided into two groups.

The first contains causes that are not dangerous and does not require any treatment, the second contains causes that require emergency intervention from a specialist.

The first group includes:

  • . It often happens that during pregnancy, especially in the first few weeks, a woman may experience so-called “menstrual bleeding”, which occurs due to the fact that hormones work with a vengeance and can cause such bleeding.
  • The process of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. At this moment, a few drops of blood may be released, but the woman will not feel discomfort.

The second group includes:

  1. Cervical irritation. Due to the fact that hormones begin to work actively, the cervix becomes more susceptible to any influences. For example, sexual intercourse or simply taking tests can lead to bloody spotting.
  2. Infection. Often the cause of bleeding during pregnancy can be an infection in the cervix.
  3. Polyp.
  4. Myoma, or rather its nodes. Very often, women who suffer from fibroids may experience spotting, which will be caused by the attachment of the embryo in places where the nodes are concentrated.
  5. Heredity.
  6. Injury. One of the most common reasons why such discharge may occur in the early stages is injury. It could be a fall or a blow of any force.
  7. "The Vanishing Twin" This usually occurs after in vitro fertilization, but can also occur during natural conception. Sometimes during multiple pregnancies, embryos are rejected, so that only one or two remain.

The most dangerous causes of spotting in the early stages include ectopic pregnancy and bladder pump.

- this is when the fertilized egg is attached not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tubes. This process is very dangerous, since the fertilized egg grows, and over time, under this influence, the fallopian tube ruptures.

A bladder pump is an abnormal development of the embryo and placenta. In this case, the child dies, thereby creating a real danger for the woman (sepsis may begin).

Despite the fact that there are also non-dangerous reasons for the appearance of spotting, in any case, if they appear, you should consult a doctor, since only he can accurately name the true cause.

Bloody discharge as a threat of miscarriage

One of the most common causes of spotting is. In this case, the discharge can be like

strong and not very strong, and have a color from pink to dark brown.

Other signs of a threatened miscarriage include:

  • Pain that can be either nagging or quite sharp
  • Pulling sensation in the lower back.

Among the reasons that may contribute to the threat of miscarriage include:

  1. Insufficient production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy throughout the entire period, and most of all during the first weeks, until the placenta has formed.
  2. Abnormal fetal development, namely genetic abnormalities. In most cases, if a child has developmental abnormalities that are incompatible with life, a spontaneous miscarriage may occur.
  3. Infections.
  4. mother and child. This happens if the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the father of the child is positive. Therefore, a child can take it from his father, and thereby a conflict will be provoked.
  5. Physiological defects. Very often, the cause of a miscarriage can be an abnormal structure of the uterus and its cervix.
  6. Age. As you know, the older a woman is, the greater the likelihood that she will not be able to bear a child, since the body cannot cope with the imposed load.
  7. Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction.
  8. Nervous tension, stress, emotional stress, which can trigger the development of a miscarriage.
  9. Abortions, miscarriages in the past.

In order to accurately say that spotting is a symptom of a miscarriage, the doctor must conduct a series of studies, which include:

  • Ultrasound, where you can see a detachment, the development of a hematoma, and see the development of the baby
  • Examination in a gynecological chair to determine if the bleeding is a symptom of some other problem.

After the doctor has carried out all the manipulations and made an accurate diagnosis, the woman will be sent for treatment.

Basic actions when spotting appears

Any woman should know what she will need to do if during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, she develops bloody


So, first of all, you need to calm down. Although this will not be so easy to do, you still need to try.

After this you will need to do the following:

  1. Lie down and call your gynecologist. If there is no number of the doctor who is caring for your pregnancy, then you need to call an ambulance.
  2. Drink some natural sedative, and sometimes, on the recommendation of a doctor, a tablet of Drotaverine or No-shpa. This is necessary in order to relieve tone and remove spasms.
  3. Until a doctor or ambulance arrives, you need to lie down and under no circumstances get up, as even the slightest physical activity can worsen the condition.

When the doctor examines the woman, he will send her to the hospital for preventive measures, since spotting is one of the symptoms of a miscarriage.

Bloody discharge in early pregnancy can be dangerous in most cases. Therefore, if you find even a small drop of blood in yourself, you need to contact your doctor, since timely seeking medical help can guarantee the continuation of pregnancy!

This video will tell you about discharge at the very beginning of pregnancy:

During pregnancy, when the body begins to fully adjust, it often happens that bleeding occurs. Bloody discharge during pregnancy can appear both early and later. Most often, this indicates that the pregnancy is proceeding with some abnormalities.

Main causes of pathology

The reasons why discharge may occur are always different and they depend on how long it occurs. If qualified and timely treatment is not carried out, the consequences may be irreparable, such as premature birth, miscarriage, etc.

For the first time, blood clots can begin on the first day of pregnancy. This occurs while the fertilized egg is strengthening in the wall of the uterus. They are usually scanty, they can come a week, ten days before the start of the expected menstruation, the next cycle.

When spotting during pregnancy begins, a girl may be confused and think that her period is starting, she is not pregnant.

This is dangerous - see a doctor

Such discharge is usually dark brown in color. They can appear thick, scanty, do not last long, and often end earlier than regular periods. This can happen due to hormonal imbalances in the body, but this can also happen during pregnancy.

Blood may appear on the first day of the delay, this may mean a possible miscarriage. When a miscarriage occurs - . The more often and more abundantly the blood appears, the less chance there is of maintaining the pregnancy.

Every woman should remember that when there is bloody, brown discharge, there is a threat or a miscarriage that has already begun. With timely assistance, there is a great chance of bearing a healthy child.

Another reason for spotting during early pregnancy is a frozen or undeveloped pregnancy. It is quite difficult to diagnose this situation; more often it can be determined only after the fourth or fifth week of pregnancy, when the embryo begins to hear a heartbeat.

Non-developing fetus

Therefore, during an ultrasound examination with such a diagnosis, there will be no heartbeat. At such a moment, spontaneous miscarriage may occur. But if you wait for such an outcome, inflammation may begin in the uterus, so specialists immediately prescribe cleaning the uterine cavity.

Also, the cause of spotting that begins during pregnancy can be an ectopic pregnancy. This is one of the most unpleasant reasons. It is necessary to urgently contact specialists. If you are given exactly this diagnosis, this means that the pregnancy will soon be terminated in any case. The fetus will develop and rupture the fallopian tube. This creates a threat to the mother's life. After such consequences, the tube cannot be restored and this may lead to infertility.

This happens if implantation occurs incorrectly, as a result of which the fertilized egg begins to peel off. There's no point in waiting for anything. If you are registered, the doctor will immediately determine what happened. If you have not yet registered, if bleeding begins, you should immediately seek help and clarify the reasons for such phenomena.

Ectopic pregnancy

There can also be many reasons why spotting may begin during pregnancy in the third trimester. If blood appears in the later stages at about 39, 40 weeks, dark brown in color or mixed with mucus, you need to prepare for childbirth soon. But in the second there are only a few reasons - either the placenta is in previa, or its detachment has occurred. In the first case, a doctor during an examination and ultrasound during pregnancy discovers placenta previa (this is approximately at the beginning of the second trimester, according to a routine examination).

Presentation can be complete or partial. In both cases, bleeding occurs in the second and third trimester. If partial presentation is detected, then most likely the placenta will independently “move” into the uterus to the desired level as it grows. In the second case, placental abruption is likely to occur; this can be dangerous for both the expectant mother and the child, as it leads to large blood loss.

But it happens that there is no presentation, just when the PDP (expected date of birth) approaches, there may be bloody streaks along with mucus, that is, a mucus plug comes out. For some women, it may go away as early as three to four weeks before giving birth. Childbirth can continue throughout the day.

Let's look at the table for more reasons why there may be bleeding.

CausesDescriptionIn what percentage does this happen?
Cervical erosionMay be mucous, bloody and purulent. Consultation with a specialist is necessary to ensure that there is no subsequent miscarriage.25 – 30%
Gynecological examinationDischarge during pregnancy that occurs after examination by a gynecologist. They can be minor or spotting. This may be due to the plug coming loose. After this, labor can usually last a day. Bloody discharge occurs if, when examining the cervix, it was slightly injured.10 – 15%
After intercourseIf there is inflammation, there may be slight bleeding after sexual intercourse.20 – 25 %
MyomaThe fibroid tissue releases toxins into the bloodstream and severe bleeding may occur. Before this, pain is felt and body temperature begins to rise.10%
"The Vanishing Twin"This applies to those who have undergone IVF. When twins are rejected in favor of a stronger embryo, bleeding occurs.15 – 20 %

There is no point in being afraid of being examined in a gynecological chair; the doctor always examines his patient very carefully. And if there are no pathologies during pregnancy, then examinations will be rare, from one to three times during the entire pregnancy.

Bloody discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, approximately 4–5 and up to 10 weeks, occurs very often in women, but this is not always considered a deviation from the norm. A similar situation occurs in 75% of pregnant women.

What happens to the female body?

Discharge in the first trimester is considered almost normal if the woman does not experience any additional unpleasant symptoms. There can be many reasons why discharge appears. Active blood supply to the internal genital organs, their excessive sensitivity. This can happen during ultrasound examinations with a vaginal probe or during examinations in a chair using a mirror.

Cases of bleeding after sexual intercourse are also common. Irritation of the cervix and vaginal mucosa occurs. When a small placental abruption occurs, a lot of blood accumulates around it, the discharge appears and is pink in color.

Bloody discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can occur at the time when menstruation usually occurs, the body is not yet fully accustomed. There may be pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. When a brown tint is released in the body, the formation of hematomas is possible.

One of the rarest cases when the cause of discharge is a hydatidiform mole - placental tissue grows. The discharge is copious, but not painful. After this, the fetus most often freezes.

How to avoid bleeding in some cases:

  • wear comfortable clothes, underwear that does not restrict your movements;
  • do not use scented personal care products containing dyes;
  • maintain daily genital hygiene;
  • see a doctor.

It often happens that discharge is associated with infectious diseases. Consultation and follow-up treatment are required. Considering that in the middle of the cycle, usually spotting does not pose a particular threat to the baby and the pregnant woman, you should not neglect safety and it is better to contact specialists in a timely manner.

The woman's further actions

In order to begin any treatment, it is necessary to determine why the bleeding occurred, for what reason the spotting appeared during pregnancy (whether in the early stages or in the second trimester). In any case, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. He will conduct a series of diagnostic procedures for you and help you identify the cause.

  1. The specialist will usually take a swab from the vagina.
  2. The pregnant woman is asked to take a general, biochemical blood test.
  3. A coagulogram is performed.
  4. They take blood for HIV infection.
  5. Hepatitis C, B.
  6. Tests for infectious diseases are carried out.
  7. Analysis of urine.
  8. An ultrasound scan of the fetus and pelvis is performed.

Can be detected using a blood test

Then, depending on what pathology the doctor has found, additional tests and treatment are prescribed. If a miscarriage occurs, the following examinations are performed:

  • blood for the level of the hormone hCG;
  • TORCH infection (herpes, rubella, etc.);
  • smear to detect sexually transmitted infections.

In case of such a phenomenon in the last trimester, it is enough to conduct an ultrasound examination. Under no circumstances should you carry out treatment yourself; it can be dangerous. Even with a favorable combination of circumstances, it is necessary to determine the cause in order to subsequently bear a healthy child.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, occurs quite often, but 80% of women who experience it carry the pregnancy to term. Therefore, you should not panic at any appearance of discharge - small spots of blood (this is often what happens). But it is necessary to pay attention to this and strictly control the situation. So, what kind of discharge should you have during pregnancy?

What should you be wary of if discharge appears during pregnancy?

The intensity of discharge increases so much that you have to change the pad every hour. In any case, this indicates a threat of termination of pregnancy, and a serious threat at that. Therefore, you need to urgently visit a doctor or at least consult by phone.

What can cause spotting during pregnancy?

Small placental abruptions, under which blood accumulates and is subsequently released. If the discharge did not last long and disappeared, there is no reason to fear for the continuation of the pregnancy.

Slight brown discharge (spotting) may occur on the days when you had menstruation before pregnancy; this is hormonal and harmless. Usually in such cases, the discharge is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

The discharge may not come from the uterus at all, but from the vagina and lower genital tract - this happens if the mucous membrane is injured during sexual intercourse, especially if there is a vaginal polyp or erosion. Although erosions often disappear on their own during pregnancy - this is a hormonal disease - but not for everyone.

There is a discharge due to some sexually transmitted infections; a smear is needed to rule it out.

And the most common case of spotting in the early stages is the threat of miscarriage. This is determined quite simply, sometimes during a routine examination by a gynecologist, and in this case all appointments, including hospitalization, must be pedantically followed. The medical possibilities for maintaining pregnancy are great.

And in the end - about the sad. It’s sad, but 20% of those who were diagnosed with a threat of miscarriage due to discharge during pregnancy still lost their baby. It’s hard to come to terms with this, especially if it wasn’t easy. I know pregnant women who categorically refused to terminate their pregnancy and until the viability of the fetus - up to 28 weeks - lay flat and even periodically stood on their heads. And some managed to give birth to a viable child. But this heroism makes sense only in a situation where pregnancy is developing - this can be determined by the dynamics of the hCG hormone, and later by ultrasound and fetal heartbeats. Otherwise, the body gets rid of the foreign body, and resisting this is not only unnecessary work, but also a danger to the mother’s life.

Probably the best period in the life of almost every woman is, of course, the period of waiting for a miracle, as they say waiting for the birth of the truly dearest person in your family - this is pregnancy. But this, among other things, is also a time of extraordinary troubles and numerous surprises. And it must be said that they are not always the most pleasant - often it is during pregnancy that the female body itself begins to experience annoying glitches. So, for example, with bloody discharge, by the way, which can put even the strongest and most persistent woman into real panic.

However, believe me, there is definitely no need to panic. Since bleeding is a fairly common occurrence, especially during pregnancy. And, by the way, according to statistics, about 80% of all women carry their unborn baby to term absolutely normally, calmly and quite safely.

Yes, in fact, there are simply a lot of reasons for the appearance of such bleeding. For example, the sensitivity of some internal genital organs or simply their active blood supply. And this usually happens after an ultrasound, especially if it was carried out with a vaginal sensor, or even when using a regular gynecological speculum directly during the examination.

In addition, this kind of discharge may appear immediately after exercise, precisely because some irritation of the cervix and even the vaginal mucosa has occurred. First of all, such discharge begins due to an insignificant, but still, placental abruption: and a certain amount of blood accumulates directly under it. On the outside, it just looks pinkish.

Often, many women notice such discharge on days when, for example, before pregnancy they would have had menstruation. And besides, they are also accompanied by some pain in the lower abdomen and even the lower back. Such sensations occur, first of all, due to hormonal disruptions directly in the woman’s body in the early stages of pregnancy, and believe me, this is completely harmless.

And, as a rule, such small discharges disappear quite quickly.

And if you don’t panic, then it’s still worth worrying at least a little, especially when the bleeding can become so profuse that you have to change your panty liner literally once an hour. And, of course, blood clots with such discharge are also a signal to take certain urgent measures. You will just need to see a doctor immediately, because now there is a real threat of termination of pregnancy. But if the blood discharge also has an unpleasant brown tint, this may mean that somewhere in the body the blood has already clotted. And then it is completely possible that there is some kind of hematoma.

In addition, the real causes of such bleeding may also be inflammation in the cervix, as well as implantation of the embryo directly into the cervix. It must be said, by the way, that in the case of an embryo, the pregnant woman herself does not complain about anything at all, and her discharge itself is of a rather “harmless”, seemingly, color - just pale pink.

But during a frozen pregnancy, some bleeding will also be observed. However, in this case, literally a week after such intrauterine fetal death, a spontaneous miscarriage will certainly begin.

It must also be said that spotting and spotting may well be an unambiguous signal of a miscarriage. They are often accompanied by . And of course, the sooner you contact a qualified doctor in such a situation, the greater your chances of saving your unborn baby.

Also, the real cause of such bleeding may be the so-called hydatidiform mole - this is the proliferation of the placental tissue itself. In this case, the discharge is usually profuse, but completely painless. Unfortunately, in this case the woman will most likely lose the baby: she will most likely have a curettage, and then for about six months her subsequent hormonal status will be monitored extremely closely.

It should be noted that it is in the second and also in such blood discharge that it can be especially dangerous. They may well indicate pathologies and actually threaten the lives of both the mother herself and her baby.

Firstly, placental abruption is already possible, especially for women with multiple pregnancies, or with gestosis, as well as women with abdominal injuries, or polyhydramnios. The wrong one often occurs - this is a real condition when the placenta itself is located directly in the area of ​​the internal os and its cervical canal. In this case, the wall of the uterus itself sharply becomes thinner, and even small vessels rupture, and this is extremely dangerous for the woman’s body, but the baby does not suffer at all.

Also, fibroids, cervical erosion, or polyps of the cervical canal, as well as injuries to the genital organs - absolutely all of this can also lead to such bleeding.

And despite the fact that quite often bleeding in itself is not dangerous, you should still definitely contact your doctor, at least to be on the safe side. Moreover, you will need to trust your gynecologist completely - and be sure to describe in great detail the very color of the discharge, as well as the nature of all painful sensations, and even their real intensity.
