The dog constantly coughs as if he was choking on an illness. Why does my dog ​​cough and vomit white foam? Important information

It is not at all surprising that dogs, like people, are susceptible to various diseases. They can also catch a cold, catch an infection, virus, or get injured. Of course, in most cases this happens much less frequently than in humans, but still. The main symptom of various diseases is cough. And if it manifests itself in a pet, it makes sense to take a closer look at the dog and observe its condition. What can a dog's cough indicate?

A dog's cough does not always mean illness; there are several causes of cough in dogs that are not related to this:

  • Reverse sneezing. Although this phenomenon is not considered a cough, in principle, the external signs are similar and mislead many dog ​​owners. Most often, this can be heard from pets of dwarf breeds. Reverse sneezing is nothing more than the body’s reaction to spasms in the throat and palate that are caused by some irritant. Stressful situations, heavy physical activity, a tightly fastened collar, plant pollen, and even harsh stimuli can act as irritants. Since your pet exhales quickly and noisily when reverse sneezing, you might think that he is coughing or having an asthma attack. This condition does not require treatment; it is important to identify the cause and eliminate it in order to save your pet from this trouble.
  • Foreign object. As you know, many dogs can swallow various objects, and in most cases this happens when the owner is slightly distracted. If suddenly the pet suddenly began to cough heavily, as if he was choking, while trying to swallow and licking his lips, then, most likely, an unidentified object (if the dog was gnawing on a bone, then this is it) lingered in his throat. What should the owner do in such a situation? Initially, you should not disturb the dog, because most often dogs manage to get rid of the stuck object on their own. If this does not happen, then it is worth helping the pet, since sharp objects and bones can lead to internal injuries. If the dog’s condition worsens and the cough does not go away, it is necessary to seek veterinary help.
  • The dog may also cough choking on liquid.

Cough is a clear symptom of illness

A dog can cough for various reasons, and among the common diseases and conditions that are accompanied by this symptom are the following: kennel, cardiac, tracheal collapse.

Enclosure cough in dogs (aka kennel cough)

The cause of such a cough can be pathogenic bacteria or viruses, leading to the appearance of tracheobronchitis or laryngotracheitis. Such ailments are respiratory in nature, so animals very easily infect each other during normal communication, on a walk, during competitions or exhibitions, where there is a large concentration of animals in one place.

Symptoms of aviary cough can appear either after a couple of days or after two weeks. If we consider its main symptoms, then they include a dry cough, it is deep and jerky. Most often, attacks occur when the animal is excited, as well as during physical activity. Associated symptoms include sneezing, nausea, seizures, and the dog may often snort.

The duration of this cough is 1.5-3 weeks, and during periods of stress it can recur. Most often, the pet’s body copes with the disease on its own, so you should not immediately resort to and prevent the dog from defeating the infection without the harsh influence of medications.

Aviary cough in a dog - treatment. If the dog is healthy and does not have any pathologies, then the cure occurs after 21 days. Elderly and weak animals will take twice as long to recover. Puppies also clear infection more slowly than adult dogs.

If the pet’s condition has worsened, or after the time required for treatment has passed, it has not stopped coughing, this means that the body cannot cope with the disease and drug treatment for a dog’s cough is required. If you do not seek medical help in this case, your dog may develop pneumonia, a dangerous disease for dogs.

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia)

If a dog has a wet cough, it means that inflammatory exudate, that is, sputum, has accumulated in his lungs, which is a sure sign of pneumonia. Most often, the condition is aggravated by such symptoms as weight loss, fever, malaise, and apathy. The dog refuses food and has difficulty breathing. The development of pneumonia can be caused by pathogenic bacteria, pathogenic fungi, or liquid that enters the respiratory tract.

If pneumonia is of bacterial origin, then diagnosis of the specific pathogen will be required. Based on the data, a suitable antibiotic is prescribed. In addition, the doctor prescribes immunostimulating drugs. During therapy, it is necessary to provide the pet with peace and rest.

Fungal pneumonia is considered a more severe form. The fact is that the dog’s body practically does not react to antifungal drugs. The most successful treatment in this case is with an inhaler.

Another type of pneumonia is aspiration pneumonia. In this case, the inflammatory process develops against the background of foreign objects or substances entering the respiratory tract. This could be vomit, stomach contents, pieces of food.

It is extremely difficult to treat and is a threat to the pet’s life. In this case, preventive measures are an important factor; at the first signs of foreign objects entering the respiratory tract, you should contact a specialist.

Cardiac cough in a dog

In some cases, a cough may be a sign of problems with the cardiovascular system. It appears when the heart muscle begins to put pressure on the lungs and airways. Most often, heart ailments are accompanied by other symptoms - lethargy, decreased performance, changes in heart rate - it can either slow down or speed up.

In this case, only a veterinarian can prescribe the necessary treatment based on the pet’s condition, stage of the disease, its age and other factors.

If suddenly your four-legged friend is diagnosed with a cardiovascular disease, then you need to more carefully monitor his diet and select optimal physical activity.

Tracheal collapse

Representatives of small breeds suffer from this pathology. The disease is chronic and tends to progress. A dog can not only be born with this disease, but also acquire it over time.

This condition is accompanied by a dry cough, which can occur even with a slight tug on the leash or when palpating the neck in the tracheal area. In severe forms of collapse, the pet experiences difficulty breathing with whistling and shortness of breath.

There is also an asymptomatic course of the disease, when collapse manifests itself in severe form. In this case, preventive visits to the veterinarian are important, especially if the pet is at risk.

Early stages of tracheal collapse are treated with medication; in more advanced cases, only surgery will help.

These are not all the reasons for a dog’s cough; he may cough while trying to cough up helminthic infestations. This happens if the dog is not dewormed regularly. An allergic cough, which manifests itself under the influence of irritating factors, is also possible.

How can diagnosis of the disease be made easier?

If your pet's condition is cause for concern, then it is necessary to show it to a specialist. At your appointment, you need to give the doctor as much important information as possible:

  • dog breed, age;
  • immediately provide information about whether the pet is suffering and why;
  • describe the characteristics of the cough - how often it occurs, after what actions, whether the cough is dry or wet, how long it lasts, whether the dog coughs in its sleep, etc.;
  • talk about the accompanying symptoms of cough - what has changed recently in the animal’s behavior, what worries him.

After this, the doctor begins to examine the dog, assessing the condition of the mucous membranes of the mouth, sternum, trachea, and enlarged lymph nodes. Basically, the palpation method is used for this. Then there is a mandatory measurement of body temperature. Based on the data obtained, further diagnostics are prescribed, possibly laboratory tests and, ultimately, adequate treatment.

Only a timely visit to the clinic can help your pet overcome the developed illness.

Cough is a reflexive protective ability of the body.

The appearance of a cough reflex in a dog can be caused by factors of both external and internal nature. The complexity of the course of the disease and the clinical picture will depend on the degree of exposure of the irritating agents to the animal’s body. Timely detection of cough and diagnostics will eliminate the pathological process and cure your pet.

Characteristics of cough

Cough is a complex response reflex to irritation of the laryngeal, tracheal, bronchial receptors and pleura by foreign bodies. The laryngeal mucosa is especially sensitive to irritants.

Irritants include:

  • Sputum
  • Exudate
  • Blood
  • Slime
  • Helminth larvae

The mechanism of formation of the cough reflex

After taking a deep breath, a cough impulse occurs. Muscle contraction increases air pressure in the airways, the vocal cords open, and air is noisily thrown out.

When conducting a clinical assessment of cough, it is necessary to pay attention to its frequency, strength, moisture, and pain. The listed characteristics are of significant importance when making a diagnosis.

The nature of the cough symptom is influenced by the course of the inflammatory process, which can be acute, subacute and chronic.

Types of cough

Classification of cough in dogs according to the nature of sputum produced:

  • Dry (non-productive) – no sputum production
  • Wet (productive) - when coughing, mucus and sputum are released

Classification of cough by severity:

  • Quiet, strong
  • Dull, sonorous
  • Muted
  • Drawing
  • Paroxysmal cough - stronger and longer lasting

Classification of cough according to current:

  • Acute - occurs quickly, lasts about a week
  • Subacute - lasts 1 - 2 weeks
  • Chronic - lasts more than 3 weeks

Classification of cough according to the dynamics of cough manifestations:

  • Stable - frequency and strength are constant throughout the entire period
  • Recurrent - during the disease, a decrease in cough is replaced by its resumption several times

Classification of cough according to the nature of the frequency of manifestation:

  • Rare coughing (when the trachea is compressed, it goes away quickly)
  • Frequent cough

Etiology (cause of occurrence) of cough in dogs

The causes of cough symptoms in dogs are external and internal factors.

External factors:

  • Entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract
  • Mechanical injuries of the larynx, trachea

Internal factors:

Dog cough

When making a diagnosis, the medical history is studied and the following is taken into account:

  • Dog age
  • Breed affiliation
  • Physiological state
  • Etiology (factors and causes that provoked the appearance of cough)
  • Type (frequency, strength, duration)
  • Feeding and maintenance conditions
  • Availability of vaccinations

If necessary, additional diagnostic examination of the animal is carried out:

  • X-ray
  • Biochemical blood test
  • Laryngo-, broncho- and tracheoscopy, esophagoscopy

In some cases, microbiological examination of bronchial secretions is carried out.

But a cough sign may not always be diagnostic. If the cough reflex appears once, and the dog’s general condition has not changed, then the likelihood of the disease is minimal. You can limit yourself to just observing your pet for several days. If the symptom intensifies, its strength and frequency increase, it is worth contacting a veterinarian.

Treatment of cough syndrome in dogs

Dog cough

The principle of treating cough syndrome and resulting diseases is to use several groups of drugs simultaneously.

Complex treatment involves the use of:

  • Broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents
  • Antiallergic drugs
  • Diuretic drugs
  • Bronchodilators, expectorants and antitussives
  • Heart drugs
  • Immunomodulators and hepatoprotectors

Types of cough in dogs and its symptoms

The clinical picture of a cough symptom in dogs will depend on the type of cough and the severity of the concomitant disease.

Cough in the presence of a foreign body and mechanical damage to the respiratory tract ( like a dog was choking )

The entry of a foreign body into the dog’s respiratory system can be observed when the act of swallowing is disturbed, when the act of swallowing is greedy, paralysis of the pharynx (rabies).


The cough is hoarse, paroxysmal, convulsive. There is a discharge of bloody foamy mucus and signs of suffocation. The pet refuses food, water, and shakes its head. He tries to get something with his paws and hits himself in the face. Often the cough is accompanied by vomiting.


Important! Do not self-medicate! Swallowing disorder ( like a dog was choking) may be a sign of rabies, especially in the absence of vaccinations. You should visit a veterinary specialist.

In a hospital setting and rabies has been ruled out, the foreign object is removed under general anesthesia using an endoscope. Sometimes a tracheotomy has to be done. Delay in treatment can lead to the development of bronchopneumonia and asthma. Do not give oily liquids to your dog!

Sometimes a dog's cough reflex can occur when the collar is too tight. Eliminated by weakening the latter.

Separately, cough is isolated as a result of inhalation of toxic fumes and carbon monoxide.

Providing assistance - provide access to fresh air and contact a veterinarian.

Allergic cough

It occurs as a result of increased sensitivity of the body to allergens of various natures (chemicals, insectoacaricidal agents, plants, insect bites).


The dog sneezes and coughs. There is swelling of the eyelids, redness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, and urticaria on the skin (visible in non-pigmented areas).


Antihistamines are used. It is necessary to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Invasive cough


Bronchitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia develop. The cough is dry or moderately wet. It is observed to increase in the supine position.


You should consult a doctor. Broad-spectrum antibiotics and expectorants are used. Be sure to carry out deworming according to your doctor's instructions.

With regular quarterly preventive deworming, invasive cough will not occur.

Cardiac cough

The disease begins quickly. The manifestation of the disease is typical for dogs of large breeds (Dobermans, Shepherds, Labradors). Occurs with congestive cardiovascular failure and heart disease (myocarditis, myocardosis, dilated cardiomyopathy). The development of pathology leads to hypertrophy (enlargement) of the heart and accumulation of exudate (fluid) in the lungs, which are detected by ultrasound or x-ray diagnostics.

Pathology of cardiac and vascular activity leads to stagnation in the body. As a result, functional failure of the liver, lungs, and kidneys occurs.

Cardiac cough occurs reflexively as a result of pressure from a hypertrophied (enlarged) heart on the trachea.


During physical activity, a rare muffled coughing sound appears with a tendency to increase. Shortness of breath and rapid fatigue of the animal occur. Cyanosis of the mucous membranes is observed. During auscultation (listening to heart sounds), arrhythmia is noted.


In complex treatment, cardiac medications, diuretics to reduce swelling, and vitamins are used. If necessary, antibacterial agents are prescribed.

The dog should reduce physical activity and limit fluid intake.

Aviary (kennel) cough or infectious tracheobronchitis

Occurs when dogs are infected with adenovirus, bordetella and mycoplasma.

The disease is transmitted through contact, from a sick or recovering dog to a healthy one. A few minutes of contact is enough for the bacteria to enter the body.

A complex disease of dogs that occurs as a result of simultaneous exposure to the body of several pathogenic groups - bordetella, mycoplasma, adenovirus type 2, parainfluenza virus and respiratory coronavirus.

The disease affects dogs regardless of age and breed. Crowded nurseries are a provoking and contributing factor in the occurrence of aviary cough. Kennel cough comes in two forms: mild and severe.


The clinical picture will depend on the dog’s immune status and the virulence (strength) of the pathogen. The mild form does not pose a threat to the dog's health. If the body's resistance is good, the pet's condition will not change much. The appetite will be normal, the dog will not lose activity.

The severe form occurs with complications. An animal with a weak immune system will show all the characteristic symptoms of the disease. The dog is apathetic and will refuse food as a result of tonsillitis (tonsillitis) and soreness of enlarged tonsils. Mucous discharge appears from the nose and eyes.

A characteristic symptom is a strong dry cough (masked as a cough symptom due to a foreign body). After attacks, frequent regurgitation of characteristic foamy sputum may occur, resulting from increased irritability of the tracheal mucosa. Cough syndrome is observed for 7 – 21 days. There is hyperthermia and signs of pneumonia. The clinical picture is similar to the symptoms of canine distemper. The cough becomes chronic in the absence of necessary treatment.

For differential (comparative) diagnosis of kennel cough, examination of sick animals is necessary. veterinarian.

Sick dogs should be isolated in a warm room, provided with rest and adequate nutrition.

Young animals and healthy dogs are vaccinated with complex vaccines against adenoviruses. Newly received unvaccinated dogs are vaccinated after quarantine. Preventive vaccination makes it possible to eliminate cough syndrome due to infectious tracheobronchitis in nurseries.

With proper treatment, aviary cough quickly goes away, which cannot be said about the plague.


Prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, antipyretics, antitussives, expectorants and antispasmodics, complex vitamin preparations, and immunoprotectors.

Antitussive drugs should not be combined with mucolytics. Be sure to include expectorant medications.

Cough in small breed dogs

Cough in small breed dogs is a stable symptom.

Dog cough

Representatives of small breeds - miniature poodle, Pomeranian Spitz, Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua - have a hereditary and breed predisposition to diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and dental caries are triggers for the development of cough symptoms in small dogs. These oral diseases are preceded by the presence of tartar and stomatitis. The microflora from the source of inflammation of the oral cavity spreads to the nearby tonsils and pharynx. Tonsillitis (tonsillitis) develops.

Anatomically, the tonsils are located deep in the folds. When inflamed, they are enlarged, swollen and hypersensitive. This provokes frequent, constant coughing that lasts for hours. Breathing becomes difficult. If complex drug treatment with the use of antimicrobial agents does not relieve the problem and frequent relapses are observed, then they resort to surgical removal of the tonsils. In addition, small breed dogs are predisposed to stenosis (narrowing) of the larynx. In severe cases, collapse of the trachea may occur - a sharp narrowing of its lumen, with softening of the cartilage.

Next, the inflammatory process spreads to the heart, causing pathology of the mitral heart valve, as a result, disruption of cardiovascular activity. The determining factor in the occurrence of diseases is inadequate feeding.

The treatment is complex.

They use antibiotics and vitamins. The oral cavity is sanitized, tartar is cleaned and all damaged teeth are removed to eliminate pockets of pathogenic microflora. You should pay attention to the quality and nutritional value of your pet.

Cough due to lung cancer

A stable, frequent, muffled cough in dogs can be observed with tumors in the lungs. The cough symptom is accompanied by shortness of breath and decreased activity of the dog. This cough is most often observed in older dogs.


You can alleviate the animal's painful condition by using hormonal drugs, analgesics, bronchodilators and bronchodilators.

Cough should always be considered as a symptom and not as a disease. The presence of this symptom in a dog always indicates the presence of inflammatory or pathological phenomena in the body. The symptom cannot be neglected, since there is a high probability of missing the underlying primary disease.

Even if the owner wants to help the pet, it is not recommended to start treating cough on your own at home.

The use of incorrectly selected medications often changes the picture of the disease, which makes diagnosis difficult. Moreover, it makes the disease chronic.

Timely determination of the cause of a cough allows a correct diagnosis. A correctly selected and timely applied therapeutic technique will eliminate the disease. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the likelihood that the dog will recover and possible complications will be eliminated.

Dog owners sometimes have to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon in their pets as coughing. If this happens once and the animal feels great, then there is no reason to worry. But sometimes this reflex act can indicate the presence of some kind of virus, infection or pathology in the animal’s body.

Unfortunately, owners often witness prolonged coughing in their pets. But why dogs make such loud sounds, not many people can understand without consulting a specialist. In fact, the factors that cause them are quite diverse. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the following diseases that provoke various types of forced exhalation.

Dry cough in dogs

Strong dry forced exhalations of a pet can be the cause of:

With tracheobronchitis, reflex exhalations appear a few days after contact with a sick animal. Sometimes they are not permanent, but arise only during nervous stress.

With allergies, the unpleasant phenomenon occurs seasonally. It is caused by plant pollen, food and other external factors, upon contact with which, sudden movements of the diaphragm increase.

Cardiac cough in dogs

Constant reflex exhalation is one of the leading indicators of chronic heart failure in a pet. Most often, this phenomenon can be observed in older animals. This condition occurs due to mitral valve insufficiency. The intensity of the cough itself tends to increase over time.

In large breed dogs, such reflex acts can cause dilated cardiomyopathy. During this disease, the heart becomes greatly enlarged and puts pressure on the fluid-filled lungs.

Cough with phlegm in dogs

When foreign bodies enter the animal's respiratory tract - in the lungs, bronchi, trachea or larynx, an inflammatory process may occur. The consequence of its development is sharp forced exhalations with blood. At the same time, foamy fluid may be released from the nasal sinuses.

Sudden movements of the diaphragm, accompanied by bloody discharge and vomit, are observed with throat tumors, as well as mechanical damage to the pharynx or its compression. Paroxysmal reflex exhalations with sputum may appear due to acute bronchitis accompanied by pneumonia.

The causes of cough are quite varied. A timely visit to a specialist helps to correctly diagnose them and begin to eliminate not only the reflex act itself, but also the factors that caused it.

Is your dog coughing as if he is choking? We know what to do!

“There is no creature more devoted to a dog,” the famous Electronics sang in the famous film. Millions of dog lovers will agree with this without hesitation. They become members of the family: they rejoice at our arrival, are sad when we have problems, keep company when we are bored, and periodically get sick, just like us, and require special care.

Almost every lover of our little brothers has ever encountered a dog coughing as if it was choking. Particularly sensitive owners of four-legged friends begin to panic in such a situation, assuming different, sometimes completely unthinkable and, of course, incredibly serious options for diseases. It is quite obvious that these actions do not lead to anything good. So let's find out why the dog coughs.

Possible Causes of a Dog Cough

In fact, the reasons can be very diverse, and it does not necessarily have to be associated with serious diseases. For example, the body may react this way to hypothermia, as a result of which the pet could catch a cold.

Another reason could be an allergic reaction to something. The irritant in this case can be anything: from pollen to the carpeting of your apartment. It should be noted that in this case the dog coughs as if he was choking.

We should not forget about the most seemingly banal, but at the same time the most probable option. Your four-legged friend could well have a foreign object or food particles stuck in his throat, which irritates the mucous membrane and provokes a cough.

Heart failure factor

In addition to the options already mentioned, it should be noted that a possible cause of coughing may be malfunctions in the cardiovascular system of your animal. In this case, the dog’s gums will be dark, almost bluish in color. The same change in shade will be observed in relation to the tongue. Most often, this type of cough begins while the animal is sleeping and intensifies over time. Large breed dogs are at risk in this regard.

Viral and invasive etiology of cough

Additional symptoms to watch out for

If the dog is coughing as if he is choking, you should check for a dry nose, activity of the animal, and presence of discharge from the lacrimal glands. Be sure to monitor whether the animal’s appetite has changed. It is very important to understand the nature of your four-legged pet’s cough. It can be dry, expectorant, moist or hard. Monitor how long the cough continues.

Which breeds are more prone to coughing?

It is immediately worth noting that there are a number of breeds that have a genetic predisposition to problems of this kind due to the characteristics of the body. These breeds include dogs that have a flat muzzle and, as a result, a shortened nasal region. First on this list are the much-loved Pugs and English Bulldogs. This group also includes Pekingese, Japanese Chins, Griffons, and in some cases even Shar-Peis. If you are the owner of a dog of one of these breeds, you should not immediately panic if your dog coughs as if he is choking.

What you should know about cough

Any veterinarian in the world will tell you that cough is not a disease, but only a symptom. In most cases, this is a protective reaction of the body to some irritant. That is why you should not engage in home treatment without first consulting a specialist.

What to do if your dog has a cough

First of all, if a dog is coughing, this is not a reason to panic. Carefully examine the animal's oral cavity, look as deep as possible into the throat of your four-legged friend. Be sure to feel your pet's esophagus from the outside. This will help eliminate the possibility of a foreign object.

Wait a while and observe your pet's behavior. If the situation has not changed and your dog is coughing as if he is choking for an extended period, you should contact your veterinarian.

The specialist will be able to determine the source of the problem immediately or will issue a referral for the necessary tests and examinations, which will allow the correct treatment to be prescribed.

In short, if a dog coughs, this is not a reason to panic. This is not necessarily a symptom of tracheobronchitis or dirofilariasis.

Your task in this case is to remain calm, love your pet and seek advice in time.

It just so happens that Yorkies, Toy Terriers, Chihuahuas, Dachshunds and other small breeds suffer from coughing more often than their larger counterparts. Each animal has its own advantages or disadvantages. Small pets are compact in size, which makes it easy to keep them in an apartment. But ideal creatures do not exist; studies have proven that they have an innate predisposition to certain diseases that cause coughing. Therefore, owners should pay special attention to a dog’s cough, identify its causes in a timely manner, and promptly prescribe treatment.

Let's name other reasons that can cause coughing in small breed dogs - dental disease, worms, tumors, tonsillitis, irritation of the respiratory tract with some product, ingestion of a foreign body. In any case, it is always a reaction to an irritant, a normal mechanism, with the help of which the body fights some kind of misfortune. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is not suppress the cough, but look for what causes it to appear.

Dog cough, causes and treatment

Coughing in dogs is quite common, and the cause may be breathing problems and various cardiac changes. The cause of cough can be pneumonia, ronchopneumonia, and various types of bronchitis, which can be acute or chronic.

If a dog develops laryngopharyngitis and laryngitis, which are usually accompanied by a cough, and the dog loses its appetite, becomes lethargic and begins to lose its voice, and the lymph nodes become enlarged. The cause of this may be an adinoviral infection.

In addition to infectious diseases that cause a dog to cough, the cause can also be non-infectious, which are caused by polyps, abscesses, various tumors or foreign bodies. The dog may also have extratracheal compression, which is caused by esophageal dilatation. A cough can be a symptom of enlarged endocrine glands, inflammation of the thyroid gland.

A dog's cough sometimes occurs due to a congenital change in the trachea, when tracheal hypoplasia begins to develop. This is typical for dog breeds such as Boston Terriers or English Bulldogs. In addition, a dog can develop a cough due to a disease of the lower respiratory tract; this can be acute bronchitis, which can develop into pneumonia. In this case, the symptom will be a wet cough. In acute bronchitis, the cough becomes paroxysmal, but at this time the dog is mobile and is not affected by this disease. In this case, a cough occurs when taking strong breaths of fresh air or swallowing saliva, which accumulates during the development of bronchitis.

Cough in dogs can be due to allergic bronchitis or lung tumors. In this case, a cardiac cough begins to develop in dogs, which occurs in heart failure due to a clear circulatory disorder in the pulmonary circle and pulmonary edema.

In order to reduce inflammation in a dog, it is necessary to give it vitamins A, C, E to strengthen the immune system, which allows the dog to recover faster. Does your dog have a cough? Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, and before contacting him, you can use folk remedies. When coughing, you can give your dog a little honey with lemon and brew mullein root; this decoction will quickly relieve swelling in your dog. This decoction must be cooled and poured into the dog’s mouth using a syringe. An excellent remedy for coughs is Japanese medlar, a Chinese medicine based on this medicinal plant. It perfectly relieves irritation in the throat. A dog can be given this drug one-eighth of a teaspoon per 10 kg of the dog’s weight. If the dog weighs 20 kg, you can give half a teaspoon.

Cough in dogs can be treated with Echinocea; this medicinal plant not only relieves cough symptoms, but also makes it possible to relieve heart failure, which often develops with various inflammations of the upper and lower respiratory tract. If a dog develops a cough due to viruses and various infections, you can give Hydrastis, which has antibacterial and antiviral effects. This drug is given 6-7 drops per 10 kg of weight, and since this medicine is bitter, the dog must be given it with food.

Thus, we can conclude that if a dog develops inflammatory diseases that cause coughing, it should be examined by a veterinarian and measures should be taken to treat it.

A dog, when playing with sticks or small objects (buttons, balls), can chew off and choke on a small part of the “toy”. Also, when dogs eat meat products, they can swallow bones from fish or chicken. All of these objects can get stuck in the throat or esophagus. Every owner needs to know what to do if a dog is choking and suffocating.

Physiology of swallowing

Swallowing is partly a reflex act:

  • Its first phase - chewing in the mouth - is controlled by consciousness.
  • The second phase is direct swallowing - a reflex act that occurs when the receptors of the root of the tongue are irritated.
  • The third phase - the movement of a food coma in the esophagus - is also involuntary and occurs when the walls of the esophagus are irritated.

It is worth noting that in the second phase, when swallowing, the soft palate rises, which is why the communication of the pharynx with the nasal cavity stops. This reflex act is aimed at preventing food from entering the trachea. However, everyone knows that choking can be quite easy. This also happens in dogs, although it is rare (they do not talk while eating).

Blockage of the esophagus is a fairly rare occurrence, since the pharynx is designed in such a way as not to allow an excessively large and hard food bolus to pass through. But this is still possible, since dogs eat food quite actively and quickly. Most often, incidents occur when dogs are fed fish or chicken bones, as well as when actively playing with sticks or small objects (balls, corks).

The dog is coughing as if he was choking

You need to understand that coughing is a nonspecific sign of many pathologies, so you cannot immediately conclude that the dog is choking. First, take a closer look at the moment the cough appears. If the symptom appears in your pet while eating or when he is gnawing on something, then it is likely that he was choking. Otherwise, a cough indicates other possible diseases.

A cough must first be distinguished from vomiting:

  • The gag reflex uses the abdominal muscles.
  • When coughing, the muscles of the chest are used.

Also, vomiting always ends with the expulsion of vomit.

A foreign object is indicated by the cough and the absence of additional symptoms. A cough due to bronchitis or another disease is necessarily accompanied by other symptoms. When a dog chokes on grass or another object, there are no additional signs of illness. The pet was just playing and having fun, gnawing on a stick, and a second later he started coughing - this is a sure sign that the dog is choking and is coughing from this.

Typically, this type of cough ends with the object being expelled from the throat and the pet spitting it out or chewing and swallowing it again. Also, a sharp development of cough indicates a foreign object. In pulmonary diseases, the cough increases gradually, initially it is hoarse and whistling. If the dog is choking, the cough will be strong and sharp immediately, with no additional noise (whistle or gurgle).


First you need to decide on the nature of the foreign body. When swallowing sharp or round objects, the signs of a problem and first aid are slightly different.

  • When swallowing sharp bones or pieces of a strong toy, the dog shows strong anxiety and is not distracted by anything else. Excessive salivation occurs and vomiting may occur. Clots or streaks of scarlet blood are often found in saliva and vomit. The pet scratches its muzzle with its front paws, as if trying to free itself from the muzzle, sometimes even gnawing on the ground (see).
  • If a round foreign body is stuck in the esophagus(ball, nut, cork), then the pet experiences frequent vomiting, drooling, and coughing. The animal may try to take food, but after a minute, with a strong vomiting movement, it coughs everything back up almost unchanged. Over time, on the second day, the animal’s anxiety may increase, and a painful reaction is observed when the esophagus is probed.

First aid technique for a dog if it is choking

When a dog chokes on food, the first thing to do is calm down and not panic. First, assess your pet's condition. If his tongue turns blue and breathing is difficult, then urgent veterinary help is needed. You cannot force your dog to drink vegetable oil, because the pet’s swallowing reflex may be impaired due to a foreign body. There are special techniques that will help him, but if possible, it is still better to take your four-legged friend to the veterinarian.

If it is not possible to contact a specialist, you need to help the dog cough up a foreign object. For large and small dogs, the assistance technique will be slightly different.

Big dog

If the dog is wheezing or coughing, then stand slightly behind the dog. Bend over and wrap your arms around your pet's body where the chest meets the stomach. Place the fist of your right hand under the sternum in the area where it meets the stomach. With your other hand, grab the elbow or wrist of your right hand so that both hands fit snugly against the animal's body. Then you need to forcefully squeeze the pet’s body forward and upward.

Repeat the compression until the dog coughs up the foreign object. After this, it would not hurt to remove the foreign body from the mouth so that the pet does not choke on the bone again. Usually 3-6 pressures are enough for the dog to cough up the bone or food. If you have repeated the movements 10 times already, but there is no result, then urgently call a veterinarian at home.

Little dog

If a small dog is choking, then it needs to be placed on your lap and pressed with its back to your chest. Place the fist of your right hand at the junction of the sternum and the stomach, and it is advisable to hold your head with your left hand. Push sharply forward and upward with your fist several times. Also, after coughing up an object, it is advisable to remove it from the pet’s mouth.

When it doesn't work out

If there is no desired result from the above actions, palpate your pet’s esophagus. If a foreign body in the form of a compaction is felt at the very beginning of the esophagus, then it may be possible to remove it with tweezers. Otherwise, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian.

The dog's mouth is opened with the handle of a spoon or fork and the root of the tongue is pressed. The dog's head needs to be held firmly; it is better to ask for help, as the procedure is unpleasant and the pet will struggle. Then they try to grab the stuck object with tweezers. The entire procedure is carried out carefully so as not to inadvertently push the foreign body even further. Also, you should not pull out the object with a jerk, as you can damage the esophagus.

After removal, continue to monitor your pet. If your dog shows extreme anxiety when swallowing and blood clots are found in the saliva, you should contact your veterinarian. Also, if you cannot remove the foreign body, you must immediately take your pet to a specialist.

What should you do if your dog seems to be choking and grunting?

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When an owner sees his dog choking, it causes great concern. However, there are many reasons for this condition and it is not always life-threatening for the animal.

Why does a dog choke and grunt?

Most often, this is a non-threatening condition called “reverse sneezing.” It looks as if the dog is sucking in air through its nose with sharp sighs and as if it cannot exhale. She stands with her head bent, and it seems that the dog is suffocating.

Maybe even or even vomiting itself. The reasons for this condition are unknown to doctors. Such attacks begin suddenly and also pass, but they are not dangerous to the health of the animal. Another reason can be called dangerous - when a foreign object gets into the dog’s nasopharynx.

This attack is similar to a “reverse sneezing”, but it does not stop and threatens the dog with suffocation. The dog may also choke and grunt. In this case, her tongue turns blue. Or fluid, air, or blood may accumulate in the animal's chest cavity.

Breathing may be difficult due to stress. For example, when a dog is afraid of fireworks or gunshots. Some breeds have such a nasopharynx structure that they often breathe very noisily, and also pant and grunt while jogging or playing.
