The ratio of height and weight in girls. The norm of weight and height for women: the ideal ratio

If you are puzzled by the beauty of your figure, then you probably know that there is such a thing as the normal weight of a person by year-age, the table will help you quickly find the result that suits you directly.

It turns out that your ideal weight is not so easy to calculate. The thing is, there are a lot of factors to consider. Starting with heredity and ending with body type.

It is because of this that the figures of people of absolutely identical weight and height can look so different. For example, someone with a weight of 50 kg looks like a sleeper, but it doesn’t hurt someone like losing a couple of kilograms. How right?

What about heredity

As sad as it sounds, scientists have proven that genes play a role in weight loss. So, having full parents, it is very difficult to be slender, like a cypress. But this does not mean at all that a person will necessarily be fat, just keeping fit or losing weight will be more difficult than for children of thin parents.

Does age matter

There was a time when the ideal weight was calculated according to the formula proposed by Brock. It was proposed to subtract 100 from your height (in cm) and consider the result as a standard. However, over time, studies have shown that this formula is only correct for people staying at the age of 40-50 years.

Staying between the ages of 20 and 40, from the figure calculated by the Brock formula, you need to subtract 10-12%. People over fifty are allowed to add 5 to 7%.

Why is age important? Everything has to do with human physiology. For example, in order to calculate whether a child is developing normally before the age of two, not only weight, height, but also head circumference are taken into account. When a person has reached the age of two and right up to the age of twenty, it is important how proportionally the growth and weight indicators increase.

Between the ages of 20-40 metabolic processes in people are quite active, of course, if there are no diseases. Although the metabolism gradually begins to decline. After forty years it becomes even more noticeable. In addition, the physical activity of the bulk of the people is also reduced. That is why the normal weight of a person by year, age, is not one table.

Advice! If there is no trust in the numbers in the table, you can calculate your ideal weight using the formula: 50 + 0.75 (height in cm-150) + (age-20): 4. The weight obtained by this formula is not so ideal. This is the maximum allowable weight allowed in a particular age category.

Body type

For your information! To understand what physique yours belongs to, you need to grab the wrist of your working hand in the thinnest place with your thumb and middle fingers. Asthenics will succeed very easily, normalists will have to try, nothing will come of hypersthenics.

There are even numbers in centimeters by which you can understand the type of physique. The girth of the wrist in asthenics is below 17 cm, normosthenics - 17-18.5 cm, hypersthenics - above 18.5 cm, although even without numbers you can understand the type of body build.

Normostenics have a fairly proportional figure. In asthenics, thin long limbs are also called thin-boned. They will say about hypersthenics that he has a wide bone. People of this type of addition are most inclined to be overweight. They usually have a wide chest and voluminous hips.

To get reliable numbers, calculating your ideal weight, asthenics need to subtract 10% from the resulting number, and add the same percentage to hypersthenics.


As mentioned above, having the same weight, you can have different figures. Therefore, to understand whether you need to lose weight or vice versa - get better, use an indicator such as BMI. This abbreviation stands for body mass index. This indicator is also called the Quetelet index.

This indicator is used by physicians to understand whether a person is threatened with diseases of the cardiovascular system or diabetes mellitus.

To calculate BMI, you need to divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. If the resulting index is below 18.5, you may even need to gain weight. But the risk of chronic diseases is reduced. The ideal BMI is 18.5-24.9. Obesity is about to begin if the calculations lead to a result between 25 and 29.9. It is urgent to take up weight loss if the BMI exceeds 40, since this index indicates obesity of the third degree, which threatens with chronic diseases.

Important! BMI is not calculated for athletes, pregnant and lactating women, persons under 18 years of age and over 65 years of age. bearing a fetus.

Let's take the tape

In this case, we are talking about a centimeter or meter tape, as it is called. At one time, the famous bodybuilder, who became a role model for many people - John McCallum believed that to calculate the ideal shape, the main thing is not kilograms, but centimeters. He proposed to measure the girths of various parts of the body. And you should start by measuring your wrist.

  1. The circumference of the chest should be equal to the circumference of the wrist multiplied by 6.5.
  2. The figure looks harmonious when the hip circumference is 15% larger than the chest circumference.
  3. The ideal waist is 30% smaller than the bust.
  4. The circumference of the leg in the thigh area should be 53% of the circumference of the chest.
  5. The biceps should be 36% of the circumference of the chest, and the forearm - 29%.

These calculations are suitable for people who are actively involved in sports. Again, all parameters do not take into account body type, age and other features. Therefore, they are more suitable for normosthenics, with middle age and average height.

A weight that is different from normal often leads to health problems, and often it is simply not beautiful. And we are talking not only about excess weight, but also about unhealthy thinness. Therefore, the normal weight of a person by years, ages, the table will help you find your golden mean. That is, what weight should you strive for, calculated taking into account the physiological characteristics of a particular age.

As you know, there are certain norms for height and weight for young children and adolescents. These norms are often hung out in the offices of pediatricians in order to follow them for the development of children.

But at the same time, all these height and weight tables are very relative, especially for teenagers. The physical parameters of the human body are influenced by many factors, and not just his age. The greatest influence on these data is heredity, as well as the lifestyle of a teenager. In addition, adolescents differ in bone mass, physique, growth and weight gain. Therefore, all tables of the ratio of height and weight of adolescents are very conditional, and represent a set of statistical data for several previous periods.

Given the fact that the data are statistical, the tables that were compiled no later than 10 years ago, and in your country, most fully reflect the picture. Do not forget that in addition to the personal data of each person, the genotype of a single nationality also affects the statistics. And we hope that you understand that it is still inappropriate to look for a match between the height and weight of a modern teenager and, for example, African teenagers during the early twentieth century.

In the presented anthropometric tables of height and weight of a teenager, there are percentages of children with one or another height (weight).

The data of the three middle columns ("Below average", "Average", and "Above average") characterize the physical data of most adolescents at a given age. The data of the second and penultimate columns (“Low” and “High”) characterize a smaller part of the entire population of adolescents at a given age. But do not attach too much importance to this. Perhaps such a jump, or vice versa, the lag is caused by the individual characteristics of the organism of a particular teenager, and most likely there is no reason for worries. As for getting the measurements of a teenager in one of the extreme columns (“Very low” and “Very high”), then it is better to seek the advice of a doctor. The doctor, in turn, will send the teenager to take tests for hormones, and confirm or deny the presence of diseases in the endocrine system of the teenager.

The differentiation of the norm of height and weight of adolescents into as many as 7 categories (“Very low”, “Low”, “Below average”, “Average”, “Above average”, “High”, and "Very high") is due to large differences in the physical characteristics of the body for people of the same age. It is not correct to estimate undergrowth according to separate height and separate weight data. All comparisons must be made only in aggregate. For example, if a teenager falls into the “Tall” category according to height, and “Very short” according to weight, then such a large difference is most likely caused by a sharp growth spurt and weight lag. It is much worse if, according to two parameters, a teenager falls into the category “High” or “Low” at once. Then it cannot be argued that there was a growth spurt, and the weight simply did not have time for it. In this case, it is still better to take tests for hormones in order to be sure of the health of your child.

If your child at a particular point in time does not fall into the average norms for the height and weight of adolescents of his age, then you should not worry too much. You can remeasure it in a month and see any trends for change. In this case, based on these trends, it is worth drawing conclusions about whether you need to see a doctor.

Growth indicators of boys from 7 to 17 years
Age Index
Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
7 years 111,0-113,6 113,6-116,8 116,8-125,0 125,0-128,0 128,0-130,6 >130,6
8 years 116,3-119,0 119,0-122,1 122,1-130,8 130,8-134,5 134,5-137,0 >137,0
9 years 121,5-124,7 124,7-125,6 125,6-136,3 136,3-140,3 140,3-143,0 >143,0
10 years 126,3-129,4 129,4-133,0 133,0-142,0 142,0-146,7 146,7-149,2 >149,2
11 years 131,3-134,5 134,5-138,5 138,5-148,3 148,3-152,9 152,9-156,2 >156,2
12 years 136,2 136,2-140,0 140,0-143,6 143,6-154,5 154,5-159,5 159,5-163,5 >163,5
13 years 141,8-145,7 145,7-149,8 149,8-160,6 160,6-166,0 166,0-170,7 >170,7
14 years 148,3-152,3 152,3-156,2 156,2-167,7 167,7-172,0 172,0-176,7 >176,7
15 years 154,6-158,6 158,6-162,5 162,5-173,5 173,5-177,6 177,6-181,6 >181,6
16 years 158,8-163,2 163,2-166,8 166,8-177,8 177,8-182,0 182,0-186,3 >186,3
17 years 162,8-166,6 166,6-171,6 171,6-181,6 181,6-186,0 186,0-188,5 >188,5
Weight indicators for boys from 7 to 17 years old
Age Index
Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
7 years 18,0-19,5 19,5-21,0 21,0-25,4 25,4-28,0 28,0-30,8 >30,8
8 years 20,0-21,5 21,5-23,3 23,3-28,3 28,3-31,4 31,4-35,5 >35,5
9 years 21,9-23,5 23,5-25,6 25,6-31,5 31,5-35,1 35,1-39,1 >39,1
10 years 23,9-25,6 25,6-28,2 28,2-35,1 35,1-39,7 39,7-44,7 >44,7
11 years 26,0-28,0 28,0-31,0 31,0-39,9 39,9-44,9 44,9-51,5 >51,5
12 years 28,2-30,7 30,7-34,4 34,4-45,1 45,1-50,6 50,6-58,7 >58,7
13 years 30,9-33,8 33,8-38,0 38,0-50,6 50,6-56,8 56,8-66,0 >66,0
14 years 34,3-38,0 38,0-42,8 42,8-56,6 56,6-63,4 63,4-73,2 >73,2
15 years 38,7-43,0 43,0-48,3 48,3-62,8 62,8-70,0 70,0-80,1 >80,1
16 years 44,0-48,3 48,3-54,0 54,0-69,6 69,6-76,5 76,5-84,7 >84,7
17 years 49,3-54,6 54,6-59,8 59,8-74,0 74,0-80,1 80,1-87,8 >87,8
Growth rates of girls from 7 to 17 years
Age Index
Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
7 years 111,1-113,6 113,6-116,9 116,9-124,8 124,8-128,0 128,0-131,3 >131,3
8 years 116,5-119,3 119,3-123,0 123,0-131,0 131,0-134,3 134,3-137,7 >137,7
9 years 122,0-124,8 124,8-128,4 128,4-137,0 137,0-140,5 140,5-144,8 >144,8
10 years 127,0-130,5 130,5-134,3 134,3-142,9 142,9-146,7 146,7-151,0 >151,0
11 years 131,8-136, 136,2-140,2 140,2-148,8 148,8-153,2 153,2-157,7 >157,7
12 years 137,6-142,2 142,2-145,9 145,9-154,2 154,2-159,2 159,2-163,2 >163,2
13 years 143,0-148,3 148,3-151,8 151,8-159,8 159,8-163,7 163,7-168,0 >168,0
14 years 147,8-152,6 152,6-155,4 155,4-163,6 163,6-167,2 167,2-171,2 >171,2
15 years 150,7-154,4 154,4-157,2 157,2-166,0 166,0-169,2 169,2-173,4 >173,4
16 years 151,6-155,2 155,2-158,0 158,0-166,8 166,8-170,2 170,2-173,8 >173,8
17 years 152,2-155,8 155,8-158,6 158,6-169,2 169,2-170,4 170,4-174,2 >174,2
Weight indicators for girls from 7 to 17 years old
Age Index
Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
7 years 17,9-19,4 19,4-20,6 20,6-25,3 25,3-28,3 28,3-31,6 >31,6
8 years 20,0-21,4 21,4-23,0 23,0-28,5 28,5-32,1 32,1-36,3 >36,3
9 years 21,9-23,4 23,4-25,5 25,5-32,0 32,0-36,3 36,3-41,0 >41,0
10 years 22,7-25,0 25,0-27,7 27,7-34,9 34,9-39,8 39,8-47,4 >47,4
11 years 24,9-27,8 27,8-30,7 30,7-38,9 38,9-44,6 44,6-55,2 >55,2
12 years 27,8-31,8 31,8-36,0 36,0-45,4 45,4-51,8 51,8-63,4 >63,4
13 years 32,0-38,7 38,7-43,0 43,0-52,5 52,5-59,0 59,0-69,0 >69,0
14 years 37,6-43,8 43,8-48,2 48,2-58,0 58,0-64,0 64,0-72,2 >72,2
15 years 42,0-46,8 46,8-50,6 50,6-60,4 60,4-66,5 66,5-74,9 >74,9
16 years 45,2-48,4 48,4-51,8 51,8-61,3 61,3-67,6 67,6-75,6 >75,6
17 years 46,2-49,2 49,2-52,9 52,9-61,9 61,9-68,0 68,0-76,0 >76,0

* * *

All the parameters "living" in the body of women somehow intersect with each other. The most closely related parameters are weight, age, and height. They are interdependent. The proof of this is "hidden" in those formulas that constantly cooperate with them.

The formula for calculating the body mass index, which was supported by the Ministry of Health:

Weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) multiplied by 2.

If the indicator is eighteen or less than this figure, then your weight may be considered insufficient. However, you should not go on a diet.

The indicator indicates numbers from eighteen to twenty-five - your weight is quite normal. This means that it makes no sense to drop it, but you don’t need to dial it either. Keep the indicator at the same "level".

If the result indicates numbers from twenty-five to thirty, then it's time to work with the figure, as the risk of obesity increases. Lose weight, but do it without much fanaticism!

The indicator is more than thirty? I'm sorry, but you... Obesity! Need help and advice from experts.

Why is the formula approved by the Ministry of Health?

Because obesity can cause death! It is imperative to monitor your body and its parameters in order to avoid what will then be impossible to correct.

Formula that takes into account weight, height and age:
Ideal human weight (up to forty years) \u003d subtract one hundred and ten from height in centimeters.

Ideal human weight (after forty years) \u003d subtract one hundred from height in centimeters.

Do you have a hypersthenic physique? Add to the result (obtained by the formula) exactly ten percent.

If your physique is of the asthenic type, then subtract ten percent from the result.

Body types and their characteristics:

  1. Normosthenic body type - a normal (ordinary) body with a normal metabolism.
  2. Hypersthenic body type - a person with short legs, a short neck, short arms, wide shoulders.
  3. Asthenic body type - a person with narrow shoulders, long arms and legs. Metabolism is high.

Determining your body type is a pretty simple task.

But let's write it down point by point to make it even easier:

  1. Prepare your thumb and forefinger (either hand).
  2. Grasp the wrist of the second hand with these fingers (in the place where the bone protrudes).
  3. Refine the result.

The wrist could not be clasped - you are of the hypersthenic type. You coped with the task with great ease - your body type is asthenic. You reached the goal, but with great difficulty - your body type, you guessed it, is normosthenic.


There are a lot of useful tables on the Internet.

Women download them, save them to a computer, and even print them out.

One of these tables is “Growth. Average weight. Obesity"

It covers growth parameters from one hundred and forty-two centimeters to one hundred and seventy-eight centimeters. See table number 1.

The second table is “Growth. Weight. Age"

Growth is considered from one hundred and fifty centimeters and up to almost two meters. Age is "broken" into five columns. The first deals with ages from twenty to twenty-nine. In the second - from thirty years to thirty-nine. In the third - from forty to forty-nine years. In the fourth - from fifty to fifty-nine. And in the last - from sixty to sixty-nine. See table number 2.

Why is it necessary to constantly monitor the ratio of these concepts (height, age and weight)?

Because such control is “pluses”:

  1. Reduces the risk of cancer. Slenderness and normal weight are not “lifebuoys”. But thin women and girls are much less likely to suffer from this terrible disease than plump ones.
  2. The feeling of discomfort is reduced. For those who are overweight, it is much harder, for example, to climb stairs or go shopping.
  3. The occurrence of a disease such as arthrosis is prevented. If your body weight is very large, then you need to make it smaller (in simple terms). The weight puts pressure on the body and arthrosis appears. Arthrosis is a disease of the joints.
  4. The pressure (arterial) is normalized. Remember how the pressure jumps in “non-thin women”.
  5. Health returns to the heart area. And the heart rate is restored. Just do not drink a lot of coffee (for reliability)!
  1. Do not be discouraged if neither the parameters nor the tabular indicators suit you! Women somehow lived without it all before. Reassure yourself that tables can make mistakes. And "malfunctions" of this kind are corrected with ease!
  2. Don't get confused by the numbers. A lot of them. Each table contains a sea of ​​numbers. So look at them several times, not just one. Re-read and revise the data, so that later you do not blame yourself for inattention.
  3. Do not try to "keep" the model parameters in the body. By the way, the figure of the model may not “fit” you. And there is another reason... Constitution! Genes, as they say, cannot be crushed with fingers.
  4. Don't rely solely on tables! Weigh yourself (daily) and record the results you see. Do not like notepads - enter all the data into a computer or laptop. The main thing is that you remember exactly where you save "importance". Get used to signing folders, files and documents! It is best to send to your inbox what you need.
  5. Don't start "spreading" tantrums around you if you ever notice those extra pounds on the scale. Everything that is superfluous…. You can "reset"! Set the right goal - you will achieve it faster!
  6. If the link with the table does not open, look for another one or refresh the page. In the virtual world, there is always a choice. This fact is one of the reasons why people turn to the Internet for help. Choice helps to make decisions (even if they are not always correct).

Every woman is trying to determine this rather important indicator for herself. The norms of height and weight in adolescent girls are very different from the same ratio in girls or adult women. They serve not so much as parameters of a beautiful figure, but as indicators of health.

There are many ways to establish this perfect match, the simplest of which is the height / weight ratio table for girls.

Usually the average value varies between 3-6kg up or down. For owners of average height 164-176cm, waist circumference plays an important role. It should be proportional to body weight - within 65-70kg.

The ratio of height and weight in girls is normal if:

  1. their height is 156-166cm and subtracting 100 gives 55-66kg;
  2. 167-176cm subtract 105 and get 61-70kg;
  3. from 176cm and above, the number 110 is subtracted and the result is 66kg and more.

Norms of height and weight for girls by age

Each of the experts in this field offers its own version of the definition of ideal parameters. The easiest way is the norm of weight and height for girls is calculated according to the scheme:

  1. body height in cm minus 100 = ideal body weight;
  2. for those under 30, another 10-12% should be subtracted from the figure obtained.

The norms of weight and height for adolescent girls are shown in the table:

This table shows low, medium and high rates of height and weight in girls aged 10 to 17 years

The proportions of weight and height in girls are very different depending on:

  • body structures - figures;
  • density and severity of bones;
  • development of muscle tissue;
  • the presence of fatty deposits;
  • physical activity and sports.

Basic body types

The conformity of height and weight in girls is affected by their constitution, in total there are three types of structure:

  1. fragile - asthenic;
  2. normal - normosthenic;
  3. dense - hypersthenic.

To determine your physique you need:

  • clasp the left hand with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand;
  • if your fingers wrap around it easily, you are an asthenic;
  • fingers almost touching - normosthenic;
  • this is impossible to do - hypersthenic.

The definition is also possible by external signs:

  1. fragile girls have thin bones and a neck, legs are longer than the body, muscles are poorly developed, there are no fat folds;
  2. owners of a normal and average physique are developed proportionally, slender;
  3. dense women have wide and heavy bones, are wide in the pelvis and chest, they have short arms and legs, a stately and strong appearance.

Three types of structure of the structure of the human figure, which differ in the proportions of the structure of the bones and the mass of the bear


The amount of body weight of women of this somatotype is highly dependent on the right diet. Despite the lean structure, they quickly gain kilograms, which is poorly compatible with weak muscles and thin bones.

The benefits of a good metabolism, activity and energy play into their hands, allowing them to stay slim for a long time.


Most lucky owners of this type. They have a beautiful, proportionally folded figure. All dimensions and parameters of the body are ideally correlated with each other. The average metabolic rate serves as a reliable insurance in case of unforeseen kilograms.


Representatives of the hypersthenic type are quite large in themselves. At the same time, they have a small amount of fat with a decent muscle mass. As a rule, they are short, have wide bones and short legs.

Does age affect the correct ratio?

It is easy to see that the ratio of height and weight in adolescent girls has more advantageous indicators compared to the same parameters for adult women.

Every year, the metabolic processes of the body proceed more slowly, which leads to an increase in mass and the formation of body fat. It should also be taken into account that with the onset of menopause, many women aged 45 to 55 are faced with the problem of extra pounds.

Table of the ratio of weight and height in girls

Everyone has their own different features of the figure, affecting the assessment of their harmony and attractiveness. From a medical point of view, the table of the ratio of height and weight in girls gives an answer to the question of ideal proportions, as it is based on calculations of a person's body mass index.

A table of body mass indexes that show the degree of normality of weight, its excess or lack

Height to weight ratio calculator

For these purposes, it is most convenient to use a calculator for the ratio of height and weight in girls, substituting your values ​​into the Lorenz formula:

body weight \u003d (height-100) - (height-150) \ 2.

The Nagler method offers a more complex calculation scheme:

  1. at a height of 152.4 cm should be 45 kg;
  2. for every 2.45cm plus 0.9kg and another 10% of the resulting number;
  3. for asthenics, no further calculations are made;
  4. for the normal type, the result is increased by 10%;
  5. hypersthenics add 15% to their indicator.

Paul Broca formula

This is one of the most famous formulas that takes into account all the basic parameters. But it is suitable for people from 40 to 52 years old. For young people, including girls and adolescents, the resulting number should be reduced by 12.5%.

Nutritionists have developed an improved version for them, taking into account the norm of the maximum allowable kilograms:

  • 143cm - 42kg;
  • 146cm - 44kg;
  • 149cm - 47kg;
  • 152cm - 50kg;
  • 156cm - 53kg;
  • 159cm - 56kg;
  • 162cm - 59kg;
  • 165cm - 63kg;
  • 168cm - 65kg;
  • 173cm - 66kg;
  • 176cm - 68kg;
  • 178cm - 69kg.

Quetelet formula

This method does not give super accurate results for teenagers under 18 and people who have crossed the age of 65. Body mass index is an important indicator of problems such as anorexia or obesity.

You can calculate this ratio of height and weight in girls using the Quetelet formula:

  1. the value of weight in kg must be divided by the height squared;
  2. BMI \u003d B \ (P * P), where BMI is an index, B is weight, P is height;
  3. for example, the girl's height is 173cm, her body weight is 52kg, her BMI = 17.9;
  4. where is BMI<17.5 - анорексия, равен 17.5-18.5 - недостаточный вес;
  5. indicators 19-23 - the norm for 18-25 years old, and 23-27.5 - above the norm for this age;
  6. 20-26 is the optimal value for people over 25 years old, and 26-28 is overweight;
  7. 5-30 - obesity of the first degree (18-25 years), similarly 28-31 (> 25 years);
  8. 30-35 and 31-36 - the second degree of obesity, respectively, and 35-40 and 36-41 - the third;
  9. BMI>40 or 41 - morbid obesity, risk to life.

The birth of a child is a major event for parents. To assess and control his physical development, special age tables of height and weight in children have been developed. Numbers are given that indicate the standards corresponding to a certain age of the baby. Very large or low values ​​indicate standard deviations, slightly deviating from the average, indicate compliance with the standards.

Children's height and weight standards

The World Health Organization conducted a Multicentre Developmental Indicators Study aimed at determining the physical development of children, which included the height and weight of the child by year. The need to study the issue is dictated by changing living conditions, climate, which affects the development of children. Weight, height indicators of babies under 5 years old depend not only on heredity, but also on the type of feeding for the first 24 months of life. Formula-fed babies gained 16-20% more weight than those growing on breastfeeding.

WHO experts believe that the overestimated standards were obtained after the recommendations of pediatricians on supplementary feeding of infants, which led to the transition to artificial feeding, overfeeding and obesity. The previous norms for assessing the physical indicators of children are not an absolute truth. By 2006, WHO made adjustments, determined new data, after which age tables of height and weight of children were compiled.

Anthropometric indicator of body size depends on the characteristics of each baby. The ratio of height and weight in children is determined by many factors: nutrition, sleep duration, physical activity, genetics. The average height of a man is about 178 cm, women - 164 cm. Boys are formed by the age of 22, an intensive period of growth is observed at the age of 13-16 years, girls - up to 19, actively grow from 10 to 12 years. The teenage period is characterized by a sharp growth spurt, so the proportionality of the body is not always observed.

Height to weight ratio

Height is a global indicator that health care takes into account when assessing the development of children. The generally accepted estimates of this parameter are:

  1. Obviously undersized - a strong lag, the presence of congenital pathologies, chromosomal diseases is possible.
  2. Undersized - a large shortage, sometimes there is overweight.
  3. Below average - the value is small, but corresponds to the norm.
  4. Medium (a kind of standard).
  5. Above average - growth is large, but meets the standard.
  6. Tall - hereditary predisposition.
  7. Overestimated - there may be violations of the endocrine system.

Both parents and doctors should pay attention to the growth indicators of the crumbs. Factors affecting tall stature and growth lag:

  1. Chromosomal genetic - manifested by disproportionate sizes of feet, hands, face, mental disorders, problems with sexual development.
  2. Constitutionally-hereditary - there are no deviations in development.
  3. Early sexual development (8-9 years). Children are taller than their peers, but, growing up, remain undersized due to the early closure of growth zones.
  4. An endocrine-elevated level leads to gigantism or acromegaly.

Endocrine control of physical indicators of children is important for the optimal ratio of these indicators. A young child, a boy, a girl from 15 years old may have the following weight estimates:

  1. A significant underweight is a serious depletion of the body.
  2. Low weight.
  3. Less than average is the norm, but the indicators are at the lower limits.
  4. Average - body mass index (BMI) within the normal range.
  5. Above average - a slight excess of mass.
  6. Overweight - overweight, obese.

Table for children up to a year

When measuring the size of a child, you need to understand that up to two years we are talking about the length of the baby - because he cannot walk, stand, after 3-4 - about growth. Attention is drawn to many factors. Children's parameters by months for the first 12 months of life are studied by a health worker. It takes into account:

  • gender of the baby;
  • physical data at birth;
  • heredity;
  • past illness (if any);
  • the presence of pathologies;
  • social conditions;
  • feeding (artificial or breastfeeding).

If there is prematurity or low birth weight, the table of height and weight of the child will differ from children with normal indicators. A one-year-old baby gains a certain body weight in 12 months. The average version of the weight indicator is 6-7 kilograms. The main increase occurs in the first 6 months of the baby's life. The baby has a monthly increase of about 1 kg. With proper feeding, a low-weight newborn is able to “catch up” with children with normal body weight in 6 months. An infant by the end of 12 months has a weight of 8 to 12 kg, height - 75-80 cm.

Parents should understand that the data given in the tables may have deviations of about 2-3 kilograms, a couple of centimeters in different directions. This will not be considered a violation of the norm. However, if there is improper nutrition, overfeeding, hormonal failure, a change in the daily routine, then the deviations will be significant. This is a serious reason to consult a pediatrician, undergo an examination in order to diagnose the correct disease.

Monthly growth

The norms of height and weight of children up to a year are reflected in the table (girls). The scale is indicated in centimeters (see table):

(by months)


Below the average

Above average



The physical data of boys is higher than that of girls. Body length by months (in centimeters):

(by months)


Below the average

Above average



Weight by month

The normal body weight of a girl at 12 months of age varies between 8-10 kg. The standards are as follows (in kilograms):

(by months)

Below the average

Above average



The body weight of boys is greater than that of girls. Monthly weight table (in kilograms):

(by months)

Below the average

Above average



Height and weight of the child by age

From birth to ten years, there is a rapid rise in height of children. However, if up to 12 months the changes were visible well, then the baby grows a little more slowly. This is explained by the fact that metabolism changes, a growing child's body spends more energy than an infant. The diet of the crumbs is more high-calorie, but the energy received is quickly consumed. The table below shows the growth of children by age gives an idea of ​​the norms of physical indicators for children under 10 years old.

Age tables show that between two and three years old, the baby continues to grow, but not as fast. Weight range: 12-14 kg. This is due to the great activity, mobility of the baby. The change in height is insignificant: it increases by about ten centimeters. Further:

  • The age of 4-5 years is characterized by an increase in body weight by a couple of kilograms, deviations from the norm by 2-3 kg are possible.
  • At 5 - the weight reaches about 18 kg, the height is about 109 cm.
  • At 6 - the weight norm is 18-23.5 kg, height - 112 cm.
  • By 7 - the mass will increase by 2-3 kilograms, the height will be approximately 115 cm.

Growth table

The height of the child is presented in the table (girls). Measurements are given in centimeters:


Below the average

Above average


The physical data of boys is higher than that of girls. Height table (in centimeters):


Below the average

Above average


Weight table

The normal body weight of a girl varies between 32-47 kg. The table shows the standards by year (in kilograms):

Below the average

Above average


The mass of boys is slightly less than that of girls. Weight table (in kilograms):

Below the average

Above average


11 to 18 years old

At 11-18 years of age, the intensity of a set of physical indicators changes. Parents should understand why a teenager is extremely unstable emotionally. Physiological differences or sexual dimorphism is manifested by external signs, structural features of the body, and the functional capabilities of individual body systems. All these changes affect the minor. Girls begin to form earlier; at the age of 12-14, they have all indicators higher than boys. However, by the age of 15-16, boys surpass girls in physical development.

The teenage period for boys is characterized by the active growth of the tubular bones of the skeleton. This is manifested in the extension of the limbs, although the trunk is a little behind in this race. Because of this, it often seems that the teenager is awkward, disproportionate. The chest remains narrow, the muscles are rather weak for such a size, which leads to stoop, inability to keep the back straight for a long time.

Muscle mass increases more slowly than bone mass. It is fundamentally fixed in adulthood. The mass increases slowly, but unevenly: the norm for boys ranges from 2.4 to 5.3 kg in 12 months, for girls - from 2 to 5 kilograms. After the age of 15, body weight in girls increases more than height. This process is associated with an increase in muscles, subcutaneous fat, and the development of skeletal bones. This is the period when motor reactions, coordination of movements become more accurate, spatial and muscle sensations develop.

Features of puberty

A sharp jump in physical indicators is explained by hormonal activity. The puberty of girls and boys is different. At this time, it is important to control the body weight of a teenager - prevention will save not only from many serious diseases, but also emotional outbursts that occur in puberty in minors. However, diets are prohibited. It is necessary to inculcate the habits of proper nutrition from birth. To normalize the height, it is necessary to organize the intake of vitamins.

Puberty in boys goes through several stages, lasting several years. It is characterized by the onset of hormonal maturation of the gonads, in adolescence (13-18 years) reaches its peak. From the age of 18-19, the time of puberty begins. In parallel with these changes, muscle mass increases, the whole body grows. The figure becomes masculine: the shoulders expand in comparison with the pelvic bones.

Puberty in a girl is manifested by an active "game" of hormones called estrogen. They make the body grow rapidly: hair appears in the groin, armpits, breasts increase. Girls who mature too early should be under special adult supervision. Puberty in girls lasts about 7-8 years.

Physiological features characteristic of a teenager during puberty:

  • the contour and proportions of the head change;
  • the skeleton is finally formed;
  • boys have hyperplasia of the muscles and shoulder girdle;
  • girls have hyperplasia of adipose tissue and ilium;
  • boys have dizziness and fainting;
  • girls become capricious, touchy, quick-tempered.

Growth and weight table for girls

Weight of girls (in kilograms) according to WHO:

Age, years

Below the average

Above average



(more than specified)

The height of girls (in centimeters) according to WHO:

Age, years

Below the average

Above average



(more than specified)

Age, years

Below the average

Above average


(more than specified)

The height of the boys (in centimeters) according to WHO:

Age, years

Below the average

Above average


(more than specified)

