A newborn child thrown into a cesspool was rescued. A Saratov woman threw a child born in secret from her parents into a cesspool Topic: How to correctly understand the swap in points and calculate it for an open position depending on the lot watch video

Our correspondents went to Ershov to understand the story of the baby thrown out in the toilet

Let us recall that a few days ago the Ershovsky district prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under the article “Leaving in danger” against 18-year-old Ekaterina Mitchenko - she allegedly gave birth to a boy on August 2 and threw him into a cesspool (see issue dated September 10 and on the website www.saratov .kp.ru). There are at least three versions of how events unfolded that terrible evening. Prosecutor's office version: the girl did not want this child Assistant Prosecutor of the Ershovsky District Olga Panferova does not doubt Katya Mitchenko's guilt one bit. “The point is clear, there’s nothing to even guess about,” she says. - The girl was simply afraid of her parents’ reaction... At the end of 2006, 17-year-old Katya met 19-year-old Artem. The affair lasted several months, and then Katya became pregnant. Artem suggested having an abortion. The girl seemed to agree. But she never did. Both Katya’s mother and father insisted during interrogations that they had no idea that their daughter was expecting a child. How she hid it is unclear. But, they say, she didn’t have a big belly... According to investigators, on August 2, Katya suddenly felt that she was having contractions. At this time, her mother, Nadezhda Egorovna, was at home. The girl panicked... She ran out of the apartment and hid in the public toilet, which is opposite their house. There, a few hours later, she gave birth, and then threw the baby into a cesspool. At this time, Katya’s mother came out into the yard. Hearing groans and seeing bloody footprints near the toilet, the woman rushed there. Katya lay on the dirty floor and sobbed chokedly. Frightened parents took their daughter to the hospital. And the child remained lying in the fetid pit. The neighbors' version: mother and daughter were at the same time Half an hour after Mitchenko went to the central district hospital, their neighbor Keram Huseyn Mamedov went to dig in his garden, which is located right behind the toilet. “Suddenly I hear some kind of squeaking from the toilet,” the man told us. - At first I didn’t pay attention, but the sound grew stronger and stronger... I decided that the kitten had gotten lost. And then a terrible guess flashed through my mind - the meowing began to sound more and more like a child’s cry! I immediately rushed to the toilet.

The picture that appeared before his eyes was terrible - right at the bottom of the hole a dirty baby lay crying. “I feel like my legs are starting to go away,” recalls Keram Huseyn. - But I didn’t let myself fall apart. He took some rags out of the house, wrapped them around his trembling hands and somehow pulled the baby out. “We immediately understood who the mother of the abandoned child is,” Mitchenko’s neighbor Raisa Izmailova snaps. - Yes, everyone knew perfectly well that Katya was pregnant. And Nadezhda (Katya’s mother - Ed.) was also aware. The two of them hid this from the head of the family - they were afraid that they would drive them both out onto the street. According to neighbors, the events on the evening of August 2 developed as follows. Having learned that her daughter was going into labor, Nadezhda Mitchenko took control of the birth into her own hands. In order not to leave traces in the apartment, the women went to the toilet. And after the baby was born, they threw him into a hole. Now, apparently, the neighbors will never be able to forgive Katya and Nadezhda for their alleged sin. - Yes, what kind of forgiveness are we talking about! - Keram Huseyn Mamedov is indignant. - I still drink Corvalol. And at night I always have the same dream - as if I was taking a baby out of a cesspool, and he was already dead... Parents' version: Katya is not to blame for anything - I'm sure my daughter wanted to tell us about everything, - she assures us Katya's mother - but she delayed until the last... She actually thought that she was due to give birth only in September. And that day she just went to the toilet... I’m sure Katya couldn’t tell me anything because of shock. During our conversation with her parents, Katya was sitting in the next room and crying, hugging her baby. By the way, he is now formally raised by Nadezhda and Alexander Mitchenko. But since Katya lives with them, she actually raises Ilyushka herself. That's the baby's name. The prosecutor's office knows this, but they don't see any special crime here. When the KP correspondents were about to leave, Katya conveyed just one phrase through her parents: “Forgive me! I didn’t want my baby to die!”... Under the article “Leaving in danger” the girl faces a year in prison. But, most likely, she will get off with a fine.

Local Registration 11/24/2014 Messages 8

How to correctly understand the swap in points and calculate it for an open position depending on the lot

There is a link to the contract specification on your website - https://site/images/3795.jpg
There, swaps are indicated in points, it is not entirely clear how to perceive these values, what will be the amount of profit or loss in USD if you leave an open position overnight?

You could ask someone to give an example of how this value would apply to open positions with the following volume:

— 0.5 lot
— 1 lot
— 2 lots

And, if possible, provide the calculation formula.
The misunderstanding arose due to the fact that I was used to the fact that the swap is calculated depending on the lot size, but how to calculate it for an open position if it is indicated in points?


Registration 09/18/2014 Address Far, far away. Posts 3,025

A simplified formula for calculating in the currency of the quoted pair:
Swap = 100000*Point*Lot*Swap_Point.

Lot = Lot size,
Point = Point (0.001 or 0.0001)
Swap_Point = swap size in points.

To calculate in the account currency (USD), you need to multiply the result of the previous formula by:
For quotes from USD to 1 , if USD is a quoted pair (that is, USD is on the right in the name) and on 1/price, if USD is base (in the name on the left, USDJPY, USDCHF, USDCAD); price — current quote of the pair.
For crosses. We multiply by the current price of the quoted currency to the dollar. That is, for example, we calculate for EURGBP. The quoted currency is GBP, so we look at the price of the pair GBPUSD = 1.5325
Multiply the result of the previous formula by 1.5325. For USDJPY, USDCHF, USDCAD pairs - multiply by 1/price;

Topic: How to correctly understand the swap in points and calculate it for an open position depending on the lot watch the video:

What's going to happen to people? The state needs to deal with such problems.

  • Victor Bukharaev

    Not people, but animals. Someone asks God about a child, and someone is worse than an animal.

  • Maxim Yusupov

    The situation and story are simply terrible.
    But it does raise some very important topics.
    First, women do this because there is no properly functioning state system where they can anonymously place an unwanted but already born baby in a shelter (may God forgive such parents, for they have no human forgiveness).
    The second is the fear of society condemning pregnancy and childbirth out of wedlock (this is not a flaw in society, but in this regard we still have an extremely conservative approach)
    Third, people have no confidence in the future, which is why they think that children are unwanted. I assume that the woman also did not have the support of close people who would dissuade her from such a step.
    Fourth, she should have been observed by a doctor at the stage of pregnancy, which means that social services should have taken an interest in the state of the family, its situation and possibilities for giving birth to a child. And take action and provide appropriate assistance. Or they are not there at all in that area. or they do not deal with such matters properly.
    In the end, after the child is no longer in danger and postpartum measures have been taken, it is necessary to deprive the mother of parental rights without alternative, because once she decided to do this, she will decide in the future.

  • Isaac Kleiner

    “And take action and provide appropriate assistance”
    and on whose neck will the payment of benefits and swearing of assistance be placed?
    of course, on the employer, which is why there is now a practice that newlyweds are quickly thrown out of companies so as not to pay for maternity leave..

    It would be easier to distribute free condoms to the poor (http://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/20170213_PS_Condom_Day_ru.pdf) so as not to breed poverty.
    Otherwise, we will have to increase spending on the social sector, which means introducing new taxes and fines in order to reach the budget deficit.

    Yes, and you’re missing the main thing.. it’s not the mother’s fault, but the father’s..
    Do we have a representative for children's rights, like Pavel Astakhov?

    If there were such a representative (from among experienced lawyers and with connections to the Ministry of Internal Affairs), he would immediately be able to identify the second parent and force him to pay child support until adulthood.
    In addition, we will soon have a consumer basket created, which means a minimum subsistence level will be established and it will become possible to set a minimum threshold for alimony (if you can’t pay, sell a kidney)

    We have a country with an eastern bias, that is, the mother will never be able to earn as much as the father, so it is not the mother who should bear financial responsibility and this needs to be enshrined at the legislative level.

    introduce the right for a child to demand recovery of damages from the second parent who evaded fulfilling his duties... and the law should be with unlimited retroactive force, i.e. if the parent has already died, and after the fact an inheritance was discovered that was not declared earlier, then allocate an equal share for plaintiff.

  • Maxim Yusupov

    “And on whose neck will the payment of benefits and swearing of assistance be placed?”
    I think if you understand well and approach this from the right point of view, you can find where the state can get money to help in such cases. As an example, if you want to have a magnificent wedding, donate some money (or a sheep) to the Fund for Helping Single Mothers, mahalla... How this money will be distributed and whether it will reach the recipient is again a state question. regulation. In this case, it is not always possible to pay off with money. We need psychologists. experienced people who are not indifferent in such matters, who will help with advice and kind words, who will then be supported by material assistance.
    “They throw you out of companies so as not to pay for maternity leave” - I have not seen such a practice, but I’ll take your word for it. But if a woman is a specialist in whom the company has invested, she will wait for her. Again, this is a question for the government. regulation in the labor sphere.
    “It will be easier to distribute free condoms to the poor” - the sensations are not the same :), and all of the above is the result of the pursuit of sensations. and in the middle of the field, usually, there’s even nowhere to wash your hands, and you’re talking about condoms.
    “Yes, and you’re missing the point. It’s not the mother’s fault, but the father’ - I would say how streetwise it sounds, but I won’t. Both are to blame, but in the end the child suffers, the new future citizen of the country - again, if neither the mother nor the father wants him - the state should take custody, but the state stirred up only after the murder attempt was carried out. and this is murder, whatever one may say (P.S. as it was presented in the article, because we don’t know the real facts, we had real medical cases when a woman did not even suspect that she was pregnant before giving birth)
    “force you to pay alimony until you reach adulthood.” - Do you know the average amount of alimony in the country? I’m ashamed to say... you can’t buy diapers for a month with this money. In this case, fathers underestimate their official salaries in order to avoid paying child support. Again we need government. intervention in establishing the mechanism.
    In general, we again came to the conclusion that without proper participation of the state in this area, the protection of single mothers and children, participation in their fate, recovery from the failed father is a matter for the state and society, among other things. And here it is necessary to reconsider many points. Otherwise, they want to ban lavish weddings, they see that they feel sorry for “other people’s” money, but then there is an attempted murder - and no one cares.

  • Irina Kuznetsova-Vorontsova

    Isaac Kleiner, correct! They hire young people (I’m talking about girls), but as soon as a girl gets pregnant, she is forced to quit. (I'm talking about the private sector). The employer is satisfied with the way she works, but paying for prenatal and postnatal leave, paying child care benefits for up to 2 years is not profitable for him, it is costly. And the salaries themselves are low. So such mothers are left with nothing, and even lose their seniority. It is clear that the father of the child is responsible. But how many women remain without husbands! And why can’t a working woman who decides to give birth get at least a little?! Working women (not in state-owned enterprises) have a choice: either give birth, but at the same time quit and we don’t care how you will live and what you and your child will live on. Or work without thinking about having children. There is another option - go to court so that you are not forced to resign or are reinstated at work. But this option, you understand...
