Meeting in a high security zone. Visits with prisoners - types and procedure for obtaining permission

Every convicted person, no matter how serious the crime he has committed, has the right to communicate with his family and friends. But after the verdict comes into force, the amount of this communication undergoes serious changes.

Short and long visits with family are becoming a rare privilege. To increase their number, it is necessary to demonstrate exemplary behavior. Any violations of prison regulations lead to a reduction in the time of communication with relatives.

As experienced wives of convicts say, in order to get a visit in prison, it is necessary to pass a large number of tests, both bureaucratic and moral and ethical.

We will tell you further how to get permission to visit a loved one who is in prison, and what surprises you should expect from this event.

The number of permitted visits depends directly on the regime in which your relative is serving his sentence.

The regime, in turn, depends on the severity of the crime he committed and his behavior in the colony. The regime and conditions of detention are dynamic; they can change depending on many factors.

All dates, regardless of mode, are of two types:

  • Short-term – date for 4 hours;
  • Long-term – a date for 3 days.

Both convicts and relatives favor long-term visits.

At this time, they have the opportunity to enjoy solitude with their loved one, because colony staff are present during short-term visits.

General dating

General mode is a normal mode that does not have strict restrictions. In addition, in the general regime it is possible to use lighter conditions of detention for a convicted person who is distinguished by good behavior.

Under the general regime, 4 short-term and long-term visits are allowed.

Under lighter conditions, the convicted person receives 2 additional short-term and long-term visits.

If the convicted person violates the regime or behaves badly, then the number of visits provided for by law for him may be reduced.

In a strict regime, in the same way, there are both normal conditions of detention and lighter ones.

The number of permitted visits for each type of detention conditions is as follows:

  • Under normal conditions - 3 long and short visits;
  • In easier conditions - 4 long and easy dates.

Long visits in a maximum security colony have stricter rules. If you are going to meet a convicted person for the first time, then be prepared for the fact that you may be forced to undress for a very thorough examination.

Special dates

In special conditions of detention everything is even more difficult. Those prisoners who are under normal conditions have the right to 2 long-term and 2 short-term visits per year. On easier terms - 3 dates of each type.

Convicts who are kept under a lifelong special regime have the right to see their relatives for a short visit only 2 times a year.

Long meetings are prohibited for them. These are especially dangerous criminals and are under heavy security.

The settlement colony is the most gentle place for convicts. There are no restrictions on meeting with family. If you wish, you can even apply for a visit outside the territory of the colony.

To stay in a pre-trial detention center, where visits are also not limited, you need to express your desire to do so. If there are places available, you will be left to work in the economic sector of the pre-trial detention center under very good living conditions. Often such places are sold for small amounts.

Only close relatives have the right to long-term visits.

So who is allowed in? These include the following persons:

  • Legal spouses;
  • Parents;
  • Children;
  • Brothers and sisters;
  • Adoptive parents and adopted children;
  • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
  • Grandchildren.

Theoretically, illegitimate wives cannot have long-term dating rights. But is everything so clear in this matter? How can a common-law wife get a date with a convicted person?

To get the long-awaited date, you will need to pity the head of the colony. The head of the correctional institution has the right to independently authorize or prohibit visits with non-close relatives.

Therefore, in order to go on a date, you must first submit a written request to the head of the colony.

It’s good if your husband has impeccable behavior, and the head of the colony is lenient towards other people’s requests.

To be more convincing, you can provide a certificate of cohabitation, which can be requested from the housing and communal services department.

What to cook for a date? Regardless of whether you are a close or distant relative, all visitors will need to undergo a short medical examination before the date.

Each correctional institution may have its own list of certificates that may be required for this.

But, in general, the following medical documents are required:

The hospital and the colony itself will tell you how to obtain these certificates.

Obviously, this is done to ensure that none of the visitors can bring into the zone such serious diseases as tuberculosis, hepatitis, and sexually transmitted diseases.

In addition to medical documentation, it is required to submit documents that would confirm the fact of relationship with the convicted person and its degree. Wives carry marriage certificates, parents and children – birth certificates.

No one will be allowed on a date without an identification document.

A long date in the zone is a whole mini vacation, consisting of three days. Therefore, it is worth approaching it responsibly.

You have the right to take whatever you want on a date, as long as these things are not on the list of items prohibited from being brought into the zone. The rules for the date are very strict.

Do not take anything prohibited, as this may become grounds for refusing a date. Such things include money, phones, chargers, SIM cards, alcoholic beverages, documents, etc. Check all pockets in advance to ensure there are no prohibited items lying around in them.

The convicted person or his guests pay money for staying in the long-term visiting room.

The pleasure is not free, but also inexpensive. The rules for providing all benefits in this case are as follows.

You will be provided with what is called a rider, which will list items such as TV, microwave and other items along with their prices.

You will have to mark what you need from this list and pay for everything.

In general, each position costs about 50 rubles, so for two you will cost 500 rubles.

Sex on a date in prison

It's no secret that long-term dates are created, for the most part, specifically to satisfy sexual needs.

No matter how delicate this topic may be, once on a date, couples forget about any embarrassment or poor conditions and immediately begin to fulfill their marital duty.

The visiting rooms are located in a row in the same hallway, so you can easily hear your neighbors having fun.

The following circumstances often create a problem:

  • In some colonies it is forbidden to close the door;
  • In many colonies, several visiting rooms share a toilet and shower;
  • Colonial officers often monitor the love of convicts in their cells.

Although for those who are very bored, none of the above factors stops them from wanting intimacy.

How is a short visit in prison?

As a rule, all dates begin with the transfer of food. But this is not even a meeting stage, but a separate procedure - transfer. It’s just that most often relatives combine a date with food transportation.

The food norm is set for 2019 at 20 kg. Everything that was brought is carefully inspected.

The order of the meeting is as follows. A short-term visit in prison is simply like a four-hour conversation through glass. For communication there is a telephone through which you can talk. But in principle you can hear it without it.

The telephone is rather intended for those cases when several dates are taking place in the room at the same time, and a strong noise of voices is created.

The convict and his guest are sitting on chairs and talking. At the same time, there is always a colony employee present who listens to what you say.

A long meeting takes place in separate rooms of the colony or in a hotel, which is located for these purposes on its territory. It costs money, we have previously talked about the approximate cost of a three-day date.

On a long date you can cook in the kitchen. Kitchens are laid out differently in different prisons. In some places, each meeting room has a separate kitchen, in others there is one kitchen for several rooms. So sometimes you have to wait in line.

There is an opportunity to go outside, watch TV and DVDs with films. For three days there is no regime for convicts; they do not have to get up early and go to formation. It's a little vacation for them.

Visiting rooms are generally dirty. Therefore, it is better to take something with you to clean tables or dishes, take clean bed linen.

There are always unpleasant odors in the room, because rooms such as the toilet, smoking room and kitchen may be located close to each other.

Every meeting for a convicted person is a holiday, and its end is a terrible tragedy. Parting with loved ones is always accompanied by tears.

Visits in prison have strict restrictions. The convicts were recognized by the court as dangerous to society and requiring isolation.

Control over their lives does not stop even when they go on short or long-term visits with relatives.

Like any person, those in a pre-trial detention center need communication and not only with fellow inmates. It is important for everyone to be able to see their relatives and friends, talk with them, inquire about their lives and share their thoughts. But for everyone who is in, this opportunity is limited, and it is these restrictions that will be discussed in the article.

You can get a visit with detainees in a pre-trial detention center.

Legal provisions

Relatives of accused and suspects held in pre-trial detention centers should know how to get a meeting with a convicted person in a pre-trial detention center. The procedure and rules for meetings with prisoners are prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Justice No. 189, namely in Chapter 16.

In accordance with this order, the number of visits for a prisoner is limited to no more than 2 per month, and the duration of such meetings cannot be more than 3 hours. Therefore, it makes no sense to mention here and further the possibility of “long meetings”; in pre-trial detention centers there are only short-term meetings. A meeting is possible only after obtaining the appropriate permission from authorized persons and bodies; if quoted verbatim, it is spelled out as follows:

Art. 139. Permission is valid for only one date. The written permission to visit, certified by the official seal, must indicate to whom and with what persons it is permitted. No more than two adults are allowed to meet with the suspect or accused at the same time. A convicted person in respect of whom the sentence has entered into legal force, but has not yet been executed, is granted a meeting with relatives on the basis of the permission of the presiding judge in the court hearing in a criminal case or the chairman of the court.

Art. 140. Based on the written permission of the person or body in charge of the criminal case, as well as identification documents, the head of the pre-trial detention center or the person replacing him gives a written instruction to authorize the visit, after which he gives an order to the assistant on duty to conduct it.


There are 3 types of procedures typical for a pre-trial detention center:

In the period before the verdict is announced

The law does not establish restrictions on who has the right to receive a visit. Therefore, we can say with confidence that anyone can apply. But when submitting an application, you will need to document the extent and type of relationship with the prisoner; therefore, it will be difficult for everyone except relatives to prove the validity of their request. For this category of people who cohabit or are in the so-called, it will be necessary to prove in some way the validity of cohabitation, for example, registration at the same address, the presence of joint bank accounts, etc.

From the date of proclamation to the date of entry into force

This type falls under the provisions of Article 395 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation:

Before the sentence is executed, the presiding officer at the court hearing in a criminal case or the chairman of the court, at the request of close relatives of the convicted person in custody, provides the opportunity to visit him.

Meeting after the appeal.

According to Article 75 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation:

Those sentenced to imprisonment are sent to serve their sentence no later than 10 days from the date the administration of the pre-trial detention center receives notification that the court verdict has entered into legal force. During this period, the convicted person has the right to short-term visits with relatives or other persons.

How to get a meeting with a convicted person in a pre-trial detention center

It’s worth saying right away that dates are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and in most cases the queue stretches out for months in advance. So, the application is written in the name of the body or person in charge of the criminal case - the investigator (if the prisoner is currently under investigation), the judge (if the case materials have been transferred to the court), the appeal board (if the appeal is being considered), the administration (head) of the isolation ward.

A sample application content looks like this:

  1. "A cap". The position, surname, name and patronymic of the person in whose name the application is written are indicated. Next, you must indicate the full name, registration address and passport details of the applicant.
  2. Main part. In the main part there is an application with a request for a visit and the information of the prisoner is indicated - his full name and date of birth. It is also mandatory to indicate the degree of relationship or other relationship between the applicant and the prisoner.
  3. Conclusion. The final part contains the date, signature and transcript, and you can also refer to Order of the Ministry of Justice No. 189.

How is the meeting going?

After the applicant arrives at the pre-trial detention center, he becomes familiar with the rules specific to conducting visits. The date may be terminated early in accordance with Article 147 of Order No. 189 of the Ministry of Justice.

The grounds for early termination of a meeting are:

  • an attempt to transfer prohibited items, substances and food to a suspect or accused;
  • an attempt by persons arriving on a date to transmit information that may interfere with establishing the truth in a criminal case or contribute to the commission of a crime.

It is carried out in a room specially designated for this procedure, which is equipped with a specialized intercom and a dividing barrier made of bulletproof glass. Conversations can be listened to by the person responsible for this, and if necessary, conversations are recorded. Also, there must be an employee of the pre-trial detention center directly in the room, who exercises control in order to prevent possible incidents.

As mentioned above, a date can last no more than 3 hours; increasing the communication time is not allowed. A long visit in a pre-trial detention center is not provided for by law.


As you can see, obtaining permission to visit is a rather complicated procedure, requiring not only your strict adherence to legal provisions, but also the convergence of related factors that you cannot influence, for example, the personal relationship between you and the prisoner investigator. It is also worth noting that the restrictions described in this article do not apply to meetings of prisoners with their legal representatives, according to Art. 144 and 145:

Art. 144. Suspects and accused persons are granted visits with a defense lawyer in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Art. 145. Meetings between a suspect or accused and a defense lawyer are carried out in private without a dividing wall and without restrictions on their number and duration. Meetings may be conducted in conditions that allow the pre-trial detention center officer to see the suspect or accused and the defense lawyer, but not hear them.

Hello Julia.

What is a long date?

Article 89 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation regulates the rights of those sentenced to imprisonment to be granted long-term visits. By long-term we mean three-day visits taking place on the territory of the correctional institution.

If the correctional institution is a colony-settlement, then for such prisoners the duration of visits (in cases provided for by the penal code of the Russian Federation) can be extended to five days. These visits can take place with partial time spent or full residence outside the colony-settlement. In this case, only the head of the colony can determine the place and procedure for a long meeting.

Today, current legislation gives the head of a correctional institution the right to independently make decisions regarding the determination of permission or prohibition for visits with non-close relatives. You, being the girlfriend of a prisoner, cannot pretend to be a close relative, so there is no confidence that you will get a long date with your boyfriend.

The guaranteed right to cohabitation is granted only to spouses, parents, children, adoptive parents and adopted children, brothers and sisters of the first degree of kinship, grandparents, and grandchildren. For other persons (in accordance with Article 89 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, you are precisely another person), as was said earlier, permission for a long visit is granted only by decision of the head of the correctional institution. It turns out that it depends only on the prison warden whether to grant you the right to meet with the young man or to refuse. Not a single norm of the current legislation stipulates the obligation of the administration of correctional institutions to provide opportunities for long-term visits to common-law wives.

What should a common-law wife do?

I advise you to politely and correctly contact the head of the prison with a written request to meet with the young man. Since it depends only on the top management of the correctional institution whether you will meet with a prisoner for a long time, there can be no talk of any claims, demands or threats in your treatment.

The practice of prison visits shows that prison governors do not particularly prevent common-law wives from meeting prisoners. They are people too, and nothing human is alien to the administration of correctional institutions. Naturally, the behavior of your young man should be exemplary and exemplary, because no one is going to meet halfway prisoners who create riots and violate the regime and conditions of serving time in correctional institutions.

It is not at all necessary, but sometimes prison governors require documentary evidence of the actual marital relationship between the prisoner and the guest. De facto marital relations include living together within a civil marriage. You do not indicate that you are the prisoner's common-law wife. However, your chances of obtaining permission for a long visit will increase significantly if the housing office or house management company agrees to issue a certificate confirming the fact of cohabitation. If you are familiar with the local police commissioner, you can contact him with a corresponding request, explaining the purpose and need for obtaining this certificate. If the prisoner’s place of residence is characterized positively, I don’t think they will refuse you.

Required documents

In addition to proof of actual marital relations, you will have to collect a number of documents and certificates confirming the absence of diseases and infections. All applicants for long-term visits are required to undergo a medical control procedure, regardless of the degree of relationship with prisoners. Despite the fact that the list of mandatory certificates and analyzes may change depending on the discretion of the administration of a particular colony, you will have to prepare:

  • Fluorography;
  • Conclusions from a therapist, dermatovenerologist, gynecologist;
  • Blood test for HIV, hepatitis C, RW.

Sincerely, Natalia.

Most often, the question of how a long visit in prison goes is asked by people whose relatives and friends have been imprisoned for a long period of imprisonment. And it is at this moment that those who have stumbled deserve attention and support from people close to them. Therefore, they need meetings and visits with relatives in order to brighten up at least a couple of days of imprisonment in places not so remote.

First of all, let's talk about what kind of dates there are in the general security zone. As a rule, they are divided into two categories according to time:
1. Long dates;
2. Short-term dates.
A long visit in prison is considered the most desirable for prisoners, because they can be allowed to see loved ones and close people for three whole days. And relatives can settle in a specially equipped room on the territory of the colony at their own expense or the expense of the convicted person. A long visit in prison for five days is also allowed if relatives stay outside the prison.

A short-term visit in prison is allowed for a period of no more than 4 hours.

Although the duration of a visit in prison may depend on the following factors:
Type of punishment served by the convicted person;
Conditions of detention;
Behavior of the convicted person and adherence to the internal detention regime;
The decision of the administration or the head of the correctional institution where the convicted person is serving his sentence.
For more details, see articles of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation 89, 121, 123, 125, 131.

How many meetings are allowed under the general regime?

The number of visits per year is based on what type of sentence the prisoner is on. Let's start with the question, how much is due?
In addition to the general regime, lighter conditions of detention are often added. In this case, up to six long-term visits are allowed, and the same number of short-term visits in every 12 months of serving the sentence.
If a prisoner is serving a sentence in a general regime colony without light conditions, then there will be four long visits.
Sometimes, if the convict behaves well, then, by decision of the administration, the management can turn a blind eye to an extra long visit in the zone. But only one thing, and on the condition that the prisoner tries to improve and follows all the internal rules.

Answering the question: how many visits are allowed under the general regime, we will indicate - 4 long and short-term per year.

However, if the convicted person has been observed to have gross violations of order, he may be deprived of visits.

How many visits are allowed under strict regime?

Now let's move on to those who were sentenced to imprisonment in maximum security colonies. There are also two forms of serving the sentence:
1. Under normal conditions;
2. In easier conditions.
A prisoner serving a sentence in a maximum security colony under normal conditions is allowed three long-term visits in prison and three short-term visits per year.
If he is in a lighter position, then the number of visits in the colony will be the same as under the general regime - 4 long-term and 4 short-term per year.

How many dates are allowed under a special regime?

The situation is even more difficult and complicated for those who are in a special regime of detention. Here the number of dates will be less:
1. Under normal conditions – 2 long-term and 2 short-term;
2. In a light mode - 3 long and 3 short-term.
For you and me, the difference of one date may seem small, but from a psychological point of view, for people isolated from society for educational purposes, every date with a loved one becomes almost a holiday. Therefore, for people who have committed more serious crimes, such a privilege as a long “date” in prison can not only be reduced, but also canceled if his behavior does not comply with internal regulations.

How many visits are allowed under strict regime?

Long visits in a maximum security colony are completely prohibited. Prisoners have access to only two short-term visits with relatives per year.
The reasons for this limitation are:
The severity of the crime committed;
Recidivism or criminal history of prisoners;
The need for strict measures to re-educate citizens.

How to get a date outside the colony settlement?

But the most comfortable and attractive conditions for dating on the territory of prisons are dates in a colony-settlement. Because the number of meetings with relatives and friends there is not limited, and sometimes meetings outside the colony are allowed.
To get a visit outside the prison, you must:
1. Comply with the internal regulations of the prison;
2. Write an application requesting a visit outside the prison territory addressed to the head, or to the person replacing him.

At the request of a convicted person imprisoned in a general regime, he can remain in custody in a pre-trial detention center, where he was awaiting a court decision. To do this, he needs to express his desire to remain in the housekeeping squad.

If a person remains in jail, he is guaranteed parole if he works hard, as well as unlimited short-term visits of up to four hours and long visits.

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Short-term date

Everyone knows what a short-term date is. These are brief meetings of the convicted person with family and friends in a specially equipped room on the territory of the colony. Meetings can only be permitted by the prison administration.

On short-term visits, the convicted person will be accompanied by a representative of the colony.

Therefore, be prepared for the following:
1. You cannot transfer personal items and products during a short visit;
2. Conversations will be monitored by colony workers;
3. In some cases, meetings will take place in rooms where the convicted person and his guest will be separated by glass.
If you want, then use the window to transfer things. You can read more about this here.

Long date

Now let's move on to the more interesting question of what a long visit in prison is.
Its main difference is that several days will be allocated for meetings with the convicted person, and it will take place either in the premises of the colony or in a hotel building on the territory of the colony. Payment for accommodation at the expense of a relative or the convicted person himself.
Basic rules and permissions for long dates:
1. You can take food and drinks with you, but not in glass containers;
2. Meetings must take place exclusively in a designated room; the convicted person cannot leave it. If the convicted person leaves the meeting room, the meeting will be over.
3. As a rule, long visits are allowed only for married couples and close relatives. Sometimes they are supplemented by caretakers in the pre-trial detention center. Close relatives include:
a. Children (biological and adopted);
b. Spouses;
c. Parents;
d. Brothers, sisters;
e. Grandparents.
4. If a prisoner does not exhibit exemplary behavior, he may be prohibited from having long visits.
In addition, visits with cohabitants and loved ones are practically not allowed unless marriage is formalized.

How are visits conducted in prisons?

Since a prison is an area that is under constant special security, be prepared for thorough inspection and control by prison employees.
Employees must check you for absence:
1. Alcohol and drug intoxication;
2. The presence of prohibited items: money, weapons, mobile phones, drugs;
3. Food, if the date is short-term, as well as the presence of prohibited containers (glass, metal).

The procedure for examining those arriving on a meeting with a prisoner differs in different prisons, so do not agree to various offers from the guards to “lead” you without inspection. Don't make life difficult for your relative.

You are also required to show your documents:
1. Passport or other identification document;
2. Confirmation of relationship with the prisoner or marriage contract concluded with him.
If at least one document is missing, the prison officer has the right to refuse a long visit.

Refusal to be searched before entering the prison grounds means an automatic ban on visiting the prisoner.

In addition, for the safety of arrivals, each room for long visits is equipped with telephones for calling armed guards. After the time allocated for the meeting has expired, a bus or convoy will come for you and escort you out of the prison territory. The prisoners themselves will be taken to their cells.

List of permitted products and things that you can take on a date in prison

So, if you are going on a short-term visit in prison, then all food and things must be transferred in the form of a parcel through a special window. And we’ll talk in more detail about what you can take with you on a long visit in prison.
So, the permitted list includes:
1. Food;
2. Soft drinks, not in glass containers;
3. Books, video discs;
4. Personal hygiene items;
5. Clothes for you and your relative.
1. Narcotic drugs;
2. Mobile phones, tablets;
3. Alcohol-containing drinks;
4. Weapons and means from which they can be made;
5. Money.
Never try to bribe a guard to transfer prohibited items into the prison, as you will either worsen the situation of your relative or fall under the criminal code.
The list of acceptable food products includes:
1. Instant food:
a. Noodles;
b. Soups for brewing;
c. Porridge.
2. Bouillon cubes;
3. Crackers, Bread
4. Black tea, sugar, coffee;
5. Vegetable oil or butter in a small volume;
6. Cheeses;
7. Cigarettes.
A more detailed list of products can be found at this address.


In Russia, unlike a number of countries, long visits are allowed with relatives of the prisoner living on the territory of the colony. However, this requires fulfilling a number of strict requirements.
However, for a prisoner, meeting with loved ones is a real holiday, so don’t be afraid to “visit” him in the colony and support him. He needs support now more than ever. Most importantly, do not forget to send a request for a meeting to the head of the colony and study the list of things acceptable for transfer.

Please note that Russian legislation is constantly changing and the information we write may become outdated. In order to resolve the issue you have regarding Criminal Law, we advise you to seek the advice of a lawyer in support of the site.

Human life is unpredictable. It also happens that one of your relatives or friends ends up in a pre-trial detention center (SIZO) or a correctional colony (CI). In this article, we will look at how to get a date in a pre-trial detention center or correctional facility and what needs to be done for this.

Dating as a legal term

A meeting is a meeting of a suspected or convicted citizen with relatives or other people with the official permission of the institution where the specified citizen is located. The right to a visit is spelled out at the legislative level - in Article 395 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) of the Russian Federation.

Types of dates

Visits with a detained citizen can be of 2 types:

  1. Short term, lasting up to 3 hours in a pre-trial detention center, and up to 4 hours in a correctional institution. In a temporary detention facility (IVS), visits are not allowed in principle. The meeting is allowed on any day other than the one designated by the sanitary officer at the given institution.
  2. Long-term visits can be granted to a citizen only after a court has passed a verdict. Therefore, this type of visit can take place both in a pre-trial detention center, with the permission of its head, and in a correctional institution (PI). A long visit to a correctional institution is granted for 3 or 5 days, depending on the permission obtained.

List of persons who are allowed visits

Visits with a convicted person in a pre-trial detention center are allowed to a limited number of persons:

  • lawyer;
  • close relatives, no more than two at a time. It is worth noting that minor relatives are also allowed to visit, provided they are included in the official permission to visit from an authorized official;
  • a notary, if necessary, to prepare any documents.

According to the internal regulations of pre-trial detention centers and correctional institutions, the following persons are not allowed to visit:

  • under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • not having an identification document with them;
  • not specified in the official permission to visit.

Visit in pre-trial detention center before trial

Until a citizen is found guilty, he awaits a court decision in a pre-trial detention center. Visits in this institution are allowed only with relatives, a lawyer, and a notary. In accordance with paragraph 139 of the internal regulations of the pre-trial detention center, meetings can only be short-term and no more than 2 times a month.


Prison in Russia differs in the conditions of detention of convicts - general, special and strict regime. Those, in turn, are divided into light, normal and strict conditions of detention. You can compare the difference in this

Permission to visit a pre-trial detention center can be given by the following officials:

  • investigator, if investigative actions have not yet been completed;
  • a judge, if the investigation is completed and the case is transferred to court (clause 18 of Federal Law No. 103-FZ of July 1, 1995);
  • the head of the pre-trial detention center when the court has already passed a sentence;
  • the appeal board, if the case is referred for appeal (by the way, you can read about the time frame for considering an appeal)

After receiving permission, the citizen who requested a visit must appear at the pre-trial detention center with permission and his passport. It is worth noting that pre-trial detention center employees have the right to inspect a person who comes to a meeting with a prisoner.

Directly at the pre-trial detention center, visits are granted on a first-come, first-served basis. You can sign up for this queue via the Internet through the electronic queue website, or during a personal visit to the pre-trial detention center through the terminal. If this institution does not have such technical equipment, then in this case you need to take a place in the live queue.

Procedure for obtaining permission

To obtain permission to visit a pre-trial detention center or correctional facility, you must write an application. When a detainee is in a pre-trial detention center, the application must be addressed to the person in whose jurisdiction the detainee is currently located, as stated in the previous paragraph. If the convicted person is already in a penal colony, the application for a long visit to the penal colony must be addressed to the head of the colony.

The application for a date must contain:

  • position and full name of the addressee;
  • Full name and passport details of the applicant;
  • Full name and prisoner, indication of the degree of relationship or the nature of the social connection, for example, if a meeting is required to draw up documents with the help of a notary;
  • request for a visit;
  • contact information to receive a response to the application;
  • date of application and personal signature.

After submitting an application for a short-term visit to a pre-trial detention center, or a short-term or long-term visit to a correctional facility, you must wait for a written response. The answer can be either permission to date or refusal. If investigative actions have not yet been completed, the refusal may be motivated by the interests of the investigation.

A visit permit is a document certified by an official seal, which specifies who can come on a date and what conditions must be met.

Application methods

An application for permission to visit a pre-trial detention center or a correctional facility can be submitted in several ways.


Through the reception area of ​​the pre-trial detention center or correctional facility. The fact of filing an application must be recorded in a special journal of incoming correspondence.


by mail by Russian Post. The shipment must be submitted with the option of notification of delivery to the addressee.


Through the official website of the GUFSIN (Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service) of the Russian Federation of the region where the convict is located. You can send an electronic request for a meeting via email or by using the website’s option for ordering meetings with convicted prisoners. Important: not all pre-trial detention centers and correctional institutions operate this service.

To find out if you can make a request for a date at a specific institution via the Internet, you need to:

  • go to the official website of the GUFSIN of the desired region,
  • In the menu on the left, select the “Subordinate institutions” index,
  • in the page that appears, find the desired pre-trial detention center or correctional facility,
  • view information about the electronic services provided by this institution.

Typically, the page will include a downloadable application form and/or an option to apply for a date, information about work hours, and contact information.

Citizens who have received the certificate also have the right to a visit. Watch the video to see how it goes:

After applying for a date using one of the selected methods, you need to wait for a response. The answer can be given using any means of communication, but must be confirmed in writing. If a citizen wishing to receive a visit is in the same locality as a pre-trial detention center or correctional facility, then the optimal method of application is personal. If the prisoner and the citizen who wants to see him are located at a territorial distance, then the more convenient option would be to mail or submit an application through the GUFSIN website.

Any questions you may have can be asked in the comments to the article.
