DIY textile baby dolls. Pattern of a life-size textile doll

The modern world of dolls is extremely diverse. Entire industries are built on creating amazing doll images and a lot of additional accessories for them: clothes, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics and much more. They create families and groups of dolls, build houses for them and buy cars. But all this multifaceted variety cannot be compared with a truly unique product made by hand.

Do-it-yourself dolls are always individual. When making a doll, craftsmen put a piece of their soul and the warmth of their hands into it. It will not be possible to make two absolutely similar ones, even if you use the same patterns and fabrics, because each of them has its own unique character and soulfulness.

Puppet story

A doll plays an exceptional role in a person’s life. Probably everyone has their own memories associated with such an unusual attribute as a doll. But for everyone, this is a kind of return to childhood, to a carefree time of toys and entertainment.
Throughout its existence, the doll has served not only as a children's toy. At various times they were made as idols for the worship of gods, amulets for home and family, and used in religious processions and for entertainment at fairs. They had different shapes and sizes, depending on their purpose. A wide variety of materials were used: wood, clay, straw, porcelain, thread or fabric. Automata dolls of the 17th-18th centuries were complex mechanisms capable of moving, imitating human movements.

With all the diversity in the doll world, there have always been dolls designed for children. Rich nobles purchased expensive specimens in luxurious attire for their children. Poor people could not afford such a children's toy, so they made them with their own hands. In different countries and different periods of time, the appearance of such dolls was very different from each other, but they all served for children's amusement.
In the modern world, making dolls with your own hands is no longer determined by the desire to save money, but by the opportunity to independently create a unique and almost native toy. Which can be given an individual facial expression and shape, unlike any of the existing ones. This activity is very exciting and creative. Craftswomen who have once tried to sew a doll with their own hands from fabric rarely stop at just one copy. This is a very exciting process, which over time for many people develops into a permanent hobby that can unleash their creative potential.

Powerful amulet made by yourself

The easiest doll to make, which does not require special skills, is a motanka. It received this name because the process of its manufacture consists of winding up the necessary parts in a certain sequence.
The history of this doll goes back to the distant pagan past. This ancient toy was made from straw, thread or pieces of fabric, and any natural material at hand was used. When creating it, no needle or scissors were used. If necessary, the fabric was torn by hand, and all components were attached using threads. In order for the doll to become a real amulet for the owner, it was made from old, worn clothes, which were worn at happy moments in life.

Facial features were never depicted. It was believed that the eyes were a portal to another world, and therefore their image could break the boundary between worlds. The face of the motanka was decorated with a cross woven from threads or braid, which was a symbol of life and salvation.
Motankas differed in shape and external attributes, so they had many different purposes: for babies - for protection, for brides - for a happy family life, for married women - for the birth of children, for the home - for prosperity. They also made beregins for prosperity and a good harvest, providing them with the appropriate attributes: spikelets, seeds, nuts or grains. For good health and well-being, we wove a bereginya herbalist and filled it with aromatic herbs. The motanka plantain was holding a bundle in her hands, with a handful of native soil wrapped in it. Such a talisman can protect on the road and show the traveler the right path. The wedding amulet consisted of two men whose hands were woven from one piece of fabric, so they could not be separated; this symbolized a strong and friendly family. In ancient times, the question of how to make a doll with your own hands did not arise; this skill was passed down from generation to generation and girls were taught this from early childhood.

To make a doll amulet with your own hands from fabric, you only need to be in a good mood, think and talk about good things, sing songs, read prayers and wish all the best. The bereginya will absorb all this during production, and then will exude it for many years, charging everything around with positive energy.
Work on the doll cannot be interrupted; it must be done immediately from start to finish, in one go. Therefore, all details of clothing must be thought out in advance and everything necessary must be prepared, the mood must be properly adjusted and in a calm atmosphere, work without interruptions until the work is completed.
Let's look at a detailed master class on a do-it-yourself woven doll.

For such a reel you will need:

  • a piece of white fabric for the head;
  • padding polyester or cotton wool for filling the head;
  • pieces of colored fabric (9*9 – handles, 8*15 – skirt, 4*7 – apron);
  • threads for tying and hair.

Wrap the filler in white cloth and wrap it with red thread. Make a cross of threads on the face, first vertically, then horizontally, and secure them to the back of the doll.

Gather the fabric for the skirt into folds and attach it to the doll. Without cutting the thread, make several turns to the neck and back, creating a body.

Attach an apron to the side of the face and use the same thread to create a body.

Roll the fabric for the handles into a tube or accordion shape and wrap tightly with thread.

Handles are tied to the doll with thread, crosswise.

Measure the desired length of hair and secure in the middle with thread. Place your hair tightly on your head and tie it around your neck.

Braid the doll's hair. You can use additional decorations or symbols for the guardian, it all depends on the desire of the craftswoman. A powerful and reliable amulet is ready to protect and help on the path of life.

Sewn dolls

The world of hand-sewn dolls is very diverse, each of them has its own distinctive features that make it unique, thanks to the imagination and taste of the craftswomen. It can be a funny baby doll, soft and homely, whom you want to hug before going to bed.

Some craftsmen prefer to make sophisticated and exquisite dolls that will serve as interior decoration, adding an element of luxury and charm to it.

You can make a so-called Waldorf doll. Her figure has smooth and rounded lines, and her body proportions correspond to those of a human. Facial features are usually of a purely conventional nature: small button eyes, a slight indication of the nose and mouth.

The Tilda doll appeared quite recently, at the end of the last century. The external image can be created in different ways, but there are basic features inherent in any doll with that name. She has too elongated and thin legs and arms. Usually only small eyes are shown on the face and blush is always applied.

Each craftswoman can decide for herself exactly how her product will look. There are no rules that the appearance of a doll must comply with. If desired, the master can combine several types of dolls into one and create his own original toy.

Delightful dolls, capable of causing delight and a smile, and initiating the desire to have the same one. The manufacturing process is quite simple; basic needle skills are required. The skill of a craftswoman to embroider with beads will be useful for making such a doll. But even if you haven’t had to do this before, in this case you can try this type of creativity.
For production you will need:

  • felt fabric;
  • soft filler;
  • hair yarn;
  • nylon threads to match the fabric and yarn;
  • beads or beads, various colors and sizes;
  • pencil, scissors and needle.

You can use a ready-made doll silhouette template or come up with any other shape. When making a pattern for a doll, sewn with your own hands, so that the figure is symmetrical, draw half of the silhouette and cut out a folded sheet of paper, on the spread you will get the correct template. Draw two patterns on pieces of felt with a pencil.

On one of the templates, embroider with threads or draw a mouth and eyes. You can use beads or small buttons for this; the process is creative and therefore involves various experiments.

Using beads, embroider a skirt or dress on both parts with any design you can imagine. You can sew an outfit separately for the future doll or simply draw it directly on the template. The figures must be carefully cut along the contour so that the pencil is not visible.

To make hair, the yarn is cut into pieces of 20-25 cm.
Sew hair around the face along the forehead line, partially grabbing threads of hair for fastening.

On the back of the doll, the hair is sewn along the nape line. The hair raised up should look like in the photo:

The parts are folded with the wrong sides inward and sewn along the entire rim, leaving the space under the hair unstitched. You can use beads for decoration, sewing them around the entire perimeter of the figure. To do this, two beads are strung for the first time and the second one is stitched from bottom to top in reverse step. Next, sew on one bead at a time, also stitching from bottom to top, as shown in the photo:

You can fold the parts right side inward and turn the doll inside out after stitching. The edges will be smooth and even.
Through the hole left in the head area, the doll is stuffed with filler, making the figure dense and elastic. All that remains is to sew up the hole on the head and lift the hair up.

You can come up with any hairstyles and change them periodically.

Adorable cuties

In a similar way to the above method, you can sew any doll with your own hands from fabric, using appropriate patterns that can be transformed at your discretion.

In order to make such a cutie you will need fabric, threads for sewing and hair, and filler. The future silhouette of the toy is drawn on a piece of fabric. Legs and arms can be made separately or together with the body. Particular attention is paid to the eyes; the mood and character of the doll will depend on their expression. You can embroider them, draw them, or use store-bought ones.

All parts are carefully sewn by hand, leaving small holes through which the figure is filled and given volume.

After this, the holes can be sewn up and all the components of the doll can be assembled.

At the last stage, the hair is fixed and various clothes are designed. Any ideas can be brought to life and you can create unique and surprisingly touching creations.

Charming dolls made from tights

Do-it-yourself dolls made from tights have recently become very popular. This is a very plastic and comfortable material, when used, the doll will look very realistic. It allows you to show facial expressions, emphasize folds, and create facial and body features in a very natural way.

Craftswomen actively use this type of doll creation and therefore new interesting creations appear regularly. In order to create a complex figure that has its own facial expressions and characteristic features, a certain amount of experience is needed. Therefore, it is worth starting sewing with products that are easy to manufacture; the experience gained subsequently will allow you to move on to creating more complex designs. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions for a doll made with your own hands from tights.

To get such amazing butts you will need to have patience and a desire to create, and prepare the necessary materials:

  • nylon tights or socks;
  • filler for volume;
  • beads for eyes;
  • threads for sewing to match nylon;
  • knitting threads for hair;
  • needle, safety pins, scissors;
  • materials for making clothes.

They begin work by creating the general shape of the future priest. To do this, the nylon is filled with filler, adding pieces of filler separately to the places where the nose and legs will be located. The top is tied with a tight knot or sewn up.

When outlining the outline of the future nose, for convenience, safety pins are inserted and sewn between the pins located on top, from right to left. Then diagonally to the bottom right pin and come back, top left, then top right. Sew from the top right pin to the bottom left pin.

Sew the wings of the nose and nostrils, making two stitches on each part. To highlight each detail of the face, you need to take a separate thread.

To shape the cheeks and mouth, pins are inserted down near the wings of the nose and outlining the mouth. When creating cheeks, sew each one separately from top to bottom. To create the mouth line, stitch between the bottom pins.

Having marked the butt on the back of the figure with pins, it is stitched to create the shape. To form legs, they are stitched in their place with a running stitch and the thread is pulled in.

The upper free edge is carefully decorated and the eyes are sewn on. Hair is sewn from knitting threads; the shape of the hairstyle can be varied, depending on the imagination of the craftswoman.

You can draw eyebrows, eyelashes, blush and lips. You can dress the baby doll in T-shirts and panties by sewing scraps of fabric directly to the figure.

The result of painstaking work will bring pleasure to the craftswoman and can delight others with its appearance.

Doll and box - two in one

Dolls have different purposes: for play, interior decoration, and serve as amulets and protectors. A special category can be distinguished by dolls that are capable of not only decorating the interior, but also hiding a charming box under the lush coattails of their outfit.

This do-it-yourself doll-box can be used to store all sorts of little things, from keys and jewelry to gold jewelry. To make such a beauty, you can use an old, even broken doll, or make the upper body using any of the methods described earlier.
To form the box, you can use various containers: bowls, flower pots, plastic bottles, boxes of used cream, or glue a paper form from cardboard. The dimensions of the future box depend on its size.
Let us consider in detail the stages of work on creating a doll box with your own hands in a master class. For production you will need:

  • two plastic molds of the same diameter;
  • foam;
  • fabric for dress;
  • lace, available in various colors;
  • beautiful braid and satin ribbons;
  • glue or glue gun;
  • sewing threads, scissors;
  • beads and flowers for decoration.

It is necessary to measure the dimensions of the plastic mold: height, circumference of the upper part and size of the bottom.

4 circles are cut out of foam rubber according to the size of the bottom and 4 strips with a width equal to the height of the form and a length equal to the circumference of the upper part.

Handmade work is always highly valued, because a self-made item has a special energy. Rag toys have become very popular, including the leading position is occupied by tilde dolls, the idea of ​​which belongs to needlewoman from Norway Tonya Finnanger. If you are interested in how to sew a textile doll with your own hands, we offer you several master classes for beginners with ready-made patterns and photos.

Dolls made of fabric are good as a gift for both children and adults. They can decorate any interior, giving it coziness and warmth. They can be bought in handmade stores, and you can be patient and make a rag doll yourself from “old things” that take up space on the shelves in your closet, but you just don’t dare get rid of them. You can also use ready-made kits for sewing dolls, which already include fabric scraps and patterns.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re just getting ready or have already mastered this skill, by following step-by-step instructions on how to sew an interior rag doll with your own hands, you can make an original gift “with soul” that will be a pleasure to both give and receive.

  1. Transfer the pattern to paper or thick oilcloth and cut it out.

  2. Then transfer all the pattern pieces onto the folded fabric, inside out. When cutting out parts of the doll, be sure to leave seam allowance. Sew the necessary parts along the drawn outline, leaving a hole for stuffing. This can be done by hand or on a sewing machine.

  3. Stuff the prepared and turned parts with padding polyester.

  4. Using a hidden seam, sew the arms and legs to the body of the future doll.

  5. To do this, we will need a piece of colored fabric measuring 25 by 35 cm, as well as any decorations: lace, beads, ribbons, etc.

  6. Finish the edges of the fabric or hand-stitch, then sew along the side seam. Using a hidden seam, sew the skirt to the doll’s body 1 cm below the neck. To ensure the dress fits properly, make undercuts at the front and back. Decorate with additional fittings.

  7. After you have cut out the wings, turn them inside out and iron them. To keep them in shape, you can stuff them with a thin layer of padding polyester or reinforce them with fleece and make a few decorative stitches. Also, before sewing the wings to the angel, you can decorate them with embroidery.

  8. Make a tilde hairstyle using knitting threads according to the following pattern.

  9. Paint the face and shoes with acrylic fabric paints. If desired, attach a loop so that the doll can be hung.

We sew a textile doll with our own hands

It's impossible not to smile when you see a cute fabric doll. If such a toy settles in your home, a good mood is guaranteed. Well, to sew such a beauty, use the following instructions.

  1. Prepare the pattern, transfer it to flesh-colored knitwear, glued with non-woven fabric from the inside, except for the head area. Sew the pieces together and cut them out using zigzag scissors. If there are none, make notches on the bends of future arms and legs.

  2. For the head you need a foam ball with a diameter of 8 mm, which must be wrapped in padding polyester and placed in knitwear.

  3. For the neck you will need a wooden sushi stick. Glue it with padding polyester, then insert it into the ball through the other side of the body.

  4. The next step is to stuff the torso and other parts of the doll with synthetic down and sew them together with buttons, using the diagram. The only thing worth considering is that we first thread the arms into the sleeves, and the legs into the panties, and then sew them to the body.

  5. The doll's clothes can be whatever you want. As an option, a dress and jacket.

  6. Paint the eyes with acrylic fabric paints. Cheeks can be done with regular blush. Additional accessories, such as a sewn hat, are welcome.

How to sew a Lalalupsi doll with your own hands using a pattern

Lalalupsi are mega-popular dolls. You've probably seen them in store windows more than once, and if you have children, then you simply cannot not know about such a toy. Below we describe the process of how to very simply sew a Lalaloopsy doll with your own hands from fabric, thread and a couple of buttons.

  1. Transfer the pattern onto the fabric using chalk, a pencil or a bar of soap and cut out the details. Be sure to leave a small seam allowance.

  2. Sew all parts of the doll along the marked lines. This can be done by hand or on a sewing machine. Leave a hole to fill the doll with padding polyester.

  3. Now you need to decide on the image of the doll. You have to choose an outfit, hairstyle, and accessories for her. Give the doll's face the desired features.
  4. Let's get to the outfit. It all depends on your imagination.

  5. Hair is an important part of the pupa. They are made with knitting threads and a large needle. Use the diagram.
  6. The doll is ready. All that remains is to decorate it with additional accessories.

A very unusual type of interior dolls are dolls made from nylon tights. Making such a toy is quite simple; even beginners will be able to follow the algorithm of simple steps to create it. As for the materials used in sewing the doll, they are the best available:

  • flesh-colored nylon tights;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • scraps of fabric for clothing;
  • wire if you want the doll to be framed.

A pattern for this sewing is not needed, since all parts of the doll are formed from a blank - a nylon stocking stuffed with filler. You just need to separate some of the stuffing for the arms and legs and stitch them with thread. The head, neck, ears and nose of the future doll are formed using the same principle. This is the easiest way to make an interesting toy from nylon. Having mastered it, you can easily develop your acquired skills in sewing dolls, making them on a frame made of wire or a plastic bottle.

This one of the most difficult types of toys. A frame, glue, a large amount of foam rubber, different colors of plush are often used here, and you simply cannot do without a pattern. It’s quite possible to make a life-size doll yourself, but it’s still better to first try to sew something smaller, such as an interior toy or doll.

Video on how to make fabric dolls with your own hands

  • This video is a detailed instruction for sewing a tilde doll. After watching it, you will learn how to sew a special toy that can be a gift to a friend or decorate your own home.

  • This master class shows how to make a life-size puppet of the character Nolik from the cartoon “The Fixies,” which many children love so much, with your own hands.

  • If you are interested in the technique of making a doll from nylon tights, watch this lesson. Here we outline the process of creating a toy from A to Z.

  • In this video, a skilled craftswoman shows us how to sew a cute textile doll from fabric with her own hands. By repeating her every action, you too can become the owner of a long-haired beauty.

What wonderful dolls you can make with scraps of fabric and a couple of hours of free time! And using your design skills, you can fill the doll’s wardrobe with a variety of outfits, a hat... whatever you want!

No matter how diverse the store shelves are, needlewomen continue to create more and more new trends in handmade fashion. An example of this is interior dolls, the popularity of which is growing by leaps and bounds. And it’s not surprising, because once you get acquainted with the Tilda doll, it’s impossible not to place such a toy in your home.

Since interior dolls were invented by designers, all toys must be sewn taking into account certain rules. This is especially true for Tilda dolls created by Norwegian Tonne Finanger.

Tilda doll rules:

An interior doll does not have to be a little person. Following the angels of comfort, needlewomen introduced the fashion for cozy rag animals. Flights of fancy have no limits, so today you can create almost any toy with your own hands, a pattern for which is easy to find on the Internet.

Girl in a pink sundress

Girl doll in a touching outfit - universal decor, which is suitable for any interior. Bookshelves and children's beds, on which textile angels of comfort live, look harmonious.

Starting work on the doll

Before you start, you need to print out a sewing pattern. And it doesn’t matter: it will be drawn with your own hands, or copied from the Internet. The main thing is to follow the proportions and sewing rules.

The pattern can be printed on an A4 sheet. If necessary, the diagram is enlarged. For sewing, knitwear of a “dark” color is used. It is advisable to find a fabric that does not stretch much. Sewing departments often sell special doll knitwear called “White Angel.” If you use a regular one, which stretches, then it is recommended to glue the wrong side with non-woven fabric.

Master class on sewing toys:

To fill the head of the toy, you will need a foam ball, which is wrapped in a layer of thin padding polyester. Through a hole in the top of the toy, the ball is placed inside the pattern.

To make the doll's nose, use a pin with a round tip. The end of it is wrapped in a piece of padding polyester and placed in the craft, piercing a foam ball. A nose sewn with thread would also look good.

To make the neck frame, you will need Chinese chopsticks. A piece of stick is wrapped in a sheet of padding polyester. You should get a soft roll with a hard core inside. Through the lower hole in the doll, the roll is carefully placed inside, positioned in the neck area. Carefully puncture the foam ball to secure the neck.

It is advisable to stuff the body with synthetic fluff. If you don’t have it, you can use regular padding polyester, fluffing up its pieces. The body needs to be stuffed tightly.

Using a wooden stick, the neck is stuffed, adjusting its shape. Next, fill the body with small pieces. You will need a lot of them, however, do not rush and use large scraps. This stuffing will give the product a lumpy appearance. After dense padding, the lower body is sutured with a hand needle.

The legs are made according to the same principle. The sticks are wrapped in a piece of padding polyester, making rolls. Their thickness should be approximately equal to the thickness of the cut legs.

The best way to stuff your feet is to immediately put them in boots. Using sticks, they push the fabric of the legs into the doll's shoes, and then stuff them with the same stick. Then fill your hands. The legs and arms are sewn up.

To cut out shorts, take a square of fabric and sew it on the sides. An incision is made and the crotch seam is sewn. The bottom of the legs can be decorated with lace.

The doll is sewn together using a button fastening. To do this you will need buttons, a long needle, strong thread, pliers and a thimble.

The body is placed between the upper ends of the legs. The needle is inserted into one leg, threaded through the lower torso and out through the other leg. In this case, the needle is threaded through the holes of the buttons.

The character is dressed in pants and attached to the back. If the legs are wide, they can be sewn with stitches along the back of the toy.

Sewing a dress

The doll is almost ready. It's time to start making interesting clothes. To sew a dress for a toy, you will need to take measurements from the model. To do this, measure the length from the neck to the bottom of the toy’s body. And also in the widest part of the body, measurements are taken, as when taking the waist circumference. In the proposed example, the doll’s girth is 21 cm, and its height is 7.5 cm.

Using these measurements, cut a rectangle, leaving 0.5 cm for an allowance to the sides and 2 cm for the height. That is, the dimensions of the rectangle will be 21.5x9.5 cm.

The rectangle is sewn on the sides. Wrap the doll in it and mark the dart locations. They can be marked with chalk or pinned.

Remove the blank from the toy and sew the darts. The dress is applied to the body, secured with pins and sewn on the back of the toy.

To make a skirt, measure its length from the waist. Keep in mind that the fuller the skirt, the shorter it will be. Cut out a rectangle, the short side of which is equal to the length of the skirt. And the long side is not limited. The longer it is, the more gathers there will be on the finished clothes. For example, in the photo 45 cm of fabric was taken.

The bottom and top of the segment are padded by 0.5 cm and the rectangle is sewn into a ring. A thread is used to gather the ring along its length and tighten it on the doll. Folds are formed, and then the skirt is sewn directly to the toy.

If necessary, before sewing on the skirt, cut out the same rectangle, which will act as a petticoat. For pomp, tulle is sewn under the bottom of the skirt. The edges can be decorated with lace or other materials.

Making a jacket

To sew a jacket for an interior toy, you will need two pieces of lining fabric, as well as a decorative button.

Step by step instructions:

Face and hair styling

So, the doll is dressed up. It remains to complete it by shaping the face and also attaching the hair. Hair can be made from any materials. You can use natural sheep curls or artificial doll curls. Needlewomen often use woolen threads.

The hair can be sewn on with threads or glued with hot glue, after first marking the place of attachment with a pencil.

Secrets of home talismans

To make the toy cozy and cute, experienced needlewomen have compiled a list of the most important secrets that should be followed when creating an interior angel.

Advice from experienced craftswomen:

Creating interior toys is a hobby that will not leave your guests and household members indifferent. All thanks to the extraordinary charm of the dolls. Having barely met the cute Tildas, it is rare that a needlewoman will not sit down at a typewriter to build this beauty.

Making cute dolls from fabric is actually a very ancient Slavic tradition, which has regained its former popularity these days. Do you want to make a doll for a child, make a talisman doll for the whole family, or are you just planning to get carried away with something new? The article will help you master the basics of this amazing type of skill.

What kind of dolls can be made from fabric?

The variety of homemade dolls is as great as the limitlessness of imagination. But the following dolls are very popular among needlewomen:

  • Dolls-amulets or motanki. These Slavic dolls were made without using a needle, by winding all the elements onto a base in the form of tubes of fabric wound crosswise. Each doll had its own sacred purpose, for example, from the evil eye for a child, to attract matchmakers, from evil spirits.
  • Tilda dolls. These are the most popular homemade dolls. Their peculiarity is very long legs, dotted eyes, bright blush and the absence of a mouth. But not only girl dolls are sewn in this style, but also multi-colored bunnies, bear cubs, cats, tilde bags and even tilde slippers.

  • Snowball dolls. These Snow Girls are somewhat similar to Tilda, but they have large, durable feet that allow the doll to stand on its own. A doll is made with or without a mouth.

  • Pumpkin Maker dolls. They have a peculiar pumpkin-shaped head, which is sewn together in five parts, with one seam necessarily running in the middle of the face. The doll has a beautifully painted face with all the details.

  • Waldorf doll. This doll was invented as a teaching material for children. She always maintains human proportions, all her parts are mobile and smooth in shape.

How to make a Tilda doll from fabric

To make Tilda you need the following materials:

  • Pattern.
  • Yarn for hair.
  • Flesh-colored fabric for the body.
  • Multi-colored scraps for clothing.
  • Threads, scissors, sewing machine.
  • Pencils for facial design.
  • Sintepon or cotton wool.

Making a doll:

  • First, create a pattern for the future toy. You can draw it yourself, print it from the Internet, or buy a book on sewing toys with patterns.

  • Transfer all the paper parts onto the fabric and cut everything out.

  • Then sew all the parts, leaving small holes to put the filling through.

  • Turn all the blanks out and stuff them with padding polyester, but not very tightly.
  • Connect the torso with the arms and legs. Make stitches at the bends of the elbows and knees so that the doll bends her arms and legs.

  • Use pencils to make two black dots-eyes and apply blush.
  • Now come up with a hairstyle for the doll. It can be braids, a short haircut or luxurious long hair.

  • The final stage is tailoring. You can come up with an image yourself or choose a suitable pattern.

How to make a camel doll from fabric

What you will need:

  • Multi-colored shreds.
  • Cotton wool, braid, threads.
  • Willow branches (live or artificial).

Creating a reel:

  • Roll up the base roll and wrap it in white fabric. Tie the piece with red thread in three places.
  • Place a ball of cotton wool on one end of the roll to serve as a head. And cover your head with a piece of red cloth on top.
  • Tie the fabric around an imaginary neck, straighten it and wrap your hands on both sides.
  • In the area of ​​the chest tissue, place a small piece of cotton wool or a twisted piece of any fabric.
  • Unfold the front and back of the red fabric and tie.
  • Now use colored fabric to make a petticoat using the reverse method.
  • Then use the same methods to make the overskirt.
  • Tie an apron, make a warrior out of braid, wear a scarf.

Making a fabric doll is simple and you don’t need any special sewing skills. All you need is to choose a suitable pattern and tune in to the creative process.

Give it to a first grader? How about a hand-sewn textile doll? Such a gift will be symbolic not only for a girl going to first grade, but also for a graduate.

To sew the body, we used a piece of thick knitwear measuring approximately 50 x 40 cm. We print the proposed pattern on a printer or redraw it by attaching a sheet of paper to the computer monitor.

We transfer all the details to the knitwear except the wedges. They are cut out of white calico or calico in the amount of 6 pieces. We sew them together, leaving a small hole in the center. We sew along the contour using a machine. We leave small holes (1-1.5 cm each), through which we will turn the workpieces inside out and then fill them with filler.

You can turn out the parts using a sushi stick. It is also convenient for her to fill the parts with holofiber or padding polyester.

We put a covering on a ball sewn from wedges and tightly stuffed with filler, and tighten the top.

On the opposite side we make a depression in the filler, into which we push the knitted “branch”.

We insert the neck into this hole. To fix it, you can drop a little Moment glue on it or fix it with a thread, connecting it to the top of your head. We connect the junction of the neck with the head with a hidden seam.

We fix the legs to the body with pins, making sure that they are attached at the same level. Then we sew them through the body using buttons. This fastening allows the finished doll to be planted and its legs and arms to be rotated.

We sew tights from an adult sock. To do this, we cut off the toe part of the product, cut it in half, and grind off the sections.

Next, we sew a school uniform for the doll. Since our future “first-grader” will not be a playroom, but rather an interior one, her dress will not be removable. Only four parts are needed - two sleeves, a bodice and a hem.

We first draw an approximate bodice pattern on paper, apply it to the body, and adjust it in circumference and height. For the hem, cut out a strip of fabric measuring approximately 6 x 30 cm, and gather in the top edge.

We apply the handles to the fabric, trace them along the contour, thus obtaining blanks for making sleeves.

We connect the bodice and hem, process the cuts, you can immediately sew a lace collar in the neck area.

Sew a vertical section on the back. We also sew lace braid on the sleeves and put them on the handles.

Now you can fix them on the body. We pass through the body with a long needle with a double thread; we grab the handles only through their inner part.

We sew a white apron using lace, braid or regular white chintz.

At the next stage, we create a hairstyle on the doll’s head. In this master class, wefts with artificial hair one meter long were used. Instead, you can use felting wool, knitting threads, satin ribbon, foamiran, etc.
Sewing on the tresses starts from the bottom of the head and is carried out along its entire circumference.

First, you can fix the hairs with Moment glue, and also sew them on for reliability. From the remaining piece of tress 8-10 cm long we form a bun, insert it into a small hole on the top of the head.
