Dark diarrhea in a cat. Frequent diarrhea in cats

What should I do if my cat has diarrhea? — this question is asked by thousands of cat owners around the world.

The fact is that diarrhea is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of various diseases (often of an infectious nature), disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and other problems in the body. It is extremely important to realize that diarrhea is never the cause of a pet's health problems - but always becomes their "accompaniment".

What is diarrhea and how does it happen

Diarrhea (or, as it is popularly known, diarrhea) is a symptom that is characterized by very frequent (up to 10 times a day with a defecation rate of 1-2 times in an adult animal and up to 5 times in a kitten) bowel movements, and feces in this case, most often liquid.

Diarrhea develops as a result of intestinal irritation by various pathogenic bacteria, toxins, etc. Peristalsis increases, which leads to frequent defecation.

Sometimes the so-called false diarrhea in cats occurs - this is a small amount of feces squeezed out uncharacteristically thin, very often with mucus. Most often, this is a condition that is caused by previous constipation.

Diarrhea is usually of three types:

  • acute (the condition lasts from 1 to 5-6 days, rarely - a little longer);
  • recurrent (i.e. regularly recurring);
  • chronic (such a diagnosis is made if diarrhea lasts longer than 2 weeks).

It is important to understand that despite the fact that this is a common phenomenon in cats, diarrhea is not an ordinary “incident” - it cannot be ignored, since often neglect of a pet can provoke serious problems with the animal’s body, and in severe cases leads to death. exodus.

How does diarrhea manifest itself?

It is extremely difficult to miss this unpleasant phenomenon, but it is very important to be able to detect the symptoms of diarrhea and pay attention to them as soon as possible.

How does diarrhea manifest?:

  • the cat often empties the intestines;
  • with prolonged diarrhea, the pet loses weight;
  • often the animal suffers from bloating;
  • the cat becomes less active, may lose appetite;
  • feces have a liquid consistency, often with various impurities (mucus, blood, etc.).

One of the most dangerous symptoms (and consequences) of diarrhea for cats is dehydration! It is especially dangerous for small kittens, which are distinguished by an extremely small supply of vitality. That is why dehydration of the body should not be allowed - it is necessary to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible or start treating diarrhea in a cat at home.

It should be borne in mind that diarrhea itself is already a symptom, and various diseases in which this unpleasant phenomenon occurs can manifest themselves in different ways, for example, accompanied by depression, as well as vomiting, lack of appetite, or, conversely, an excessive need to eat .

Causes of diarrhea in cats

There are many causes of diarrhea in cats. Diarrhea can also be caused by common stomach disorders associated with malnutrition, as well as serious diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature. Most often, the reasons why a cat vilifies are the following factors:

  1. intolerance to the food that the cat eats (first of all, we are talking about dry food), as well as improperly selected food, in particular, too fatty food;
  2. low quality of dry food that the animal eats;
  3. a sharp transition to another dry food or a different type of food, unusual food;
  4. overfeeding a cat;
  5. helminthic invasion;
  6. food poisoning;
  7. general or intestinal infection of a different nature;
  8. gastroenteritis;
  9. metabolic problems.

Also, diarrhea can often develop while taking various medications that the body does not tolerate for one reason or another.

It is important to bear in mind that diarrhea can also indicate other serious pathologies in the pet's body: for example, serve as a symptom of tumors, including malignant ones, pancreatitis and other diseases.

What is diarrhea like?

Fecal masses with diarrhea in cats can often have various impurities, different consistency, color and smell. When contacting the clinic, the veterinarian will certainly ask you to describe the nature of the bowel movements, their appearance and other features that will help facilitate the diagnosis process, and will also serve as the key to finding the cause that caused such a disorder.

The main types of feces for diarrhea:

  • yellow stool. If it is not too bright yellow, which indicates liver damage, then this is evidence of the usual indigestibility of food.
  • green feces. This is a more serious symptom. Most often, green diarrhea in a cat is the result of decay processes inside the stomach, most often caused by the animal eating stale or even rotten foods.
  • White feces- a sign that bile does not enter the intestines at all, which may indicate a variety of problems with the gallbladder or, for example, blockage of the biliary tract.
  • Mucus in stool most often it becomes a symptom of very severe intestinal irritation caused by various reasons. Often this also speaks of inflammatory processes in the same place.
  • The presence of blood clots can indicate erosion in the intestines, tumors and other serious pathologies or diseases, and therefore, in this case, a visit to the doctor should never be postponed!

When a visit to the doctor is not required

Sometimes diarrhea can be managed without the involvement of a doctor. These are cases of "normal", non-threatening diarrhea that has the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea of ​​a normal color (feces of a healthy cat should be brown), without impurities;
  • defecation is not too plentiful;
  • the frequency of bowel movements does not exceed 3-4 times a day.

In this case, it is not particularly necessary to treat the cat for diarrhea - it is enough to provide her with a starvation diet for a day and access to clean drinking water. If there is no improvement the next day, then you should not postpone the visit to the doctor.

Diarrhea in a pregnant cat is always a bad sign, since there is a possibility of pregnancy complications, and therefore the expectant mother, as well as small kittens, whose body cannot yet cope with various problems, must be shown to the doctor even with "normal" diarrhea.

Treatment of diarrhea

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment for diarrhea! He will study the cause of the problem, assess the duration of diarrhea, its severity and prescribe treatment.:

  • With simple diarrhea, symptomatic treatment is used, which was mentioned above: daily fasting, etc. It is very important not to disturb the animal during the day!
  • With a slight dehydration, the cat should be gradually fed with Regidron's solution, a slightly salty decoction of medicinal chamomile or salted boiled water. In more complex cases, an injection with Ringer's solution or a dropper is used.
  • If diarrhea is provoked by an infectious or other disease, specific treatment is used, for example, antibacterial or anthelmintic drugs. In cases of diarrhea caused by intestinal obstruction, surgery may be required.

After alleviating the condition of the animal, the food is introduced gradually so as not to provoke a new round of the development of the disease!

Diarrhea in an adult animal is already not good, and diarrhea in a kitten is simply dangerous. Therefore, action must be taken as soon as possible. But, first of all, you need to establish the cause of the ailment, and then treat it. Today we will talk about the main causes of this disease and advise what to do and how to treat diarrhea in a kitten.

The consequences of prolonged diarrhea in kittens are more severe than in adult cats. The most common symptoms you may see in your pet are:

  • Depressed state of the animal
  • Decreased or complete loss of appetite
  • Increased bowel movements
  • Weight loss with persistent diarrhea
  • The body loses a lot of water
  • Liquid feces with possible impurities of particles of undigested food
  • Possible bloating

If you are sure that the baby has a disorder caused by deficiencies in feeding, you can try to solve this problem yourself.

Diarrhea in a kitten appears several times more often than in adults. What is the reason?

Among the factors contributing to this are:

  • Imperfection in the formation of the digestive system of small kittens.
  • Rapid growth and development of the body.
  • Still weak immunity.

Causes that can cause diarrhea in kittens include:

Kittens have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract, so you should not change your diet drastically, especially if poor quality feed was used. The stress that kittens can get from moving can also be a cause of frustration.

When is it necessary to seek the help of a veterinarian?

There is a chance that diarrhea in a kitten is caused by some serious illness. In what cases is it important to immediately seek the help of a veterinarian?

  • The kitten has diarrhea with blood or mucus;
  • Diarrhea in a kitten lasts more than one day;
  • The stools are copious and very liquid;
  • The kitten meows plaintively, sometimes even hysterically (this can be caused by severe pain);
  • The kitten has diarrhea and vomiting at the same time;
  • There is blanching of the nose and gums;
  • The body temperature rises;
  • Fever, convulsions;
  • Stench (more than usual) during stools;
  • The kitten cannot quench its thirst.

If you have one of these symptoms, with diarrhea, it is very important to urgently take your pet to the veterinarian. The pet is examined, the cause of the disease is found out, and after the diagnosis is made, a course of treatment is prescribed.

Treatment according to causes and symptoms

Given the three reasons why a kitten may develop diarrhea (infections, dietary changes and worms), then treatment procedures should be carried out, starting from ways to eliminate the three main problems. For this, sera with antibodies from various infectious diseases are used. Apply antibiotics that suppress the secondary microflora that develops on the affected mucous areas of the intestine.

It can also be probiotics that restore the intestinal microflora, and preparations for worms in the form of a suspension or tablets. Intestinal spasms are relieved by Papaverine, and it also helps to normalize peristalsis. Diarrhea causes dehydration. To prevent this, small pets can be given droppers. And they are also used to relieve toxicosis and for feeding. If possible, drugs are administered intravenously, but given the situation, they are most often limited to subcutaneous injections.

After the appearance of the first vomiting, the animal is no longer fed. You should know that a kitten is a fragile creature, so not giving him food for too long is dangerous for his life. In this situation, 12 hours without food is the maximum you can go for.

If the kitten has diarrhea and vomiting

Often, kittens are not properly fed, which, in turn, leads to diarrhea and vomiting. What to do in this situation? A sudden change of food, overeating - all this disrupts the absorption of food, and the kitten begins to suffer from diarrhea, you should not drastically change the diet of the crumbs, you need to switch to new food slowly, slightly increasing every day the amount of a new product in the pet's daily diet. If it is noticed that the kitten does not know the measure in food, then you need to reduce the number of servings. It is better to give food less, but more often.

Kittens are extremely inquisitive and the baby can easily eat some poisonous substance. Provided not only vomiting and diarrhea. If measures to save the pet are not taken in a short time, then the small cat may not live to see the next day. Even diarrhea and vomiting can provoke inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What to do? In any of the above cases, you should observe the development of the situation. If it is clear that the kitten is getting worse every minute and there is no improvement, other negative signs of the disease appear, then you need to rush to the veterinarian. If, despite the diarrhea, the kitten feels quite satisfactory: he is cheerful and playful, then you can try to solve the problem on your own.

The first step is to close access to food for the baby. During vomiting - time, sometimes the best medicine. Let the stomach of the crumbs recover and it is quite possible that the next day there will be no trace of the disease. Keep in mind - the pet should be watered regularly and preferably in sufficient quantities.. After all, water is an additional opportunity to wash the stomach.

If the kitten has diarrhea with blood

Veterinarians have noted several main causes of bloody diarrhea in kittens:

Possible treatment. Based on the results of the research, the veterinarian can recommend several ways that favorably affect the condition of the kitten:

  • drugs that contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract;
  • antibiotics if your baby has a bacterial infection
  • preparations for worms, if they are found;
  • drinking boiled water;
  • change in diet.

If the kitten has diarrhea with mucus

  • trichomoniasis;
  • coccidosis;
  • lamblia;
  • isospores, etc.

But if the mucous diarrhea in a kitten is accompanied by other negative symptoms: vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, temperature, then this is already a sign of inflammation of the lower intestine. And no matter what disease is the cause of the disorder and loose stools of the pet, you must urgently carry it to the veterinary clinic. By the way, if you take some animal feces with you as a sample, this will simplify the work of a specialist in making a diagnosis, which means it will speed up the treatment and recovery of the baby. Leave the health work to the doctor, and he will tell you what to do next in order for the kitten's health to return to its previous course as quickly as possible.

If the kitten has diarrhea and does not eat anything

If this is a very small kitten who has recently begun to wean from mother's milk and his body has not yet fully adapted to adult food, then diarrhea and refusal to eat is a standard phenomenon. If the kitten is older, then this situation may arise from the fact that he can overeat. But you should know that this is only normal if the animal goes to the potty as usual.

Worst of all, when the discharge from the baby almost does not stop. This is a clear sign of illness. If you are concerned about the health of your pet, then you should consider its discharge. If the feces smell bad, are very liquid, and also have an unnatural color, then this is already a dangerous situation. If there is also blood in the feces, this is a signal to immediately call a doctor.

The worst case scenario is panleukopenia, also known as cat distemper. This is a viral disease that is difficult to fight, and the disease progresses extremely quickly. Diarrhea and lack of desire to eat anything is one of the signs of this ailment. Fortunately, there is a vaccine for panleukopenia.

If the kitten has diarrhea of ​​an unusual color

Normal stool color ranges from several shades of brown, but if a kitten's stool is an unusual shade, then this is definitely a signal that should not be ignored.

  • For example, green diarrhea in a kitten is a sign that the baby’s stomach contains stale food infected with putrefactive microflora. Usually this phenomenon is accompanied by an increased temperature of a small pet.
  • Abundant grayish stools with a specific, rancid odor are a clear sign of impaired digestion.
  • Too light, white feces - problems with the secretion of bile and / or liver disease.
  • Red diarrhea (blood streaks) - possible bleeding in one of the sections of the kitten's gastrointestinal tract.
  • The stool is black, tarry in color - just like with red diarrhea, a sign of a possible hemorrhage in the digestive tract.
  • Yellow diarrhea means that the kitten does not digest food well, and orange discharge is already a reason to think about the health of the baby's liver.

Treatment according to age

It is important to understand that a kitten is the same child and at each stage of life, faced with such a nuisance as diarrhea, the approach to treatment may be different.

Diarrhea in a one month old kitten

What to do if a month old kitten has diarrhea? The problem may be related to congenital pathologies. It can also be caused by intrauterine infections or bad milk in a cat. In some cases, diarrhea in a kitten 1 - 1.5 months old is an unsuitable artificial milk formula for feeding.

At such a young age, tiny pets have almost no vitality, and their body cannot yet absorb medicines. Therefore, most monthly cats with prolonged, severe diarrhea usually die. More can be said about this. Sometimes it’s even good that the kitten dies quickly enough. Otherwise, a painful life full of suffering would have awaited him.

You should not get upset ahead of time, if you are not indifferent to the fate of a 1-month-old fluffy lump, then take the kitten to the veterinarian. Perhaps everything is not so bad.

Diarrhea in a 2 month old kitten

Diarrhea in two-month-old kittens begins most often due to a change in the halo of habitat. This is the age when the older generation is transferred to other hands for further education. And in the near future, the new owners often face the question of what to do and how to treat diarrhea in a kitten for 2 months.

It should be understood that for a baby this is the first step into a new life, and therefore the first shock. A kitten can easily experience stress from being in an unusual environment and intestinal upset in this case - this is one of the few pronounced manifestations visible to the naked eye.

The first step is to make sure that the kitten feels comfortable. To do this, it will not be superfluous to arrange a cozy corner for him, feel sorry for him and support him in every possible way. So the baby adapts to a new life much faster. If we talk about drugs for diarrhea, then these are:

  • papaverine, which helps relieve intestinal spasms;
  • coapectate, treating intestinal disorders;
  • prebiotics and probiotics.

It is also necessary to put the animal on a strict diet. It’s good if you can find out the food preferences of the previous owner and include the usual food in the crumbs’ diet. Then, over time, the kitten can be gradually retrained to the food that you consider the most suitable.

Diarrhea in a 3 month old kitten

What to do and how to treat a kitten at 3 months with diarrhea? Three-month-old kittens are already fully formed animals, full of life and energy. Unfortunately, such a misfortune as diarrhea does not bypass kittens of three months. The most common causes of diarrhea at three months of age are:

  • inability to control food intake (a kitten can simply overeat);
  • interest in everything new (the baby tries everything, including dangerous substances)
  • deworming.

By this time, the kittens begin to be vaccinated, but before that, the babies are given the first deworming. Animal organisms react to this interference in different ways, and some kittens can easily develop diarrhea.

If the diarrhea is persistent, it's time to go to the vet.

Diarrhea in a kitten at 4 months or more

Kittens over the age of four months may suffer from diarrhea for the same reasons as adults, namely: stress and bowel disease. What to do in this case?

Stress includes:

  • visit to the veterinarian;
  • other animals, children, objects that make unfamiliar sounds, etc.
  • moving to a new house, long trip;
  • change of food, water;
  • improper nutrition.

Gastrointestinal disorders may include:

  • bacterial;
  • food;
  • oncological;
  • physical.

For the treatment of a four-month-old kitten, standard methods and schemes are used that correspond to a specific situation.

The doctor prescribes treatment in any case, even if the cause of diarrhea is associated with mechanical damage to the intestinal walls and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Almost every case of diarrhea requires some degree of medical intervention. So what drugs have shown themselves on the positive side in the treatment of kittens.

List of medicines for the treatment of diarrhea

Activated carbon The use of this drug justifies itself only if the kitten just has diarrhea without additional alarming symptoms. If the pet, despite the liquid stool, is cheerful and playful, then it is quite possible that everything will end with coal, as a medicine, and soon the baby’s stool will return to normal.
Smecta The drug has proven itself well in the market for stool fixing agents. Smecta for kittens can be trusted with the health of a small pet. And the only thing that should be fully understood is the dosage of the drug.
loperamide Loperamide for kittens is not the best option. Yes, the Internet is replete with advice on this subject, but it should be borne in mind that this is still a human drug, and even for adult cats, you need to select the dosage with great care. What to say about the fragile body of a defenseless kitten. Therefore, if possible, it is better to treat the baby with something else.

This human drug has taken its rightful place in the first aid kits of cat lovers, as in some cases it is really an indispensable first aid for a pet. Enterosgel for kittens will help cleanse the baby's body of toxins. Kittens can be given it for:

  • any diarrhea;
  • chronic, acute intoxication;
  • intestinal infection;
  • poisoning.

Enterosgel for kittens is a great opportunity to help the baby from the very beginning of the disease.


All antibacterial drugs are divided into classes. This includes both drugs that inhibit the development of bacteria, and bactericidal antibiotics for kittens. The most popular medicines include:

  • lincosamides;
  • glycopeptides;
  • aminoglycosides;
  • chloramphenicol, etc.

Looking from the outside at the mass of these obscure names, it is easy to understand that only a qualified veterinarian can figure it out.


The only contraindication to use is age - up to a month, as well as individual intolerance to any active components of Enterofuril, which can provoke an allergic reaction to the application.

In other cases, this powerful antimicrobial drug will help to deal with diarrhea in a kitten in a fairly short time. Moreover, for babies it is better to buy a suspension, since it has a more moderate effect on the weak body of a small kitten.

Treatment at home

Treating a kitten for diarrhea at home, in general, is a rather mundane occupation. And if you do everything according to science, then there should be no problems. Let's start with the correct diagnosis of diarrhea.


As a rule, when diagnosing diarrhea in kittens, there are no difficulties. The main task of this process is to determine the cause of diarrhea. And the more accurately the diagnosis is made, the more effective the further treatment will be. At the appointment with the veterinarian, you will be asked to tell as much as possible about everything unusual in the behavior of your pet, describe his condition over the past 2-3 days.

In the animal clinic, the veterinarian will conduct an initial examination: temperature measurement, palpation of internal organs, determination of the degree of dehydration, which will allow him to determine the severity of the disease.

In addition, to determine the cause of the disease, it will be necessary to conduct additional studies: analysis of feces for internal bleeding, for the content of helminth eggs, blood and urine tests; it is recommended to perform an x-ray examination to exclude diseases such as intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, pancreatitis and a number of other diseases.

What to do if the kitten has diarrhea - a list of recommendations:

  • If it turned out that the cause of diarrhea was spoiled, low-quality feed, then it is necessary to completely stop using them.
  • It is necessary to provide the kitten with absolute rest
  • On the first day, the kitten is not fed, and on the second - the portions are very small
  • Continuous access to clean drinking water
  • It is recommended to prepare a decoction for the kitten based on oak bark, flax seeds and oatmeal, you can use rice decoction
  • To reduce gas formation in the intestines, adsorbents are prescribed (children's smectite, activated charcoal, etc.)
  • With ordinary diarrhea, the use of antibiotics and sulfonamides is contraindicated. They negatively affect the intestinal microflora and this entails only a worsening of the condition.
  • Possible use of probiotics (lactobacilli or bifidobacteria)

To ensure that your kitten always feels good, you should use high quality food. When purchasing a kitten, it is advisable to find out from the former owners the feeding ration and follow it in the future. In case of changing the feeding scheme, it is recommended to do it gradually: each new type of food is introduced in small portions, monitoring the reaction of the kitten's body.

Do not hope that the disease will go away on its own. Treatment requires a responsible approach.

Cat food for diarrhea

What to feed a kitten with diarrhea? From the first minute after diarrhea was noticed in a kitten, you need to stop feeding it for 12 hours. This does not apply to water. If the baby is too weak and cannot drink water from a bowl on his own, you should drink it from a pipette or bottle and this should be done regularly. After all, dehydration is the worst enemy of a sick animal. You should know that the transfer of a kitten to a normal diet after a “hungry day” is done gradually. At the same time, they give non-greasy, low-calorie and sparing food. In the first days after the disease, you can give chicken broth, kefir, boiled egg, rice porridge with the addition of beef or chicken mince.

Very important! In the event that your treatment does not have the desired effect, but at the same time the kitten's condition worsens, you should seek help from a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

If the kitten perked up and began to ask for food, then you can give him a small fraction of boiled rice, you can also give the baby kefir to drink. This should be limited for the time being. The next day, chicken meat can be added to the diet of a recovering kitten. So, gradually, the baby will return to normal nutrition without harm to the affected stomach. By the way, products such as milk should be excluded from the patient's menu. The same applies to fatty, fried and smoked foods.

Viral diseases are one thing. But on the way to a fairly long cat life, a pet faces many dangers. Most diseases in cats progress quickly. In addition, cats are secretive creatures and not every owner can determine from the first time that something is wrong with the pet.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

    Hello, my kitten has diarrhea, I tried to drink phthalozol for 5 days, food oatmeal, rice and open fish does not help, but still with periods and trembles, and so he drinks, eats with appetite, how to be a veterinarian, help the kitten, thank you

  • Good afternoon We adopted a British kitten, 2 months old. A day later, loose stools began, the color was normal, without mucus. Already 4 days. But he plays and eats well. Smekta does not help, I diluted the bag for 50g of water. From the owners, where they took him, he ate Whiskas, but I know that it should not be given. I bought a pate for kittens "Gourmet" and dry "Purina". Tell me, what kind of food is it better to feed the British and what medicine can be given to him in order to normalize the stool? I read above what to give Fortiflora. What is the dosage?

  • Good afternoon, we recently took a kitten for 2 months, there is a cat at home, she is almost a year old, both of them were treated with lice and worms, everything was fine, and literally 3 days ago the little one started having diarrhea, and earlier it was noticed that there was a lot of gas, constantly farting , and now also sometimes poops by accident, sometimes you can just say with water. I want to say that there was a malnutrition, sometimes I treated myself to fatty and fried foods, could this be due to such nutrition? Now he does not eat anything, only food. Constantly meows and sharply begins to lick the ass.

  • Hello, two days ago they took a kitten to him 1 month and a week. I give food that he ate at the breeder Royal Canin for kittens dry and pate for kittens, on the first day I gave 10 percent cream, as recommended, the next day in the morning I went to the toilet with a soft stool, and so 5 more times a day. Cream stopped giving. In general, the kitten is cheerful, plays, sleeps a lot. In the evening I gave activated charcoal. Tell me, please, is it worth panicking or waiting and looking at the state? Thank you in advance!

  • Hello! They took a British kitten for 3.5 months, now he is already 5.5 .. out of ignorance, I bought perfect food for kittens and gave it in half with the premium class food that the breeder gave us .. in the morning she gave him fermented baked milk, for lunch sometimes boiled chicken meat with rice , as a result, the kitten had loose stools with blood, the first time the stool was formed, then the second time it was liquid with blood. ..everything returned to normal, while I changed the food to fitmin, 2-3 days after the treatment everything happened again, and we were prescribed ftalazol, the stool returned to normal, and again at the end of the treatment the next day everything happened again .. tomorrow we will go again to doctor .. please tell me what it can be and we were prescribed the right treatment?

  • Hello! As I understood, they drove the worms once, and again after 10-14 days they didn’t drive or what? What is the body temperature? Smekta? Coal? Probiotic (fortiflora is good)? Have you tried injecting prednisolone to rule out "irritable bowel syndrome" in this way? Are there other animals at home? Disinfection was not carried out at home (wash the floors with ecocide daily to kill the infection, preventing the animal from re-infecting). Examined feces for Trichomonas, Giardia, Isospores? Ultrasound, x-ray with contrast did not do? Exclude pancreatitis, colitis and other inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Biochemistry and a general blood test to understand where inflammation is, how internal organs work. If viruses were isolated, which ones?
    Try drinking chamomile decoction instead of water or Vetom 1.1, serve boiled rice to fix the feces a little, because. the animal is dehydrated due to loose stools (you can give rehydron: in small portions, but often. It will help restore the water-salt balance). Again, I can only advise symptomatic, tk. no diagnosis.

    Good night. Thank you very much for the quick reply! From worms in the veterinary clinic they gave melbimax once. There was no mention of reuse.
    Today came the rest of the tests. Scraping revealed coronavirus enteritis and toxoplasma gondii. The doctor said that now we will have diarrhea periodically when the immune system is weakened. And the treatment of diarrhea must be accompanied by a course of an antiviral drug and an antibiotic. Is it so? The kitten is so hard to tolerate injections and droppers, this is the strongest stress for him. Is there really no other way to stop diarrhea? Please advise what we should do if diarrhea attacks the kitten again? Thank you very much in advance!

    Hello! And how to deal with toxoplasmosis told you? Have you explained all the risks, including for humans? At the expense of the coronavirus - the muck is still the same. Carriage persists for a long time (about 12-18 months, depending on what kind of immunity). That is, even after complete recovery, a clinically fully recovered animal is able to infect other susceptible animals (and if immunity weakens, then itself again). Therefore, do not forget about disinfection at home (at least once a week, general cleaning with disinfection, you can buy disinfectant in a vetapetek). If you hold out for a year without colds, any sores that "undermine" immunity, it will become much easier. And so you will have to carefully monitor the health of the pet for a year (do not let your shoes be sniffed or licked, take them off outside the door, carry them into the house in your hands and wash them thoroughly and put them in the closet where the kitten will not stick its nose). After the street and contact with other animals, be sure to wash your hands before squeezing your pet. It is obligatory to drive worms on a quarterly basis (helminths also weaken the immune system), and toxoplasma must be “muffled”.

Hello! We fired a cat yesterday, he is 6 months old, and found an abscess, but on time ... He didn’t eat for a day, when the time came he ate, drank and loose stools began, what caused this please tell me ?? And how do we properly switch to food for castrated kittens?

  • Good afternoon The cat is 7 months old, active, eats wet food mixed with rice or noodles. Lately loose stools, sometimes half (liquid and a kitten). For a day from two to 4 times walks on the big one. Sometimes we give dry food. 23.09 during the castration even crap one's pants. They brought it from the veterinary clinic, about half an hour later I went down a lot of liquid and a lot, although they were fed in the morning and castrated in the afternoon. The cat is active and has a good appetite. True, since the beginning of June we have not been dewormed, we do not give raw meat.

  • Good evening, the kitten was vilifying, they prescribed proplan and food, and treated the ass with chlorhexedine and smeared it with ointment, after a week the stool was better, but after a while, since the feces were not quite formed, they allowed me to give smecta, and then the food was changed before that chicken now with salmon and the stool worsened again, today what to do with mucus?

  • A beautiful 2-month-old kitty has loose stools. There is no possibility to bring to the veterinarian for an appointment, there is no money to pay for services. At first I drank some water often, then a little local 2-3 times a day, cow's milk 2 times. Sluggish, not playing. She jumps off and climbs onto a chair herself. She gave nurofen for 3 days: 1 ml 1 time per day, amoxiclav 1 ml 1, 2 times according to well-being, omeprazole 1-2 times 1/4 capsule per 2 ml. She eats 2-3 times a day on her own. Oatmeal with ground beef, chicken broth does not drink, refuses, the cat stopped feeding her milk. What I give in the mouth with a syringe spits out, it does not tolerate well. Teeth white, gums pink, not inflamed, but teeth grinding when eating. Examined the jaw for a foreign body - nothing extraneous except teeth. Diarrhea light yellow almost not smelly 2 hours ago randomly at the ass, she licks, and then began to drip. Washed it 3 times today. The kitten herself used to go to the tray, neat. I lost a lot of weight in my limbs, my stomach is soft. 6 hours ago I ate finely chopped boiled chicken with appetite. There is glucose, rehydron (do not drink from a syringe), enteros gel, omeprazole, amoxiclav, nurofen (but I don’t give it hot, there is no thermometer) ceftriaxone. There are no worms, panleukopenia, leukemia, anemia in a cat and a kitten. The cat was vaccinated and treated from protozoa to okata. 2 kittens died on the 1st day of mating, 1 kitten in the litter after 1.5 months. Analyzes 650 rub. 5 days do not live a kitten. Help save the last kitten. There is no Sinulox, sirenia in the veterinary pharmacies of the city. What to do, there is no way to get a kitten to an appointment with a veterinarian

    • What jokes? For 8 years, 12 beautiful cats and mestizo cats live. All were vaccinated with serum 2 times from 03/30/18 to 06/06/18. The best veterinarians of the city recommended not to castrate the cat until 8-9 months. and not to give means to reduce estrus before castration. from a cat 7 months immediately 3 cats became pregnant 5 years, 4.5 g and 7 months. A mother cat 4.5 g before pregnancy was treated in the clinic for 11,000 for anemia, giardiasis and clastridia with droppers for 5 days with metronidazole, syrenia, ceftriaxone, etc. After 5 days, we were given the results, there was no giardiasis, and the clastridia were reported to have multiplied from stress and diarrhea, vomiting in the cat. Ceftriaxone, combilipen, anandin, cerucal were prescribed for a cat. Cat 4.5 no longer vomited or slandered. She began to eat when I fed her 1-2 ml often every hour and at night. She gave probiotics to everyone, vitamins as a course. On September 12, 2018, a blood test was done at the 3 clinic, there is no anemia, the cat 3,850 kg is healthy. postpartum complication. An analysis of 14 leukocytes was prescribed by a suspension clinic veterinarian: Nurofen 2 ml 2 rd amoxicillin 3 ml 2 rd 7 days. Another cat 5 l was treated for 6000 for fetal fading, removal of the uterus. Appointment Ceftriaxone in injections for 7 days, 2 droppers for 5 days, analgesic for 7 days. There are no infections according to the test results. They donated blood for panleukopenia and 2 more viral ones, tested in all cats and the cat was negative. There are no worms according to the result of the analysis of feces. On June 24, 2018, all were anthelmintic with a suspension of Prasitel. The 3rd cat for 9 months was doused with dead premature kittens, it was hard for a day, she constantly called the veterinarian, it was impossible to take her, she needed rest. The 3rd cat, 9 months old, was given 27.09.18 2 days 2rd nurafen 1 ml, amoxiclav 3 ml suspension was recommended by the doctor until 7 days. The cat feels well, the kittens are still feeding. They hardly ever eat out of a bowl. The cat fed the previous healthy kittens for 2 years. We set aside. They hid and still the cat fed. The cat fed even when the kittens were born to another cat, she was in a blanket after the operation, she did not feed from birth. And this one did not give birth then for 2 years. Then the kitten survived and is now healthy and vaccinated. The cat herself removed the stitches to another cat after the operation. Before visiting the veterinarian. The veterinarian at the reception said that feeding cats is normal up to 3 years, cats can suck their mother, but they need to be removed. Now there are always 2 cats with kittens, the mother does not feed. They take turns sucking both. Until September 3, 2018, kittens died at 2 months, and this is the 3rd kitten of September. Lives, eats only meat. Grinds teeth when eating. Feces are not smelly light with a match head arbitrarily comes out with air. I didn’t give antibiotic injections to anyone myself, where did you get it from? The veterinarian told me to give the suspension and not only prescribed it to us, but prescribed it to others according to their situation. Other kittens are playing, mobile after amoxiclav and nurofen for 3 days gave 2 rds of 1 ml, but after 3 days the bottom is wet again, there is no diarrhea, their eyes will not mucus already. I wiped it with a medical sterile napkin (not with alcohol) moistened with boiled warm water. I don't trust vets after comments like that. Rice is cooked, does not eat, spits and bows its head down. I sing rehydronone, smecta every 2 hours. Kitten 2 months old sticks to cats along with healthy well-fed kittens. Cats do not have diarrhea and lacrimation, they drink and eat normally. I didn’t insert a simple thermometer in the ass of cats and I won’t do it. Pope and so stretched out. Droppers with what to do, there is an opportunity at home. The kitten's tummy is soft when you take the air comes out. The kitten died, and the tests are not yet ready, 1860 rubles. 1 in vitro analysis. I'm not a millionaire unfortunately. In order to cure 3 cats in a veterinary clinic, she spent 2 salaries in a month and 2000 had to remain. In the veterinary clinic for treatment, I always try to buy medicines myself, so that the right effective one is delivered. I am not a veterinarian, I don’t want to torture a cat, but no one treated me so expensively for diarrhea. There must be a gentle and effective honest appointment, after which the animal will not die and I will not still owe the clinic 2000. The inflammatory process (infection) is treated with an antibiotic, the doctor said. The appointment was given taking into account all cats, adults and lactating ones as well. Cats don't have diarrhea. But until a small, thinner cat returns to normal, is it possible to deworm? The veterinarian prescribed Sinulox on 10/03/18 by weight, but the supplier of vetted goods in our city does not have it, only in the neighboring region today for 18 **, there is no sirenia in the veterinary clinic, and we were prescribed it intramuscularly for diarrhea. Every night and day, if possible, I try to alternate drinking rehydron, smecta, enterosgel in 2.3 hours, 2 ml each, when the cat herself does not eat, drink or sleep. 10/03/18 until 5 am fought for the life of an exhausted kitten. At 9 to work. The veterinarian said hard embryonic, he would have died anyway, the pancreas does not work, the feces were light white-green, did not darken and he did not drink at all, he left in a day. I didn’t even get an appointment with a kitten for 2 months, the doctor is busy, at the operation. Do not sleep for a day better than me, you can express yourself in 2 words. It is a pity that there is no qualified veterinarian who can quickly help the kitten, determine the embedding or infection and prescribe something that will make the kitten feel better and recover. By the way, now she eats warm chicken soup with vegetables herself, she will fasten her teeth when she chews, maybe because of this she has diarrhea. If I were a specialist, I would know how to help a kitten. And with the money I would buy meat for cats, probiotics, a suspension from worms. A cat does not eat rice without meat. She doesn't drink water. Moves slowly. I'll try mashed beef with rice again when the store opens with a revision. All cats love this kitten, she is always supervised, they don’t even let her pick her up. Not something to take away. They immediately meow loudly without stopping and everyone runs after the kitten screaming. Unlike humans, cats are more caring. But no one will help the animal to survive.

      Serum is not vaccinated, it is treated. Vaccinate with vaccine only. Secondly, deworming is carried out once every 3 months, you indicated that the last one was in June. We add 3 months - in September it was necessary to drive TWICE again. You talk about good content, that all your cats are always beautiful and healthy, but then why do you allow inbreeding? You even kept silent about it when you first wrote messages! You did not inform that you had the fact of inbreeding! Of course, the kittens might not have been born alive. And anemia does not appear just like that - feeding is unbalanced, there is clearly a lack of vitamins and minerals.
      I would also not trust veterinarians, your veterinarians, after the phrase "adult cats can suck a cat up to 3 years old and this is normal." It is not normal! Or do you think it's normal that a twenty-year-old boy / girl eats themselves and sucks on their mother's breasts? And a three-year-old cat is already a very adult animal! And should eat a normal balanced diet!
      You have outbred cats, why breed them? Why not sterilize cats? This will not only reduce the number of unwanted kittens (which are extremely difficult to adopt), but also reduce the risk of developing cancer in a cat and increase her life expectancy!
      The fact that gases go with feces may indicate 2 things: either dysbacteriosis has begun (and with so many medicines used, and even in such dosages, it is not surprising), or pathogenic microflora (bacterial infection) multiplies, the same clostridia can give gas bubbles in liquid stool (however, like other intestinal infections). Perhaps antibiotics are no longer working, because amoxicillin is a first-line antibiotic (weak), and it's time to replace it with a stronger one (to which the bacterium will be sensitive). Fortiflora is better as a probiotic - but five times it is not cheap, but it restores the microflora very well
      Smect every 2 hours is not too much? And if you give it so often, but the stool is still liquid, it obviously doesn’t help anymore and it’s a serious matter! Is the bowel out already? Well, this is how the poor kitten is vilified that the rectum has already begun to turn out?
      Until the diarrhea stops - anthelmintic is impossible! What does it mean, cats do not allow to take out a kitten? Yes, you never know what meow. You are human! You must take yourself, first of all, in your hands, and, despite the meowing of adult relatives, take the baby to an appointment. Serenia is a really good drug, there was a period when it almost completely disappeared from the shelves, there was even a rumor that it was discontinued, but now supplies have been resumed and clinics can order for themselves.
      don’t sleep at the expense of the day, and it turns out, in fact, with veterinarians in clinics. Daily duty - you rest for a day - again you are on duty for a day. And we are the same people, we also get tired, we are also not omnipotent. We can't save everyone. Sometimes they turn for help very late, sometimes they treat themselves, and when they don’t succeed, they come for help and the doctor is again to blame. Sometimes a very complex disease that requires expensive and long-term treatment. Sometimes, to confirm the diagnosis, you need a lot of tests and studies that the owners do not agree to. Well, no one is immune from medical errors. Don't think it's easy to heal...

  • Victoria 18:05 | 25 Sep. 2018

    Hello! We picked up a kitten on the street, somewhere 1.5 - 2 months old. He immediately had diarrhea, for the 3rd day he has diarrhea, brown diarrhea, eats well, but after eating after 10 minutes he goes back to the tray, liquid Friskis food, gave smecta, does not help, yesterday she gave rice water, didn’t help, today I bought Filtrum Sti tablets, crushed them, mixed them with some water and gave them from a syringe, fed them, and an hour later I had diarrhea again. I already mixed the food with rice so that the rice ate (it just doesn’t eat it). Help me please! What to do? Maybe give a couple of days of pills, one a day, and it will pass? Advise something?

  • Good evening! Please help with advice! Picked up a kitten from the dump without a mother, about 3-5 days, still blind. First, for 1 day they were fed with diluted cow's milk, then with a mixture of cream 10% + yolk + honey. At first everything was fine, I sucked a bottle of 5 ml. at a time. Gained 10 grams per day. And today (day 3) diarrhea, refuses to eat and sleeps all day. The stool is yellow. Tomorrow I’ll run for a special mixture, now I’ve given a little smecta!

  • Hello! My kitten is 4 months old. Diarrhea for about a week (gray-yellow hue, liquid). He eats badly, the kitten is from our cat, we gave her away, but left the kitten, eats liquid food. We live in a village and there is no way to go to a veterinarian, maybe you can somehow cure it with medicines. Help me please!

    Hello! We took home a one and a half month old kitten. I got used to it quickly, I didn’t seem to experience much stress - I played, ate, drank some water. Feed dry Go! Natural (protein 50% 4 types of meat). The first 2 days the stool was normal, but rather dark in color. (Same as food). On the third day, diarrhea appeared, dark brown color, no impurities of mucus or blood. Already 2 times a day he swore, but the first time in the morning he went off normally. Should I treat it somehow or wait? Thank you in advance

  • Hello!!! We have a kitten found 2 days ago on the street mom is gone. Brought home and fed felix fantastic liquid food and diarrhea began. Bright yellow (sorry) very runny kitten only 1 month old very thin fleas no clean ears actively play but when liquid stool is not very much but a little bit. We hope you can help us somehow

  • Many thanks, I would be grateful to hear advice regarding treatment. We live in Italy and the local doctors ... so far, in general, have not found their own: (the doctor told us to switch to the intestinal (for the stomach) food and bifidobacteria and deworming again (now). After 10 days, if there is no result, an antibiotic At my request for additional tests, she said that there was nothing to do, that fecal analysis and diet, then an antibiotic ... She prescribes the same antibiotic ...
    There is a suspicion, but the doctor rejected it, that this could be hereditary something ... The cat (mother) has chronic diarrhea and now, after almost a year in our family, she has a normal stool for the first month - nothing helped, neither diet, nor antibiotics and no change food for the stomach (from him it was generally terrible). Now they changed her food again and it seems to have come up. I would be very grateful for any advice. And thanks for the advice on the tests - now I’ll know at least what to ask to do, otherwise I’m already tired of acting on abum
    And in terms of dosage ... How much coal to give?!
    And the kittens are cheerful, playful, no vomiting, no fever, good appetite - they behave perfectly except for diarrhea or very soft stools. I did 12 hours of hunger for them, gave rice water and then gradually introduced the usual food ... Let's try to change the food and give a decoction of chamomile.
    Once again, thank you so much for your time and attention.

    Hello! Well, you see, it's not about chronic diarrhea in a cat, but about the increased sensitivity of the digestive tract and inappropriate food. Here's what it means to choose the right dry food. At the expense of kittens - white coal can be given 1/5 tablet 3 times a day for up to 5-7 days. There will be no harm from it, but it also cannot be used for a long time, because it can “absorb” useful elements, and not just toxins. Watch the babies, the main thing is that they exclude the infection. Take your time with repeated deworming (the main thing is to restore the stool so that there is no diarrhea), and then deworm all the animals at home (their mother too)

    Thank you for the information, yesterday I wrote a lot more, but for some reason I don’t see it published ... I spent 12 hours unloading and gave rice water ... I repeat once again. If it's not difficult, write in what proportions to give coal and re-deworming should be done now (the cat has very strong diarrhea with gases and like water)? The doctor said that it makes no sense to bring a kitten yet, since you need to change the food on the intestinal (for the stomach), give bifidobacteria and wait 10 days and then she will be prescribed an antibiotic (an antibiotic is prescribed without tests). I asked for additional tests, but they said that it makes no sense to take anything before the diet, and I'm worried, as there is weight loss. Otherwise, the kittens behave like healthy ones - they play, they are inquisitive, they have a good appetite (well, I give them small portions of food and they are hungry), there is no vomiting and no temperature.
    Well, also ... Could it be hereditary or due to problems during lactation: a cat mother with chronic diarrhea (sometimes a little better, sometimes very bad - antibiotic treatment did not help), the cat is primiparous and did not want to feed the kittens, I had to inject them mixture for kittens - but they didn’t want to eat the mixture at all - they were afraid that they would die and, on the advice of the breeder (where they took the cat), they began to give cream 10% fat ... A week later, we put the kittens to another nursing cat, but also not for long 🙁 their lactation is shorter stopped in a month and a half (maybe five days later) ... Maybe their microflora is somehow disturbed ?! I don’t know what to think already 🙁 if you have an opinion or advice, I will be VERY GRATEFUL.

  • Your comment is there (scroll below), and there is also an answer with a dosage of coal (1/5 tablet 3 times a day for up to 5-7 days). It is not recommended to drive worms with diarrhea. Something tells you that the food is not suitable or you are not chasing worms according to the scheme (once chronically).
    Did you give the mixture specialized for feeding kittens or for human children? At the expense of microflora - you have already been given advice on what and how much to give. It will take a long time to restore it. Perhaps due to dysbacteriosis, increased flatulence begins. Antibiotics will only make it worse. Choose good drugs to restore microflora, give it a course, give the rest of the drugs to stop diarrhea too (herbal decoctions and other recommended ones). And change food. Both cats and kittens. Drying will not work, go to rice and boiled vegetables, beef, rabbit meat (the bird will cause allergies). And remember that a sharp change in food will also lead to a violation of the stool, you need to gradually introduce a new “complementary food”, giving preparations for microflora according to the instructions.

  • Kitten is almost 2 months old. In the evening he began to vilify. I think that rather because I gave him a little yogurt "Ermigurt" before that, they fed an egg with viscose for kittens. What to do. Basically normal behavior. The color of ficilia is light brown with undigested food particles.

  • Unfortunately, intestinal disorders can occur not only in humans, but also in cats. However, diarrhea in a cat can be a sign of quite serious disorders in the functioning of the body. Therefore, if diarrhea and vomiting appear in a cat, the owner should pay attention to this phenomenon. Of course, if loose stools in a pet are an isolated case, then nothing needs to be done, and when indigestion persists for several days, then this may already be a cause for concern.

    It is not easy to understand why a pet has loose stools; for this, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Only he will reveal the true causes of the disease. Diarrhea in a cat can occur for the following reasons:

    • Changing nutrition. The occurrence of the problem is affected by a change in water quality, the transition to another type of food, for example, the introduction of a new product, the transition to dry food, the transfer of a kitten to the diet of an adult animal. Indigestion can occur when overfeeding the animal.
    • Reaction to medicine.
    • Diarrhea in a cat can occur due to a stressful situation.
    • Diarrhea in cats occurs as a result of various diseases: diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney disease, intestinal infections, oncology, thyroid disease.
    • If the animal has a helminth infection, then diarrhea is usually combined with mucus. It has a fetid odor. On palpation, the abdomen is painful and tight.
    • With intestinal obstruction, the cat develops vomiting, abdominal pain, and frequent diarrhea. In this case, it is necessary to start urgent treatment.
    • If the causes lie in diseases of the small intestine, then the pet's stool has a brown tint, with 2-3 single bowel movements. If the stool has a black tint, then this is a rather dangerous condition in which it is necessary to urgently consult a veterinarian. Because it can cause internal bleeding.
    • If a pet has a stool with mucus and blood, then the causes may lie in diseases of the large intestine.
    • If stool disorders are associated with the functioning of the pancreas, then in addition to diarrhea with a greenish tinge, there is also an increased appetite and a sharp weight loss.

    It is impossible to treat a cat using drugs for people, because many of them can worsen the condition of the animal.

    How to behave in the first day?

    If the cat has diarrhea, then the help provided to the animal at home is of great importance:

    • Firstly, it is necessary not to feed the kitten, while observing an enhanced drinking regimen. You can drink both pure water and with the addition of glucose. You can also give the animal an infusion of oak bark, chamomile, yarrow, alder. For a fixing effect, it is recommended to give a decoction of blueberries or rice.
    • At home, you can reduce the intoxication of the body with the help of potassium permanganate. To do this, you need to make a weak solution, slightly pinkish in color, then give the pet 1 ml each.
    • For the treatment of a kitten, you can use activated charcoal. Based on 1 tablet per 1 kg of animal weight.
    • You can try to stop diarrhea with starch. Why first you need to make a ball out of it, which then put on the tongue of the animal.

    Feeding a kitten after an intestinal upset should be done carefully, and great care must be taken when introducing new foods. It is recommended to start feeding only with familiar and simple products:

    • It is recommended to start feeding a kitten with boiled protein, white fish, rice.
    • Children's pates have proven themselves well. The main thing is that there are no carbohydrates in the diet, because they can cause diarrhea and vomiting in a cat.

    It is not necessary to treat the pet by the method of trials, while precious time is lost.

    When do you need to urgently contact a veterinarian?

    It is necessary to stop all actions performed at home, and urgently go to the veterinary clinic in the following cases:

    1. If the pet has eaten something from dangerous substances, for example, a poisonous house plant or household chemicals. In this case, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage.
    2. The following symptoms should cause concern: weakness, pallor of the mucous membranes, incessant thirst, a large amount of greenish stool, and it may be with mucus or blood. The kitten may have a rise in temperature, convulsions, weight loss. The pet vomits several times a day.
    3. When liquid stools with mucus are more than 5 times a day.

    Medicines prescribed by a veterinarian

    In the question of how to treat diarrhea in a cat, only a veterinarian will provide qualified assistance. Listed below are the most common veterinary medications that help relieve the pet's condition. Treatment using a medicine is recommended only in cases where the causes that caused such a condition are known:

    • A cat with diarrhea should be given drugs that help regulate the intestinal microflora, for example, Linex.
    • It is possible to cure intestinal and stomach disorders that have arisen due to the use of antibiotics with the help of Bifitrilak.
    • Smecta solution should be given to the animal in the appropriate dosage.

    In order to help a cat with an intestinal disorder, you need to remember the correct behavior on the first day and the timely consultation of a veterinarian.

    Diarrhea is one of the most unpleasant disorders of the digestive tract in cats. Usually it is a consequence or syndrome of some disease or disorder in the body, but not the cause.

    Diarrhea develops as a result of increased intestinal motility under the influence of bacterial toxins or substances that irritate the intestinal mucosa. Diarrhea is characterized by frequent bowel movements, as well as an increase in the amount of liquid feces. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that there is also pseudodiarrhea, or false diarrhea, which develops against the background of constipation and is manifested by squeezing out a small and thin amount of feces with mucus.

    Diarrhea can be acute, chronic (if its duration is more than 14 days), as well as recurrent.

    Causes of diarrhea in cats

    Loose stools in a cat can be caused by an intestinal infection.

    Diarrhea is the very first sign indicating a disorder of the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea develops in various non-contagious and infectious diseases. The following factors influence the occurrence of diarrhea in cats:

    • improper diet, food intolerance;
    • feeding poor quality feed;
    • a sharp change in diet;
    • too much food;
    • the presence of helminthic invasion;
    • drug intolerance;
    • intoxication (poisoning with drugs, chemical or toxic substances);
    • the presence of a general infection (viral or bacterial etiology);
    • the presence of an infection of the intestinal tract (caused by enterobacteria);
    • metabolic disease;
    • gastroenteritis.

    Symptoms of diarrhea in cats

    The main symptoms most commonly seen with diarrhea are:

    • animal oppression;
    • decrease or lack of appetite;
    • frequent bowel movements;
    • with prolonged diarrhea, the animal loses weight;
    • dehydration of the body;
    • liquid feces, possible impurities of mucus, blood, undigested food particles;
    • there may be bloating.


    Difficulties in recognizing diarrhea in a cat should not arise. But in the matter of diagnosis, the most important thing is to reliably determine the cause of diarrhea. The effectiveness of future treatment depends on how correctly the diagnosis is made.

    During the appointment with the veterinarian, it is necessary to describe in great detail everything that, in your opinion, was unusual in the behavior or condition of the pet in the last few days. In a veterinary clinic, a specialist will act as follows:

    • measure the temperature;
    • probes the internal organs;
    • determine the degree of dehydration.

    This will allow him to assess the degree of general violations. In addition, to clarify the nature of the occurrence of diarrhea, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies:


    Treatment for diarrhea depends on the severity, duration of the illness, and the underlying cause.

    In the case of simple diarrhea caused by malnutrition, feeding poor-quality feed, etc., they are limited to symptomatic treatment. For short, uncomplicated diarrhea, a starvation diet for one to two days will suffice. The first few hours reduce the amount of water (especially if there is vomiting). An important point is to ensure the rest of the cat.

    To compensate for a slight loss of fluid by the body (if there is no need for intravenous drip injections), oral (through the mouth) administration of fluid in small portions is used. To do this, use slightly salted chamomile decoction, boiled water or a special solution (in 1 liter of water dissolve sodium chloride - 3.5 g, glucose - 20 g, potassium chloride - 1.5 g, sodium bicarbonate 25 g).

    You can start feeding the cat on the second or even on the third day. The amount of feed is increased gradually. Good results with uncomplicated diarrhea show the use of rice, oatmeal decoctions. Antibacterial therapy is not indicated. After the end of treatment, it is necessary to follow a diet, otherwise there is a chance of relapse and the transition of acute diarrhea to chronic.

    If diarrhea is a consequence of other diseases (infection, invasion, poisoning, etc.), then in addition to all of the above measures, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. In this case, it will not be possible to do without the help of a qualified specialist.

    Depending on the severity of the process can be assigned:

    • intravenous infusions of sodium chloride with glucose and ascorbic acid;
    • antibacterial therapy;
    • antihelminthic drugs;
    • restorative therapy.


    Measures to prevent diarrhea come down to compliance with all rules and regulations for keeping and feeding animals:

    • maintaining the cleanliness of places where cats are kept;
    • disinfection of toilet trays and dishes;
    • feeding with benign feed;
    • timely vaccination;
    • periodic treatment for worms;
    • exclusion of the possibility of poisonous substances entering the feed (household chemicals, medicines, etc.).


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    Diarrhea (diarrhea) is an emptying of the intestine, accompanied by the release of fecal masses of a liquid consistency. Can be single or multiple. Cause diarrhea in a cat bacterial toxins, other substances that irritate the mucous membrane. Once in the intestines, they increase its peristalsis, which leads to diarrhea. As a result, the amount of liquid excrement increases, as well as the frequency of emptying. Depending on the intensity, acute, chronic and recurrent forms of diarrhea are distinguished, which have characteristic signs.

    diarrhea symptoms

    The most common symptoms of diarrhea in cats are:
    • Weakness, apathy, general depression of the body.
    • Complete or partial lack of appetite.
    • Frequent emptying.
    • Exhaustion - observed with prolonged diarrhea.
    • Dehydration due to fluid loss.
    • Liquid stools containing mucus and blood.
    • Flatulence of the intestines.
    • Excretion of poorly digested food along with excrement.
    The appearance of any of these symptoms requires a diagnosis to identify the cause of diarrhea.

    Causes of diarrhea in cats

    Adult animals and kittens are susceptible to viral and bacterial enteroinfections. And the first sign of disruption of the intestines (its secretory activity and motility) is diarrhea. Causes of diarrhea in a cat can be different:

    1. Incorrectly prescribed diet or intolerance to certain types of food, feed.
    Foods that cause intestinal upset are individual for each animal. Intolerance to dairy products, milk is more common due to the lack of lactose enzyme in the body. There is also an allergy to products such as beef, horse meat, chicken eggs, corn, soybeans, wheat, some varieties of fish, ready-made feed mixtures. Removing such foods from the diet helps eliminate the allergic reaction.

    2. Abrupt change in diet.
    This reason is most relevant for unnatural breeds of cats (artificially bred - by crossing, hybridization - Sphynx, Devon Rex, etc.). In such pets, diarrhea can occur even with a slight deviation from the usual diet. Also, a change in nutrition, for example, transferring kittens from mother's milk to cow's milk, leads to diarrhea.

    3. Binge eating.

    Due to the consumption of excessive amounts of food, the liquid contents of the intestines move too quickly and do not have time to be absorbed into the blood. As a result, food enters the rectum in a liquid consistency. Such diarrhea in a domestic cat appears once and is treated by reducing the size of the portions.

    4. Pick up.

    Helminths and protozoa (giardia, cryptospores, isospores) cause diarrhea. In the stool, mucus and bloody discharge are noticeable.

    6. Drug resistance.

    7. Poisoning.

    Poisoning can be caused by spoiled foods or toxic substances - kerosene, gasoline, cleaning products, insecticides, lime, paint, etc. The likelihood that cats will eat these substances is very small - these animals are picky eaters. But toxins can enter the pet's body from wool, with poor handling of the bowl, tray.

    8. Viral or bacterial infection.

    It occurs most often in domestic cats that have not been vaccinated. Diarrhea in a cat can develop due to viral or bacterial diseases such as distemper, coronavirus, parvovirus enteritis. In addition to diarrhea, the infection is accompanied by vomiting and fever. If such symptoms are detected, the cat must be urgently shown to the veterinarian, otherwise the death of the animal is possible.

    9. Stress.

    Diarrhea in a domestic cat can begin with excitement. For example, after going to the veterinarian, participating in an exhibition, when new pets appear in the house, after a trip in transport.

    10. Metabolic disorders, bowel disease.

    Intestinal diseases include disruption of the digestive secretion glands, damage to the intestinal walls, and inflammation.

    11. Oncological disease.

    12. Foreign substances in the body.

    It can be quite difficult to determine the cause on your own. If you are not sure what caused diarrhea, it is best to contact a veterinary clinic.

    At the doctor's appointment, the owner must provide comprehensive information:

    • About the state of the cat before the disease.
    • About the diet.
    • About the dates of the last vaccinations, taking anthelmintic drugs.
    The veterinarian conducts thermometry, checks how dehydrated the animal is, if possible, examines the condition of the internal organs and intestines. This allows you to determine the degree of general violations.

    For an accurate diagnosis, a number of additional studies are carried out: analysis for eggs of worms; for occult blood in the stool; general urine analysis; blood biochemistry. This allows you to diagnose intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, inflammation and other diseases with similar symptoms. The type of treatment chosen depends on the correct diagnosis of the cause of diarrhea.

    Treatment of diarrhea in cats and kittens

    Treatment of the disease depends on how severe it is, on the duration and causes of the onset. If a cat has diarrhea for the first time, every owner needs to know what to do. In the event that diarrhea occurs without large losses of fluid, the temperature does not rise, the pet does not refuse food, is active - then it is possible treatment at home, without the intervention of a veterinarian.

    First, milk, dairy products, foods high in carbohydrates and starch should be excluded from the diet.

    Second, put the animal on a starvation diet. For an adult pet, the fasting period can last from 24 to 72 hours. If a kitten has diarrhea, you should limit yourself to 12 hours. During fasting, there must be access to clean drinking water. Can be used instead of water solution of rehydron, vetom. For animals in proportions of 1 to 1. If the animal refuses to drink, decoctions and solutions are forced inside - a syringe without a needle is used for this. The interval for introducing liquid portions is 1-2 hours.

    Can be used for treatment "Smecta" for children- a quarter of a sachet per day; "Enterosgel", "Bifidum"- one dose per day. All medicines should be given one hour before meals.

    In general, the treatment of diarrhea in cats and kittens is the same. With caution, you need to carry out self-treatment if you have a newborn kitten - diarrhea for him can be fatal. Therefore, it is better to immediately consult a veterinarian.

    After fasting, the cat can begin to feed. Portions of food at the same time should be less than usual by about half, and it is worth feeding 3-4 times during the day. It is better to choose foods that are easy to digest, low in fat. Broth, boiled chicken breast, boiled yolk, rice - better in broth, canned meat for children (mashed potatoes) are excellent.

    It is also recommended to use medicinal canned food - if the cat eats ready-made food. The most efficient of them are Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal, Eukanuba intestinal, Hills Prescription Diet i/d, which can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies. In the case of uncomplicated diarrhea, antibiotics and sorbents (for example, activated charcoal) should not be used. But it is necessary to follow a long diet - this will avoid relapses.

    With diarrhea of ​​​​an infectious nature, provoked by poisoning or helminths requires the intervention of a veterinarian and a more serious approach to treatment. Depending on the severity of the process, an individual treatment regimen is selected. Commonly applied antibiotics– within 5-7 days. Also used sorbents, intravenous injections of detoxifying substances. In parallel with the treatment, the cat is prescribed vitamins, immunostimulants, enzymes.

    Treating diarrhea in a pregnant cat

    Diarrhea in a pregnant cat is a danger not only to the animal itself, but also to offspring. If the stool is liquid, with impurities of blood, this is the first sign of infection. In this case, self-treatment can not be carried out, you need to consult a doctor.

    If there are no signs of infection, diarrhea can be treated with decoctions. rice or oats, use infusion of oak bark or St. John's wort(5-10 ml three times a day), rehydron.

    Most causes of diarrhea that are not related to viruses or cancer can be eliminated in advance if good nutrition and hygiene are followed.

    Prevention of diarrhea in cats

    Prevention of diarrhea is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of feeding, keeping animals, regularly vaccinate and deworm.

    Prevention measures include:

    • Ensuring cleanliness in keeping cats.
    • Carrying out regular sanitization of trays, disinfection of dishes.
    • Use of quality feed.
    Compliance with these simple rules will help to avoid the development of diseases accompanied by diarrhea.