Triangle for transporting children in a car. Child seat belts Fast - reliable protection for small passengers Rules for using the adapter for seat belts

Fast child seat belts are rightfully considered one of the most reliable means of transporting babies of any age. Judge for yourself, your car is a source of potential danger even for adults. In the event of trouble on the road, children can suffer even more. To prevent this, consider the pros and cons of the Fast device, as well as its installation in the car.

1 Child safety in daily driving

Everyone who gets into a car automatically becomes more vulnerable to damage. And although every car is equipped with seat belts and airbags, sometimes even they are not able to protect the driver and passengers of the vehicle. In addition, the protection system in the cabin of each car is designed for an average adult. How to prevent injury to a child in a car?

To avoid dangerous situations for children when they are transported by car, the legislation of the Russian Federation and other countries of the post-Soviet space has established certain rules. According to them, small passengers under the age of 12 can be in a car equipped with child restraints. This means that for the safety of children it is not necessary to buy special car seats. An alternative to it is the Fast children's device, which not only has all the qualities of a car seat, but also costs much less than the latter.

2 Pros of children's belts Fest

As you know, the main problem with regular seat belts in the car is its poor placement for children. If you fasten a 5-6 year old baby, the belt will go right around the neck of a small passenger. It is not difficult to guess what this is fraught with, especially when you have a fidget in your cabin. To avoid stress on the baby's throat, experts advise equipping the car with Fast belts. They consist of clasps with buttons that are needed to fix the regular belt on the child's chest.

In the vastness of our country, they are produced in two versions. The first is a separate clasp, and the second option is a clasp with additional belts to fix the legs. In the first case, they are intended for children weighing from 19 to 35 kg, and in the second case, for babies weighing 9–18 kg.

Fast baby belts, like other accessories in the car interior, have advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of adapters include:

  • compact size belts;
  • universality;
  • low prices;
  • full compliance with GOST No. 41.442005 and all international standards;
  • more effective protection of the child's head;
  • with an adapter, children can be transported in the front seat of the car.

Indeed, the benefits of using Fast belts are more than obvious. The device has a modest size, which allows you to carry it with you everywhere, even when you and your child get into a friend's car. The adapter can be used for children of all ages and weights. It is much cheaper than any child car seat.

3 Disadvantages of child adapters

Do not forget about the disadvantages of child seat belts. So, in certain cases there is a risk of displacement of the lower part of the belt under the child's body. This is due to the fact that the clasp slightly raises this part of the adapter in relation to the optimal position on the chest of a small passenger. This problem can be solved by using an additional Fast belt. Another disadvantage of the device is the formation of folds in the lower part of the belt. Because of this, the latter is less in contact with the body of the child, increasing the load during an accident.

The third drawback is the limited ability to use child seat belts in older cars. In such cars, the regular seat belt runs only diagonally, without a lower horizontal belt.

The Fast belt does not provide any side protection for the child. As practice shows, a child car seat copes much better with this task. Another significant drawback of adapters is the constant need to prove to traffic police inspectors that the child seat belt fully complies with child safety standards in the car.

4 How to choose a child restraint?

The first thing to focus on when buying a child adapter is the number of attachment points. If your child is under the age of five, then it is better to buy a three-point seat belt. If your children are older, then you can buy safety belts with two mounts. As for the size of the adapters, here there are some peculiarities when buying. First, you need to pay attention to adapters of moderate length.

The belt should be long enough so that you can see your child in any rear view. Due to the fact that most are selected for installation in car doors, the child should be placed as far as possible from them. Ideally, children should be in the center of the rear seat of the car. Based on this, you need to select the length of the child seat belt. But taking too long a belt is also not worth it, otherwise it will be of little use. The width of the fixture also plays a big role.

It is recommended to buy an adapter with the maximum available width. Such belts are much more effective in holding children in case of sharp shocks of the car. There is only one manufacturing company in the domestic market of children's safety belts - this is Fast. The products of all other enterprises are either a copy or a fake. Therefore, most experts advise buying adapters for children exclusively from Fast, and always with a certificate and a warranty card.

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The Supreme Court (SC) canceled the traffic police fine of 3 thousand rubles. in relation to the driver who did not use a car seat to transport a child, but a seat belt adapter. The SC referred to the fact that this device complies with current legislation. However, as ''Kommersant'' was explained in Rosstandart, the GOST referred to by the court is outdated long ago, adapters have been banned in Europe and Russia since last year. Partially, the situation with the transportation of children could be resolved by a new version of the traffic rules, developed by the traffic police on behalf of the president. But in the form of government-approved changes to the traffic rules have not yet come out.

The decision of the Supreme Court concerns the case that happened to the driver A. Yu. Kaigorodov from Yekaterinburg in April 2016. He was stopped by a traffic police inspector and fined 3,000 rubles. (part 3 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) for transporting a child using a belt adapter (or the so-called guide strap). The adapter differs from a traditional car seat in that the child remains in the regular seat, while the seat belts are redirected so that the child does not damage the internal organs upon impact. After the incident, Mr. Kaigorodov appealed first to the Verkh-Isetsky District Court, and then to the Sverdlovsk Regional Court, at all levels the actions of the traffic police were recognized as legal. And only the Armed Forces came to the defense of the car owner, canceling the decision of the traffic police and all lower courts.

Recall that the current traffic rules describe special conditions for the transportation of children under 12 years old. In the back seat, they may be carried using "child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be secured with belts." A child may only be transported in the front seat using "child restraints". What constitutes a "child restraint" and "other means" in the SDA is not deciphered.

The Supreme Court confirmed that the use of a belt adapter (in this case, produced by Kostroma FEST Enterprise LLC) is legal. Judge Vladimir Merkulov, in his decision, refers to GOST 2005, which states: child restraints can be either of a one-piece design (traditional car seats) or “non-solid design”, including “partial restraints” (boosters, adapters), that allow you to use the standard seat belt. According to the Supreme Court, FEST has the status of a "partial restraint", so you can use the adapter, and the fine imposed by the traffic police is illegal.

From a legal point of view, the decision of the Supreme Court is absolutely logical, says Natalia Agre, deputy chairman of the public council of the Ministry of Transport. At the same time, she recalled that experts have been arguing about the safety of belt adapters and boosters for a long time. The traffic police has been consulting with experts for several years in order, on the one hand, to simplify the transportation rules (the obligation to carry a large child 140–150 cm tall in a seat is perplexing for many parents), on the other hand, to exclude the use of cheap low-quality devices that replace real car seats. NAMI tests have shown that adapters can harm a child in an accident, independent tests conducted as part of the Main Road program on NTV showed that a child simply slips out from under the belt adapter when hit.

At the same time, FEST does not actually recognize the results of Russian tests, citing as an example the results of tests conducted in a laboratory in Hungary, which resulted in a conclusion and all the necessary documentation for the sale of adapters. The information disseminated about their insecurity is the actions of "unscrupulous competitors using administrative resources," Vladimir Mikhailov, director of FEST Enterprises, believes.

It is not worth referring to GOST R 41.44-2005 when making any decisions, since it has long lost its relevance, explained ''Kommersant'' in Rosstandart. “It was developed on the basis of the 44th UN rule as amended in 2005,” Deputy Head of the Department Alexei Kuleshov told Kommersant. “It is voluntary in itself. Mandatory is the 44th UN Regulation in the current edition, since a reference to this rule (with all changes) is contained in the technical regulation of the Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehicles, which establishes mandatory requirements. Back in June 2016, changes were made to UN Rule 44, so today webbing guides and adapters are not recognized as child restraints.” In connection with the adopted amendments, the FEST company has already begun recalling its products, the corresponding program has already been agreed with Rosstandart, the department reported earlier.

At the same time, last year, following the results of the State Council for Road Safety, President Vladimir Putin instructed to amend the legislation, according to which the transportation of children will be carried out exclusively with the help of car seats or boosters. The traffic police prepared the necessary changes to the traffic rules at the end of the year (the deadline for December 15, 2016 was fixed in the presidential order), sending the draft to the government of the Russian Federation, but the new rules have not yet been signed or published. Earlier, the media reported that the new rules allegedly came into force on January 1, 2017, but this is not true. In the proposed amendments, the State traffic inspectorate, we recall, proposed a new term - “child restraint system”, which means a car seat or booster, while the use of adapters is prohibited. At the same time, some easing of the rules is introduced: for the transportation of children under seven years old in the back seat, a car seat or booster must be used, when transporting children over seven years old, at the discretion of the parent.

As for boosters, there is also debate about their safety, since they do not provide support for the head of a child during an accident (weak children's bones can break on impact). In this regard, in Europe, since February 2017, the sale of boosters for transporting children under 125 cm tall and weighing less than 22 kg is prohibited.

At the beginning of 2019, many media announced a ban on the use of any child restraints other than car seats. This was explained by amendments to the traffic rules.

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So is it allowed to use the FEST device in 2019? Issues of child safety in traffic are always relevant.

Legislators are considering various options that can affect the reduction of severe consequences in road accidents.

In particular, for this purpose, a rule was approved on the mandatory use of child car seats or other similar devices. Is it possible to use a FEST brand restraint in 2019?

General points

The driver of any transport is obliged to the maximum to ensure the safe transportation of children.

According to the rules applied in Russia, a driver transporting children should use special restraints.

Failure to comply with this rule provides for, expressed in the imposition of a fine.

At the beginning of 2019, publications appeared in many media about a possible ban on the use of other child care centers, with the exception of car seats.

Many citizens were more than worried about this prospect, as it would mean buying expensive car seats.

The specified GOST provides various options for DDU and the procedure for establishing their safety. The standard itself is quite voluminous.

From the main it should be noted that the holding devices must be certified. In addition, depending on the type of device, the degree of protection may differ.

As for non-compliance with the rules of child transportation, fines can vary from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Child restraint in car FEST

Amendments to the traffic rules of January 1, 2017 excluded the possibility of using other DDUs, through which the standard seat belt was adapted to hold the baby.

From now on, it is forbidden to put a pillow under the child or fasten the belt so that it is on the baby's sternum.

Previously, a similar practice existed, and its legality was repeatedly confirmed by court decisions.

According to the new rules, it is allowed to use only DDU certified in the territory of the Russian Federation and corresponding to the dimensions of a minor passenger.

Thus, considering the probability of using the FEST adapter, you need to check its compliance with two parameters:

  1. Having the right certificate.
  2. Compliance with the weight and height of the child.

About FEST certification, it should be mentioned that in Russia this device is certified by specialized government agencies until 2019.

In addition, this DDU is annually checked at the international level. Conducted tests confirm compliance with international regulations and GOST.

That is, the FEST child restraint is allowed by the traffic police until 2019, and then the possibility of application will depend on certification.

Regarding the dimensions of the child, you need to know that FEST is available in two versions:

  1. For children whose weight is 9-18 kg.
  2. For children weighing 18-36 kg.

The government has periodically discussed a total ban on FEST, allowing only car seats to be used. In the meantime, these DDUs are allowed to be used.

If the traffic police inspector writes a fine for the lack of a car seat, you can fully challenge the punishment in court. Of course, subject to the availability of a certificate and the compliance of the child with the necessary parameters.

How old can you use

According to the changed norm of traffic rules, the use of preschool children is mandatory for children under 7 years old. Children 7-11 years old can only wear seat belts.

However, there is some caveat. You can only use the regular belt if the height of a minor passenger is 150 cm or more.

This is due to the fact that the car security system is designed for passengers with a height of 150 cm.

So, according to the law, at what age is it allowed to use the FEST restraint? For the use of FEST, the age of the child does not really matter.

The possibility of its use is determined by the weight and height of the child. You can use FEST if the child weighs from 9 kg and his height is 100-110 cm.

Binding to dimensions is explained by the design of the system. A properly selected device allows, in the event of a collision or braking of the transport, to reduce the risk of injury to the child by limiting the mobility of the body.

How to install

Difficulties using the device should not appear, since the design is quite simple. In expanded form, it is an overlay in the form of a trapezoid with buttons.

Due to the buttons, it will be possible to adjust the size of the adapter to the dimensions of the child. The device is strengthened by means of buttons on regular belts in three places. An additional strap covers the hips of the child.

The design is made of soft fabric, so there is no discomfort during use. But you need to consider what is impossible with the adapter:

  • fasten two children;
  • fasten a child in the arms of an adult;
  • to fix a child who does not correspond to the size of the kindergarten.

What is the price

The FEST device is produced in Russia by the Kostroma enterprise of the same name. There are two options in the assortment of the plant.

Based on their children's dimensions:

At official points of sale, FEST costs 386 rubles and 497 rubles. When reselling, the price may vary, depending on the method of acquisition - directly from the manufacturer or through intermediaries.

If we compare the cost of FEST with the price of a car seat that meets the standards of the EU and the Customs Union, then the latter costs about 10-20 thousand rubles. The savings are more than obvious.

Can it be instead of a car seat

But is FEST so safe and should it be used instead of a car seat? In fact, FEST is an ordinary adapter.

The standard car seat belt is three-point, it consists of a shoulder and a lumbar section. If you fasten them to children less than 150 cm tall, then the strap will lie too close to the child's neck.

When the adapter is installed, the seat belt moves away from the neck and is located on the chest.

In addition, when attaching the adapter takes the form of a triangle, which allows in the event of a collision to distribute the load on the body evenly. That is, such a function as the reliability of the fastening of the FEST is fully ensured.

Regarding safety, it is necessary to mention the tests carried out by AVTOVAZ. Tests have shown that using an adapter reduces the chance of death by 50% and the risk of serious injury by 90%.

Video: traffic police advertises a dangerous FEST device

Considering the permissibility of using FEST from the standpoint of the law, it can be answered in the affirmative that this device can be used instead of a car seat.

This DDU complies with all regulatory requirements. However, the possible disadvantages of the device should also be taken into account.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of using the FEST restraint include:

  • low cost security equipment;
  • availability of use in any car with regular seat belts;
  • compactness, which allows you to carry the DDU with you when you need to travel by taxi and other people's transport.

Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the device will not protect the child from side impacts;
  • the possibility of "diving" under the lumbar strap remains;
  • the child is not fixed in place.

Independent tests show that in the event of an accident, the FEST pad keeps the child from falling, but at the same time, the pressure that has increased tenfold falls on the baby’s stomach.

A restraining device can be understood as a special car seat, as well as a booster - a stand or a frameless chair. Also in the SDA it is said that the restraint must correspond to the height and weight of the passenger.

According to article 12.23 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, in 2018, a fine of 3,000 rubles was imposed for the transportation of children without special restraints.

Are the prices of restraints and car seats different?

It is worth saying that a good chair that meets all the standards of the EU and the Customs Union can cost from 10 thousand rubles and more.

You can also find cheaper samples, usually made in China. But they will also cost from 5000 and up. Boosters for older people will cost less - from 1500 rubles.

Often drivers want to save even on the safety of their offspring and are looking for even cheaper options. One of them is the FEST child restraint, manufactured by the plant of the same name from Kostroma.

Such a miracle device costs 386 or 497 rubles in official stores, depending on the model and size. It would seem that the savings are obvious - why pay 15-20 thousand, if you can give 500 rubles. Moreover, FEST is advertised even in the traffic police, not to mention the central television and radio channels.

We will try to figure out whether FEST is really a universal solution that can protect in the event of an accident.

What is a FEST belt?

As you know, the regular car seat belt is a three-point and consists of a lumbar and shoulder sections. It is designed for a minimum passenger height of at least 150 centimeters.

If we are talking about children, then in no case should they be fastened with such a belt, since the strap will pass dangerously close to the neck.

FEST is essentially an ordinary adapter.

The adapter is put on a regular seat belt and takes the strap away from the neck area, closer to the chest.

That is, the idea is quite simple. In addition, when fastened, the adapter acquires a triangular shape and in the event of a frontal collision, the load will be equally distributed on the body.

The Kostroma enterprise produces two main models:

  • with a branded FEST strap (designed for additional girth of the baby's hips) - designed for a weight of 9-18 kg;
  • without strap - 18-36 kg.

Why is it worth buying(we give excerpts from the manufacturer's advertisement):

  • compactness - in comparison with a car seat, they take up much less space;
  • versatility - can be used in any car where there are seat belts (that is, you do not need to look for Isofix mounts and think about how to attach a seat);
  • ease of use - follows from the previous paragraph.

The most important thing that the manufacturer appeals to is reliability and safety.

According to the results of tests conducted at AvtoVAZ, the use of this adapter reduces the risk of death by 50% and the risk of serious injury by 90%.

And of course, we didn’t forget to mention that FEST costs much less - for many, this very fact is the main incentive to make a purchase.

At what age can you use it and what do they say in the traffic police?

In principle, the instructions do not say anything about age.

The only condition:

correspondence of height and weight, that is, if your baby weighs more than 9 kilograms, and his height has reached 100-110 centimeters, then you can already refuse the car seat and switch to FEST with an additional strap in the hip area.

Is it prohibited by the traffic police?

The restraining device or just the FEST adapter is certified on the territory of the Russian Federation, so the traffic police is allowed and the employees will not be able to issue any fine if they see that you are fastening your child aged 3 to 12 years with the help of FEST.

And most importantly- in the Rules of the Road there is no specific article that would describe how the restraint should look like. The main thing is that it corresponds to height and weight.

How to apply FEST?

There shouldn't be any problems with the application. When unfolded, it resembles a trapezoid overlay with buttons. With these buttons, you can adjust the size directly to the parameters of your son or daughter.

The adapter is attached to the standard belts at three points using the same buttons or buttons. An additional strap wraps around the baby's hips.

The FEST device is made of soft fabric, so children will not experience any discomfort.

To make it last as long as possible, it is forbidden to do the following:

  • fasten two or more passengers with one belt;
  • expose it to any negative influences - try to break, burn, cut with scissors;
  • can not be used in cases where the child is in the arms of adults;
  • fasten them to children whose height has not reached 110 centimeters.

In principle, one glance at this device is enough to understand its principle of operation.

Should I buy an adapter?

We talked more or less about this FEST device, but real experts do not recommend its use.

Here are the shortcomings identified by experts:

  • firstly, it does not protect against side impacts;
  • secondly, the baby is not fixed in place, so it constantly slides off the chair;
  • thirdly, it does not protect against the effect of diving under the lumbar strap.

As written on the packaging, the device has a certificate of conformity ECE R44 / 03, obtained after successfully passed tests at AvtoVAZ. However, there are less encouraging results from independent tests.

What did the FEST test results show?

First of all, even in a collision at a speed of 60 km / h, body weight increases, according to the most conservative estimates, by 20-30 times. If the speed is higher, then this value increases even more.

What happens when this happens:

  • the child's legs do not reach the floor, respectively, he dives under the lumbar belts;
  • the FEST triangular pad keeps it from falling, but all the pressure falls on the stomach, while in an adult, all the pressure from the straps falls on the sternum and hips;
  • in addition, the head moves forward by inertia and beats painfully about.

It is enough to compare videos on Youtube, which compare the behavior of a mannequin in a high-quality car seat and fastened with an adapter - the difference is noticeable to the naked eye.

Even in case of an accident at low speeds - 50-60 km / h, the child is threatened with:

  • ruptures of the abdominal organs;
  • fractures of the ribs and vertebrae;
  • neck and head injuries.

And this is with a frontal impact. With the side, the baby is not protected at all by anything.

Thus we come to the conclusion:

the FEST adapter will protect you from traffic police fines for violating the rules for transporting children. If an accident occurs, the consequences can be very dire. Do not save on health, buy a certified car seat with the EU quality mark.

Every motorist, in whose family a child appears, sooner or later begins to think about how to properly transport him in his car. One of the most popular options for transporting a baby in a car is a child adapter that can be easily attached to the seat belts.

After being introduced into the Rules of the Road, many car owners had the erroneous opinion that now only chairs can be used to transport children.

Is it really? Can I continue to use adapters?

The main advantage of using just such a fixing device is its mobility. Due to its small size, this small triangle can be used both in your car and in other people's vehicles.

The adapter refers to a special child restraint that fixes the seat belts in the car. Contrary to popular belief, the use of such a tool is necessary not only to avoid claims from the traffic police, but also to ensure the safe transportation of your child.

The adapter is a three-point device that is used in conjunction with standard fixing seat belts. This tool is especially popular with motorists who are not able to purchase a full-fledged car seat. In such a situation, you can be guided by the principle - it is better to use an overlay than not to use anything.

The use of seat belts without special pads is prohibited, as they are designed for the structure of an ordinary adult. The height of a person who can use such belts without any negative consequences is from 150 centimeters. Accordingly, if you fix the child with such clamps, the straps will be at the level of his neck.

Fasteners of the FEST type are used as an overlay for seat belts. Their main purpose is to take the strap to a level below the chest. In a fully buttoned position, such a device looks like a triangle, which is why it received such a name in the common people.

In the event of an emergency, the belt will not pass the throat, but will hold the small passenger in the chest area. The adapter allows you to evenly distribute the entire load from emergency braking throughout the body, which prevents fractures.

Legal requirements for transporting children in a car

The innovations, which came into force in January 2017, shocked parents who used boosters and adapters to transport their children in the car. Most of them, without understanding the changes, decided that the use of such restraints was prohibited.

If we summarize the information contained in various regulatory legal acts, we can highlight several basic provisions that every parent should be aware of:

In accordance with new changes in legislation, the use of special latches that allow you to adapt the standard seat belt to fix the baby is prohibited. In particular, it is not allowed to use special pillows that are placed under the child and make it possible to fasten the seat belt on the chest.

Accordingly, any child restraint may be used as long as it fits the size of the small passenger and is properly certified.

Can adapters be used

When considering the basic legal requirements for the carriage of small passengers, it can be determined whether the use of adapters for these purposes is allowed.

FEST-type devices (adapters) are fully certified. At the moment, such clamps have all the documents permitting the use until 2018. Manufacturers are annually tested, both in Russia and abroad, confirming the safety of using adapters in cars.

The second question is whether such devices are suitable in size for use by children. At the moment, adapters are available in two types:

  1. The first are used to transport children weighing 9-18 kilograms. Such systems, in addition to the usual fastening for a regular seat belt, also have special straps that allow you to fasten them to the hips of a small passenger.
  2. The latter are suitable for use by children weighing from 18 to 36 kilograms. Such devices may not be equipped with any additional mounts.

Accordingly, by law, the use of adapters for transporting children in cars is allowed. In cases where the traffic inspectorate ignores this requirement and issues a decision to hold the child liable for the transportation of the child, parents can go to court and appeal the fine.

However, the Government is currently considering a bill to ban the use of adapters for the transport of small passengers from January 2018. So far, no decision has been made on it.

At what age can devices be used

The use of child carrier adapters is only permitted to secure a child weighing more than 19 kilograms. There are no restrictions on the age and height of the child.

Some sources indicate that the use of this type of latch is allowed only after the passenger reaches the age of 6. However, there is no such restriction in the legislation and in the manufacturer's instructions, so parents can stop using a bulky car seat immediately after their baby reaches the required weight.

What to look for when buying an adapter

Parents who choose a fixing device for their child in a car should pay special attention to some key points, because the safety of transporting a small passenger depends on them:

  1. Model size. You should not purchase models that are mini-versions of a full-fledged fixing device. Of course, such an adapter attracts with its low cost (as a rule, it does not exceed 500 rubles), but it cannot be called effective.
    In addition, if you have to purchase a new device for a couple of months, since the child will simply grow out of it. This option is convenient for shopping for short periods of time (car trips on vacation in another city or country, when you don’t want to take your full-fledged device with you).
  2. Triangle filling. It is best to opt for a puff filler, as its cotton and lumpy opponents quickly clump together, the DUU loses its original appearance and shock-absorbing properties.
  3. Manufacturer. When choosing a remote control, it is best to pay attention only to well-known and established manufacturers.

Benefits of using adapters

This type of child restraint has both positive and negative sides.

Among the advantages of using a triangle are:

Negative points of use

The main negative point of using such a child restraint, which is referred to by all the opponents of such triangles, is that all the belts are positioned in such a way that all the pressure will be directed to the baby's abdominal cavity. There are no bones in this part of the body, which means that in the event of a traffic accident, the safety of the internal organs of the child will not be properly ensured.

If, at the time of an accident, adults, as a rule, rest their feet on the floor and transfer part of the pressure of them, the child will not be able to do this. Most children in such emergency situations simply dive under the belt, which is fraught with damage to internal organs, a fracture of the cervical vertebra.

Another negative point is that an incorrectly selected device can cause discomfort in a child. The seats in the transport are much wider than a small passenger needs, which means that due to the presence of a triangle, he will not be able to sit normally: it will be uncomfortable for the legs, the protrusions on the seat, designed for the lumbar region, will be at the level of the shoulder blades of a minor

The third negative point is that the child will have to give up the favorite pastime of many children in the car - watching the road through the window. Since this type of child restraint does not include additional cushions to lift the child off the seat, the child will sit very low and will not be able to see anything.

Other negative points of use

In addition to the above negative aspects of using triangles to transport children, there are a few more negative points that make parents choose a car seat rather than an adapter.

These include:


The adapter is a simple and cost-effective fixing device that can be used even despite the innovations in the legislation of January 1, 2017. But before purchasing such a device, it is worth evaluating all the pros and cons and understanding how such a remote control can ensure the safety of the child while driving.

If, when stopping such a car, the traffic police insist on violating traffic rules and issue a decision, the driver may not worry about it.

Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the decision, he can file a claim with the court for a document. In most cases, the judge takes the side of the motorist.
