Touching to tears congratulations on the wedding in your own words. To tears, touching words of congratulations on the wedding to the newlyweds

You can congratulate a young family and wish happiness, long and tender love, prosperity and healthy children in prose. Here are some unusual and interesting toasts that will touch the soul of the newly-made bride and groom:

  1. Our happy (names). I want to make a toast to your future and wish you the following. Many, many years later, sitting on a bench in the cozy courtyard of your own cottage, watching your grandchildren frolic on the soft lawn and, drinking tea carefully prepared by your children, look into each other's eyes and say that you have never regretted about today's choice, about the fact that they once tied their fate with each other. On a long journey of life, various trials, happiness, troubles, ups and downs can meet. Let everything be, let everything pass, let you save each other, your family and the feeling that united you.
  2. Our beloved (names of the newlyweds), I fill the glass for you and wish you to go a long happy journey called "life" together. Let adversity pass you by, and fate will bestow happiness, all the blessings, goodness and light. Take care of each other, take care of parents, raise children. This is all that makes up our earthly happiness.
  3. I hasten to congratulate you on the birth of a new life. After all, a family was born today. May she be healthy, happy, grow and multiply!
  4. A family is such a community of people that gathers on the occasion of a change in its number. Today you have started a new family. Near you are all the closest and dearest people. Make it so that we meet more often only on the occasion of an increase in the number of your family. I drink a glass for this!

Interesting! Congratulations in prose, oddly enough, are remembered by newlyweds more vividly than poetic toasts. But any form of congratulations can be touching to tears and cause a lot of positive emotions.

Touching poems

If it is not necessary to memorize toasts in prose, it is enough to convey the idea of ​​a congratulatory speech in your own words, then it makes sense to memorize poetic congratulations or write them down on paper so as not to confuse the rhyme.

Here are the most sincere toasts to the newlyweds for the wedding in verse:

For you young people, congratulations now,
Smiles, warm wonderful words...
The beginning of a wonderful family life!
We want to wish you: "Advice and love!"
And may your feelings grow stronger over the years,
Living together will bring you good,
May she always surround you with happiness,
And a lot of good things await in the future!

Flowers, smiles, tenderness of words -
Your wedding day is so beautiful!
Love united you
And only happiness lies ahead!
Now you're together forever
And you are not closer and dearer!
Let the house be cozy
And bright - every moment!
Delight and feelings of beauty
For many years you will save
In the family, in harmony and harmony,
Great, live happily!

After congratulations in verse, you can add in your own words wishes of happiness, peace and goodness to the new family.

A wedding is a very important event not only for the bride and groom, but also for the parents. On this day, they usually arrange a feast for the whole world and invite all close relatives and friends to it to share with them the joy of the birth of a new family.

Newly made spouses hear warm words, congratulations and wishes addressed to them all day long. To congratulate the young, you can prepare the elements or say wishes in prose.

Here are examples of the perfect on your wedding day. They can be divided into several groups:

  • Parting words of the mother of the daughter at the wedding;
  • Wishes from father
  • Congratulations from both parents.

From mother of the bride

My beloved daughter! Today you became a wife, and together you created a new family. It will have its own rules and traditions. You will pass on your life experience to your children, of which I hope you will have many! I want you to try to be and be a real mistress, the keeper of the family hearth and a caring mother. Be wiser and give in to your husband, at least sometimes, because a compromise is a very wise decision. You will see, after some time you will learn to act wisely and everything will definitely work out. Always remember that I am near and always waiting for you to visit!

Dear daughter! Today is the day of your wedding, which is very much desired for you! I know how long you have been waiting for this and how much you love (husband's name). The main thing - know that the wedding is the beginning of the journey. This is the beginning of your love, not a youthful passion! And in order for magical feelings to continue to reign in the family, you, daughter, must become patient, loving and wise. This new family rests on you and may it be happy and friendly! We wish you to quickly increase the size of your family, because children are real happiness, the meaning of life!

Daughter, my sun! Do you remember how, as a little girl, you dreamed of marrying a handsome prince... Imagined yourself in a wedding dress and made a veil out of tulle... So the day has come for your childhood dream to come true! Both of you should try to turn this fairy tale into reality and at the same time not lose tenderness, magic and love. There will be unpleasant moments in family life: quarrels, resentment, unrest. Whatever happens, you must always go forward, holding hands. Together you will overcome any obstacle.

Always remember that you are two halves! If something happens to one, then the second will never stand aside. You are the closest people to each other! You are family now! Let beautiful babies be born in this family, to the delight of everyone! Daughter, take care of the hearth! A woman has certain duties that she must fulfill in order to maintain a home idyll. Therefore:

  • take care of your husband;
  • be an exemplary hostess;
  • be a patient and loving mother.

I love you! Bitterly!

My dear girl! You grew up so fast... You are a wife! I believe that family life will not be difficult for you. You will become a caring hostess, affectionate mother and tender wife. If suddenly you need my maternal advice, then remember - I'm there! Never "cut off the shoulder" do not rush to make decisions. Always listen to your heart.

You have chosen a wonderful man as your husband and I am sure that he will do everything to make you happy and smiling every day! Love every day stronger and always be there no matter what! BITTERLY!

Daughter! My dear! Dad and I tried to raise you in tenderness, care and love. We did everything to make you grow up to be a good and interesting person and a wonderful hostess. Without too much modesty, we can admit that we succeeded! We raised you to be the perfect wife for your spouse! Now it's your turn to raise wonderful people, take care of your family and your love for them! Be happy! Bitterly!

Our dear daughter! Today is the day all girls dream about! A beautiful wedding dress, a flowing veil, gold rings and a beloved husband! Let your new family be friendly, strong and rich! Be always sure of the correctness of your choice! I am calm for you, you are married to a wonderful man! Be the happiest!

From the father of a beloved daughter

Today is the most exciting day in my life - the wedding of my beloved daughter! I, as a father, ask me to understand and give a little of my attention. Today you embarked on a new life path and have already taken the first step. Still ahead. What will be this let, completely depends on both of you! You must work every day to preserve the well-being of your family. Be patient and you will be able to step over any obstacle in your path. I raise this glass to the fulfillment of my wish!

My beloved children! I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your new family! May your home be warm light and cozy! Let love and harmony reign in it. Let the new family grow and please us! Live like swans: be faithful, love and trust your spouse! All the best to you! Bitterly!

Let me tell you a few parting words on this wonderful day! Build together your little world that you dreamed of! May everyone in the family be healthy, happy and loved! Prosperity to you and success in everything! Try to choose the right path and walk along it together, hand in hand!

Much has been said today about love and family happiness. I will not stand out and I will only say one thing - the happiness of the family lies in the exceptional ability of each other to go beyond their principles. I wish you trust, support and understanding! If everyone tries to be a little better, then the relationship will only benefit from this.

Our beloved children! Live happily, friendly and united! We wish you selfless love, good health and the most faithful friends nearby! Let children's laughter sound in your house as soon as possible! Today we drink only for you! Bitterly!

We, your parents, bless you for this wonderful marriage! Build your happiness together! Help each other in everything, create a friendly family! We wish you to live together until the happy wedding day of your children. And now, let's fill our glasses and drink for a wonderful couple! For our dear and beloved (names of the newlyweds)! May love, faith and hope always be with you!

I'll say this wedding toast as parting words to the newlyweds! Live in peace and harmony! Love with all your heart and know how to yield! In family life it is very important to find a compromise, it cannot be otherwise! Spouses are the closest people to each other who should always be together in everything! Share joys and problems together! Keep your youthful fiery feelings throughout your life! Don't waste what you have now! We are always there!

Kind words to both newlyweds

Favorite son-in-law! Daughter! Congratulations on your first family holiday! I want to wish this wonderful date to become a significant event for you, which you will celebrate from year to year! May your love grow stronger with time. Let your eyes shine with love and tenderness when you look at each other! Happiness to you, good and health! I love you very much!

Today my daughter gave me a son! Yes! Yes! She fell in love with (the name of her daughter's husband), and he became my own! I love him like my own child and will always consider him a son!

Children! Before you is a long life path that you must go through together. It will have mountains and plains and waterfalls. There will even be cliffs, but you have to stick to each other no matter what. This is how you can overcome any obstacles in your path! Always remember this, if you were already destined to become a family, then you need to be in the same harness! I wish your family to be friendly, strong and reliable! Good luck to you, my beloved!

Congratulations from mother and father

Dear children! So that exciting day has come when you leave your father's house together for your new family and new life. ! From now on, you will always be together! You are the most kind people in the world! Do not quarrel and do not be offended by your soul mate, because quarrels do not lead to anything good. We must always look for a way out and a compromise. If it suddenly becomes difficult - hug your loved one, and everything will pass right there! May everything be fine with you! For us, this is the most important thing!

Son and daughter! Today you both became children for us! I would like to wish you all the best on this beautiful day! Take care of your family and constantly work on your relationships! This is very important for both! Good luck, dear children! May it be bright and light! Love to you, kindness and good luck!

Without exception, all parents on the wedding day of their children sincerely rejoice and cry with happiness! You must do everything to make your new family a joy and joy for both! Avoid conflicts, omissions and distrust! Respect each other and listen! Together step over the dark streaks, which, unfortunately, will inevitably be family life! Let children's laughter ring in your common house and there will always be many guests! Happiness to you, our dear! Bitterly!

Dear children! Everything has already been said and it is very difficult to wish you something new! We will not repeat ourselves and say only one thing - let your family life be everything you want! There will be quarrels and resentments, without this in any way! Take it as the norm and don't worry too much, your love will endure everything!

What do you wish for this wonderful day? I don't want to say trivial things. I will only say that you should always remember that you will build your own happiness. Build it in such a way that we all rejoice seeing love, devotion and a friendly family! Advice and love!

Well, what can I say, young people! We are just as worried as you are! Congratulations on your marriage! From now on, the husband must take the reins of government into his own hands, and the wife must carefully guard the family hearth! Unity to you, joy and beautiful love!

My relatives (names)! On this exciting day, we want to wish you a sea of ​​love, an ocean of joy and rivers of health! If it happens that the sea becomes shallow, the ocean disappears and the river becomes a stream, let there remain a clear lake of hope! May they always go with you through life:

  • wisdom;
  • Vera;
  • love;
  • hope.

They will help you prevent the family from becoming a swamp of everyday life. Happiness to you and success in the family swim! May the boat of your endless love never stray from its intended course!

We raised wonderful people and on this solemn day we cannot hold back our tears! Emotions fill our hearts! Relatives, we wish you that happiness is not overshadowed by any hardships and problems! Always and everywhere be near! Happy birthday to your family!

Family and beloved children! Today you have created a new cell of society! A family, like a ship, must be strong! This strength directly depends on how the spouses treat each other. Trust, respect and appreciate your other half and then your family ship is not afraid of any storms! Of course, icebergs may be on your way, but if your ship is strong, then together you will overcome this obstacle! We wish the family ship (Surname) a fair wind and a calm sea!

Our relatives (names of the couple)! Today is a special day! It is filled with celebration and happiness! Today, our (name of the bride) and (name of the groom) became husband and wife! They have risen to the next and very important step in their lives! We would like to wish the young a sea of ​​joyful days! Raise beautiful and healthy children and be proud of them! Take everything from life! But most importantly - do not lose your magical feelings on this long journey! We love you and are always waiting for you!

How wonderful that your couple is still reunited today in a marriage union! Now next to you there is always a beloved, understanding and loving person with all his heart, who will be a support in later life! We raise these crystal glasses to you, my dears! For your union! For your health! For your sincere love! Bitterly!

Today you are the culprits of the feast - identity, our dear newlyweds. We sincerely congratulate you on such a significant and joyful event in your life. May everything turn out great for you, may love be strong, like granite, and withstand all trials. To live life is not a field to cross. We wish your field to be wide, boundless, and full of miracles. Let your house be a full bowl, let the joyful laughter of children be heard in it. Let only sunny weather be in your family life.

Love is that fiat coin that now makes up your living wage! I want to wish you not only prosperity, but also abundance; not only joy, but also great happiness!

In the ocean of life, the family is a ship, where the husband is the sail and the wife is the helm. Let's wish the groom endurance, and the bride - unmistakably find the right course. Let the caravel of your family ply the stormy waves of the ocean of life for many years! And let, despite the weather overboard, peace and love always reign on the deck of your ship! For the young!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on the most important holiday - the wedding day. We wish you all the best, love and happiness for many years. Let your whole life flow like a honey river, let all bad weather pass you by. God grant that your marriage is successful, and the union is inseparable. May love inspire you, may your happiness know no barriers, and may the children please the hearts. May all your plans come true. We wish you good luck, peace, prosperity and all the best in everything. May the Lord bless and protect you.

All congratulations and compliments today for you, our dear young people. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your wedding day. May your life be long - long and the happiest. Let only pleasant moments fill every day. May the union now born warm your souls and hearts, may the flame of great love never cool down. May your home be full of friends, may all wishes come true. Good health to you in everything, peace, and longevity. May fate always smile on you.

Advice to you and love, our dear newlyweds. We wish you great happiness, pure as spring water, love. Let your feelings be strong and beautiful, let every day give you only pleasant moments. Let your family be friendly, let the sonorous laughter of children sound in the house. Be healthy, live in abundance, and sacredly keep this wonderful date. Many true friends to you, good luck in all your endeavors, always in a good mood. May sorrows forever forget you. God bless you.

Dear newlyweds, please accept my sincere congratulations on such a solemn day for you. You have changed your status from bride and groom to husband and wife. We wish you great happiness, a peaceful sky, a lot of joy. May your home be filled with love and children's laughter. May all wishes come true. Let the brightest star illuminate your life path. Advice to you and love, all the best, prosperity and all the best. Always be true to each other, keep love like the apple of your eye.

Today is the most important holiday in your life - you have become husband and wife. There are no longer two halves, you are one whole. We sincerely wish you to carry these tender, strong feelings through your whole life. We wish you a beautiful and happy life. May your hearts beat in unison, may all your dreams come true, may children be born to your joy. Live in harmony, love each other, let everything go well with you. Let your house be a full bowl, and its reliable friends and welcome guests visit it. Good luck with everything.

Our dear young people, today you are heroes of the occasion. We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. May the flame of love always burn in your hearts, carry it through your whole life. Let your marriage be accurate and lasting, so that God forbid, there is no marriage in it. You now have one road, one love and one dream. You have become inseparable. We wish you to live, not grieve, more laughter and smiles. May luck always accompany you, May every day give you a good mood. Good news to you at home, joy and family warmth.

Today is your wedding, our dear newlyweds. Save this solemn event for the rest of your life. Having put on the rings, to each other, be able to save them until old age. We wish you great happiness, good health, understanding and respect. May peace and love reign in your family, may feelings be sincere and pure. May every day of your life together bring you only pleasant moments. Save holy love, and keep it from adversity. Only keep the right path in life, do not let happiness slip away.

For you, young people, today all compliments, congratulations and wishes. May your life be as beautiful as you are now. May the torch of love you kindle never go out. Sacredly keep in your hearts this significant and main date in your life. We wish you good luck, peace, great happiness and sunny family weather in everything. May all your everyday life turn into a holiday, may all your cherished dreams come true. May a good angel protect your life from all troubles and sorrows.

Unknowing people say that years of married life eventually turn love into a habit. I wish you that the love that united you today will grow stronger over the years, so that you do not lose tenderness and warmth, all the touchingness of your feelings, learn to endure, forgive, turn minor troubles and quarrels into a joke.

Dear newlyweds! Today you started building your joint ship - your family. We wish you that your family ship turns out to be durable and reliable, so that it does not crash into everyday life and troubles, so that no storms are afraid of it! May the bright sun shine on your way and the blue sky smile, and your joint "swimming" will drag on for many, many years!

Congratulations on the most important step in your life! We want to wish you to take all further steps in life together, firmly and in step! And even if one of you stumbles, the other will definitely support him!

Allow me on this joyful holiday to give the young a couple of useful tips: 1. Advice to the groom: when you return late and “under the fly”, immediately hug your wife ... so that she does not have time to swing. 2. Advice to the bride: for the sake of maintaining peace and tranquility in the family, the husband should not guess who is the boss in the house. 3. Advice to the groom: if things are not going well, listen to your wife. 4. Advice to the bride: do not complain about your husband, remember - a man is not perfect, in order to change for the better, he needs a woman. 5. Advice to the groom: even if the wife is wrong, ask her for forgiveness. 6. Advice to young people: born yourself - help another to be born.

Our lovely newlyweds, today you have the most beautiful celebration - your wedding day. Please accept my most sincere wishes on this day. May life be full of happiness, may luck not pass by. Keep tenderness, and do everything so that life is not lived in vain. All the best to you, always a great mood, good health, family comfort. Let cheerful music always sound in your house, and children's laughter will be heard. Advice to you and love, our dear ones, strong love and understanding.

For you, newlyweds, today all flowers and congratulations. Today you are the culprits of a magnificent feast. We wish you great, strong, bright love, let it be in your house, like salt, like daily bread. Live in peace and harmony as a happy, friendly family. May your life be fabulous, may everything go well with you, and may all bad weather forget your address forever. May your marriage be successful, and the union inseparable. Let everything come true. Advice to you and love. May the Lord always keep you.

We sincerely congratulate the newlyweds, and wish you great happiness. May life give you only inspiration, may good luck follow you around. Let all bad weather pass you by, and life flows like a honey river. May every day bring you joy and happiness. Let the house be a full bowl and cheerful laughter always sounds in it. All the best to you, peaceful sky, bright and mutual love. You are simply made for each other. May God give you a long and beautiful life. May the Lord send you blessings.

Today you have a family. Take care of her, appreciate and respect. May there be only joy in your life, may the dream always come true. Let hearts warmed by love beat in unison. We wish the bright burning of one love, but for the two of you. May your path always be bright, may your family be strong and friendly. Advice to you and love. Let hope, faith and love be your companions. All the best to you, joy and all the best. Hold on tight to each other always, and all troubles will be nothing to you.

On this solemn and important day, we wish the newlyweds great happiness, a peaceful sky, all the best and strong, bright love. May everything that you have in mind come true, may luck not pass by. Be always together, share joys and troubles in half, because now you are one. May only good news come to your home, may true friends always surround you. We want your marriage to be a sign of quality. Eternal burning to you, beautiful happiness, long life. Advice to you and love.

Our dear young people, we congratulate you on your legal marriage. We sincerely wish you happiness, good luck, love and mutual understanding. May this solemn event be remembered for a lifetime. May God give you health and strength, goodness and family warmth. May every day bring you joy, may the family weather be warm and sunny. Advice to you and love for many, many years. May fate always be favorable to you, may all dreams become a reality. All the best to you, prosperity and all the best.

Today we are happy to congratulate you on the birth of a family. You are now a legal husband and wife, now everything has become common and one for you. Feel free to be in love, let your honeymoon last a lifetime. Treasure your love, may you always be called newlyweds. We wish that your union brings only joy. Let the house be a full bowl, let the sonorous, cheerful laughter of children be heard in it. Good luck and all the best. May the Lord always protect you from troubles and evil. Be happy!

Our dear newlyweds, please accept our most sincere congratulations on your wedding day. May this solemn moment be remembered forever. We wish you a beautiful and happy life. May your marriage be without marriage. Take care of your love reliably and vigilantly. Let only at the wedding they shout “Bitter” to you, and life will be sweet, like raspberries. Let your family life be a real holiday, let only good news visit your home. May hope, faith and love never leave you.

You have a lot of everything today: flowers, friends, smiles, because this is your most important and most important day. Two halves merged into one destiny. So let fate be the happiest, kindest and most amazing. May your life be as pure as spring water. Let the house be a full bowl, let welcome guests visit it, and ringing cheerful laughter sounds. Treasure your happiness, and carry strong feelings for each other through your whole life. Advice to you and love, our family.

Everything has become as you wanted, the desired hour has come for you. You put on golden rings of fidelity, and may they be a talisman for you for life. Take care of holy love, keep it from all troubles and hardships, because it is easier to go through life with love, remember this forever. May every day of your life together bring you good luck, joy and good mood. May your path be unified and bright, may your family be friendly and strong. All the best to you, prosperity and well-being. We wish you eternal burning, love one for two.

Today you are the heroes of the occasion, today you have all the wishes and a sea of ​​​​compliments. Let your days fly in harmony and love. Let every ordinary day turn into a holiday. Hold on tightly to each other, because if you are together, all the problems will be nothing to you. For many years, keep tenderness, affection, sensitivity. Let the charm of the first meetings live in the hearts. May only joy be in your life, may your wishes always come true, and may your hearts sound in unison. Advice to you and love.

We sincerely congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day. We wish you good health. Huge happiness. Let your hearts not grow old, but beat in unison. Let grievances and quarrels bypass your family a mile away. May your family live more friendly from year to year. We wish you sunny and warm family weather. May all bad weather pass you by, may your life flow like a river of honey. We wish you all the best, luck, prosperity and all the best. May the constellation of love always shine above you.

Today is your most joyful day - your wedding. May this celebration be remembered for a lifetime. Let all doubts and sorrows leave you forever. We wish you a long and happy life, good luck, prosperity, a peaceful sky above your head. May the union that was born now warm the warmth of your souls, may its flame never cool down. Let the happy souls of fellowship be your only guiding light. Good health to you, great success in everything. May a good angel protect your life. Mutual understanding to you and everything, everything.

Today you are the heroes of the occasion. All flowers, wishes and compliments are only for you, our dear newlyweds. We wish you all the best, good luck, cloudless happiness. May your life be filled with only pleasant moments. Yield to each other, trust and cherish love. May your family nest be cozy and peaceful. Let every day turn into a holiday. We wish you always a great mood. Let hope, faith and love be your faithful companions in life.

Our dear newlyweds, today you have united your destinies into one. Now you have everything in one. Live, for each other, take care of your love all your life. We wish you all the best, may everything go well with you, may life go like clockwork, may good luck always accompany you. God bless you children, so that they decorate your life and always make you happy. May fortune always smile only at you. May the bird of happiness visit you often. All the best to you, prosperity and well-being. Let life be your pleasure.

Our dear newlyweds, we sincerely congratulate you on the main date of your life. May all your plans come true. Let your hearts beat in unison. We wish you to live your whole life in trust and understanding. May the family weather always be sunny and warm. You are now responsible for each step in front of each other. So let all yours fly in harmony. All the best to you, prosperity, peaceful sky, cloudless happiness, a clear conscience. Let your life go like clockwork, let the Lord keep you.

In the ocean of life, the family is a ship, where the husband is the sail and the wife is the helm. Let's wish the groom endurance, and the bride - unmistakably find the right course. Let the caravel of your family ply the stormy waves of the ocean of life for many years! And let, despite the weather overboard, peace and love always reign on the deck of your ship! For the young!

Let me give young people a couple of useful tips on this joyful holiday:

Advice to the groom: when you return late and “under the fly”, immediately hug your wife ... so that she does not have time to swing.
Advice to the bride: for the sake of maintaining peace and tranquility in the family, the husband should not guess who is the boss in the house.
Advice to the groom: if things are not going well, listen to your wife.
Advice to the bride: do not complain about your husband, remember - a man is not perfect, in order to change for the better, he needs a woman.
Advice to the groom: even if the wife is wrong, ask her for forgiveness.
Advice to young people: born yourself - help another to be born.

On this day, you received a huge number of gifts, but none of them can be compared with the one you give to each other today - a family hearth and the warmth of your love. I wish you to be worthy guardians of this hearth. And let his fire burn brighter day by day, warming and illuminating your family.

At the celebration of the blessed wedding (70 years), the spouses were asked: “What is the secret of such a long family happiness? »

“We just had a single bed all these years,” they replied.

Let's drink to a single matrimonial bed!

There are three words that reflect the relationship of two people, these are: passion, falling in love and love. May these beautiful words merge into one great feeling for you and may this feeling never leave you!

We wish the groom that his better half passionately loves sports, cars, fishing and beer. And let him have no less passion for TV shows, shopping and cooking. Then your family will be just perfect!

I want to give good advice to our beautiful bride: “Never contradict your husband. Remember, the man is always right. But don't forget that a woman is never wrong."

There are many proverbs that are dedicated to the wife: the first wealth in life is health, and the second is the wife. A good wife is half the happiness. There is no better friend than a true friend. With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly joy. A good wife has no price for a husband. Let's wish our newlywed to justify all these proverbs!

Every young spouse must know that his bride wants to be behind her husband, like behind a stone wall, behind which she will feel comfortable, safe and warm. With all my heart I want to wish the groom a lot of patience and strength, so that not a single misfortune and misfortune could break through his wall of love!

A loving husband will always try to understand and support his wife. So let's wish the groom a loving wife, obedient children and good work, and the young family longevity and happiness.

By the expression on a woman's face, you can always tell what kind of husband she has. So let the groom be such a husband that one look at his wife evokes burning envy in women, and serious respect in men.

Be sincere when congratulating the newlyweds in your own words. After all, congratulations directly from the heart are fraught with the most secret thoughts and feelings!

We sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your family. We wish you to always live beautifully, love each other, share all joys and sorrows in half. Let the melody of love always sound in your house. May happiness never forget you. Treat your love like the apple of your eye. Let it be “Bitter” only at the wedding, and let the whole life be fabulous and sweet. God grant that the honeymoon lasts a lifetime. We wish you always a great mood, the fulfillment of all your desires. May fortune always smile on you.

Today your wedding is the most important moment of your life together. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on this wonderful day. Let the golden rings that you put on each other today will be the most reliable amulet of your whole life. May your path be wide and long, may your feelings be reliable and strong, may only joyful moments fill your every day. Fate bails you out with love, be able to carry it with dignity through your whole life. Good luck to you and all the best.

Having concluded your marriage with a union, remember that your family is one. Forget the word "I", as you will decide all issues and affairs together. In difficult times, find the strength to lend a shoulder, do not swear because of stupid things, do not forget to give gifts to each other and speak gentle and warm words, be good and caring children and parents. Take care of yourself, give reciprocity.

The beauty of immature love is that the flaws of the chosen one cause only joy and tenderness, and that everything he says seems infinitely smart and valuable. All feelings and emotions are like a volcano - explosive and beautiful. The beauty of maturing love is that you understand how much you want and will do for your loved one, and that your loved one is ready for a lot for you. Like an avalanche, this deep, strong love increases with every act, confession, shared event. The beauty of a mature relationship is that the years lived together, the problems solved and meaningful joys cause deep devotion and respect for the person who has lived with you for so many years, spreading like a warm wave to the soul from the name of a loved one. You have to go through all the charms and surprises of family life and all these stages, but remember - your chosen one does not change, only your attitude towards him changes, only the lenses through which you see him. Therefore, love, and love him again and together you will succeed!

We wish the bride mutual, strong, boundless, crazy love and awesome sex, but most importantly, that the most beloved and only husband and man always wants and wears in his arms! We wish the groom always a good mood for the most beautiful and beloved woman, his wife, the absence of headaches in her, love for cooking, respect for sports and fishing, the ability to keep quiet and listen! We wish you both absolute trust and eternal fidelity, a good, pleasant, well-paid job and the opportunity to have a great rest, carefree and trouble-free life together!

Today, a new, undoubtedly one of the happiest and strongest families has appeared! After all, both newlyweds are enviably young and delightfully beautiful. Witty, funny and groovy - they can keep their happiness for a long life together!
Use this unique chance to create something unique and special with your own hands. You both have the practice of family life with your parents - use this double experience, take the best from your previous lives, take into account mistakes and mistakes and create the life you both want!

The wedding day is full of excitement and unreasonable worries. But you remember it, newlyweds! A report of the minutes of family life will go from him - let them be long, pleasant and joyful. You are as beautiful as ever! May God keep your union from destruction, malice and misunderstanding. All problems can be overcome if there is love in the hearts. All of you will be great! Love, inspire each other to accomplish, understand and appreciate the gifts of fate!

It is impossible not to say a lot of good things about the parents of this delightful couple! It is to them that you (young people) owe your birth, the kind of people you have become. Remember - if there weren't them, there wouldn't be the most dear and dear person next to you now. Be grateful for it. Think about this when the mother-in-law reads morality, believing that this is warm advice, when the mother-in-law surrounds her with obsessive care, thinking that the more she is, the more pleasant you are when bad thoughts come into your head about her or his mother ... Do not forget your parents, appreciate them and their unselfish infinite love, take care of them and help.

Young family, I congratulate you!
And I will tell you simply, without pretentious phrases:
Cherish each other, no matter what -
After all, love is work, because love is not a movie!
Help each other, protect from troubles -
Let the light burn in your house of trust!

A short

We wish you to go to the very end,
Be a strong support for each other.
Let your hearts beat in unison
God bless you from every disease.

He is strong, smart and honest,
Like a brave knight, dear to his relatives,
Once he was alone in the world
Wandered around, looked around at the ladies.

She is a beautiful princess
Sweetheart, good to everyone around,
I carefully kept the key to my heart
From evil, alien, insidious hands.

Fate is the mistress of other people's lives -
Fair and smart
Crossed the paths of two
And brought their gazes together,

2 hearts that were strangers
Suddenly they trembled, and the world froze ...
She always loved him
And he always loved her!

What a miracle
2 hearts beat as one
One eye, closed hands
One soul, one love.

Let that moment freeze forever
Keeping the holy feeling
Fate was generous beyond measure,
Having done such a miracle.

Good luck, happiness in your marriage,
Warmth, care and love
Until the sun goes out
And all the lights will not go out!

Today you, worrying and blushing,
Saying "Yes" to each other
So let it warm your hearts
And the years together will be tender.

So tremblingly squeeze your palms,
And let your hand lie in your hand all your life,
Found each other among a million
And this happiness should be treasured!

Two hearts merged into one
The sound of love, adoration, dreams.
We want to go through life
Only in time, with mutual desire!

Sometimes it won't be easy for you
You just need to hold hands.
And fight for your happiness
And parting for a moment to say goodbye!

Wedding, rings, smiles, flowers,
Family birthday - start, start
Save this moment in your hearts
You met each other forever!

Today you have become a family
With what I congratulate you
Now under a roof under one
Have your piece of paradise!

I wish you holding hands
Go through life slowly
Do not know sadness and separation,
From happiness let the soul sing!

Let love live in hearts forever
And every day, year after year,
She let you endlessly
Only forward always leads!

Stealthily mothers wipe away tears ...
Their children grew up, they created a family of their own.
It's not easy to believe in moms,
Congratulations on your children's wedding day!

We have gathered here to wish you happiness,
Carry your love through the years
And in your life, divide everything in half,
Give each other joy every day!

Our age is short - remember this,
Love every day and every hour!
May your union be filled with light,
And the angels keep better than you!

You searched for each other forever
And finally you have found.
She's like an angel, just flawless
And adrenaline in her blood.

He is a knight with a good soul,
He will always rush to help.
And pulls to her, the only, dear
After all, you are a particle of great love.

Burning eyes, holy fire of love
And tears, only from happiness
I wish the young
Do not know you dashing troubles, bad weather.

Let the wedding rings remind
You this day, at the time of sadness
And so that you can one day remember
What you once promised in oaths.

May your love be strong
And understanding for you always reigns
The joint path will not be difficult,
Let love solve all hardships!

In love, in harmony, in trust to each other
You, holding hands, went to your dream,
All together on the shoulder - bad weather, thunderstorms, blizzards,
When the nightingale sings sonatas in the soul.
May the wedding day be bright
Happy will be the date
And you will walk on every anniversary,
Love and faithful marriage - forever be holy,
We wish you prosperity and glorious kids!

Today you have become a family
Love has bound you forever
I wish you always a star
Passion has always shone over you.

You split everything in half
Then happiness is even sweeter,
Together you have a jerk on the shoulder,
And not afraid of the fate of misfortune.

May your union be beautiful
Cheerful children's laughter will decorate,
Let the family hearth burn
And never let it go out.

Dear guests, I invite everyone to drink for a kiss! After all, it was invented by a resourceful man who did not find another way to close the mouth of a woman.

Great happiness at any age is to join your lives in a marriage union! Now you have someone to rejoice with, there is someone to drank, there is someone to have a word with and someone to look after too. And we all rejoice in your happiness. After all, the family is like an oasis in the indifferent desert of our life. So let's drink to the long and happy life of the newlyweds and wish them health, understanding and respect for many years to come! Bitterly!

Life for you is a wide road,
Hundreds of miles away.
You are now on the threshold of happiness,
Wedding is the door to enter.
So open that door wide
To be bitter from wine,
To be the best couple in the world for you,
To drink happiness all my life to the bottom.

Wearing gold rings
The certificate is stamped...
Well, young spouses,
We wish you on this day?
So that music sounds in the house,
So that it would not be boring together,
Live together, it's interesting
So that there was happiness - the house is full!

And only at the wedding, let it be "Bitter!"

Dear newlyweds...!
On this solemn and festive day
Congratulations on your wedding day.
Happy combination of loving hearts,
Families of Creation!
We sincerely wish you joy and happiness.
May you be spared from misfortune.
May cherished dreams come true
Stored in cozy corners of love.
And the song of goodness, mutual understanding and peace
Let the beautiful lyre play for you in spring.
And green leaves will form
In Two wedding gold rings.
Natural picture with the wind will scatter
But yours - let it last forever
In the Constellation of good luck and warmth,
Prosperity, hope and fiery love.
You yourself are the masters of the universe
Your Destiny; single and sacred.
And remember this to the end
Filling your hearts with love.
Smiles meeting day after day.
Patience in response to insults.
And the emergence of new life
Let the long-awaited continuation be
The union of two beautiful souls.
Let your husband be your protector.
Wife - a reliable strong rear.
And so that good things never pass.
Live bathed in gold
Pouring sweet champagne.
And keeping mutual loyalty
Do not lose love through the years.

What to wish you?
Of course - happiness!
It is everywhere: in flowers, in dreams,
Sometimes in music, sometimes in bad weather,
Sometimes only in dear eyes.
May trouble not touch you
So be happy always!

Happy wedding day, we congratulate you
Good luck, we wish you happiness!
Live well, love each other
After all, from this day you are husband and wife.
Divide everything in life, friends, in half -
And the work and worries that you will meet.
Let your life flow like a river
On the road that knows no barriers!
And let over your head
Only three constellations are burning:
One constellation - Love.
Other - Loyalty and Happiness,
And the third is just kindness.
Let them sparkle over the family
To make dreams come true.

For you young people
Golden days
Always and everywhere will bloom
To be more memorable
Those days are precious
When you are called family.
Live in harmony.
Love each other
May life be full of happiness
Keep tenderness
Raise kids -
For this we will drink to the bottom.
So that young life
Live not in vain
To have something to remember
We wish you a wedding
Your golden
Celebrate with a big family!

People don't meet by chance
So heaven has connected you.
Today we wish the young
So that their love fire does not go out!
Tremblingly keep your feelings,
Carry your tenderness through the years
Together you raise your children
And never leave again!

On the wedding day, love is usually desired
But I wish you fairy tales from heaven
Let love fill everyday life with joy,
May your life shine with rays of miracles!

I wish that feelings get stronger over the years,
Filled with happiness, smile, dreams,
So that souls, like doves, soar in the sky,
So that you love each other endlessly!

The family's birthday is the wedding day.
This is a celebration of endless love for each other,
This is a new important step in life.
Kiss, faithful husband, dear wife!

Congratulations, useful gifts mountain ...
On this day, everything is for you, everything is beautiful, beautiful.
We will shout all together three times: “Hurrah!”.
To make your family the happiest.

Congratulations on your wedding!
"Bitterly!" I will shout to you
Very important with a kiss
Start family life!

So that you love each other
I want to wish you
So that difficulties do not know
To go shoulder to shoulder!

I wish cool kids
Both girls and boys
wonderful work,
Lots of money and friends!

Your destinies are like two threads woven,
Bright day beautiful connected.
You are now committed to each other
The main words have been said.

You made promises
In love and loyalty to each other.
And on the hands shines a ring,
As a symbol of a vicious circle.

Now everything in life - in half.
Now another countdown will begin.
No wonder the union of two close souls
The family has been called since ancient times.

Let our young people know
Secrets of the wedding
What is often empty in the houses
Storks bring children.
Or leave them in cabbage,
And often they bring it right into the house,
So that neither peace nor sadness
It didn't start in that house!

We wish you to walk hand in hand through life,
So that neither storms nor troubles frighten you along the way,
So that young love only grows stronger over the years.
Remember that people are the blacksmiths of happiness themselves.
After all, nature has generously endowed people so,
She gave us everything, she didn't forget anything,
Pay tribute to nature and love each other.
Like a precious vessel, take care of each other
And then your life will sparkle like a diamond
There will be tenderness, love - and trouble will not happen!

Today you got married
For you - a happy day in the world!
Since you lit the beacon of love,
May it shine on you for the rest of your life!
Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings
Flowers and music - for you!
Walk side by side, side by side,
Beautiful strong family.
Let it not be an easy road,
But definitely straight!
To be near in the heat and cold,
For the honor of the family to stand as a wall,
So that the groom is a good husband,
The bride is a glorious wife!
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding

With all my heart, newlyweds, congratulations
With a wonderful, the best day in life!
We sincerely wish you well-being,
Good health and joy in everything!
Surround each other with tenderness and affection,
Let the honeymoon last as long as possible
Be faithful, never part
Let any dream come true!
Create a reliable and strong family,
In harmony, live in harmony for many years!
Protect your sacred union together
And be happy! Love to you and advice!

Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you great happiness.
We are talking seriously now:
May millions of scarlet roses
Lie all over the big way,
What are you going to go through.
And let the fire of great love
It burns without fading!
With love, life is easier to go through -
Everyone knows about it.
Achieve harmony in life
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice!

Our dear loved ones! You are now married, you are starting a big, bright road of great love for each other. We wish you from the bottom of our hearts to live as a strong, friendly family, so that you have children, so that there is endless happiness, comfort, positive atmosphere and good mood in the house. So that there are many pleasant emotions and impressions, joyful moments and days. Your love has always served as an example for all, it is very sincere, hot, sensitive, affectionate. Never let go of this feeling, take care of each other, walk your life path in harmony, understanding, live with dignity all the trials that you will face. We wish harmony, joy, so that your marriage is without marriage! Be faithful, love, live happily!

Glory to the newlyweds! We want to wish you great love on this significant date, however, you have it. We wish you happiness, but you found it by finding in each other an ocean of feelings and a sea of ​​reciprocity. Then we wish to live a very many days, not losing all this wealth, but increasing it. Find in each other not only a husband and wife, but a true friend and girlfriend, gentle, caring, to whom you can tell any secret. Be truthful in your relationships, do not let anyone crush such indestructible feelings as you have. Get drunk not from wine, but from love for each other, fall in love even more every day, let the wings grow behind your back, dream of the beautiful, and let everything come true, and there will be no end to happiness, and joy warms hearts and souls.

Dear our children! We heartily congratulate you on your wedding day! We are very glad that together with your family we have new relatives. We hope that you young people will show us by your example how different generations, different families can live together. We wish you to create such a family where everyone will love each other, where everyone will protect and take care of each other. We see how much you love each other, how much tenderness you have. We see how much light and goodness you radiate. And we wish you that your family was really a family in its original sense: SEVEN-I - mom, dad and five children. We wish you so much joy and warmth, so that there are plenty of them in your family, and enough for your relatives and friends!
