Tulips in stages from paper. Craft - paper tulip: master class, scheme, templates, photo, video

Instructions for making a paper tulip.

With the holidays approaching, many children tend to congratulate their mothers and surprise them with homemade gifts. Origami flowers are perfect for this. In this article we will tell you how to make a tulip out of paper and other improvised materials.

Origami, an art form that came to us from eastern countries. Now many people practice origami, as it calms the nerves and allows you to surprise your loved ones with unusual gifts. Below are diagrams and step-by-step instructions for making an origami paper tulip.

How to make a three-dimensional tulip flower from colored paper?

This option is more suitable for children of preschool educational institutions. Such a flower can become part of a congratulatory application for Mother's Day. Such flowers can complement a voluminous postcard. Below is a video on making a tulip from colored paper.

VIDEO: Colored paper tulips

Such flowers are best made for candy bouquets. Crepe paper is used for making.


  • Cut out six ovals of the same size from paper.
  • Use your fingers to stretch the edges to the width
  • After that, using rubbing movements, make the basis for fastening
  • You should get a tube at the bottom of the petal
  • Put the candy inside and glue all the petals

This is a very simple checkout wizard. Also often used to create candy bouquets.


  • Cut crepe paper into 6 strips 15 cm long and 4 cm wide
  • After that, fold each strip in half and twist at the fold
  • Now align the strips so they are one to one
  • Roll the petal into a tube at the bottom
  • Now you can glue tulips on the wire by stringing sweets on it

Making such a bouquet is quite simple. It takes a little patience and time. Great gift for March 8th.


  • One flower needs five plastic spoons
  • Cut out rectangles from red crepe paper and wrap spoons
  • After that, one by one, fold the two blanks and fix with tape
  • Attach three more around the perimeter of these spoons.
  • As a result, you will get a tulip. Wrap it in green corrugation
  • Make several of these tulips, cut out the leaves and collect a bouquet

Ideal for preschoolers.


  • Cut green colored paper into strips, these will be the stems
  • Cut out leaves from green paper
  • Make 2 three-petal flowers from red paper
  • Glue the stem, leaves, and one bud onto a sheet of colored paper.
  • Fold the second bud in half and glue it exactly at the bend

VIDEO: Application tulips

Below are a few tulip templates for cutting. Choose the most suitable one.

DIY paper tulip ideas: photo

Thanks to paper, you can create excellent and varied compositions. They will help to complement the main gift. Plus, it's a great way to disguise candy. Such bouquets look organic and unusual. DIY paper tulip ideas: photo

VIDEO: Paper tulips

An original birthday present for mom with children's hands - a paper flower. The interesting work of making flowers from paper develops the motor skills of the fingers, teaches small skills in working with colored paper, and brings up the aesthetic taste of a little artist. A bright multi-colored bouquet of paper flowers looks great as a home decor item. The easiest paper flower to make is a tulip. Following the instructions on how to make a paper tulip, you can learn how to quickly and easily create such a gift at least every day, and without much effort and material investment.

An original birthday present for mom with children's hands - a paper flower.

Making a paper bouquet of tulips according to a modular template is a painstaking task that requires considerable perseverance. However, the result pleases the eye for a long time and creates a spring mood.


  • colored paper;
  • Scissors, PVA glue.

What to do:

  1. The preparation of a three-dimensional flower involves assembling the image in stages by modules. Each module is made separately, then assembled into one image.
  2. The modular part is made from a rectangular sheet folded horizontally.
  3. Wrap both upper corners of the workpiece down, press. Turn the product over.
  4. We wrap the resulting tips into a triangular figure, at the same time visually “hugging” the base with the corners. We hide them inside.
  5. We bend the triangle vertically with our fingers. This is the module - part of the preparation of a three-dimensional flower image.
  6. Using this technology, we prepare several blanks of the same color.
  7. We connect the modules in stages. First, we put two pieces of blanks, hiding the ends in the pockets of the third module.
  8. On the first main row we connect 5 modules together, the second row is made of 4 modules, and the third - 2 modules.
  9. Fasten the first two rows of five modules. We fold the last module of the first row with a pocket into the first of the second row.
  10. Thus, make the first row of the flower base of 15 modules, that is, 3 blanks.
  11. The next 3 and 4 rows of the flower are made with a decrease by one module.
  12. After finishing the first row, be sure to turn the workpiece out by gently pressing on the middle.
  13. Do this for 2 more rows, you should get the lower part of the bud, uniform in volume.
  14. Subsequent rows visually reduce the volume of the formed image.
  15. We make the stem from wire, you can use a toothpick by winding it with green paper and fastening the ends with glue.

We form a tulip leaf from double-sided green paper, turning the sides inward into triangles, and bend the lower base inward.

Gallery: paper tulips (25 photos)

DIY origami tulip (video)

How to make a colored tulip from corrugated paper: a simple workflow

Corrugated paper, due to the wrinkled appearance, creates a visual volume and naturalness of the finished product.


  • Corrugated paper of different colors;
  • Thin wire;
  • Scissors, glue.

Corrugated paper, due to the wrinkled appearance, creates a visual volume and naturalness of the finished product.

Single petal cutting method

  1. From the selected paper color we form the first flower bud. To do this, cut a long strip of approximate dimensions from a paper strip: 18 cm long, 3-4 cm wide.
  2. Fold the part several times so that the width becomes a centimeter more.
  3. We visually form the contours of the future bud petal, cut out the blank. Having rolled the bottom of the workpiece into a tube with your fingers, we expand the top.
  4. For a full-fledged tulip bud, we collect eight such blanks.
  5. We form the stem from green paper, cutting it into strips and twisting them along the length of the wire.
  6. At the same time, we form a petal from the green color of the corrugations, screw it into the stem with your fingers, fluffing the top.
  7. We make tulip stamens yellow by twisting small strips with flagella. We insert inside the bud, gradually twisting the bundles with the main petals.

Multi-petal cutting method

  1. We cut out strips of a bud 4 cm wide. Cut out the petals. Twist each separately with your hands below, bend the upper corner of the petal in half to the base.
  2. We put the blanks of the petals of the bud together, covering the next one by about 0.5 cm. At the same time, gently twist the bud. As you scroll, insert yellow stamens.
  3. Having completed the formation of the bud, carefully stretch each petal with your fingers, revealing the bent edges.
  4. To give a lush look, fluff the bud by lightly pressing it down with your hand.
  5. We also make flower leaves, you can vary the size of the leaf, make more or less blanks from the strips.
  6. Cut the wire into pieces of the same length. Wrap the green wire with corrugation, securing the paper ends with glue.
  7. We fasten the green leaves to the stem, fix with a drop of glue.

We fix the finished tulip bud with glue on the stem. Allow the product to dry in an upright position.

The simplest paper tulip: a step-by-step description


  • Colored paper green and yellow;
  • Scissors, PVA glue.

These tulips are very easy to make.

Bulk flower from A4 sheet

What to do:

  1. First we make a flower bud. Fold yellow paper diagonally to make a square. Expand, cut off excess.
  2. On both sides, fold the resulting figure again, then bend in the center.
  3. Unfold the paper, bend inward the folds along the formed median line, forming a double triangular figure. Flatten the structure by hand.
  4. We bend the lower corners on both sides to the top of the triangle. Now we have a square with side small triangles.
  5. Putting both triangles together, we unfold the square figure with the whole side.
  6. Turning the craft up with the main vertex, insert one corner of the first triangle into the other corner of the second figure. It turns out a paper pocket. On the other side of the product, we do the same.
  7. Smooth the pockets with your hand. Inserting your fingers into the recesses of the pockets, gently push the edges of the product to the sides.
  8. Make a small hole in the middle with a pin, blow some air into the hole with your mouth - the product will expand like a flower bud.
  9. We turn the craft over and bend the paper petals.
  10. We form a green stem by twisting the paper between the palms. Cut the leaf out of paper with scissors.

Stick the stem into the hole made with a pin on the bud, glue the green leaf with glue.

A simple tulip made from a small piece of paper

Making a product is within the power of small needlewomen.

Making a product within the power of small needlewomen

  1. Fold a square shape from a piece of colored paper along diagonal and straight lines.
  2. With scissors, make small cuts along the lines, up to about half their length.
  3. Glue glue each corner of the cut square, glue it to the adjacent part with the tip.
  4. For the stem, take a cocktail tube, wrap it with green paper, fix the corners with glue.

In the middle of a homemade bud, make a hole with a pin, fix the stem.

Tulips in a paper vase (video)

A paper bouquet of colorful tulips looks simple and elegant. Such a gift will be pleasant to the hero of the occasion, because it was made by the hands of a loving person. An unexpected surprise of a paper bouquet will be chocolates, dragees or small notes with good wishes placed there as stamens.

"The Tale of the restless Square, the hospitable Triangle and the beautiful Tulip." Master class "Tulip".

This fairy tale master class is designed for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, and will undoubtedly be of interest to educators, primary school teachers, teachers of additional education, parents and all creative people. Flowers can be used to decorate the interior, as a gift to relatives and friends, to participate in an exhibition of children's creativity.
Target. Introduce children to the technique of paper folding - origami.
1. Teach children to precisely fold and iron folds.
2. Introduce children to the basic form of "Water Bomb".
3. Develop fine motor skills, eye.
4. Teach children how to turn paper into beautiful flowers.
5. Cultivate respect for peers, the ability to come to the rescue.
Brief educational information.
Origami - "ori"- folded "kami"- paper, the art of paper folding arose in the land of the rising sun - Japan.
Safety precautions:
1. Handle paper carefully.
2. Do not wave your hand with a paper sheet.
3. Protect fingers from cuts.
4. After work, thoroughly wash your hands from glue.
Material. A set of colored paper, scissors, PVA glue.
Preliminary work. Consider with children paper products made using the origami technique. Try with the children to warm up to perform the main folds.
The Golden Rule of Origami. All sides and corners of the sheet when folded must exactly match each other. The folds must be carefully ironed.
Practical work.First, let's add the basic shape "Water Bomb".

The Tale of the Restless Square, the Hospitable Triangle and the Beautiful Tulip

Once upon a time there was a Square, a very important and very important of the geometric figures. I felt like a king, he had his own kingdom. He also had his subjects: four corners and four sides.
(Take a square piece of paper and place it in front of you.)

So Square sent a messenger Angle with an order through the whole kingdom, to another corner, to find out how he was doing. Angles met, discussed all matters.
(Fold the sheet diagonally.)

Fulfilled the order, the messenger returned back and reported that everything was in order.
(Unfold the sheet.)
It is good when everything is good. But the soul of the Square is restless. He sent another messenger from the Corner to check, another unverified Corner. The Angles met, it turned out that everything was calm on the border of the kingdom. The messenger returned and reported that everything was calm on the corner borders of the kingdom.
(Fold the sheet along the other diagonal. Iron the fold well.)

But Square is not calm, he tosses and turns from side to side.
(Unfold and turn over the sheet.)

He sends a messenger from the Party to find out how the other Party is doing.
(Fold the square in half.)

The messenger returned and reported that everything was calm on the other side. The Square does not believe, turns over, gets upset and folds like an umbrella to hide from experiences.
(Turn the sheet over again and try to fold along the resulting folds.)

Where is the important Square? Where did he hide from his worries? In this figure, what does it look like? On a hat, on a roof, on a snowdrift, on a mountain, on a triangle. This is where the important Square hid in the big Triangle.

At the top of this Triangle lives a great important Angle. Once he invited all the lower little Corners to visit him for his birthday. On the one hand and on the other.
(Raise the bottom corners to the top, turn the figure over, and raise the other corners.)

All the Corners gathered at the Big Corner, sat, talked, treated themselves sweetly, and they wanted to dance and got up in pairs.
(Connect the side corners, on one side and the other.)

They took hold of the handles beautifully and spun in a cheerful dance.
(Tuck the side corners into each other on one side and the other.)

They were so happy at the festival that they swelled with happiness.
(We inflate the resulting figure).

And they turned into beautiful flowers - Tulips.
How happy they were, how they admired themselves, how they looked at themselves, their delight knew no bounds.
(Bend the top corners down a little.)

(We fold stems from strips of green paper and cut out leaves)

This is how, thanks to the important and restless Square and the kind and hospitable Triangle, magical beautiful flowers appeared - Tulips.

That's the end of the tale, and who listened well done.
Thank you for your attention! Creative success to you!

We offer you a do-it-yourself origami master class - how to make a beautiful paper tulip. This wonderful flower personifies spring and femininity. Origami Tulip will be a suitable holiday gift for a woman. You will learn how to make a tulip out of printer paper, crepe paper, or corrugated paper. We do not recommend using sets of colored paper, as such paper tends to crumble and tear.

To get started, you need a sheet of paper, scissors and the desire to create origami.

Do-it-yourself paper tulips are a popular pattern.

1. To embody a spring flower, we choose a sheet with sufficient density and paper color in accordance with your imagination, it is desirable, of course, to choose an origami color close to a real tulip.

2. We begin to fold origami so as to get a triangle with equal sides. The edge of the leaf, which remains superfluous, in the resulting triangle, is cut off and left in order to later make a stem out of it for our flower. You will need it at the very end of the master class.

3. We take a triangle and fold it in half in the opposite direction - we should get a square with folds forming four triangles.

4. In order for us to have a high-quality tulip bud, we iron the folds well with our hands and turning the sheet over we get a pyramid, that is, the center looks up.

5. Now we bend the paper in half - we see two rectangles when the sheet is unfolded.

6. We turn the corners so that we have four more triangles on the sides of each rectangle.

7. In order for our tulip to end up neat and beautiful, each fold should be ironed with your own hands so that it is perfectly visible, as in the picture.

8. We connect the inner sides of the rectangle with our hands. After that, you will see a triangle with two diamonds at the bottom of the sheet. Once again, carefully iron all the folds on the origami.

9. Flip the triangle upside down. To get a bud, you need to fold the edges of the triangle so that they touch their outer corners.

10. Now turn over and duplicate the same work on the other side of the sheet.

11. We turn the edges of the paper to the right and do the same with the next side.

12. Accurately and carefully place one edge of the rhombus into the other. Do not forget to carefully iron each fold of the future tulip with your hands.

13. On the other side of the rhombus, the same algorithm of actions. At this step of the master class, our original triangle is already starting to look like a flower bud.

14. Now we take those edges that are placed into each other and hold with the index and thumb.

15. Now is one of the most difficult moments in our master class on creating a paper tulip with your own hands. In the lower part of our design, where the corner is closed, it is necessary to sharply but clearly hit the center with a pencil or similar object with a sharp end so that the tulip bud becomes voluminous.

16. Then we begin to dissolve the petals of the tulip, bending each corner from four sides.

17. Now we return to the strip of paper that we had at the very beginning of work - from it we either twist or carefully fold the stem for our flower.

18. We insert the stem into the hole formed at the bottom of the bud.

19. Now you know how to make a paper tulip and you can conduct your origami master class.

Video master class.

Our wonderful flower is ready to please you and the one for whom the gift was prepared. At any time of the year, getting a flower for a girl is so nice. Most often, of course, tulips are given on International Women's Day, but now that you have completed our master class, you can surprise your loved ones just like that. Do-it-yourself paper origami Tulip is pleasing to the eye and can decorate a workplace or home for a very long time. Give a smile to your girls and women, mothers and grandmothers!

  • 9 or more flowers will look wonderful and magnificent together, the more, the more spectacular.
  • When you form a bouquet, then glue the sheets cut out of paper to the stems of the outer tulips. To do this, make the stems of flowers specially from green paper, and next to the hole for the stem (the so-called leafy part of the flower), you can glue a cup - a sepal, for a more realistic look of tulips.
  • The resulting bouquet is tied with a silk or other ribbon for decoration. We choose the color of the ribbon in contrast to the color of the tulips. For example, yellow buds go well with purple; red with blue and green; bright pink with yellow; orange and blue and so on.
  • For a more original design, we wrap (by analogy with real flowers): in felt, in artificial or jute mesh, or in the now popular packaging - sisal. Such a bouquet will look charming in a transparent small vase.
  • To make your tulips look even more interesting, use the decor in the form of ladybugs, dragonflies, butterflies and other stickers or clothespins that a florist uses to decorate flowers and bouquets.

Paper art is not only boats and airplanes, which, for sure, each of us made in childhood. Craftsmen create real masterpieces from paper - figurines of animals, birds, equipment and even entire castles. Flowers occupy a special place in such creativity. Bright leaves are ideal for creating flower arrangements, and even novice craftsmen can easily make paper tulips with their own hands.

Beautiful tulips made of crepe or corrugated paper

Volumetric paper tulip - we collect materials

Any instruction on how to make a paper tulip with your own hands in stages begins with recommendations on materials that will be useful in your work. The list is short and simple:

  • Good quality colored paper. Experienced origami masters recommend taking paper that is not too thin so that it does not tear. Choose saturated colors if you want brightness, or closer to natural if you want the flowers to look like real ones.
  • Scissors. They should be sharp, cut well, and not tear the paper. The size of the scissors is not important, the main thing is that it is convenient to use them.
  • Tubes for cocktails. Will be used to make stems. For these purposes, you can also take the wire.
  • To make a paper tulip, the step by step guide may also include the use of glue. However, if we are talking about real origami, you will not need it.

Do-it-yourself paper tulips - a classic scheme

There are many ways to make a paper tulip in stages, the most common and simple scheme looks like this:

1. Cut out a square from paper with a side of approximately 20 mm.

2. We bend the square diagonally so that the fold lines form the letter "X".

3. We fold it into a triangle, we wrap the paper on the sides inward to make “pockets”.

4. We bend the corners of the outer sides to the top to make a rhombus.

5. We bend each corner to the center line slightly overlapping, tucking one into the other.

6. Turn the bud over, make a hole for the stem at the base, straighten the petals.

It will help to make such tulips out of paper step by step photo.

Origami tulip - detailed diagram

Corrugated paper tulips

To create flowers, you can use not only the usual colored paper, but also corrugated paper.

Tulips from paper are obtained as if they were alive

If you want to make such a tulip out of paper, step by step instructions will come in handy:

1. Cut off a strip 5-7 cm wide and fold it into an accordion of the width we want to get the petals.

2. Cut out paper petals in the shape of real ones, round the top, leave a leg 1.5 cm wide at the bottom.

3. We twist the lower edge, straighten the upper one and stretch it a little, giving the desired shape.

4. From the finished petals we form a bud, we fix the bases on the wire.

Do-it-yourself tulips made of corrugated paper are very delicate and beautiful. From them you can form a beautiful bouquet or decorate a holiday card.

Corrugated paper is easy to use and does not cause difficulties. If you still have doubts about whether you are making the right paper tulip with your own hands, a step-by-step photo will be a great help.

Sweet bouquet of tulips as a gift - video master class

In this video, you will see how you can make tulips a little different and complement them with a sweet center to make a wonderful gift for a birthday or March 8!

Paper tulip pattern

Thanks to the use of the template, very cute tulips are obtained, which even children can make!

Paper tulips using a template

How to make a paper tulip with a stem

If you have already figured out how to make a paper tulip, let's complicate the task and make a green stem instead of a tube or wire. The scheme of a paper tulip with a stem and a leaf looks like this:

1. Cut out a square approximately the same size as for the bud or slightly larger.

2. Mark a diagonal fold line. To this line, bend the sides of the left corner, then the right.

3. Bend the sides of the right corner to the center again so that the resulting figure resembles an arrow.

4. Turn the figure over and bend in half, the sharp corners should connect.

5. Turn over again with the wide side up and bend one half from the corner to the center fold line. Repeat the same on the other side and bend the stem in half lengthwise.

The photo of a paper tulip shows in stages how to form a beautiful stem and leaf on it.

Quilling paper tulips

Openwork curls of paper strips are the best way to emphasize the tenderness and sophistication of a tulip flower.

In addition to the options listed, how to make a paper tulip step by step, there are many more ways to create these beautiful spring flowers. You can use thin and delicate tissue paper or, conversely, thick cardboard that will keep its shape perfectly.

Funny tulips with children

You can make a hundred paper triangles and assemble a beautiful bud out of them. And you can create your own unique tulips with your own hands from paper, use photos of other people's work for inspiration and just give free rein to your imagination. After all, this is creativity, and, as you know, there should be no rules and restrictions in it!

You can leave your impressions, ideas and questions in the comments below the article. Let's connect and create together!
