Amazing stories about the miraculous rescue of young children. Incredible cases of salvation, which are hard to believe

On the eve of the Network, a video from a traffic DVR was scattered. The footage shows a man rescuing a tiny kitten on a busy highway. The driver slowed down literally at the last moment, miraculously not hitting the poor fellow, got out of the car and picked up the baby. The story ended happily, and now the foundling has already found new owners.

Haircut to the rescue

Sometimes animals in trouble have to show remarkable endurance and patience in anticipation of help. So, a Pyrenean mountain dog named Lazar lived in a dirty barn for six long years. During this time, the dog was heavily overgrown, and his coat was in a terrible state.

A neighbor of the terminally ill owner Lazar asked volunteers to help the dog. In early September, he was taken out of the barn and cut his hair, removing 15 kilograms of wool from the poor fellow.

After a haircut, Lazar was moved to a shelter that rescues large breed dogs. Now the dog is with a temporary foster family, and in the future, when they find the owners, he will go to them for permanent residence.

emigrate with the whole family

The story of rescuing three little puppies in Tatarstan ended no less happily. The kids, who miraculously survived within the walls of the service for catching homeless animals, found new families in Germany. It was reported that Kazan volunteers found one and a half hundred dog bodies, including collars, on the territory of the institution. Among the corpses were puppies shivering from cold and fear. Residents of Germany responded to the shocking story. They found caring German owners for all three kids.

Cooperation of volunteers from Tatarstan with German dog breeders began two years ago. A small puppy whose hind legs were cut off by a train found new owners in Germany. But the story didn't end there. Later, volunteers picked up the mother and brother of a four-legged emigrant near the railway. Both dogs also suffered from the train, but the owners were found for them. A shaggy mother in Germany was given prostheses, on which she jumps smartly and looks absolutely happy.

nickname from the red book

In August, near the Chukotka village of Ryrkaypiy, a polar bear cub was found, left without a mother and very weak. The seven-month-old baby was named Nika. Rosprirodnadzor allowed to take the animal to Moscow.

The more than 40-hour flight by helicopter and military plane over a distance of seven thousand kilometers was a huge stress for the bear cub, but Nika steadfastly endured all the difficulties. Now she feels well and is accustomed to a new place. The cub is already eating adult food - fish and vegetables.

Note that the population of polar bears in the world is in critical condition. This is a rare species, listed both in the International Red Book and the Red Book of Russia. The Moscow Zoo is a participant in the worldwide breeding program, so the appearance of a polar bear from the wild in Moscow has become a very important event. Employees of the Moscow zoo hope to increase the number of polar bears on the planet with the help of the Chukotka foundling in the near future.

On a dewdrop

And another little zoo inhabitant recently moved into a city apartment. This happened in Tyumen, where a cat adopted a saimiri cub, a squirrel monkey, abandoned by its own mother.

After the negligent mother refused to roll her newborn son on her back, the director of the Tyumen zoo, Tatyana Antropova, took him to her home. There, to Tatyana's surprise, the 16-year-old cat Rosinka took care of the baby, who was named Fedor. Now Fedor is happy to ride on his fluffy stepmother, holding on to her long hair.

At first, Rosinka and little Fedor coexisted absolutely peacefully. But after three weeks, the old cat began to get tired - the grown up monkey began to bite and pinch her. The monkey and his foster mother will live together for another month, and then the saimiri will return to the zoo to her relatives.

Fluffy navigator

But not only people save animals. Sometimes the smaller brothers themselves come to the aid of a person. So, in the Alps, a tourist from Hungary was walking in the area of ​​the Swiss village of Gimmelwald when he discovered that the path leading to the hostel was closed. On the way he sprained his ankle and sat down to rest. A cat living in the mountains helped the lost traveler to get on the right path. She waitedwhile the tourist gets up, she led him along and eventually led him to the right road to the hostel.

Recently passed the World Day for Homeless Animals, in connection with this event, we decided to put together the most interesting stories of dogs rescued from death. There are a large number of shelters and rescue centers for animals in the world, but still this is not enough and they are not able to help everyone. Perhaps, after looking at these instructive photos, you will understand that you do not have to be God to save someone's life. Help animals, be happy!

This poor guy was found on the streets of Montreal looking so bad it was hard to tell he was actually a dog. He could hardly move because of the wool tangled into huge tangles. But look how charming he became after a haircut!

Miley lived in a garbage heap, severely injured and barely able to walk. Now Miley is happy and healthy, she lives in a new house with her new family.

Kenzi the Cocker Spaniel was found abandoned by her owner in San Antonio. Her recovery shows that love and care can work wonders.

The Trio Animal Rescue Fund took this wad of tangled fur from an open access shelter. The poor fur on the legs was called Ellen, and she was very hard because of the huge amount of dirt on the wool. Shaved from her wool weighed almost a kilogram. Now this wonderful dog is ready for a new life.

One woman spotted this little poodle while eating out of a trash can in Los Angeles. She extended a helping hand to Dolly, thanks to which the girl again became fluffy and charming. 4.5 kg of fur was removed from Dolly weighing 6.8 kg.

The owners threw Theo out on the street, leaving him to fend for himself, where he lived for about a year until he was rescued by Hope For Paws shelter workers.

7. Little Betty

Little Betty was abandoned by the owner. After she has fully recovered and turned into a charming miracle, she is ready for life in a new home.

Woody was thrown into the street by the relatives of his owner, who passed away. He hid under a neighboring barn, waiting for the return of his deceased master for almost a year, not letting anyone near him. Until rescued by Hope For Paws staff. Rescuers soon realized that the dog was blind in one eye, but this did not stop Woody from fully recovering and becoming a kind and affectionate dog.

9. Treasure (Treasure)

Treasure, a 2-year-old miniature poodle, was found by a passing motorist who took her to Natchez-Adams Relief Society. Because of the monstrously thick and dirty hair, she could not even walk. But after a visit to the vet, Treasure became a beauty again.

Alana came to the shelter with matted and dirty hair, due to the abundance of which it was difficult to even understand that there was a dog in front of you. To get vaccinated, Alan had to shave completely. After the haircut, it turned out that Alana was much younger than it seemed at first glance. This cute dog has found a new home.

Boo was taken to the Animal Rescue & Educational Shelter in Florida after being found on the side of the road all dirty, wet and piss-soaked. After a haircut and care, she began to look simply amazing.

This poor fellow was found barely alive in Mexico with a terrible eye infection. Someone uploaded his photo to Facebook and shared his story. People were moved by the story and donated money to transport the dog to the US for treatment of the injury. Now Iggy is healthy and happy, even with one eye.

Vita was found starving and close to death in a landfill in the Los Angeles area. She weighed only 32 kg. Thanks to the veterinary help of rescuers, proper care and nutrition, she managed to fully recover.

14. Cedar (Cedar)

Cedar was named after the golf course near which it was found. He was bald from the stress and was so thin that his skin covered all his bones. Cedar has since recovered and found a new home.

15. Olivia

These photos were taken a year apart - as soon as the owner took Olivia out of the shelter and after a year of happy life in a new home.

Shrek was found covered in mud, and his fur was so tangled that he could barely move his paws. After the excess hair was removed and his wounds healed, the dirty ottoman turned out to be a 6-year-old Maltipoo. Soon Shrek found a new home with a loving owner.

1 Colby Arrendale

Colby's mother, Jessica Arrendale, was the victim of domestic violence. As in many other similar cases, the situation turned out to be deadly. But Jessica, dying, saved the life of her child.

That night, Jessica dated her boyfriend Antoine Davis, a former Marine who served in Iraq. He drank a lot and got angry. Jessica tried to defend herself with a baseball bat, but Antoine beat her with the same bat. He herded her to the top of a three-story house with their six-month-old daughter, Colby. Jessica locked herself in the bathroom with the baby. The ex-Marine pulled out a silenced rifle, broke down the door, and shot Jessica. Somehow, dying, the woman was able to turn in a completely different direction and throw the child into the toilet, covering her with her own body. Presumably in search of the child, he went to the nursery, where he shot himself in the head.

The girl remained in the toilet, covered with her mother's body, for 13 hours until the police found her. She was being treated for hypothermia and psychological trauma from the attack on her mother. The Colby family created a foundation in her name, raising nearly $40,000. Jessica was hailed as a heroine.

2. Baby #59

This newborn caught worldwide attention when it was found in a sewer pipe in China shortly after birth. His young mother hid the pregnancy from family and friends. She gave birth to a baby over the toilet in the toilet of her house, after which he ended up in the sewer. The woman called the police, but did not admit that she was his mother.

The two-hour rescue operation was filmed on television and shown around the world. Rescuers sawed out a piece of pipe just below the toilet. The baby, still squeezed by the tube, was rushed to the hospital. Doctors used pliers to bend the tube, which was less than 8 cm in diameter. He was still in the placenta. He was named baby number 59 (according to the number of the incubator). The kid touched the hearts of many people. They flocked to the hospital and brought clothes, food, toys, blankets. Some wanted to adopt him.

Police tracked down a young woman who fell under suspicion when children's toys and bloody toilet paper were found at her home. At first she denied that she was the mother of this baby, but later confessed. Initially, the officers considered this incident as an attempted murder, and then decided that it was an accident. They were convinced that the mother was too afraid to confess. The boy was not seriously injured and received only superficial scratches and minor bruises. He was given to his mother a few days after the incident.

3. Dylan Micallef

Baby Dylan was alone for almost a week before he was discovered. His mother, René Micaleff, had been in a terrible car accident a few years earlier and was in terrible pain and had to take large amounts of painkillers. Those who knew her said that she was a wonderful mother, and believed that those days were far behind. Mother and son were last seen together after shopping. A neighbor said that she had bags with things for her son.

Later, guests came to her, but she did not open the door. Days went by and no one saw or heard from her. The police were called and entered the house. Officers found eight-month-old Dylan partially pinned under the body of his dead mother. He himself was almost at death's door. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition, but soon recovered. Police believe Renee died of an accidental drug overdose.

4. Megan Hui

Little Megan was saved from death even before she was born. Megan's mother, Michelle, was sixteen weeks pregnant when she miscarried. Five ultrasound scans with no signs of fetal heartbeat. She stayed overnight in the hospital and was given pills to induce a miscarriage.

Michelle was discharged the next day and was advised to take a pregnancy test a week later to make sure the fetal tissue was completely shed. After a week, she did this test and got a positive result. She called her doctor, and he ordered a curettage of the uterus.

However, before the operation, they performed another ultrasound and found a tiny heartbeat. Michelle was pregnant with twins and one of the two twins survived. Doctors think that the blood clots and fetal tissue of the deceased baby hid Megan from the ultrasound. Her mother was overjoyed. Megan was born without any abnormalities and avoided the negative consequences of miscarriage and abortion.

5. Alih Krego

On May 3, 1999, a deadly tornado devastated Moore, Oklahoma. 36 people died, the damage amounted to more than $1 billion. Hundreds of people have lost their homes, including baby Alih Krego and her family.

During a deadly storm, the Crago family took refuge in a closet. Alih's mother, Amy, held the 10-month-old baby in her lap as the whole family surrounded them. When a devastating EF5-type tornado struck the house, it tore off the roof and swept everyone away, snatching the child from the mother's arms.

When police officer Robert Jolly followed the path of destruction, he found Amy lying face down and pinned down by a trailer 30 meters from where her house used to be. But she was alive and begged Officer Jolly to find her girl. A little later, he found something that he took for a doll, but the “doll” moved. He ran up and grabbed the girl in his arms. The video recorder filmed it all. Alih met her mother in the hospital after suffering a lung injury and a deep scratch on her thigh.

6. Jamie Ogg

Kate Ogg went into labor at 27 weeks pregnant with twins. She gave birth to a girl with a good prognosis first. The second child, whom she named Jamie, was declared dead after birth. He was given to be held by a parent whose hopes were revived when he began to gasp for air. But the doctors said it was just a reflex, and that he was no doubt dead.

His heartbroken mother clutched the tiny body to her chest. Both parents told the baby how much they love him, what they would like to give him in his life. He began to gasp again. Kate dripped breast milk on her finger and offered it to the baby. He swallowed it. Premature at 13 weeks, the baby, whom doctors declared dead, opened his eyes. Jamie was rushed to the intensive care unit, where he recovered. A few months later, both healthy children were discharged from the hospital.

7. Musa Deyib

Musa Deyib, 15 months old, was watching TV with his father and three-year-old sister in the living room of an apartment on the 11th floor. When their father left the room, Musa and his sister went to the balcony, 30 meters from the ground. After a few seconds, the girl screamed that her younger brother had fallen. The shocked father, not believing, went out to the balcony and saw that his little son was lying on the ground and not moving. He grabbed his daughter and ran downstairs, meeting his neighbors along the way. They were shocked to hear that Musa was crying. He landed on a small patch of mulch, not far from the sidewalk. He was taken to the hospital with broken ribs, spine, arms and skull. To the amazement of the doctors, he did not have any serious brain damage, and the baby quickly recovered.

8. Erica Nordby

Baby Erica's mother, Layla Nordby, woke up in the middle of the night and experienced every parent's worst nightmare: her child was missing. A 15-month-old girl in only a diaper was stranded on a snowy street while her mother slept. Layla searched the house in desperation and found that the front door was broken and therefore not properly locked after the nanny left.

Layla stepped out into the frosty night and saw tiny footprints in the snow. She followed them and found the lifeless body of her daughter in a snowdrift. The temperature that day was -24 degrees Celsius. She immediately brought the baby inside, called for help, and attempted CPR. When the police and paramedics arrived, Leyla was detained for five hours for neglecting her parental responsibilities. By the time they got to the hospital, Erica hadn't had a heartbeat in over two hours. Her body temperature was only 16 degrees Celsius.

After the girl was warmed, her heart began to beat again. Doctors thought that due to frostbite, limbs would have to be amputated. But only a small skin graft on the legs was needed. Doctors believe that the cold plunged her into a state similar to suspended animation, which protected her body from serious damage. Erica made a full recovery and was discharged with her mother six weeks later. She only had a small scar from the skin graft and a slight foot deformity requiring special shoes. Layla, Erica and the rest of the family were forced to move out due to the public scrutiny.

9. Terry Calvesbert

Terry Calvesbert's parents, Paul and Julie, separated two months before the fire that disfigured more than 90% of the young child's body. The mother looked after the 22-month-old child, and the father was at work. A woman accidentally left an unextinguished cigarette in her daughter's bedroom, the fire from the air conditioning system spread to the curtains, and soon the entire nursery was on fire.

Frightened by the girl's screams, Julie rushed to the bedroom, but could not see anything because of the smoke. She ran outside and tried to break the window, hearing the screams of her daughter burning alive. By the time firefighters arrived, the screams had stopped. In the bedroom, they found something that they initially took for a charred doll. Terri was unrecognisable, her body was black. The only part of the body that was not touched by the fire was hidden under a wet diaper.

The doctors didn't think she would survive the night, but she did. The burns were so severe that her hair would never grow back, she lost her nose, ears, left leg and all her fingers. To heal her wounds, doctors used artificial skin, which had to be replaced as the child grew. Terry now wears a wig and a prosthetic leg. She lives an ordinary life in England, along with her father and stepmother.

Julie stopped seeing her daughter, claiming her guilt was too great. She did not visit her in the hospital and did not communicate with her for 10 years. They finally met after Terri appeared in the documentary series People Extraordinary.

10 Newborns Survived After Mexico City Earthquake

On September 19, 1985, an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.1 struck Mexico City. The next day there were tremors measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale. These two earthquakes caused damage estimated at $1 billion. According to official statistics, 10,000 people lost their lives.

During the disaster, two hospitals - the Benito Juarez Hospital and the General Hospital - were badly damaged, many departments were completely destroyed, including maternity hospitals. Most newborns and their mothers did not survive.

Many of the children rescued immediately after the disaster or a few hours after it suffered serious and life-threatening injuries, some died immediately after being rescued. And yet, despite the destruction and devastation, some babies and their mothers were able to escape even after spending a week under the rubble. Six babies were pulled out from under the rocks 5-8 days after the earthquake. Virtually no one was seriously injured. Only one had a severely injured leg. The small space under the rubble was like the previous nine months of their life in their mother's stomach. The extra layer of fat from newborns kept them warm, keeping them warm on cold and rainy nights. In the first days of life, babies require very little fluid. Dr. Holden, who examined four newborns after the incident, said: “I think the answer is that the complete lack of food led to loss of appetite. The rest is a miracle."

Although many of the children were orphaned, none of them needed adoption. Aunts, uncles, grandparents took the kids and raised them. The children received free medical care for many years, so that doctors could observe the long-term effects of the disaster.

The article was prepared by Lidia Svezhentseva based on the material from

Miracles happen. Some of them are the result of incredible luck, others are the result of incredible willpower.

Yossi Ginsberg. 19 days spent in the Amazon jungle in search of people

In 1981, Israeli traveler Yossi Ginsberg, in the company of three of his friends, went to the Amazon jungle in search of yet undiscovered tribes of Indians.

During the expedition, the group had to split up. Yossi and a friend built a raft, but during the descent down the river they landed in a waterfall. Ginsberg survived, but was swept away by the current.

When Yossi got ashore, it turned out that he only had insect spray and a lighter with him, which were in his pockets during the rafting.

For 19 days, the man wandered through the jungle, eating fruits, insects and bird eggs. Ginsberg survived a jaguar attack, which the traveler frightened off with a makeshift flamethrower.

At the end of the journey, Yossi almost drowned in the swamp.

When Ginsberg was found by a group of volunteers, a colony of termites managed to settle on the traveler. The search party was equipped by Comrade Yosi, who managed to swim ashore first. The other two members of the expedition could not be found.

Douglas Mawson. In 56 days he traveled more than 500 km to the base in Antarctica. More than half are completely alone.

Polar explorer Douglas Mawson and two of his colleagues were returning to their base in Antarctica after a long hike. On December 14, 1912, a tragedy happened - one of Mawson's colleagues fell into a crevice and died. Together with him, the team failed, on which there was most of the provisions and the tent. Scientists had to go almost 500 km to the base. The situation was complicated by the fact that the temperature did not rise above -20°C and the strong wind did not subside.

Due to food shortages, Mawson and Merz had to eat the meat of the surviving dogs and pull the sled themselves.

Three weeks later, on January 8, 1912, Merz died, and Mawson continued on his way alone. He had to get rid of almost everything in order to lighten the sled.

A couple of days before the end of the trip, the polar explorer fell into a crack in the ice, but was able to get out. When Mawson managed to get to the base, it turned out that the Aurora ship, on which he was supposed to sail home, set sail 5 hours ago. Mawson had to wait another 9 months for his return.

Aron Lee Ralston. Spent four days in the mountains without food or water, nailed to a rock by a 300-kilogram boulder

Aron Lee Ralston was an accomplished climber and often made solo trips.

During his next ascent in the Blue John Canyon in Utah, he had an accident - a 300-kilogram boulder fell on the climber and squeezed his right hand in a rock crevice.

Aron did not inform anyone about the upcoming ascent. There was no connection, and for 4 days Aron lay near the stone without moving.

The water ran out on the first day, and Aaron had to drink his own urine to keep himself going until possible help arrived. During this time, Ralston managed to carve the estimated date of his death on the rock and record the farewell on the phone. On the fourth day, the waiting became unbearable, Aron tried to remove his hand from under the boulder, but eventually broke it. Then he decided to amputate the hand with a penknife.

After that, Aaron descended from the 20-meter wall and met the tourists. They gave him first aid and called rescuers.

Evan Munzi. Spent a month under the rubble of the market after the strongest earthquake

In 2010, Haiti was hit by a terrible earthquake that claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people.

On the day of the disaster, Evan Muntzi was working in a rice market. When the aftershocks began, the roof of the building collapsed, and the man was buried under the rubble, where he spent a whole month without food.

As it became known later, air continued to flow through cracks in the concrete slabs, sometimes rainwater seeped through them. This helped Evan survive. When they found him, Muntzi had gangrene. Doctors from the field hospital saved the young man's life by stopping the infection.

Jose Salvador Albarengo. Spent 14.5 months on the high seas without fresh water

Fisherman Jose Salvador Albarengo and his friend went to catch a shark. On their boat, they sailed from the coast of Mexico. Fishing did not work - the motor broke down, and the fishermen were carried away by the current to the Pacific Ocean. José's comrade, Ezequiel Cordoba, died of exhaustion some time later, and Albarengo continued his journey alone. He ate raw fish, drank the blood of sea turtles and his own urine. Occasionally, after rain, the fisherman managed to drink rainwater. From the sun, José took cover in a fish box.

Only 14.5 months after the start of the ill-fated voyage, the fisherman's boat was washed ashore off the Marshall Islands.

Many considered the story of José a hoax, believing that it was impossible to cover a distance of 10,000 km in 439 days. However, Mexican authorities confirmed two fishermen were missing in November 2012.

Gudlaugur Fridthorsson. Spent over 6 hours in freezing water trying to get to shore

In 1984, a fishing schooner was caught in a storm in the Norwegian Sea. A few people survived, but soon they all died from hypothermia. Only Gudlaugur Fridtorsson survived.

The average annual water temperature in the Norwegian Sea is 5°C. The average person can survive in such water for half an hour. Friedthorsson held out for 6 hours before he managed to reach the nearest shore.

Having got out on land, the fisherman walked for several hours on the fragile and hard lava barefoot - he threw off his shoes as soon as he was in the water.

After Gudlaugur's recovery, scientists conducted a series of experiments with him to find out what allowed the sailor to hold out for so long in icy water. It turned out that Friedthorsson's fat is three times denser than that of the average person. This saved his life.

Vesna Vulovich. Fell from a height of 10,000 meters and survived

In January 1972, a Yugoslav DC-9-32 flew from Stockholm to Belgrade. There were 28 people on board, including stewardess Vesna Vulovich.

When the plane flew over Czechoslovakia, an explosion occurred inside the hull, the cabin separated and flew down.

Vesna Vulovich spent three minutes in the air, flying 10,000 meters during this time. A relatively soft landing for the girl was provided by snow-covered trees - she “got off” with a fracture of the base of the skull, pelvis, legs and three vertebrae.

Spring came to its senses only a month later. Coming out of a coma, she immediately asked the doctors for a cigarette. Vulovich was recovering for 4.5 years. As a result, the stewardess fully recovered from her injuries and learned to walk again. Subsequently, Vesna tried to return to the position of a flight attendant, but the airline refused her, arranging the girl to work as a secretary.

Stories of amazing rescues. Luck or choice?
Very often, in extreme situations, a person's life hangs literally in the balance. And it is completely incomprehensible how the victim sometimes manages to deceive death.

What is it, providence or a happy coincidence?
Who controls our destinies? On whom does salvation depend?

In the article below, you will learn about the most incredible examples of saving people from hopeless situations. Cases that could hardly be imagined even in the most nightmare.
You will meet simple heroes who, thanks to the strength of their spirit, or God knows what else, survived in such situations in which they should have died.

iron beauty

Katrina Burgess - Living life to the fullest, I did it...

Our first heroine that we represent is a charming model Katrina Burgess .

Looking at this pretty, sweet face, I can't believe that there are eleven metal rods in the middle of this girl's body!!!
Can you imagine?

When passing through a metal detector, she often has problems.

This is a real iron lady.
Katrina was caught in a bind that, by all accounts, shouldn't have survived.

But she survived and lives despite everything.
Flying into a ditch at a speed of over a hundred kilometers per hour, it is difficult to hope for a miracle.

But Katrina survived, although she suffered horrific injuries. She had a broken neck, spine, damaged pelvis, punctured lungs, as well as many minor injuries.

In order for Katrina to live a full life, doctors had to insert eleven metal rods into her body, as well as many screws and hairpins.

Six titanium rods, with the help of a screw, hold the spine, and the cervical spine is attached to it. In how ... ((

For five months, the girl lived thanks to painkillers. But she found the strength in herself not only to survive, but also to live, to the envy of many, the most fulfilling life. Today she is a famous model!

Yes, yes, despite the fact that this profession requires excellent control over your body and excellent health.
Katrina is now not much inferior to her competitors. Fortitude, optimism, help her to please others with a charming smile.

It was cut in two

Truman Duncan - I miraculously got out of the mess ...

Our next hero is an American Truman Duncan.
Extreme situation happened to him at work.

This is a simple American railroad worker who miraculously survived in a situation in which he should have died unambiguously.

Moving on a trolley, he stumbled and fell on the front wheels ...

An attempt to somehow hold on, was not crowned with success. It was tightened between the wheels and the platform of the trolley.

So it stretched out terrible, full of pain and suffering, 25 meters.
Despite the terrible pain, Truman was able to call the emergency services.
Help traveled a long forty-five minutes.

Wild, inhuman pain overshadowed consciousness.
It would seem that the end is inevitable, but Duncan was saved.
Or rather, its two halves, torn almost in half.

He had to go through 23 operations, he lost his pelvis and both legs, lost one kidney, but, against all odds, he remained alive.
Truman was saved only by the fact that, despite his terrible condition, he did not panic.

With trembling hands, overcoming crazy pain, looking at the sprawling insides, he found the strength to pull out the phone from the pocket of the second half and call the rescue service.

She was lucky three times

Julian Koepke - I really wanted to survive ...

What, in your opinion, is more life-threatening: a lightning strike, a plane crash, or nine days alone in the rainforest?

young girl, Julian Koepke I had to experience this whole “cocktail” overnight.

This incident happened back in 1971 in Peru. At an altitude of about three kilometers, lightning hit the plane in which the girl was.

As a result of the explosion, he fell apart.
The chances of salvation were equal to zero ...
But the girl was still alive.

Julian fell out along with the row of seats she was strapped into.
After a crazy, rapid fall, fragments of the plane crashed to the ground.

disaster victims in Egypt

The unfortunate passengers of the liner, 92 people died instantly.
After a while, only Juliana woke up.

Next to the flaming wreckage of the liner and the corpses of people.

The girl's collarbone was broken, her arm was torn to the bone, her right eye was completely swollen from the blow.

The body was scary to look at.
Solid bruises, open wounds and deep scratches ...
But, most importantly, she could somehow go.
And this is the second luck.

It is simply amazing how, when falling from such a height, they managed to keep their arms and legs intact. According to Julian, the chairs rotated during the fall, like the blades of a helicopter. Apparently, this slowed down the speed of the fall, and then the soft crowns of trees got in their way.

And then, for the third time, fate turned out to be favorable to the unfortunate girl.
Her father was a biologist and repeatedly took his daughter with him to the rainforest.
She knew how to behave there and where to find food.

And on the way to the stream, Julian went downstream to the river, knowing that where there is a lot of water, you can meet people ... And her calculation was justified by all 100. Nine days later she was met by local fishermen.

It is hard to imagine what horrors and nightmares the unfortunate girl had to endure in the wild jungle. The local natives were extremely surprised how she managed to survive these tropical nights.

Having experienced such extreme situation , the girl retained, however, love for nature. After a while, she became a zoologist.
Julian saved a lucky break and knowledge of the jungle. Luck combined with wilderness survival skills.

He had to go back to the womb

Keri McCartney - My baby is alive and well...

And it's not a typo. Truly an unusual case of saving a small human being.

Four months pregnant American Keri McCartney learned that a large tumor was found in an unborn child.

If it is not removed, the child will not survive.
There was only one way out - to partially remove the child, remove the tumor, then place it back.

But that's in theory. But in medical practice there have not yet been such cases.
In fact, if everything ends well, the baby will have to be born twice ...

Fantastic, but the most complicated operation was brilliantly carried out by American doctors. Further pregnancy passed without complications, the child was born healthy.

Survive in the mountains after the crash

This story took place in 1972 in the Andes.
After the crash, 35 of the 45 passengers on board survived.

Are the survivors lucky?
Well, that's how to say. They had to endure terrible trials.
The victims had to hold out in the mountains 72 days, no food, no winter clothes.

photo from 1972 archive

To say that the conditions were terrible is to say nothing. Only sixteen people were able to survive the forced captivity in the mountains. The rest died from hunger, cold and sudden death.

To survive, the unwitting captives of the mountains were forced to eat their dead relatives and friends.
Fortunately, if it can be called a blessing, in conditions of sub-zero temperatures, the bodies were well preserved.

The only thing that connected them with the outside world was the radio and the soul-warming hope that they would be found.

But one day, they announced on the radio that the search was stopped ...
It is hard to imagine the state of people when the last hope went out, like a fading, home-made wick from a piece of a burnt shirt...

Again it became dark and terribly cold. There was no choice ... And three of them, the most desperate, without food and mining equipment, went for help ...
No one knows what they had to endure and how to survive during these twelve days of wandering in the mountains.

They managed to reach the people, they won.
This amazing rescue story formed the basis of the film, a book was written.
This is evidence of the amazing survival in extreme situation.
This is an example of the boundless courage of 16 ordinary people in a hopeless situation.

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And take care of yourself! The modern world sometimes presents.
