Morning meeting in kindergarten. Morning of joyful meetings

Tradition “Morning of joyful meetings”
Main task pedagogical work in the morning is to include children in general mode kindergarten life.
The tone of the whole day, as a rule, is set from the very first minutes.
Children come to kindergarten with the most different moods and with very different impressions of the events of the early morning. And therefore a friendly meeting is very important, it affects mood, performance, and discipline. If children know that they are expected and that they will be welcome, they are more willing to go to kindergarten. Therefore, in the evening I always tell my children that I will be looking forward to seeing them tomorrow, and in the morning I remind them that I was really looking forward to you coming.
The teacher always sees in what mood the child came to kindergarten and shows pedagogical tact: either he immediately involves the child in activities, or gives him the opportunity to be alone and calm down. There are children who need to “sleep” for a few minutes on a sofa or sit in a chair, in this case it is better to give them this opportunity.
It is advisable to include funny children's songs during the morning reception of children: “Pinocchio”, “From the Blue Stream...”, “Antoshka” and many others, they lift the mood very well.
From the younger group, the teacher teaches children to say hello to everyone who meets them, making sure that they are polite and friendly in their interactions with each other.
The teacher thinks in advance about how to organize the children’s activities and keep them occupied. useful things during the period from reception to preparation for breakfast. At this time, children mostly play. The teacher prepares games and toys, arranging them in such a way that it is convenient for children to take them and play without interfering with each other. After all, children are always especially looking forward to the activity that they like best. If a child sees all these tempting materials around him, prepared interesting tasks and friends, he will immediately want to play.
In the first half of the day, the teacher spends a lot of time individual work with kids. For example, organizes special games and exercises with children according to various types Activities: correcting and educating children in correct sound pronunciation; development oral speech; physical education and others.
In the field cognitive activity It is good to plan short conversations with a group of children in the morning.
For example: “Conversation about a kitten”
Goal: to develop in children a general understanding of the cat and its habits; cultivate an affectionate, friendly attitude towards living beings.
Material: toy cat and “cat with kittens” painting.
The teacher brings a toy kitten to the group.
Guys, we have a guest. Who is this? (children's answers)
Yes, it's a kitten.
You need to draw children's attention to smooth ears, paws and soft fluffy fur.
Let's take a closer look at him. Kitten, what's your name?
Now, guys, tell our new friend your names. (Each child says his name.)
What is the name of the kitten's mother and father? (Children's answers)
What does the cat like to eat? (Children's answers)
Let's feed the kitten milk.
The teacher and the children “feed” the kitten with milk.
Kids also love it very much soap bubbles, they always cheer you up and that's why they are cheated better in the morning to set the tone for the whole day!!!
Group morning greeting ritual
Before the day starts common life group, the teacher gathers the children together in a circle and conducts a morning greeting ritual (possibly based on a game or rhyme), expressing the joy of meeting the children and the hope of spending a pleasant and interesting day together.
For older children preschool age The ritual includes a discussion of plans for the coming day. The teacher carefully listens to the wishes of the children, shares his plans with them, and an agreed decision is made based on a discussion of all proposals.
"Circle of Good Memories"
This is a mental return to the past day with the purpose of noting how each child has positively distinguished himself. In the afternoon, for example, before a walk, the teacher invites all the children to sit around him to talk about good things.
Then the teacher invites everyone to remember what pleasant, cheerful, joyful things happened today (don’t worry if the children are not very talkative at first). After that, he briefly says something nice about each child. The most important thing is that each child will hear something positive about himself, and the other children will also hear that everyone has some merits. Gradually, this creates an atmosphere of mutual respect in the group and a sense of self-esteem in individual children.
"For everyone, for everyone"
We cannot demand that all children treat each other equally well. But the teacher is precisely the person who can set an example for children. friendly attitude to everyone. We suggest creating situations in which you yourself distribute equally among all the children in the group some small gifts that are attractive to them: beautiful candy wrappers, ribbons, pebbles or shells, etc. Such “sessions” pursue a goal that is accessible to of this age level to create an atmosphere equal rights. Such “sessions” should be held at least once a week.
It is necessary to develop a single scenario that will be implemented when honoring each birthday person. It may include special elements of the costume - a cloak or crown of the birthday boy, special beautiful cutlery, festive napkin on the table, a special “throne” (a decorated chair with a high back). Choose some traditional round dance game, for example “Loaf”; Learn great songs for boys and girls with your children. If you decide that you will give gifts in the group, they should also be the same or made by the children’s hands.
IN senior group it is necessary to continue to develop in children the ability to be attentive to the interlocutor and understand him emotional state, ability to communicate (manage one’s behavior, organize communication). Encourage children to enjoy socializing with their peers after the weekend. Be able to rejoice if you recognize your friends in a story.
"Morning of joyful meetings." In this activity (the form of organization is usually a circle) there is no division of children into noticeable and popular. Unnoticed by the group, you can raise the status of a low-active child and help him see that he, too, can be interesting.
1.Greeting from the teacher to the children.
2. Greeting children to each other (passing a “heart” soft toy each other in a circle), children say wishes for the day.
3. A story about the weekend, the most interesting 3-4 sentences
(children give a small tree made of stones to the child who wants to tell about their vacation next; they give their story to each pebble on the tree and to all the children).
4.Teacher's story about the weekend.
5. Discussion of the plan for the week (what activities are planned, excursions, games, activities and what else the children would like to do during the week).
6. Entertaining game“Hat.” (music plays; children pass hats to each other. The music stops, the owner of the hat shakes hands with each child (we play 3-4 times).
7. As a gift for each child, the riddle “Recognize me” is printed on a piece of paper (something good, characteristic of this particular child). We will place the leaflets on a stand so parents can read them in the evening.
Materials: heart made of soft fabric, souvenir tree on branches, pebbles, stencil of a tree leaf (one side is a story, the other is a name).

Sample topics.
1. Morning of the writers (where they’ve been, what they’ve seen).
2.Morning cheerful craftsmen(rearrangement in the centers, unusual construction, different chairs and tables, unusual entrance to the group...)
3Morning of polite children. We practice the ability to thank and address
to each other differently.
4. Morning of jokes, fables, reversals.
5. Morning meeting with music.
6. Morning of joy for a friend. (find out before the general circle what interesting things a friend had on his day off and tell everyone). To make the story more interesting - a preliminary agreement with the parents.
7. Morning of gifts: just like that ( natural material, pebbles, drawing, origami crafts, drawing sheet decorated with a figured hole punch, letter...)8. Morning of poetry.
9. Morning of round dances.
10. Morning of the Petrushka Theater.
11. Morning toys from home.
12. Morning of making a good mood chair.
13. Morning of wishes.
14. Morning greetings by agreement (on Friday, children agree on what to call them based on the chosen hero fiction or cartoon) all day.
15. Morning of gifts to your favorite group (for example: a cinema ticket, bus fare... stick on cardboard, bring - replenishment of the group’s developmental environment)
16. Morning of riddles
Morning of joyful meetings.
Interesting options for daily reception of children
A friendly attitude towards peers is formed in children when an adult establishes contacts between them, creates favorable conditions to create emotional connection. Every morning begins with the game technique “Minutes of Entering the Day,” which helps children feel better in the children's team at the beginning of the day. Here are examples of such minutes.
* Option 1. Children sit in a circle, holding hands. Educator: “Look into each other’s eyes and silently give everyone in turn your smile. After all, friendship begins with a smile.” Music is playing.
* Option 2. Educator: “A new day has come. I smile at you, and you will smile at each other and think: how good it is that we are all here together today. Take the hand of the one sitting next to you. Feel the warmth of your friends who will be your good helpers. Wish them good health and good mood. I wish you attentive and careful attitude to each other." 2-3 minutes are spent listening to calm music.
Option 3. Standing in a circle. Children put their hands on the shoulders of their comrades and say a chant:
Kindergarten is our good home,
We will feel good in it.
We will play together.
Have fun, draw.
Then they join their right hands in the center of the circle, placing them one on top of the other, and say the motto: “One for all and all for one!” After this, you can remember the rules of behavior in the group.
* Option 4. The teacher has a toy heart in his hands: “The heart is a symbol of goodness and friendship. What do we wish Katya today? Roma? Children take turns saying wishes to each other. “What do you wish for me?” Children express their wishes to the teacher. "I wish you good health, cheerful mood and caring attitude towards comrades. And now, passing this heart and calling each other affectionate names, let’s give our friends a piece of our love, kindness, and respect for each other.” Children complete the task: “I’m glad to see you, Mashenka!”
The introduction of the group tradition “Morning of joyful meetings” contributes to the formation attentive attitude to each other, increase emotional background and improvement psychological climate in a group, developing a sense of confidence.

© L. Svirskaya, 2010

© Publishing house "Linka-Press", 2010

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From the author

Can such forms of work with children as thematic projects, joint planning of the day by adults and children, or morning group gatherings be called germs of something new? Most likely not. They appeared and strengthened long ago and firmly. For example, morning gathering came to kindergartens along with the methods of Maria Montessori and Waldorf pedagogy back in the eighties of the last century. In Russian educational practice, an analogue of this form of work is the “morning circle” of the “Golden Key” program (E.E. Kravtsova, G.G. Kravtsov, etc.) and the “morning of joyful meetings” of the “Rainbow” program (T. N. Doronova etc.). The forerunner of thematic projects can be called integrated comprehensive classes, which came into practice in the late eighties and are successfully used by many teachers, regardless of the educational programs being implemented. And now the projects themselves have become a common occurrence.

And yet to find in modern methodological literature describing the methodology for organizing and conducting a group meeting or the methodology for including children in joint planning of a thematic project with adults is almost impossible.

In order to describe the methodology for organizing and conducting a group meeting - the most organic form of formation and development of key competencies in children - we turn to the practical experience of international educational program Step by step (Russian name – “Community”).

Using program technology does not mean working according to the program. We specifically draw the attention of teachers to this in order to avoid ambiguity and accusations of eclecticism. Technologies are universal, but the worldview (educational values), goals, pedagogical strategies (organizational forms, methods and techniques) are different. The main thing is to understand that a group gathering allows you to develop all the children in the group and each child individually effectively and in a very interesting way.

Key competencies of preschool childhood

Personality develops in communication and through communication. Communication allows you to form, structure and voice thoughts, learn to listen and understand others, introduce yourself to others, and make you interested in yourself and your ideas. Communication is the same activity and, just like any other, has a goal and a result (product). A person’s entire life among other people - peers, juniors and adults, in everyday life, in study and in production activities is built on the basis of communication (communication). A person is more understandable and convincing the more confidently he can explain and convey to others his thoughts, feelings, desires, plans, ideas. School teachers, assessing the level of development of speech and communication skills of kindergarten graduates, they say: “can/can’t express a thought; speaks fluently/not fluently.” So, readiness, ability to freely and independently formulate, express, argue judgments on different topics and constitutes the concept of communicative competence.

Personality develops through activity.

Preschool children are more practitioners than theorists. Their mastery of the surrounding world and culture occurs not only through communication with adults and peers, but above all in the closest contact with objects and objects, first from the immediate and then from the distant environment. Variety of objects, objects, phenomena, possible actions and their consequences are perceived, comprehended and become part of a person’s internal culture. Communication accompanies activity, and activity is built according to its own canons - it has a goal, means and materials, an action plan, and a result. Activities can be effective, efficient and useless. What does this depend on? Largely depends on how much a person has the skills of expediency and planning. All this relates to activity competence.

Both communication and activity (game and communication in the game, teaching and educational communication, etc.), as a rule, imply involvement in them according to at least two participants, most often there are, of course, many more. And all of them - with different interests and needs, with different capabilities. Everyone is different social roles- teacher, mother, older brother, play partner... Consequently, both communication and activity will proceed differently in different partnerships, each time they will build their own relationships. The ability to integrate into social relationships, build your own, and maintain them is the area of ​​manifestation of social competence.

Each of the participants in activities, communications, social relations receives and contributes its own “flow of information” to the common cause. The outside world is also information. To recognize it, you need to be able to use those sources that carry information.

In addition, you need to learn to think critically about the information you receive. This means that this is the place and time to demonstrate information competence.

Children, like adults, are selective in what and how they learn, how and for what they use the acquired information and practical skills. A tiny frog evokes the admiration and fascination of one child and leaves another indifferent; knowledge of modern models passenger cars one child does not at all mean the importance of the same knowledge for another.

How does a child of two or three years know that this “small, greenish-brown” one is a frog, and this “red, shiny one, on four wheels” is a car? Sources of information are many and varied. In order to get the first ideas about the world around us and the relationships in it, it is not at all necessary to wait for special classes in kindergarten. The decision to catch the frog encourages the child to take action: catch it, cover it with his palm, hold it, show it to his grandmother. The action was completed successfully, the result was received. Means, little man acted skillfully, in accordance with the circumstances. Can you say “competently”? Quite.

Interaction with the outside world and other people has not only positive aspects. Every person has to learn to protect themselves and their physical (and mental) health. At first quite in simple ways– use available means hygiene (wash your hands on time, cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing, etc.); prevent the possibility of fatigue (look at a book and build something with a construction set in places where there is enough light, switch from active games to calmer ones), do not drink cold water from the tap, choose clothes according to the weather and so on. The listed behavior options, which form the basis of health-preserving competence, are quite accessible and organic for preschool children.

The child acts - and gains knowledge, gains experience, and forms his attitude to what is happening. He acts more and more confidently. Each child receives his own life experience, conditioned social situation, age capabilities, interests and needs, attitude and emerging worldview. Everyone's personal experience is unique and interesting.

In this sense, a group gathering in kindergarten is a time and place for sharing experiences, applying knowledge, planning practical actions, comprehending and evaluating results, oneself and others in their words and deeds. In other words, the group gathering is the time and place for the natural formation and manifestation of key competencies.

Speaking about competence, we proceed from the following definitions: competence – terms of reference, rights, that is, a category that determines the type of activity; competence - the ability to act successfully and achieve significant result, that is, the category is personal. The ability to act successfully, or competence, consists of activity, responsibility, the ability to consciously use knowledge, and much more. Competence is manifested individually depending on the degree of interest of the child, his inclination, and ability for a particular type of activity, which ensures the individualization of educational results.

The presence of competence in a child can be determined by the facts of his display of initiative, independence, and awareness of actions in typical children's activities.

Currently, there is a general understanding that key competencies cannot be formed only at a certain stage of education, for example in high school or university, since the process of personality formation is continuous and begins long before one enters school life. Moreover, competencies cannot be acquired through formal education (direct training) alone. They are formed to an equal, if not greater, extent in non-formal education.

For preschool children, non-formal (predominant) education is the entire spectrum of interaction with objects and objects of the surrounding world, communication with adults and peers in everyday life, in games, in creative and other activities.

The child’s manifestation of competence allows adults to rely on the achievements and strengths of his personality. Daily games, communication, participation in joint activities provide each child with the opportunity to realize his competencies (rights), acquire and demonstrate the beginnings of key (basic, universal) competencies:

social- Ability to establish and maintain relationships with different people(familiar and unfamiliar adults, peers, older, younger) in different situations, the ability to accept different social roles and act in accordance with them, analyze actions and actions, manage one’s behavior, independently resolve conflict situations, join in the conversation and support it, choose a communication style, etc.;

communicative– the ability to understand the speech of others, the desire to make one’s own speech understandable;

informational– the skill of using various sources of information to achieve goals;

active– the ability to set a goal, plan and carry out effective action individually or in collaboration with others;

health-saving– the ability to independently solve problems related to maintaining and strengthening health – to produce hygiene actions, use means appropriate to the situation (for example, wash your hands and change clothes when soiled, switch to another type of activity, preventing or relieving fatigue, avoid dangerous moments).

The most naturally these types of core competencies are developed during group gathering. Communicative- in games, in communication, in exchanging news. Social- in choosing a place for action, in choosing a partner for joint activities– peer, teacher, other adult. Information- in an address to various sources information when discussing news, topics and content of projects, methods of action. Activity– in choosing and planning a business for yourself and your friends for the current day or for the future. Health-saving– in independent regulation of activity: rest, free choice posture, duration and speed of performing a specific task.

Group collection can be called the missing link in modern practice preschool education, since it is he who provides the connection between academic knowledge, practical skills and abilities necessary for successful existence in the family, kindergarten, school, in the profession, in the life of society.

Group gathering and core competencies

The formation and manifestation of key competencies are found in the actions of children and adults during a group meeting. Everyone is still just gathering in a circle, the process of “arrangement” is underway: who will sit next to whom, for whom you need to leave a place, who will have time to sit next to or closer to the teacher, who prefers a place further away. Already on this initial stage empathy, the ability to make contact or avoid unwanted contact, and negotiate joint action“for” or “against”, tolerance.

It's game time. Its basis is cheerful (amusing, funny) and at the same time useful activity, as a result of which the skill of spending time together without being boring is acquired. Elements of psycho-gymnastics (training) help to master facial expressions, gestures, intonation; elements of rhythmoplasty help improve the speech apparatus and stimulate communication.

Then - exchange of news. This part is perhaps the most rich in content. Our whole life is an exchange of information about feelings, ideas, desires, plans. How to understand the structure of another person's thoughts? He needs to talk. Exchange of news allows you to hear each other, to hear different people who differ not only in character, temperament, interests, but also in the way they express thoughts, in the pace and style of speech. IN great life The child will have to hear different opinions, understand different people, try to be understood by different people. Not only children, but also adults (teachers, parents, preschool specialists) participate in the exchange of news - this provides a wide range of events.

The exchange of news contains a wide variety of subjects, most often those that do not exist and have never happened in the child’s personal experience. This significantly expands information about the world, awakens thought, gives birth to ideas, and sometimes organizes ideas. Communication skills are formed in the most natural way, something without which it is impossible to successfully communicate and learn: the ability to listen and hear, conduct a dialogue, build a monologue, the ability to argue one’s judgment, build counterarguments, etc.

We most often teach this to children unsuccessfully. special classes, on topics invented by adults. IN in this case the ease and naturalness of statements is ensured by the fact that the topics of conversation are chosen by the children themselves. They are free to choose information, so the conversation becomes open and sincere, which encourages participants to engage in this activity.

Sharing news allows you to train abilities, that is, acquire communicative competence. It is important to propose your idea, talk about it so that others hear and feel interested in it. This is the creation of serious internal motivation, the development of children’s cognitive interests, showing respect for students, awakening their sense of self-esteem, and training of all types of competence. At the same time, social competence, inseparable from communicative competence, is formed - different approaches to communication: with someone you need to say it several times and more slowly, with someone a gesture or glance is enough for understanding, with someone - on “you” and extremely politely, with someone - in a comradely way, someone will suggest ways solving a problem situation, someone will find a solution for themselves.

Activity and information competencies dominate in planning. The content and form that ensure the manifestation of these types of competence are choosing a topic for a project or a specific task for the day, agreeing on expectations, planning work for the day for yourself and your friends.

Both adults and children are accustomed to the fact that all teaching topics in kindergarten are determined by teachers. Children's interests are simply “taken into account.” But in order to take them into account, they need to be voiced, and even better, they need to be recorded. Group gathering provides this opportunity. Moreover, it has a direct goal of stimulating children’s initiative and activity in proposing topics, choosing activities and activities.

The topic has been chosen. Even if one of the children is left with a feeling of disappointment - they chose the wrong topic that he proposed, this is a completely different feeling that has nothing to do with submission to the dictates of adults. This is a reason to mobilize forces, a hint that you need to learn to be more persuasive.

Even though the topics that children propose for the plan are quite simple, but these are precisely the ideas that are born to them independently, for which they are motivated, in which their initiative and constructive activity are manifested, which are dictated by their curiosity and knowledge.

At the same time, this is again a manifestation of key competencies - activity and information: in order to find out, you need to read, ask, try to do it.

All of the above can be called completely universal forms of work. Regardless of the educational program implemented in the group, teachers, to one degree or another, give children the opportunity to influence the choice of content and forms of activity.

Everything that happens next depends on the readiness of adults to follow the children’s initiative, as well as on the technology of the educational program. For example, according to the traditional curriculum, children's ideas can become the basis for organizing teaching activities; in the work on the “Childhood” program, classes on the selected topic will be supplemented interesting things to do in the “Joint Activities” block, the “Community” program provides that the ideas of children and adults will become the basis for integration different forms work and interaction of educators, specialists, family members of pupils. The theme will be implemented in all Activity Centers and supported musical director and teacher visual arts, picked up by a speech therapist and parents.

In any case, the children’s ideas will become the basis for modeling a developmental environment, and the group will have everything that will help realize the children’s interests on the chosen topic.

Let's summarize all of the above in table form.

Theory and practice of holding a group meeting

In the broadest sense, the morning group meeting is intended to provide the opportunity for constructive, cognitive and business development of children in a situation of natural socio-emotional communication with peers and adults, to develop skills in understanding themselves and others, coordinating the purposeful activities of the entire group and each individual .

The more specific purpose of the group gathering is:

in creating a community of children and adults (for example, the “Gnomes” group);

in cultivating respect and interest in the personality of each group member, in his individual characteristics;

in the ability to recognize, define in words and correct the emotional state of oneself and other people, choose adequate strategies to support each other;

in improving communication skills and culture

(ability to use various shapes greetings, compliments, etc.);

in creating an emotional mood (positive, businesslike);

in speech development and communication skills: express judgments, argue your ideas, defend your point of view; choose from personal experience the most significant interesting events, talk about them briefly, but consistently and logically, listen carefully and show a constructive attitude towards the opinions of others;

in developing the ability to choose, plan one’s own activities, negotiate with others about joint activities, distribute roles and responsibilities, that is, in general, in the development of key competencies in children.

Technological group collection:

easy to carry out;

easily perceived by educators and children of any age;

significantly changes the nature of the relationship between all participants educational process and lays the foundation for other positive changes;

allows you to organically implement a competency-based approach in organizing work with children.

Group gathering motivates children to take initiative, active independent activity, addressing such human needs as:

feel significant;

manage yourself, your time, activities, relationships with other people;

have fun and have fun.

A group gathering can be a traditional (daily) form of organizing children in all age groups, starting from early age, and in all educational situations (mixed age group, inclusive group 1
Inclusive group – a group that includes children with disabilities development.

Correctional group, group short stay, group and studio work, mini-school, etc.).

Principles of organizing and conducting a group meeting

Group collection is based on principles openness, dialogue And reflexivity. Openness means:

the right to free expression and attitude towards the statements of others;

the right to participate in the selection of proposed ideas (topic, options for action, etc.), in initiating and implementing one’s own plans;

the child’s right to participate/non-participate in a group gathering.

Principle dialogicity is embedded in the very form of a group gathering, built on a free, but regulated by the rules of dialogue with peers and adults developed in the subculture of the group, where an adult (educator, specialist or parent) organizes, conducts the conversation and the group gathering as a whole, but does not suppress the children's initiative.

Every child receives the right:

free expression on matters that interest him, even if the topic he touches on does not fit into the mainstream of the general conversation;

statements in “their own logic”. The teacher does not subject the child’s text to didactic processing, but, if necessary, gives advice on how best to pronounce words or construct phrases in order to be understood by others.

The teacher finds non-directive (non-categorical) ways to help the child overcome barriers caused by shyness, uncertainty and other reasons.

Alexandra Lukyanchikova
Morning of joyful meetings in the second younger group"Let's help the sun."

Alexandra Lukyanchikova

Morning of joyful meetings in the second junior group« Let's help the sun»

Target: Generalization of knowledge about the signs of spring. Development of independence and initiative in choosing the type of activity.


Create a positive emotional mood.

Develop the ability to organize your own activities.

Instill communication culture skills.

Develop creative initiative.

1. Greeting: (music sounds “Stand up children, stand in a circle”, children take pillows and stand in a circle).

2. Organization of a circle.

Educator: Kind morning, kids, a new day has come. I'm glad to see you all.

Let's stand next to each other,

Let's say "Hello" to each other,

We are not too lazy to say hello,

Hello everyone and good afternoon!

If everyone smiles,

Good morning will begin.

Educator: Guys, look, I have such a ball,

let's pass it around and tell our neighbor right: "Kind morning, Seryozha!

(children pass the ball around in a circle and say "Kind morning)

Educator: Great, look what a large and friendly circle we have formed, and none of us will be alone today.

Children, I would like to know in what mood did you come to kindergarten today?

Children exhibit on the panel "My mood" what mood each of them is in.

Educator: It’s very good that you have good mood. Well, if someone is sad, we will try to cheer them up.

3. Exchange of news.

Educator: Children, I am today in the morning I was walking down the street to kindergarten and noticed how everything around me in nature had changed. I saw that the buds were swelling on the trees.

Why do you think the buds are swollen? (spring has come, it has become warm).

Tell me, guys, what starts to shine brighter in spring?

What is the very first sign of spring? It shines brightly and warms Sun(show Sun) .

Educator: Alone the sun can't cope. He needs help so that the warmth comes faster. How can we help the sun(let's make little magic ones sunshine who will give him assistants.)

4. Planning the type of activity.

Educator: “We have opened an art center. Let's look through binoculars at what we have in the center. In the center of the art you can sculpt, draw or make an applique sunshine.

Now you will think about who will do what and put your magnets on the board to choose what you will do.

Children go to the center and decide for themselves what they will do. (to sculpt, draw or design)

5. Independent activity children.

Well done, you all did your best. So wonderful we got sunshine. What's your mood when the sun is shining? (Joyful, funny). Show what you are like when you're happy. What's your mood when there is no sun? (sad, sorrowful) Show what you are like when you are sad. Now you each have your own Sun, so you don’t have to be sad.

To the same music, children with finished works stand in a circle.

Educator: Where can we place our sunshine? Let's have your magic sunshine we will glue on the rays of the big one sun.

Let's have fun together and play with sunshine into the game. What game would you like to play?

Outdoor game « Sunshine and rain» .

Publications on the topic:

“Morning of joyful meetings” Project with children 5–6 years old. Mid-term project “Morning of joyful meetings”. Type of project: social, creative, group. Goal: to make the child come to the nursery.

Integrated NOOD in the second junior group “Let's Help the Sun” Integrated NOOD in the second junior group “Let's Help the Sun” Goal: development cognitive activity children. Program content.

Summary of integrated activities on sensory development in the second junior group “Let's help the sun” The planned result is the development of integrative qualities. They know how to listen to the teacher and peers, answer questions, and get involved in the game.

Abstract of the educational activity “Let's help the sun find its rays” in the second junior group Educator: Bernatskaya O. V. Goal: Development cognitive interest to the surrounding world. Objectives: Educational: - consolidate the presentation.

Objectives: To develop the ability to lay out (in a certain sequence) on a sheet of paper finished parts composing an image; Continue.

Project “Morning of Joyful Meetings” Goal: Create positive attitude per day, cultivate mutual respect. Tasks: 1. Call positive emotions from meeting with the teacher.

Tradition of the program "Rainbow"

Senior group

C: continue to develop in children the ability to be attentive to their interlocutor and understand his emotional state.

Develop communication skills (manage your behavior, organize communication). Encourage children to enjoy socializing with their peers after the weekend. Be able to rejoice if you recognize your friends in a story.

One of my favorite program traditions "Rainbow" -

In this activity (the form of organization is usually a circle) There is no division of children into noticeable and popular. Unnoticed by the group, you can raise the status of a low-active child and help him see that he, too, can be interesting.


  1. Greetings from the teacher to the children.
  2. Children greeting each other (passing "heart" a soft toy to each other in a circle), children say wishes for the day.
  3. A story about the weekend, the most interesting 3-4 sentences

(children give a small tree made of stones to the child who wants to tell about their vacation next; they give their story to each pebble on the tree and to all children).

4. The teacher’s story about the weekend.

5. Discussion of the plan for the week (what activities are planned, excursions, games, activities and what else the children would like to do during the week).

6. Fun game "Hat" . (music plays - children pass hats to each other. The music stops, the owner of the hat shakes hands with each child (play 3-4 times).

7. As a gift for every child, a riddle is printed on a piece of paper "Get to know me" (something good, characteristic of this child). We will place the leaflets on a stand so parents can read them in the evening.

Materials: heart made of soft fabric, souvenir tree on branches, pebbles, stencil of a tree leaf (one side is a story, the other is a name).

Sample topics.

  1. Writers' morning (where have you been, what have you seen).
  2. Morning of cheerful masters (rearrangement in the centers, unusual construction, different chairs and tables, unusual entrance to the group...)

3Morning of polite children. We practice the ability to thank and address

to each other differently.

4. Morning of jokes, fables, reversals.

5. Morning meeting with music.

6. Morning of joy for a friend. (find out to the general circle what interesting things a friend had on his day off and tell everyone). To make the story more interesting - a preliminary agreement with the parents.

7. Morning of gifts: just like that (natural material, pebbles, drawing, origami crafts, drawing sheet decorated with a figured hole punch, letter...)

8. Morning of poetry.

9. Morning of round dances.

10. Morning of the Petrushka Theater.

11. Morning toys from home.

12. Morning of making a good mood chair.

13. Morning of wishes.

14. Morning greetings by arrangement (on Friday, children agree on what to call them based on the chosen character from fiction or cartoon) all day.

15. Morning of gifts to your favorite group (for example: cinema ticket, bus fare... stick on cardboard, bring - replenishment of the group’s developmental environment)

Shishkina Galina Valerievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MKDOU No. 181
Locality: Kirov city, Kirov region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Morning of joyful meetings in the middle group
Publication date: 04.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Shishkina Galina Valerievna

Teacher of MKDOU No. 181, Kirov

Morning of joyful meetings

Middle group.

Goal: Create and support in children joyful emotions from communicating with each other,

promote cohesion children's group, formation of friendly relationships.

Lead the children to discuss the topic of the day.

The ringing of the bell is the signal to begin the morning circle.

Educator: A new wonderful morning has arrived. The weather is wonderful outside. We don't

I've seen you since yesterday, let's say hello.

All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

If everyone smiles,

Good morning begins!

Educator: I give you my smile, and you give me your smile, as well as to those who

standing next to you. Good morning everyone!

Educator: Now let's say hello with touches:

With fingers (children break into pairs, touch each other with the fingers of both hands

friend, starting from thumb, saying the words: “I wish you great success always and everywhere.

Hello...(child's name));

Noses - There are Maori people who greet each other by touching three

times with their noses (children say hello).


woke up

accompanied by imitation of movements (made the bed, brushed teeth, washed, got dressed and

went to kindergarten).

Educator: What is a kindergarten?

This is a home for all the boys

This is joy, this is laughter,

This is a hundred friends for everyone!

Is everything in place? Yes!

Is everyone here? Yes!

They turned around, looked back and smiled at each other!

We are glad to see everyone!

Educator: I want to know how you came to kindergarten today.

Game “This is how I am today.”

Educator: Hello, ...Masha (child's name)

Masha: Hello guys. I’m like this today (shows movement in accordance with

according to his mood, for example, he spins, jumps, makes a swallow, etc.).

Children repeat Masha's movement and continue playing with the next child.


magic ball, he wants to hear your good wishes to each other for today

day. (The teacher passes the ball to the child standing next to him, holding the end of the thread in his hand. Children

pass the ball to each other, saying their wish and holding the thread in their hands. Passing

circle, the ball returns to the teacher, she says her wish, all the children turn out to be

"connected" by one thread).

Educator: Look what happened, we are connected by one thread. Glomerulus

brought us all together. Let's raise our hands up, lower them down, sit down, stand up...

Friendship helps us complete the exercises without breaking the thread. So we must continue

to be friends, friendship makes us strong and strong.

When life is friendly,

What could be better?

And there's no need to quarrel

And you can love everyone!

You're on a long journey

Take your friends with you

They will help you

And it's more fun with them!

Wishes with a thread of friendship add up to beautiful basket, which will be in the group in

during the day.

Educator: And now I suggest you sit down on the mat.

Is everyone seated?

Is anyone cramped?

I'll tell you a secret

It will be interesting!

let's play

let's talk,

let's count

let's go

travel and play again. And what we will talk about today, you will find out if you guess

Bottomless ocean, endless ocean,

Airless, dark and extraordinary,

Universes, stars and comets live in it,

There are also inhabited, perhaps planets (space).

Children solve a riddle and discuss the topic of the day.

Educator: I need helpers (two children). We choose them with a counting rhyme.

One, two, three, four, five -

We need to launch rockets.

Who was late for the flight,

He didn't hit the rocket.

Educator: My assistants will go on a journey. They need to find a treasure, that's it

What's new in our group?

Full speed ahead! (children hold hands and follow the teacher’s instructions): five steps

forward, turn right, look under the table, etc.

are returning


presents new games, illustrations, books and tasks on the topic of the day. The children are all together

decide which development centers they should be placed in.





interesting discoveries.
