In close languages, the closeness of kindred souls. Soul mate: don't try to look for her

Girls, do you really love it when your boyfriend leaves the toilet seat up? Men, there is nothing cuter than when your loved one is definitely upset about something, but at the same time refuses to admit it? Sarcasm aside, these are just a couple of examples of the bad things you can experience when you're in a relationship. But it is worth recognizing that no relationship will be perfect, because no person in the world is perfect. Naturally, this does not mean that every person does not want to find an ideal partner who would be great for him, with whom he could share his feelings and life values ​​one hundred percent. Have you already found it? Here are eight signs that such a person is next to you.

A soul mate accepts you for who you are.

The main problem that ruins many relationships is the prevalence of the opinion that every person should change his partner. This includes everything from having your partner change their taste in fashion to character changes. Whether it's clothing or character traits, a true soul mate will never ask you to change. On the contrary, such a person will accept you for who you are.

Your soul mate will never mislead you

Do you feel irritated because you never understand how your partner feels? Can't understand why your partner is upset, but when you ask directly, you get the answer that everything is fine? A soul mate will always speak directly to you, because such a person understands that the key to a successful relationship is the ability to be open and honest about what is bothering you at the moment. Once you know what happened, you can solve the problem together, no matter how big.

Your soul mate will accept your opinion

There is no such relationship in which both people always agree on everything one hundred percent. You may take a very strong stance on a particular issue, while your significant other will take the opposite stance. But rather than allowing disagreement to hurt and create tension in your relationship, a true soul mate understands that sometimes it's best to admit that you won't be able to reach agreement on certain issues.

Your soul mate may not always like you, but she always loves you.

Contrary to popular belief, the best relationships are not ones that never fight. Sometimes one of the partners will annoy and infuriate the other. This may be the result of stress at work, disagreement on some issues, or a combination of several factors that lead to a well-known state called "boiled" and then to an outburst of aggression. But a soul mate stands out from the background of all other people in that she may not like you at this moment, but she will always love you anyway.

Your soul mate believes in mutual satisfaction

A healthy and active sex life is very important for a relationship. Sex is a reminder of love and passion, reduces stress levels and at the same time maintains an emotional and physical connection, without which no relationship can exist. A soul mate understands that the key to good sex is mutual satisfaction. Simply put, in a good relationship, sex is not just about meeting the needs of just one of the partners.

Your soul mate accepts your physical imperfections

You may be concerned about cellulite on your legs, a large scar on your arm, or a mole on your forehead, but don't worry about your soul mate, as this person will never attach importance to your physical shortcomings. He understands and appreciates the beauty of imperfection, so you should follow his example.

Your soul mate shares your interests

Do you like to draw, sculpt or run? If your partner understands how much fun your hobby brings you, you have found your soul mate! Such a person will never tell you that you are wasting your time if you enjoy your activities. He will enthusiastically support you as you pursue this or that goal. He will always appreciate your talents, and in some cases he may even join you.

Your soul mate won't be jealous of you

Trust is very important if you want your relationship to be successful. A soul mate understands that total trust between partners means that she cannot be swayed by jealousy. If your partner is always open with you, discusses with you his experiences related to the relationship, and also understands that the couple should not spend every minute of their free time together, then you most likely have found your ideal person.

Many people, at least once in their lives, when communicating with a person, felt as if they had known him for a long time. In such a situation, you feel very comfortable and calm, as if next to you is a kindred spirit. On this issue, people are divided into those who believe in its existence, and skeptics.

What is a kindred spirit?

There is such a theory that every person throughout his life is looking for those whom he has already seen in another world. Perhaps the souls have some unfinished business or Scientists have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that the feeling of love and attraction is an analogy that arises in the memory of a person with whom you once saw. In simple terms, in the memory there are pictures that reflect the past. It is because of this that the person you meet on the way seems like an old acquaintance, and you think that it is your soulmate in front of you.

In general, it is possible to define this expression, which will more or less describe the essence of this concept. A soul mate is a person who may not have a blood connection with you, but is very close in spirit, and you have common interests and habits. Such people can tolerate any shortcomings and unacceptable traits of each other's character. They can communicate almost without words, and between them there is a feeling of absolute mutual understanding. Over time, such partners may notice that they began to do the same thing, for example, start sentences with the same words and literally guess each other's thoughts.

Soul mate - who is she?

Everyone deserves to meet a congenial person, but for some reason fate gives someone such an opportunity, but someone does not. This is mainly due to the large number of misconceptions that affect the psyche:

  1. People who believe that it is very easy to meet a soul mate, and indeed she will come into their lives on her own, are deeply mistaken. We must do everything possible to bring the date of the meeting closer. You should not start searching among acquaintances and even strangers, first you need to study yourself. If you are at odds with yourself and with your inner self, then the chance of finding someone like yourself is reduced to a minimum.
  2. Another serious mistake is the belief that the found soul mate will not go anywhere, and you will always be together. As you know, all relationships are subjected to various tests, and over time they can deteriorate significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that even with a soul mate, you need to constantly strengthen and maintain contact.
  3. Many believe that it is impossible to maintain trusting and strong relationships with a large number of people. Therefore, they deliberately reduce it, but this is completely wrong. In fact, it is contact with a large number of different people that helps to fully open up and find like-minded people.

Most often, people find that a soul mate is a person who was not even in the circle of acquaintances and potential candidates for this place.

Understanding that this is the person in front of you happens literally on an intuitive level. We create a certain spiritual image for ourselves, and upon meeting, almost instantaneous recognition occurs. Women are mostly capable of this, since they have better developed intuition.

Long-awaited meeting

Oddly enough, but such fateful meetings occur at the most unexpected moment. How do you know if it's your soul mate? With such a person, there is a feeling of amazing intimacy that you have never felt with anyone else. It is very important not to confuse a soul mate and the desire for a romantic or love relationship, these are completely different concepts that have nothing in common with each other. Sometimes such close people do not come into life forever, but only in order to fulfill a certain mission, for example, to calm, help believe in a miracle, change, etc.

How not to make a mistake?

In this case, you must completely trust your heart and inner feelings, since brain impulses can distort reality, and you can lose your person. You will certainly feel that in front of you is exactly the person with whom you need to go in the same direction. A soul mate is not necessarily a person of the opposite sex for whom you have warm feelings, it can be a friend, sister, etc. To put it in the language of physics, such people have the same energy, which, entering into resonance, increases the potential of everyone, while the return increases during general work.

Description of kindred spirits

The famous writer Doreen Virtue compares such people with companions. She says that one should always remember that a person does not originate on earth, but in heaven. It is there that souls acquire strong ties, form certain groups and couples. They differ in number and can be in different dimensions. It all depends on what specifically connects them to each other. The writer says that the partnership that arises between kindred spirits has a certain reason. When people achieve what they want, the ties between them are significantly weakened, and they part to start searching again. The writer says that between such people there is always a feeling of love and gratitude for the happy moments of life.

illustrative examples

Very often you can see that people who consider themselves soul mates speak and gesticulate in the same way, many have a suspicion that they are brothers and sisters. Quite often you can hear the opinion that people who have been married for a long time become similar to each other. Some experiments show that even their heart rate is synchronized. Such people live in full understanding with each other, it is this feeling that can be called real happiness.

From the world classics, one can also give an example - the main characters of M.A. "Master and Margarita". A man after talking with a girl realized that he loved her all his life. This is a clear example of kindred spirits.

The Other Side of the Medal

Recently, for many people, attracting a soul mate is practically the main meaning of life. They are simply sure that the other half should love and understand them without changes, not argue with anything and love, no matter what. In addition, the second half is simply obliged to do extraordinary things and do everything possible and impossible for the happiness of a partner. This is what is a huge barrier for many people to meet a loved one and find harmony in life.

Why is a person looking for a soul mate?

Many people spend a lot of time looking for a soul mate, but the result remains zero. In this case, you need to ask yourself the question of why you are looking for such a person? There may be several reasons:

  1. You feel inadequate. Most often this can be a consequence, etc.
  2. You think that a soul mate will help solve all problems and make you a happy person.
  3. The bad experience of the past constantly reminds you of the wrong choice of partner. Because of this, you want to meet that person.


We hope you now don’t even have any doubts about whether soul mates exist, or is it still a far-fetched myth. It is very important to believe that such a person will certainly meet on the way, and you will be happy with him, no matter what. Remember that your soulmate will appear next to you at the most unexpected moment, because this is a real gift of fate.

As soon as I saw him, I realized that I had been looking for him all my life.

“We felt it right away. None of us have even said a word."

This is how people usually describe meeting with a kindred spirit. It is believed that in the course of life we ​​meet several kindred spirits, but not all of them will be our lovers. Some will become friends, colleagues, relatives, even enemies. Sometimes we recognize a kindred spirit at the moment of the first meeting. However, many dream of only one thing - to meet their romantic soul mate, a person with whom complete happiness is possible. What if you can't find it?

If you are unsuccessfully looking for your soul mate, be sure to ask yourself why you are so eager to find it.

Many say that without a kindred soul they feel inferior. This is an understandable motive, but it raises questions about your self-esteem, personal integrity, and relationship with yourself.

It is useless to hope that someone else will solve all your problems and help you feel whole. That doesn't happen. You have to feel whole and therefore happy yourself before you can make someone else happy. Otherwise, it will turn out that you are just looking for a plaster to seal the gaping wound in your soul.

Maybe you have had a series of difficult relationships in which you always repeated the same pattern of behavior, without realizing that you are partly responsible for the fact that your relationship does not work out the way you would like.

Of course, we all dream of finding that person ... the only one with whom we want to live until the end of our days. Dreaming is not harmful, it is more difficult to really start looking and finding. Do you rely solely on fate? Of course, you can believe in fate, but without your participation, something good will hardly happen to you. Fate needs you to push it in the right direction in order to find that one person who is so lacking for happiness.

To begin with, to find a soul mate, you need to find yourself. What qualities are most important to you? What are your life values ​​and aspirations? How do you express your love and what do you expect in return? These questions must be answered for yourself in order not to make a mistake in the choice.

Nowadays, it is customary to simply meet people, not really thinking about your choice and the seriousness of the relationship. Dating is fun, but don't date just because you're afraid to be alone. Look closely at your partner, perhaps she / she has the qualities that you have been looking for for so long. Don't jump to conclusions by not letting the relationship go too far.

If you realize that the relationship is not leading to anything good, it is best to end it immediately. The desire to continue a comfortable relationship or date out of pity only complicates your true goal of finding your soul mate.

The search for a soul mate will take a lot of time, be patient and do not stop searching in case of failure.

It is necessary to highlight the main signs by which you can determine that you have found your soul mate:

1. Strong physical attraction to each other.
2. Great interest in each other's inner world.
3. Common interests.
4. The presence of common values.
5. Respect for each other.
6. He/she will make you feel really special...
7. Someone who really sparks your passion, helps you open up, become a better person.
8. Sharing common emotions.

These are the most important signs that you have found your soul mate. In fact, when it happens, you yourself will understand. And if you meet such a person, be careful. The main thing is not to rush, try to get to know each other better, take a closer look at each other, build the foundation of your relationship thoroughly, do not succumb to impulses of passion. When you both feel that you have found your dreams in each other, then you can move on to a new level of relationship. The fact that you will move towards your common happiness is the most accurate sign that you have found exactly the right person ...

There are several ways to get to know a soul mate in your life. The first (and most obvious when you think about it) is ask. If you are working with your guardian angel, discuss with him your desire to find a soul mate. Listen carefully to what he tells you. Or, if you communicate differently, pay attention to the signals, events and dreams that come to you after the conversation. Guardian angels can communicate with each other if people ask them to, so ask your guardian angel to find your soul mate's guardian angel and join forces to arrange your meeting.

Another possibility - seek help from an archangel or an enlightened master. You can either ask for a suitable spirit to answer your request, or you can turn to the archangel Hamail, the angel of romantic relationships. Many angels work with him and they will help you find your soul mate. Hamail helps to search for the lost, whether it be a physical object, a loved one or a relationship. When you ask him for help, trust that he is with you and will answer your call. Be patient and know that your soul mate will come into your life at the right moment for both of you.

Write about your desires. Most of us think about what we would like to have in our lives, but rarely write down these requests. But the very process of putting our needs on paper enhances their ability to attract what we want. Therefore it makes sense write down the characteristics of the soul mate you would like to meet. Ideally, don't go into too much physical detail, because you might get so caught up in looking for someone who matches that description that you miss a soul mate who might look completely different. Rather, focus on character and personality, as well as on the relationships that you would like to create. And always ask that your relationship be for the good of all involved.

Write a list of your preferred soul mate traits to help them come into your life.

When you have finished listing the qualities of your soul mate, put the list in a safe place and trust that at the right time this request will be granted. You can re-read it periodically, but don't fixate on it so much that you forget about the rest of your life. You do not know in advance when and where you will meet the desired soul mate. It can happen at a party you didn't want to go to, at the supermarket where you're in a rush, or even at the bus stop.

Dream. Maybe your school teachers didn't approve of your daydreaming, but it's a very effective way to attract what you want into your life. Why not dream about meeting your soul mate? Listen to your intuition. When you meet your soul mate in a dream, let your whole body be filled with love and delight. This will help you attract her into your life. Your unconscious mind doesn't see the difference between dream and reality, which is why, for example, your heart starts beating faster when someone is in danger in a movie. You can use this by telling the unconscious that what you want has already happened. In response, it will attract this event so that it actually happens.

If you still have not found your soul mate, then you have not solved some problems that separate you.

According to reincarnation, a group of souls is united by kinship ties even before it incarnates on Earth. And in this unity you can meet friends, parents, and lovers - all those close to you and those who go hand in hand with us and help us build our earthly lives. When we meet our kindred spirits for the first time, we “get to know” each other, and between us suddenly there is a feeling of mutual sympathy, ease and such understanding in communication that does not require additional exhausting explanations. Similar thoughts and feelings, the same tastes, outlook on life, sense of humor and even gestures, facial expressions and gait, understanding from a half-word or just one glance - such a kinship of souls develops over more than one life. Their energies vibrate at the same frequencies. It is with such people that the most fruitful interaction is obtained: with them you do not have to spend either nerves or extra strength to explain your mood and convey the right idea.

There are two versions of people's opinions about soul mates. Some believe that there is only one true soul mate in the world. Their union is the union of two halves into one whole or an oversoul divided into two bodies. When a person meets her, he realizes that he has finally found what he has been looking for all his life.

Others say that a person has many kindred spirits. These are the souls that help a person go through all his life lessons and go through them with him - and this is how karma is done. Some of them follow a person all the way of his life, while others leave as soon as they complete their task.

Of one thing, you can be absolutely sure: your souls have long been familiar, since you have been together for more than one life. You had such a serious relationship and strong feelings that you are now bound for centuries by strong ties, through which you will definitely find each other.

Perhaps this person was your spouse or friend in a very bright past life, full of events and actions. Even if it was many incarnations ago, the bright karmic imprint of these events remains at the cellular level. Besides, your Higher Self knows everything. A person suddenly enters your life and overwhelms you with their very presence. He may not even have said a word, and he is not very sociable at all - but you can feel how every cell in his body screams: “I know you!” Most likely, this is your soul mate. The attraction to this person turns out to be a surprisingly strong manifestation of the energy of the past. Spark is the word that most accurately describes what can happen between you. If you find such love, cherish it and don't let it fade away, for it is sacred and carries within itself the seeds of the Spirit itself.

Richard Bach "Bridge over Eternity":

A kindred spirit is the one who has the keys to our locks, and whose locks fit our keys. When we feel so secure that we can open our locks, then our most authentic selves come out to meet each other and we can be completely and truly who we are. Then we are loved for who we are, and not for who we try to be. Each brings out the best in the other. And despite everything that makes us suffer, with this person we feel well-being as in paradise.

A kindred soul is the one who shares our deepest aspirations, the direction of movement we have chosen. If the two of us are moving upwards like balloons, it is very likely that we have found the right person in each other.

A kindred soul is the one thanks to whom you begin to live a true life ...

I want to cry - cry, I want to scream - scream, I want to laugh - laugh. Only love - and first of all, love the soul in yourself. Then she will definitely attract a relative ... Elchin Safarli. Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus.

Why do we meet our soul mate? Such a phenomenal, out of the ordinary meeting does not happen just like that, and this is far from just a romantic meeting. A meeting with a Soulmate is always true, real and unconditional Love, and it can be experienced even by those whose consciousness is not yet ready for such a high Love. But they will also experience unconditional Love. And somewhere in the depths of the soul, everyone who has met their soul mate will hear an inner voice that will say - "THIS IS FOR SOMETHING MORE".

The first meeting with a Soulmate is always for that experience and those experiences that we have never experienced before, for the purification and growth of our consciousness, knowledge of the Self and knowledge of the Highest, the original Source of Love. And you will undoubtedly feel in this meeting incredible and, at the same time, such natural and close to you sensations of inexplicable breadth, lightness and openness. You will feel relatedness.
Yes, this spiritual Affinity can be experienced in very different ways, but it will always be Affinity, something that is difficult to describe in words, but something that is felt very clearly and undoubtedly.
What is "more"? This is you - in the broadest spiritual and personal perspective. Having met your Soul Mate, you meet yourself-greater, you meet a part of yourself - forgotten, ancient and so close and understandable to you. Phenomenal powers and abilities wake up in you, you remember your past incarnations and acquire your primordial talents, find yourself greater. Yes, not all of it yet - it will be at the meeting with the twin half, but already more, much more.
Meeting with a Soul Mate is Love, it is Power, energy, it is your wisdom and Knowledge, it is your Life! Perhaps, having met your Soulmate, for the first time in your life you will feel Alive! How can this be overestimated? What could be more expensive? Nothing can be more important and closer than Life! Therefore, having met your Soulmate, feeling it (him) and feeling yourself, you can forget about everything in the world and begin to Love only Life, you will begin to Love only Love. You will find everything that is most important, the most real and the only worthwhile thing in your life.
This is what your meeting with a Soulmate can mean, if such a meeting is to the maximum, 100 percent.
Of course, meetings are different and soul mates are also different and you can be completely ready for such a meeting, or not at all ready, but ... No matter how, in whatever form your meeting takes place, you will never be able to If you forget this, you will not be able to forget the sensations of Affinity. It's unforgettable!

A meeting with a kindred spirit can bring a lot into our lives, surprisingly, phenomenally a lot. The words that our soul mate tells us fall into our soul and begin to live there - it’s as if strings suddenly sounded inside us, music began to play, so beautiful and so dear ...
Kindred souls can be the best Teachers and psychotherapists for each other, and not because they are unusually smart, but simply because OUR OWN SOUL SPEAKS TO US THROUGH THEM (!!!). Our Native Higher Forces, our guardian angels, speak to us through the Soul Mate. This is what our meeting with a kindred spirit can mean. And much, much more.

And our soul mate is similar to our soul mate (not outwardly, of course) and we feel and experience that way, we feel that this is our soul mate, but this is not so ... How to figure it out, how to understand, how not to make a fatal mistake, which can lead to the life drama of both? After all, Kindred souls are not true halves and THEY CAN NEVER COMBINE FULLY, and the desire for just such a connection will remain and it will torment both, making their life incomplete, incomplete.
With a Soulmate, as well as with a Twin half, you can reach higher states of consciousness, to comprehend the Divine, the Primordial. And, it is from the moment when you recognize the original Source of Love in each other, it is from this moment that the differences begin, then you will be able to know without a doubt who you are to each other - Soul mates or Twin halves. If you doubted until then, then after knowing the Source, after merging with the Absolute, there are no doubts, everything becomes more than obvious. You will know and see all this for yourself, with your own eyes.
Until then, doubts may remain. There are not always doubts, sometimes a couple or one of the two clearly knows that they are only soul mates to each other and nothing more. But sometimes both have doubts.
In any case, one way or another, only by reaching the highest manifestation of Love, reaching the Source of Love, you will be able to completely and without doubt resolve all issues for yourself.

The meeting of soul mates, like the meeting of twin halves, is always for something more, for more than we knew before this meeting and certainly for more than just the romance of love and the subsequent program of family life. This is more and does not exclude romance, love, or family life, but all this acquires a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT QUALITY, - THE HIGHEST QUALITY, THE DIVINE QUALITY.

And, in conclusion, we can say that, indeed, our life is in many ways a School where we learn lessons, as well as our life is given to us for enjoyment and meeting with a kindred spirit is both an indescribable pleasure and a great lesson, and until we learn this lesson to the end, until the mission of meeting with a Soul Mate is completed by us, until we can reunite with our true half. These are the rules of the Game, these are the Laws of the space of Kindred Souls - the space in which a man and a woman live and improve together, because only together, in their true unity, are they able to "learn" all the lessons and enjoy the highest bliss, uniting absolutely and making their great return to the Primal Source of All, returning Home.

Have you ever had the feeling that at the first glance at a person, as if you have known him for a thousand years, he is very close to you in spirit, you understand him from half a word and half a glance? If this happened, you can be called happy. Men and women who are not yet lucky are wondering how to meet a soul mate, how to recognize "one's own" among a large number of people? Not everyone is destined to find a loved one, find a soul mate, close in spirit.

What are kindred spirits

Each person puts his own meaning in this phrase. There are several definitions of the concept from different points of view:

  • Religion claims that some souls are united in heaven long before gaining a physical body on Earth. When they meet in reality, strong sympathy and harmony instantly arise between them. Their spiritual beginnings unite, and one oversoul is formed for two people.
  • Esotericism claims that a person feels such a connection intuitively: in past incarnations, he was familiar with these people, received from them love, positive, joy from communication. The theory of reincarnation describes in detail the concept of souls related by kinship.
  • Psychologists say that a soul mate is a person who understands you well, is always ready to support, agree with your opinion. He will not necessarily be around all his life, he may appear to solve a certain problem, and then leave.

Karmic connection

No matter how many reincarnations the souls have, they are attracted to each other. Even if they do not meet in one life, they will surely cross in the next. Not necessarily people will become lovers. A strong spiritual bond can form between parents and children, siblings, and friends. Related energies vibrate at the same frequency. Thanks to this, ideal partners understand one another perfectly, experience deep feelings of affection, love, respect.

Karmic relationships can arise between people if they carry unresolved emotional problems from a past life within themselves. Having failed to give way to these states, the souls are attracted to each other in the next incarnation and get the opportunity to resolve the topical issue. They try on old emotional roles and look for a different choice, a more reasonable one. A large age difference between a couple (5-15 years) indicates a strong karmic connection.

The relationship of souls between a man and a woman

A family where a husband and wife are truly spiritually close people is a rarity. Finding a soul mate who will become your loved one is not so easy. According to the theory of reincarnation, such a union is not always smooth, because people learn the same lesson of fate. If they overcome obstacles, their relationship becomes a reward, true happiness. A man and a woman experience not only passion, but also friendship, devotion, a deep spiritual connection, a feeling of special closeness. A meeting with your soulmate must be earned by noble deeds and self-knowledge.

How to find a soul mate

There is no very strong attraction between karmically close people, so you should not hope that fate will bring you together. Opinions on how to meet a soul mate:

  • Psychologists recommend understanding emotions. It is worth understanding your inner world, feeling what you really want. By communicating with new people and showing your true "I", you will find like-minded people, those individuals who are similar to you in many ways. Contact with a large number of people of different ages is important.
  • Religion calls to turn to your guardian angel, the archangel Khamail or an enlightened master. Discuss with him the desire to meet a loved one, and then pay attention to dreams, signals and events. Guardian angels communicate with each other, so they can organize a meeting of souls related by family ties.
  • A karmically close person can meet when you become yourself, enter your element. He bursts into your life unexpectedly, can cause pain, suffering in order to break the negative cycle of past reincarnations. If you can step over your Ego, you will find a happy relationship, unconditional love, understanding.

How to find your soul mate

There is always a chance to meet your man. If you're lucky, you'll feel it right away. The most beautiful thing in such a relationship is absolute comfort, calmness, no need to pretend, play, play around. You are spiritually relaxed, not embarrassed by your shortcomings, you can entrust the most intimate secret. You seem to know such a person for many years, even if you only talked for five minutes. How to meet a soul mate and recognize it in a stream of people, find out in more detail.

Internal sensations

The spiritual energy of your soul mate has a calming effect on you. With such a person it is comfortable even in silence. You feel deep sympathy, interest, love for him. You want to give your soulmate as much care, affection and warmth as possible, you are happy to give, and not just take. Next to a spiritual friend, you feel inspiration, a desire to act, irrepressible energy.

emotional connection

From a psychological point of view, souls connected by family ties give each other only positive emotions. They bring joy, happiness, mirror the internal state in different periods of life - they sensitively adopt the emotional background. If you believe in the existence of kindred karmic souls, be prepared for a storm. They break the heart, excite the blood, make you overcome difficulties. Life changes dramatically with them.

Common interests

To meet a soul destined by heaven is a great happiness, because she has the same life values ​​\u200b\u200blike you. Principles, interests, hobbies - all this seems to be written off from you. You do not have one point of contact, but a large number in different areas of life. Together you develop and become better, overcome obstacles, share best practices and sincerely rejoice for the success of your partner.

