What is female power. The strength of a woman that is impossible to resist

25 great commanders of Russia

Our country is rich in talents and world-famous historical figures. A separate category of its famous representatives is occupied by the great generals of Russia.

Russia and its inhabitants have always been peaceful and hospitable towards other nations. However, they constantly had to wage war throughout their existence. These were not always defensive wars. During the formation of the state of Russia, it was necessary, among other things, to win back lands for itself. But still, basically the country had to constantly defend itself from numerous enemies.
Talking about the great commanders of Russia, it is very difficult to single out the most significant of them.

How many of them existed in the long history of the country? Most likely not one thousand. Someone constantly fought for the country, but time did not save their names. And someone accomplished one great feat, and became famous for centuries. And there were a huge number of wonderful and courageous princes, governors and officers, whose only feat went unnoticed.

The great generals of Russia are a very extensive topic, so we can briefly talk about only the most famous of them. If we start from the period of the formation of the Russian state, then the most striking personality of that time is the defender of Rus' from the attacks of the Pechenegs, Polovtsy and Khazars, Prince Svyatoslav, who lived in the 10th century. He saw the danger in the weak borders of the state and constantly strengthened them, spending almost all his time on campaigns. Svyatoslav died like a true warrior - in battle.

The great commanders of Russia are not only excellent strategists, but also far-sighted diplomats. Such was Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who lived in the 11th century. He actively fought, strengthening and protecting the borders of the state, but at the same time sought to establish and consolidate friendly relations with many European countries. Yaroslav had many children, and he sought to use the dynastic marriages of his daughters for political purposes, thus strengthening relations with European countries. Under him, Rus' reached its heyday and power.

Perhaps the most famous Russian commander, whom almost everyone knows about, is Prince Alexander Nevsky, the defender of Rus' from the Swedish and German knights. He lived in the 13th century, during the turbulent time of the active spread of the Livonian Order to the Baltic lands neighboring Novgorod. The conflict with the knights was very undesirable and dangerous for Rus', since it was not only about the seizure of territory, but also about the issue of faith. Rus' was Christian, and the knights were Catholics. In the summer of 1240, 55 Swedish ships landed on the banks of the Neva. Prince Alexander secretly arrived at their camp and on July 15 unexpectedly attacked them. The Swedes were defeated, and the prince received a new name - Nevsky. The second battle with foreign invaders took place in the winter of 1242. In order to finally drive the enemy out of the Novgorod land, Alexander Nevsky went on a campaign against the Livonian Order. To meet the enemy, the prince chose a narrow isthmus between two lakes. And this battle was successfully won.

It is impossible to imagine a brilliant galaxy of great commanders of Russia without Prince Dimitri Ivanovich (Donskoy), the first of the Russian commanders who defeated the army of the Horde. He was the first to transfer his throne to his son, without asking permission from the Khan of the Golden Horde.
The famous Battle of Kulikovo, the main feat of the great Moscow prince Dmitry, took place on September 8, 1380. The prince himself fought in simple armor in the vanguard, which was completely destroyed by the Tatars. But the prince, pinned down by a tree, survived. Competently lined up troops and the help of the allies helped defeat the forces of the Horde, led by Khan Mamai.

Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich is another famous commander who led the struggle of the Russian people in the Time of Troubles against the Polish invaders. He participated in the first and second people's militia and led the liberation of Moscow from the Polish garrison. He also proposed to choose the last heir from the Rurik family, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, as the king.

The 18th century was opened by the great tsar and commander Peter I. He preferred not to rely on foreign forces and always led his army himself. Even at an early age, Peter began to engage in military training, arranging battles with village boys in a small fortress built for him. He completely built the Russian fleet, organized a new regular army. Peter I fought with the Ottoman Khanate and won the Northern War, having achieved the entry of Russian ships into the Baltic Sea.
The 18th and early 19th centuries were the time of the great wars of the Russian Empire and no less famous commanders. This is Prince Potemkin Grigory Alexandrovich, who brilliantly proved himself in the Russian-Turkish wars. At the same time, one of the greatest Russian commanders, Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, lived.
The 20th century is the time of the most bloody wars in the history of Russia and excellent commanders, which must be discussed separately, since their number is large.

The history of the generals of Russia originates from the formation of the Old Russian state. Throughout the entire period of its existence, our ancestors were drawn into military conflicts. The success of any combat operation depends not only on the technical equipment of the army, but also on the experience, heroism, and skill of the military leader. Who are they, the great generals of Russia? The list can be endless, as the history of Russia contains many heroic pages. Unfortunately, within the framework of one article it is impossible to mention all the worthy people, many of whom we literally owe our lives. However, we will still try to remember some names. Let us make a reservation right away that the outstanding commanders of Russia presented below are not more courageous, smarter or braver than those honored people whose names were not included in our article.

Prince Svyatoslav I Igorevich

The list of "Great generals of Russia from ancient Russia" would be incomplete without the name of the Kiev prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. He was only three years old when he officially became a prince after the death of his father. His mother Olga took over the principality. When the prince grew up, it didn’t matter he did not want to deal with administrative affairs.The only thing that worried him was military campaigns and battles.He was practically not in the capital.

The goal of Svyatoslav the First

Svyatoslav saw his main mission in building a huge Slavic empire with its capital in Pereyaslavets. At that time, the city belonged to the no less powerful Bulgarian principality. First of all, the prince of Rus' defeated the powerful eastern neighbor - the Khazar Khaganate. He knew that Khazaria was a rich, large and vast state. Svyatoslav first sent messengers to the enemies with the words: "I'm going to you" - which meant a warning about the war. In the history textbooks, this is interpreted as courage, but in fact it was a military trick: the Kievan prince needed to gather together a disparate, motley mercenary army of the Khazars in order to defeat them with one blow. This was done in 965. After the victory over the Jewish Khazaria, Svyatoslav decided to consolidate his success. He turned north from Khazaria and destroyed the most faithful ally of the enemies - the Volga Bulgaria. After these events, not a single centralized powerful state remained to the east of Rus'.

In 970-971, Svyatoslav invades Bulgaria as an ally of Byzantium, but then unexpectedly unites with the Bulgarians and defeats the greatest empire of that time. However, the Russian prince miscalculated: a horde of Pechenegs attacked Kyiv from the east. Ambassadors from Kyiv informed the prince that the city might fall. Svyatoslav sent most of the army to help the capital. He himself remained with a small squad. In 972, he was surrounded and died in a battle with the Pechenegs.

Alexander Nevskiy

The great commanders of Russia also lived in times of political fragmentation. One of them is Alexander Nevsky, elevated to the rank of saints. His main merit is that he defeated the Swedish and German feudal lords and thereby saved the Novgorod Republic from capture.

In the 13th century, the Swedes and the Germans decided by joint efforts to subjugate Novgorod. The situation was most favorable:

  1. Almost all of Rus' had already been captured by the Mongol-Tatars.
  2. At the head of the Novgorod squad stood a young and inexperienced Alexander Yaroslavovich.

The Swedes miscalculated first. In 1240, without the help of the allies, they decided to subjugate these lands. On the ships, a landing force of selected Swedish knights set off. The Scandinavians knew all the slowness of the Novgorod Republic: before the war it was necessary to convene a veche, to make a decision to convene an army. However, the enemy did not take into account one thing: at the hand of the Novgorod governor there is always a small squad, which is personally subordinate to the commander. It was with her that Alexander decided to suddenly attack the Swedes, who had not yet had time to land. The calculation was correct: panic began. There was no question of any rebuff to the small detachment of Russians. Alexander received the nickname Nevsky for his courage and ingenuity, and deserves a place in the list of "the best commanders of Russia."

The victory over the Swedes was not the only one in the career of the young prince. Two years later, the turn came to the German knights. In 1242, he defeated the heavily armed feudal lords of the Livonian Order on Lake Peipsi. And again, it was not without ingenuity and a desperate gesture: Alexander positioned the army so that it was possible to carry out a powerful attack on the enemy's flank, pushing them back to the thin ice of Lake Peipsi. As a result, he could not stand the heavily armed troops and cracked. Knights in heavy armor cannot even lift themselves off the ground without assistance, let alone swim out of the water.

Dmitry Donskoy

The list of famous commanders of Russia will be incomplete if it does not include Prince Dmitry Donskoy. He got his nickname thanks to a brilliant victory at the Kulikovo field in 1380. This battle is notable for the fact that Russians, Tatars, and Lithuanians took part in it on both sides. Modern history textbooks interpret it as a liberation struggle against the Mongol yoke. In fact, it was a little different: Murza Mamai illegally seized power in the Golden Horde and ordered him to pay tribute to Moscow. Prince Dmitry refused him, since he was a descendant of the khan's family, and did not intend to obey the impostor. In the 13th century, the Moscow dynasty of Kalita became related to the Khan dynasty of the Golden Horde. There was a battle on the Kulikovo field, where the Russian troops won the first victory in history over the Mongol-Tatars. After that, Moscow decided that it could now repulse any Tatar army, but paid for it with a defeat from Khan Tokhtamysh in 1382. As a result, the enemy plundered the city and its environs.

The military merit of Donkoy on the Kulikovo field was that he first used a reserve - an ambush regiment. At a critical moment, Dmitry brought in fresh forces with a swift attack. Panic began in the enemy camp, as they did not expect such a turn: no one had ever used such tactics in military battles before.

Alexander Suvorov (1730-1800)

Outstanding commanders of Russia have lived at all times. But the most talented and brilliant among all can rightfully be considered Alexander Suvorov, Honored Generalissimo of the Russian Empire. All the genius of Suvorov is difficult to convey in ordinary words. Main battles: Kinburn battle, Fokshany, Rymnik, assault on Prague, assault on Izmail.

It is enough to tell in detail how the assault on Ishmael took place in order to understand the whole genius of this man. The fact is that the Turkish fortress was considered the most powerful and impregnable in the world. She survived many battles in her lifetime, was subjected to blockade several times. But all this is useless: the walls withstood cannon shots, not a single army in the world could overcome their height. The fortress also withstood the blockade: there were supplies for a year inside.

Alexander Suvorov proposed a brilliant idea: he built an exact model of the walls of the fortress and began to train soldiers to storm them. In fact, the commander for a long time created a whole army of special forces to storm impregnable fortresses. It was at this time that his famous phrase arose: "hard in learning - easy in battle." Suvorov was loved in the army and among the people. He understood the gravity of the soldier's service, tried, if possible, to ease it, did not send the soldiers into a senseless meat grinder.

Suvorov sought to motivate his subordinates, encouraged those who distinguished themselves with titles and awards. His phrase: "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad" became winged.

The commanders of Russia in subsequent eras tried to learn from Suvorov all his secrets. The Generalissimo left behind the treatise "The Science of Victory". The book is written in simple language and almost all consists of winged phrases: “Take care of the bullet for three days, and sometimes for a whole campaign”, “Throw the bad boy from the bayonet! - a dead man on a bayonet scratches his neck with a saber, etc.

Suvorov was the first to start defeating Napoleon's French army in Italy. Prior to this, Bonaparte was considered invincible, and his army - the most professional. His famous crossing of the Alps to the rear of the French is one of the best military decisions of all times and peoples.

Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (1745-1813)

Mikhail Kutuzov - a student of Suvorov, participated in the famous assault on Izmail. Thanks to the Patriotic War of 1812, he forever included his name in the list of brilliant military leaders. Why are Kutuzov and Suvorov the most beloved heroes of their era? There are several reasons here:

  1. Both Suvorov and Kutuzov are Russian commanders of Russia. This was important at that time: almost all leading positions were occupied by assimilated Germans, whose ancestors came in whole groups during the time of Peter the Great, Elizabeth and Catherine II.
  2. Both commanders were considered "from the people", although this was a delusion: both Suvorov and Kutuzov were nobles with a large number of serfs on their estates. They got such fame because they were not alien to the difficulties of an ordinary soldier. Their main task is to save the life of a warrior, to retreat, rather than throw battalions to certain death in senseless battles for the sake of "honor" and "dignity".
  3. In almost all battles, the brilliant decisions of the commanders really deserve respect.

Suvorov did not lose a single battle, while Kutuzov lost the main battle of his life - the battle of Borodino. However, his retreat and abandonment of Moscow is also among the greatest maneuvers of all times and peoples. The famous Napoleon slept through an entire army. By the time he realized this, it was already too late. Subsequent events showed that leaving the capital was the only right decision in the war.

Barclay de Tolly (1761-1818)

The list of "Famous Generals of Russia" often undeservedly lacks one brilliant man: Barclay de Tolly. It was thanks to him that the famous Battle of Borodino took place. By his actions, he saved the Russian army, completely exhausted Napoleon long before Moscow. Also, thanks to him, the French lost almost their entire army not on the battlefields, but during campaigns. It was this brilliant general who created the scorched earth tactics in the war with Napoleon. All warehouses on the way of the enemy were destroyed, all unexported grain was burned, all cattle was taken away. Napoleon saw only empty villages and burned fields. Thanks to this, the army did not go to Borodino in the main course, but barely made ends meet. Napoleon did not even imagine that his soldiers would starve, and his horses would fall from exhaustion. It was Barclay de Tolly who insisted on leaving Moscow at the council in Fili.

Why was this brilliant commander not honored by contemporaries and descendants do not remember? There are two reasons:

  1. It was a Russian hero that was needed for the Great Victory. Barclay de Tolia did not fit the role of the savior of Russia.
  2. The general considered his task to weaken the enemy. The courtiers insisted on giving battle to Napoleon and defending the honor of the country. History has shown that they were greatly mistaken.

Why did the emperor support Barclay de Tolli?

Why did the young and ambitious Alexander the First not succumb to the provocations of the court generals and did not order a battle on the border? This is due to the fact that Alexander had already burned himself once because of the advice of such subjects: “in the battle of the three emperors” near Austerlitz, Napoleon defeated a large Russian-Austrian army. The Russian emperor then fled from the battlefield, leaving a trail of shame behind him. He didn't want to experience something like this the second time. Therefore, Alexander the First fully supported the actions of the general and did not succumb to the provocations of the courtiers.

List of battles and battles fought by Barclay de Tolly

Many commanders of Russia of all times did not even have half the experience that the general had behind him:

  • assaults on Ochakov, Prague;
  • Battle of Borodino, Battle of Smolensk;
  • battles at Preussish-Eylau, at Pultusk; near Leipzig;
  • battles at Bautzen, at La Rotierre, at Fer-Champanoise; under Kulm;
  • the siege of Thorn;
  • the capture of Paris.

We covered the topic “The Greatest Generals of Russia from Ancient Rus' to the 20th Century”. Unfortunately, many brilliant and talented families were not included in our list. We list the names of the commanders of Russia during the Second World War.

Georgy Zhukov

Four times the hero of the Soviet Union, the owner of many domestic and foreign military awards, Georgy Konstantinovich enjoyed unquestioned authority in Soviet historiography. However, an alternative history has a different point of view: the great commanders of Russia are military leaders who took care of the lives of their soldiers, did not send them in tens of thousands to certain death. Zhukov, according to some modern historians, is a "bloody executioner", "village upstart", "Stalin's favorite." Without a share of regret, he could send entire divisions into the boilers.

Be that as it may, but Georgy Konstantinovich deserves credit for the defense of Moscow. He also participated in the operation to encircle the troops of Paulus near Stalingrad. The task of his army was a diversionary maneuver, designed to tie down significant German forces. He also participated in breaking the blockade of Leningrad. Zhukov owns the development of Operation Bagration in the swampy forests of Belarus, as a result of which Belarus, part of the Baltic states, and Eastern Poland were liberated.

A huge merit of Zhukov in the development of the operation to capture Berlin. Georgy Konstantinovich predicted a powerful attack by German tank forces on the flank of our army just before the assault on the German capital.

It was Georgy Konstantinovich who accepted the surrender of Germany in 1945, as well as the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, timed to coincide with the defeat of the Nazi forces.

Ivan Konev

The last on our list of "Great commanders of Russia" will be Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Konev.

At the time of the war, the marshal commanded the 19th Army of the North Caucasian District. Konev managed to avoid encirclement and captivity - he brought the army command from the dangerous sector of the front in time.

In 1942, Konev, together with Zhukov, led the first and second Rzhev-Sychev operations, and in the winter of 1943, the Zhizdrinskaya. Entire divisions were destroyed in them. The strategic advantage gained in 1941 was lost. It is these operations that are blamed on both Zhukov and Konev. However, the marshal justified his hopes in the Battle of Kursk (July-August 1943). After her, Konev's troops carried out a number of brilliant operations:

  • Poltava-Kremenchug.
  • Pyatikhatskaya.
  • Znamenskaya.
  • Kirovograd.
  • Lviv-Sandomierz.

In January 1945, the First Ukrainian Front under the command of Ivan Konev, in alliance with other fronts and formations, carried out the Vistula-Oder operation, liberated Krakow and the Auschwitz concentration camp. In 1945, Konev with his troops reached Berlin, participated in the formation of armies in the Berlin offensive operation under the command of Zhukov.

Among the associates of Peter the Great, Boris Petrovich Sheremetev occupies a special place. It was he who had the honor of winning the first major victory at Erestfer over the previously invincible Swedes. Acting cautiously and prudently, Sheremetev taught Russian soldiers to field warfare, tempered them by moving from smaller to larger tasks. Using offensive tactics with a limited goal, he recreated the morale and combat capability of the Russian troops and deservedly became the first field marshal in Russia.

Boris Petrovich Sheremetev was born on April 25, 1652. He belonged to an old aristocratic family, originating, like the Romanovs, from Andrei Kobyla. The surname Sheremetevs originated from the nickname Sheremet, which was worn by one of the ancestors at the end of the 15th century. The descendants of Sheremet are already mentioned as military leaders in the 16th century. Since that time, the Sheremetev family began to supply boyars.

Boris Sheremetev's career usually began for the offspring of a noble family: at the age of 13 he was granted a stewardship. This court rank, which provided closeness to the king, opened up wide prospects for promotion in ranks and positions. However, Sheremetev's stewardship dragged on for many years. Only in 1682, at the age of 30, he was granted a boyar.

Petr Semenovich Saltykov (1698–1772)

The winner of Frederick the Great - "a gray-haired old man, small, unpretentious, in a white landmilitsky caftan, without any decorations and without pomp - had the happiness from the very beginning ... to fall in love with the soldiers." He was loved for his simplicity and accessibility and respected for his equanimity in battle. P. S. Saltykov possessed to a large extent common sense and combined great civil courage with military courage. The campaign of 1759 put him above all the commanders of the anti-Prussian coalition.

Pyotr Semenovich Saltykov was born in 1698 in the village of Marfino, Moscow province. His father, Semyon Andreevich, was a close relative of the wife of John V, Tsaritsa Praskovya Feodorovna, and successfully made a career at court. In 1714, the offspring of a noble family entered the guard and was sent by Peter the Great to France to study maritime affairs. Pyotr Semenovich lived in a foreign land for about 20 years, but did not acquire love for naval service.

Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky (1725–1796)

The founder of Russian military doctrine was Petr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev. Looking always and first of all at the root of the matter, he understood the originality of Russia and the whole difference between the Russian and European military systems - the difference that followed from this originality.

In the era of domination throughout Europe of soulless Prussian theories, formalism and automatic - "fuhtelnoy" - training, Petr Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev was the first to put forward moral principles as the basis for the education of troops, and he separated moral training from training "physical". The 60-70s of the 18th century are rightly called the "Rumyantsev" period in the history of the Russian army, the period of brilliant victories of the most advanced army in the world.

The future commander was born in 1725. His father was Alexander Ivanovich Rumyantsev, one of the associates of Peter I, and his mother was Maria Andreevna, the granddaughter of the famous boyar Matveev. In the sixth year, the boy was enrolled as a soldier in the guard, and then the teaching began.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov-Rymniksky (1730–1800)

Suvorov's "The Science of Victory" - the greatest monument of the Russian military genius - remains surprisingly relevant to this day. It was written not just for the military, but for the miraculous heroes. And it does not matter whether these miraculous heroes are armed with flintlock guns or the most modern weapons. A. V. Suvorov completed the development of the Russian military doctrine and formulated its basic principles: originality, the predominance of a qualitative element over a quantitative one, national pride, a conscious attitude to one's work, initiative, and the use of success to the end. And the crown of everything is victory, "won with little blood." Grateful descendants with deep respect and love pronounce the name of Generalissimo Suvorov, which is the honor and glory of Russia.

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov was born on November 13, 1730 in Moscow. His father, General-in-Chief Vasily Ivanovich Suvorov, godson of Peter I, his mother, Evdokia Fedosyevna Manukova, died when Alexander was not even 15 years old. Suvorov spent his early childhood at home, where he received home education and upbringing. He studied the necessary subjects, as well as foreign languages: French, German and Italian. The young man studied very diligently, but in a certain direction. After all, Suvorov was the son of a general, lived in a military environment, read books mainly of a military content - it is natural that he only dreamed of a military career. However, the father believed that Alexander was not suitable for this, for he was small, weak and frail. Suvorov the father decided to send his son to the civil service.

Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov (1744–1817)

Admiral Ushakov was able to accomplish the unprecedented - he took the strongest French fortress on the island of Corfu with an attack from the sea. The great Suvorov responded to this feat with inspired words:

Hooray! Russian fleet! Now I say to myself: why was I not even a midshipman at Corfu!

The sailing fleet of Russia reached its peak by the end of the 18th century - it had a significant number of first-class ships, experienced captains and well-trained sailors. He went to the expanses of the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. The fleet also had an outstanding naval leader - Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov.

He was born in 1744 in the village of Burnakovo, Yaroslavl province. The father, a retired Transfiguration officer, believed that his son would follow in his footsteps. However, the boy dreamed of the sea, of ships and naval service. 1761 decided the fate of Ushakov. He entered the Naval gentry cadet corps.

Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1745–1813)

The historical significance of the activities of M. I. Kutuzov was deeply and correctly determined by A. S. Pushkin: “The glory of Kutuzov is inextricably linked with the glory of Russia, with the memory of the greatest event ... of history. His title: savior of Russia; his monument: the rock of St. Helena! .. Kutuzov alone was clothed in a people's power of attorney, which he so wonderfully justified!

The future commander was born on September 16, 1745 in St. Petersburg. He came from an old noble family that played a prominent role in the history of Russia. Mikhail's father, Illarion Matveevich, was a well-known military engineer and a versatile educated person. He began military service under Peter I and stayed in it for more than 30 years. Dismissed due to illness, retired with the rank of lieutenant general, I. M. Kutuzov served further in the civil department, showing great talent in this field.

The mental strength of the fair sex is several times greater than the mental strength of men. This is the law of harmony: a man is stronger on the physical plane, a woman is stronger on the energy plane.

This means that a woman's thoughts, her desires, prayers and meditations have a much stronger influence on the world around her. The Vedic scriptures said that the thought of a woman is equated with the action of a man.

Having lost knowledge of the strength and characteristics of the sexes, people have not ceased to notice these special abilities in life. In the Middle Ages, this power was attributed to the devilish intrigues, and women - "witches" were burned at the stake of the Inquisition.

Since ancient times, it has been known that a wife is able to protect her husband, who is on the battlefield, with her purity and loyalty to him alone. Her feminine strength surrounded her husband with an impenetrable protective wall. Such men returned home unharmed from any battle: even if hundreds of arrows flew at him, they simply flew past the target. Subconsciously we understand this even today. And many men who returned home from the battlefields know to whom they owe their return.

A woman really has the ability to elevate a man to unprecedented heights, if she is pure and reasonable. As the famous saying goes: "A woman can turn any fool into a wise man, and a wise man into a fool."

Becoming a mother, she acquired a sacred duty and the opportunity to create the future of the Earth: to raise those who will develop life on the planet further. The woman knew that her children would germinate the seeds that she planted in them. So, one of the life tasks of every woman from time immemorial was: to give birth and raise children.

For such a great role, the fair sex was prepared from childhood. In every culture there was a list of mandatory knowledge and skills that every woman should have. Among them: the art of dressing up, the ability to play musical instruments, singing, dancing, the ability to draw, tell stories, knowledge of languages, the ability to decorate a house, and many other much more complex skills.

At first glance, it may seem - nonsense. But in fact, these skills are the work of the Soul, this is creativity, creation, these are abilities that allow you to harmonize people's lives, bring beauty, joy, peace into it, which is the essence of the female role. Among other duties of a woman was the creation of beauty inside and out.

Being beautiful is the natural state of a woman. Reading about mythical and fairy-tale heroines and goddesses, we will always find a description of their radiant beauty. It's shining. Despite different ideas about the standards of female beauty in different cultures, all the mythical and fabulous beauties of all nations are united by the fact that, according to the descriptions, radiance emanated from them.

The inner sign of this harmony is a feeling of pure bliss, that is, bright joy and love. Harmony and love are the qualities of the Soul, the qualities inherent in women from birth. Thus, beauty, sung at all times, was not an end in itself, but was a natural result of love, well-being and inner strength.

Over time, beauty only intensified, because with age and life experience, a woman became wiser, grew spiritually, gained feminine strength in devoting herself to family and society.

Appearance was part of female magic - the magic of love. Our forefathers used in their outfits well-thought-out combinations of colors, ornaments, shapes and cuts - each of these details carried a sacred (mysterious and deeply spiritual) meaning and had a certain energy impact. The jewelry that the woman wore, precious stones, worked in the same way - all this was of great importance, so the woman strengthened her connection with the subtle worlds, harmonized herself and space.

The hairstyle was magical too. Hair is a conductor of cosmic energy (as an example, cosmos is a word with the same root as cosmos). Long hair made it possible to accumulate this energy and use it in different ways depending on the situation. For example, hair gathered at the top of the head provided a woman with a large influx of energy, according to the principle of a pyramid. The hair collected below, at the back of her head, helped her enter a state of humility and deep humility.

In this article, I want to sit with you in a time machine and move to those times when wisdom dominated, and people built their lives not on knowledge, but on feeling the laws of life, intuition and wisdom.

Today I want to talk to you about female power, about what makes a woman strong and omnipotent, about where to get this power, how to accumulate and save it.

Perhaps you will agree with me, and perhaps the article will cause you a storm of indignant emotions - I will see this in the comments. But to talk about female power, let's take the present time with its realities and the ancient past with its history.

Modern society dictates new rules of the game to us. But living by these rules, women do not become happier. On the contrary, they forget about their nature, their origins, stop hearing the voice of wisdom, do not follow the experience accumulated by entire generations, experiment on themselves and their lives. Destroy marriages, drain relationships, raise a new generation of unhappy people.

Why am I writing all this, blaming only a woman, you ask? Because a woman rules the world. Neither more nor less! Not just a woman, but that true woman who knows and understands her nature, her role and why she came into this world. And if she does not understand, then she destroys this world.

As the famous saying goes: “A woman can turn any fool into a wise man, and a wise man into a fool.”

The woman gives birth and regenerates life. A woman gives birth to new people, educates them, prepares them for life in this world. Other women connect their lives with these people, build relationships and new people appear again. Woman is the source of life.

Project for women

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The site uses cookies (Cookies) and data about visitors to the metrika.yandex service. With the help of this data, information is collected about the actions of visitors on the site in order to improve its content, improve the functionality of the site and, as a result, create high-quality content and services for visitors.

You can change your browser settings at any time so that the browser blocks all cookies or notifies you when cookies are being sent. Please note that some features and services may not work properly.

How is this data protected?

We use a variety of administrative, managerial and technical security measures to protect your personal information. Our Company adheres to various international control standards for dealing with personal information, which include certain controls to protect information collected online.

Our employees are trained to understand and implement these controls and are familiar with our Privacy Notice, policies and guidelines.

However, while we strive to protect your personal information, you must also take steps to protect it.

We strongly recommend that you take all possible precautions while browsing the Internet. The services and websites we organize contain measures to protect against leakage, unauthorized use and alteration of the information we control. Although we do our best to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third party hackers from illegally accessing this information.

If this privacy policy changes, you will be able to read about these changes on this page or, in special cases, receive a notification to your e-mail.

2) Companies working on our behalf: We cooperate with other companies that perform business support functions on our behalf, in connection with which your personal information may be partially disclosed. We require such companies to use the information only for the purpose of providing contracted services; they are prohibited from transferring this information to other parties in situations other than when it is necessary to provide the agreed services. Examples of business support functions: fulfillment of orders, fulfillment of applications, issuance of prizes and bonuses, conducting surveys among customers and managing information systems. We also disclose aggregated non-personally identifiable information when selecting service providers.

3) Subsidiaries and joint ventures: Subsidiary or joint venture means an organization, at least 50% of which is owned by the Company. When transferring your information to a subsidiary or joint venture partner, our Company requires that this information not be disclosed to other parties for marketing purposes and that your information not be used in any way contrary to your choice. If you have indicated that you do not want to receive any marketing materials from our Company, then we will not share your information with our subsidiaries and joint venture partners for marketing purposes.

4) On co-positioned or affiliate pages: Our Company may share information with partner companies, together with which it implements special offers and promotional activities on the jointly positioned pages of our website. When requesting personal data on such pages, you will receive a warning about the transfer of information. The partner uses any information you provide in accordance with its own privacy notice, which you can read before providing information about yourself.

5) When transferring control over the enterprise: Our Company reserves the right to transfer your personal data in connection with the sale or transfer of our company or its assets in whole or in part. When selling or transferring a business, our Company will provide you with the opportunity to opt out of transferring information about yourself. In some cases, this may mean that the new organization will no longer be able to provide you with the services or products previously provided by our Company.

6) Law enforcement agencies: Our Company may, without your consent, disclose personal information to third parties for any of the following reasons: to avoid violations of the law, regulations or court orders; participating in government investigations; assistance in fraud prevention; and strengthening or protecting the rights of the Company or its subsidiaries.

All personal information that you submitted for registration on our website can be changed at any time or completely deleted from our database at your request. To do this, you need to contact us in any way convenient for you, using the contact information posted in a special section of our website.

If you would like to opt out of receiving our regular mailing list, you can do so at any time using the special link at the end of each email.
