Vanilla dreams - are they as harmless as they seem? Vanilla youth subculture: distinctive features.

Subcultures are replenished annually with new trends and directions, each time adding something special. If earlier more and more girls were fond of "dark" informal trends, now more and more teenagers and young ladies are becoming "vanillas". This is a more or less neutral youth subculture that does not cause sharp aggression among peers, but still sometimes causes ambiguous judgments and emotions. Let's figure out who they are - vanilla?

Vanillas: a general characteristic of a "cute" subculture

If we draw an analogy with other youth subcultures, then vanillas are something between sad emo (only without the desire to die tomorrow) and glamorous "deffchenki". They like to show all the tragedy, write several posts about it in their LiveJournal or blog, and sometimes cry on the windowsill of their room or educational institution. Representatives of this direction are often sure that the world around is cruel and unfair, and they are the only carriers of kind, bright, good.

They also try to stand out from the crowd not so much with their appearance as with their intellect. Reading books is an almost obligatory attribute of vanillism. At the same time, literature with which you can “catch” a typical vanilla is not just another love story, but something deeper and even slightly pretentious.

vanilla relationship

The place of the task “find yourself a boyfriend” is in the top 10 of almost all representatives of the vanilla subculture: for some it is lost in the middle, and for some it is really necessary to always be in a pair. Vanilla girls can dedicate a lot of time and resources to searching for “that very” prince. They look for them almost everywhere: on social networks, on the pre-dawn platforms of railway stations, in bookstores, on roller-dromes, in movie theaters and in line for fresh buns. It is important for them that the guy supports their belief in the fragility of the soul, protects them from the outside world and can keep up the conversation in the evening about the latest bestseller by Paolo Coelho. Vanillas like guys with an interesting profession: photographers, musicians, philosophers.

Often, girls of this trend can shed tears over trifles: from the fact that there is no guy or because he did not leave a smiley at the end of the sentence. At the same time, the girl will not suffer anywhere: she will hold back her tears, but she will reach a more romantic and suitable place - a cafe or an embankment.

Vanilla Problems: Should Parents Worry?

Subcultures have always been a concern for parents:

  • Does it harm the psyche of a teenager?
  • Where it leads?
  • Will we lose control and authority?

And there are many more questions that anxious parents ask psychologists. The subculture of vanilla is not as well studied by scientists as, for example, the direction of the Goths or skinheads. Nevertheless, we can already name some recommendations for moms and dads of similar vanillas. Despite the fact that this direction in behavior and worldview is not so critical and scary, there are some alarming bells that are worth remembering:

  • Constant "hanging out on social networks" - girls can scroll through the feed all day long, look at photos, read posts and put their whole life on display. This is not always good, because there must be real life, not virtual.
  • "The cult of depression" - often vanilla sticks to their problems, and sometimes they come up with them themselves.
  • Bad habits - often vanillism is accompanied by smoking. Getting depressed with a menthol cigarette is much easier than with an apple.

What are Vanillas wearing?

How do Vanillas dress? Their style can be called street or casual. Vanilla girls love comfort, so in their wardrobe you will not find frilly dresses or shoes with 18 cm heels. They prefer comfortable shoes and comfortable clothes. Most often it is:

  • Warm uggs.
  • Jeans (tight).
  • Snudy.
  • Hoodies.
  • Ballet shoes.
  • Snickers etc.

Also, the vanilla style provides original tights, gloves or vests. Also, the vanilla image is complemented by glasses in a massive frame. At the same time, girls often wear simple "zero" glasses, and not lenses for people with vision problems.

As for the shades, most often these are delicate and pastel colors. The trend is beige-coffee shades, which are complemented by marshmallow pink, mint green or soft purple. The style includes airy skirts and blouses made of soft fabrics.

When it gets cooler outside, vanillas wrap themselves in denim vests, plaid shirts and ripped jeans. The image is complemented by massive scarves or snoods. It is also difficult to imagine the image of vanilla without t-shirts with various prints. Most often, this is something like I love NY or images of flags of European countries or Mother America.

Accessories in the form of vanilla

Vanilla clothes are complemented with various accessories. Their box will surprise you with its variety. Here you can find:

  • Earrings (rings, carnations in the form of flowers, animals, symbols).
  • Rings.
  • Brooches.
  • Pendants.
  • Bracelets.

Often, representatives of the vanilla subculture wear jewelry made of plastic in the form of flags of different countries. Earrings with bows, brooches with ribbons, hairpins with beads - all here. Often, jewelry is made in a retro style, which adds charm to the image. Watches with a large dial are also perfect.

Scarves are a separate issue. There can be a large number of them - from light and barely noticeable on the neck to massive, warm, in which you can wrap yourself from head to toe. Glasses can be different, but preferably with a massive frame. Retro style will not be superfluous here either.

Makeup and hairstyle vanilla

Vanilla girls don't bother with styling too much. An ordinary bunch, collected with an elastic band, is quite suitable. Besides, the freer it is made, the better. Also, girls can show imagination and perseverance and braid pigtails in the most interesting way.

As for makeup, gentle pastel colors are welcome. No black shadows to the eyebrows or blue lipstick. Everything should be nice and harmonious.

What kind of music do vanillas listen to?

What are vanillas listening to? There is no specific and unique musical genre. It is difficult to single it out, since a lot can affect the subtle soul of a vanilla girl. However, vanillas are unlikely to listen to heavy rock or too bass club music. Most often it is something tender, touching, preferably about unrequited love or the cruelty of the world. These can be compositions in the style of minimal or india. The main thing is that you can find the hidden meaning in the words and apply it to your life situation. In the vanilla playlist, such performers are often “heard” to the creak:

  • Marseilles.
  • Maksim.
  • "No Ticket".
  • Zemfira.
  • Fleur.
  • Bahh Tee.

Vanillas often listen to foreign performers and often know the literary translation of songs.

What are they reading?

This is one of the few modern subcultures that has a positive attitude towards books. What do vanillas read? Representatives of this trend give particular preference to Western literature. There is no specific list of books that every girl who considers herself a vanilla is literally required to read. On her shelf you can find any book that will match her current inner state. Nevertheless, the majority still either reads or at least has an idea about such authors as:

  • Paolo Coelho.
  • Haruki Murakami.
  • Leon Wisniewski.
  • Lindsay Kelk.
  • Cecilia Ahern.
  • Frederic Begbeder.

Quotes from the work of these writers can often be seen on the walls and in vanilla statuses. They often publish them with touching photographs, moreover, copyrighted and often taken with a good camera.

The process of reading itself sometimes turns into a ceremony. It can be a cafe in the style of a New York morning, a book over a cup of coffee, reading on the grass in the park, on the banks of the river, and the traditional version - on the windowsill, wrapped in a warm checkered blanket and with a huge cup of something hot.

Vanilla hobby: what do they do besides throwing?

What do vanillas like to do in their free time? Photography is gaining the greatest popularity among all their hobbies. Photo art becomes the main passion of the representatives of this subculture. It was thanks to the photos taken by them that the Internet community learned about this direction in style.

Many girls walk around with professional cameras and take pictures of the world around them. Not all of them are really professionals, but still such a hobby is quite useful and introduces you to the beautiful.

What Vanillas Photograph

If you go to the Instagram profile of a typical representative of vanilla, you can see a lot of different photos. But there is something that unites them - this is romance, a kind of childish spontaneity and emotionality. A moment of fleeting sadness or inexplicable joy can be captured here. Often girls take pictures of faces, but somehow veiled. Vanillas also like to take pictures of various goodies, rainy skies, reflections of clouds in puddles, books, cups of coffee and the road.

Vanillas on social networks

What do vanillas post? Everything is romantic, unusual and with a deep meaning. Often these are photographs taken by them in the park or the most fashionable cafe in the city.

Attitude towards vanilla in society

Subcultures always cause an ambiguous attitude from society. Often this is due to the fact that representatives of non-standard directions attract a lot of attention and stand out too much from the crowd. The relatively young vanilla subculture faced some rejection, especially from peers. The adult generation does not particularly express its cardinal attitude towards such a subculture. Mostly older people will not distinguish an ordinary girl from vanilla.

It is worth noting that, nevertheless, most young people are very condescending towards vanilla girls. Moreover, many girls from 15 to 22 do not mind joining this subculture themselves.

Why vanilla can cause aggression?

It is difficult to find the answer to the question "What is negative about vanilla?" After all, beauty, romance and slight naivety cannot cause negativity on the part of peers. Vanillas dream of London, delicious coffee in the morning and a handsome prince who will protect them from the hardships of the outside hard world. They live by photography, with the help of which they convey their attitude to the world. All this, if you follow sound logic, should not cause aggression and negativity.

It is difficult to say that a burst of anger can be provoked by a romantic style in clothes and cute makeup. They are elegant, stylish and good-natured. The image of a thoughtful girl sitting on the windowsill in an embrace with a cup of coffee cannot cause a boorish attitude.

But still, sometimes there is a place for the manifestation of negativity. It is mainly connected with the fact that they make fun of vanilla. The "gags" dealt with their love of relationship quotes, their tendency to wear matching t-shirts and always have their head in the clouds. Also, many note that vanillas always want to stand out from the crowd, but in the same desire they become the same.

How to become vanilla?

More and more girls are interested in how to become representatives of this subculture. It is worth noting that real vanilla is not only a style of clothing and image, but also a state of mind. The right vanilla princesses are creative natures that improve themselves and the world around them. They live in their reality, where there is no place for lust and anger.

If we talk about external paraphernalia, you can not do without some features of the wardrobe. Try to look airy and fragile, without flashy colors and massive details. If you wear a dress - it should not be too short. Loose fit, fabrics of delicate shades and unobtrusive decor will make the look quite vanilla. In the cold season, knitwear, long warm scarves and cute mittens are suitable. It is difficult to imagine vanilla, shod in high boots with uncomfortable heels. Soft ugg boots - that's it! Also, a real must have for a vanilla girl is a white T-shirt with a print of a European city and the flag of the country she dreams about. Most often it is Britain.

Under the created image, real femininity and purity should be hidden. A true vanilla princess won't gossip or spread bad rumors about her friends. She reads a lot, develops and tries to decorate her world with everything unusual, beautiful and tender.

what does vanilla girl mean? You need to understand that every teenager considers himself the navel of the universe. Therefore, he wants to stand out from the crowd, especially this desire is experienced girls 13-15 years old. Some girls are naturally attractive, and they don't have to make any effort to drive the guys they know crazy. Others are left to spend hours in front of the mirror, choosing their style in order to become more visible and bright. Today, fortunately, many fashionable subcultures are open for girls, which will allow them to become not like everyone else. Many today are interested what does vanilla girl mean? However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you a couple of interesting publications on the subject of fashion slang. For example, what does Antistyler mean, how to understand the word Sadboy, what is Outfit, what does Duckface mean, etc.

Relatively recently, namely in 2010, our teenagers copied and pasted another subculture called " vanilla", the word can be translated as "vanilla", and at the same time this concept has a couple more meanings - this is " boring', 'depressive'.

vanilla girl- this is a new generation of pedovni, they pretend to be a girl with a fine organization, their hair is gathered in a bun (bun), T-shirts with the British flag or "I Love NY" are required, they carry large professional cameras everywhere with them to take selfies, put on glasses with huge glasses. Constantly changing statuses, for example "I listen to music, sit on the windowsill and think about you"

vanilla- this is a girl pretending to be an intellectual with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other, she considers herself a talented writer and photographer

Usually girls vanilla watch their diet, they look very attractive, although some of them resemble anorexics. Vanilla baby will always choose clothes with great taste, while hanging on herself a lot of different accessories, such as ornate jewelry, all kinds of headbands, bows, long chains, massive pendants, etc. Vanillas also love elegant handbags with long straps, which become their indispensable attribute.

hairstyles vanilla girls are surprised by their diversity. However, do not think that they are stupid empty shells. In fact, each of them has a hobby for the soul, which allows them to express themselves. Usually, if you meet a skinny girl with oversized dark glasses, bright hair, an "I Love London" T-shirt, and a three-kilogram camera, then naming this individual Vanilla, you can't go wrong.

These young ladies try to lead very extravagant way of life, they visit nightclubs, hang out at appointments, visit trendy restaurants. After such adventures, the next day, a detailed photo report is laid out without fail, which, by and large, is of no interest to anyone, except for her and several friends.

Besides the girl vanilla adore reading, although her love is of a specific nature. She reads books, not for pleasure, but for fishing out smart thoughts, which her admirers can then see in the status of this young lady, as a caption for a photograph, made very creatively using Photoshop.

Feeling like she has seen a lot in her lifetime, such a 15-year-old individual begins to express her thoughts on paper, creating small Essays, novels or stories. For such a creative fuse, she needs self-righteousness, a sense of being needed and belonging to a subculture vanilla with whom she communicates on the Internet.

Most of the gadgets that use vanilla, emphasize its elitism. After all, not everyone can buy the company's products. Apple and this young lady has a complete set.

The most powerful impetus to create their works is the negative side of life. Especially when the romantic relationship she so carefully nurtured turns to dust. Unhappy love turns her life around and puts a well-known pose in everything. After that, she suddenly wakes up a gift to express her thoughts on paper. After all, for vanilla, the most important and important object for reverence and love is her man. If she is doing well, then she tells the whole world about it, posting happy selfies and romantic comments. Reports are constantly updated about her relationship with her beloved, photo albums are full of thousands of photographs of the same type, which depict a happy SHE and her boyfriend. After the breakup, there is a series of dark days when she wants to be alone, and at the same time she experiences perverse pleasure from the whole situation.

After reading this short article, you learned what it means vanilla, and with what it is eaten.

More and more often on the Internet you can meet a society of girls "vanilla". This new direction is gaining great popularity among young girls from 12 to 16 years old. Let's try to figure out who the vanilla girls are and what they are vanilla style

By the way, if among the readers there are those who adhere to this style or, at least in some way, are familiar with it, we are waiting for you in the comments. It will be useful and very interesting to know the opinion of a true vanilla girl on this material.

Having studied many articles on the topic of vanilla on the Internet, this is the picture:

Vanilla style was first born in South America and Western Europe, where young ladies were very tired of the lustful attitude towards them of the opposite sex. After thinking it over properly, they came to the conclusion that changing their attitude towards themselves must begin with changing themselves: with clothes and behavior (a very wise decision;)). After all, ultra-short, low-cut T-shirt, a mate in conversation and a cigarette in hand, do not at all evoke tender feelings in the opposite sex. So they decided to radically change their wardrobe, their vocabulary and their behavior.

Short shorts, too-open dresses, tight jeans were replaced by cute, girlish sundresses made of soft flowing materials in a floral print. Heels were exchanged for comfortable pumps and ballet flats, for airy skirts of delicate colors, and make-up that was not age-appropriate was completely removed or only the most delicate part of it was left: soft pink lipstick, a little bit of blush and a little mascara on the eyelashes.

Having changed their appearance, the girls went even further: they began to read romantic books about love, and listen to appropriate music. Once again, dreams of princes returned to young heads, and they began to look at life through “rose-colored glasses” (which is quite natural at this age).

More recently, the ranks of youth movements have replenished with a new style, representatives of which are exclusively girls. This subculture is called vanilla. We can say that this style appeared due to a mixture of two directions - emo and glamour. Vanilla girls love to cry and portray a tragic mental breakdown, but with all this they do not shy away from glamor. As a rule, vanillas grow in the family of wealthy parents - this is perhaps their main feature. It should be noted that these girls are quite sensitive and emotional, they live in a romantic world and try to bring their favorite pictures to life.

How do Vanillas dress?

Many modern girls, aged 12 to 16, are haunted by the newfangled youth direction, and most importantly, they are tormented by questions - how do vanilla differ from ordinary girls and how to become one of them? Becoming a representative of this movement is quite simple, since the vanilla style has a number of characteristic attributes that are manifested in hairstyle, clothing, and also in demeanor.

Vanilla girls prefer T-shirts with the British flag, or with the words "I love you (NY, coffee, London, New York, Paris)". Representatives of this subculture often wear tinted glasses or ordinary ones with plain glasses to maintain a more "smart" look. As shoes, depending on the season, vanillas prefer uggs, high heels or large multi-colored sneakers. As for the hairstyle, most often it is carelessly loose hair and always a bang covering one eye or a hastily collected uneven bun of hair. The final image of a real vanilla is completed by the presence of an expensive professional camera, with which they convey their emotional mood.

How are vanilla dyed?

In order to give their image tenderness and subtlety, vanillas almost do not use cosmetics, since they are not supporters of artificial beauty. The basis of their attractiveness is naturalness, grooming and sophistication. But if, nevertheless, the vanilla girl has makeup, then usually it is pale pink lipstick, a slight blush on her cheeks and long black eyelashes.

What are vanillas listening to?

We have already said that vanilla girls are too romantic girls and are unlikely to listen to rock or club music. They prefer songs about love and unrequited feelings, so they prefer pop of different directions. Among foreign performers, vanilla is loved by Morcheeba, Sade, Emily Wells, Lenka, and Zemfira, Bahh Tee, Lil Kate, Maxim, Loc Dog, Marseille, Fleur - this is the best thing that real vanilla listens from Russian performers.

What do vanillas read?

Unlike other contemporary youth movements, Vanillas love to read and have a greater preference for Western literature. On their shelf you can find absolutely any book that will match their refined and delicate taste. Some of the most beloved vanilla authors are the philosophical Paulo Coelho and the cynical Begbeder.

What do vanilla love?

Vanilla girls like to stand out from the crowd and try to maintain their status. For example, they constantly drink coffee with a cigarette. They are attracted by both the process of preparing this drink and its impeccable taste. They like to smoke vanilla-flavored cigarettes, but it should be noted that most likely they are more attracted to the charm of a flying smoke trickle than the taste of nicotine itself.

Vanillas love to sit at the huge windows on the wide windowsill and peer into the endless distances, and at night they sleep with teddy bears and are huge fans of flowers.

They spend most of their free time on social networks, where they post their own photos and write favorite quotes from their favorite books. From this we can conclude that vanillas chose this style not for themselves, but first of all for others, in order to notice them - gentle and romantic girls.

The ranks of youth subcultures have recently replenished with a new one, moreover, one hundred percent girlish. These are the so-called "vanillas". The attitude of society towards them is more or less neutral, perhaps because the majority simply does not yet know who and what it is, while among young people it is extremely ambiguous. Adherents of the new cult glorify their ideals, and its enemies, at best, twist a finger to their temples, at worst, use strong language. The Vanilla subculture was explored by the Portal Browser.

Who are these "vanillas"?

To put it simply, this is something between emo crybabies and those girls who are disparagingly called “glamorous kitty” on blogs. Vanillas love to cry and wring their hands, although they try to demonstrate “restrained tragedy” to the public, and they are not at all alien to glamour. The main distinguishing feature of these girls is that they have wealthy parents; in families with an average income, vanilla flowers usually do not grow.

These are pretty, in general, girls who believe that the world is hostile and cruel, and they are the only bearers of a bright and romantic beginning in it. And since the world, in their opinion, is also stupid, so is the intellect.

Vanillas pride themselves on being well-read and that they choose "real" literature rather than some romance novels. In practice, this is expressed in the fact that in the subway or in a cafe they defiantly bump into pseudo-philosophical pop music like Coelho, and at home they hide sugar-treacle (that is, sorry, candy-vanilla) stories about beautiful princes under their pillows.

Vanilla personal life

Speaking of princes. The search for the latter is devoted to all the thoughts, time and energy of the average vanilla. At the same time, princes are searched indiscriminately, anywhere: from social networks, from which vanilla does not crawl out, to international train cars. The requirement for a man of dreams, in essence, is one: he must be well provided for in order to take the baton of her content from the hands of vanilla parents. He must also be able to keep up the conversation about Coelho and have a certain position in society (say, be the head of something, a fashion photographer or the owner of a company), since vanillas are extremely sensitive to both Coelho and social position. As a result, vanillas spend their time chasing young men from non-poor families and financially wealthy middle-aged men (20 years older than the girls themselves).

Love-carrots in different variations (besides communication in social networks) is the main occupation of vanilla, during which she will find hundreds and thousands of reasons to shed tears of a broken heart and trampled ideals, because her feelings are the biggest and brightest, which no one else is capable of ( except, perhaps, another vanilla). Moreover, unlike emo, crying anywhere and anyhow, vanilla will heroically hold back tears, and as decorations for her glamorous drama she will choose expensive coffee houses, preferably, of course, in London or New York, but that's how it will turn out. There she will sit and envy Kate Middleton, smoking sweet-smelling cigarettes, drinking oversweetened coffee, banging on the laptop keyboard, complaining to her friends on VKontakte and simultaneously posting her nude photo shoots on Facebook, but with hair covering her face.

However, it is still more or less harmless. Worse, when vanillas on the basis of Coelho and personal disappointments are fond of some kind of Sikhism or acquire left-wing political views (yes, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe glamorous revolution in the heads of older representatives of this subculture occupies a significant place). In these cases, people around can only pray that at least some, even the most overwhelming prince, will be caught on the vanilla's life path. Preferably someone who can't run fast.

In general, in the very image of outwardly prosperous, decent and romantic quiet girls who prefer "natural" beauty, there is a deep contradiction: what kind of health care can there be and what natural beauty if the girl smokes like a steam locomotive, even if it smells like cigarettes vanilla? And no matter how much the adult creators of the site promote quitting smoking, alcohol and high heels as harmful to health, youth practice, as usual, turns out to be far from the wishes of older people.

How to distinguish vanilla from a normal girl?

british flag t-shirts or 'I love London (New York, Paris, coffee, you)' t-shirts, the latest fashion wardrobe, often dark or plain glasses for a smart look, and messy hair : according to vanilla, intellectual women go exclusively with disheveled hair. Also a distinguishing feature is the presence of an expensive camera, which vanilla somehow knows how to use.

Communication: vanilla is always in sadness, sometimes in hysterics, whimpers and complains, talks a lot about books, even if she didn’t read them, but saw a review in a glossy magazine - this, from the vanilla’s point of view, is an indicator of the author’s steepness. A guaranteed sign is the use of quotes from books or films with hard-to-pronounce titles as a status on social networks. Vanilka has a special quote book, in which she enters all the "cool" quotes in order to flaunt them on occasion. Communication between the representatives of the subculture themselves proceeds with the help of photographs, and girlfriends may well roll up scandals to each other on the topic “What did you mean by posting such a photo ?!”. If you have witnessed such a quarrel, you can be 100% sure that you are watching vanilla in all its glory.

Bad habits: abuse of cigarettes and alcohol, the use of obscene words, accompanied by a glamorous grimace on a tender face (“And I didn’t want to swear, otherwise you won’t say otherwise!”), promiscuity in the means of achieving goals.

Perhaps the most serious drawback of this category of girls is the vague ethical standards when it comes to achieving popularity and interacting with other people. The word “dishonorable” is absent in the vanilla lexicon, they easily and defiantly blurt out the most intimate secrets of their girlfriends both in life and in the same social networks, therefore, in dealing with them, despite their pink and fluffy appearance, care should be taken.

If we talk about images in the cinema, then the closest thing to vanilla are the "bounty" from "Mean Girls" - in almost everything, with the exception, perhaps, of books in hands and eternal depression. You can watch and draw conclusions.

Parents: vanilla problems

The vanilla subculture has not yet been studied by psychologists and psychiatrists due to the fact that it appeared not just recently, but quite recently. Of course, in the next couple of years they will also “count” it, as happened with the Goths and Emo, and will give detailed assessments and recommendations to parents. In the meantime, you can pay attention to the advice of experts regarding subcultures in general.

The very fact that a child belongs to a certain subculture is already a wake-up call for parental consciousness. External well-being (“well-fed, dressed, I don’t spare any money for her!”) Is not always accompanied by internal, psychological well-being.

Accepting the images of identity and conflict resolution offered by the subcultural community, the child can easily lose himself. Even if your daughter is just copying the “vanilla girl” look.

In addition to hanging out in social networks for many hours and Internet addiction, “vanillas”, like emo, have a cult of depression, and inclusion in such a subculture, despite the outwardly innocent appearance of its representatives (“good girl, excellent student, no problems with her”), may well lead to identity crises and neuroses. Not to mention cigarettes and coffee, which are obligatory for “vanilla”, which cause very real harm to health.

In the event that inclusion in the subcultural environment is caused by existing internal problems, contacting a specialist who will help get the girl out of a depressive state and cope with Internet addiction is more than justified.

Teresa Reneva

Photo from the site
