Vintage wedding dresses: photos, fashionable images, bouquet in vintage style. Wedding in vintage style Bouquet of fabric flowers in vintage style

Friends, hello everyone! I couldn’t ignore such a wonderful and airy topic as wedding fashion in my blog. Looking like a princess at the main and most romantic celebration in life is the dream of every girl. But at the same time, any girl dreams of being favorably different from the typical images of brides, without being too eccentric. Today I want to show you vintage wedding dresses on the blog, and also tell you how to create a wedding look in the same style. Enjoy watching!

What is vintage style

Oddly enough, the word vintage first appeared not in the world of fashion, but was invented by winemakers for wine that had been aged for many years. The vintage style itself can be described by the same epithets as aged wine: ideal, long-lasting. In fact, the vintage style of clothing has essentially never existed, although we can see it seasonally in the leading trends of world fashion houses. Vintage things are nothing more than things that appeared in the middle of the 20th century. Vintage style also includes artificially aged items that have been given a “second life.” In the world of wedding fashion, vintage dresses are becoming increasingly popular.

Vintage wedding dresses

I don’t want to write a lot about vintage stylish wedding dresses, because it’s better to look through different options, which is why I’ve made a selection of interesting models for you. One of the features of a vintage bride's dress is the sophisticated silhouette and elegance of the entire look.


What accessories should a bride choose to create a vintage look? An excellent solution would be to wear gloves, and they can be of different lengths. If you don’t want a veil, you can replace it with a beautiful hat with a mesh or a large hairpin in the form of a brooch. For jewelry, choose natural pearls, both for earrings and bracelets. Try to use more lace elements in your look, just like choosing a dress made primarily of lace. You can emphasize your waist with a belt in the form of a neat bow.

Bridal bouquet in vintage style

What bride doesn't think about such an important thing as a wedding bouquet? The bouquet is designed to complement the image; this element attracts special attention. One of the interesting options would be to choose a bouquet made from fabric, the same as the bride’s dress. Flowers can also be made from polymer clay or cold porcelain; the bouquet design may include lace and beads. Such a bouquet will definitely delight you and remind you of the most important event all your life. I also found several options for vintage wedding bouquets, see photos below.

A wedding is one of the most significant events in the life of every girl, so choosing a beautiful and stylish outfit becomes an integral part of preparing for the celebration. Vintage wedding dresses will allow you to create a fashionable and stunning look, but don't forget to pay attention to things like shoes, jewelry and the bride's bouquet. Makeup and hairstyle also play a big role in creating a complete look. Don’t be afraid to experiment, and most importantly, show your individuality. Good luck in your fashion endeavors!

In the old days, mini-compositions of graceful roses, greenery and white flowers were decorated with openwork snow-white braid, fastened with cameos and their legs were wrapped in precious lace.

A bouquet of orange blossoms, of course, was considered ideal, but it is unlikely that now it will be possible to get flowers from orange trees.

Delicate winter wedding bouquet of brooches

Yes, this is not necessary: ​​getting fresh flowers in winter during the bygone era was unrealistic. However, no one canceled the wedding because of this!

The young ladies made do with... no, not artificial flowers. Fashionistas of those times sported bouquets made from brooches and cameos.

And the word “managed” doesn’t really apply to them, because often the designs of the bouquets were real works of art, richly inlaid with real precious stones!

And their basis was frames twisted from gold and silver threads.

Wedding vintage bouquet of brooches

What should a 21st century beauty who wants to do? After all, the average salary can only provide the classic set of a charming woman - a couple of rings, earrings and a chain made of precious metal, and this is at best?

Let's figure it out now!

Winter bouquet in vintage style: DIY retro

For a modern miracle in retro style, bronze wire, vintage brooches, large earrings, rhinestones and beads that can be strung, pendants are suitable - there is only one rule. It is necessary that the main part of all this abundance matches the color of the dress and imitates genuine jewelry that has become tarnished with age.

You can make such an exquisite vintage bouquet of brooches with your own hands using our MK!

Such a rare bouquet will turn out to be somewhat heavy, and you will need to throw it with caution. On the other hand, no one can boast of such a masterpiece!

Vintage wedding bouquet of brooches: what you need

We select everything you need. There is no need to rush to an antique store, just focus on looking for retro jewelry.

You can gut your grandmother’s jewelry boxes and visit your friends, but in general, vintage jewelry is now at the peak of fashion, and stores are probably full of it. It’s also worth looking for it on the Internet and saving at least a little.

Delicate bouquet of brooches for a wedding

DIY vintage wedding bouquet: instructions

Preparing wire for a vintage wedding bouquet

You can age the wire for the frame yourself. It must be copper, and before processing it must be thoroughly scratched with sandpaper.

Set the egg to boil hard (in a large bowl, which you don’t mind), and get down to business:

  • Rubbed? Cooked? Don't throw away the water. Break the egg (you can directly in the shell) and put it back; Dip the wire there too. Naturally, water should cover it completely and with reserve;
  • Let the contents simmer over low heat, covered. After 20-10 minutes. The wire will turn gray - look at it periodically. If it turns green, overexpose it. Therefore, it is better to practice on a small piece first;
  • Ready? Take it out, dry it and sand it here and there to create shiny abrasions;

Collecting flowers from vintage brooches

Vintage wedding bouquet beige and blue

Decide on the length of the “stems” and their number. Now you can start stringing - secure each “flower” separately.

Vintage wedding bouquet: the final stage

Gather the resulting flowers into a tight bun and wrap their “legs” with the same wire. You can wrap the “cuts” with the finest golden lace or a piece of shimmering taffeta.

Vintage (from English. Vintage- wine aging) is a popular style in fashion and design. Vintage is considered to be things that were fashionable among previous generations, i.e. have undergone “aging” over time (similar to wine aging). Vintage style includes everything that was fashionable 30-60 years ago. Over 60 years old is already retro or antique.

In recent years, the vintage style has been very popular in floristry, especially in weddings. Florist designers create bouquets of flowers that were fashionable 30-40 years ago.

Let's try to create a vintage wedding bouquet with our own hands. What flowers did brides wear down the aisle in the second half of the last century? How to “age” a bride’s bouquet by 30-40 years?

The master class is conducted by florist-designer Michelle Tuccillo. In this video tutorial, she tells and shows us how you can add a vintage style to the bride's bouquet using simple techniques that anyone can do on their own, with their own hands.

Michelle prepared a large, bright, round bridal bouquet made up of roses, freesias, greenery and other flowers. The bouquet is voluminous, textured, and has a rich color scheme. Such bouquets were in fashion 30 years ago.

To emphasize the vintage style of the bride's bouquet, you can add several decorative elements that were especially fashionable in the second half of the last century. Michelle offers several options for decorating a bouquet in a vintage style.

1. The stem of the bouquet can be wrapped in lace or wide openwork white braid. This type of braid was very popular in the 70s of the 20th century; it was used to make frills on dresses and decorate cuffs and collars. It is likely that in those years brides decorated their bouquets with the same lace.

2. Michelle advises pinning a cameo-shaped brooch on the stem of the bouquet. A cameo always looks very stylish.

4. The stem of the bouquet can be wrapped with a decorative cord. To make it stick better, it should be glued with glue.

5. Braid with fringe and beads. This is the latest fashion. This fringe can be made with your own hands and knitted in the form of macrame. For those who do beading, crocheting or know how to make macrame, this is not a problem. Beautiful beads can be taken from your mother's old beads.

We got a magnificent bridal bouquet. A few simple details transformed it from a regular bridal bouquet into a trendy vintage style bouquet.

Video prepared eHow.

The bride and groom want their wedding day to be an outstanding event in their lives, unforgettable for themselves and for those invited. Celebration options with fireworks, limousines, chic outfits are considered banal - this will not surprise anyone. What can we come up with something new to surprise everyone? Let us remember the well-known saying: “Everything new is well-forgotten old.” Let's go back in time, bring back the old fashion, but in a new guise. A vintage style wedding is just what you need!

What is vintage?

Vintage fashion has firmly entered our modern life. The word “vintage” means all the most beautiful and fashionable things that happened in the past. For example, an antique ball gown lying in a grandmother’s chest or family jewelry kept in a box for centuries.

This new retro style is associated with good taste and quality and is gradually replacing brazen glamor. Vintage style (antique) is present not only in clothing, it has taken root well in furniture, in apartment design, and even in the design of mobile phones.

It is important not to confuse retro style with second-hand clothing. The thing should not be old, but antique, almost antique. Items under 20 years old are not used here. Vintage style allows you to create your own individual image and not be like anyone else.

A vintage wedding is characterized by a combination of simplicity and elegance; memories of it will warm the souls of everyone present for a long time.

Where to start planning a wedding?

To clearly maintain your style, first decide what time period you want to move to. Maybe you want to be in the 30s or 70s of the last century, or dare to try on the century before last?

Having decided on the era, study the fashion trends of those times, try to choose suitable clothes and accessories. To more accurately reproduce this, watch films, photographs, and postcards from past eras.

Invitation decor in vintage style

Do you want to impress your guests from the first minute? Then prepare original wedding invitations.

You can really make a vintage invitation card with your own hands. Make inscriptions in an old font and ink. On one side of the card, let there be an invitation text, and on the other, an aged photograph of the newlyweds

Invitation cards in the style of an ancient ancient Russian letter, rolled into a roll and tied with ribbons, will look interesting.

Wedding invitations decorated with various details - satin bows, lace, beads, artificial flowers - are particularly charming.

When inviting guests, discuss the wedding theme and dress code with them. Let the ladies wear light, discreet dresses and elegant veils, and the men decorate their outfit with a bow tie and suspenders.

The vintage palette should not contain bright, provocative colors. Try to choose soft, calm pastel shades. Mostly it is coffee with milk, white, pale pink, splashes of champagne. Soft green and light blue are also acceptable.

Vintage outfits of newlyweds and guests

A vintage-style bride's dress does not have to be white; beige or light pink is quite suitable. Dresses are embroidered with lace, beads or decorative beads. On the head, instead of a veil, there is an elegant veil, hat or brooch.

Shoes, lace stockings and gloves are selected to match the dress.

Lace is a staple element of vintage style. A pearl necklace will fit well into the overall look. The bride's hairstyle, makeup and jewelry should be elegant and discreet.

The defining features of the groom's suit will be suspenders or a vest, a tie, and a hat. A bow tie will look original. Decorate the suit with a flower boutonniere and a watch on a chain.

Guests at a vintage-style wedding can be dressed either casually or stylized: girls in dresses of the same color, guys in vests or with suspenders. It’s good when the same hair clips and bouquets are used.

Vintage wedding bouquet and boutonniere

The bride's bouquet is chosen to match the dress; it should be simple and stylish at the same time. It includes flowers that were in the bouquets of brides of previous generations. A combination of the following flowers is ideal for a vintage style: violets, jasmine, pansies, peony. Let the bouquet be small, modest, without modern decorations.

Bridesmaids can also have small bouquets.

There must be a boutonniere in the buttonhole of the groom's jacket - cute and original, eye-catching. Ideally, with the same flowers that the bride is holding.

Vintage style wedding venue

An ideal place for the event would be an elegant place somewhere in nature - a flowering garden, a seashore or river bank, a sunny forest clearing.

If the wedding is planned for the cool season, it is better to hold it in a good classic restaurant or estate, which will be decorated in the desired style - soft fabrics, pastel colors. The design should evoke a feeling of comfort and warmth.

Banquet hall decoration for a vintage wedding

Guests will be pleasantly surprised when they see a wish tree in front of the entrance to the wedding hall. Cards decorated with miniature ribbons with wishes for the newlyweds are attached to it. This tree is woven from thick wire.

The decor of the wedding hall is done in the same style, everything is harmonious and beautiful. Serving items - antique dishes, lace napkins of muted colors. Furniture decorated with soft flowing fabrics and floral patterns will make the room fabulously beautiful. Forged candlesticks, mirrors in antique frames, cages with birds, porcelain and copper figurines will add romance.

Music will create a romantic mood for wedding guests; they will be enchanted by the melody sounding from an old gramophone or gramophone.

See the video for an example of decorating a hall for a vintage wedding.

Wedding table decoration

Bouquets of flowers in vases, stylish napkins decorated with artificial flowers, pearl threads, and lace will add special presentability to the tables. The backs of the chairs are tied with elegant ribbons or satin fabric.

To decorate the hall, you can use floral garlands made of openwork paper, antique lanterns, and serpentine. An original solution would be a wedding photo stand - decorating one wall with antique photographs of the newlyweds, in beautiful frames.

Dishes for a wedding in vintage style do not have to be prepared according to grandma’s recipes; they can be quite modern dishes, but unusually decorated

The most anticipated moment will be the appearance of the wedding cake - airy and light, a real culinary masterpiece, decorated with confectionery lace.

At the end of the celebration, the newlyweds can give their guests small gifts - sweets, badges and other little things hidden in elegant vintage wedding bonbonnieres.

Wedding procession

A wedding cortege headed by a retro car, festively decorated with flowers and ribbons, will create a real sensation. The car, like all other attributes of a vintage-style wedding, must correspond to the chosen era.
