Pattern of a direct sundress for full. Sundress dress - a universal model for any figure

In the wardrobe of any modern woman there should be a warm sundress, regardless of her status and age. In addition to the fact that this thing has a lot of decorative functions, it also warms perfectly, because such clothes are sewn exclusively from high-quality, pleasant to the body and warm materials. If you decorate it with some stylish appliqué, it will turn out to be incredibly fashionable and stylish. Today we will tell you how to sew a warm sundress with your own hands quickly and without a pattern.

What material to choose for sewing a warm sundress for the winter?

If you want to sew a winter sundress with your own hands, then when choosing a fabric, it is better to focus on fleece, because this is a universal material. It is great for sewing not only clothes, but also toys, blankets and many other things.

For children, this is generally the most suitable option, in addition, it is easy to sew from it for both experienced craftswomen and needlewomen who are just starting their creative journey. Fleece is good because:

  • does not move when cutting;
  • does not crumble along the edges;
  • does not need heat treatment;
  • does not wrinkle;
  • even uneven lines on it are almost invisible.

Making a warm sundress for a girl for free

First of all, we will give an example of how to sew a warm sundress for a little girl. Sizes can be different both 48 and 52.

Important! For a child, this is a great option for everyday wear, although it can even be worn for a matinee or other solemn event, if you choose the right additional wardrobe items, shoes and accessories. The scheme is simple.

Sew a beautiful sundress for your baby according to this pattern:

  • Fold the fabric inward with the front side, as we will cut along the edge. Put some thing on top of your daughter, guided by it, circle the contours of the dress with chalk. Back off 3-4 cm from each edge.

Important! If you decide to use a jacket as a template, then simply extend the bottom edge of the product to the required length.

  • Cut out the back pieces first, then the front. On the front, slightly deepen the neck.
  • Now we need to make an application. Cut out the contours of the muzzle of the animal you like from a plain linen fabric. Make ears of a different color of fleece, the main thing is that it goes well with the main material in color. Just fold the pieces of fabric with the front side, transfer the pattern of the ears, lay a line along the line. Cut out the piece, then turn it inside out.
  • In the desired place, pin the ears with pins on the front of the product, then sew them. Try to close the stitched seam, put the muzzle on top, fix it, lay a zigzag stitch along the edge.
  • Paint the muzzle with acrylic waterproof paints, decorate with a small bow.
  • Fold the blank front and back inward with the front sides, align the shoulder seams. Next, grind them, overcast.
  • Finish the neck. First, lay the front neck on the fabric, circle it along the contour, step back 4-5 cm from this line. Do the same with the back neck.
  • Sew both elements of the facing.
  • Turn the product inside out to process the neck. Attach the facing part face down to the neck, align all the cuts, in this form, fix everything with pins. Lay a line along the edge so that the seam is 1 cm wide.
  • Turn the facing inside out, sweeping the edging in advance, lay the finishing line along the edge.
  • Process the armholes using the same technology that was used to finish the neckline.
  • To make a shuttlecock, cut out a rectangle with a width corresponding to twice the width of the bottom of the product. Then collect it a little, stitch it to the bottom edge of the sundress.

It's so easy to sew a warm and beautiful sundress for a baby, which she can wear anywhere.

Sewing a winter sundress for pregnant women

When a woman is in a position, waiting for the birth of a baby, she especially carefully chooses her clothes, because it is important that they be functional, comfortable, and convenient. Since the figure is rapidly changing, expectant mothers often have to update their wardrobe. If needlework is close to you, then you will like this master class, as it will describe how to sew a winter sundress with your own hands for beginners. The same material will be used - dense, warm fleece that does not irritate the skin and is light.

Important! Please note that you will wear a sundress for more than one month, so it is better to make an insert from elastic fabric in the abdomen.

Complete the tailoring of the product, following the step-by-step instructions:

  • You can use any item from your closet as a template. The product can be lengthened to wear with thick tights or shortened to look like a jacket. Decide the length of the sleeves at your discretion - as it will be convenient for you.

Important! Ask someone to help you with the measurement process. When measuring your waist, add 5-10 cm in reserve. You should get three details: for the stomach, for the chest, and a skirt. To make a belly insert, simply cut a piece of fabric to size. Make a skirt with a cutout and a straight line so that it is easier for you to move around in it.

  • Connect all parts of the future sundress, sew them.
  • Decorate the finished product with embroidery, a brooch or homemade fringe.

In such clothes, you will be comfortable, not ashamed to go not only to a scheduled appointment at the antenatal clinic, but also to some kind of holiday.

We sew a warm sundress for full ladies

A sundress can be combined with a variety of clothing options, with turtlenecks, blouses, light sweaters or worn as an independent outfit. In a cool rainy autumn, such a thing will definitely come in handy. Do not be discouraged if your figure does not have quite standard sizes, because we will tell you how to sew a warm sundress for full ones with your own hands.

Do everything according to the scheme:

  1. As a pattern, use clothes that fit your size or find a ready-made template on the Internet. There shouldn't be any problems here.
  2. Then cut the front of the panel and one piece of the front from the main and lining fabric. Do the same manipulation for the back canvas and two parts of the back.
  3. Sew all the details along the side seams, then iron the allowances.
  4. From the inside, sew folds on the canvas about ⅓ of the total length.
  5. Sweep up the top cuts. Closer to the seams, stitch each panel, fasten the details on the sides.
  6. Connect the bodice and skirt of the future sundress - it is important at the same time that the allowances look towards the bodice.
  7. Sew a zipper between the back piece and the back piece.
  8. Turn the product inside out, put the lining on top, attach it with pins along the cuts to the armholes of the straps and the neck. Unscrew the lining at a distance of 5 cm from the zipper. Next, attach it from the back to the cut of the neck.
  9. Sew seams along the edge of the neckline, armholes and shoulder straps. Trim the seam allowances at the corners.
  10. Connect the braid from the fastener and the lining.
  11. Make loops at the edges of the back straps, then attach them to the front ones, mark the sewing points for the buttons. Attach buttons.
  12. Along the bottom seam, connect the lining and the front side so that the lining is 2 cm shorter than the front part.

The styles of summer simple sundresses with an elastic band are varied - depending on the quality and pattern of the fabric, the elastic band used (thread or regular linen), the presence of straps, additional details (pockets, belt loops, applications ...)

We offer to quickly sew the simplest and easiest sundress with an elastic band; even a beginner needlewoman will cope with such work.

More than 100 ideas for sewing summer sundresses and dresses can be found.

To sew a simple sundress you will need:

  • textile;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • elastic thread

Pattern of a simple sundress

The sundress pattern consists of three parts - the main part and two straps.

The main part of the sundress is a rectangle.

The sides of the rectangle are calculated as follows:

width\u003d hip circumference + 25-30 cm for freedom of fit (this measurement depends on the quality of the fabric) + 3 cm for seam allowances; length\u003d measurement from the armpit to the desired length of the sundress + 5 (2.5 + 2.5) cm for hemming the bottom and top of the sundress + 6 additional centimeters that are necessary for freedom, because after attaching the elastic, the fabric will shrink (because e. the length of the sundress will decrease).

Straps for sundress:

two strips of fabric 8 cm wide, and the length will be determined during the fitting.

How to sew a simple sundress with an elastic band

  1. We grind the rectangle along the long sides, iron the seams. The seam will run down the back.
  2. We bend the upper cut by 1 cm, iron it, then we bend it by 1.5 cm, we iron it. We thread the elastic thread into the bobbin of the sewing machine, the finishing thread into the needle and sew a line at a distance of 1 cm from the fold. More details about the elastic thread can be found in the article. We leave the ends of the threads about 20 cm.
  3. We do a sample. Depending on the fitting - release or tighten the elastic band. (You can practice on an unnecessary piece of fabric, sew a few lines and calculate the assembly factor). We tie the ends of the threads or fasten with a machine line.
  4. Further from the first line-gum we sew a couple more parallel lines at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.
  5. Let's try again. Depending on the fitting - release or tighten the elastic band. We fix the ends of the elastic bands with a line or tie with knots.
  6. Let's do the third one. We outline with soap on the front side of the sundress a line of hips or a waist line (or you can outline a line under the chest - you get a sundress in the Greek style).
  7. We carry out a line with a finishing thread and a thread-elastic band along the intended line. If desired, you can lay a few more parallel lines.
  8. We put on a sundress, outline the line of hemming the bottom.
  9. We bend the lower section of the sundress by 1 cm, iron it, then we bend it by 1.5 cm, iron it, sew the usual line without an elastic band (hem seam with a closed cut).
  10. We iron the sundress. We do a fitting, and if everything suits, we fix the elastic bands with lines or knots.

Note! You can arrange the bodice of a sundress in different ways - for example, stitch from the top of the sundress to the waist of the line at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other (with an elastic thread in the bobbin case), like this:

Or do it like this:

Straps for sundress

A sundress with an elastic band is almost ready and you can do without straps. But if you still want to make straps, then you will need a length measure, which is very easy to determine - measure the distance from the top edge of the back to the front with a centimeter tape. To this measure, add 3 cm for hemming. Optionally, you can make straps with an elastic band. Then the length of the straps must be multiplied by 2.

We cut out the details of the straps, iron along the fold along (4 cm) with the wrong side inward, then bend the sections 1 cm inward and sew a line (the strap in finished form is 3 cm). We iron the straps, sew one short side of the straps to the sundress, do a fitting, then the other. Overlock the open sections of the straps on an overlock or zigzag.

For straps with an elastic band, we outline two parallel lines in the middle, sew with a rubber band and then sew to a sundress like ordinary straps.

Another option for straps for a sundress is to sew small loops and loops and sew on the wrong side at the locations of the straps. You just have to buy silicone transparent straps with hooks.

A simple summer sundress with an elastic band is ready! Beautiful in appearance and simple in execution - it will take its rightful place in your summer wardrobe.

Long sundresses have been in the trend of beach fashion for a long time. This piece of clothing, combined with flat sandals and a beach bag, will always be appropriate for a relaxing day. In the evening, changing your shoes and handbag for a party option, throwing on a bolero, you can go to a beach party.
Sewing a long sundress with your own hands is very simple. It won't take long. In our article we will tell you how to sew a long sundress without a pattern with your own hands.

Materials for sewing a sundress

In order to sew a stylish long sundress with your own hands, you first need to choose a beautiful and high-quality fabric. It must match the style. The most suitable option is cotton fabric. You can use linen or shirt material. If the figure allows, you can pick up a cotton stretch fabric and sew with your own hands a more form-fitting version of a long sundress. This will highlight your beauty.

Also, to sew a beautiful long sundress ourselves, we need:

  1. Fabric (your choice)
  2. Threads to match the fabric
  3. Scissors
  4. Elastic thread or regular elastic
  5. Pins and needle

Elastic thread is convenient to use for assembling fabric. However, this requires some experience. The easiest option is a regular elastic band or a special foot for assembly. Both options are available for beginners and will not cause difficulties.

Open sundress

To cut a long sundress, we need a measure of the widest place of our figure. For some it is the hips, for others it is the chest or waist. You can also use any non-stretchy wardrobe item to mark the desired size on the fabric.

We fold the fabric in half (we get ½ measurements) so that the shared thread is vertical. We add about 10 to 20-25 cm to the measurement we took. It depends on how loose the sundress you want to sew, whether the fold should be thick or not, and what density the fabric you have chosen.

Helpful advice! The denser your fabric, the less folds you need to lay on a long sundress. This is due to the fact that the fabric lies more roughly and thick folds will not look neat. The reverse pattern applies to the volume of the figure and the laid folds. They allow you to adjust the figure. With excessive thinness, they add volume, and with volumetric proportions of the figure, they hide extra centimeters. The larger the shape of the girl, the less folds should be on a long sundress, and when we are going to sew it with our own hands, this can be easily corrected.

And so we got the right size. It must be divided in half and set aside on the unfolded fabric. So we got the main detail of the sundress. If you wish, you can also cut the straps. This is a purely individual decision. In our article, we propose to sew a long sundress without straps with our own hands.

We measure the desired size along the entire length of the product. We cut the fabric according to the markup, not forgetting to leave 1-1.5 cm for allowances.

The length for the product is measured as follows: the length of the product (from the upper chest and not reaching the floor 1 cm) + 1.5 cm (bottom allowance) + approximately 10-15 cm (allowances and additional allowances in the upper part, see the section we sew a sundress ).

We also need a strip 1.5 cm wide and as long as the width of the main product. This is a drawstring for an elastic band under the sternum. If you use a rubber band, then this part does not need to be cut out.

How to assemble on fabric.

In order to sew a long sundress with high quality with your own hands, and it looked beautiful, you need to assemble and process the folds well. There are several ways to do this. We will tell about them now.

1. The easiest option is to fold the fabric, sew the drawstring and insert the elastic. This option is suitable if you want to sew a long sundress made of thin fabric, then with your own hands, you can immediately adjust the width of the product. And also how loose it will sit. In the process of wearing, you can make adjustments, if necessary. If the fabric is dense, then the assembly should be minimal.

2. The next method is also based on working with a regular rubber band. In this case, it is immediately attached in a stretched form to the fabric. First you need to make a markup so that all the seams are even. Then it will be easier to sew a long sundress, and you can be proud that it is made by yourself. This method shows how easy it is to sew a sundress.

3. A similar option will be with an elastic band. You mark the location of the seams and make a regular straight stitch or zigzag stitch. The peculiarity of this method is that not every machine allows you to work with such a thread. It is better to first try on a small piece, and then move on to the main product. The elastic thread can be threaded both in the bobbin and as upper thread.

4. There is another way to make beautiful folds. It is possible using a special foot for a sewing machine. It is designed to create folds. Gather strength is adjustable by stitch length and stitch width. Also, during the sewing process, you can slightly adjust the parameters. And at the end there is an opportunity to pick up the product a little more. If you sew with a regular thread, then in this case the seams on your sundress will practically not stretch. If a thread-gum is used, then everything will stretch well. This must be taken into account in order to sew a long sundress suitable for you with your own hands. We will talk more about this assembly method in the article.

We sew a sundress

Before sewing our long sundress further, it is necessary to mark up for assembly. She will go in several rows at the waist. It is better to choose 2 or 3 way to create beautiful folds. Also in the upper part and under the chest we will have an elastic band (assembly method 1). This will help our long, strapless sundress hold up better. See the figure below for the location of the markup.

Distance A is the height from the level of the armpit to the base of the chest, to which approximately 5 cm is added. The size must be taken so that the centimeter passes through the highest part of the chest. It is also necessary to add an allowance in the upper part of 1-1.5 cm, a scallop (the distance from the top of the product to the elastic) - 1 cm and drawstrings for elastic bands about 1.5 cm at the top and bottom. This size depends on the width of the elastic band.

Distance B is the height from the base of the chest to the waist. The distances between the lines are equal and can be 4-6 cm. If you have magnificent forms, then you can slightly raise the waist level so that the visually long sundress that you will sew with your own hands will slim your figure.

After marking, the easiest option is to first stitch all the drawstrings for the elastic bands and the elastic bands themselves. And only then stitch the side seam and insert the elastic into the drawstring. So you can sew a neat long sundress with your own hands, and it will look like it was bought in a good store. The trick is only that at the edges of the fabric the elastic bands are at the same level and after the connection they continue each other.

If you still decide to first sew the sidewall of the product, and then do the rubber bands, then be very careful, because. it is very difficult to control the evenness of the tension of the fabric and monitor the stitching. This is due to the fact that the sundress is long, there is a lot of fabric and it is sewn into a ring. After the first seam, all this mass will gather into folds, therefore, the farther, the more difficult it is to control the evenness of the seams. When your fabric is straightened, everything is much easier.

The last thing we have to do is fold the bottom of the sundress. Hem the edge at a distance of about a centimeter from the floor so that the hem does not drag along the ground and you do not step on it with your shoes.

The product is ready! Sewing a long sundress with your own hands turned out to be quite simple even for beginner needlewomen.

Stylish hairstyle, tidiness, make-up and fashionable clothes help the fair sex to look good. Couture items are expensive, and not every woman can afford them. There is a way out of this situation - to sew things for yourself with your own hands.

Today, it is not necessary to attend special courses to learn how to make products. There are already ready-made schemes that everyone can use.

Making a pattern of things for the summer on your own is a process that does not present any difficulties.

Easy tailoring for summer

Before you get down to business, you will need to prepare the material, threads with needles. A photo of a sundress with your own hands from a fashion magazine, let it serve as a source of inspiration for you. You do not need to create a complex pattern.

For a chic dream sundress you need:

  • T-shirt;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • fabric for summer clothes.

You can use a sewing machine, but even without it, you won’t have to spend many hours sewing.

We sew a summer sundress without a pattern

Taking a T-shirt, circle its outline. When it is important that the thing is exactly in shape, make a pattern on a newspaper or a large sheet. If the left side looks asymmetrical with the right side, it is easy to correct it by folding the resulting pattern in half.

Be sure to add the so-called seam allowances. To do this, step back from the drawn lines by 1.5 cm and draw an additional one. Cut out your homemade pattern along the guide line.

What are the nuances you need to know?

Ladies with large breasts need to make the front half of the product longer than the back.
Seam allowances are a must.

Having cut out the pattern from the fabric, the product must be swept along the allowances. Try it on in front of a mirror. If necessary, correct it and sweep it again.

If this time the thing sits well, then you can sew a summer sundress with your own hands. Now the skill of working as a seamstress is also useful in order to stitch the product along the running seams.

What to do with the neck and openings?

This area can be easily processed. Attach the neatly folded edge to the garment. To finish was elegant, use a slanting inlay. But this takes practice.

It turns out that it is not difficult to sew a sundress with your own hands if you wish. It is possible to make it even for those who have no experience at all.

Summer sundresses sewn by home craftswomen are popular. Exclusive things look beautiful and unusual.

The fair sex, who puts on a piece of clothing sewn with her own hands, looks unique. She is the owner of an original item that no one else has.

Second life for a men's shirt

If the craftswoman has no experience at all, then she may not buy material for a sundress, but update her wardrobe thanks to an old men's shirt. In this case, you will not have to work with patterns.

Cut off the collar with sleeves from the shirt, you will need to draw straight lines on these flaps. Their width should be 4.5 cm, and the length should be the distance from the shoulder blades to the armpits. These are blanks for the straps of the future product.

decorative elements

A unique piece of clothing allows you to make a bright decor. It will become more attractive if you sew a contrast strip under the bust.

Take a piece of bright fabric with a girth length under the bust. Gently sew the element onto the sewing fabric. Attach the straps to the sundress.

It remains to process the neck with armholes. An easy way is to fold the edges and sew. To make the treatment with an oblique inlay, one cannot do without training.

Flounce Decoration

To make beautiful flounces on the shoulders, it will take no more than an hour.

Take a fabric with a width of 150 cm and fold it in half. Take out your favorite T-shirt and trace on the material. It remains to flare the product to the bottom and do not forget about seam allowances.

The shuttlecock is made separately. Prepare 2 strips of material with a width of 25 cm and a length of 2 m and sew them together. The shuttlecock will keep its shape perfectly if one of its edges is processed with an oblique inlay.

On the other side of the frill, the fabric must be gathered in such a way that it is the same as the length of the neckline. The product is connected with a frill, and a stylish sundress is ready.

Unique things with their own hands can be created by women who have never sewed before. An elegant summer dress does not require the construction of complex patterns.

DIY sundress photo

[Sewing] Getting ready for summer: sewing a sundress! Without a pattern or ready-made, master classes. Compilation

The long awaited summer is here. How nice it is to expose your face, arms, shoulders to the warm, gentle rays ... walk barefoot on silky young grass or hot sand, and a fresh light breeze will gently blow your hair ... It's time to sew a new summer dress, without fail with a wide skirt, so pleasantly flowing over legs, and sun-exposed shoulders. Let's talk about the sundress. A sundress is perhaps the most favorite thing in any woman's summer wardrobe. Being indispensable on vacation, it can also be easily used in an everyday city, and the most strict options for a sundress have found a place even in a boring office life (remember Pierre Cardin and his famous sundress made of cloth in 1965, worn over a thin black turtleneck).
A cute and feminine sundress dress will be the best purchase of this summer (or vacation at sea!).

Over the entire period of its existence, the sundress has changed its shape, cut, style, fabrics from which it was sewn, and its purpose an infinite number of times.

Today, a sundress is not only a part of the national Russian costume, it is a universal element of women's wardrobe. First of all, a sundress is associated with light summer clothing designed for relaxing at sea. But depending on the style, model and fabric, sundresses are casual, elegant and festive for an evening out, for example, business ones that will be appropriate even in the office, as well as sports and warm ones for the cold season.

Many of the most famous designers find inspiration by studying Russian folk costume. As a result, from year to year we can see collections inspired by marvelous beauty and imagery, created with a constant interest in Russian culture and traditions. Here are some models of sundresses from the collections of Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Slava Zaitsev, Alberta Ferretti, Chanel.

Modern fashion is very fond of a sundress and offers us many variations of it. It can be long, short dresses, multi-layered and multi-tiered, with wide shoulder straps, with narrow ones or without them at all, with an open back, with a decollete ... you can’t list everything. We just have to choose according to our taste.

Brands and collections of presented models Verssus Versace RTW Spring 2015, Emilio Pucci Spring Summer 2015 RTW ,Dolce & Gabbana, Spring 2014, Dolce & Gabbana.Spring 2015.

From what fabrics is it better to sew sundresses?

Absolutely from any fabrics. The chosen model and the season for which it is planned to sew a sundress will be the starting point for making a decision when choosing a material. For the off-season, jersey, cotton, blended and light wool fabrics are perfect. For the winter - woolen and knitted fabrics.

And if we talk about summer models of sundresses, then the ideal fabrics are, of course, silk, chiffon, linen, cambric, viscose, staple.

So that a summer sundress made of chiffon or cambric does not shine through, sew it in two layers, or on a plain lining of a suitable color to the main fabric. Stitch the details with a French seam, which will emphasize the delicacy of the fabric and provide the wrong side of the product with an impeccable look.

This wonderful summer dress from the latest collection of the famous brand bribed with its simplicity, but at the same time originality. It is very reminiscent of a Russian sundress, moreover, it has a traditional cut, having mastered which each of you will be able to sew a beautiful fashionable sundress with your own hands.

And by changing some details of the sundress pattern (for example, the width and place of attachment of the straps, by the way, it is possible without straps, by putting an elastic band along the upper cut of the bodice, the length, width of the skirt, etc.), you can diversify the models created on its basis. Believe me, even a novice dressmaker can do such simple changes in this simple design.

Consider a technical drawing. The sundress consists of an adjacent bodice with wide shoulder straps fastened to a button and a wide, gathered waist skirt just below the knees. On the back there is a zipper, on the front the bodice is decorated with a decorative placket with a false button closure. It is proposed to sew this model from printed cotton. But, I think that it will also turn out not bad from silk scarves, because in the original the print imitates just the pattern of a scarf, although in this case, you will have to use a lining.

To model a sundress, we need a base pattern of an adjacent silhouette, created according to your individual measurements, which can be taken on our website using.

1 step of pattern modeling.

To prevent the bodice from jerking up in a dress cut off at the waist, you need to lower the waist line in the middle of the front by 0.7-1 cm, draw a new waist line with a smooth curve. Bring the chest tuck into the side seam. To do this, mark a new location for the tuck and cut along this line, not reaching 1 mm to the top of the tuck, open it, turning the pattern so that the original tuck closes. see fig. Cut the pattern along the connection lines of the bodice and skirt for further modeling.

2nd step of pattern modeling.

We outline the line of the upper cut of the bodice of the sundress, and also draw the straps that we like or require according to the model, then we measure the length of the straps. We check the length of the waist line and compare with our measurements, plus an increase in freedom of fitting. If the solutions of the darts do not give a proper fit, the missing value can be removed from the side seams and the middle seam of the back. The skirt consists of two, as if, scarves, so it has a rectangular shape, not a conical one. We propose to calculate the gathering at the waist empirically based on the thickness of the fabric, as a guideline - the length of the gathered fabric is 1.5 - 2 times the length of the hips or waist. In any case, you need to try it on so as not to make a mistake and not overdo it with the number of assemblies.

3 step of pattern modeling.

The last stage of modeling consists in building a strap-fastener of the shelf and modeling the straps. We design a fastener bar with a width of 4 cm, see fig. (by the way, it can be both functional and decorative).

Well, our beautiful summer sundress is almost ready. As you have seen, this is not at all difficult, but how nice it is to make a pattern with your own hands, which will serve you well and help you sew a new outfit. With the help of this pattern, we suggest trying to sew just such a model of a summer sundress.

Here, instead of a wide skirt, an ordinary straight skirt with waist darts and two slits in the side seams is used. The skirt pattern can be taken directly from the base pattern, modeling is not needed.

Or such wonderful summer dresses - sundresses. As you can see, all of them are created on the basis of our adjacent silhouette - detachable at the waist, have stitched straps, flared skirts due to gathers and pleats. Everything is the same as in our pattern, which the lesson is devoted to, only with minor changes - a fastener is added in the center of the front, the shape of the neckline, length, etc. are changed.

We model a summer sundress of a simple cut from two types of fabric
A video about how to model a summer sundress with a simple cut.

Pattern of an open summer dress with quick construction
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How to sew a combination or sundress according to a figure without a pattern? We sew with our own hands in 30 minutes
This video can be taken as an example for sewing a combination (lower dress), the principle is the same!
Video of sewing a summer sundress or dress, topics in this video:
- how to sew and cut a summer sundress
- how to sew thin straps
- how to sew and cut an inlay
- how to sew a belt for a dress
- answers on questions:

I sew: Summer sundress WITHOUT A PATTERN for giving and just summer evenings
With the advent of the heat, I wanted a light summer sundress, and in order not to design anything, and not to look for patterns, but simply to take and sew for myself and my mother! Thank you all for your attention! Have a nice summer!

How to sew a sundress with a beautiful back? Coupon fabric.
A step-by-step video on how to cut a sundress or a dress with a flounced fabric with a coupon:
- how to cut a sundress
- how to cut a shuttlecock
- how to cut straps

Sewing a chic summer sundress made of chiffon with flounces Instead of ready-made cups, we sew in a bra

How to sew a dress for the smell? Semi-sun dress with your own hands

- how to cut a sundress
- how to tailor a wrap dress
- how to cut a half-sun skirt

Model of a summer dress sundress with buttons in red polka dots on the straps with a flounce
Very light silk with red dots was used for the sundress.
Cut-off dress at the waist line with a flared bottom. One long frill runs through the entire skirt. The shuttlecock is cut from a circle and finished with a rolled seam. The bottom of the dress is processed with a Moscow seam.
The upper part of the product has 2 types of straps. Some straps are thin, performing a direct function. The second shoulder straps are decorative and fall on the shoulders in the form of a flounce. The sundress dress is put on and fastens with small buttons.

How to sew a sundress with ties? Without a pattern with your own hands
Step by step video how to cut a summer sundress, how to sew a dress. Topics in this video:
- how to cut a sundress
how to cut a sleeve
- how to cut a facing
How to cut fabric into stripes?

Sew a Women's Dress - Sundress without a pattern for ANY FIGURE in 20 minutes Master Class!

A simple pattern and tailoring of a summer sundress
I want to show a very simple pattern and tailoring of a summer sundress with a trapezoid without darts.

We sew a sundress dress with a flounce

How to sew a summer sundress without a pattern in 30 minutes
In this video, we will look at how you can sew a summer sundress without a pattern in 30 minutes. The dress has no sleeves or darts.

How to sew a sundress with your own hands in 20 minutes for beginners

How to sew a summer sundress for all occasions.

We sew a sundress dress from a very soft fabric
In this tutorial, I show you how to properly model and cut a dress made of very soft fabric.
I show two layout options for patterns and cutting options.

Light dress for summer

Sundresses on ready-made patterns

Master class on sewing a sundress according to the "Asya" pattern without overlock

1. Main fabric - 1.70m with a fabric width of 1.40m and a non-directional pattern (for all sizes).
2. Thin finishing material for the manufacture of bias tape (for example, batiste), 50 cm or finished bias tape about 6 m.
3. Knitted doubler of medium hardness, 50 cm - for duplicating the facings of the upper cut of the back and front, the central slats of the side (in parts), allowances for processing side pockets in the seams).
4. Elastic band, 0.5 cm wide - 1.5 m
5. Threads to match the fabric, 1 spool.
6. Buttons with a diameter of 1.5 cm - 6-8 pcs.

Sundresses of this cut have been favorites for the second summer season.
