Live conversation with a girl. And now what? Topics for conversation with the opposite sex

Do you start to stutter and can't even remember your name every time you talk to a girl? If yes, then it's time to step up the pace a bit so you can be yourself in the conversation and win the girl's interest without much effort. To talk to a girl, you just have to show that you are genuinely interested in her and tell her something that she has not heard before. If you want to know how to do it, just follow our tips.


Part 1

Starting a conversation

    Draw attention. You don't need to invent something extraordinary for this, and you don't have to. Just smile at her from across the room, apologize when you slip past her, or simply focus on her, look away, and then look back at her. You don't have to say hello to her the second you see her. Instead, spend some time getting her interested in you. If you are already familiar with the girl, of course, you should not pretend to be touchy, just immediately go up to her and say hello.

    • Make sure your facial expressions and gestures exude confidence. Keep your head straight, look ahead and keep your back straight as you approach her.
    • If you delay the time when you need to say hello, it may seem to her that she is being ignored.
  1. Introduce yourself. All you have to do is say "Hi, I'm Kolya, what's your name?" or "My name is Kolya, nice to meet you." When she answers and introduces herself, lightly shake her hand. Don't be embarrassed. Sure, it might look a bit old-fashioned, but that's how mature people get to know each other. If you already know the girl, you can just say hello, but don't forget to call her by her first name.

    • When you get the girl's name, say it a few times so she thinks you're really interested in the conversation and you care what she says. Once or twice is enough.
  2. Be yourself. Relax and let the girl see who you really are. If you are a funny guy, make her laugh. If you're more serious, talk to her about interesting and meaningful topics, without being too serious, but without cracking a ton of jokes - unless jokes are your forte. Also, when you need to know something about her, you should first tell her about yourself so that she gets to know you better. This is part of being yourself.

    • Remember that while it is important to be yourself, you should refrain from more eccentric moments, those qualities that people say: "You first need to know him ..."
  3. Smile. This can help a lot. This is how you show that you like the conversation and that you feel comfortable - you will encourage the girl to continue the conversation with you. Try to make a natural facial expression - that is, slightly lift your lips up in a smile, and at the right moments, the smile should become wider. You don't have to smile all the time, but smiling at key moments at the beginning of a conversation can make a girl feel that you appreciate her.

    • Smiling will relax the girl and she will feel that you really like what she says.
    • Don't smile all the time, which is obvious, or you'll come across as nervous or even out of proportion.
  4. In conversations, stay away from discussing the personal. If you like a girl, of course, your goal is to get to know her on a deeper level, but that doesn't mean you should talk about your grief over your grandmother's death or describe your back pain as soon as you first meet. Instead, choose light topics that are harmless and simple, such as pets, favorite bands, or hobbies, so that the girl doesn't feel awkward because you don't really know each other yet.

    • Choosing easy topics to start a conversation does not mean choosing boring topics. You should not talk about the weather, just to avoid personal conversations.
    • Follow the conversation. Sometimes people really hit it off and start opening up to each other a lot faster than expected. If a girl opens up to you and starts to trust you, you can hold back a little less.

    Part 2

    Make her feel special
    1. Identify common interests. Try narrowing it down to something you both enjoy, from a passion for TV shows to a love of cycling. You don't have to do this by asking her about her five favorite bands, food, hobbies, or exercise; you can follow the natural flow of the conversation and see if you have something that both of you like, or let her know what you like. For example, if you casually mention that you were returning from a sports game yesterday, she will let you know if she is a fan of this sport.

      • When speaking, ask open-ended questions, not ones that can be answered with yes or no, to keep the conversation going.
      • Don't be discouraged if you feel like you have nothing in common. You can find something later if you keep up an interesting conversation for a long time.
      • It may turn out that you don't have much in common, but you like each other because you have similar personalities and worldviews. This is great too!
      • When you mention a favorite band, ask her if she likes that band too; let her understand that you care about her interests, although you are talking about yours.
    2. Maintain eye contact when speaking. This is another way to make her feel special. You don't have to look her in the eye like you're looking for your own reflection and scare her, but you should give her your full attention instead of looking at your phone or looking around the room for someone more interesting. You can break eye contact from time to time, but only to keep it interesting, not to show that you are bored.

      • Eye contact shows self-confidence. If you look a girl in the eyes, she will see that you are a confident person and want to get to know her better.
      • Ask her opinion about something that matters to you - about your favorite musical direction, new fashion trends this season, or the importance of friendship.
      • While it's important to ask her opinions, avoid talking about religion or politics, otherwise you might get into a fight over different points of view.
      • When she says something, remember to respond and show that you are listening by paraphrasing what she said from time to time. You can say, "I totally agree with you about how difficult it is to keep in touch with friends who have moved to another city..." to show that you hear every word she says.
    3. Give her subtle compliments. You should compliment her personality and appearance without embarrassing her, but showing that you care. If you like the same music as her or the books she reads, tell her she has great taste. It's okay to compliment her clothes, hair, and jewelry, but you'll really win her heart if she sees that more than her appearance matters.

      • If you want to make a physical compliment, go no further than complimenting her clothes, her hair, or, in more intimate cases, her eyes. Don't embarrass her by telling her about her sexuality even before you know her last name.
      • If she has a pleasant laugh, don't be afraid to say so.
    4. Ask her about studying. You don't want to bore her by asking about her favorite part of algebra; however, you can show your interest by asking about her favorite subject, her favorite teachers, and letting this escalate into a discussion about what she wants to do in the future. Don't just nod and say, "That's interesting..." ask her, why she likes this or that subject or why she wants to be a nurse or a lawyer in the future.

      • Some girls don't like talking so much about school. If you feel a lack of interest, change the subject.
      • Do not make interrogation out of communication. You can chat about topics you like.
    5. Don't tease a girl until she gets used to your sense of humor. It's best not to make fun of girls about things they might take seriously, especially about their weight, appearance, or intelligence. It is especially important not to make comments that girls may take wrongly when you are at the stage of getting to know each other. If you deeply offend a girl at the initial stage, it will be extremely difficult for you to get out of this situation.

      • Be careful. Don't make fun of her until you really sure she understands your jokes.
      • Follow her example. If she's been playing pranks on you for a while, it's okay to poke fun at her too. Just make sure your jokes stay at the same easy level.

      Part 3

      We support interest
      1. Make her laugh. Girls like guys who make them laugh. Don't be afraid to show off your wit and sense of humor - unless it's too much obscene. You don't have to start the conversation with a series of warm-up jokes to get her attention; just make poignant remarks, answer her joke with a joke, and make unique observations about the world around you that would get her thinking. Don't overdo it. If you have a stupid or stupid sense of humor, show what you have.

        • If you're joking and she's not laughing, show her that you don't take things too seriously. Say "Maybe I'll have better luck next time" and it will make her laugh.
        • If she says something funny, don't respond by saying, "That's really funny." Show her that you can respond with a funny line.
      2. Don't try too hard. The girl will notice your excessive tension for a kilometer. If you don't want to lose her interest, don't harass her if she doesn't want to, give her thousands of compliments if she's uncomfortable, and don't flaunt your abs skills or record music for your band. Relax and stop worrying too much about impressing her, and you'll see that you'll make a better impression that way.

        • If a girl sees that you are not embarrassed and that you do not feel the need to go out of your way to impress her, then she will be more inclined to communicate with you.
        • If you play with your biceps, show off your excellent physical shape, or bore her with stories about how handsome you are without a shirt, this will turn her away from you.
      3. Experience self-confidence. Be confident and don't be afraid to say the wrong thing. If you're not afraid, then you won't tell. Just continue to keep yourself interested and don't be embarrassed by awkward exchanges, silence, or a story you can't tell properly. Stay positive, relaxed and happy and she will want to connect with you even more. Don't be too self-critical, even if you think it will make her laugh, otherwise she will think that you have low self-esteem.

        • You don't have to brag to be confident. After all, you can talk about how much you love football, but not talk about what a great athlete you are.
        • One of the hallmarks of self-confidence is the ability to laugh at yourself. This will show her that you don't take yourself too seriously.
      4. Stay relaxed. If you are nervous, sweaty or scared, the girl will immediately understand this. If you are agitated, slow down your speech, focus on the flow of the conversation, not what you are saying, and stop fiddling with something in your hands or looking around. If you are not relaxed, your tension will be transmitted to the girl and she will also feel uncomfortable. Take a deep breath, slow down your speech and movements, and imagine the best scenario instead of thinking the worst.

        • If you really if you are nervous and it is already too noticeable, you can joke about it a little to improve your mood.
        • If you're really the type of person who is often nervous, take a bottle of water with you so you can take a sip from time to time and calm down.
      5. Don't cheat to impress her. Be honest with her and don't sugarcoat the truth. This is a natural impulse to embellish events, but it will bring you more problems than positive. If you really want to get close to her, and she finds out that you cheated on her, you will be very embarrassed and this will destroy her trust in you (and your relationship). You don't have to pretend every time you see her.

        • Even if she doesn't notice it, other people (and other girls) will notice that you behave differently around her.
        • If you want to see the girl again, your lies will fail you someday. If you want her to like you, it's better that she likes the real you - from the very beginning.
      6. Be positive. People enjoy spending time in the company of those who make them laugh, with whom they feel happy, and with those who have a positive outlook. If you feel irritated or it seems to you that the world is against you, then this is not the best day to meet a girl. Talk about things and people that make you happy and focus on positive experiences; when you get to know each other better, you can start talking about bad things. But if you want to keep her interested from the start, you need to establish a positive atmosphere.

      • If she makes it clear that she is not interested in you or refuses to communicate with you, back off. Many girls get attention they don't want and don't know what to do with it. Don't let this become a personal insult to you; end the conversation and move on.
      • Take good care of yourself. Girls notice if you don't bathe, brush or brush your teeth regularly.
      • Try to communicate well with her friends, but do not flirt with them. Girls think that this is a manifestation of infidelity and you will not have a chance with them.
      • Don't mention her build. Most girls, no matter how thin they are, consider themselves full. This is a forbidden topic for conversation.
      • Always look into her eyes. However, don't allow eye contact to last more than 30 seconds at a time because it can be intimidating at times. But if you're always looking somewhere else, or can't make eye contact for more than a few seconds, it may look like you're up to something or want to leave.
      • Don't scare her. Moments that can scare you are discussing things that are too personal or your despair. Don't look at her lustfully and don't let your eyes focus on her body - it's very scary.
      • Many girls enjoy listening and watching more than talking. If she doesn't talk much, she might be more interested in listening to you.
      • Smile, keep your arms open, palms facing her, unbutton your jacket. She will immediately become more free with you. And it will become easier for you.
      • Many girls will be flattered if you invite them for a walk. Those who are not flattered are usually those who think too much of themselves, and no matter how attractive they are, you should not mess with them.
      • Different girls need attention in different ways. Some people are happy when they see you once a week. But there are those who will not leave you alone, and there may be those who may not see you for quite some time and this does not necessarily mean that they have lost interest in you.
      • Never approach a girl from behind. Her first reaction is to be alarmed and ready to defend herself. If you don't want to scare her - and you don't - approach her from the side or front. Ask any body language expert.
      • Don't start chatting with her if you know she has a boyfriend as it will be in vain and you don't feel like hurting her boyfriend!
      • If you have acne problems, apply toothpaste to your face before going to bed and then wash it off in the morning.
      • If you're not a very determined person, just say hello to her whenever you see her. One day she will start noticing you. This way, it will be much easier to start a conversation with her by asking her name and so on.
      • Don't patronize her.
      • Try putting some baking soda on your brush before brushing your teeth if you want them to look whiter. This is mainly for your self-confidence.


      • Don't talk about your ex because she might think you still have feelings for her.
      • Do not talk about other girls in her presence and never compare her to others, especially, with her girlfriends.
      • Be yourself. The only way you can have a relationship, enjoy it, and work on it is when you are yourself. Flattening the edges a bit when you first meet a girl is okay, you want her to like you. Drop your insecurities. Don't talk about yourself. If she says you're cute, take it as a compliment.
      • Don't talk about things she's not interested in. For example, if you like football and she finds it boring, don't talk too much about it right away.
      • Never comment on her weight!
      • Don't force her to carry on a conversation she doesn't want to have. The conversation involves the participation of two - if you do all the work, nothing will come of it. Do not be offended if she does so; she might just be scared. Leave her alone and move on.
      • If she's mad at you or "doesn't want to talk about it," leave her alone for a while. There is no specific time; she'll be ready when she's ready.
      • No cheap dating phrases, please!
      • NEVER be rude to her. This is very repulsive to most girls.
      • When she's ready to talk to you again, be respectful and involved with her to override previous behavior.

So, you liked some girl, and you want to get to know her better. This will inevitably require active and frequent communication. Talk- This is the second stage of convergence, which comes after the assessment at a distance. Many guys experience problems at this stage, because you need to be creative and invent something. In this article, we will try to explain what should be given primary attention, and what is secondary. And it will not only be about dating communication.

All the tips described here are suitable for first date, simple walk, meeting in a cafe, telephone communication or skype.

The Importance of Good Communication

Approaching an unfamiliar girl, the guy enters into the unknown. You both don't know each other and as a result, tensions arise. Girls, by their nature, are more shy creatures, and therefore the initiative and confidence of a guy in the first stages of a conversation is very important. If a guy behaves confidently when meeting or just for a walk, the girl “mirrors” his condition and also begins to behave more easily. If the opposite happens and the guy is wrinkled, then in 90% of cases the girl will also close.

If a guy behaves confidently and a girl gains confidence in him, then being a more emotional being, She herself will begin to pull communication! It really is. If your companion "talked", then you just sometimes have to agree and listen to her carefully. She herself will begin to communicate with you and will enjoy it. And then she will say to her friends: “I met a cool guy! I feel so at ease with him!”

In practice, many guys find it difficult to communicate because of fear. This fear is especially strong when the girl really likes. If everything somehow develops with ordinary strangers, then with an “important” girl everything goes very badly. Well, if the guy himself is stupid, there can be no talk of any normal conversation.

This happens because For many young people, the very fact of communication is a serious stress. It does not matter where the conversation takes place: on a first date or on a walk. This fear leads to the fact that the guy loses all creativity and he loses the ability to easily and freely interact. And all the guys think that it should be so. But it's not! If at the mere thought of talking with a stranger you like, you experience fear - this is not normal.

Normally, a man should not experience negative feelings from the process of communication. If everything is in order with a guy, interaction with a girl does not represent anything supernatural for him. He just walked up and started talking. No complications. Topics for conversation come by themselves.

But, unfortunately, for most modern guys, the aim is a little off. Often, the roots of this failure come from childhood. Who raised you? Mom ... Who was the teacher at school? Again a woman ... Women bring up growing men, and therefore the latter have fears in relation to them. This is where the fear of approach, acquaintance, communication, and so on often arises. We repeat once again: if there is a fear of communication, then you have a broken male "firmware" in the brain.

To remove such restrictions, we need to work comprehensively. It is best to visit a psychologist and consult with him. Perhaps you just have increased anxiety or just shame. All these problems are solvable. However, you also need to work independently. You can't have a great conversation if you don't know how to do it...

It doesn't matter what, it matters HOW!

Often guys imagine how they roll up to pretty girls and start talking. At the same time, they rehearse certain topics for communication. After reading pikaper forums, they think that some topics work well, while others are better not to mention at all. From here, the communication strategy is built accordingly. Topics are chosen according to their "popularity" in society... But this is often not the best way.

Remember: it's not so important what you talk about, what matters is how you do it! There are a lot of topics for conversation. The most important thing is to create in the girl feelings and a desire to participate in the events in question, a desire to become emotionally involved.

This can be done in only one way - to talk about what you REALLY are interested in!!! Drive must come from you. You must be beaten. This is achieved only when you yourself are really passionate.

That is why it is so important to be able to correctly tell about your life. Here's one example for you: imagine that you were on vacation abroad and had a good time. You must have seen different sights and found yourself in interesting situations. And now you talk about it in two ways:

  • Method 1: dry narration.“This year I was in Greece. It was interesting and I visited many places. Was there and there. I took a lot of pictures."
  • Method 2: emotional story.“You know, very interesting things happen to me sometimes. So I was in Greece this year. The fun began from the very arrival: I got off the plane and realized that I didn’t know the language at all, and of course I don’t have a dictionary either. Here I got ... I began to look for someone to talk to. Approached some Bedouin ... "

Of course, everything written above is just an example. But do you see the difference??? The events are the same - the man was on a journey. But the way these events are presented decides everything! It is this difference that determines whether it is interesting to communicate with you or not.

Remember: even the most interesting event can be told in a very boring language. The opposite is also true: most of the most ordinary events can be presented in the form of an exquisite story. It all depends on your skill.

That is why you, being an interesting person, may not impress anyone at all with your stories. And some “low-class” young man who only “thumps” in his free time from work can be a good storyteller.

Topics for communication…

There are a lot of topics for conversation. But, as you already understood, it is not the topic that matters, it is the state in which you are during communication that is important. If you can present the story in such a way that your interlocutor wants to take part in your life, you have reached the goal.

The easiest way to fall into such a state of "talker" is when talking on topics who are really interested in you. Do you have any hobbies? So tell me about it. At the same time, it is important that you begin to shove from the topic!

Many sin by starting to talk about "popular" topics, while remaining "cold" emotionally. They think that the popularity of a topic is an important criterion, but it is not.

Let's say you love skiing. But snowboarding is in fashion now and you think what to tell about snowboarding is cooler ... So you seem more advanced. But speaking of snowboarding, you will have a sour mine and the story will be so-so. But if you talk about skiing, you will really get carried away. Therefore, choose a topic not according to the criterion of popularity in society or prestige. Talk about what you are really interested in. This is the easiest way to get into a kind of "trance" in which your story will be really exciting.

But sometimes it happens that even being strongly involved in the topic, you do not get anything worthwhile. Then we need to work on it.

How to develop talkativeness?

"Gabbling" is a skill, and like any other it can be developed. The best method for this is the method of training journalists and radio hosts. Here they are chatting non-stop. Sometimes you are impressed by their ability to carry on a conversation like that.

  • The simplest technique for developing such skills is basic training. Any topic is chosen, and you try to make the most interesting fairy tale possible regarding this topic. In general, look on the Internet for methods of developing “talkiness” and you will be happy.
  • Another great way to improve your storytelling skills is to reading fiction. In the process of reading, you learn the author's techniques and storytelling methods. It happens by itself. Your speech will begin to take on imagery and become more exciting.

Is it possible to simulate engagement?

In general, yes, you can talk about most events in a way that will be interesting to listen to. But this requires skill. It's like a good theatrical game. You have to be a bit of an actor for that. Therefore, if you have serious communication problems, it is better to use the method of talking about hobbies.

It is better to avoid topics in which you are not strong or which make you sick. If you are not interested, then it is very difficult to talk about it with a spark.

We hope this article has dispelled many myths and helped you understand the principles of proper communication. Using the methods given here, you can become a much more interesting conversationalist. If you think that the article helped you, share it with your friends on social networks.

Interesting topics for a conversation with a girl.

When dating on the street or online, success depends on how you carry on the conversation. Sometimes the external data of the interlocutor fade into the background, since communication with a person is very interesting. In this article, we will help you start a conversation with a girl so that she does not refuse you.

If you were introduced to a girl by friends or you found an ad on a dating site, then the moment of the first telephone conversation comes. Your further relationship depends on how interesting the girl will communicate with you.

Topics for conversation on the phone:

  • Pets. Find out if the girl has a pet, who she loves, cats or dogs. Perhaps you have something to talk about. It can be animal care or feed, vitamins, vaccinations, mating.
  • Children. This topic may be of interest to a young mother or a girl who has a younger brother or sister.
  • Sport. This topic will be interesting if your chosen one takes care of her body. And you also go to the gym. You can discuss vitamins, proper nutrition and nutritional supplements.
  • Holidays. If you are looking forward to the holiday, this is a great opportunity to keep the conversation going. You need to ask about gifts and holiday options.
  • Travels. The most pleasant theme is rest. Therefore, we can talk about warm countries and the sea.

Topics for conversation in VK:

  • Work. Try to ask the girl about her work, if she likes it. If she speaks enthusiastically about her work, you can develop the topic.
  • Money. The topic of making money is interesting to everyone. But you should not talk a lot about money, so as not to seem greedy or, on the contrary, wasteful.
  • Hobby. Ask what the girl does in her free time. Maybe she has weird hobbies.
  • Religion. This topic should not be touched on if you are a believer, and the girl is an atheist. But you can talk about religions in other countries.

The best, interesting topics for talking with a girl in VKontakte

Topics for chatting with a stranger:

  • Start a conversation based on what you see on social media. Perhaps start a conversation with an interesting proverb or expression from the girl's page. Say that you are interested in philosophy or the works of Lao Tzu.
  • If there are a lot of recipes on the page, you can talk about food. If a girl talks about how she likes to cook, you can tell how you cook a particular dish, or like to eat it.
  • If you found a profile on a dating site, write for what purpose you are getting acquainted, and brief information about yourself. Write down some of your hobbies.
  • If you do not know anything about fashion, then you should not write about it. Write about an interesting movie. This can be an excellent occasion for an invitation to the cinema.
  • Find common themes based on her page. If there are photos of a cat on the wall, ask about his nickname. A pet will be a great reason to get to know each other.
  • If the girl has a photo of her rollerblading, invite her to ride together. This also applies to the bike.

List of cool topics:

  • Museums and places of interest. Talk about some interesting and unusual places. Pottery workshops, chocolate factories with a demonstration can be interesting.
  • Computer games. Use this theme only if the girl is really into it.
  • Toys. Ask if the girl makes or collects toys. It can be soft toys or kinders.
  • Collecting. You can talk about stamps, coins, antiques. But this topic is quite subtle and not everyone is interested.

If you know a girl and know each other well, then sometimes it’s more pleasant to just be silent in each other’s company. It is not necessary to talk about anything.

Topics for conversation with your loved one:

  • Future plans
  • Interesting pastime or leisure
  • Joint purchases
  • Study or work
  • Common acquaintances and news about them

Here is an exemplary dialogue with a girl in VK:

Hi, I'm interested in your page, I'm very interested in you.

- Hi.

- We have mutual friends, you go to the Sport Life club for fitness, don't you?

- Yes, I go to fitness, and we know each other.

- No, I saw you several times, can we get to know each other?

- Good.

- Have you been going to the gym for a long time?

- Approximately a year

- You have a beautiful face.

- Thanks.

- I have been going for 2 years, but without fanaticism. 2 times a week, cardio training and running.

- I also run, though not in the gym, but in the park)

- Maybe we can organize a joint run tomorrow, when are you planning?

— I will be at the Lighthouse at 7.00

“OK, then see you tomorrow, bye.”

What to talk about with a girl in VK: an example

As you can see, to get to know a girl, it is enough to know a little about her and you can talk about common interests.

VIDEO: Topics for conversation

I will not be original when I say that regardless of the purpose of your acquaintance - from a quick affair to creating a family with five children, a summer house in the suburbs and an unbalanced Labrador - you need to talk to a girl. There are few ways to spend time together that do not require communication (to get to the most enjoyable of them, again, you have to work on communication a little!). So let's outline the main topics for keeping a conversation with a girl!

If a girl does not drive a car and does not express a particular desire to own such a vehicle, you should not load her with details such as the engine of your iron horse. But you can talk about the car of your dreams or remember which car was featured in the latest Bond movie.

Do not talk about your habit of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, drinking two liters of beer with dinner, or biting your nails. Think of something sweeter that brings a smile to your face. About the habit of drawing funny faces on paper during a telephone conversation, for example.

How to earn them better and how to spend them more pleasantly. Attitude towards money among people of different countries. The main thing when discussing this topic is not to give the impression of a miser or a spender.

Sisters and brothers, nephews, funny toddlers walking nearby and mothers with strollers passing by. Children are a pretty sweet and enjoyable topic, if not abused. For example, you should not immediately announce your desire to have triplets and share pre-selected names, just as it is not recommended to talk about your categorical rejection of children.

You can start with the simplest - finding out whether she is a cat person or a dog lover, prefers colorful fish in an aquarium, or keeps a family of guinea pigs at home. Pet owners are happy to talk about their pets, show pictures of them and just as happy to hear about your iguana or talking parrot.

Even if a girl has lived in one place all her adult life, with a little preparation, you can easily blow her away with your knowledge of local attractions, tell a funny story about an old house or about what significant personalities lived on this street.

If you met not in line for a shawarma or a nutritious cheeseburger, you can speculate on the topic of a healthy lifestyle - the benefit of information on this topic is full in all media sources, so any Internet user can be considered an expert in nutrition and good habits.

Another win-win topic for conversation. Favorite films, directors, discussion of the latest film events. And if you also manage to show off a phrase from her favorite movie, going to the cinema is guaranteed!

Be original - admit that you read more than just the news when you open your email. Tell us about your favorite book and promise to give it to read. Ask what she reads and what writer she likes the most. Or maybe there was a film adaptation of her favorite book recently? An excuse to watch it together.

Compliments to her appearance and selection of clothes and accessories will never be superfluous. But here, the main thing is not to overdo it. Personally, I am wary of men who understand fashion trends better than me and know more than one designer.

How a girl spends her weekends, her favorite places to spend a long weekend and your recommendations on how to diversify a short vacation. Listen carefully and in no case criticize, even if she does not get up from the couch in front of the TV for two days. It is better to offer something more interesting and, most importantly, joint.

Talk about general topics - what she appreciates in her partner, what kind of relationship she strives for, and which couples are an example for her. You should not go into the details of an unpleasant breakup with your ex-girlfriend, and you should not ask about the volume of the ex-boyfriend's chest either.

Favorite holiday, what kind of gifts he likes to receive, whether he likes to give gifts and how he usually chooses them, the most memorable celebration in recent times. And many many others. This is truly a fun and inexhaustible topic for conversation.

Tell a funny story that happened to you or your friends while on vacation. Ask her where she prefers to relax and what type of vacation she likes best. Share useful information about the country she is going to or offer your services as a guide to places she would like to visit.

Who doesn't have a boss that makes them want to be discussed outside of work? And the stories from the last corporate party? Or some gossip about employees? Our work unites us and gives us a lot of common topics for conversation, even if the areas of your activity do not intersect.

Be careful not to hurt the feelings of a deeply religious person or irritate a frenzied fanatic of some dubious sect. No matter how slippery this topic is, it is better to find out right away who you are dealing with. But carefully and having the ability to quickly retreat in case of danger.

The topic of sex is like a minefield, where you can attract attention and intrigue with skillfully chosen stories and relevant jokes, or blow yourself up once and for all by immediately reporting in great detail about your sexual preferences using diagrams, pictures and illustrative examples.

Favorite sport or recent Olympic Games. Which is better - go to a belly dance or take yoga seriously. When is the best time to go for a run - in the morning or in the evening. There are many topics - choose any.

Invite the girl to teach her to roller skate, play curling, or invite her to see your collection, as was the case with the classics - lute music of the 16th century. Be sure to ask about her hobbies - listen carefully, without interrupting, with an interested face and ask clarifying questions, no matter how odd she is!

Today, more and more acquaintances with girls are moving from real life to the Internet. More specifically, VK. However, when it comes to communication, many guys do not understand at all how to communicate with a girl and what you can talk to her about. Actually, I already wrote an article on how to get acquainted in VK. But direct acquaintance and further communication are different. When you meet, you just use a few templates and quickly take the number. It is not always possible to immediately meet in real life, or the girl does not want to leave her number yet. This is where Internet communication skills come in handy.

Once upon a time, in the early years of the founding of the Vkontakte website, it was much easier to meet girls on this social network. People just registered, have not yet fully mastered their attitude to these sites. Yes, and rolled up to the ladies quite rarely.

But, nevertheless, even today, with the right approach, you can meet and communicate with girls on VK. Below you will find a few rules of communication, as well as specific examples.

How to communicate with a girl in VK - basic rules

#1 Don't be intrusive. Nobody likes obsessive behavior, and you have to be tactful towards the girl. If you do not see enthusiasm from her answers, then it is better to say that you will write to her later. The reasons may be different: she is in a bad mood, she got a deuce at the university, the hamster died, etc. If you do not feel these moments, then you can strongly push the girl away.

#2 Be original and not boring. Forget such phrases as “how are you”, “what are you doing” and the like. They do not want to answer. Try to find a common theme and develop it by adding your great sense of humor and intelligence. This is much better than procrastinating short or long correspondence about nothing.

#3 Don't bombard a girl with questions. If you ask any interesting question, try to develop a conversation or discussion out of it. If you pour questions one after another, it greatly annoys a person.

#4 Don't always stay online. If you constantly stick around in VK, then this suggests that you are an uninteresting person who has nothing to do but sit out his pants in front of the computer. And if a girl notices this, then it will greatly lubricate the impression of you.

#5 Turn on your sense of humor. In order for your girlfriend to begin to experience emotions when communicating with you, use a sense of humor. Indeed, without this component, the conversation will turn out to be serious and boring.

What to talk about with a girl in VK - the best topics for conversation

There are several topics for conversation, which can always be interesting to talk with a girl. For example:


You can find out what a girl is like, what she does, is fond of and how she spends her free time. And also make a conclusion for yourself whether this person is interesting to you at all.


A traditional theme, especially among the British. In some situations, it's nice to talk about the weather.



Perhaps the girl is engaged in some kind of sport. Then it will be a good topic for conversation. Provided that you also like sports.


Here you can find out about the views of the girl on life. How she sees her relationship with the opposite sex.


Many people have a dog, cat, hamster, etc. at home. Relaxed and fun theme.


Nothing without him 🙂. Of course, from the very beginning of dating, you should not talk about sex. But in the future, this is a very good topic in order to learn about the sexual preferences of the girl. Show that you are not shy about talking about it. Also, such conversations have a positive effect on quick seduction.

An example of communicating with a girl on VK for the purpose of seducing (excerpt):

Tatiana: That's right. Therefore, you need to clearly express your thoughts and desires.

Mark: I like you, I want to make love to you

Tatyana: Even so at once

Tatyana: Very unexpected

Tatyana: Did you like me the day before yesterday?))

Mark: no, not at all

Tatyana: I liked you too

Mark: that's good

Mark: and I clearly expressed my desire)

Tatyana: Now yes.

Tatyana: Let's make love.

Mark: Saturday

Tatyana: In the evening

Tatyana: I never planned such activities.

Tatyana: And you?

Mark: Me too

Tatyana: Everything happens for the first time

Tatyana: But it will be fair. So?

Mark: That's right. No misunderstandings

Tatyana: And everything is like in adults

Tatyana: And like in the movies)

Mark: exactly)

Tatyana: But still, there will be embarrassment. Is not it?

Mark: slight embarrassment is in place)

Tatyana: But only light)))

Tatyana: Do you like kissing?

Mark: Yes, very much. And you?

Tatyana: And I am very

Mark: Cool

Tatiana: yeah

Tatyana: We have already found one common interest

Mark: good interest))

Tatyana: Excellent)

Tatyana: I think we'll find more)

Mark: No doubt

Tatyana: Mutual confidence)

Tatyana: I just forgot how old you are.

Tatiana: 26?

Tatyana: And when 25

Tatyana: Do you remember how much I

Mark: in July

Mark: 29 like

Mark: right?

Tatyana: Not anymore

Tatyana: Something I'm much older than you (

Tatiana: 30

Mark: ok, 5 years difference

Tatyana: Okay) if so

Tatyana: Time to sleep

Mark: Sweet dreams

Tatyana: Thank you. And you. Till tomorrow

A simple example of a conversation in VK:

Mark: Oh, hi)

Alyona: Hi) why such a surprise?

Mark: somehow our previous conversation was interrupted)

How are you feeling?

Alena: the mood is excellent, the session is over! I will go home soon

and how are you?

Mark: I’m fine too, recently returned from the lake, swam in the dark)

but home where?

Alyona: ********* **********

far away

Mark: When are you going?

Alyona: 5 numbers

Mark: I'm going to Poland tomorrow, I'll be back in the evening, we could see each other)

Alyona: I wouldn’t mind, otherwise it’s so boring in the hostel

Mark: Do you live on Pushkinskaya?

Alena: Moscow

hostel near the technical university

Mark: ah, got it

write your number, I'll call you when I arrive tomorrow

Alyona: hey.. well, you're fast))) you go to the Internet, I'll wait for you here

and where are you from? tell me about yourself?

Mark: let's better at the meeting, so it will be more interesting to talk)

Alyona: well, tell me something, otherwise I don’t know you at all

Mark: is it scary to meet?) I am a decent young man, I do boxing and love to travel)

Alena: wow, that's interesting

boxing, travel

How long have you been boxing?

Mark: 6 years old

Alyona: Have you been traveling for a long time?

Mark: at the end of July I will go to Germany, and from there to Turkey)

Alena: cool)

wait for me tomorrow

Alyona: ok, what time

I just need to collect things tomorrow

Mark: oh, I don’t know, it’s hard to say, that’s why I asked for the number so that it would be easier to contact

Alyona: well

and then I'll have to stay in contact all day

Mark: I think it should be by 7

Alena: good

Now you know how to communicate correctly and what you can talk about with a girl on VK. Good luck!
