What date does the holiday fall on? When is Easter this year? How is the date of Easter determined? Sunday after the full moon

Parents' Saturdays are important days when we remember our family and friends. On such days, as a rule, people come to the cemetery, tidy up the graves, give their friends food so that they also remember the deceased.

Each such day has its own customs, traditions and characteristics, but the point is to be sure to order a memorial service for close deceased relatives and friends, and also, if possible, be sure to go to the cemetery.

– days when love and warmth for the souls of deceased loved ones are especially manifested.

According to the calendar they fall on:

  • February 10. Universe parental Saturday or Meatless. It’s not fasting yet, but you can’t eat meat anymore.
  • March 3 is Saturday of the second week of Lent.
  • March 10 is Saturday of the third week of Lent.
  • March 17 will be Saturday of the fourth week of Lent.

Let's take a closer look at what dates the days of remembrance of the dead fall on in 2018: the calendar of which, as you know, changes depending on the date of Easter. We offer to prepare salads with tongue, simple and tasty recipes with photos.

Radonitsa is considered a well-known parent's Saturday. A significant date for Christians. To find out what date Radonitsa falls on, you need to know what date Easter is. Just on the ninth day after the Easter holiday, the dead are commemorated. In the new year, Easter holiday will be on April 8th. This means that 17 April believers will go to the cemetery. This custom originated from the time when the baptism of Rus' took place. Loud celebrations are prohibited on this memorial day. It is customary to remember the deceased in a cemetery silently.

Well-known days of remembrance of the dead in 2018: the calendar mentions Radonitsa and Trinity. During the year, the total number of parental days is eight.

Meat Saturday, one of the ancient holidays of remembrance, falls on February 10. This parental Saturday is celebrated one week before Lent. This is the last day when you are allowed to eat meat products.

Trinity Saturday- the next day of remembrance known to the people. According to beliefs, it is on Trinity that the soul is completely cleansed by the Holy Spirit and moves to the highest level of spiritual development. When visiting a cemetery, it is customary to leave some food from the funeral dinner and candy at the grave. This Saturday, May 26th, young girls should not do housework. The belief says that a marriage entered into on this day will be unhappy.

Beheading of John the Baptist- the most tragic parent's day. According to the new calendar, it falls on September 11. On this calendar day, Orthodox soldiers who died during the war with Poland and Turkey are commemorated. This is a holiday honoring courage and bravery in the struggle for a great cause. On this memorial day, fasting is strictly observed; you cannot even eat fish dishes.

Dmitrievskaya parent Saturday a – another day associated with the commemoration of fallen soldiers. This calendar date appeared as a tribute to the memory of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica. According to the new calendar, this day falls on November 5th. According to custom, preparations are made for this day in advance. The day before Saturday they go to the bathhouse, and when leaving, it is customary for people to leave a towel for their ancestors. On St. Dmitrievskaya Saturday, people not only visit the graves of their ancestors, but also organize large funeral celebrations.

According to beliefs, the richer the table, the happier the deceased ancestors will be. On this date, only bright and good things are said about the deceased. There is also a sign associated with this holiday: if it gets very cold and snowing this Saturday, then spring promises to be cold. We tell you the secrets of making lasagna at home with minced meat.

Parental Saturdays of Great Lent– days when love and warmth for the souls of deceased loved ones are especially manifested. According to the calendar they fall on March 2, 10 and 17. On this day, believers pray for loved ones who are dear and close to their hearts, so that the Lord does not leave them without his prosperity.

Although, with the modern rhythm of life, everyday worries and routine, the once kind and warm feelings for those we love seem to be erased. Regardless of how a person feels about church holidays, whether he is a believer or not, in any case, one must gratefully honor and remember his loved ones. That is why parental Saturdays are special days of greatest respect and honor for each other.

The rules on all memorial days are practically the same. These days it is customary to attend churches, in particular memorial services. Believers take Lenten food with them as a donation to the funeral table. They are distributed to all those in need: the poor and the needy. In addition to church, on Parents' Saturdays it is customary to visit cemeteries and remember deceased loved ones. It is considered a great sin to drink alcohol in a cemetery. The best thing you can do for the dead is to pray for the repose of the soul. By the way, we have collected rare and beautiful names for girls 2018 by month.

Easter is one of the best holidays for the entire nation; it is celebrated by people of all religions. But since we are Orthodox Christians, I would like to suggest that you briefly familiarize yourself with its customs and traditions before moving on to the date of the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ.

In my previous articles, I already told you how to bake delicious and simple, and. And also, how beautiful and original. These are all attributes of this day. Moreover, Easter cakes symbolize life, and colored eggs symbolize rebirth and the beginning of a new life.

On the Resurrection of the Lord, it is customary to go to church and attend the service.

You can also light eggs and Easter cakes in it, that is, place a candle between them and while the service is going on, it should not go out. But already at home at the table, you must first eat the egg and Easter cake, and only then the prepared dishes.

Even on this day, there is a tradition of visiting each other and exchanging Easter cakes and eggs. There is even a joke game that was invented earlier: fighting with colored eggs.

The one who beats says: Christ is risen, and the other responds that he is truly risen and whose paint is broken, he gives it to the one who has the whole one left.

In fact, with these words, the believers kissed and exchanged Easter eggs and began to celebrate. What colors can you paint eggs in and what do they mean?

1. Red – symbolizes the life and rebirth of Jesus Christ. Since he was resurrected, life began from an egg.

2. Blue (blue) is the color of love and mutual understanding.

3. Yellow is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

4. White – spirituality, frequency.

5. People don’t paint it black; it is associated with grief and sadness.

My parents also told me an interesting custom. But I don’t know if it’s true or not, but on this church holiday, people go to say Christ before lunch. Moreover, the man should be the first to enter the house, then the one to whom you came will live in abundance this year.

Well, you have briefly become acquainted with traditions and customs, and now let’s move on to the main thing.

It may drop on different dates. One year it happens in May, another in March, one thing is known: it can only be on Sunday. There is a certain rule by which you can navigate. It is celebrated in the spring on the first Sunday after the full moon, which comes after the spring equinox.

Easter is Orthodox and Catholic, but opinions on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are different. Therefore, peasants use the following factors when calculating:

  1. Lunar calendar (rotation of the moon around the earth's axis);
  2. Solar calendar (the rotation of the earth around the sun);
  3. The generally accepted day to celebrate is Sunday.

Therefore, it is determined as follows: if it comes earlier than March 21 (the day of the vernal equinox), then according to Easter, the last phase of the moon is taken into account. But sometimes the full moon falls on Easter Sunday, then Easter is celebrated on the following Sunday.

Also, if you are interested, you can watch the video when it drops before 2027.

So we have decided when the Resurrection of the Lord will take place, and now let’s move on to the next chapter. I think for those who are interested in this, it will be no less interesting.

What date is Catholic Easter?

The celebration of Orthodox and Catholic Easter falls on different days every year. Moreover, the second one was a week or two earlier than the first. However, there are dates when they coincide; 2017 was an example. You can also calculate this day using the lunar-solar calendar.

Catholic differs significantly from Orthodox not only in the date of calculation, but also in different symbols and attributes.

Egg: is considered the main food for this holiday and they are placed in a special basket with beautiful decorations or placed on green grass of even height, which is grown especially for this purpose.

Easter Bunny: another symbol of the holiday. By the way, you can see how to make it yourself in this one. He paints and decorates the eggs all night, and in the morning he hides them in the grass in the garden so that in the morning every child wakes up and finds a surprise for himself. Moreover, Easter eggs can be not only eggs, but also candies, apples, pears.

Hen: also an indispensable attribute of Catholic Easter. All Catholic houses are decorated with chickens. And in stores they sell all sorts of sweets with their image. It is also drawn on any invitation cards for a festive dinner.

Flowers: The best decoration for the holiday table, they are specially grown in pots for this holiday. They exist in almost all homes.

Easter wreath: made as a decoration for presenting Easter eggs to the table.

Also, can serve as decoration on walls or doors in the house.

When is Parents' Day?

It is also called Radunitsa - a memorial day, that is, the memory of deceased parents, relatives and loved ones who previously lived on earth. Parents' Day is both a sad and joyful holiday. Moreover, it is considered the second because on this day they rejoice for the departed, that they have passed on to eternal life.

You can remember your parents, relatives and friends not only on Tuesday, but there are also parental Saturdays, the dates of which are recorded in the church calendar. For a Christian, these days are especially important, because he must know them in order to remember and commemorate the souls of the dead.

But under no circumstances remember the dead on Easter. It is on this day that you cannot do this!

Memorial days in 2020:

  • February 22 – universal meat-free Saturday;
  • March 14 – second memorial parental Saturday;
  • March 21 – third memorial Saturday;
  • March 28 – fourth memorial Saturday;
  • April 28 – Radunitsa is the main day for commemorations;
  • May 9 – fallen soldiers are commemorated;
  • June 6 – Trinity Saturday;
  • November 7 – Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

What should you do on Parents' Day? How to remember correctly? It turns out that the people and the church are constantly at odds. That is, people are used to taking Easter cakes, eggs, meat products and going to the cemetery to drink vodka and snack on the food they brought. The remains of food and drink are left for the souls of the departed.

The Church says the opposite: no vodka or Easter cakes can replace the words of prayer. After the funeral, it is recommended to remove the grave from weeds and other overgrowth. And those who strongly believe in Orthodox traditions invite a priest to perform a prayer service and light candles for rest in peace.

When is Red Hill for the Orthodox this year?

This holiday also changes every year, depending on when Easter comes. To make the calculation yourself, you need to remember that Red Hill is celebrated on the next Sunday after Easter.

Anti Easter or Fomina Sunday (another name for Red Hill) is celebrated on April 26 in 2020.

According to old Slavic traditions, this day is cheerful and joyful. Women dressed up and gathered on the highest mountain to meet the sun and worship their ancestors. When they returned, there was a party going on, where all the young people were present. People believed that the more cheerful this day was, the better and more fruitful the year would be.

It was believed that it was better to have a wedding on Fomino Sunday. Everyone who loved each other tried to get married during these days, which lasted 7 days.

Nowadays, everything has changed and people began to remember the deceased, relatives and loved ones, by visiting graves. And after the cemetery they organize cheerful feasts with eggs and Easter cakes.

Even now, people believe that if they get married on this day, the newlyweds will live happily ever after.

By the way, the church does not hold weddings during Lent and Easter. But Red Hill is the first day when blessings for marriage begin. And 2020 will be no exception.

Do you know that there is such a tradition: on Krasnaya Gorka they paint eggs, gather on the hill and roll the eggs, so to speak. Whose egg rolls further will live happily all year. There are also many rituals and signs that are aimed at health and well-being.

Friends of all, happy holidays!

Few Christians know why Easter is on different days. To understand this issue, you need to remember the history of the holiday and the basis for calculating its date. Statistics show that even experts on this topic cannot summarize its essence in a nutshell; so many important events are intertwined here.

The Great Resurrection is one of the most important Christian holidays, which is revered by millions of believers, so it is so important to at least theoretically know why Easter is at different times. After all, in the modern world you don’t have to worry about this. Church calendars are issued indicating the dates of all holidays, and the Internet also comes to the rescue, which has ready-made formulas (you just need to set the year for calculation or find the appropriate topic).

How is the holy day calculated?

The day of celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ falls on a new date every year. It is calculated using special formulas, some of the data of which are variable quantities. To calculate the date of Christ's day using one of them you need to know:

Spring date when day is equal to night
Date of the full moon following the equinox
Day of the week on which Easter Sunday is celebrated

After looking at many of the calculations that scientists use, any desire to try to calculate the date of the holiday disappears, they are so complex and require certain knowledge, both in the field of mathematics and astronomy. Why is the date of Easter changing?

Determining the date using the formula

A fairly simple formula, proposed by Carl Gauss at the beginning of the 19th century, contains only mathematical calculations. He did not give an explanation for this calculation, but it can be used to determine the time of the holiday in any year.


  1. The year (or rather its number) in which you need to find out the date of the Great Day is divided by 19. Remainder = A
  2. Number of year divided by 4 = B
  3. Number of year divided by 7 = C
  4. (19 * A + 15) : 30 = number and remainder = D
  5. (2 * B + 4 * C + 6 * D + 6) : 7 = number. Remainder = E
  6. D+E<= 9, то Пасха будет в марте + 22 дня, если >, then in April: the resulting number is 9

Example calculation for 2014:

  1. 2014: 19 = 106, remainder = 0
  2. 2014: 4 = 603 ost 2
  3. 2014: 7 = 287 ost 5
  4. (19 * 0 + 15) : 30 = 0.5 remainder 15
  5. (2 * 2 + 4 * 5 + 6 * 15 + 6) : 7 = 17 remainder 1
  6. 15+1 = 16 more than 9, which means the Feast of Christ will be in April 16-9 = 7, adjustment for style +13 days, which means April 20.

Sunday after the full moon

The Orthodox Church uses a calculation that was adopted back in the third century. Easter is celebrated according to the rules of the Alexandrian Paschal after the spring equinox (March 21 according to the old style and April 3 according to the new one) on the first Sunday after the full moon.

A little history

Many years have passed since Jesus Christ was crucified for human sins and resurrected. Since that time, Christ's Day has been celebrated annually on the fourteenth day of the first month of spring. According to the ancient lunar calendar, this event falls on the first day of the week, that is, Sunday. Before the conquest by Babylon, this month was called Aviv, and after the captivity - Nissan. The modern calendar has a clearly established framework for the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord: this day can be between April 4 and May 8 according to the new style (March 22 and April 25 according to the old style).

The thing is that before there was no single calendar. One of the most ancient peoples - the Israelis - kept track of time according to the lunar calendar, while the Egyptians and Romans - according to the solar calendar.

Lunar calendar: main parameters

12 months
Number of days in a month 29 or 30
Number of days in a year 354

Solar calendar: main parameters

12 months
Number of days in a month 30
Number of days in a year 365

It can be seen that the difference in days between the calendars was 11 days. To smooth out the discrepancy, the Jews added an additional month - the thirteenth (V-Adar) every few years. This happened in the year that is considered a leap year in the modern calendar. Some peoples believed that there were only 10 months (304 days) in a year, and the year began in March, and then the remaining January and February were added.

The implementation of two significant reforms simplified the process of monitoring the passing days:

1. Caesar's Reform - Julian Calendar

The Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar decided to streamline the calendar on his territory. Thus, the new Julian calendar contained 365 days a year, and 366 in the leap year. But, despite this, the lunar calendar did not cease to exist and was carried out in parallel.

The reform was finally consolidated for the entire Christian world in 325 at a council of bishops. It was then that the months of July and August were named after the emperors. The Julian calendar is used in the Orthodox Church.

2. Foundation of the Gregorian calendar

Nature has its own laws. The Julian calendar turned out to be imperfect: the spring equinox was approaching, and the calendar only showed March 11th. Again the need for reform arose. Pope Gregory XIII founded the Gregorian calendar in 1582, according to which the year consisted of 365 days.

This is interesting:

The inhabitants of Rome and Egypt, who were guided by the solar calendar, had a different number of days in the year: 355 and 354.

The new time system in Russia began to be used only 336 years after the reform. The Orthodox Church resisted accepting it, uprisings broke out, and blood was shed.

The difference between the new and old styles is now 13 days. The initial difference of 10 days increased by one day in each century.

First the Jewish Resurrection takes place, then the Catholic and Orthodox. Why this happens and why Easter cakes are baked can be found out by looking into history.

Dates often overlap: Jewish dates can coincide with Catholic dates, and Catholic dates can coincide with Orthodox dates. Jewish and Orthodox never intersect.

In Israel, the week begins on Sunday - this is the first working day. Saturday is a day off, and Friday is usually a shortened day.

During the existence of Alexandria, the day of Easter was calculated by the current bishop and reported to Rome, so that the celebration took place on one day. But gradually this tradition disappeared.

There was a time when Christians did not fool themselves by calculating the date of the Resurrection of the Lord and asking why Easter is a moving holiday. They celebrated the holiday a week after the Jewish Passover.

In what month and on what date is Easter celebrated in the Christian world? Easter is a day that marks victory over death, the transition from earthly to heavenly - the most important and significant event of the year for Christians. The Resurrection of Christ was celebrated back in apostolic times. Today, in relation to it, the entire moving annual liturgical circle is determined. Easter Sunday falls on different days in different years . Why does this happen and what does it depend on? - explain the established rules for calculating Easter. In 2019, Easter falls on April 28.

In the pre-apostolic period, Passover was a Jewish holiday celebrated in memory of deliverance from Egyptian slavery. The date of Easter was calculated by the clergy and fell on the 14th day of the first month of the year. The beginning of the year coincided with the onset of spring and the time of ripening of barley ears. The crucifixion of Christ coincided with the Passover of the Jews, which fell on the first full moon after the spring equinox. This circumstance explains the close connection between the celebration of Christian and Jewish Easter.

At the dawn of Christianity, after Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jewish people scattered throughout the world, the landmark in the form of the time of ripening of barley was lost. To determine the date of the celebration, the lunar and solar calendars began to be used. In different Churches Easter fell on different days.

Disagreements regarding the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ that arose in the Christian world were discussed by the Council of Nicaea at the beginning of the 4th century. The Council laid down the fundamental, basic theses of the Christian Easter, freed from Jewish influence, which have become unshakable. According to the resolution of the Council, the day of the Feast must correspond to the custom of the Alexandrian Church with its dominant theological and astronomical schools. The most important event for Christians is celebrated after, on the first Sunday with the onset of the full moon or immediately after the spring equinox.

At the same time, based on the 19-year Easter (Metonic) cycles, a perpetual calendar was approved, which takes into account many astronomical and mathematical parameters to establish the date of Easter. From these calculations it followed:

  • the earliest Easter cannot occur before March 21;
  • the latest Easter will not be later than April 25th.

Almost until the very end of the 16th century. The Christian Church everywhere was guided by the Alexandrian Paschal, which was based on the Julian calendar.

Transition to the Gregorian calendar and Easter issues

Gradually, the Alexandrian chronology system began to lag behind real astronomical time, and, starting from the 4th century. by the end of the 16th century, all dates moved forward by 10 days, including fixed holidays. In order to correct this state of affairs, the so-called Gregorian reform was carried out. Its task was to return to its original place the astronomical starting point - the spring equinox. The new calendar began to calculate true time quite accurately; the leap year system was adjusted, as a result of which the Metonic cycle began to correspond to the lunar phases.

Since it became impossible to use the system of the Alexandrian Church in the new calendar, the Easter reform followed. The Orthodox branch of the Christian Church has not switched to the Gregorian calendar , considering that the church Easter is not just a list of dates, but a set of rules for calculating a specific day. The use of the new system leads to the fact that the celebration of Catholic Easter is often celebrated before the Jewish one, and in the years of late Easter, all days of Peter's Lent disappear from the calendar. This is a significant canonical violation.

Thus, the Orthodox Church continues to count time according to the Julian calendar. This explains why the Orthodox Church happens at different times:

  1. Among the Orthodox, the day of the Resurrection of Christ is determined in accordance with tables of Easter full moons, which differ from the calculation methods according to the Gregorian calendar.
  2. Time difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars in the 20th–21st centuries. has already been 13 days.

Therefore, the earliest Easter is celebrated by the Orthodox on April 4, the latest will be on May 8. A characteristic feature that has arisen as a result of the use of the Julian calendar to this day is that the Resurrection of Christ will be celebrated after the second new moon in the following years of the 19-year cycle: fifth, eighth, eleventh, sixteenth, nineteenth.

Speaking about the contradictions in calculating the onset of the Triumph of Triumphs according to the Gregorian and Julian calendars, we should not forget that the meaning of celebrating Easter is not in connection with the calendar day, but in glorifying the primary dogma of faith.

Undoubtedly a pagan holiday - Radonitsa - found its place in the series of Orthodox holidays recognized by the church. The holiday falls on the second week after Easter - St. Thomas week, on Tuesday. On this day, Orthodox Christians visit the graves of deceased relatives and rejoice in their blessed memory.

Pagan Radonitsa in the Orthodox calendar

Commemoration of deceased relatives at their graves is an ancient Slavic tradition. The custom of leaving treats for ancestors on mounds has the same roots. This tradition has existed among the Slavic peoples for more than 16 centuries. The Church recognized this custom, and the Orthodox calendar was replenished with a new significant date - the day of remembrance of parents, parent's day.

No one disputes the pagan origin of Parents' Day, but the Orthodox Church considered it appropriate to respectfully commemorate the dead. The date was linked to Easter in the church calendar, like most Orthodox holidays with pagan origins.

Radonitsa in 2018 (Parents' Day) falls on Tuesday of St. Thomas Week. St. Thomas Week is the second week after Easter, that is, the holiday lags behind Easter by 9 days.

What date is Radonitsa in 2018?

Strictly speaking, Parental Holidays mean the 8th and 9th days after Easter, that is, Monday and Tuesday in St. Thomas Week. But in the end, the tradition of visiting the graves of deceased relatives on Tuesday took root.

In Rus', Radonitsa had many names: Radunitsa, Radoshnitsa, Radostnoe, Radunets and others. In fact, it is a holiday of remembrance of deceased relatives, primarily parents. Ancient traditions require laying flowers on the grave, leaving offerings in the form of painted eggs and Easter cakes.

This is the date when the living “communicate” with their deceased relatives and tell them about themselves. It is believed that the dead rejoice at the arrival of their relatives. Those who were forgotten by their relatives, on the contrary, are sad. Old customs exclude sadness, sadness and tears.

You need to rejoice in communicating with relatives who have gone to another world. Tears and grief will disturb the souls of the deceased - they want to see their families prosperous and happy. At the resting place, they heartily treated themselves to delicious food, told the deceased about their lives, about the bright memory that lives in the soul.

The Radonitsa holiday involves fun without revelry, strict and thoughtful. There is no need to drink, sing songs and behave like you are at a merry holiday.

Radoshnitsa within Orthodoxy

Orthodox traditions, which are woven into the pagan holiday, involve the performance of a number of church rituals. It is believed that Radoshnitsa is Easter for the dead, when they rejoice at the resurrection of Christ. The resurrection of Jesus gives everyone hope for eternal life and eliminates sadness and tears from Radoshnitsa.

Just like on Easter, they bake Easter cakes and various delicious pastries, paint eggs and consecrate them in the church. After Fomin Sunday, litias for the dead begin to be sung. Orthodox Christians begin the morning of Parent's Day with a prayer in memory of the departed and light memorial candles. On

The Radoshnitsa cannot be denied alms - all those asking must receive alms. In Radonitsa they don’t swear, they don’t slander, they don’t deceive.

The church took Radonitsa under its protection. This is the day of remembrance of the dead, a tribute to their blessed memory and their place in the hearts of their loved ones. We should not forget the essence of the celebration, either at the cemetery or after, at home gatherings. What restrictions does the church set when visiting graves?

Orthodoxy recognizes Parents' Day as a holiday of joyful remembrance of the dead. But joy should be bright, spiritual, and it is better to convey it to departed relatives through prayer.

True believers spend the holiday in prayer and spiritual joys. Radoshnitsa recommends starting your morning in a church, where you can order a memorial service, pray for the departed, and distribute cooked food and alms to those in need.

At the cemetery on Parents' Day, they take care of the grave - they remove garbage, straighten and paint fences, and decorate the grave with flowers. The only offering that the Orthodox Church approves is flowers and a lighted candle in memory of the deceased. Then you need to offer a prayer - without tears, without sadness, just from the heart to communicate with relatives who are no longer around. Surely all prayers will be answered.

Folk signs on Radonitsa

In the old days, people believed that the dead visited their home on Radonitsa. A bathhouse was heated for them and clean linen was left in it - for a day after that they did not wash in the bathhouse or enter it. Only after the end of Radoshnitsa did everyone wash themselves in the bathhouse.

For the deceased, cups of water were placed on the window, and three extra plates were placed on the table. Of these, the deceased had to have breakfast, lunch and dinner. On Radonitsa, to commemorate the dead, food was prepared and distributed to those in need.

On Radunitsa there was a main tradition - calling out to the rain. It is believed that it always rains on Radunitsa. The children waited for the rain all day and called out to it, washing themselves with rainwater - for good luck. The rain today promised a rich harvest.

Girls, in cases where it rained without thunder, washed themselves with rainwater through rings, silver or gold. It was believed that this would help preserve beauty and youth. On Parents' Day in Rus', nothing was sown or planted - those who did this were promised a meager and poor harvest.

It was possible to work for Radonitsa only in the morning - all work was completed by lunchtime, then everyone - both old and young - went to the cemetery to commemorate the dead. In the evening on Parents' Day, everyone went out for a walk, the young people danced and sang until the morning - in the evening no one worked at Radunitsa.

Although fun and joy are encouraged on this day, it is still worth remembering that this is a day of blessed memory of the departed. Feast and fun should come after attending church services, prayers and visiting the graves of deceased relatives.
