What's best for toenail fungus? The best folk and medical remedies for nail fungus An effective remedy against nail fungus.

When your nails turn yellow, curl, become thick, and even painful to the touch, it's likely due to a fungal infection called onychomycosis. However, there are both folk and medicinal remedies for this scourge. Our rating will help you choose best remedy for nail fungus on the legs or arms.

10. Probiotics

Price - from 231 rub.

Without a sufficient amount of friendly flora, one of which is lactobacilli, “bad” bacteria easily “take over” in the body. This allows fungi such as candida and nail fungus to grow uncontrollably.

So taking a daily probiotic supplement (one that contains no sugar or artificial sweeteners) will help fight the fungus from the inside out. It is most effective to use probiotics in complex therapy, together with one of the remedies from our top 10.

9. Apple or grape vinegar

Price - from 155 rub. for 250 g.

Daily ten-minute baths (1 cup of vinegar in a bowl of hot water) will help get rid of nail fungus. However, they will take a long time to do, up to 6 months. In addition, under the influence of vinegar, nails become thinner, more fragile and more sensitive. Therefore, in the top 10 most effective remedies for nail fungus, vinegar took second to last place.

8. Tea tree oil

Price - from 150 rub.

When treating nail fungus with folk remedies, the most effective are essential oils with antifungal properties. One of these is tea tree oil. When applied directly to affected toenails every morning and evening, positive results are visible in as little as three weeks.

Disadvantages: if applied carelessly, it can “pinch” and burn the skin.

7. Thermikon tablets

Price - from 567 rub.

The drug with the active ingredient terbinafine is taken for up to 12 weeks, one tablet per day. Those who do not want to take tablets can purchase Thermikon spray or cream. The disadvantages of this product include its high cost and the need for long-term use.

6. Fundizol

Price - from 97 rub.

Antifungal cream made in Russia. Reviews recommend applying it at night under a bandage. Under the influence of the cream, the affected part of the nail plate softens and can be removed.

Cons: specific smell.

5. Loceryl

Price — 1366 rub.

The varnish with the active ingredient amorolfine is very easy to use. It is enough to apply it to your nails once or twice a week.

To completely get rid of onychomycosis you will have to wait from 9 months to a year. This is one of the disadvantages of Lotseril. The second disadvantage is the high price.

4. Nailitis

Price - from 149 rubles.

An alternative to surgical removal of a nail affected by fungus. After applying the ointment, pieces of the nail peel off without causing any discomfort to the “owner”.

The only drawback of the product is the need to apply the ointment every 3-4 days for a long time.

3. Listerine

Price - from 125 rub.

This mouthwash is not technically a cure-all for finger fungus, but it works very well, which is why we included it in the rating. Make a foot bath with 30-50 ml of Listerine mixed with two cups of warm water and take it once a day for 30 minutes. Listerine is a powerful antiseptic; it kills fungus quickly.

2. Exoderil

Price - from 464 rubles. for cream and from 558 rub. per solution.

One of the best, and at the same time the most advertised remedy for nail fungus. Available in the form of a solution for external use and cream. It is best to use it twice a day.

Disadvantages: long-term treatment (up to six months) and the poor shape of the bottle with the solution. It is very easy to spill the product.

1. Mikozan

Price - from 155 rubles.

An easy-to-use cream that absorbs into the nail in a couple of minutes. The result becomes noticeable after just five days of use. An excellent remedy for those who want to treat a fungal infection, but do not accept pills and do not trust folk remedies.

What is the most effective remedy for nail fungus? Readers will have to decide for themselves using the method of enumerating options.

Nail fungus is an infection. The most common causative agents of infectious diseases are dermatomycetes, molds and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. And this is not a complete list. But Regardless of the origin of the infectious disease on the nails, the fungus can be cured.

It is important to pay due attention to proper hygiene of the feet and hands, as well as the prevention of fungal infections

What is important to know about treating nail fungus

To cure a fungal infection on the skin and nails, it is important to know which nail fungus medicine is most effective. It is difficult for an ordinary person to understand all the drug options, so it is best to get advice on this matter from a specialist. After testing, it is he who will identify the pathogen and prescribe treatment.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the characteristics of the pathogen, the stage of the disease, and the conditions in which it occurs

Common symptoms of nail fungus

General signs of infection for all pathogens:

  • The nail crumbles;
  • The plate changes color;
  • The nail phalanx exfoliates;
  • Increasing pain;
  • Itching of the skin around the nail.

The fungus enters the horny plate only after damage to the nail itself. To choose the right medicine for nail fungus, the most effective thing is to determine the stage of its development.

Stages of development of nail fungus:

  1. Initial stage. The fungus develops along the edge of the nail, changing its color.
  2. Normotrafic. The color of the horny plate changes, fragility and discharge from under it appear, but the thickness of the nail plate and its shine remain normal.
  3. Hypertrophic type of myacosis. The nail not only changes color, but also thickens, crumbles, and distorts its shape. The epidermis grows. If the fungus has not been treated for a long time, such symptoms cannot be avoided.
  4. Onycholistic stage. The nail atrophies and falls out.

Important to remember! If the fungus is not treated, it will spread throughout the body, affecting the arms, legs, stomach and even the face.

Only an experienced doctor can advise which treatment and medicine is suitable for nail fungus in order to achieve the most effective recovery of the body.

Most often, doctors prescribe a complex of several effective drugs

Both external and internal medications are used. Ointments, sprays and varnishes are suitable. Recipes from traditional medicine are used as an aid.

During treatment, you should remove things that were in contact with the fungus and may have remained its carriers. As a rule, these are shoes, gloves, socks. If among your family members there is a person with a fungal infection, it is important to adhere to increased requirements for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

It is necessary to regularly treat sleeping areas, toilets, clothes and shoes with disinfectants. It is worthwhile to prevent the disease for all family members.

EXODERIL solution

The most effective treatment for fungus at an early stage is a topical remedy that is applied directly to the problem area. Exoderil has the ability to destroy the cells of most fungal infections.

The medicine does not kill the rest of them, but inhibits their reproduction and growth. In fact, of all the drugs available in the pharmacy, not many can destroy fungal cells.

That's why The main advantage of the Exoderil solution is the active substance navftifil, which effectively and quickly fights infection. Among other things, this drug has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Feature Application: A certain concentration of the product on the skin and nails is important in order to have a medicinal effect. Regular use is required. The convenience is that Exoderil is applied once a day.

When visiting public places: locker rooms, saunas, water parks, Exoderil solution is suitable for preventing fungal infection.
Among the reviews about this drug, there are more positive ones if it is used in combination with other methods of treating fungus.
Average price: from 495 rub.

NIZORAL ointment

The active ingredient of the ointment is clotrimazole. Its main effect is to inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Only in very high concentrations does it kill fungal cells.

By destroying the structure of the infection, Nizoral stops the growth and reproduction of the fungus nails By interacting with its cells, it increases the level of hydrogen peroxide to a fatal concentration.

Nizoral ointment is absolutely harmless for the skin, unless you have an allergic reaction to its components. When used correctly, it does not enter the bloodstream, but only acts on the sore spot.

Very rarely there are symptoms of intolerance to clotrimazole. The ointment is effective in the early stages of the disease. If discomfort, swelling, redness or hives appear, the treatment process must be stopped immediately.

You need to apply the cream twice a day, after washing and drying your nails. It is applied for some time after the disappearance of all symptoms in order to consolidate the result of the treatment.

The ointment should not be applied around the eyes and contact with other mucous membranes of the human body should be avoided.

If the effect of treatment does not appear after 1 month of regular use according to the instructions without skipping procedures, then you need to consult a doctor to adjust the doses, and maybe change the treatment.

Average price: from 528 rub.

Most reviews of Nizoral ointment confirm that this medicine for nail fungus is the most effective. It is especially helpful in complex treatment. But the price-to-volume ratio of the drug is dissatisfying.


What is the easiest medicine for nail fungus to use? Of course, this is Lamisil spray. The active component of the spray is a substance called terbinafine. It affects the metabolism inside the fungal cell and stops its growth and spread. Due to such disorders, cells die over time.

The advantage of the product is that it both refreshes and dries the affected areas. Unlike ointments, there is no need to rub in; it freely penetrates deep into hard-to-reach places.

The disadvantage of the drug is that it does not have a systemic effect on the body. The active substance is absorbed into the blood in small concentrations.
It should be noted that after using the spray, an allergic reaction is possible: irritation, itching, redness of the skin. The spray is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

Pay attention! Lamisil spray causes severe irritation if it comes into contact with the eyes. You should be careful when using it.

Most reviews give an average or positive rating to this fungus remedy. Ease of use is especially appreciated. The positive argument is that Lamisil is an effective remedy for nail fungus in combination with others. Negative opinions about the spray usually relate to its high cost. It is often recommended to find more affordable analogues in the form of an ointment.

Average price: from 532 rub.


The principle of operation of varnishes is that they cover the nail in liquid form, penetrate into all damage to the nail plate and act on fungal spores. Varnishes contain a variety of active substances and act on it accordingly. After drying, the varnish does not allow the fungus to breathe and it dies.

The description of the varnishes will help determine which medicine for nail fungus people consider the most effective in each specific case.

Before using any varnish, you need to carry out the following procedures: wash your fingers in warm water, remove the damaged parts of the nail with a nail file, dry the surface and only then apply varnish.

  1. Oflomil varnish is a medicinal and cosmetic product that inhibits the growth of infection and leads to its death. The active ingredient is amorolfine hydrochloride. Its property is a change in the structure of the fungal cell. After application to the affected nail, the varnish retains its active concentration for 7–10 days. It acts only at the site of application and effectively destroys the fungus.
  2. Loceryl varnish- This is an analogue of Oflomil. Penetrating deep within a week, it continues to have a medicinal effect. If the damage to the nail has spread to 75% of its area, then systemic treatment should be used. It is necessary to apply varnish 2 times a week. The procedure for treating fingernails needs to be done for about six months, and for toenails – more than 9 months.
  3. Batrafen varnish. The main effect is produced by cyclopiroxolamine. This active substance gradually accumulates to the required concentration: on toenails - 7 days, on fingernails - two weeks, for deep fungal infections - a month. After discontinuation of use, the active substance remains in the plate for several weeks. Batrafen should be applied once every 2 days for 30 days. Then the dose is reduced. It is not recommended to use varnish for longer than six months. Contraindicated for pregnant women.
  4. Demicten varnish. Its main active component is aldehyde, which is part of formic acid. Basically, it disinfects the affected areas, but does not burn healthy cells. Thanks to this property, scars will not appear during the treatment process, and the process of tissue regeneration will proceed faster. The varnish contains substances that promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria, which enhance the protective function of the skin and nails.
  5. Protective film formed by Demicten allows the nail and skin to breathe, which promotes rapid recovery. It is mainly used in the treatment of skin, but is also very effective for protecting nails. By using it on damaged areas, you can protect yourself from fungal infection. To treat an infection, it is advisable to use varnish every day.
  6. Mikozan varnish contains a whole complex of active substances. Rye enzyme filtrate is the main active ingredient. Due to its natural origin, it is considered harmless. It destroys the shell of the fungus, causing the infection to die. An additional property of the varnish is the compaction of the nail and the formation of a protective shell that dissolves in water. It must be applied 2 times a day. Every 7 days, treat your nails with a disposable nail file. This should be done for at least 4 weeks. According to reviews on the Internet, this medicine for nail fungus is the most effective among varnishes.

Keratolytic agents

The main purpose of this group of drugs is to soften the affected areas of the skin and nail so that they can be easily removed. To combat nail fungus, patches are used.

The active substance of keratolytic drugs is acid, for example, salicylic acid. Sometimes urea is used. The patch is left on the affected nail for 2 – 3 days. For convenience, it is secured with a bandage on the finger.

After the allotted time, the patch is removed and the affected nail is removed with a disposable nail file. Then a new patch is applied and the procedure is repeated again. The course of treatment usually lasts up to 6 months on the legs and up to 1 year on the arms.

Among keratolic medicines for nail fungus, the most effective are those containing additional antiseptic and healing components.
Advantages of the drug: removal of the nail plate is painless without surgery.

Disadvantage of such tools: inconvenient to use and a complex pattern of safety precautions. The prices for these products are quite reasonable compared to analogues.

Antifungal drugs in tablets

Some experts consider the use of medications in tablets to be the most effective method of treating fungus. If external agents do not have the desired effect, you need to act on the infection from the inside.

This radical method of treatment is considered as a “last resort”, because no matter how you look at it, any medicine does not have the best effect on human health.

For people with chronic liver and kidney diseases, this method of treatment is absolutely contraindicated.

However, it should be remembered that the damage caused by fungus to the skin and body is an important point that should not be neglected.

The fungus weakens the immune system, aggravates chronic diseases of all organs, and increases the risk of asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and urticaria.

Important to know! Toxic substances of the fungus at the systemic stage of the disease poison the body much more than drugs.

Tea tree oil as the most effective folk remedy for fungus

The oil contains substances that kill dermatophytes. Its concentration is ideal for the effective treatment of nail fungus among traditional medicines, which differs from others in its ease of use. First, prepare the nail plate: you need to soften and remove the damaged part with a nail file, and then apply oil.

To increase the effectiveness of oil use, make a compress or bandage. When treating fungus, the oil is not shaken or mixed with other components.

According to reviews, the use of tea tree oil in the fight against fungus is also considered one of the most effective and best remedies

According to numerous reviews from people all over the Internet, the use of tea tree oil in the fight against fungus is also considered one of the most effective and best remedies among folk methods. Using the oil is the simplest and does not require preparation or a recipe.

To find out which medicine for nail fungus is the most effective, you need to contact an experienced specialist who will help you find out the nature of the disease, the degree of its development and recommend a course of treatment.

Other possible treatment options for fungal infections at different stages include many methods and means: ointments, creams, sprays, tablets, varnishes and adhesive plasters.

You can cure nail fungus as quickly as possible by taking an integrated approach, using all methods: from the most effective medications, folk remedies to proper nail care that you can use at home.

An abundance of folk remedies will complement drug treatment. It is possible to overcome the fungus if you have patience, discipline and effective medications. Rest assured, With proper treatment, the result will not take long to arrive, will delight you and help you feel confident again.

Are you embarrassed to wear open shoes, go for a swim in the pool, or just walk barefoot on the green grass because you have nail fungus? The disease is, to put it mildly, unpleasant, but this is not a reason to “pack” your feet in socks and hot closed shoes all year round. How to treat toenail fungus, and how to protect yourself from reoccurrence?

Nail fungus in medical language is called onychomycosis.

Depending on the stage to which the disease has reached, there are three types:

  • normotrophic mycosis, in which a change in the color of the nail plate occurs, stripes and spots are formed, but neither the thickness of the plate nor the shine of the nail changes;
  • hypertrophic mycosis, characterized by discoloration, loss of shine of the nail plate, thickening and deformation;
  • atrophic mycosis, in which death and rejection of the affected part of the nail occurs.

The fungus is localized in a certain part of the nail plate or affects it completely, and depending on this, the following forms are distinguished:

  • in case of damage at the outer edge - distal;
  • for lateral lesions - lateral;
  • if the posterior cushion is affected - proximal;
  • with complete damage to the entire plate - total.

It is important to carry out laboratory diagnostics to confirm onychomycosis, since the fungus is often confused due to the similarity of clinical manifestations with diseases of a non-fungal nature!

Treatment of nail fungus is a long process; on average, it takes from 3 to 12 months. This duration is explained by the fact that the infection persists for a long time in the layers of the nail, and to eradicate it, a complete renewal of the plate is necessary.

Uncomplicated forms of the fungus can be treated with medication using tablets, ointments and specialized solutions. Ciclopirox or Naphthyzin are used as the active substance of the drugs. If the disease occurs with complications, Itraconazole, Terbinafine or Fluconazole are used. In particularly severe cases, the nail plate is completely removed.

List of the most effective pharmaceutical remedies for nail fungus

What can you buy at the pharmacy against onychomycosis?

Nomidol+ ointment for nail fungus

It contains natural ingredients:

  • herbal oils: St. John's wort, coltsfoot, celandine, string, valerian, etc.;
  • beaver musk extract;
  • rock salt;
  • tea tree essential oils;
  • silver;
  • vinegar;
  • herbs.

The course of treatment with Nomidol is only 15 days to eliminate symptoms and 30 days to prevent the disease.

However, you won’t be able to purchase the product in an ordinary pharmacy; only online pharmacies offer it at an incredible price. And this is already alarming. A more detailed study of the instructions for use turns out that Nomidol is nothing more than a cosmetic cream, and it is not able to eradicate onychomycosis.

Exoderil drops and ointment

A popular remedy for fungus, Exoderil, is available in two forms: ointment and drops. The active substance of the drug is naftifine hydrochloride (10 mg/g). The mechanism of its action lies in the ability to inhibit the growth of fungal cells.

Before applying the ointment, the nail must be cleaned and dried. Apply the product to the affected area of ​​the plate, including small healthy areas. Using Exoderil twice a day, the course of treatment is extended to six months. The method of using the solution is similar.

Contraindications to the use of Exoderil are individual allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Antifungal varnish Loceryl

Treatment of onychomycosis with Loceryl varnish is considered effective at the initial stage of the disease. The manufacturer of the product is the French company Laboratoires Galderma. The active substance of the varnish is amorolfine. When Loceril is applied to nails, its effect lasts up to 10 days. It is believed that the varnish acts as a means of preventing infection of healthy people from a sick person.

The cost of Loceryl is quite high, which makes the drug inaccessible to some segments of the population.

Medicine Amorolfine for nail fungus

Amorolfine is the active substance of some antifungal drugs, in particular, Lotseril or Oflomil varnish. Application – external only. After the drug with amorolfine is applied to the nail, the active substance penetrates deeply into all layers of the nail, while having low absorption.

Nailtivitis for removing the affected nail

Not long ago, a new antifungal agent appeared, which allows us to radically solve the problem. We are talking about the Nogtivit emulsion. This is an alternative to surgical removal of a nail plate that is severely affected by fungus.

Before use, the nail must be steamed in a soap and soda solution. Then you need to apply, without rubbing, “Nogtivit” on its surface. The top of the nail must be covered with a bandage. This compress is worn for 3-4 days. Next, remove the bandage, steam the nail, and scrape off the dead areas with a nail file. Apply the compress again.

Removing a nail using Nogtivit takes a long time, but it is painless.

Antifungal drug Mikozan

“Mikozan” is a remedy for nail fungus based on a natural component – ​​rye enzyme filtrate. How to use it?

The drug is used exclusively externally. Serum is applied to a clean nail from which cosmetic polish has been removed. Allow the nail to dry completely. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Once a week, clean the nail plate with a nail file. A set of disposable files is included with the serum.

Antifungal cream Fundizol

An inexpensive and effective antifungal agent is Fundizol cream. It contains salicylic acid, zinc oxide, potassium iodide, celandine extract, etc.

The cream is applied 2-3 times a day to the affected areas, under the nails, covered with compression paper and fixed for 4-8 hours. For prevention, healthy nails are also lubricated with cream. A visible therapeutic effect is noticeable after 2 weeks of regular use.

Thermikon tablets

Termicon tablets containing terbinafine are used orally for severe forms of nail fungus. 4 hours after taking the drug, it is distributed evenly in the body, penetrates the nail plates, maintaining the duration of the effect. The course of treatment is 6-12 weeks, 1 tablet per day after meals.

Absolute contraindications to taking pills are:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • The patient's age is up to 3 years.

Budget remedies and methods of treating fungus

Are there effective treatments for toenail fungus at low prices? Undoubtedly, it is not at all necessary to overpay for advertising and beautiful packaging, because there are drugs similar in composition and method of acting on the fungus to expensive ones.

Among them are ointments:

  • Candide;
  • Nizoral;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Terbizil;
  • Sulfur ointment;
  • Fungoterbin.

For internal use - tablets Itraconazole, Fluconazole, Terbinafine.

It is possible to undergo a course of treatment for nail fungus in medical and cosmetology institutions.

Folk remedies for treating fungus on toenails

Are there effective folk remedies for toenail fungus at home? Yes, and there are many of them.


A tablespoon of ammonia is diluted in 200 milliliters of water. After moistening a cotton pad or gauze pad in the solution, wrap the nail, put on a fingertip or secure the compress with a band-aid. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed at night; the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

Vinegar and egg.

Homemade ointment for nail fungus is easy to prepare. For one raw fresh egg, take a tablespoon of vinegar, olive oil and a teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The ointment is applied to the nail using the application method (under a bandage and cellophane), it is better to do this at night. After several procedures, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the nails; treatment must be continued until complete recovery. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator.

Propolis tincture (20%).

It is necessary to rub the product, using a cotton swab, into damaged nails several times a day for 4-12 weeks, depending on the stage of the disease.

Tea tree oil.

It is necessary to lubricate your nails twice a day with this product, and after a couple of months the nail will become completely healthy.

Preventive measures

Onychomycosis is a contagious disease, it is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. If you have a fungus, protect your household from it!

To do this:

  • do not allow anyone to wear your shoes and do not wear someone else’s;
  • use personal hygiene products: washcloth, files, scissors, tweezers, towel;
  • wash socks, bed linen, and foot towels at high temperature and iron thoroughly with a hot iron.

If you are afraid of becoming infected with a fungus, then follow simple rules:

  • do not use other people’s shoes or hygiene items from strangers;
  • when going to a bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna and even to the beach, take rubber slippers with you, since in places with high humidity and in sand the fungus feels great, just “waiting” for fresh marigolds;
  • strengthen the immune system - people with weakened body defenses are predisposed to mycoses;
  • Fearing that you might have contracted a fungus, for example, in the pool, take emergency measures upon returning home: wiping your feet and nails with vinegar or lemon juice or applying antifungal cream for prevention.

In this article, we tried to collect all the most effective and inexpensive drugs for nail fungus on the market: varnishes, ointments, serums, tablets and capsules. The cost of these drugs does not exceed 500 rubles, which means they are available to almost any person in need of treatment. We hope that this collection will be useful for visitors to our site.

  1. Nystatin.

Fig 6. Nystanin

Average price per pack of 20 tablets of 250 mg. – 88 rubles.

The active substance is nystatin.

Blocks the proliferation of fungi and has a destructive effect on them, has an antimicrobial effect. The drug also has a regenerating effect on affected tissues.

An adult is usually prescribed 500 mg. three times a day. Treatment lasts for 10 or 14 days.

Fig 7. Ketoconazole

Average price per pack of tablets 10 pcs. 200 mg each. – 137 rubles.

The active ingredient is ketoconazole.

It has disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. Actively affects several types of fungi. Inhibits their development and formation of colonies.

The norm per day is 200 mg. immediately after eating. Sometimes it is advised to take the drug with fermented milk products for better absorption. If there is no corresponding result, then increase the daily dose to 400 mg. Usually the course is 6–12 months, depending on the clinical picture and the results of control studies.

Rice. 8 Terbinafine

Average price per pack of tablets 10 pcs. 200 mg each. – 162 rubles.

The drug is effective for all known types of fungal infections. The therapeutic effect consists of destroying fungal cells. The drug tends to accumulate concentrated mostly in the nail area, which ensures its effectiveness.

Prescribe 250 mg. The specialist can divide this daily dose into two doses. Take a course of 14 days. The duration is directly related to the degree of infection. Application should not be stopped until complete regeneration of the nail plate has occurred.

  1. Griseofulvin.

Fig 9. Griseofulfin

The average price per pack of tablets is 40 pcs. 125 mg each. – 253 rubles.

The active ingredient is griseofulvin.

This drug is not only an antifungal, but also an antibacterial agent. The medicine increases the body's resistance to relapses and blocks the proliferation of pathogen spores. This achieves its complete destruction. Prescribed in advanced situations with a complex disease process.

Adults are prescribed the drug after meals, 125 mg. (four tablets per day). The dosage may be changed by the attending physician if there is a serious reason (for example, health status, age). This treatment regimen lasts one month. Then the drug is taken every other day in the same dosage. In the third month, take the medicine once every three days. The course of therapy lasts until the affected nail plate is restored.

  1. Itraconazole

Rice. 10 Intraconazole

Average price per pack of 14 tablets of 250 mg. – 359 rubles.

A narrowly targeted drug, active only for dermatophytes (molds, yeasts). The therapeutic effect is achieved only after a month. The result is only available if you complete the full course.

Dosage and duration of use - 7 days or several months, based on the size of the affected areas. The dosage regimen is as follows: 200 mg. (a couple of tablets) per day immediately after meals. With this treatment, a course is taken per week. It must be repeated three times with a break of 21 days between repetitions. In some cases, a break is not required, and 200 mg is prescribed. (one tablet per day).

Fig 11. Irunin

Average price for a pack of 10 capsules of 100 mg. – 434 rubles.

The active ingredient is itraconazole.

The medicine acts in several directions: it prevents the proliferation of fungal microorganisms and destroys their activity. Often this remedy is prescribed if an advanced form of the disease is already present.

Daily dose – 200 mg. The course lasts 7 days. It is repeated 2 - 3 times with a break of three weeks. Continuous treatment is less preferred and is rarely prescribed.

Preparations for external use

In combination with systemic agents, various ointments, sprays, creams, gels, patches, and varnishes are prescribed. Many of them, in addition to their antifungal effect, also help relieve unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning, pain).

  1. It is an antiseptic with pronounced disinfectant properties. It has no analogues, but its cost is low.

Rice. 12 Fukortsin

Price for 25 ml. – 75 rubles.

Ingredients: orthoboric acid, acetone, resorcinol.

Acetone has a powerful bactericidal effect and dries out the affected tissue. Orthoboric acid destroys fungal organisms. Resorcinol blocks the proliferation of infection and regenerates damaged areas.

Areas affected by onychomycosis are lubricated 2–4 times a day. Course – 4 weeks.

Fucorcin should be applied exclusively to the affected area, avoiding skin areas. The dosage should be strictly observed and applied in a thin layer. In large quantities, the medicine has a toxic effect on the body. The package includes a convenient applicator for application, but a regular cotton swab will also work.

  1. This is an inexpensive ointment that is prescribed for mild, not advanced cases. In severe forms, potent drugs are used. It's inexpensive .

Rice. 13 Terbinafine

Price for 15 g. – 82 rubles.

The active ingredient is terbinafine hydrochloride.

The cream prevents the proliferation of fungus and is also aimed at destroying its cells.

Must be used twice a day.

Before application, the affected areas are thoroughly cleaned and left to dry completely. Not only the nail is treated, but also the areas adjacent to it.

  1. This is a set (ointment and patch) that will remove peeling, affected nail plates without pain.

Fig 14. Nailitis

Price – 158 rubles.

Active ingredient: urea, essential oil, beeswax.

Carbamide (urea), due to its properties, removes the affected nail like a film. Tea tree oil disinfects. Thanks to the wax, pathogenic microorganisms - fungi - die.

For complete recovery you will need from one to four procedures.

The instructions describe in detail the application scheme:

  • to prepare for treatment, you need to clean and steam your feet with a soap-soda solution, wipe with a towel and let dry;
  • healthy skin needs to be covered with something: adhesive tape, adhesive tape and other convenient materials. Make sure that the ointment does not accidentally get on other healthy areas, as severe irritation may occur;
  • apply the ointment generously with a cotton swab to the entire surface of the nail, without rubbing;
  • apply the patch without pressing, put on loose socks and leave for 3 or 4 days. It is better to carry out the procedure on weekends or when it is possible to spend 3 days in a row at home;
  • After removal, you must repeat the steaming procedure. Then, using a hard nail file, remove the softened layer of the affected nail. After this, the file must be thrown away; its further use is contraindicated.

Figure 15. Thermikon ointment

Price for 15 ml. – 233 rubles.

The active ingredient is terbinafine hydrochloride.

The medicine acts on the source of the disease at the cellular level, prevents the spread of infection, does not affect hormonal balance, and is compatible with other medications.

The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. Typically, the frequency of application per day is once or twice. The course of therapy is a week.

Apply by spraying the spray onto clean, dry nails and surrounding areas.

  1. Exifin (cream).

Fig 16. Exifin cream

Price for 10 g – 249 rubles.

The active ingredient is terbinafine hydrochloride.

The active substance blocks the pathogenic effect of the main enzyme of the infection, which leads to a slowdown in the growth of fungal colonies and their complete death.

The frequency of use per day is once or twice, taking into account the resistance and sensitivity of the infection to the components of the drug. The course of therapy for onychomycosis lasts as a healthy nail grows. Even after the symptoms disappear, treatment should not be canceled on your own. Discontinue use only after receiving laboratory test results with a negative answer.

Apply a thin layer to clean, pre-dried nails and adjacent areas. The dose is increased if the fungi are not susceptible to the active substance.

  1. Candide.

Fig 17. Candida cream

Price for 20 g – 350 rubles.

The active ingredient is clotrimazole.

This product destroys the structure of fungal infection cells and prevents the formation of new pathogenic microorganisms. Almost all known types of pathogens are sensitive to the drug, which explains its effectiveness.

The substance must be rubbed in once or twice a day. Therapy is not stopped for another 2 weeks after the symptoms disappear.

  1. Mikoderil (varnish).

    This type of treatment is the most effective, but the cost is much higher.

Figure 18. Mikoderil varnish

Price for 20 ml. – 404 rubles.

The active ingredient is naftifine hydrochloride.

Varnishes, unlike other inexpensive remedies for toenail fungus, do the best job.

Their action is not limited only to blocking reproduction and destroying pathogenic microorganisms. These drugs have anti-inflammatory properties, relieving itching and irritation caused by the main causative agent of the disease.

This method of therapy is best suited for the treatment of onychomycosis due to deep penetration.

Apply medicinal varnish to the infected area twice a day, completely covering the nail plate and 1 cm around it. Discontinue use after the new nail grows. To avoid relapses, it is recommended to use it for another two weeks after the symptoms disappear, when a healthy nail does not have any thickening or unnatural color.

Before use, the affected nails are trimmed and the edges are treated with a nail file.

Nail fungus is not only an aesthetic problem. If you ignore the proper treatment prescribed by a specialist in a medical institution, the disease will affect more and more new areas, can cause allergic reactions and the subsequent development of bronchial asthma, lead to a weakening of the general immune system and an exacerbation of chronic ailments. If all the doctor’s instructions are followed, the prognosis is quite optimistic: complete cure of the fungus without complications.

Onychomycosis can be caused by three types of toenail fungi - dermatophytes, yeasts and molds. In 90% of cases, molds and dermatophytes cause damage to the nail plates.
Direct contact facilitates the transmission of dermatophytes. Often this happens in one family among household members. Dermatophytes are also transmitted through household items. Yeast can cause onychomycosis if the immune system is weakened. The peculiarity of mold fungi is that they cannot be transmitted from person to person. They can be found everywhere.

The likelihood of nail fungal damage increases in the presence of certain diseases: diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, obesity, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

Onychomycosis is common in the following population groups:

* in large cities more often than in rural areas;

* people who wear warm and tight shoes;

* in mature and elderly people;

* for nuclear power plant workers, metallurgists, miners, working in bathhouses and laundries, professional athletes and military personnel;

* in men and women who often shower in public places (or go to the bathhouse);

* in people with Raynaud's syndrome, with reduced immunity, obesity and diabetes;

* the fungus often affects the toenails of people who have been taking antibacterial and cytostatic drugs, corticosteroids for a long time.

Despite the fact that a fungal infection can affect anyone at any age, older people are most susceptible to the disease. This is explained both by the decline of the immune system and by a greater predisposition to hyperkeratosis. Hyperkeratosis is the appearance and accumulation of keratinized skin on the soles.

Risk factors include contact with the source of the causative agent of a fungal disease, decreased immunity and increased function of the adrenal cortex, which contributes to sweating and weight gain.

Modern people, in order to protect their feet from overheating, hypothermia, mechanical damage, and toxic substances, spend most of their time in stockings, socks, tights and shoes. Stockings, socks and tights must be changed daily, and shoes regularly too.

Often, socks and shoes can not only protect your feet, but also injure them. They also sometimes promote the growth of microbes. Toenails are more susceptible to fungal infections than fingernails. It is known that the vast majority of the population that wears shoes and socks, which is 30-70% of people, has fungal spores on the skin of their feet. Fungi are able to multiply quickly and create entire colonies. To protect yourself from them, you need good immunity and protective properties of the skin.

Fungal spores have good resistance to the external environment. They persist for a long time in cracks in the floors of swimming pools, bathhouses, residential premises, hotels, and gyms. The reason lies in non-compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime. Spores can also remain in socks and shoes for a long time. Very often, mushrooms are present and breed on crowded beaches.

Factors favoring the spread of the fungus:

- external factors that contribute to a decrease in local and general immunity: repeated unjustified use of steroid hormones and antibiotics, including the use of ointments and creams, increased background radiation;

Wearing someone else's shoes (slippers at a party, for example);

Failure to comply with important hygiene skills: trimming and cleaning nails, washing feet daily in the evening, using nourishing creams for nails and skin;

The habit of wearing sports shoes made of airtight material every day;

Fungus often appears on the feet of people with a professional need to wear plastic or rubber shoes for a long time while working.


Detection of nail fungus does not occur immediately. It must first go through some stages. For some time, the fungus quietly begins life in a new organism.

External signs of onychomycosis may appear only after several months. The characteristics of the manifestation of the disease depend on the specific type of fungus, as well as on the individual physiological characteristics of the human body. In addition, they largely depend on the time that has passed since the moment of infection.

At the initial stage of the disease, the nail plate loses its shine and yellowness begins to appear. After a few weeks, the nail plate begins to gradually deteriorate. This can happen for a long time - a year or more. The fungus then invades the nail bed. It should be noted that pathological changes can occur not only on the nail plates, but also on the skin of the toes.

- in the photo: nail fungus in the initial stage and advanced onychomycosis on the legs

During its development, nail fungus, penetrating the body, helps to weaken it. This can lead to exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, as well as to the detection of various allergic reactions.

At different stages, the color of the nail plates can become: white, gray, yellow, brown, black or green. The nail plates become opaque as pathogenic fungi infect the areas between the plate and the base of the nail.

If a toenail or fingernail is infected with a yeast fungus, then at the initial stage of onychomycosis it will change its natural color to a dark one with a yellow tint. The edge of the nail will become fragile, and the plate itself will become wavy. The most characteristic and first sign of yeast infection is serious changes in the color and shape of the nails. At the initial stage, the nail fold turns red and increases in size; pain will be felt even with slight pressure. Sometimes pus may form inside the cushion. If the roller ruptures, it will facilitate the entry of other infections.

If the nail is infected with dermatophytes, small, uneven white, gray and yellow spots will appear on it. The degree of prevalence of the fungus is judged by the way they are located. At first they are present only along the edge of the nail, which then moves far away from the base of the nail bed and turns yellow.

Infection with mold fungi occurs, as a rule, against the background of a weakened body due to various diseases - sore throat, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza and many others. Fingernails or toenails may turn green, blue, black, brown or yellow. At the same time, blurry spots are found on them. The structure of the nail affected by the fungus remains the same. But sometimes, even at the initial stage of the disease, nail detachment or separation from the base occurs.

Characteristic symptoms and stages:

* initial symptoms consist of a slight itching on the affected area. The skin on the feet becomes dry and peeling. Onychomycosis at this stage and its minor symptoms do not particularly bother a person. Therefore, as a rule, no one pays serious attention to this. This is due to the fact that similar symptoms appear with dehydration and vitamin deficiencies. Sometimes in the summer, people associate these symptoms with the fact that they walk in open shoes that are not protected from dust;

* at the initial stage of onychomycosis, redness begins and then peeling of the skin between the fingers;

* the edges of the nails become yellowish. Small cracks and grooves appear;

* the inner side of the nail (hyponychium) turns out to be loose. The nail itself begins to delaminate and becomes more fragile;

* large skin cracks may be accompanied by pain;

* the pathological process of penetration of nail fungus can change the shape of the affected nails. Nail deformation varies depending on how the disease progresses and the type of disease in each individual case.

Hypertrophic appearance

In this case, the nail plate affected by the fungus thickens and becomes fragile. With mechanical stress on the nails or walking, they may begin to crumble. This may cause pain.

Normotrophic view

In this case, the nail plate does not thicken, but noticeably changes in appearance. She turns shiny. Horizontal stripes of yellow color appear on the nail plate.

Atrophic appearance

The nail plate becomes smaller, becomes dull, turning matte and covered with whitish spots and stripes. Such spots and stripes are sometimes very extensive. In this case, the color of the nail changes completely.

Forms of onychomycosis

- Distal subungual (lateral) onychomycosis. The causative agents of this form are candida, red trichophyton and mold fungi. The fungus enters the bed through the free edge of the nail from the skin. Spreads towards the matrix.

Due to hyperkeratosis, the nail plate gradually moves away from the bed, acquiring a yellowish color. In this case, the nail plate may thicken. Bacterial contamination causes the nail to become a different color - from dirty brown to greenish.

Total dystrophic onychomycosis. May be a consequence of a complication of lateral distal or subungual proximal nail fungus. Sometimes it can be found with subcutaneous chronic candidiasis. This type is characterized by damage to the entire nail, which is completely destroyed. In this case, the nail fold either becomes very thick or completely absent. Accompanied by the inability to form a normal nail plate.

Proximal subungual onychomycosis. This species is the rarest. The causative agent is red trichophyton, penetrating into the nail plate from the periungual fold or from the skin. Subsequently, the fungus spreads along the nail plate, reaching the matrix and its distal parts. Due to the spread of fungus, detachment is observed on the nail plate. If secondary bacterial contamination occurs, the color of the nail plate changes.

White superficial onychomycosis. This species is most often caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes. White spots form on the nail plate. Then, if the disease progresses, they merge. This type of nail fungus usually occurs in older people who have deformed toes - when one toe covers the other. The nail plate, even at the initial stage of the disease, becomes thinner, turns brownish or grayish, and crumbles. The epithelium of the bed and matrix are not affected. There is also no skin inflammation.


Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of qualified specialists. This is explained by the fact that now there are a huge variety of drugs that are difficult to understand without special consultation and help from a doctor. In addition, you can completely get rid of emerging toenail fungus only by knowing the individual characteristics of the human body in each individual clinical case.

If an accurate diagnosis is established, then the necessary treatment includes a comprehensive course. In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor possible relapses. It often happens that after successful treatment of infected nails, re-inflammation occurs on the toes, even due to a small focus of infection. This often occurs due to reduced immunity and other favorable conditions for the development of onychomycosis.

The fungus is a very tenacious infection. But if the shoes are disinfected in a 1% formaldehyde solution, they die in just 20 minutes. If you disinfect shoes with chloramine, it will disappear in 40 minutes.

If you find signs of foot fungus, then to treat onychomycosis you will need an antifungal drug for internal or external use. External remedies against nail fungus include gels, creams, ointments, nail polishes, as well as special peel-off patches.

internal use

If the fungal infection of the nails or skin of the toes is already in an advanced stage, then it is necessary to seek help from a good dermatologist as soon as possible. As a rule, in such cases, systemic antimycotics in tablets are prescribed. Such drugs have certain contraindications. For example, they are not prescribed to people who have kidney or liver pathologies, and they should not be given to children. In addition, such tablets have pharmacological incompatibility with other drugs. Among them are hormonal contraceptives.

Some of the most well-known oral drugs against onychomycosis are: Terbinafine, Terbizil, Exifin, Nizoral, Orungal (analogues of the drug are Rumikoz and Irunin), Lamisil (its analogues are Terbizil, Exifin, Onychon, Fungoterbin), Fluconazole (analogs are Mikosist, Diflucan, Forkan, Flucostat, Mikomax).

antifungal drugs for external use - sprays, creams, ointments

The most popular products are: Exoderil cream, Cyclopiroxolamine cream, Batrafen cream, Fungoterbin cream and Terbizil cream.

Varnish for fungus infected nails

To start using antifungal varnish, you first need to use a nail file to remove the affected area of ​​the nail and degrease the surface of the plate. Typically this is done with ethanol.

In cases where the disease has not yet advanced, local treatment will be very effective using antifungal solutions and varnishes. For example, you can use Loceryl nail solution or Cyclopiroxolamine varnish. To ensure that your toenail looks decent in appearance and you are not embarrassed by its appearance, you can apply decorative varnish on top of the medicinal varnish.

Such treatment must be carried out regularly and will be long-lasting. For 6-12 months, Loceryl varnish should be applied once a week.

The active ingredient of Loceryl is amorolfine (5%), which has a wide range of antifungal activity. Its effectiveness has already been proven against many types of pathogenic fungi. It should be noted that even with long-term use of this product there are no side effects.

Loceryl begins to act as soon as it is applied. The active substance penetrates the nail plate affected by the fungus. Its peculiarity is that a durable film is formed on the nail plate. When it dries, the concentration of the active substance in the film increases to 20%.

Batrafen nail fungus varnish is used in monthly courses according to a specific scheme:

- in the first month it should be used once every two days;
- in the second month - twice a week;
- in the third month and thereafter - once a week until the nails are completely restored.

Other modern means:


Creolin must be used with caution, taking care that the drug does not come into contact with the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to seal the skin around the toenail with adhesive tape. For 2-3 months, the plate must be carefully processed once daily until the nail is replaced with a new one.

Tea tree oil and lavender oil

Tea tree oil is considered a natural antibiotic. Lavender oil helps prevent skin irritation and is a good remedy against a variety of infections.

When using these products, you must prepare the following mixture: equal parts tea tree oil, lavender oil and olive oil. It is recommended to use this mixture every day before bed. You need to wear socks on your feet.

We emphasize that the medicine will be effective if you buy natural, more expensive oils, and not essential ones.


Fukortsin is an effective remedy, red or colorless with a specific odor. It must be handled with care as it may cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin.

Iodine tincture

You need to lubricate the affected nail with it. Lubrication is carried out until the fungus completely disappears at night, a day after the shower. The nail becomes yellow after the procedure. You can replace iodine with propolis tincture.

Celandine decoction

A rich, warm decoction of celandine is made for use in foot baths. You should keep your feet in this bath for 30 minutes.
In addition, you can make a compress on the nail from celandine juice.

Rowan compresses

In summer, you can use fresh rowan leaves for compresses. The leaves must be tied to the fingers with a bandage.
If the treatment of onychomycosis was comprehensive and effective, then the symptoms of the disease should certainly disappear. In this case, the affected nail tissue will be replaced with healthy one.

Complete cure can be definitively determined only through laboratory tests. Tests should be taken 2 weeks after the course of treatment is completed and after one month. If the tests show negative results, then you can rest assured. However, regular self-monitoring will not be superfluous. It must be carried out constantly to prevent relapses.

Often, peeling and redness appear on the skin of the legs due to long-term treatment of the disease. This is a sign of allergic reactions to medications. In this case, the nail fungus has already been cured. Experts recommend taking scrapings on time, as well as stopping treatment in a timely manner.


Local medicines

Local drugs can have an effective effect only in the very early period of the disease. Later stages require the use of complex drugs. At this stage, you will need a combination of internal and external products.

Currently, there are even special sets of products on sale that help get rid of toenail fungus at the initial stage. An example is the Mycospor set. It includes a patch, a nail scraper and an ointment that has keratolytic and antifungal effects.

Keratolytic ointments and plasters are used as treatments when the damaged area of ​​the nail is removed. They help soften the nail very well. In the future, such defective tissues can be easily removed from the nail bed.

A keratolytic patch is applied to the surface of the nail. After this, you need to apply a bandage or adhesive plaster on top of the nail. Wait 2-3 days, clean off the affected areas and cover again with the bandage. This treatment must be carried out daily until the affected areas disappear completely.

Preparations for internal use

Such products are produced in the form of tablets and capsules. Their effect on nail fungus is active: they prevent it from further multiplying. Internal medications have a prolonged effect and also reduce the risk of relapse.
Similar medications against toenail fungus should be taken for 2-4 months. The most effective and safe method of treating foot and nail fungi is “pulse therapy”. It involves the use of drugs for foot and nail fungi in courses with long breaks.

Internal preparations include 5 main groups based on the content of a specific active ingredient:

* fluconazole (Diflazon, Diflucan, Mikosist, Mikomax, Nofung, Mikoflucan);
* terbinafine (Binofin, Lamican, Atifin, Terbizin, Lamisil, Terbix, Exifin);
* ketoconazole (Mycozoral);
* griseofulvin;
* itraconazole (Itramikol, Orungal).

The most popular drugs are Orungal, Diflucan and Lamisil. Statistics claim that they guarantee treatment of foot and nail fungus in 95% of cases. Be sure to read the instructions about existing contraindications and side effects.

In order to stop the spread of fungus around the nail plates and not become infected with it again, it is necessary to disinfect everything that came into contact with it in one way or another. These include bathtubs, showers, bath accessories, shoes, linen, and nail and skin care items. The bottom and walls of the bathtub must be thoroughly treated with a mixture consisting of equal parts of chloramine or bleach and washing powder. Be sure to leave for half an hour and rinse off.

  • An effective means of disinfection is to use a 5% solution of chloramine and bleach.
  • Nail scissors should be thoroughly wiped with alcohol and burned in a burner flame.
  • After treatment for nail fungus on the hands, feet and feet, underwear, tights and socks must be boiled in a 2% soda-soap solution for 15-20 minutes. Then iron everything thoroughly at high temperature.
  • Shoes during and after treatment of onychomycosis should be treated with a solution of 40% acetic acid or a solution of 25% formaldehyde.
All of these preventive measures make it possible to avoid re-infection.



* the drug has a wide range of antifungal activity;

* convenient form of medication administration;

* maintaining the required concentration of the drug in the nail plate. (otherwise, its use will contribute to the development of microorganism resistance to the active substance);

* use of medicine to prevent possible new infection.


(DOWNLOAD FULL INSTRUCTIONS WITH METHODS OF USE) is a unique biologically active agent that blocks fungal infections.

The drug for nail fungus Mikozan is produced in the form of foam or cream. In addition to treatment, the product refreshes the feet well and is a preventative against fungus.

Set contains:

Nail serum in a tube equipped with an applicator brush. Mycosan serum consists of rye enzyme filtrate - 40%, water - 47.6%, transcutaneous conductor dimethyl isosorbide - 1.5%, pentylene glycol solvent - 10% and water-soluble thickening polymer hydroxyethylcellulose - 0.9%;

10 disposable nail files. The file has a fine-grained abrasive on one side and a coarse-grained one on the other;
- instructions for use.

The ointment must be applied to the nail plate 2 times a day, morning and evening, for one month. After application, the nail is dried for 1-2 minutes. The ointment forms a water-soluble film on its surface. Mikosan penetrates deep into the nail, thereby increasing the density of its tissues, and the porosity of the nail plate decreases. The fungus is blocked from the effects of the medicine, and the nail plate acquires the necessary protection from its further penetration.

Mycosan destroys the lipid membrane of the cells of pathogenic fungi, as a result of which they die. There is no further spread of the fungus along the nail, and the healthy nail begins to grow back naturally.


Modern methods of treating onychomycosis involve not only the use of external medications, but also special tablets. This comprehensive approach makes it possible to more effectively combat this unpleasant disease.

Oral medications in the form of tablets and capsules help destroy the fungus. Since the effect of these drugs is long-lasting, this makes it possible to achieve stable remission and also reduce the risk of relapse.

Treatment with drugs lasts, as a rule, 8-18 months and involves subsequent long breaks in taking them.

The most effective medications for combating nail fungus are those that include terbinafine. Among them are Binofin, Lamisil, Tebizin and Lamican. One of the active substances is griseofulvin. It contains Likudin, Grisovin and other products.

Complete cure is possible after disinfection of all surfaces that were in contact with the source of fungal infection. These include shoes, clothing, hygiene items, as well as the surfaces of shower trays and bathtubs.

Shoes should be treated by spraying a special composition of 40% acetic acid and 25% formaldehyde.

To treat the surfaces of showers and bathtubs, you can use a mixture of regular laundry detergent and chloramine in equal parts. It is applied to a damp surface for 30 minutes.


Due to the fact that Irunin is produced in the form of capsules, most of the drug is not excreted through the excretory system, but is absorbed into the blood.

Itroconazole, its active ingredient, promotes the destruction of the fungal cell by disrupting the sequential synthesis of the wall. In addition to itroconazole, Irunin contains dispersed starch, as well as other excipients.

Before using the drug, be sure to consult a dermatologist. This is very important, because the specialist prescribes the course of treatment, the dose of the drug and the frequency of its administration based on the specific manifestations of the disease.

The course of treatment lasts from approximately one week to one and a half months. This depends on the depth of the fungal infection. As a rule, it is taken 2 times a day. The usual dosage is 200 mg (2 capsules of 100 mg).

Irunin allows you to get rid of both nail and skin fungus, as well as deep, mucous and systemic mycoses.


Treatment with dimethyl phthalate and egg

This is a mixture of one tablespoon of vegetable oil, raw egg and one spoon of dimethyl phthalate. You can also add 70% vinegar. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator as it may spoil quickly.

It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly and apply to the affected areas of the nails and skin. Then wrap your feet in cellophane and put on socks or stockings. The legs should remain in this form all night. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times.

This folk treatment for fungus-affected feet allows the nail to “go away.” A healthy one should grow in its place.

Laundry soap and birch tar

It is necessary to steam your feet for 15-20 minutes in this soap solution. Next, you need to clean the soles of your feet with a special sanding file or pumice stone to exfoliate the rough skin on your feet. Next, wipe your feet dry, especially between the toes, and apply cream to them.

This folk remedy is used before bedtime. In the morning, feet should be washed with cool water and dried thoroughly. Then take birch tar and smear it on the cracks on your fingers, nails and between your fingers. After this, you need to put your feet on the paper and sit like that for an hour and a half. After completing the procedure, wipe your feet with cotton wool and put on cotton socks. Wear them for two days. Then wash your feet in cool water with laundry soap. After 7 days, repeat everything. For prevention, you can put a small piece of cotton wool with birch tar in your shoes.

Boric acid

This is an excellent foot disinfectant and a good way to eliminate fungus at an early stage. Pour 2 tablespoons of boric acid powder into 3 liters of hot water. You need to immerse your feet in this water for about 15 minutes. To enhance the effect, the feet steamed after such a bath are sprinkled with a little boric acid powder. Then put on woolen socks for the night. Practice shows that after a few days there may be improvement. The fungus may completely disappear within a week. To prevent a relapse, be sure to disinfect your shoes with formaldehyde or a concentrated solution of acetic acid.

Tips to help avoid nail fungus:

* It is necessary to constantly examine your toenails and the feet themselves. If strange changes or darkening appear, consult a specialist;

* mycosis on the skin is much easier to eliminate than on the nails. Make sure that mycosis does not spread to the nails;

* use only loose shoes that provide free air access to your feet. Shoes should be purchased at the end of the day, when the feet are warmed up and look fuller;

* when visiting swimming pools and beaches, it is advisable not to walk barefoot. A humid environment promotes the intensive spread of fungal infection;

* You cannot cut your nails completely down to the skin. Microtraumas may occur. It is better to smooth sharp edges with a nail file;

* foot hygiene is a good antifungal prevention. Try to thoroughly dry the space between your fingers. Daily washing and disinfection of feet is mandatory;
* constantly replace knee socks and socks. Don't wear socks made of synthetic materials. Cotton socks are the best clothing for feet;

* change your shoes more often. It is advisable to do this daily. Dry shoes very carefully;

* in dry weather, it is important to moisturize the skin of the feet with creams and lotions. This will prevent the fungus from penetrating into the cracks on your legs.
