Project “Folk Toy” for the younger group. Thematic week “Games and toys” in the first junior group “We will have fun playing, singing and dancing songs Daily planning in the junior group folk toy

March, 3rd week

Topic: “Folk toys”

Target: creating a developmental environment to enrich children’s gaming experience and introduce them to folk gaming culture


    Introduce the variety of folk toys (clay, wood, rag, straw, birch bark, etc.);

    To introduce the content of games with folk toys, the possibility of using them in various types of children's activities (moving, plot, director's games, theatrical activities, visual arts based on folk toys)

    Develop cognitive interests, aesthetic perception, logical thinking, attention, imagination, sensorimotor skills, dexterity, ingenuity

    Develop communication skills, the desire to use folk toys in joint and independent activities

    Create favorable conditions for the development of communication skills in childrenearly age, through Russian folklore(rhymes, songs, poems).

Preliminary work: selection of books -toyswith illustrations for nursery rhymes, CDs - musical discs with games - nursery rhymes for childrenearly age, didactictoys, word games"Who Lives in the House"; selectioncard indexes of nursery rhyme games for all occasions; replenishment of the development environment with folk toys (matryoshka dolls, tops,fun toys , musicaltools : "wooden spoons", "whistles", pipes, rattles)

Final event: entertainment “Visiting Grandma” (23.03)

Day of the week




19.03. Monday


1. Observation and work in a corner of nature. Continue to develop an attentive and caring attitude towards indoor plants, consolidate knowledge about the structure and functions of plant parts. Form the concept that a plant is alive: it grows.

2. Conversation with children on the topic “Folk toy”

1. D/s on speech development. “Wonderful bag - folk toys” Task: Focus on the gender of the name of a creature when identifying an object by its characteristics.

1. Demonstrate transplanting a plant from a small pot to a larger one. Teach children to compare objects by size, to use the words “more”, “less”.

2. Muz-did / and “How the animals run” . Tapping with fists in a slow, medium and fast rhythmic pattern.

1. Game situation “Let’s put the bear to sleep”, singing a lullaby - develop speech

2. Organizing a game in a group using folk crafts (elements)

Speech development (9.00-9.10)

1.Develop the ability to compose a short story based on a picture together with the teacher. Strengthen the ability to form singular and plural forms of the names of baby animals. Develop the ability to clearly pronounce the sounds з and з, to highlight them in words. 2. To develop children’s ability to describe domestic animals and their babies. 3. Involve children in verbal interaction with peers. (O.S. Ushakova, Speech development in children 3-4 years old. Page 68, section 28.)

Physical education (15.30-15.40)P.S: Learn to follow each other; Run at different paces “Quiet - loud”; Run in a circle at an accelerated “Carousel” pace: Throw at a vertical target – “Throw it into a hoop” (sandbags); Game - imitation of “Toys” (doll, car, dog, cat, etc.); Walking in a column one at a time, stopping at the signal “Let’s pump up the tires”

Walks 1,2

Walk 1. Card 1. Observation of streams. Purpose: To generalize and systematize the idea of ​​​​the properties of water. Maintain interest in inanimate phenomena.

Ind. engine work activities (walking, running) Develop the ability to walk and run freely, without lowering your head, maintaining cross-coordination of the movements of your arms and legs.

p/n "The Crow and the Sparrow" continue train children to navigate in space, develop the mindDon't bump into each other, listen to the teacher's command.

Walk2. Card 2. Observation of the work of the janitor. Draw children's attention to the cleaned area. Tell them about the features of the janitor’s work and its necessity for people. Encourage children to want to be clean.

Individual work on environmental activities. “What grows where?” - to form in children a basic understanding of where vegetables and fruits grow.

p/i “Colored Cars” to train children to move quickly according to a signal and stop without bumping into each other; fix primary colors

External materials: shovels, dolls, dressed for the weather.

Work before bed

Dressing and undressing. Didactic game: “Help Dasha choose clothes and shoes” Purpose: to create conditions for the development of the ability to consistently dress/undress, and carefully hang things on the back of a chair.

2 - half day

Reading nursery rhymes: “How the cat got into the habit,” “The raven is sitting on an oak tree.” Goal: To develop the ability to listen to new nursery rhymes, learn to read nursery rhymes by heart, and develop a dialogue form of speech.

“Cut pictures: Folk toy” - learn how to assemble a whole image from parts.

UTI: "Roll the matryoshka"

Creating a game situation using riddles about folk toys (matryoshka dolls, tumblers, spinning tops, vankas, etc.), followed by playing with these toys.

1. Examination of illustrations from Russian folk tales - to instill interest in looking at books.

2. S/r game "A toy shop"

Day of the week


Joint education of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for independent children (activity centers, all group premises)



Educational activities in special moments

20.03. Tuesday


1. Conversation “The life of wild animals in spring.” Goal: To introduce children to seasonal changes in the life of wild animals. (In spring - molting, the end of hibernation, caring for offspring.) Develop the ability to establish cause and effect relationships. Cultivate an interest in animal life

2. Reading Russian. Nar. Nursery rhymes"Oh-doo-doo", “White-sided Magpie” (finger gymnastics)

3. P/n: “Who moves how?”

Indus, slave, according to FEMP: Reinforce the concepts of many, one, one at a time, none; understand the question “How much?”

Conversation « We must, we must wash ourselves."

Target: continue to form the KGN, systematize children’s knowledge about toilet items and their purpose, strengthen the ability to wash themselves, teach them to perform the whole range of necessary actions, and cultivate the desire to always be clean and tidy.

1. D/s on sensory development "Ship." Develop the ability to distinguish geometric shapes by shape and size; develop spatial imagination, active attention, motor-auditory memory, observation,

2. Introduce board-printed games, puzzles, mosaics. Strengthen children's ability to assemble a drawing

Drawing (9.00-9.10)"Matryoshka" Goals:Learn to make a pattern by filling the picture around the edges and middle; Reinforce the concepts of “big”, “smaller”, “even smaller”, “smallest”; Reinforce the concepts of “one”, “many”, “none”; Develop children's visual creativity; Create a joyful mood; Strengthen your knowledge of colors. Vocabulary work: Sundress and scarf.Ml:matryoshka for display; cut out a matryoshka doll from paper in advance (1 for each child, gouache, cotton swabs, stamps).

Music (9.25-9.35)Games with whistles, wooden spoons, pipes, rattles.

Walks 1,2

Walk 1. Card 3.

Sky observation. Continue to introduce children to various weather phenomena. Develop observation skills.

Ind. engine work activities (jumping) practice jumping on two legs moving forward.

p/i “The little white bunny is sitting” Exercise children in performing movements.

Remote ml: shovels, sandbags

Walk 2. Card 4. Bird watching. Continue to develop bird watching skills. Develop attention and observation. Cultivate a love for birds in children.

Ind. motor work, activities:Continue to develop the ability to step over obstacles.

p/i “The birds have flown.” Develop the ability to run in all directions without bumping into each other.

Remote ml: shovels, sandbags

Work before bed

Reading a Russian folk tale"Fear has big eyes" Remind children of Russian folk tales they know and introduce them to the fairy tale"Fear has big eyes" (design by M. Serova) . Help children correctly reproduce the beginning and end of a fairy tale. (V.V. Gerbova “Development of Speech” p. 68)

2 - half day

1. Getting to know the work of a driver. Goal: Getting to know the driver's profession.

2. Reading of B. Zakhoder’s poem “The Driver”

3. D/game “Mosaic” - develop fine motor skills.

Nast-print. Game: “Fold a picture - a folk toy” Exercise children in composing a whole object from its parts; cultivate will, perseverance, and determination.

Conversation with illustrations “Parts of the day. What do we do in the morning, afternoon, evening, night?Target: develop the ability to name the parts of the day.

1.Create conditions for children’s activities in the “Family” corner.Target:invite children to play with different situations, playing different roles in them (children and parents).

Day of the week


Joint education of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for independent children (activity centers, all group premises)



Educational activities in special moments

21.03. Wednesday


Healthy lifestyle conversation: about the importance of hygiene and physical culture; ways to provide basic assistance.

1. D / and on speech development.“What happened” Purpose: To practice the formation of genitive plural forms of nouns

2. D/i according to FEMP “Choose a garage” Develop the ability to determine the correspondence of objects by size; height and length at the same time; ability to explain your choice

Game “How many boats are there in a puddle?” Goal: to consolidate the concept of many, not one, counting - one, two)(two blue sheets cut in half make four puddles. In the puddles there are boats in the following order: in one - one boat, in the other - two, in the third - three, in the fourth - not a single boat.

1. S/r game “Bus”, help create a gaming environment, cultivate communication skills, friendships and partnerships.

2.. Introduce board-printed games, puzzles, mosaics. Strengthen children's ability to assemble a drawing

Speech development (9.00-9.10) ClassNo. 2. Game “What happens in spring?” Speech outdoor game “spring has come to visit us”" Goals . Introduce children to seasonal changes in nature. Enrich active vocabulary on the topic. Learn to listen attentively to the rhymed text and repeat it in parts after the teacher; follow verbal rhyming instructions; coordinate speech with movements. Develop children's speech in the process of speech outdoor games.Visual material . Pictures: sun, grass, snow, stream, dandelions, insects, birds; paper silhouettes of puddles (5 pcs.). (Smirnova L.N. Speech development in children 2-3 years old. pp. 85-86)

Physical education (on a walk) (15.30-15.40)Physical education festival with folk outdoor games on the street “Good, folk, round dances”

Walks 1,2

Walk 1. Card 5. Tree watching. To develop children’s ability to perform the necessary actions and get results; take care of others, do not disturb needlessly.

Individual work on the perception of artistic literature. What's happened? What's the matter?

The sky suddenly turned blue?...(Develop curiosity, memory, activate children’s speech)

P/n "Geese, geese." Exercise children in performing movements.

Remote ml: sandbags, dolls dressed for the weather.

Walk 2. Card 6. Watching the snow melt. Cultivate interest in inanimate phenomena. Develop speech, thinking, imagination.

Individual work on cognitive research activities:Soap bubbles. Create a desire to blow soap bubbles, introduce the fact that when air gets into soapy water, a bubble forms.

m/n “Bubble” to develop the ability to move in a circle. Orientate yourself in space.

Remote ml: shovels, dolls dressed for the weather.

Work before bed

Reading thin, lit. Reading A. Pushkin “Our Light, Sunshine!..”. (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”).To cultivate interest in the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin, to develop the ability to perceive works holistically, to ensure the assimilation of the content of the works and emotional responsiveness.

2 - half day

Theatrical game with elements of mummery: “Cat and Mouse.” To develop children’s ability to act in accordance with the game plot, to convey the habits of cats, to work on increasing the plasticity and expressiveness of movements, to teach them to convey emotions through facial expressions and gestures.

1. Ind. Slave. In drawing, strengthen the ability to draw round shapes; you need to paint over the drawing without gaps.

2. Conversation “Spring” Goal: consolidation and generalization of knowledge about spring.

Household life, work: encourage children to help the teacher in repairing books, teaching aids (gluing up books); to form a positive attitude towards work, work skills, a positive relationship between the child and adults and peers, instilling respect for work.

Create conditions for children’s independent activities« Bathing a doll." Task:develop gaming skills; enrich vocabulary; cultivate respectful attitude towards each other and careful attitude towards toys.

Day of the week


Joint education of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for independent children (activity centers, all group premises)



Educational activities in special moments

22.03. Thursday


Conversation: “Journey to the spring forest” Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge about spring changes in living and inanimate nature (increase in daylight hours, number of sunny days; color of the sky; increase in air temperature; melting of snow, icicles, drops,

Ind. Work on music perception: improve the ability to distinguish the sound of musical instruments: tambourine, metallophone.

D/i: “Assemble the dishes” Goal: To develop knowledge about the dishes and their purpose. Strengthen children's ability to assemble an object according to a model.

Self-care work:improve the ability to dress, undress, neatly fold clothes and speak independently; encourage children to dry wet clothes after a walk

1. S/r game“Shop – Supermarket” Purpose:To form children’s ideas about the work of people in a store, the variety of stores and their purpose. 2. Contributeboard games "puzzles" large

Getting to know the world around you (9.00-9.10)"Considerationfolk toys: matryoshka,fun toys, spinning top.Tasks:

to develop interest in folk toys, emotional responsiveness, introduce folk toys, and promote understanding of their content; drawing attention to the characters of toys (cheerful, funny, etc.), their shape, color; develop the ability to answer questions, repeat complex phrases; develop interest in the play activities of adults and peers; develop the ability to listen and understand the content of short poems. (ABSTRACT)

Physical education (15.30-15.40)Games"By the Bear in the Forest", "Fox-fox", "Cat and Mouse"

Walks 1,2

Walk1.Observing thawed patches and green grass. Notice that craters have melted around the trees, and the first thawed patches have appeared on the hillocks. Show the places where the snow melts faster. Why? consolidate the ability to understand the dependence of phenomena in nature.
Individual work on speech development: involving children in conversation while observing living objects.

P/i "Cats and Mouse". Develop the ability to move quickly at the teacher’s signal; practice pronouncing sounds.

Remote ml: shoulder blades, dolls, dressed for the weather.

Walk 2. “Observing the weather.” Goal: To create a condition for expanding knowledge about the world around us, about the weather, developing attention and observation.

P/I: “The hen and the chickens”, Goal – To develop children’s gaming skills and abilities, to comply with the rules of the game.

P/U: “From bump to bump.” Goal – Continue to develop children’s motor activity.

Remote material: Shovels, brooms, scrapers, snow molds, sleds

Work before bed

D/i “What happens in spring?” develop the ability of children, together with the teacher, to choose from the proposed pictures those that depict spring natural objects.

2 - half day

individual work on modeling “Funny nesting dolls” Purpose: consolidate the skill rolling out two balls of different sizes.

1. Conversation: “How to go down the stairs correctly”Target: developing skills for safe behavior indoors.

2. Teamwork:washing doll clothes. Goal: developing a positive attitude towards work and work skills

1. Add pictures depicting “Furniture”, strengthen the ability to name it

2. Create conditions for games in the sensory corner - develop knowledge of color, shape, fine motor skills.

Day of the week


Joint education of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for independent children (activity centers, all group premises)



Educational activities in special moments

23.03. Friday


D/i on life safety “These are not toys, they are dangerous.”To consolidate knowledge about the basic requirements of fire safety, to develop discipline and a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

P/n "We're jumping like balls"

Games with cereals: ex. "Collect the beads" - collect peas or beans one pea at a time into a vessel with a narrow neck (goal: development of fine motor skills)

1. Experimental games.A fairy tale about how a rainbow swam in water. P introduce the production of intermediate colors by mixing red and yellow, blue and green.

2. Playing with music"Carousel"

1. S/R and: "A Day in Kindergarten" Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to independently distribute roles, taking into account the capabilities and interests of each child.

2. Create conditions for children to be independent in the book corner. Enter Russian Nar. fairy tales to watch.

Modeling (9.00-9.10)“Decoration of a matryoshka sundress” P/N:consolidate the technique of pinching small pieces of plasticine from the main piece and placing the pieces on the matryoshka sundress, pressing with your finger; develop fine motor skills of the hands. M-l: matryoshka blanks made of cardboard according to the number of children, plasticine according to the number of children, rags or wet wipes according to the number of children, boards for modeling according to the number of children.

Music (9.25-9.35) according to the music plan. head

Walks 1,2

Walk 1. Card 9. Bird watching. Continue to develop bird watching skills. Develop attention and observation. Cultivate a love for birds in children.

Ind. Engine work Activity (balance) Develop skills in walking on a gymnastic bench. Develop balance.

P/n: “Sparrows and a car” Continue to develop running in different directions, without bumping, find your house, act on a signal.

Walk 2. Card 10.Walk around the kindergarten site. Observations of the nature of the immediate environment.

Ind. engine work Act. (throwing, catching, throwing). Develop skills in throwing bags with the right and left hands.

p/n “Teddy bears” develop the motor activity of children, involve sedentary, passive children in the game.

P/i "Sparrows and the car." Continue running in different directions without bumping into each other. Navigate in space

Remote ml: buckets, shovels

Work before bed

Reading the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Hare” adapted by V. Dahl. Goal: To introduce children to the origins of fiction (fairy tales), recognize good and evil, cultivate feelings of empathy, develop interest in theatrical activities, encourage creativity and the desire to help.

2 - half day

1. Fun for kids"Visiting grandma"(P/N: Playing out a fairy tale"Ryaba Hen"; Conversation "Russian doll"

Target: development of the desire to listen to the teacher’s stories about things that children understand;Low mobility game"Matryoshka";

Ind. Slave. On speech developmentexamine and describe the nesting doll. Develop the ability to answer the teacher’s questions, compose a short descriptive story with the help of an adult.

Conversation: “Seasons”

Target: involving children in conversation while looking at pictures.

2. Teamwork. Improving the ability to independently maintain order in a group.

1. Deposit musical instruments tambourine, drum. Create conditions for games.

2. Create conditions for children’s independent activities in the doll corner “Alena’s doll’s birthday.”

Project topic:

Date of: from 10.04. to 14.04.

Objective of the project: nurturing interest in the Russian folk toy - matryoshka.

  • form ideas about Russian folk toys;
  • induce in children an emotionally positive attitude towards the toy; cultivate a caring attitude towards the toy;
  • introduce the content of games with matryoshka dolls, the possibility of using them in different types of children's activities;
  • develop creative and cognitive abilities; speech skills and fine motor skills;
  • enrich children's vocabulary.

Final event: exhibition of children's works on the topic.



Project topic: "Folk toy - Matryoshka"

Date: from 10.04. to 14.04.

Objective of the project: nurturing interest in the Russian folk toy - matryoshka.


  • form ideas about Russian folk toys;
  • induce in children an emotionally positive attitude towards the toy; cultivate a caring attitude towards the toy;
  • introduce the content of games with matryoshka dolls, the possibility of using them in different types of children's activities;
  • develop creative and cognitive abilities; speech skills and fine motor skills;
  • enrich children's vocabulary.

Final event:exhibition of children's works on the topic.

FULL NAME. teacher responsible for the final event: Smirnova I.V.

Date/day of the week Topic of the week




Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Didactic game: “Assemble a matryoshka doll.”

Goal: to teach children how to operate with collapsible toys of three sizes - large, smaller, small; learn to compose objects from two parts, focusing on their size and position in space.

Continue to teach children to say hello when entering a group.

Form the habit of chewing food carefully, slowly, with your mouth closed.

Individual work with Sasha R, Vanya K, Nastya L. – strengthening self-care skills.

Looking at pictures and illustrations of nesting dolls.

A selection of visual and didactic material on the topic"Folk toy - Matryoshka"

In the book corner, display books on the topic of the week for children to familiarize themselves with.


1. Physical education. According to the physical instructor's plan.

2. Speech development. Topic: “Getting to know the nesting dolls”

Goal: to introduce children to Russian folk toys, to teach them to look at a matryoshka doll. Highlight the features of appearance (the nesting doll has a round head, an oblong body, arms, it is dressed in a sundress, a blouse and an apron, it has a scarf on its head, all its clothes are decorated with flowers, teach to notice the brightness of color images in a folk toy, continue to develop aesthetic children's feelings, artistic perception, evoking an emotional response to a work of art, to cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Spring changes in nature.

Goal: To systematize children’s ideas about spring according to the main, essential features. Expand children's understanding of natural phenomena in spring and their significance in the life of our planet.

Main types of movements: running with high knees; running in a certain direction.

Goal: Develop the ability to run in a certain direction, raise your legs when running.

P/n: Who will reach the flag faster?”


Goal: To develop the ability to overcome obstacles when running.

Develop accuracy and eye.


Collecting fallen branches broken by the wind on the site.

Goal: To cultivate hard work and a desire to help adults.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Reading fiction to childrenReading fiction

On a walk

Observation for the clothes of passers-by. Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about seasonal changes in nature and their impact on people’s lives.

Individual work with Milena M., Yana T. - d/i “Collect beads”. Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Role-playing game "Home". Continue the formation of role interaction: orient the child’s role behavior towards a peer partner, highlight the need to designate game roles in joint play.

Attributes for the game “Home”,

d/i “Collect beads”;

I. Lykova “Ruddy nesting dolls”.

Date/day of the week Topic of the week

Time period

ok daily routine




Joint activities between adults and children

Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Morning exercises.

Game "Tricky nesting dolls"

Goal: to introduce children to the fact that nesting dolls have inserts.

Music-did. game "Lullaby for a matryoshka doll."

Goal: learn to sing melodiously, develop the vocal apparatus.

Didactic game “Name the figure.” Goal: learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns. (Sasha M., Ira K.)

In the creativity corner - drawing “Color the nesting doll”.

Goal: continue to learn how to hold a pencil correctly, shade the image, trying not to go beyond the outline, and develop fine motor skills.

Attributes for the d/i ​​“Name the figure”, coloring pages.



2. FEMP. Lesson 2.p.38.

Program content.

Encourage children to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a pattern within three (without counting or naming the number). Exercise the ability to compare two objects by size, indicate the results of comparison in wordsbig small.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Sky observation.

Continue to introduce children to various weather phenomena. Develop observation skills.

The main types of movements: running in a certain direction, running like a snake one after another. Goal: To develop the ability to run in a certain direction, to develop spatial orientation.

P\I “Run to me”

“Airplanes” Goal: To develop the ability to run quickly at the teacher’s signal.

Labor assignments: Clearing the area of ​​branches.

Improve work skills.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Gymnastics after sleep.

Reading fiction to children -V. Prikhodko “Matryoshka”.

Goal: To teach children to listen to the work, to involve children in looking at pictures in books, to encourage them to name familiar objects.

On a walk

Game exercise “What’s missing?” Goal: develop observation, attention

Individual work with Masha N, Stasya P, Sasha R. Game with one or two nesting dolls “Matryoshka, where are you?”

Goal: to develop the ability to slow down your action or, conversely, to begin an action based on a speech signal.

Role-playing game "Family". Continue the formation of role interaction: orient the child’s role behavior towards a peer partner, highlight the need to designate game roles in joint play.

Attributes for the s-r game “Family”, d/i “Matryoshka, where are you?”, V. Prikhodko “Matryoshka”.

Offer children mosaics for independent play.

Date/day of the week of the week

Time period in daily routine




Joint activities between adults and children

Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Morning exercises.

Reading fiction:

fairy tales “How the nesting dolls saved the princess”, “Once upon a time there were nesting dolls”, N. Stetsyuk “The Tale of the nesting dolls”.

Goal: To teach children to listen to the work, to involve children in looking at pictures in books, to encourage them to name familiar objects.

Involve children in setting the breakfast table. Develop dining room duty skills: arranging napkin holders, laying out spoons.

Children's games with nesting dolls.

Goal: to maintain children’s interest in the nesting doll, teach them to play with it, dress up in the dressing up corner and play up the image of the nesting doll in front of the mirror.

Independent play activities in group activity zones.


1. Physical education.

According to the plan of the physical education instructor.

2. Application Topic: “Apron for matryoshka”

Program content. Teach children to look at a matryoshka doll and write a descriptive story. To consolidate children's knowledge about the shape, color, and what material the toy is made of. Arouse interest in the image of the toy, the desire to decorate the apron by making appliqué.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Bird watching.

Goal: Continue to develop bird watching skills. Develop attention and observation. Cultivate a love for birds in children.

Main types of movements: running in a certain direction, running with high knees. Develop the ability to throw energetically, using a swing when throwing snowballs into the distance.

P/I “The birds have flown”


Develop the ability to run in all directions without bumping into each other.

Teach children to move in a chain, avoiding obstacles, and raise their arms to the sides.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Role-playing game "Doctor". Continue the formation of role interaction: orient the child’s role behavior towards a peer partner, highlight the need to designate game roles in joint play.

On a walk

Cloud watching. Goal: to consolidate the adjectives “gray, gloomy, rainy” in the active dictionary.

Independent physical activity of children in the fresh air with play materials and sports equipment.

Individual work with Vanya K, Sasha R, Egor K. Goal: to improve the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

Board game “Fold the matryoshka doll”.

Purpose: To train children in composing a whole object from two or four parts.

Attributes for the game “Doctor”, Board game “Fold the matryoshka”.

Offer children a set of children's musical instruments for independent music playing.

Date/day of the week Topic of the week

Time period in daily routine




Joint activities between adults and children

Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Morning exercises.

Didactic game “Big Matryoshka and Small Matryoshka” Purpose: To teach how to compose objects from two parts, focusing on their size.

D/i “Fold the ornament.” Goal: To be able to create an ornament from elements. Develop logic and imagination. (Vanya K, Nastya L.)

Situational conversation: “Politeness” (conversation about the importance of “good words”, the need to say hello and goodbye, and also thank you for your help).

Looking at an album with different types of nesting dolls.

Replenishment of the subject-spatial environment in the group.


1. FCCM. Construction

Topic: “House for a nesting doll” (2 bricks, 2 prisms)

Goal: to practice the ability to place bricks on the narrow long side at a distance from each other, to make a ceiling from a prism.

2. Physical training while walking.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Observation of birch and spruce trees.

Goal: to continue to form children’s ideas about trees;

develop observation skills;cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature.

Individual work in jumping. Goal: to develop the ability to distribute attention in motor activity. (Varya G., Milena M., Ira K..)

P/I “Jump, little bunnies”

"Hit the target." Goal: To develop in children the ability to jump forward on both legs.

Develop the ability to swing and throw.

Attributes for the game, Takeaway material.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Reading fiction to children:S. Vokhrintseva “Matryoshka dolls”.

Goal: To teach children to listen to the work, to involve children in looking at pictures in books, to encourage them to name familiar objects.

On a walk

Watching sparrows. Goal: to consolidate ideas about birds and their behavior.

Outdoor game "From bump to bump."

Independent physical activity of children in the fresh air with play materials and sports equipment.

Individual work with Masha N., Sasha R, Stasya P, Egor K. d/i “Arrange by size”. Goal: to consolidate the skills of classifying objects.

Role-playing game "Kindergarten". Continue the formation of role interaction: orient the child’s role behavior towards a peer partner, highlight the need to designate game roles in joint play.

Attributes for the game “Kindergarten”,d/i “Arrange by size”, S. Vokhrintseva “Matryoshka dolls”.

Offer children large building materials for their own construction.

Date/day of the week Topic of the week

Time period in daily routine




Joint activities between adults and children

Creating conditions

for independent


Group, subgroup

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Physical development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Morning exercises

Didactic game “Assemble a nesting doll.”

Goal: Learn to compose objects from two parts, focusing on their size.

Continue to learn to understand the words “big - small”.

Strengthen colors and develop sensory abilities.

Develop children's play activities.

Ind. work: creativity center: working with Matryoshka coloring books Goal: continue to teach children to paint over objects without going beyond the outline, fixing additional colors: blue, pink, orange. With Kirill B, Vanya K, Varya G, Yana T.

Finger games


Goal: To teach children to coordinate children with words.

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Independent games for children in play corners. Encourage children's independence and provide assistance in choosing substitute items.


1. Music.

according to the music director's plan.

2. Drawing. Page 97 Komarova

Topic: “The train is carrying nesting dolls”

Program content. Continue to develop the ability to draw rectangular objects and round parts (wheels). Exercise children in drawing with paints and carefully painting without going beyond the contour. Develop imagination and creativity; the ability to create a collective composition.


Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Watching streams.

Purpose: To generalize and systematize the idea of ​​​​the properties of water. Learn to use the acquired knowledge in games and drawing. Maintain interest in inanimate phenomena.

Individual work in jumping. Goal: to develop the ability to distribute attention in motor activity. (Kirill B, Vanya K., Sasha R.)

P/i "Airplanes".

“Find where it’s hidden.”

Purpose: to practice running, acting at the teacher’s signal; cultivate dexterity; learn to navigate in space;
cultivate attention.

Labor assignments: Collecting broken branches on the site.

cultivate hard work and a desire to help adults; develop teamwork skills; accustom to independently carry out assignments.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Round dance game “We are nesting dolls.”

Goal: to introduce children to the expressive performance of simple round dances.

On a walk

Precipitation monitoring. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring.

P\i at the request of the children.

D/i “Name the actions.”

Goal: be able to complete the teacher’s sentences by choosing the appropriate verb according to its meaning.

Board game “Paired nesting dolls”

Exercise children in composing a whole object from two or four parts.

Riddles about matryoshka.

Role-playing game: “Guests have come to us.”

Goal: To cultivate goodwill, politeness, and friendly relationships in the game. Continue to teach children how to build dialogue in games.


: Reception and examination of children in a group.

Cognitive development

Conversation “What are toys for?”

Target : clarify ideas about what toys are needed for.

Speech development.

"Matryoshka visiting the guys"

Target : to develop children’s ability for interactive speech, to teach them to answer questions about the toy in question.

Physical development

Morning exercises, hygiene procedures.

Game exercise with Egor O. “Go to the bunny.”

Target : develop movements.

P/n “My funny ringing ball”


H/i "Bubble"

Social and communicative development

S/r. game "Let's give tea to the nesting doll."

Target : develop in children the ability to unite for joint games.

Conversation with children on the topic: “The road is dangerous!

Target - continue to explain to children that they can only cross the road with adults, and that they can walk on the side of the road.

Games in the play corner with your favorite toys.

Walk 1.

Cognitive development

Observation “Footprints in the snow”

Target: learn to identify tracks: children's, adults, animal tracks.

Develop observation skills

Speech development.

Reading a poem-

Snow is embroidered with a beautiful stitch,

Like a white shirt.

I call dad into the yard:

Look at the pattern!

Dad looks down:

Here is a letter for you, Denis!

Birds and animals write:

“Make us, Denis, some feeders.”

Target - introduce the children to the poem, discuss the situation.

Game situation - “Choosing toys for a walk.”

Target : teach children to listen and observe carefully, participate in dialogue, and enrich their vocabulary on the topic.

Physical development

Outdoor games

"Do not be late".

Target : teach to crawl straight or sideways over a bench.

"Don't miss the ball."

Target :

Learn to pass the ball without dropping or stopping;

Cultivate friendliness.

Individual work: development of movements. Throwing.


Practice long-distance throwing with your right and left hands

Develop your eye

Cultivate a desire to exercise

Social and communicative development

Independent games with external material.

Labor activity

Show children how to build a house out of snow for dolls and animals.

Target :

Learn to compare the size of the house with the size of the toy;

Carefully and deep enough cut the hole.

Place food in bird feeders.

Target – cultivate a desire to take care of wintering birds.

Singing the song “We are nesting dolls.”

Target : create a joyful mood.

Social and communicative development

Before bedtime

When undressing for bed, encourage him to take off his dress or shirt, then his shoes, teach him to take off his tights, and hang his clothes neatly on the back of the high chair. Teach children to politely express requests for help.


Physical development

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep, air hardening, hygiene procedures.

Social and communicative development

Continue to work with each child on the skills of putting on tights, teach children how to put on shoes correctly

“Let’s introduce the nesting doll to the play corner,” Target : remind children the names of objects located in play corners.

Individual and collective instructions “How we maintain order”

Target - Teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the group. Cultivate a desire to take part in as much as possible (cleaning up toys). Continue to cultivate respect for people of familiar professions (teacher’s assistant).

Cognitive development

d/i “Find two identical cubes”

Out of 4-5 cubes, you need to find two identical ones and explain your choice.

Speech development.

Conversation with children on the topic “What kind of clothes are worn in winter”, to enrich children’s vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”.

Physical development

Train game

Target : Exercise children to move at different paces.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Ind. modeling work.

Target -continue to teach children to sculpt sticks, carefully rolling the plasticine between their palms with straight movements.


Cognitive development

Continue observing “Footprints in the Snow”

Target : explain to children that there are footprints in the snowyou can find out who walked, traveled,

Birds flew in or animals ran. Determine whose footprints the children see and invite them to leave their footprints in the snow. Compare the adult's tracks with the child's tracks.

Physical development

Ind. work - development of movements (Kirill, Vova, Alena, Varya K.)

Target - practice jumping on two legs.

P/n “Catch up with the matryoshka.”

Target: learn to navigate in space.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

A conversation about the beauty of winter nature.

Target : develop children's interest in the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Social and communicative development

Playing with external material.

Target develop the ability to play next to other children, the ability to share toys.

Work assignments - cleaning toys.

Goal: to educate children to respect toys and develop work skills.

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions.”

Day of the week


creation. Drawing
Let's decorate Dymkovo
Continue introducing
children from Dymkovskaya
a toy. Learn to highlight
painting elements, apply
them on cut paper
duck. Induce joy from
the resulting result;
from brightness, beauty
paintings (Komarova T. S No. 44
page 58)
(L.I. Penzulaeva p. 31.
Teach children to save
stable equilibrium at
walking at elevated
support; practice in
energetic pushing away from
floor and soft landing
on half-bent legs

Game situation “How the cat went to visit.” Getting to know
the custom of visiting with gifts. Encourage children to
independently performing basic tasks: after
games put away toys, building material,
tidy up the dolls.
Russian folk game "Loaf". Purpose of the game: formation
sense of belonging and positive psychological
microclimate of the group; identifying likes and dislikes in
Situational communication: “If a cat goes into the garden, he will be alarmed
all the people." Getting to know jokes and songs about family
P/game “Mice and Cat”. Teach children to follow rules
Walk 1
"Icicle Watching" Goals: to introduce various
natural phenomena; show the variety of water states in
Labor: Clearing paths from snow. Goal: teach how to work
together, help each other.
P.I. “Don’t miss the ball.” Goals: learn to pass the ball without dropping it and
do not stop; cultivate friendliness.
"Birds and Chicks." Goal: learn to run without bumping into each other
on a friend, quickly find your place.
Individually with Matvey and Eva jumping up from a place. Target:
development environment for
children's activities and
children's support
Attributes for the game.
Cubes, constructor "
Lego for building
Involving families in
To parent
crossbreeds corner
write an article
"People's wisdom
growth says"
Shovels, buckets, sleds.
Fairy tale by S. Marshak “Ku
Rochka Ryaba and ten

jumping with advancement
Pictures of ducklings and chicks.
Wooden structure
torus and poster "Dymkov"
Chinese patterns"
Sleds, shovels, molds
develop jumping ability, combine strength with speed.

Reading S. Marshak’s fairy tale “Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings.”
Strengthen the ability to listen carefully and understand
Examination of illustrations for S. Marshak’s book “Chicken”
Ryaba and ten ducklings." Strengthen distinctive features
chicks and ducklings.
Construction game "Let's build a barn for ducklings." Learn
build a building according to the model, using additional
materials according to your design.
Examination of the poster “Dymkovo Patterns”. Learn to highlight
and name the individual elements of the pattern and their color.
Walk 2
Cognitive research activities.
Observing the strength of the wind.
Game activity:
Word game "Pinch".
Develop the ability to conduct verbal dialogue during the game,
sense of humor; cultivate friendly
relationships between children.
Outdoor game “Geese and swans”.
Develop children's physical activity and the ability to play for everyone
together, conduct a game dialogue.

Educational activities in special moments
Continue acquaintance with
folk culture.
Arouse interest in
designing Russian
stoves with a stove bench. Specify
idea of ​​the structure
(stove, chimney, stove bench,
fire chamber) and
purpose (heating the house,
Cooking). Create
problematic situation -
construct a pipe,
turn it into a stove and
beat by adding fire and
smoke (from paper napkins
or shreds). For
cooker images
camera offer new
Morning exercises (February complex No. 1)
Work on gender education. Didactic game
"Polite words." Nurture culture in children
behavior, politeness; respect for each other, desire
help each other.
Russian folk outdoor game "Carousel". Development
general motor skills, attention. Develop children's activity
in motor activity, communication skills
calmly, without shouting.
Finger gymnastics “Cockerel, cockerel.”
D/game “What are the shapes?” Build skill
children distinguish geometric shapes. Develop
creative imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills
Situational communication: “Our hostess.” Target.
Introducing a new joke. Show how
use basic household items
Walk 1
"Signs of Winter." Goals: consolidate knowledge about time
of the year; repeat the signs of winter.
Labor: Clearing paths from snow on the site, cleaning
development environment for
children's activities and
children's support
Book Corner: Books
to read and consider
Introduction: adding illustrations
walkie-talkies on various
native crafts
Remote material
Children's rakes, cubes
for outdoor play,
sleep toys
homo, dolls dressed in
Family Involvement

parents about
consultations on

detail - arch. Learn
analyze the construction and
elements. Develop
thinking, creative
imagination. Bring up
sustained interest in
design and
playing around with buildings
Russian folk motives
fairy tales
(I.A. Lykova page 60)
Music (as planned
snow on the veranda. Goal: learn to shovel snow using
blades to a certain place.
P.I. “Hares”. Purpose: to strengthen repulsion skills
when jumping on two legs.
"Jump - turn around."
Goal: learn to quickly perform actions on a signal
“Horses”. Goal: to develop speed and endurance.
Independent play activities of children with
take-out material.
Playing with snow - keeping a cheerful mood
children, develop imagination, fine motor skills.
Sliding downhill to cultivate a caring attitude towards
to your health.
Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics.
Reading the poem by Z. Alexandrova “Delicious
porridge". Introduce children to literary
work. Develop the ability to answer questions
teacher in a complete sentence. Introduce
folk proverb: “Shchi and porridge are our food.”
DI. “Assemble a samovar from parts.” Purpose: to teach how to assemble
whole image from parts; consolidate children's knowledge
about the samovar, develop attentiveness, memory, skill
work according to the model. Learning the nursery rhyme “Grow the braid
to the waist." Introduce children to the work
talk about how this nursery rhyme was used
our ancestors. Develop memory, create
positive attitude. (girls).
Observations of clouds: consolidate knowledge about phenomena
inanimate nature, what clouds are in the sky (fluffy,
white), what do they look like? – promote development
imagination. Outdoor game “Run for the ball” Purpose:
Subject pictures
samovar and furniture, mo

teach to act according to the teacher’s text.
Keep learning
compare two equal
groups of objects in a way
applications, designate
comparison results
in many words, equally,
as much as
(I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A.
Pozina p.26. No. 1.)
Physical development.
Practice balance -
walking in the gym
bench with a bag on
head, hands on the belt.
Jumping on two legs.
(L.I. Penzulaeva p. 33
No. 14 Wed. gr.)
Educational activities in special moments
Morning exercises (February, complex No. 1)
Conversation: “What is a folk toy?”
Purpose: to introduce the concept of “folk toy”.
Finger game “We will blow on our palms...”
Goal: develop speech and fine motor skills.
Situational communication: “My favorite fairy tales”
Goal: Develop dialogical speech; attention, visual
perception, memory, thinking. Consolidate knowledge about Russians
folk tales and their heroes.
D/i “Let’s set the table for tea.”
Goal: introduce the names of utensils into the dictionary, teach
find named objects among others.
C\r game “Visit Grandma Varvarushka for pancakes.”
Purpose: To introduce household items in the hut, their purpose and
meaning; Activate cognitive activity,
expanding your vocabulary. Develop interest in subjects
man-made world of the past, caring attitude towards them.
Walk 1.
Cloud watching.
Goal: to develop the ability to see the beauty of the sky; develop
observation, curiosity, creative imagination.
Sayings and proverbs: February is strong with blizzards, and March -
PPRS for
children's activities and
children's support
Adding to an isocorner
collections of toys and
household items from
wood: nesting dolls,
rattles, boxes,
carved items
Family Involvement
together with
child on the topic
"My lovely
fairy tale"
Mystery. I looked
in the morning - Mountains in
the sky has risen! These
mountains don't stand, but fly,
flying, flying... (Clouds).

drop; February blows away the winter, and March breaks it.
Labor: Clearing the area and paths of snow and debris.
Goal: to cultivate diligence, the desire to complete the work started
to end.
P\i "Two frosts".
Goal: teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, comply
rules of the game.
Ind. work with Vanya, Yana, Lena: Improving running technique
(naturalness, lightness, energetic repulsion).
Goal: to develop coordination of movements.
Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics.
Reading the Russian folk tale "Teremok".
Goal: teach listening, continue to introduce creativity
Russian people.
S\r Game: “Like a cat went to visit.”
Target. Getting to know the custom of going on a visit with gifts.
Retelling of the fairy tale "Kolobok"
Goal: to develop the ability to retell a story by answering questions
teacher questions.
Construction games with the constructor “Building a house for
nesting dolls."
Goal: to teach children to create their own combinations from
available parts, find a certain side in them
the buildings.
Walk 2
Monitoring the pedestrian path.
Goal: to develop knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road,
traffic rules.
D/i “What first, what then?” Goal: develop logical
thinking, fantasy, continue to teach to answer in full
Labor: Clearing the area of ​​snow. Goal: to cultivate desire
Shoulder blades. molds for
snow making, sledding.
Create conditions for s/r
Constructor for
building a house for
Matryoshka dolls.
Book of fairy tales.
Molds for modeling
snow, sled. Shoulder blades.

collectively improve your area.
P/n “We are funny guys.” Goal: improve motor skills
activity, act quickly on the teacher’s signal.
Ind. work with Milana, Kolya, Nikita: Development of movements.
Goal: to consolidate the ability to move with an extended step.
Independent activity: games with shovels and buckets,
Day of the week
Directly educational
Educational activities in special moments
Cognitive development
(The world). Target:
to form in children
interest and respect for
Russian folk
culture. Continue
introduce children to
Russian custom
children's ideas about
purpose of the Russian stove.
Introduce children to
samovar, its external
Morning exercises (February complex No. 1)
D/i: “Make a picture” to teach children to assemble simple
pictures, select details according to shape and image; develop
attention, observation, visual imaginative thinking,
perseverance and fine motor skills of the fingers.
Round dance game “How our girlfriends went.”
Teach children to dramatize a folk song, perform
game actions; introduce children to Russian culture
people, instill love and interest in it.
Exercise “Paired Pictures” Objectives: To train children in
comparison of the objects shown in the picture, in the same way
identifying similarities and collecting identical images;
form speech, develop the ability to follow rules
games, cultivate concentration, attention
development environment for
children's activities and
children's support
Illustrations, pictures.
Involving families in
home reading
folk tales
with discussion
character of the heroes,
their actions
relationship friend
with a friend.
Chat with
children about
dangers at home and
on the street.

view (lid, spout,
crane), purpose.
Expand your horizons

Music (as planned
Walk 1
Bird watching at feeders.
Labor activity.
Feeding the birds.
Foster a desire to take care of feathered friends.
Didactic game “Say the opposite”.
Expand children's vocabulary with antonyms.
The game is a competition “Who is the most accurate.”
Teach children to swing and throw, throw a cone at
range; develop movement coordination, mobility
hand joints, eye.
Outdoor game "Kite".
Develop the ability to ask and answer questions;
exercise children in running; instill interest in folk games.

The plot-role-playing game “Housewives”.
To develop in children the ability to develop play together,
coordinate your own ideas with those of your peers;
develop children's dialogical speech, consolidate diversity and
expressiveness of role-playing actions.
Construction We are building a fairytale house.
To update children's ideas about fairy tales
designs; teach children to use learned skills to
creating a new type of buildings, decorating them; develop
children's imagination, imagination, creativity.
Exhibition of books: “Russian folk tales”.
Look at the exhibition with the children, determine the names of the fairy tales based on
covers; develop attention and thinking; cultivate interest
to oral folk art.
Walk 2
Monitoring seasonal changes. form
concepts about natural phenomena (frost, frost, decreasing day,
overnight stay);
consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not warm).
Shovels, buckets,
molds for playing with
snow, flag, cones,
bird food.
Help children choose
objects and attributes
for Game.
required material
for constructive
Prepare an exhibition
Shovels, buckets,
molds for playing with

P/games: “Birds in nests”, “Find your house”
teach to walk and run, scattered, without bumping
Each other; teach to act quickly on a signal
educator, help each other.
Day of the week
Directly educational
Educational activities in special moments
Speech development.
Reading Russian folk
fairy tales "The Fox and the Hare".
Introduce children to
fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare",
help understand the meaning
works (little daredevil,
yes brave).
(V.V. Gerbova No. 1 page 53)
Physical development.
Purpose: To practice
throwing the ball over
grid, developing the eye and
dexterity; in preserving
stable equilibrium at
walking and running
reduced area
(L.I. Penzulaeva No. 15
page 33.)
Morning exercises (February complex No. 1).
Conversation on the topic “Who, how and from what creates clothing items.”
Tell children about the work of representatives of various
professions involved in clothing production (weavers, seamstresses,
designers, fashion designers and others); compare modern clothes
with the folk costume of our ancestors; cultivate respect for
people of different professions.
Teacher's story: “What toys did the grandmothers play with?
grandfathers" (examination of illustrations).
"Game with matryoshka dolls"
develop the skills and abilities to say your name, talk about yourself
first person; express your needs and interests in speech;
Hearing R.N. songs:
“Oh, you canopy”, “The moon is shining”, “Oh, I got up early”
Walk 1.
Watching the snow
Objectives: to introduce the natural phenomenon - snow;
show the diversity of water conditions in the environment.
Outdoor games “Mice in the pantry”.
Goals: learn to run easily without bumping into each other;
development environment for
children's activities and
children's support
Attributes for the game.
Pictures from
image of a suit
Russian folk
Involving families in
conversations and
Toy illustrations
Sleds, ice skates, shovels.
Bird food.

move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction
movement. “Get into the circle.”
Goals: - improve the ability to handle objects
Indno with Milana and Nastya “Obstacle course”. Goals:
learn to coordinate movements with each other; develop
eye gauge
Gradual rise. Awakening gymnastics.
Reading the fairy tale “The Fox with a Rolling Pin” Getting to know
household items - a rolling pin.
HBT. Washing Games toys. technique: I don’t recognize toys, they
changed and dusty. They need to be washed Practical
activity: I will wash, and you will wipe. Conversation along the way:
What toys have become touchable? (wet) What are you doing?
(wiping) What kind of steel? (dry)
Organization of an exhibition of folk items.
Expand children's understanding of the subjects that
ancestors used.
Walk 2
Monitoring the movement of cars and people during icy conditions.
Goal: Repeat the basic rules for crossing the street without
traffic light.
Labor: Clearing snow from paths and benches
desire to help adults clear the snow from the area.
P\i "Homeless Hare" to run quickly, navigate
“Hunters and deer” coordinate their movements with each other.
“Hit the target” to develop your eye.
Independent activities: slide rides, games with
Ind. work: Throwing at a target to consolidate the skill
take the correct starting position when throwing

Organize an exhibition
folk items
everyday life.

upside down
Ice, ice -
Where is the flow of traffic?
There is not a square, but a skating rink.
Who does not ride, but slides
Because it slows down.
Ice, ice -
This means bare ice.
Don't go anywhere -
Better stay at home
And look out the window!

Sleds, ice skates, shovels.

Relevance of the project:

The project is aimed at solving issues of patriotic education of children in accordance with basic educational programs. The content has been expanded to include the tasks of pedagogical education of parents, the involvement of parents in the educational process, increasing the role of the family in modern society, specifying the tasks of patriotic education, and using child education programs based on the traditions of folk culture.

A folk toy awakens a child’s thoughts and imagination. The wooden chiseled figurine of the girl Matryona in a sundress and with a scarf on her head involuntarily attracts attention with its bright coloring and causes a smile. Considering the characteristics of the nesting doll, it is necessary to purposefully use it in kindergarten.

Target: Introduce children to the most popular Russian folk wooden toy - the nesting doll. Develop children's creative imagination and independence.

Project idea: to awaken interest in the diversity of Russian traditions and crafts of folk toys through introducing children to the matryoshka doll.

Project type: creative, artistic group.

Project participants: teacher, children.

Project duration: 1 Week.



* To form a child’s idea of ​​the Russian folk toy MATRYOSHKA.

* Develop a positive, respectful attitude towards the native land, towards work, and its history.


* Develop fine motor skills, creative thinking, imagination, imagination of the child.

* Develop children's ability to independently choose material for creativity.


* Foster love and respect for folk art.

* Create a joyful atmosphere in the classroom, try to induce in children a desire to create on their own.

* Cultivate accuracy in work.

Stages of implementation of the project “Russian folk toy - Matryoshka”»:

Stage 1 Preparatory.

Presentation “Matryoshka Toy”.

1. A dialogue conversation with children about matryoshka toys.

2. Examination of the matryoshka toy and visual didactic material.

3. Arousing interest in the topic of entertainment.

Stage 2 Productive.

Organization of practical work on the project.

1. Selection of necessary literature (reading nursery rhymes, poems, riddles, proverbs)

3. Musical classes: memorizing ditties, getting acquainted with folk songs.

4.Drawing “Sundress for Matryoshka”, coloring “Matryoshka”

5. Design of “Furniture for nesting dolls”.

Stage 3 Generalizing

1. Completing the design of the project.

Stage 4 Final

Exhibition of children's works "Matryoshka - Russian beauty".
