15 16 weeks of pregnancy what happens. At this time, the threat may still be

In this article:

With the onset of the 16th week, mother and child move on to a new stage - the second trimester, during which the development of the baby will be especially intensive. It is during this period that the baby’s main organs and systems responsible for the functioning of the body will finish forming.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the development of the child allows him to actively move, change position in the womb, and make pushes, which the mother feels well. The baby spends a lot of time exploring the space available to him, sucking his fist, periodically swallowing amniotic fluid, and reacting to light and sounds. In general, a baby at 16 weeks of development is already in many ways similar to the baby he will become by the end of pregnancy.

Physiological characteristics of the baby

At the 16th week of pregnancy, fetal development is in full swing, which is confirmed by new education regarding not only physiology, but also psychology. The baby is provided for from now on required quantity nutrients and vitamins. In addition, the baby is actively supplied with oxygen and water entering through the placenta - the organ
providing him with the necessary protection.

The size of the baby at 16 weeks is impressive, especially when you remember that just a few months ago he was no larger than a pea. During this period, the baby already weighs about 100-110 grams with a length of up to 116 cm. More exact dimensions Doctors will be able to determine this based on ultrasound results.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, body and head circumferences also change. Thus, the head circumference will be between 110 and 135 mm, while the abdominal circumference will be about 87-115 mm. If we compare the size of a baby with fruit, then the most appropriate comparison would be with an avocado fruit.

Features of the baby's appearance at 16 weeks

At the 4th month of pregnancy, which is equivalent to 16 weeks, the baby no longer looks at all like the fetus it was a few months ago. Visually this full-fledged child, albeit still very small and insufficiently proportional.

The baby's body looks fragile and thin in comparison with the head, while the facial features are already almost formed. Baby's neck becomes stronger and longer, arms and legs also lengthen, and gross motor skills gradually improve.

In addition to the fact that at the 16th week of pregnancy, the development of the child allows him to be active intrauterine life, the baby begins to cope better with holding while still disproportionately big head. The first emotions appear on the baby's face. He periodically opens his mouth, frowns and even smiles. The baby's eyes move under the lowered eyelids, the mouth intuitively gropes thumb.

During this period, thin marks appear on the child’s hands and nails. nail plates, and the fingertips are covered with a mesh of an individual pattern. The baby still has thin skin red in color, covered with a layer of hair fluff and secretion formed by the skin glands.

At 16 weeks, the baby’s genitals are already formed, so if the parents wish, doctors can name his gender during an ultrasound.

How do internal organs and systems develop?

Circulatory system at 16 weeks of pregnancy - closed type. Every day, a baby’s heart copes with pumping up to 30 liters of blood. The baby's metabolism is already established, he tries to imitate breathing. During this period, the child’s bones and muscles become noticeably stronger, the genitourinary system is actively working, which is confirmed by urine excreted through the kidneys approximately 1-2 times per hour.

The development of the liver at the 16th week of pregnancy allows it to cope with basic functions, while hematopoiesis from this moment occurs at the expense of the child’s bone marrow. The composition of a baby's blood at this stage of development is almost completely similar to the blood of an adult, with the exception of the composition of red blood cells formed on the basis of fetal hemoglobin.

At the 16th week of development, the nervous system establishes control of the body, the process of formation of fibers and nerve cells continues.

Basic processes of fetal development at 16 weeks

The mental development of the baby at the 16th week of pregnancy switches to fundamentally new level. The baby's hearing organs begin to actively function, he reacts to sounds coming from outside, hears how the mother's heart works, blood moves through the vessels, and the main processes take place inside their common body.

The sound of the mother's beating heart becomes a guarantor of safety and comfort for the baby. He listens to him and calms down. This is why it is so important to place the baby on the mother’s chest in the first seconds after birth: the familiar beating of the heart will help him survive the stress of birth.

During the same period, a child inside the womb
begins to hear the mother's voice, although for now in a somewhat distorted form, reacting to it with motor activity.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby develops taste preferences. The child distinguishes the taste of what he swallows amniotic fluid. Sweet tastes give the baby pleasure, while spicy or bitter ones cause disgust.

The vision of a child at 4 months of life in his mother’s belly is not yet developed. However, as noted above, movements can be seen under closed eyelids. eyeballs reacting to flashes of light near the pregnant woman's belly.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby’s development reaches the level when the functioning of all internal systems and organs, including the brain, kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal tract, is improved. The only organ that lags behind in development at this stage is the lungs, which are still in “standby mode”, but are already making tentative attempts to take their first breath.

Feelings of the expectant mother

In the second trimester, there is increased growth of the pregnant woman's uterus, which is located just a few centimeters from the level of the navel. Also during this period ends
formation of the placenta, as a result of which the woman feels noticeably more comfortable and pleasant.

The mood of a pregnant woman at this stage of the child’s development is no longer so changeable, however, she still remains emotional and sensitive. At the end of 16 weeks expectant mother feels calmer, begins to enjoy pregnancy, anticipating the imminent birth of the baby and the long-awaited meeting.

As the baby grows inside the mother's womb, the stress on her heart becomes more noticeable. Bleeding gums or nose bother you from time to time, which is primarily caused by high blood pressure on the vessels.

It is extremely important to monitor hemoglobin levels at this stage of pregnancy, preventing it from falling below normal.

Some women already at 16 weeks are faced with the appearance of colostrum in their breasts, which they try to squeeze out with everyone accessible ways. In fact, this should absolutely not be done, as this can seriously damage the nipples. Colostrum at 16 weeks is normal phenomenon caused by increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Pregnant women need to keep control of the process of daily urination, avoiding overexposure
urine in the bladder due to the risk of exposing the kidneys to inflammation. It is very important that the kidneys function normally throughout pregnancy, since they are responsible for the quality of amniotic fluid.

An alarming symptom should be prolonged urinary retention - as a rule, this indicates problems with kidney function. Also signs of kidney inflammation will be:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • increase in temperature;
  • dark color of urine;
  • painful sensations during urination.

In such cases, pregnant women will need to undergo treatment in a hospital, adhering to proper nutrition and other recommendations from doctors.

What sensations deserve attention?

Expectant mothers need to be extremely attentive to their feelings. So, for example, at the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby can make itself known for the first time with light tremors. It is important not to confuse them with a rumbling stomach or ordinary gases and enjoy the first tangible contact.

It is necessary to note the date of the child’s first movements, since, based on this information, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the time of his birth.

What tests should be taken at 16 weeks?

Pregnant women must be observed by a gynecologist who will inform you about the need for certain tests at each stage of pregnancy. At week 16, a prenatal screening, which represents three main tests for determination in the composition blood hCG, AFP and estriol.

Screening is necessary to determine possible chromosomal abnormalities child.

Is an ultrasound really necessary?

At week 16, an ultrasound is performed to determine the child’s development process. The procedure at this stage is not considered mandatory and is mostly performed for parents for whom it is very important to see the baby, hear it, and find out its gender.

In addition, in special cases Ultrasound is prescribed in cases of suspected pathology or fading pregnancy.

Features of pregnancy at 16 weeks

The load on the pregnant woman's spine will increase every day, so discomfort in the lumbar region is inevitable. Will help reduce discomfort comfortable shoes on flat sole, special pillows for pregnant women and a correctly chosen sleeping position (absolutely not on the stomach).

Pregnant belly at 4 months

What a pregnant woman's belly will look like at 16 weeks largely depends on her build and height. As a rule, in tall and thin women, the bellies at this stage are almost invisible, then
like short girls at 4 months the belly may be quite round and attract attention.

You also need to take into account that the abdominal muscles of “firstborns” are more elastic and strong, which means that at the 4th month of pregnancy the bellies will not be as noticeable as in women who have previously given birth with abdominal muscles that have lost their elasticity.

At this stage, a dark vertical stripe appears on the pregnant woman’s belly, which will disappear soon after the baby is born.

A few words about weight control

By 4 months of pregnancy average weight the expectant mother increases by about 3 kilograms. Since next week it will increase rapidly, so the mother needs to start monitoring her diet, trying to give preference to healthy foods.

During pregnancy, you need to eat often, but in small portions, so as not to put pressure on the intestines. Breakfast should be the heaviest meal, lunch should definitely be
consist of a first course and vegetables, and for dinner it is better to eat something light. In between main meals, it is better to pamper yourself with fruits and fresh juices, avoiding sweets and starchy foods.

Mothers who already have children can feel some kind of life inside them, although they say that usually fetal movements are felt exactly halfway through the term. And it is advisable to mark this day, it will help to more accurately calculate the date of birth. As you remember, the age of the embryo is calculated simply: the estimated week of pregnancy minus two. So, at 16 weeks of your pregnancy, your 14-week baby has already achieved a lot. There is already calcium in his bones, his muscles are gradually getting stronger, he constantly moves and grimaces: he frowns, opens his mouth, imitates sucking movements. Now he can move both his arms and legs. His skin is still reddish because blood vessels still close, but subcutaneous tissue not that developed. And perhaps the most significant event of this week - it's time to open your eyes. The baby's eyelids have already split.

A little later, when you already feel the baby’s movements, you will be able to determine the degree of his activity. Ideally, you should feel his movements every ten minutes. And with an ultrasound, you will most likely be able to find out the sex of the child. By this time, girls have already formed a uterus and vagina. Likewise, in boys, the genital organs are already formed, although the testicles have not yet descended sufficiently and are located in the abdominal cavity.

When this week comes to an end, the baby will have grown noticeably. The head is up to 32 mm, and its rib cage and belly - up to 31.9 and 31.6 mm, respectively. The placenta continues to thicken and now reaches 18.5 mm.

Women for whom this is not the first pregnancy may feel the movements of a new life already with fourth month. But mostly this happens later - by the 20th week. Over the next month, the fetus will grow further, become stronger, and it will be difficult not to notice its movement.

Now the height of the cervix is ​​already about 16 cm. Now your tummy is growing and doing physical exercises is not so convenient, but necessary. Because flabby muscles do not add health. Plus, the less you move, the more prone you are to constipation. And constipation can provoke the threat of miscarriage. Plus constant discomfort.

Not instead, but together with physical exercises, it makes sense to choose and correct menu. There are foods that cause mild relaxation. Unlike medicines and some herbs.

Sometimes hormonal changes may cause serious illnesses kidney Like, for example, pyelonephritis. And even excess progesterone can cause it. Any infectious disease urinary tract may cause kidney infection. And in order to monitor the condition of the genitourinary system, you are recommended to do urine tests before each appointment with a gynecologist.

The kidneys should generally be in the area of ​​your special attention. Because kidney disease during pregnancy can then result in chronic diseases kidney

16th week of pregnancy: vaginal discharge

In general, you note that the discharge indicates that everything is going well. By all indications. The discharge is light or milky. There aren't many of them. When leucorrhoea appears, you immediately call your gynecologist and, if necessary, undergo additional tests. As a rule, a smear on the flora. You know that even thrush can mask infections, and you don’t give them a chance.

There is no bloody discharge and there hasn’t been yet, but when slight pain in the abdomen appeared, you immediately called an ambulance. And a short course of treatment brought you back to normal. Do you remember that during pregnancy the cervix is ​​very loose and is injured at the slightest careless touch. Although the doctor says that sometimes minor bleeding can indicate possible erosion of the cervix. And therefore, the slightest suspicion is a reason to check them again and undergo a small examination.

16th week of pregnancy: nutrition for pregnant women

The other day at the clinic you met nice woman. As it turned out, she is a vegetarian and is also expecting a child. And you wondered: is it possible to remain a vegetarian during pregnancy, when so many vitamins are needed for the development of a child? Will the future mother's decision to give up animal proteins affect the baby's health?

According to your doctor, a mild vegetarianism that allows the consumption of dairy products and eggs is completely acceptable and acceptable. Especially if you take additional vitamins. The situation is much more serious when vegans completely abandon any animal proteins. A deficiency of certain amino acids can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Strict diets and fasting are simply contraindicated at this time. And even in very religious communities, regardless of religion, an exception is made for pregnant women. The health of the unborn child depends on her diet.

Meat, milk and products made from them are a source of protein. Of course, there are proteins in nuts, seeds and legumes. But it is hardly possible to replace fish. But all kinds of cereals, vegetable salads, fruits and juices from them will be beneficial. And separately about salt. It is recommended to use iodized salt. But if you are prone to swelling, salt can be replaced with soy sauce.
You need at least one and a half liters of water per day. And preferably ordinary water, and not at all carbonated and not mineral. This can upset the balance in the body.

On an ultrasound, you can already see the baby’s collarbones and lungs. And he himself already behaves completely independently, deciding whether to show himself in all his glory during an ultrasound examination or simply turn away.

  1. A healthy appetite appears. Symptoms of early toxicosis, which in some people begins immediately after fertilization, disappear. Mommy's menu is expanding significantly. You need to be selective in choosing foods and plan your diet based on the healthfulness of the foods you eat.
  2. Rapid weight gain begins. It is not difficult to guess that this is a consequence of improved appetite. If in the first trimester a woman most often notices weight loss due to toxicosis, now the body begins to catch up. The increase can be up to 3 kg from the moment the child is conceived. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the belly protrudes noticeably, and it is already difficult to hide your interesting position from others.
  3. Frequent visits to the toilet resume. This is due to the fact that the fetus continues to grow at the 16th week of pregnancy. Together with the child, the uterus also grows, which puts pressure on the bladder, forcing the woman to look into the restroom more often.
  4. Shortness of breath due to the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm. It is recommended to remain calm, get plenty of rest and monitor your condition.
  5. A so-called physiological runny nose occurs, characteristic of pregnancy. This is a temporary symptom that goes away over time.
  6. The baby's first movements are felt. The sensations in the abdomen are still light and barely perceptible, but every week they intensify, and the woman has the opportunity to communicate with the baby using gentle internal touches.

You may experience problems with bowel movements (constipation). This is another reason to be careful about your diet, choosing foods that contain fiber and vitamins.

Fetus at 16 weeks of gestation

At the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy, the fetus is already fourteen weeks old. The pace of its growth and development is still high. Now, if you measure the belly from the tailbone to the crown, the length will be more than ten centimeters. The fetal body becomes more proportional: the legs grow in length, and the head is no longer so large in relation to the body. The weight of the fetus is now approximately eighty grams. In order for the expectant mother to better visualize how much the baby has grown, obstetricians and gynecologists compare the size of a baby at 16 weeks with an average avocado.

His skeleton is actively being built. Gaining its strength muscle tissue future child. He moves his limbs more actively. The muscles of his face allow the baby to open and close his mouth and close his eyes. Since the neck muscles have also become stronger, unborn child He can already turn his head left and right.

Internal organs begin to master their functions - contract, secrete enzymes, filter. The ones who are most active in their work for the belly-dweller in the sixteenth week are:

  • Liver;
  • Kidneys;
  • Bladder.

Heart little man It is already pumping blood properly. At the 16th obstetric week, it is theoretically possible to establish the blood type and Rh factor of the unborn baby.

The heart beats at a frequency of 150 beats per minute, pumping up to 25 liters of blood per day.

Functioning stomach, intestines, gallbladder.

On the face and head the crumbs have already formed:

  • ears;
  • eyes;
  • cilia;
  • brows.

At this stage, as before, it is important for the fetus to receive all nutrients in quantities sufficient for growth and development. That is, a pregnant woman should eat right. It is optimal to eat food several times a day, in small portions. Be sure to take high-protein foods, because the belly now needs “ building material" These are meat and fish, dairy products. Vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities will help improve intestinal function. But spices, salt, smoked meats, and highly allergenic foods should be excluded. They are of no benefit and can provoke or worsen heartburn and constipation in the expectant mother.

What month of pregnancy

The end of the sixteenth obstetric week corresponds to the end of the fourth obstetric month of pregnancy. Let us recall that in an obstetric month there are 28 days, that is, exactly four weeks, while in a calendar month there are 30 or 31 days. If you count by calendar months, then the end of the sixteenth week corresponds to the third week of the fourth calendar month of pregnancy.


If the pregnancy progresses well, doctors do not place restrictions on women’s intimate life. Sex at this stage is not a contraindication, if not negative symptoms. The gynecologist can impose a ban only in cases such as multiple pregnancy, low attachment placenta, as well as the likelihood of miscarriage.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) at 16 weeks of pregnancy

The 16th week of pregnancy is not included in the period for planned ultrasound examination. A gynecologist can send for an ultrasound scan only if the pregnant woman has complaints or test results deviate from the norm. While conducting an examination, the doctor ultrasound diagnostics can show a woman what her baby looks like at 16 weeks.

By the 16th week of pregnancy, usually all expectant mothers already know about their situation and have even undergone the first screening examination. For some, everything goes smoothly, but for others, they had to experience early toxicosis. Fortunately, the hardest and dangerous period ends.

Typically, the 16th week of pregnancy is the period when doctors refer a woman for a second prenatal screening. What can you find out during the examination? And what should happen to the baby and his mother during this period?

Fetal growth

The main questions that concern expectant mothers and fathers are related to how their baby grows and develops. At 15–16 weeks of pregnancy, it is no longer as tiny as before, and all body parts and movements can be seen on an ultrasound.

Many organ systems begin to actively work:

  • The muscle tissue is strong enough to hold and turn the head, frown, and open the mouth.
  • The kidneys, as well as the bladder, are already working well, urination occurs approximately once every 45 minutes.
  • The outer part of the genital organs has formed, and the gender is already visible on ultrasound. In boys, the testicles are still in the abdominal cavity, and in girls, the ovaries have descended into the area where they will remain throughout their lives; they already contain about 5 million eggs.
  • The liver now also performs a digestive function.
  • The blood type is already determined, as well as the Rh factor of the fetus.
  • Vocal cords appear, but the baby will only use them after birth.
  • The nervous system develops and receptors appear. A child at 16 weeks of pregnancy is able to taste the amniotic fluid when he swallows it, and can react to physical irritation by pulling back an arm or leg.

Of course, all this cannot be seen with the naked eye. But even knowing how quickly the baby is growing and becoming more mature and independent is very pleasing and helps to joyfully await the birth.

Woman's condition

Many people ask the question: 16 weeks of pregnancy is how many months? The answer depends on which calculation option you use. The 16th obstetric week of pregnancy is four obstetric months or three and a half calendar months. This is not short period of time, so the expectant mother is slowly starting to get used to her condition, especially if this is not her first pregnancy.

By this time manifestations early toxicosis gradually pass. I am no longer bothered by nausea, dizziness, or stomach pain. The only thing that sometimes remains until the end of pregnancy is constipation, so it is very important to monitor your diet. But changes can be observed in other areas as well.

Emotional state

Usually by 16 weeks emotional state becomes much better. General health It’s getting much better, and that’s good news. Changes hormonal background and the mood becomes more stable.

The realization that more has passed three months from conception, we are already in the sixteenth week of pregnancy, very happy. Especially if a woman knows that the first trimester, when a miscarriage can occur due to minor environmental influences, is the most dangerous for the fetus. If ultrasound and tests at 16 weeks show that everything is fine, then the risks of losing the child or detecting severe defects are quite low.

Many parents find out the sex of the child at this time. Now they can start buying clothes, toys, strollers. All this is very exciting and cannot but cheer up the expectant mother.

Feelings in the stomach

The developing embryo is already so large that it will soon be possible to feel its movements. If a woman already has children, that is, this is not her first pregnancy, or she has very high sensitivity, she listens carefully to her feelings, at this stage it is already possible to feel the fetus moving, light tremors, which still look like very light touches. They are sometimes compared to the gurgling of air bubbles or the fluttering of butterflies.

But if there is nothing like that, you shouldn’t be afraid, since movements can often be felt only one or two weeks later. Movements at the 16th week of pregnancy can be felt, but not for everyone. It must be remembered that during pregnancy, sensations can be different; they are individual for each woman. After a short period of time, you will very clearly feel how actively your baby can move.

The uterus has already partially risen abdominal cavity, so the pressure on the ligaments has decreased. Therefore, by this time they should pass aching sensations in the stomach. And under no circumstances should there be pain, especially acute pain. This may indicate problems with pregnancy or illness. internal organs. Therefore, if your stomach hurts at 16 weeks of pregnancy, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.


Discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy remains approximately the same as in the fifteenth and previous weeks, or becomes slightly heavier. Are they transparent or white. There shouldn't be any unpleasant odor and discomfort in the genital area.

If bloody or brown discharge, this should alert you, since at this time no processes should occur that may be accompanied by bleeding, even minor. You must inform your doctor about them. And if the discharge intensifies, the temperature rises, you feel dizzy, or your lower abdomen hurts, you need to call an ambulance.


At 16 to 20 weeks, doctors recommend undergoing a second prenatal screening, which consists of an ultrasound, tests and, if necessary, some instrumental methods research. This is necessary in order to understand what is happening with the baby now and make a forecast of how the fetus is developing now, and how it will develop in the coming months, until the third screening of pregnant women, what is the sex of the child.

The second screening is usually completed faster than the first if there are no pathologies. This is explained by the fact that there are slightly fewer examinations, and women feel better than at 12 weeks and are already a little accustomed to the process medical examination during pregnancy. He also gives more information about the condition of the baby, since the fetus at the 16th week of pregnancy is larger than during the previous screening.


What the fetus looks like at 16 weeks and the condition of the internal genital organs can be determined using an ultrasound examination. Ultrasound at this stage is usually performed transabdominally. It is better to sign up for an examination in advance, and not when the 16th week of pregnancy has already begun.

Normal ultrasound indicators at 16 weeks:

  1. The weight of the embryo is approximately 80 g.
  2. The size of the fetus at 16 weeks, measured from crown to tailbone, is about 11 cm.
  3. The weight of the uterus is 250 mg.
  4. Volume amniotic fluid– more than a glass, on average 250 ml.
  5. The cervix is ​​tightly closed.
  6. From the uterus to the navel - about 7 cm.
  7. The placenta and umbilical cord are fully formed and fully provide the fetus with nutrients.
  8. The sex of the child is clearly visible if his position does not interfere with this.

If, during an ultrasound scan at 16 weeks of pregnancy, there are suspicions about some problems, additional diagnostic procedures are prescribed. For example, if placental insufficiency is suspected, Doppler ultrasound may be necessary.


Basic laboratory tests blood tests that are done during this period are ACE tests, free estriol and hCG. Having assessed these indicators together, the doctor can make a conclusion about the likelihood of the embryo having serious pathologies development, for example, Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome or neural tube defects.

If the test results do not correspond to the norm, this does not mean that the child necessarily has some kind of pathology. There is simply a very high probability of this happening. In order to check how things really are, you may be offered to do amniocentesis. This procedure is associated with a small risk (in 0.5–3% of cases it may cause spontaneous interruption pregnancy), therefore it is carried out only after the permission of the future parents. But at the same time, it provides the opportunity to detect more than 40 different defects if they are present in the fetus.

Lifestyle Features

Every responsible woman during pregnancy will be interested in what could be unsafe for her baby. In fact, gross non-compliance with the regime, stress, bad habits can cause the most sad consequences. But not all the prohibitions that you hear about are actually justified. How to figure this out?

  1. Smoking. There is an opinion that if a woman smokes for a long time, it will be worse for the child if she tries to quit bad habit during pregnancy, and it is better to leave everything as is. In fact, it can only be difficult for the woman herself if a strong dependence has formed. Nicotine harms a child in any case, regardless of whether the mother’s body is accustomed to it.
  2. Alcohol. Doctors recommend completely abstaining from all types of alcoholic beverages, including beer.
  3. Physical activity. Excessive, too intense sports activities and participation in competitions are prohibited. But gymnastics, stretching, yoga will be very useful and will help the body better adapt to the special condition and prepare for childbirth.
  4. Sex at 16 weeks pregnant. Sexual relations are allowed at almost any stage of pregnancy, as long as it does not cause discomfort to the woman, unless there are medical contraindications. This should not be done only if there is a threat of miscarriage or severe pain during sexual intercourse, undesirable during multiple pregnancy.

Of course, additional questions may arise that relate specifically to your pregnancy, what can be done and what is not advisable for you personally. It is very important to discuss this with your doctor, and not try to look for answers from friends or on forums. In this case, you will avoid problems during pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

The 16th obstetric week is the 14th week from conception - embryonic period pregnancy, as well as 16 weeks from the beginning last menstrual period. The baby has already grown so much that it is already possible to determine with a high probability whether your baby will be a boy or a girl.

Fruit size

What happens to the fetus

Little hands are constantly trying to grab a leg, another arm, or the umbilical cord. Don't worry, the umbilical veins of the cord are reliably protected by a special mucous film. The baby is not able to damage them or accidentally squeeze them. And if you are not just pregnant, but pregnant with twins - 16 weeks, this is the period when the babies in the womb begin to actively “communicate”, grabbing each other. At the same time, the muscular system is also improved - constantly straightening the knees, elbows, hip joints baby is training. Immediately after birth, the baby will not be able to move at such an intense pace as now, because, as you know, it is much easier to make movements in water.

The organs that were laid down earlier are actively working and at the same time developing very quickly. All organs and systems are actively working, the heart pumps blood, the liver performs digestive functions. In training mode, the gallbladder, stomach and intestines work. Original feces appear in the intestines, consisting of bile and having dark green color. Kidney function and bladder coordinated. The fetus urinates into the amniotic fluid approximately every fifteen minutes. At the same time, hemoglobin appears in the fetus’s blood, the same as in an adult, but its content is very low. Only by childbirth it will approach 30%.

What does a child look like?

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to actively grow the bones of the limbs, the legs and arms become increasingly elongated.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, the baby already holds his head straight, his facial muscles are formed, and he involuntarily winks, frowns and opens his mouth. Your baby is rapidly gaining weight. His body has become more proportional, although the photo shows that his head is still quite large. White hairs have appeared on the head. Soon the hair follicles will begin to produce pigment, and your child will acquire the hair color determined by nature.

He can spread his fingers, suck his thumb, move his head, swallow, and already masters basic facial movements. Thanks to the active supply of nutrients and the saturation of amniotic fluid, the fetus develops rapidly. The genitals are already well developed, and ultrasound can already determine gender with high probability.

The size of the fetus is now about 14–16 centimeters, we are talking about the distance from the crown to the tailbone. The baby's weight already exceeds 100 grams.

Fetal development

  • There is already enough calcium for the formation of bones, joints of the legs and arms have formed, and the process of hardening of the bones has begun.

  • The body and face are completely covered with fluff (lanugo).

  • The baby's skin is still very thin, and blood vessels can be seen through it.

  • It is already possible to determine the gender of the unborn child.

  • The baby moves a lot and sucks his finger, although the woman may not yet feel this.

  • The fetus's chest makes breathing movements, and its heart beats twice as fast as the mother's.

  • The fingers are already acquiring their own unique skin pattern.

  • The nails are formed - long and sharp.

  • The bladder is emptied every 40 minutes.

  • The baby's weight ranges from 75 to 115 grams.

  • Height - about 17 cm.

  • The child's movements become more coordinated. The baby can already swallow, suck, turn his head, stretch, spit, yawn and even fart. And also clench your fingers into fists and play with your legs and arms.

  • The umbilical cord is strong and elastic, capable of withstanding a load of up to 5–6 kg. By the 16th week of pregnancy, its length is already 40–50 cm, and its diameter is about 2 cm.

  • Neurons ( nerve cells) are actively gaining growth. Their number increases by 5000 units every second.

  • The adrenal cortex makes up 80 percent of the total mass. They already produce the required amount of hormones.

  • The work of the pituitary gland begins, control becomes more noticeable nervous system the baby's body.

  • In girls at 16 weeks of pregnancy, the ovaries descend into the pelvic area, the fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina are formed. In boys, the external genitalia are formed, but the testicles are still in the abdominal cavity.

  • The baby's breathing is still carried out through the placenta.

  • The function of digestion is added to the already existing functions of the liver.

  • Fetal blood contains red blood cells, monocytes and lymphocytes. Hemoglobin begins to be synthesized.

  • The baby already reacts to the voices of loved ones, hears music and sounds.

  • The ears and eyes are in their place, the eyelids are separated, the shape of the nose is drawn, and eyebrows and eyelashes are already appearing.

  • The subcutaneous tissue is not yet fully developed; the baby’s body is covered with a white lubricant that protects it until birth.

  • At the 16th week of pregnancy, the voice-producing apparatus begins to form, but the baby will be able to make sounds only after birth

  • The heart beats at a rate of 140–170 beats per minute.

What happens in a woman's body

At this stage, it is already clearly clear to everyone around that the woman is pregnant. Especially if this is the second pregnancy, then the belly protrudes forward even more. early stages. And with the first, the abdominal ligaments and uterine muscles are in an unstretched elastic state, so the tummy may not be so clearly visible. The main thing is that mommy feels it. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the uterus is located centrally between the navel and pubic bone, causing the ligaments to stretch and thicken as it grows.

As the belly grows, other striking changes occur in a woman’s appearance. The larger the belly grows, the better the dark stripe becomes visible, dividing it into two halves from the navel. This is due to the pigment melanin, which accumulates in the skin during pregnancy. Also, such pigment can appear on the cheeks, forehead, around the eyes, and the bridge of the nose throughout pregnancy. It's not scary at all - it will disappear after childbirth brown stripe, as well as everything age spots, acquired during pregnancy.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, you can feel the first movements, and, accordingly, experience the first exciting emotions.

The uterus expands, and the amount of amniotic fluid is already about 250 ml.

Hormones affect the mucous membrane, causing it to swell; the nasal mucosa is no exception. This is why pregnant women often experience nasal congestion.

Begins active work mammary glands, the breasts become sensitive and swell. Due to increased blood flow, a venous pattern appears.

While brushing your teeth, blood may appear; this is also the effect of hormones, namely progesterone. These hormones make the gums vulnerable to bacteria, which is why they become inflamed.

Good to know

Tiny nodules may form on your gums, which are tender to the touch and begin to bleed when you brush your teeth. Called "pyogenic granulomas" (or "pregnancy tumors"), these nodules should not cause you any concern; they disappear soon after birth. If they cause you discomfort, your dentist can drain or remove them.

Some women may experience numbness and tingling in the hands - carpal tunnel syndrome, itching in the abdomen, feet and palms.

Swelling of the fingers, face and ankles is no exception at this stage of pregnancy. But you should be careful about gaining weight too quickly - it can be a symptom of preeclampsia.

You have gained between 2.2 and 4.5 kg of weight. The uterus increases in size and you experience pulling sensation in the lower abdomen - this occurs due to sprained ligaments. This pain usually goes away on its own, but you may experience lower back pain due to increased stress.

Urination is normalized, which cannot be said about the work of the intestines - its work is complicated by lethargy of the muscle wall. Constipation poses a threat of miscarriage and is a factor in the development of hemorrhoids - you should pay more attention to the issue of nutrition and regular bowel movements.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge may also change. In some women, they become whitish in color, and the abundance increases slightly. This is completely normal, such discharge is normal. In general, at this stage of pregnancy, the discharge should be homogeneous and not discomfort in the form of burning and pain, and not accompanied by pain in the abdominal area.

And yes, with a high degree of probability toxicosis has left you! Enjoy your condition!


Your belly is growing by leaps and bounds! Every day you notice more and more that it is getting bigger! If you are expecting twins, then at this stage your uterus will be significantly larger than that of women expecting one baby. Accordingly, the belly will grow much faster.


From the 16th week of pregnancy, your baby bump is already quite visible, and you probably want to change your wardrobe. It should already include pants with an elastic waistband or overalls, a cozy dress, and the right tights. It is better if you wear special underwear for pregnant women, which consists of natural cotton, and will not put pressure on the stomach. Things should be spacious and not squeezing. Perhaps you should reconsider your attitude towards high-heeled shoes.

The 16th week of pregnancy is the period when the fetus requires a lot of calcium for growth bone tissue, and if you do not eat enough of this microelement, then be prepared for the appearance of caries. To prevent calcium deficiency, be sure to include dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, etc.), nuts (peanuts and almonds are especially rich in calcium), dried fruits and fish in your diet. A day is enough to eat 100 g of dried fruits and 2 sandwiches with cheese or drink 3 glasses of kefir.

For constipation, try drinking a glass of non-carbonated water an hour before meals. mineral water and add to your diet fresh vegetables and fruits. Minimize your consumption flour products and try to eat 100 g of dried apricot mixture every day. Eat right!

The diet must contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats for good nutrition child. Protein deficiency leads to miscarriages, anemia and pathologies in the development of the child. Lack of fat will cause improper development of the baby’s nervous system. An insufficient amount of carbohydrates reduces metabolic processes and increases the risk of fetal death. Try to eat healthy foods, not just tasty ones. It is advisable to balance dishes according to consistency, because solid food may lead to constipation.

If you're worried that you can't feel your baby's movements, try lying on your back, stilling and listening to your sensations. After a few minutes, you may feel as if a butterfly is fluttering in your stomach.

As often as possible during the day, a woman should lie down horizontally, without a pillow, to relieve her tired back and help the heart and blood vessels correctly distribute the entire volume of blood in the body. While lying down, you can listen to beautiful music, relax, talking with your baby - he, of course, will also like such rest breaks, and he will respond to them with grateful gentle pushes into the wall of the uterus.

At this stage, many families worry about how the birth will go and what kind of parents they will be. It's natural. If you have time where women with the same term as yours discuss their pregnancy, share experiences, and then raise their babies together!

Since the tummy has grown noticeably, it is necessary to reconsider sleeping positions. You should avoid lying on your stomach completely, as the fetus may experience discomfort. Sleeping on your back is also undesirable, because the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the vessels that are located behind it, and fainting may occur. It is best to sleep on your left or right side. Special pillows for pregnant women, which are sold in stores for expectant mothers, will help you find a comfortable position. If you haven't purchased this pillow yet, now is the time!

If during pregnancy sex life parents were interrupted because mommy could feel unwell or unwell in the first months of pregnancy, now the entire second trimester is enough favorable time for making love. If doctors do not indicate any contraindications, then intimate life now it could be very interesting. The sensations of both partners due to changes in the structure of the woman’s genital organs will be bright and new. You just have to pick it up comfortable poses for sex, since the tummy is already quite noticeable in size, and any pressure on it is extremely undesirable.

Yoga for pregnant women

Lesson number 5. Inverted poses. Their importance.


You need to remember that interruption can happen, just like at any other time, so be attentive to any kind of discharge and pain.

Good to know

The growing uterus promotes gradual change pelvic tilt angle, this can cause lower back pain. But lower back pain can be a symptom of a miscarriage, so you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

The greatest danger comes from pulling, aching, cramping pain lower abdomen: such pains almost completely indicate increased tone uterus. If such pains appear, you need to lie down and relax, and if the pain continues for more than 2-3 hours, be sure to go to the doctor, or even better, call an ambulance so as not to delay it in time medical care and not aggravate the situation.

Also, abdominal pain can be the result of dysfunction digestive system: Abdominal pain is caused by constipation, increased formation of gases, and bloating. And therefore, a properly composed diet during pregnancy is also a necessity.

At this time, the threat may still be:

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency - with this pathology, the cervix is ​​shortened and may not hold the fetus. To correct this condition use obstetric pessaries(a special ring that takes the baby’s weight on itself, unloads the cervix and prevents its early opening).

Primary placental insufficiency - this condition may be accompanied by fetal growth restriction. Most often, the cause of primary deficiency is not environmental factors, but changes within the mother (enzymatic, vascular insufficiency).


At 16 weeks of pregnancy, it is time to undergo even more tests than in previous weeks. In addition to the usual ones (urinalysis, weight control, blood pressure measurement, listening to the fetal heart), blood tests (AFP, hCG, NE) will also be added - Triple test screening to determine the presence of defects and fetal development. Such a blood test makes it possible with a high probability to determine chromosomal abnormalities that provoke, for example, cranial hernia, Down syndrome, anencephaly, and spinal malformations. However, test results obtained at this stage of pregnancy cannot be a final diagnosis. To be completely sure, further research should be done.

Good to know

"Triple test" (prenatal screening of the second trimester, biochemical screening II trimester) - the study is aimed at identifying fetal malformations. Blood is taken from a vein for analysis, where the level of human chorionic hormone (hCG), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and estriol (E3) is determined. This study can only suggest developmental defects. To confirm the diagnosis, special examinations are needed.

If a woman is at risk, that is, her age is over 35 years and/or if there are relatives with genetic diseases, or based on the results of the tests, the possibility of pathology has been identified, or previous experience was unsuccessful, there was a birth of a child with a pathology, or termination of pregnancy at later. The doctor will recommend an amniocentesis procedure. The procedure involves using a needle to pierce the abdomen above the uterus and make a fence from the uterus amniotic fluid. This entire process is controlled using ultrasound. The procedure is painless, as the puncture areas are numbed. This procedure is unsafe; there is a chance of miscarriage from 0.5 to 3%. Because of this, the pregnant woman herself decides whether to undergo this procedure or not, that is, you can refuse such a procedure.

Good to know

Amniocentesis is biochemical research amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds the fetus in the womb) to detect oxygen starvation fetus and determination of its developmental defects. Amniotic fluid(from 3 to 30 ml) is obtained by puncturing the anterior abdominal wall, uterus and amnion (a protective bladder with liquid in which the fetus is located). Along with the fluid during amniocentesis, desquamated cells of the fetus are also taken, from which experts judge the presence or absence of gene mutations.


At 16 weeks, an ultrasound can already accurately determine the sex of the baby, if you are lucky and he does not turn his butt towards his parents.

This is interesting

Only 64 percent of expectant mothers in Europe want to know the gender of their baby. Finding out your gender early is like opening a present before Christmas.

Most often, the second planned ultrasound occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy. At 16 weeks a woman must pass a series mandatory tests, including tests for hormones and all kinds of infections, to make sure that everything is fine with her unborn baby. During an ultrasound, basic measurements of the fetus are taken and the diagnosis of its development is assessed.

To diagnose the normal rate of fetal development, the following are measured:

  • Biparental size (BPR) is the transverse size of the baby’s head, which at this stage of pregnancy varies between 31–37 mm.

  • Head circumference (OG) - important size to determine the duration of pregnancy. At week 16 this size is 112–136 mm.

  • The fetal abdominal circumference (FA) at week 16 is 88–116 mm.

  • The length of the humerus (HL) varies between 15–21 mm.

  • Thigh length (HL) - varies between 17–23 mm.

  • Shin length: 15–21 mm.

  • Forearm length: 12–18 mm.

IN mandatory The bones of the limbs are assessed. The left and right limbs should be symmetrical, the long bones should be straight, clear, without broken lines.

During an ultrasound, the size of the placenta is also determined; on average, it is about 18 millimeters. During this period, the placenta is already fully formed and independently supports the successful development of pregnancy.

Don't be too scared if you've been diagnosed with " Intrauterine retention fetal development." Such a diagnosis is very often not confirmed, especially in the case of short and single-parent parents. Do not neglect an ultrasound so as not to miss the moment of thickening of the placenta, which can be cured with medical intervention. Usually the reason for this is infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus or difference in Rh factor between spouses.
