40th week heavy stomach shooting. How to recognize pain that is not dangerous


If you haven't given birth yet, then 40 weeks of pregnancy may be that moment. Many women who have not given birth before this time begin to worry whether they are carrying the fetus to term. But there is no need to worry, since the normal due date can shift by two weeks, both forward and backward. By the end of the term, the uterus may slightly decrease in size. Common discomforts that may occur during the last weeks of pregnancy include: frequent urination, swelling (fluid retention), leg pain, varicose veins in the vagina, rectum and legs. Sleepless nights due to back pain.

If you go into labor, make sure someone close to you. Put away your worries, calm and only calm!!! You have gone through so much, endured so much, and this is such a long-awaited moment. Please accept our sincere congratulations, the most beautiful and beloved person has been born!!!


The baby wants to be born with all his might at 40 weeks! Babies at birth often weigh approximately 3.5 kg and are 51-53 cm tall. Most likely, the baby will be born head first and with a loud cry! Don't be surprised if the baby is born with an irregularly shaped head, vernix, gun residue, and even meconium. Immediately after birth, the baby will undergo the first test in his life - an assessment on the Apgar scale, which is done in the first and fifth minutes of life.

So, we will look at:
  • Women's feelings at 40 weeks
  • Wise signals of the harbingers of labor
  • Tests to be taken
  • How to behave if labor has begun

Feelings of women at 40 weeks.

If you have not yet become a mother before this time, then this week you should try to enjoy the anticipation of the fact that in a week or a few days there will be at least two of you. Of course, you look at the calendar, worry, waiting for the date of your upcoming birth. But there is no reason to worry too much if labor does not occur at the appointed time, your baby just needs a little more time, and there may have been errors in calculating the due date. In any such case, you should definitely consult a doctor, he will coordinate your actions.

Don’t put off final preparations for the baby’s arrival until you go to the maternity hospital, but if you suddenly didn’t have time to finish something, you should be ready when the 40th week arrives, so that you don’t have to look for what you need a few days later when you devote all your time to the newborn .

Of course, all diapers, vests, diapers, blankets should be ready, folded and in an easily accessible place so that when you feel the signs of labor, you can quickly take them with you.

The 40th week of pregnancy is a time of rest and sleep, try to get plenty of rest, go to bed early, accumulating energy that will be useful to you during childbirth. You better avoid emotional breakdowns that can cause premature birth.

During this period, many people listen with fear to any movement in their stomach, because it is the 40th week of pregnancy, there is a pull in the lower abdomen and lower back, but don’t be afraid, when labor begins, you won’t confuse it. All the same, you should know about the harbingers of childbirth, they will give you a signal that it is time to give a new life.

Wise signals of the harbingers of childbirth.

Harbingers of childbirth are signs that nature gives us. One woman may have all of these signs, while another may have only some. The main thing is to listen to your body, it feels and wisely gives you these signals.

Lowering of the abdomen. 40th week of pregnancy - the stomach drops, not only are you preparing to give birth, but your baby is also preparing for childbirth, lowering his head to the bottom of the uterus, because of this the uterus puts pressure on the kidneys and bladder, increasing the frequency of urination.

Stools become more frequent and thinner - don’t worry, you’re not poisoned, it’s your body doing the cleansing to make it easier to give birth. The pelvic ligaments relax, which means that trauma during childbirth is minimized.

There is a constant nagging pain in the sacrum and lower back. It’s 40 weeks of pregnancy, my lower back hurts, and this is normal, the spine feels a constant load, and the muscle ligaments relax.

The appearance of nausea, vomiting and intestinal discomfort is one of the obvious harbingers; it occurs a day before the expected birth, which means you need to pack your things.

Your appetite has disappeared - and this is wonderful, it means that your weight will no longer increase, giving birth will become easier, and swelling may even subside.

Discharge of mucus with blood clots - don’t be afraid, this is most likely a mucus plug; it used to close the cervix, but now it comes out, opening the birth canal for the baby.

Discharge of water - of course, this is the water of the amniotic sac; it is important not to panic, but to carefully examine their transparency and color, informing the doctor about this. If the waters are yellowish and greenish, then it is better to take control of the situation. Many doctors recommend giving up absorbent pads during this period and trying to temporarily replace them with clean white diapers. And that’s right, so you definitely won’t get confused if your water breaks. After the water breaks, the baby can be without water for no more than 12 hours, which means that if the water suddenly breaks at home, you need to hurry to the maternity hospital, even if you don’t feel contractions yet.

How does the baby feel and how does it develop?

Do you know that your baby is already about 53 cm tall and already weighs about 3.5 kg - he is absolutely ripe for the new world that you will give him. Of course, with such a size, he is already feeling cramped in the uterus, but you will still feel his movements inside you. He still sleeps a lot, and waits for the sounds of his parents' native voice. Keep in mind that the less time left before birth, the calmer your baby will be.

Your baby’s skin is already acquiring a delicate pink tint, the nails on the arms and legs are growing, and the original down disappears. Do you know why babies are born so round and plump? It is in the last week that adipose tissue is finally formed, which means that your baby can easily cope with temperature changes after birth. Your baby's adrenal glands are already functioning well at this time and will be able to produce adrenaline and norepinephrine to cope with the stress of birth.

How to eat properly during this period

I cited a decrease in appetite as a harbinger of childbirth. Therefore, you, as an expectant mother, need to revise your menu a little and include as many easily digestible foods as possible, such as yogurt, kefir, vegetables and fruits, buckwheat, you can eat lean meat and vegetable soups. Such food will help remove toxins and unnecessary fluid from your body. Try not to eat sweet, sour, fatty and salty foods, no matter how much you want to. Of course, if the precursors of labor begin, this does not actually mean that you need to completely give up food, you can drink sweet tea, cheese, yogurt, because you will need energy.

As for childbirth, usually a woman’s body refuses to take food, or it can be taken, but only when the contractions have not reached intensity, of course, this does not apply to water, water can be taken and taken with you to the prenatal ward.

Of course, after giving birth, you will probably want to eat, but even then, it is unlikely that this will be the entire lunch menu, at best - yogurt, sweet tea or broth.

Tests to be taken

You may not know, but at 40 weeks pregnant, you do not need to undergo any necessary tests. When you enter the maternity hospital, they will examine you and measure everything you need: abdominal circumference, weight, blood pressure, pulse, and see how dilated your cervix is. Enema and shaving can be done either at your home or in the hospital itself, depending on its rules.

When you get to the prenatal ward, the obstetrician will listen to your baby’s heart beat, as well as the rhythm of uterine contractions, and, if necessary, will open the amniotic sac to stimulate labor.

How to behave if labor has begun.

The 40th week of pregnancy, but labor does not begin - a question that can worry and torment the expectant mother. If the birth has not yet taken place at the appointed time, calm down and protect yourself from calls from loved ones and relatives. Childbirth will definitely begin. But when it is needed, and not on the day that is marked on your exchange card.

What should you do if labor begins?

Contractions are the starting sign of the onset of labor. Contractions may be accompanied by aching pain in the lower back, the muscles of the uterus shrink, and the stomach feels like stone. But after some time it passes, until the next contraction.

From my own experience and the experience of women who gave birth using my method, visualizations during contractions work very well, because a contraction looks like a wave rolling over you, which means it can be controlled. During contractions, try to imagine a blue wave, or waves that bring purification and new life. This is nature, and nature will never hurt you so much that you couldn’t stand it. Try to breathe in the rhythm of the contractions, imagine a wave, and you will see how the pain will subside.

The intervals between waves of contractions become shorter over time, and the period between them becomes about 5 minutes. Often then the plug comes off. And if you are at home, you must dial an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital yourself.

When going to the maternity hospital to give a new life, remember all your 9 months that you lived with your baby, it’s great if you take photographs that will help you remember the unforgettable time of pregnancy. By showing your little one the time when he developed in your tummy, you will rejoice and smile at your happiness.

At the fortieth week of pregnancy, the stomach may hurt not only because of the onset of labor. Pain can be caused both by natural processes that occur during pregnancy and by pathological processes caused by organic or physiological disorders.

Physiological changes

In late pregnancy, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, so their location is somewhat displaced. Since there is pressure on the intestines and its muscles are relaxed due to the action of hormones, stool disorders often occur, which can manifest as both constipation and diarrhea.

Stool retention may be a concern for some time after childbirth. In some cases, diarrhea is a harbinger of the onset of labor. If the lower abdomen hurts slightly at 40 weeks of pregnancy, then this is considered normal, since the stomach drops by this time, hormonal levels change, and the body is preparing to push the baby out.

The woman experiences heaviness in her stomach, headaches, weakness, and it becomes difficult to walk due to the heavy load on the spine. At this stage, the baby has already sunk to the bottom of the pelvis, which can also cause pain in the lower abdomen and an increased need to urinate.

The stomach is displaced, the pylorus is relaxed and does not hold food in the stomach, so its contents penetrate into the esophagus, which causes severe, almost constant heartburn.

You should be wary of genital discharge

At 40 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach may periodically pull and hurt due to training contractions. The abdomen becomes hard, this indicates that the uterus is in good shape. This phenomenon can occur after physical activity or emotional stress.

They differ from real contractions in strength, as well as in the interval of occurrence. If the labor process has begun, then the interval between contractions decreases, and their intensity increases.

How does gastrointestinal pathology manifest itself in late pregnancy?

Aching pain in the lower abdomen at 40 weeks of pregnancy, in most cases, is caused by physiological processes that provide the possibility of natural delivery or is provoked by pressure from an enlarged uterus. But there is a possibility that the pain is not caused by pregnancy, but by pathological processes occurring in the body.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the intensity of pain and its duration. It is considered normal if the pain in the lower abdomen is nagging and not too severe, such that it allows you to lead a normal lifestyle.

Labor has begun if severe cramping pain appears in the lower abdomen every 7 minutes. In this case, the interval between contractions is reduced, and the intensity of pain increases. Unlike training contractions, the pain does not go away when changing position or taking a sedative.

With spasmodic pain caused by pathology, contractions occur at irregular intervals (they can either lengthen or shorten). In case of a disease that requires urgent medical intervention, the woman takes a forced body position.

Body temperature rises during inflammation

And although abnormal bowel movements during pregnancy are considered normal, if a woman is bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, attention should be paid to the stool. If blood, mucus, undigested food remains, or fatty feces (steatorrhea) are noticeable, this indicates a malfunction of the intestines or pancreas.

Gurgling and rumbling is a sign of increased peristalsis and inflammatory bowel disease.

If the motility of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired, belching with an unpleasant aftertaste appears. Bitterness in the mouth occurs when bile flows from the stomach into the esophagus. The smell of rot is felt when food begins to rot in the stomach. A sour taste is observed with increased acidity of gastric juice, as well as if fermentation occurs in the stomach.

Signs of surgical pathology

The risk of surgical pathology during pregnancy is small, but if there is a delay in making the correct diagnosis and does not start adequate therapy on time, this threatens the life of both the pregnant woman and the child.

Emergency assistance is necessary for any pathology that causes “acute abdomen” syndrome. This symptom complex includes impaired motor function of the intestines, tension in the abdominal wall and severe cutting pain in the abdomen. Similar signs appear if the inflammatory process rapidly develops, as well as if blood circulation in the mesenteric vessels is impaired.

An “acute abdomen” during pregnancy can develop with the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (inflammation of the appendix, cholecystitis, perforation of ulcers, ischemia and infarction of the intestine);
  • gynecological disorders (torsion of the cyst pedicle or rupture of the cyst);
  • complications of pregnancy and childbirth (uterine rupture, placental abruption, septic complications);
  • dysfunction of organs located outside the abdominal cavity (lungs, kidneys, heart).

According to statistics, if the operation is performed within the first 6 hours after the appearance of an “acute abdomen”, then the likelihood of developing complications is reduced by 5–8 times

The problem is that during pregnancy it is quite difficult to determine surgical pathology, which is explained by the following factors:

  • abdominal organs are displaced;
  • it is impossible to palpate organs due to an enlarged uterus;
  • changes in immunity and reflexes of the abdominal wall;
  • atypical picture of the course of the disease;
  • nausea, vomiting, abnormal bowel movements, pain in the lower back and abdomen can be perceived as features of the course of pregnancy.

All this provokes diagnostic errors and delays in providing adequate medical care. In order to correctly establish the cause of the pathology, the pregnant woman must be examined by a surgeon and a gynecologist; this is the only way to exclude an obstetric or gynecological disease.

Inflammation of the appendix

In 9 out of 10 cases in pregnant women, an “acute abdomen” is caused by inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the cecum. Appendicitis is quite difficult to diagnose because there are no specific symptoms. It is determined by palpating the abdominal area, which is quite difficult to do in a pregnant woman, especially at this stage.

Acute appendicitis is clinically manifested by pain in the right side (at the beginning of the inflammatory process, pain can be felt in the lower abdomen), a pulse rate of up to 100 beats per minute, hyperthermia, frequent vomiting, belching, bloating, and uterine tone. Symptoms of peritoneal irritation are mild or absent altogether.

If the disease develops at 40 weeks of pregnancy, then first delivery is performed, and then appendectomy. If there are indications for a caesarean section, the operations are performed simultaneously.

Inflammation of the gallbladder

During pregnancy, women often develop gallstones, which is explained by changes in the composition of bile, as well as a deterioration in the motor activity of the bile ducts, which causes the secretion to stagnate.

For cholecystitis caused by stone movement, surgical therapy may be required

Signs of the disease include:

  • abdominal pain that can last minutes or hours, usually occurring after eating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • temperature rise to 38 ⁰C.

Conservative treatment involves refusing to eat for two days, infusion therapy, taking antispasmodics, painkillers, antibacterial and antihistamines. Indications for surgical treatment are:

  • presence of symptoms of diffuse peritonitis;
  • lack of effect from conservative therapy;
  • complications in the form of pancreatitis, cholongitis, obstructive jaundice, degeneration of gallbladder tissue.

In case of acute cholecystitis, delivery is carried out through natural routes. Caesarean section is performed only for obstetric indications.

Inflammation of the pancreas

The pathology is caused by the presence of activated enzymes in the gland, which act aggressively and injure tissue. During pregnancy, the disease develops due to impaired motility of the gallbladder, increased secretion of enzymes (proteases, lipases, amylases), and increased intra-abdominal pressure.

Pancreatitis appears:

  • increasing abdominal pain (especially after fatty or spicy foods);
  • nausea;
  • vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • high temperature;
  • tachycardia;
  • blood pressure, which changes depending on whether the pregnant woman is lying down or standing;
  • tension of the abdominal muscles.

The disease is predominantly treated conservatively. Surgical intervention is necessary if an abscess, secondary pancreatitis has developed, or a pseudocyst has ruptured.

Intestinal obstruction

If the intestinal lumen is blocked and feces and gases stagnate in the intestine, then surgical intervention is necessary. During pregnancy, intestinal obstruction develops as a result of:

  • atony (due to the action of hormones);
  • compression of the intestines and adhesions by the uterus;
  • torsion of intestinal loops;
  • hernias;
  • tumors.

In 45% of cases, obstruction occurs precisely in the third trimester of pregnancy, which is caused by the lowering of the baby’s head into the pelvis

When the intestinal lumen is blocked, pain occurs throughout the abdomen. It can be constant or periodic. In the second case, attacks are repeated every 4–5 minutes if the obstruction is in the small intestine, or after 10 minutes if in the large intestine.

There is retention of stool and gas, and vomiting begins. With the development of pathology, the abdominal muscles are in a relaxed state. As the disease progresses, fever begins and a state of shock may occur.


Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease during pregnancy is extremely rare, since gastric motility and the secretion of hydrochloric acid are reduced, and the production of protective mucus is increased.

Symptoms of perforation of an ulcer during pregnancy:

  • acute pain in the abdomen spreads to the right hypochondrium and to the area of ​​the scapula;
  • no vomiting;
  • forced body position;
  • the muscles of the abdominal wall are tense (how severe the symptom is depends on the location of the ulcer).

If your stomach hurts at 40 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist to rule out placental abruption.

If pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract have developed that require the use of potent medications or surgical intervention, then labor is induced or a caesarean section is performed for obstetric indications. The child is already ready to be born, so intoxication, the consequences of hyperthermia or intrauterine infection will be more dangerous for him.

Weight: 3000 to 4000 g

The time has come when labor can begin at any moment, although a child born between 42 weeks of pregnancy and 42 weeks is considered completely normal and full-term. your condition may continue for 1-2 weeks. At this time, many mothers notice that the baby is kicking hard in the stomach - this is a natural process.

In case of post-term pregnancy, the doctor may decide to artificially induce labor. To do this, a pregnant woman is given oxytocin intravenously and waits until her contractions begin. The decision to induce labor is most often made if the cervix is ​​already slightly open and dilated. And the baby is in a head down position. Although you will be examined first to determine the condition of the baby and the placenta, on the basis of which they will decide to continue monitoring and wait for the natural start of the process, induce labor by administering oxytocin, or perform a caesarean section.

Signs of post-term pregnancy:

1. More than 42 weeks or 294 days have passed since your last period.

2. A post-term baby has no hair, dry, flaky skin. There is no vernix lubrication, which usually completely or partially covers the newborn’s body. Post-term babies already have long fingernails.

3. When postmaturity most often occurs, there is a risk of fetal hypoxia, since the placenta has already served its term and begins to age quickly, which makes it less able to perform its function of providing the baby with nutrients and oxygen. The amniotic fluid becomes greenish.

Perhaps you have already started. Most likely, the stomach dropped, there were false contractions, sometimes the lower abdomen hurts and pulls, the uterus began to tone more often. In primiparous women and women who have a large difference between their children, a mucus plug comes out before birth, which closes the cervical canal. This usually happens 1-2 days before the start of labor itself. But maybe in a week. In order to determine whether the mucus plug has come out or amniotic fluid has begun to leak, wear cotton pads, not factory ones, so that the doctor can determine the intensity and nature of the discharge, this is very important. Sometimes the amniotic sac ruptures at the top, and fluid begins to slowly leak; this can be found out on an ultrasound. You may have to induce contractions as your baby cannot go longer than 12 hours without water. Amniotic fluid is usually clean, transparent, odorless; if the fetus is hypoxic, it may have a green tint.

40th week of pregnancy - Now let's talk about the birth itself.

How to determine the moment when you need to go to the maternity hospital? Before giving birth, the doctor will conduct an examination to determine the condition of the cervix; perhaps it has already begun to open, and in the case of the first birth or pathology, you may be advised to go to the maternity hospital in advance so as not to worry and be constantly under the supervision of doctors.

The first birth can last 3-4 hours, 10-12 hours, or a day. It all depends on the speed of opening of the cervix. Of course, contractions are an exhausting and painful process, so it’s good if you have someone next to you who will support you: husband, sister, mother, friend, midwife. The first contractions last 10-20 seconds with an interval of 10-15 minutes. During this period, the cervix usually opens by 3 cm.

Then the second period begins: regular contractions of 20-30 seconds every 5-7 minutes. During this period, if you are not yet in the maternity hospital, it is advisable to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital. If you are already in the maternity hospital, then usually you have already been transferred from the antenatal department (pathology department) to the delivery ward. We recommend that you shave your groin and pubic region at home in advance. You will also be given an enema to prevent the baby from being born with stool.

During the process, the uterus can already open by 6-7 cm. Now the most intense and painful contractions begin, which last 50-60 seconds with an interval of 1-1.5 minutes. During this period, the final dilation of the cervix up to 10 cm occurs. Usually, when it opens by 7-8 cm, the amniotic sac itself ruptures and the baby’s head is installed in the birth canal. If this does not happen, this procedure is performed by a midwife.

After the cervix opens by 10 cm, the next stage of labor begins - pushing. Now it is very important to listen to the doctor and follow all his instructions. Attempts are felt stronger than contractions, as they are associated with the movement of the child along the birth canal. You will feel pressure on the rectum as you push. First, the midwife will ask you not to push, so that the head is positioned and the bones of the baby's skull move so that the baby can pass through the vagina more easily. Otherwise, you will make the job more difficult for yourself and your baby and increase the risk of ruptures. When the baby's head begins to emerge, you will be given the command to push. Listen carefully to your midwife to make the birth process easier for you and your baby. After the head has come out, it is the turn of the hanger. The mother must, through her labor, help the baby get out without the help of doctors. Once the hangers appear, the process will speed up and the rest of the baby’s body will come out faster. You are about to hear the first cry of your son or daughter! The baby will be laid on your stomach and applied to your breast for the first time so that he can suck out the first most valuable drops of colostrum. It happens that after prolonged contractions and a difficult birth, the baby becomes so tired that he does not respond to the breast. Then ask to be sure to apply it after the end of labor, or upon arrival in the postpartum ward.

10-15 minutes after the birth of the baby, the third phase of labor begins - the departure of the placenta.. For the birth of the placenta, 1 push is usually enough. The doctor will carefully monitor that the placenta comes out completely; it happens that it comes out in parts. If it does not come out completely, then bleeding begins, and then you have to urgently clean the uterus from parts of the placenta. The child’s umbilical cord is cut and a special bracket (clothespin) is applied to speed up the healing of the umbilical wound, and the placenta and umbilical cord are placed in a special bag and sent for histological analysis, which will show how the birth went and whether there are any health problems in the child and mother.

After giving birth, ice will be placed on your stomach to help your uterus contract faster.. You will stay in the delivery room for 2 hours with your baby, and then you will be taken on a gurney to the postpartum ward. In past years, the child and mother were in different wards; now neonatologists practice the mother and child staying together in the ward. This is relevant, because already from birth a new period in a woman’s life begins - lactation, and for its successful start it is necessary to frequently put the baby to the breast.

Congratulations! You have become a mother! Now a new beloved person has appeared in your life, who will bring you a lot of joy and worries.

And finally, an anecdote on the topic: Immediately after the birth of the child, a young mother asks the midwife: “Is the hardest part already over?” Midwife: “No. The hardest thing awaits you for the next 18 years!”

Happiness and health to you and your children!

40 weeks of pregnancy. If childbirth has not yet happened, then there is a fifty percent chance that it will happen soon. Although in fact, no matter how offensive it may sound, doctors do not know how to predict the expected date of birth. As a hydrometeorological center, they hit the sky with their finger in 96% of cases. Therefore, even if it seems to you that you are desperately post-term pregnancy, there is no reason for even the slightest concern. Take a closer look: at 40 weeks of pregnancy, the harbingers of labor sometimes manifest themselves very actively, maybe there are only a few hours left to wait?

40 weeks of pregnancy - the plug comes out

If the plug comes out only at the 40th week of pregnancy, this happens, this is normal, it means that the body is simply slowly but surely preparing for childbirth. This does not mean at all that you should just sit with your hands clasped around your bag, nothing like that - mind your own business, but don’t go outside without an exchange card. You never know, good people will call an ambulance if you start having contractions, and explain later so that you are not sent to the ward of the infected.

Pregnancy 40 weeks, harbingers of labor - drooping belly

If the belly drops, this means that the child is taking the starting position and is waiting in the wings, he doesn’t have much time left to stay in his mother’s belly, so all he can do is wait and believe that everything will work out.

40 weeks pregnant - the belly turns to stone

The feeling that at the 40th week of pregnancy the stomach becomes hard, it pulls, pain radiates to the lower back and pelvis, is also a direct sign that labor will begin soon. The bones diverge a little to allow the baby to pass through, the muscles hold the huge weight of the uterus and baby, so such painful sensations are normal and signal that everything is in order, the body is just getting ready.

Pregnancy 40 weeks, warning signs of labor - nausea and diarrhea

Also, in the fortieth week of pregnancy, you can often observe such precursors of labor as slight nausea, diarrhea and lack of appetite.

Sex at 40 weeks pregnant

By the way, sex at 40 weeks of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but is even quite prescribed as a means of natural stimulation of labor: the hormones prostaglandins contained in sperm, which help the uterus to intensify contractile activity. Therefore, if the husband has nothing against it, you can enjoy intimacy for your own pleasure - after giving birth, such an opportunity will not exist for a long time.

40 weeks of pregnancy - discharge

Discharge at the 40th week of pregnancy plays a special role in self-diagnosis; by its nature, one can determine whether there is any pathology. Whitish, odorless or mucous discharge is normal; drainage and normal leucorrhoea are now indicators of the absolute norm.

And, of course, it is worth keeping an eye on the discharge - often the amniotic fluid does not flow out immediately and completely, but begins to leak, and can be felt in wet underwear. If you suspect that it is water, just lie down on a clean, dry sheet, relax and lie there for about fifteen minutes. If there is a leak, you may find a wet spot on the bed. If it is colorless, you can safely get ready, but if it has a yellow or green tint, then this indicates that the fetus is experiencing a lack of oxygen, and you should immediately go to the hospital.

40 weeks pregnant - brown discharge

If you see even the slightest spotting, this indicates placental abruption, and under no circumstances should you hesitate to make this diagnosis; you should immediately call an ambulance.

And, of course, you should also make a call if the amniotic fluid has broken - all at once or it comes in “portions”, in any case, labor has already begun, and there is nothing more to wait for, you have to go. Very soon you will see your baby!

Tell friends:

Fortieth week of pregnancy

There is still no consensus among experts about how labor begins, what is primary: the “desire” of the child to come out or contractions of the uterus pushing the baby out.

It is believed that the onset of labor is influenced by prostaglandins, hormones produced by the uterus during pregnancy. Before the onset of labor, their number increases sharply, and they cause the functioning of the muscles of the uterus and release oxytocin with the participation of the pituitary gland. On the other hand, the onset of labor is stimulated by the fetus itself and the placenta. So we can say that the onset of labor is a reciprocal process, which is influenced by both the fetus and the uterus.

By the fortieth week of pregnancy, women who have not given birth often begin to worry about whether they are carrying the baby to term. In fact, the normal due date can shift by two weeks in one direction or another. So childbirth at 42 weeks is just as normal as at 38. However, if the doctor notices signs of post-term pregnancy, he may prescribe induction of labor. However, it is better to rely on your body and the body of the baby.

It is known that a healthy, properly conducted pregnancy usually ends with an equally healthy birth, so if the pregnancy went well, then there is nothing to be afraid of. If there were any complications, then by the 40th week the woman was most likely hospitalized in the maternity hospital.

You should call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital when regular contractions begin. The first birth lasts on average 14 hours, so it won’t be long before the long-awaited baby will be in the mother’s arms. We sincerely wish them good luck!

Wishes of good luck are joined doctors of the medical center"Euromedprestige" who managed your pregnancy throughout the entire 9 months, monitored the baby’s development, protected mother and baby from unfavorable factors, and interacted with the future father.

In our center, thanks to the work of obstetricians and gynecologists, you will approach the birth of your baby with all responsibility and readiness.

We remind you that no article or website can make the correct diagnosis. Need to consult a doctor!

  • Call now:

40 weeks pregnant: tummy tugging

Many women have a hard time in the 40th week of pregnancy - the stomach drops, therefore, labor will begin soon. If your stomach hurts at 40 weeks of pregnancy, this is normal. It is generally accepted that the last difficult period is the 40th week of pregnancy: the stomach feels tight, headaches and extreme weakness appear.

The pregnancy is already coming to an end. It can consist of forty weeks, but some mothers reach a longer period. This mainly depends on the correctness of calculations of the expected date of the upcoming birth. Many may not wait until this date, but if this happens, you should find out some details about this stage of pregnancy.

Causes of abdominal pain

At the end of pregnancy, the baby will behave more calmly, because there is not enough space for this. There is simply nowhere to make violent movements, since the size of the fetus has already reached its maximum size.

At 40 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach hurts because the baby sinks to the bottom of the pelvis and also lays head down, after which it will be completely ready to be born.

If the 40th week of pregnancy is characterized by the occurrence of any bloody or mucous discharge, and there is also some feeling of moisture, then labor may occur within the next 24 hours. In the last week before giving birth, a woman’s emotional perception may become intense, but at the same time it becomes much easier physically.

When the 40th week of pregnancy arrives, the stomach feels tight, and sudden fatigue and a desire to rest appear, which does not allow for a more active lifestyle. In a similar way, a woman’s body prepares for the birth process, so there is no need to worry about this.

Tips for the 40th week of pregnancy

Similar advice is to prepare a woman for childbirth. During this period, sex will have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body, due to the presence of prostaglandins in sperm, which can soften the cervix. Opening it will become less painful. Orgasm can cause uterine contractions and also stimulate the onset of labor. This will also help the woman relax and calm her nervous system.

If the 40th week of pregnancy has arrived, the stomach may tug, which indicates the fact that it has sank. This should happen just before the onset of labor or beforehand, about a few days before giving birth.

In order to accurately determine whether the stomach has dropped or not, you need to place your palm in the solar plexus area. Labor will begin soon if the beginning of the abdomen is lower than the palm.

The imminent birth of a baby is indicated by a large number of different factors that should not be ignored.

Continued on the next page. page

Your condition

A woman's body changes significantly before giving birth. All those mechanisms that were previously aimed at maintaining pregnancy are now no longer needed, and it is necessary to rebuild, preparing for the birth of the baby. These processes begin long before childbirth; already from the 32nd week, hormonal levels begin to change; every day more and more estrogen hormones, necessary for the development of contractions, accumulate in the body. And of course, pregnant women experience many symptoms, sometimes not very pleasant ones.

Possible complaints and problems

By the fortieth week, discharge intensifies in all women. They can be physiological, or they can indicate deviations in health.

  • Mucous yellow or light discharge without itching or odor.
  • Mucous pink, brown, bloody (but not bloody, blood is present only in streaks) discharge. They can appear immediately in large numbers, in the form of a dense plug, this is what they call, the plug has come off.
  • White curdled discharge, accompanied by itching and redness of the genitals, is thrush. It is dangerous for the baby, as he can become infected during childbirth.
  • Watery discharge that worsens with movement. This is how water leaks, which means that in the next few hours from the appearance of this symptom a baby should definitely be born, an urgent need to go to the maternity hospital.
  • Copious blood is a frequent indication of placental abruption and a threat to the child’s life.
  • Greenish, yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor and itching are characteristic of sexually transmitted infections.

At the end of the term, urinary incontinence is possible when laughing or stressing; Do not confuse it with water leakage; you will immediately understand everything by looking at the sanitary pad. Amniotic fluid has no odor and is normally colorless.

Many pregnant women at 40 weeks periodically note that their stomach hurts and feels like it’s turning to stone. The stomach feels tight because the tone of the uterus increases. In this case, the increase in tone occurs gradually, in a wave, at the peak the stomach is hard, then the unpleasant sensations subside and it relaxes. Of course, in most cases these are not real contractions yet, but only harbingers, but do not let your guard down.

The most common symptoms at 40 weeks of pregnancy (% of women surveyed):

  • Back and lower back pain 79%
  • Uterine contractions 72%

Nausea in recent months due to the fact that the uterus, having reached its maximum size, is pressing on the stomach. The knee-elbow position, the ability to lie down after eating for at least 20 minutes, as well as frequent split meals help. In extreme cases, doctors prescribe Rennie and similar drugs.

Among other gastroenterological disorders, diarrhea should be noted. At this time, it may be associated with the onset of labor, and not an actual problem with the intestines, be careful. Quite often in the last months of pregnancy, the back and lower back hurt, the pain can radiate to the leg and intensify with exercise. It is especially difficult if you have had problems with your back before. Apart from gymnastics and a bandage, nothing will help you. Medicines are not allowed because the baby will suffer. Almost always after childbirth, the pain goes away.

Sometimes the lower back is pulled for other reasons:

  • in connection with the onset of labor (this is accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen)
  • due to kidney disease, pyelonephritis (usually the temperature rises, and the urine becomes cloudy and smells bad).

Swelling is also possible; they usually indicate late gestosis.

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40 weeks pregnant

I'm due to give birth this week. But in practice, only 4% of women in labor give birth on the expected date. Much more often, the baby appears earlier or later than this period, and mainly for a rather banal and harmless reason: the gestational age was calculated with an error. So it may well be that you won’t give birth this week. But, of course, you are already looking forward to the baby. How is he doing?

Fetus at 40 weeks of gestation: movements

He's already getting ready too. There is nothing to say about the appearance: everything has long been formed and taken its place, the excess has disappeared, the missing has appeared - the baby is impeccable. The height of a baby at 40 weeks is on average 51.2 cm, weight reaches 3.5 kg. The cheeks are plump, the skin is smooth, the ears, eyes and nose are beautiful. You are about to meet him!

The baby can no longer actively move, but you should still feel movements. Moreover, his movements are very obvious: there is practically no space left in the uterus, therefore, you feel any push of the baby very well.

Be sure to listen to the baby’s physical activity: any change in the nature and intensity of movements towards attenuation, or, conversely, excessive activity, becomes a signal to the child of trouble.

In general, about 10 perceptible movements within 12 hours are considered normal at 40 weeks. In the case where the baby is floundering much more actively, there is every reason to suspect that he is suffering from a lack of oxygen. A bad sign would be if the baby becomes quiet and does not move. If they are missing, notify your doctor.

Future mom

But don't worry if there are still no signs of labor. As we have already said, most likely there was an error in calculating the gestational age.

Don't sit on your suitcases - lead your usual lifestyle. But be sure to be ready to give birth at any moment.

Childbirth at 40 weeks of pregnancy: harbingers

Therefore, do not worry if labor has not yet begun - this will probably happen in the coming days. And you will learn about the approach of childbirth thanks to the presence of obvious harbingers. What will tell you that the cherished “Hour X” is approaching?

One of the most obvious harbingers of childbirth is abdominal descent: the baby in the uterus drops down, pressing its head against its bottom and preparing for an entertaining journey into a new world. You observe this as a slight lowering of the abdomen, due to which your breathing becomes noticeably easier and heartburn disappears. But, at the same time, as the baby descends in the uterus, it begins to put pressure on the bladder - hence the increased need to urinate.

Along with frequent visits to the toilet to pee, shortly before giving birth you may notice eating disorders, which is also considered one of the precursors of labor. Stool liquefaction, nausea, vomiting - all these unpleasant phenomena may well precede the onset of labor, and appear approximately 24-48 hours before it begins.

Shortly before the start of labor, you may notice a slight decrease in appetite, sometimes you don’t feel like eating at all. Against the background of a lack of appetite, changes in weight are also possible: it either remains fixed at one designation, or even decreases by 1-2 kg.

The last weeks of pregnancy are also the time when a woman’s so-called “nesting instinct” awakens. The pregnant woman suddenly begins to arrange the apartment, clean and tidy everything, and prepare the baby’s room. Have you felt the need to further improve the “family nest”? Expect a quick birth.

And yet, the most obvious, clearest harbingers of labor are considered to be the loss of the mucous plug, the discharge of amniotic fluid and the appearance of regular painful contractions. You will recognize a mucus plug by the presence on your panties of a dense lump of thick mucus, possibly streaked with blood. Throughout pregnancy, the mucus plug covered the cervix, preventing infections and viruses from reaching the baby. Now the plug comes out, freeing the baby's birth canal.

The outpouring of amniotic fluid is also difficult to miss: just before the onset of labor, the water literally pours out in a stream, crawling down the legs in trickles. In this case, they look like a watery liquid, often transparent, but if the baby’s original feces meconium gets into the amniotic fluid, the water may acquire a yellowish or greenish tint.

And, of course, the onset of labor will be indicated by contractions - regular, increasingly frequent, accompanied by painful sensations. Many women, especially first-time mothers, are afraid to confuse false contractions with true ones, especially since false contractions by the end of pregnancy are also painful and recur much more often than before. To determine which contractions you are dealing with, simply change your body position during contractions. Get up, walk around the room, sit on a stool. If the contractions have stopped, then the birth will have to wait for now.

Stomach: tugs, hurts

By the 40th week, the belly has usually dropped, the baby has taken a position from which he will begin to move towards meeting mom and dad. However, if no changes have occurred in your belly, do not worry: in some cases, the belly does not drop until labor begins.

Do not be alarmed by abdominal pain - nagging pain in the lower abdomen, spreading to the lower back, indicates the imminent onset of labor. The baby is now “at a low start” before leaving, its head is pressing on the pelvic bones, the woman has a colossal load on the stomach and lower back due to the colossally increased weight. Hence the feeling of a pulling, painful stomach.

Read also: Precursors of childbirth

Pain at 40 weeks of pregnancy

In addition to painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back, you most likely also feel pain in your back, spine, and your legs probably hurt. Such pain is now normal: the ligaments and muscles are stretched, the body is preparing for childbirth, and so the pain characteristic of this stage of pregnancy appears.

For the same reason - stretching and softening of bones and joints - you most likely feel some heaviness and soreness in the groin. Your pubis hurts, your pelvic bones are pulled and hurt. The pelvis is now gradually moving apart, the bones of the pelvis are becoming softer under the influence of the hormone relaxin, which is why certain pain occurs. By the way, in addition, you may also notice pain in the thigh - this happens when the uterus compresses the femoral nerve, and the stabbing pain in this case can even reach the knee.

Be that as it may, monitor the pain and analyze what may be causing it. And, if you have even the slightest suspicion that something is going wrong, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor about this.

Focus on your child: listen to him and constantly maintain contact with him. Talk, caress, maintain unity - in childbirth you will be a real team! It is imperative to act in a coordinated manner.

The first cry of a newborn will notify you that you can breathe a sigh of relief. This is a truly unique moment: the mother hears the voice of her blood for the first time, and the baby, thanks to the cry, takes her first breath and puts her respiratory system into action. But don’t be alarmed by the baby’s silence: it happens that he needs some time to recover from the shock. The baby is under a certain amount of stress, he is exhausted, scared and confused. Doctors know what to do in such cases, so soon you will still hear the best melody in the world.

Discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy

...And now, while you are just waiting to meet your baby, do not stop monitoring your vaginal discharge: light-colored discharge with a mucous consistency is considered normal for this period. The viscosity and stringiness of the discharge is the result of the gradual separation of the mucous plug, which until this moment covered the cervix. Keep in mind that the mucus can be colored pinkish, red, or brown: when the cervix softens and contracts, small vessels burst, and accordingly, the blood colors the discharge.

But, if you suddenly discover that you have spotting, regardless of its quantity, immediately go to the doctor with this symptom. The appearance of blood from the genital tract is a clear symptom of placental abruption, a phenomenon that threatens the life and health of the baby and mother.

Of course, you should not hesitate if “colored” green or yellow, earthy, foamy, curdled discharge with an admixture of flakes appears. Such changes indicate the addition of an infection, which, if not treated, can be transmitted to the baby during the passage of the birth canal. Consult your doctor and begin treatment immediately: you may still have time to minimize the risk of infection of the baby before labor begins.

And, of course, grab your bags and go to the maternity hospital, noticing the discharge of amniotic fluid. You will learn about the rupture of amniotic fluid by the appearance of liquid, watery, copious discharge - the water literally pours out like a stream on the eve of the onset of labor. But keep in mind that amniotic fluid is not always and not necessarily poured out only right before childbirth and once: amniotic fluid may well simply leak, seeping out in small quantities. This is possible when the membranes are depleted or their integrity is damaged, which poses a danger to the child - an infection when the integrity of the membranes is damaged can penetrate to the fetus within the first 24 hours. Therefore, even if you feel your panties are constantly wet, do not fail to inform your pregnancy doctor about this.


At 40 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound may be needed to monitor the baby’s condition and rule out any intrauterine problems. With the help of an ultrasound examination, the doctor, for example, will assess the condition of the placenta: with each passing week, the placenta ages more and more and at some point ceases to cope with its responsibilities. As a result, the baby begins to experience oxygen starvation, which can cause depression of brain activity, cardiac dysfunction, and in severe cases, even the death of the fetus.

While assessing the placenta using an ultrasound, the doctor will also look at how the baby is doing there and whether everything is normal. Once again, the size of the fetus will be confirmed, the possibility of entanglement in the umbilical cord will be excluded, the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid, the condition of the uterus and the maturity of the cervix will be assessed.

Now you can clearly see the baby in the form you will meet in the very near future. Undoubtedly, the baby will be the most beautiful for you. But to be honest, many parents are somewhat embarrassed by its appearance. The head may be clearly deformed, the body is covered with mucus, the skin is spotted and of a strange color, and even covered with hair in the most unexpected places, and due to the increased level of hormones, the genitals may even swell, and fluid sometimes protrudes from the papillae. Don’t let any aesthetic “defects” bother you - they will all disappear soon after giving birth.

Try to put the baby to your breast immediately - more and more modern doctors are inclined to believe that this is extremely useful for both mother and baby. And then he will be weighed, measured, given the first toilet in his life: cleaned, dried, dressed, and his eyes will certainly be dripped with medicinal drops to prevent the development of an eye disease.

The new Human will be assessed on the Apgar scale and given a tag that will indicate your last name, medical card number, date and time of birth and gender of the child.

The newborn period begins, where worries, troubles, difficulties and a lot of happiness await you!

Childbirth is a physiological process. According to Hippocrates, the formed fetus, due to the onset of hunger at the end of pregnancy, strives to leave the mother's womb. Also, ancient healers believed that the fetus, having reached a certain size by the end of pregnancy, does not fit in the uterus, it has to come out.

Modern science describes the process of childbirth as the expulsion of the fetus from the womb of the mother after it reaches a certain maturity and vitality.

Be that as it may, during this period the woman remains alone with her nature. She impatiently, at the same time fearing the irresistible force of the process, awaits the fulfillment of the natural mystery of the birth of a new person.

Time flies inexorably, the last week of pregnancy is approaching, during this period a woman needs to listen very carefully to her body, psychologically prepare herself for the birth process. This is a very important period in a woman’s life. Therefore, let’s look at how the 40th week of pregnancy proceeds: discharge, pain, pulling in the lower abdomen and other precursors of labor.

What are they, the harbingers of childbirth?

It should be remembered that labor will definitely begin when the baby is ready for birth. This usually occurs between 38 and 40 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that the first harbingers of labor appear. Usually there are several of them, all of them are physiologically interconnected.

2-3 weeks before the onset of labor, the “stomach drops.” This makes it easier to breathe. At this time, the lower part of the uterus is stretched, due to the movement of the baby's head into the entrance to the pelvis. The fundus of the uterus descends. After this, the navel protrudes slightly.

In the days remaining before giving birth, the mood of the expectant mother can change dramatically: From a state of unusual mental arousal to a state of complete apathy. This occurs due to changes in the central nervous system before the birth process.

Due to changes in water balance and hormonal changes, a couple of days before the expected event, the pregnant woman’s weight decreases by 1-2 kg.

1-2 days before childbirth, a discharge in the form of thick, viscous mucus may appear from the genital tract. There is no need to be afraid, this is the mucous plug being separated. This is normal, because you are already 40 weeks pregnant. Brown discharge simply contains minor bloody inclusions. In principle, the color of the separated mucus plug can range from yellowish to dark brown.

Also, when the 40th week of pregnancy comes, the lower abdomen pulls. Pulling, cramping sensations may occur in the lower abdomen and sacrum area. Usually, such sensations are painless, or the pain syndrome is very mild. Most often this happens at night, telling the woman that the cervix is ​​ready for childbirth.

Before childbirth, all organs and systems of a woman’s body undergo certain changes. Usually, during the next examination, obstetricians judge the body’s readiness for an early birth process by the condition of the cervix. It shortens significantly, becomes soft, easily stretches, its channel becomes elastic, passable for the fetus.

Pregnancy - 40 weeks. When will labor begin?

A normal pregnancy usually lasts from 37 to 42 weeks. Its duration directly depends on the woman’s menstrual cycle. If it usually lasted 21 days, labor will probably begin after 38-39 weeks. If the cycle was longer, up to 36 days, the pregnancy will last up to 41-42 weeks. This is the so-called prolonged pregnancy.

A woman must remember that if her pregnancy exceeds 40 weeks, she must regularly visit her doctor to rule out possible pathology and complications of the birth process. During a prolonged pregnancy, if it is caused by pathology, the unborn child suffers first of all. He doesn't have enough oxygen. Therefore, after the 40th week of pregnancy, the doctor carefully monitors the condition of the fetus using ultrasound and Doppler examination.

During the 40th week, before birth, premature rupture of amniotic fluid (fluid surrounding the unborn baby inside the uterus) may occur. This is one of the main harbingers of an early birth. True, the waters must break during the birth of the child to help him pave the way. If the integrity of the amniotic sac is damaged earlier, you should not hesitate to go to the maternity hospital. Since there is a high probability of infectious complications during a long period without water.

If regular, increasing contractions begin, this is the main sign that labor has begun. First, a dull pain appears in the back, radiating to the thigh. This harbinger of labor tells the expectant mother that her baby will be born within 12 hours. Contractions become more frequent. At first, their frequency is 10 minutes, then repetitions occur every 4-5 minutes.

The most important thing is to meet these harbingers of the most important miracle in the world with joy, without fear or worry. Trust your feminine nature, it will do everything for you. And the kind, attentive hands of doctors will help make this process as safe as possible for you and your baby.

Good luck and stay healthy!

Svetlana, www.site

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