Active points on a person's face. Head pain points

In a previous article about massage, I mentioned biologically active points located on the face and head. Let's consider them in more detail

When massaging the face, you can pay more attention to those points that are responsible for the organs and systems that require attention. Same with you can warm up these zones by activating biologically active points on the face. Thus, facial massage will become not only a cosmetic, but also a medical procedure.

Let's consider each point separately.

  • 3M Located on the mid-anterior line of the head. Impact on this point heals stomach, trachea, as well as the “Varolian bridge”, located in the brain stem and responsible for oxygen supply to the brain. Acupressure of this point eliminates dizziness.
  • 10V A bony bulge that runs from temple to temple, through the center of the frontal bone and then rises up to a distance of about 5 cm above the temporal bone. This five centimeter section represents an important area. It's a psychosomatic zone, used in the treatment of eyes with blurred vision.
  • 18 located between the points 10V, in the center of the forehead. A very important point responsible for the function of the pituitary gland. Severe pain at this point indicates a violation in the pituitary gland, which is one of the most important endocrine glands. In case of violation at this point, it is necessary to simultaneously act on the point 21, which is located on the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra, at the junction of the neck and shoulders and controls pituitary gland, thyroid gland and the entire skeletal system of the body. Impact on point 21 relieves pain, is used for cardiac disorders, for disorders of the spinal and spinal nerves.
  • 14M located in the center, between the eyebrows, at the root of the nose. Impact on this point can eliminate some problems associated with visual impairment, stomach dysfunction, pain in the lower part of the legs.
  • 6 a paired point located on the front edge of the supraorbital bone on both sides of the root of the nose (at the beginning of the eyebrow). Heals in all sinuses, in particular the maxillary sinus, as well as brain diseases. Prolongs life, improves immunity.
  • 92 a paired point located in a small notch on the outer lower edge of the orbital bone. used with mental disorders, heals the eyes.
  • 34 a paired point located directly above the middle of the eyebrows on the frontal bone. Impact on this point heals the eyes, intestines, relieves intoxication of the body in case of food poisoning, has a therapeutic effect on the frontal lobes of the brain, controls the mind, and gives energy to the body. If you are overcome by sleep while driving, for a few seconds, vigorously cash in on this point and you will feel a surge of energy and drowsiness will pass.
  • 10M a paired point located on the supraorbital notch under the eyebrows. Pressure on this point has a therapeutic effect in diseases of the frontal parts of the brain, liver, gallbladder, pleurisy and sciatic nerve neuralgia. Eliminates pain in the lower back and legs.
  • 17 A paired point located on both sides of the bridge of the nose. Eliminates eye strain and fatigue(one of the most common causes of headache) treats the stomach. Use the pads of your thumbs to slide under the eyebrows to this point and press upwards. Any painful area in this area must be treated with your thumbs.
  • 13M a zone located in the middle of the nose, on the border where the bone ends and the cartilage begins. Has a connection with the occipital lobe of the brain by eliminating disorders in this part of the brain, it is possible to prevent pneumonia. During treatment duodenal ulcer it is necessary to act on this point daily until improvement occurs.
  • 16M located under the center of the nose. Associated with anterior pituitary gland used in the treatment of certain types paralysis. Impact on this point eliminates sneeze.
  • 9V a paired point located at the upper end of the zygomatic bone, in front of the upper edge of the ear. Impact on this point normalizes functions of the large intestine and kidneys.
  • 12M paired point below the point 9V next to the looped fascia of the cheekbones in front of the middle part of the ear. Heals muscles, including cardiac muscle, all venous system (including the lungs and eyes), ear pathology, as well as heart valves. The dot is useful in some kinds headaches.
  • 4 paired point located above the point 12M approximately 5 cm. Impact on this point is useful for some disorders of the brain and spinal nerves.
  • 16V a paired point located below the outer corners of the lips on both sides of the chin, in the center of the lower jawbone, on the mandibular foramen. Associated with posterior pituitary gland, applies with endocrine disorders and the treatment of the common cold.
  • E located in the center of the ear. The first aid point relieves high blood pressure. At high blood pressure press directly into the ear, then slightly up towards the nose. In this case, sensations arise throughout the body and in the lower extremities.
  • 11V a paired point located on the back of the cheekbones (see diagram). Pain with pressure on this point indicates the presence of foci of infection in the head or other parts of the body.
  • 3B a paired point located at the lower edge of both cheekbones. Has a curative effect on inflammation of the sinuses, sinuses, in particular the frontal sinus, treats mucous membranes.
  • 11M A paired point located at the intersection of the zygomatic bone and nose. Used in the treatment allergies, diseases of the lungs and bronchi, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and nasal congestionWith the index fingers of both hands, press firmly inward and upward on the area adjacent to both sides of the nose. With upward pressure, a small part of the bone is felt - this is the paired point 11M.
  • 52 a paired point located in the very center of the temple, in the place where one feels, as it were, a small hole in the brain. Check if this point is painful, even if the pain is not quite in the center of the point, massage this area until the pain disappears. This will give a curative effect when diseases of the abdominal organs, lungs, eyes. Acupressure in this area helps removal of excess fluid from the body, effective at ascites.
  • 53 if you put your fingers behind the ear, then you can find a small bone, which is called the mastoid process of the temporal bone - the mastoid. To influence this zone, you must double-click on it from below, and then a little from the side. - this will have a therapeutic effect on work of the intestines, colon and hearing organs.
  • 19(feng chi) massaging this point helps improve blood flow and qi, remove mental and nervous tension. The feng chi point is located under the occipital bone about 2.5 cm above the posterior border of hair growth in the fossa at the outer edge of the trapezius muscle, where the depression is palpated. This point is affected by headaches, eye diseases, lacrimation, dizziness, hearing loss, high blood pressure, neurasthenia and emotional imbalance. A short massage of this point has a general tonic effect. This point belongs to the points that “return life” and it is necessary to influence it very carefully.
  • 63 a paired point located at the end of the styloid bone - it is affected by pressure under the ear. Effective point with amnesia, improves memory, improves brain function.
  • JB8 located under the lower jaw and is a groove in the bone that can be felt if you slide your finger towards the back. This point is affected for headache and toothache.
  • JB10 located on the back of the lower jaw. In all cases glaucoma, in case of poisoning, as well as people wearing glasses with two-focus glasses it is recommended to put the index finger on the back of the jaw (see diagram) under the ear and apply forward pressure, while you should feel pain at this point. This point controls the level of intraocular pressure.Pressing on this point gives a feeling of warmth behind the eyes, as blood circulation in this area normalizes. If this makes you feel nauseous. stop exposure for a while, then after normalization of the state, continue exposure.
  • JB9 located on the bend of the jaw between the points JB8 And JB10 and has an impact on all parts of the intestine.
  • 51 a paired point on the masticatory muscles of the lower jaw. The point affects facial muscles, eyes, eliminates premature wrinkles. Acupressure of this point has a healing effect. with parotitis (mumps), and also prevents possible complications of childbearing function, especially in boys.
  • 14V located in the middle of the back of the skull. in the region of the posterior-inferior occipital protuberance. Affects medulla, with which this point is closely connected, heals paralysis. Helps in all stomach disorders and flatulence.
  • 80 a paired point located under the base of the skull, on the back of the neck, on both sides of the center (see diagram). Impact on this point heals headache, some types eye diseases, and nosebleeds. Heals spleen y. Note: Frequent nosebleeds signal a disease of the spleen.
  • 5V The area on which this point is located is located along the lateral muscles of the neck at the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. The impact on this area should be soft and careful. This is a general somatic point, used with diseases of the abdominal organs and with impaired bowel function.
  • 48 located on the back of the neck, in the region of the 3rd cervical vertebra and controls the thoracic lymphatic duct. The thoracic duct is the main artery of all the lymphatic vessels of the body located on the left side. It transports most of the lymph and chyle (milky juice) into the blood. Impact on this point balances the energy balance in the thoracic duct; for all disorders of the lymphatic circulation it is necessary to control this point and act on it in the first place.
  • 15V located at the upper edge of the chest, shaped like a cup. When exposed to a certain side of it, one or another part is treated throat and brain. A very important area for treatment of the throat, esophagus, abdominal organs, with prolapse of organs (kidneys, uterus).
  • 12V a paired point located on both sides of the base of the neck, on the anterior-lateral wall of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the point of its intersection with the clavicle. The left point is responsible for the left side of the body, relieves pain in the heart and left arm with angina pectoris. The right point is responsible for the right side of the body.
  • 15M a paired point located on the upper edge of both clavicles (see diagram) and p regulates metabolism in the body.
  • 13V a paired point located near the thyroid gland and directly affects it. Violation thyroid function glands can cause palpitations, weight loss, and in case of insufficient function, overweight. The thyroid gland also controls body temperature.

You can click on these points regularly, or you can reflect them using special , or

I have been using knowledge about biologically active points on the body for more than one year. Often, knowledge about these points helped me and the people around me. There was a case when on the train in our compartment, the grandmother who was traveling with us had a heart attack. My knowledge of these points saved her life and saved us from an unpleasant situation.

The photo shows an example of the treatment of influenza with the help of herbal patches on the points. This photo is over 6 years old, this is my brother, who came home from school with a temperature under 40. I accidentally found this photo in a folder with old photos. On his body there were still patches on his hands, in the area responsible for the temperature and on his legs. For 2 hours the temperature dropped to 37, by the morning he was practically healthy.

If the article generates interest, I will continue this topic with articles on points on the feet and on other parts of the body.

The human body is an amazing apparatus, since ancient times we have studied our body in the hope of discovering all the secrets of our body. Years of study have made us understand that our body, although it looks perfect, also has a lot of flaws.

We used to call them pain points. Pain points are vulnerable places on the body, a blow to which causes acute pain in a person. They are called dots because of the method of pinpointing weak spots.

How to determine the strength of the impact

The modern method for determining the force of impact on a painful point is determined by five levels:

    1. First the level of this weak blow, which does not cause serious damage to the attacker, but serves only as a distraction for retaliation to the opponent's attacks.
    2. Second has a slightly stronger effect in a fight compared to the first.
    3. Third same - these are attacks that can lead to stunning the enemy or numbness of the affected limbs. Such techniques will allow you to neutralize the enemy for a short period of time.
  1. Impact on points fourth level can have serious consequences, blows often lead to injury or loss of consciousness, sometimes the result of interaction with points is paralysis.
  2. blows fifth levels are extremely dangerous for the opponent's health, techniques can be fatal.

Now you should pay attention to the fact that all pain points of the body can be divided into conditional groups - points of the head, torso and legs.

Head pain points

The first points we will look at are the points of the head. These include: eyes, nose, ears, temples, lips and chin.


The eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, any blow to them will cause pain. To damage the eyes, a simple “fork” technique is suitable. However, there is a possibility that your fingers can intercept and twist, be on the lookout.

Even a mild direct blow to the nose almost guarantees bleeding and severe discomfort. For a more effective impact result, it is recommended to use a “catchy” blow with the knuckles on the convex part of the nose to the side. Such a blow guarantees a painful shock to the opponent.


In this place, blows have the most serious consequences, since the skull is most vulnerable in this area, traumatic nerves and arteries are dangerously close to the surface of the skin. Most of the different types of impacts can result in death or severe head injury.

Upper lip

She is one of the most vulnerable parts of the head. A powerful blow at an angle of 20-30 can cause brain injury, and the usual burning pain in the area of ​​application.


Attacks with the back of the hand provide optimal effect, when using fisticuffs, damage to the hand is possible.


Vulnerable point - a depression at the bottom point, you should use the poke method with your fingers. The attack causes breathing difficulties and spasm in the lungs.

Adam's apple

Most attack options in this place are fatal. It is recommended to use tearing grips.

An attack with the back of the hand knocks out the opponent.

Torso pain points

Solar plexus

The blow should be delivered with a fist. Such a blow causes burning pain, which causes a person to bend or kneel.

Attention: too strong a blow to the solar plexus can lead to death!


In the armpit, the large one passes close to the skin, so any blow there causes severe pain, temporarily paralyzing the enemy.

Belly, groin and kidneys

A punch to the stomach forces the opponent to bend, which will allow additional blows to the back or neck, a kick toe is no less effective.

The groin is one of the most convenient points for a strike. A kick, fist, palm, knee immobilizes the opponent.

Hits on the kidneys can cause nervous shock and death without proper medical treatment. help, blows should be applied with the edge of the palm, as well as with the knee.

false edge

A blow to this rib can be applied from both sides of the body, but a stronger effect is manifested by a blow to the right side of the opponent. You should hit with your elbow, knee or edge of the palm.

Pain points of the legs


Blows to the knee, its lateral part and to the patella should be applied with the edge of the boot. This technique immobilizes the enemy, damaging the ligaments and the knee joint.


The blow should be applied with the outer edge of the boot, keeping it perpendicular to the ankle. Kicking with the toe of the boot is extremely ineffective and it is recommended not to use it.


In the shin area, the bone is the least thin and, accordingly, poorly protected. The impact with the outer edge of the foot at the level of 1/3 of the height of the lower leg from below is most effective.


The most vulnerable and fragile bones are located in the foot. Blows to these bones easily lead to their destruction. Basically, these are strikes with the heel or foot from top to bottom. It is recommended to carry out when the enemy is behind you.

Strikes on pain points are often used in special combat techniques. Special combat techniques are aimed at ensuring a person's safety in situations where his life is threatened by a mortal threat.

Not a single special combat technique is aimed at the deliberate killing of a person, but only to disarm (immobilize) the enemy.

Watch the training video in which a self-defense specialist talks about working with pain points:

Many have heard that there are point, acupuncture massage effects that relieve pain and alleviate ailments. But these techniques often seemed to us too complicated for independent application.

The Zhong reflexology technique combines Vietnamese, Chinese and Indian traditional schools of acupressure and the experience of traditional healers.

And the main advantage of the Zhong technique lies in its high efficiency, and in the fact that this method can be studied and applied independently for self-healing.

This technique with detailed maps of the "meridians" of acupuncture points is described in the book by Bin Zhong, a practitioner from an ancient family of Chinese folk doctors, " Chinese reflexology. Health and beauty points".

Bin Zhong has made classical acupressure techniques that use thousands of points much easier to understand. Zhong Dynamic Reflexology consists of stimulating reflexogenic zones and points on the face, which causes the circulation of energy necessary for the normal functioning of the organs. This therapeutic and preventive method restores health and activates the basic functions of the body, as well as strengthens the immune system, helps the body cope with diseases on its own.

Of course, Zhong will not cure an advanced disease or a serious injury, but by combining traditional medicine with Zhong's dynamic acupressure, you will achieve significant relief of the disease and a faster recovery. And for the prevention and treatment of ailments, which modern medicine often does not pay due attention to, the Zhong method of Chinese reflexology is simply necessary!

What does acupuncture treat?

Zhong acupressure technique helps those chronically ill who for years unsuccessfully tried to get rid of ailments by other methods of alternative medicine.
Zhong massage is based on therapy of the face, feet and hands, which includes the diagnosis of diseases by the condition of the skin of the face and feet, nails, the condition of the iris and dynamic therapy.

Facial reflexology is most effective for the following ailments and diseases:

  • spinal osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, dislocations, lumbago, sciatica, etc.;
  • sexual problems, diseases of the genital organs, hormonal disorders, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, prostatitis, impotence, frigidity, premature birth, fibroma, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, ovarian cyst, mastopathy, anemia, etc.;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, shingles, acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.;
  • diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, colitis, diabetes, hepatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, diarrhea, obesity, cellulite, etc.;
  • diseases of the nervous system: insomnia, neurosis, depression, childhood nervousness or hyperactivity, chronic fatigue, migraine, headache, asthenia, Parkinson's disease, hemiplegia, paresthesia, etc.;
  • diseases of the circulatory system: varicose veins, hypotension, hypertension, dizziness, vascular insufficiency, etc.;
  • respiratory diseases: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, colds;
  • visual impairment, hearing loss, allergies.

Projection of internal organs on the face

There are two ways to use the Zhong Dynamic Impact Method: stimulation of points or massage of zones associated with any organ. The interdependence of organs and parts of the body on points and zones on the face is shown on schematic maps showing the projections of the body on the face (Figure 1, Figure 2). These schemes display the basic principles of connections between points on the face and organs.

The easiest chart to remember, which you can use for various accidents, such as dislocations of the joints and other injuries (Figure 1).

This diagram shows the relationship of body parts with areas of the face:

head - the center of the forehead;

bridge of the nose - cervical spine;

shoulders and arms - along the line of the eyebrows, and brushes - at the temples;

vertebral column - the back of the nose (from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose);

buttocks and perineum - the area of ​​​​the nostrils;

hips - nasolabial folds;

knees - corners of the lips;

lower legs - along the line that connects the corners of the lips with the chin;

feet - the lower part of the chin;

big toes - in the center of the chin below;

other toes in order - the edge of the lower jaw.

This chart will help you find the area to massage.

You must identify the most sensitive points in the reflex zone and focus on them, and then feel the entire reflex zone. Massage it until the pain is gone. This rule applies to all zones.
The circuit shown in Figure 4 is also used for finding the right reflex points.

Internal organs are projected to the center of the face, from the level of the eyebrows to the chin in this way:

nose from the bridge of the nose to the end - the heart and pulmonary arteries;

eyebrows with cheekbones - light;

the base of the right cheekbone is the liver;

in the same zone, closer to the base, is the gallbladder;

left cheekbone - stomach;

the left side of the nostril, above the stomach - the spleen;

right under the nose - stomach, pancreas, large intestine, ovaries;

colon zone - on the right side of the chin, rises to the level of the upper lip, passes through this area, passes into the base of the nose and upper lip, and again descends to the level of the chin;

the area around the lips is the small intestine;

from the top of the chin to its edges - the uterus, ovaries, bladder, rectum;

along the edges of the mouth - kidneys, adrenal glands.

Projection of internal organs on the hands

According to ancient Chinese ideas, the surface of the body has a clear division into yin and yang areas; when bending a person, the yin surface is turned inward, and the yang surface is turned outward. If you squeeze the brush into a fist, then the palmar surface will be inside (yin), and the back - outside (yang). Therefore, in the standard correspondence systems, the yang surface of the body is projected onto the back surfaces of the hands, and the yin surface of the body corresponds to the palmar surfaces of the hands.

The body is projected onto the hand in a standard standing position with arms down. In this case, the arms are turned outward, and the palms are facing forward. In this position, the entire yin surface of the body is facing forward, and the entire yang surface is facing back.

The nail (second) phalanges of the thumbs of the hands correspond to the head of a person, and on the yin surface there is a correspondence to the face, and on the yang surface - to the back of the head. The first phalanx of the thumb corresponds to the neck. The larynx, pharynx, thyroid gland, muscles and vessels of the neck, part of the esophagus and trachea are projected onto its yin surface.

On the muscular eminence, at the base of the thumb, there are projections of the organs of the chest. Along the line of symmetry is the correspondence to the trachea. The boundary between the upper and middle thirds of the line of symmetry corresponds to the place where the trachea divides into two main bronchi. At the level of the lower half of the line of symmetry and a little to the left there is a correspondence to the heart. Correspondences to the lungs occupy the rest of the area of ​​the projection of the chest. To the right of the line of symmetry is the correspondence to the right lung, to the left - to the left lung.

The abdominal cavity is conditionally divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower. The upper third of the palm is occupied by correspondences to the liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, pancreas and duodenum. In the middle third of the palm there is a zone of correspondence to the small intestine, which is bordered along the edges and from above by the correspondence to the large intestine. In the center of the palm is the projection of the navel. The lower third of the palm is occupied by the projection of the pelvic organs.

Correspondence to the spine coincides with the lines of symmetry on the yang surfaces of the hands. On the first (main) phalanx of the thumb there is a correspondence to the cervical spine. Correspondence to the eight upper thoracic vertebrae is located on the first metacarpal (metatarsal) bone. Further, the projection of the spine is interrupted. Starting from the ninth thoracic vertebra, the line of the spine follows in the interval between the third and fourth metacarpal (metatarsal) bones to the skin fold between the third and fourth fingers. In this area there is a correspondence to the four lower thoracic vertebrae (from the ninth to the twelfth), the five lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx.

In the human body, the kidneys and adrenal glands are located in the lumbar region on both sides of the spine, so their projections are located on the surfaces of the hands. Above the correspondences to the upper poles of the kidneys are the correspondences to the adrenal glands. The third finger joints correspond to the wrist and ankle joints, the second finger joints correspond to the elbow and knee joints. And on the first joints of the fingers there are correspondences to the shoulder and hip joints of the corresponding limbs.

Projection of internal organs on the feet

If project the picture of the body onto the feet, then you can get an image of a non-polar person lying motionless - garbhadhana (Figure 3).

Such an image of a person seems strange, but the proportions of the head and body correspond to the proportions of the fetus during the transition from the embryonic to the embryonic state (3rd month of pregnancy). This explains the term 'garbhadhana', which means 'placement of the fetus'.

Each organ of our body can find its "reflection" on the garbhadhana of our feet.

Imagine the feet of the legs pressed to each other:

The inner edges correspond to the middle of the body and the spine.

The outer surface of the arch of the foot corresponds to the front of the face, and the fingers from the side of the nails correspond to the face, the tips of the fingers are the cranium.

The soles of the legs pressed against each other correspond to the back side of the torso. The spine and long muscles of the back fall on the inner arch of the leg.

Two heels correspond to two buttocks.

The lower part of the heel and ankle joint - to the urogenitals.

A relatively small area corresponds to the thigh on the foot, a larger reflex correspondence to the thigh is located near the calcaneal tendon.

The lower leg follows the lower abdomen.

The leg zone is located in the place where the instep of the foot begins.

The hands are directed downward, and the forearm is located across the instep of the foot, next to it is the zone of the lower edge of the ribs.

The shoulders are outside, in the area of ​​​​the fold of the fifth finger.

Part of the shoulder, up to the elbow joint, runs along the outer front edge of the foot.

The area of ​​the head corresponds to the toes, and the pads of the fingers correspond to the back of the head, and the upper part, from the side of the nails, corresponds to the face.

Complete picture of the correspondence of the internal organs to the zones of the feet in general form is shown below in Figure 4.

Face and foot massage

In addition to treating specific diseases with acupressure, it is useful to apply a short, wellness massage of facial points and impact zones on the feet. It is very good for minor functional disorders, when you do not know the exact diagnosis or you need to urgently relieve pain, get rid of discomfort without resorting to long-term treatment with acupressure.

A healing massage of active points on the face and zones of influence on the feet is carried out twice a day until the condition is relieved or the painful manifestations completely disappear. If the symptoms do not disappear as a result of short massage effects, then it is necessary to move on to special treatment regimens of acupressure.

General wellness massage points on the face

For the prevention of diseases, a person who is not sick with anything and feels in shape, 2-3 massage sessions of the facial points per week are enough.

Acupressure facial points carried out with the tip of the index finger. If there are no special instructions in the description of the massage of the point, then the impact on the point is carried out with the index finger in a clockwise direction. The duration of the massage of the active point should not exceed 10-15 seconds. It is necessary to press the point with medium force. If the point turns out to be painful, then reduce the massage time to 10 seconds, and after 10 minutes repeat the massage effect for 10 seconds.

The main active points on the face of a person

Remember the projection of the internal organs on the face (Figure 1) and start stimulating points 50 and 41. Spend 10 rubbing, wait a few seconds and continue the massage, in accordance with layout of active points on the face below (Figures 5 and 6).

Figure 5

Figure 6

The order of stimulation of points on the face

T. 50 - responsible for the function of the liver (especially its right side), digestive problems, flatulence, constipation, stopping bleeding.
T. 41 - gallbladder (especially after removal), digestion, cholesterol levels, migraines.
The following two points can be stimulated simultaneously:
T. 37 - spleen, circulation of blood and energy, digestive problems, immunodeficiency, heaviness in the legs;
T. 39 - diseases of the stomach, gastritis.
T. 73 (located on the lower edge of the eye cavity) - eyes, lungs, ovaries, induration in the chest (mastopathy). Stimulate with gentle circular motions. This point is very delicate.
T. 3 - lungs, heart (left side). Massage in a horizontal direction.
T. 61 - lungs, liver, heart, stomach, spleen, nasopharynx, maxillary sinuses. Responsible for stopping bleeding, relieves pain, promotes natural falling asleep, relieves fever, reduces runny nose.
T. 8 - heart, cervical vertebrae, throat, thyroid gland, tachycardia, hypotension, sore throat. It is stimulated with circular movements, pressing on the nose.
P. 34 - shoulders, arms (points along the length of the eyebrows, starting with p. 34), relaxes the nervous system with insomnia (together with point 124).
T. 26 - cervical vertebrae, throat, sinuses, pituitary gland, headaches, calms the nervous system in hyperactive children, but this point can also cause excitement if it is stimulated too much.
T. 106 - throat, cervical vertebrae, sinuses, spine.
T. 103 - stimulates the chakras, the pituitary gland, the spine.
T. 126 - lumbar spine, coccyx, anus, hemorrhoids.
T. 342 - spine: lumbosacral and thoracic (cervical - point 26).
T. 126 and 342 - Stimulate from top to bottom and from bottom to top, with short patting movements.
T. 126 - pat along the parting of the hair.
T. 8 and 106 (cervical spine) - rub between the eyebrows. For shoulders and arms - massage the area along the eyebrows. Sacrum - massage the nostrils, the contours of the nostrils are the buttocks, and the rounded tip of the nose is the groin.
The following points are massaged vertically, together or separately.
T. 124 - relaxes the nervous system.
T. 180 - solar plexus.
The following points are located on the upper lip. You can stimulate them all together by rubbing vertically or horizontally.
T. 19 - nose, liver, stomach, spine, lower abdomen. This point also strengthens the heart. It will help stop hiccups, vomiting, causes uterine contractions.
T. 63 - colon, pancreas, uterus. It helps to cope with constipation, solve digestive problems, reduces dizziness, headaches. Helps with childbirth: stimulates uterine contractions, stops uterine bleeding.
T. 17 - adrenal glands. By stimulating them, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
T. 113 - pancreas (diabetes), ovaries, prostate, menstrual disorders, cystitis.
T. 7 - the same functions as point 113.
T. 38 - arthrosis of the knee joints. For arthritis, stimulate vertically on both sides of the mouth.
Points located on the chin:
T. 127 (located in a depression on the chin under the lower lip) - small intestine, painful periods, spastic colitis, diarrhea (stimulate at the very beginning of the disease), menopause problems, sexual characteristics. This point is stimulated in the vertical direction.
T. 85 - ureters.
T. 87 - bladder, uterus.
T. 22 - bladder.
T. 51 - feet, toes.
T. 365 - toes, anus, feet, large intestine.
The massage ends with stimulation of points in the ear area:
T. 16 - ears, internal and external bleeding, heavy bleeding with uterine fibroids, profuse lacrimation, runny nose.
T. 14 - throat, parotitis, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, hearing loss, otitis media, salivation. Massage the point horizontally.
T. 15 - ear, jaw. Located behind the earlobe. Massage horizontally, then vertically.
The massage ends with the stimulation of point 0.
T. 0 is the regulating point at which the massage should end. By changing the intensity of pressing, you stimulate the flow of energy. This is especially important for a weakened body. This point is associated with the ear, eyes, mouth, nose, spine.

Morning massage

Morning massage procedure will invigorate you and energize you for the whole day. It will perfectly help relieve fatigue after a sleepless night, will make facelift, improve blood circulation and energy. It can be done not only in the morning, but throughout the day. This massage takes very little time and the only tool you need is your fingers. Most of us love to soak in a warm bed in the morning. However, just lying in bed in the morning is very harmful. Let's try to combine business with pleasure. At night, your body rested, in the morning it is still dormant, and in order to finally wake it up, start gently stretching. You must have seen a cat stretch. Your movements should be just as soft, smooth and careful. Try to stretch naturally, without strain. Strong tension of unheated muscles can cause them to block, and you risk provoking pain or cramps.

After sipping, start stroking your body with your palms, slightly rubbing the skin until you feel a pleasant warmth. Then move on to facial massage.

Cover your face with your palms (hide it in your palms) as children do when playing hide and seek. At the same time, your thumbs will be on the cheekbones, and the rest will cover the eye sockets in the region of the bridge of the nose. Without lifting your palms from your face, slowly move them up to the hair and crown, smoothing the skin of the forehead. Then lower them down on both sides of the face, slightly rubbing the ears. At the end of the massage, the palms will join on the chin. Return your arms to the starting position and repeat the circular movements 10 times (Figure 7).

When massaging, do not take your hands off your face.. At the end of this short session, linger to feel a surge of warmth and energy in your face. You are full of vivacity and energy for the coming day!
Go to the bathroom to continue the massage. Rinse first with hot water, then cold. The face and body should also receive a charge of vivacity. This strengthening and wellness treatment will allow you to better tolerate the cold and be less prone to colds.

To learn more about the principles of acupuncture influence on active points for pain relief and self-healing, to study the schemes for passing the meridians of acupuncture points, hot spots on the face and body able to treat, apply independently the techniques of Chinese acupressure Zhong you can read the book Bin Zhong.

Acupuncture points on the face are places for stimulation and health promotion. Facial rejuvenation becomes for many women an object of desire and a necessary procedure when a certain time frame is reached. It uses various procedures that help to restore the elasticity and novelty of aged skin, remove defects. Currently, this area is dominated by various non-surgical lifting, which are able to give a pleasant result. Acupuncture points located throughout the body are attracting more and more attention, and with the right stimulation, they allow you to regain your lost beauty, as is successfully used with. Consider the acupuncture points on the face, their location. How to use knowledge in the procedure of acupuncture face lifting.
Acupuncture zones on the face are located in large numbers. We are primarily interested in the so-called points of rejuvenation, upon exposure to which the desired effect is achieved by all. Acupuncture points have long been widely used in Chinese medicine to treat many diseases and rejuvenate the body. You can stimulate the zones yourself with the pads of your fingers, exerting a certain degree of pressure on a specific area, or you can go further by contacting a professional and conduct an acupuncture lifting, during which the zones will be stimulated with acupuncture. This will give a much greater effect. Consider major acupuncture points on the face that should be affected. The Chinese have identified as many as 12 on the face, with which you can rejuvenate. Consider the main 5, here they are in front of you.

  1. It is located in the dimple on the top of the head, from where the hair diverges in different directions. The impact on this area helps to cope with insomnia, depression, chronic fatigue, increases blood circulation in the head, solves problems with migraines and blood vessels on the face. Press lightly on this point with the pad of your thumb and imagine that you are screwing in a screw, do 10-12 such rotations, rest 30 seconds, repeat 4-5 more times.
  2. It is located directly under the tip of the nose. It is a kind of center from which the threads diverge on the sides. Stimulation helps with swelling of the face, lacrimation, swelling of the face, rosacea, poor circulation. Place your index finger in this area. Perform pricking movements, as if instead of a finger, a needle. Repeat 20 times with emphasis. Do 3-4 sets with breaks of 30-40 seconds.
  3. There are two of these points, they are located in the center under each eye. When these zones are stimulated, blood circulation on the facial surface improves, bags under the eyes, dizziness, and eye fatigue disappear. For stimulation, put your middle and index fingers together, attach them with pads to one of the points. Make circular motions counterclockwise, as if you were holding a brush. Repeat 4-5 times ten strokes for each of the zones.
  4. Also two, they are located at a distance of 3-4 cm away from the tips of the lips. They are in a small hole, which allows them to be felt. Impact on these two points helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, its appearance, remove irregularities, roughness from its surface. To do this, simultaneously attach two thumbs with pillows to these areas. With light pressure, spread them apart, as if you are stretching your smile, fix the tension for a couple of seconds, and then return to their original position. Perform 30-33 times.
  5. It is located in the middle in the dimple under the lips, where the chin begins 5-6 cm down from the lower lip. The impact will increase the mobility of the muscles of the lower jaw. It will allow you to get rid of a double chin, emphasize the oval and regular features of the face, tighten the skin, relieve it of flabbiness. Attach the thumb of the left hand with a pad to the point, push it inward, move it up and down, left and right. Repeat 20-22 times.
    The acupuncture points on the face described above are intended for daily stimulation in order to eliminate age-related changes in the face and slow down its aging. This cycle will take no more than 20 minutes. Brings general relaxation and peace. It is recommended to do a similar program every day at least once a day if your age has already exceeded 30 years and you notice adverse external and internal changes in your body.

Diagnosis and treatment according to facial points

A person looking in the mirror can read in his face everything that happened to him and what awaits him in the future. If you carefully look at the state of the outlines of the muscles on the face, you can even make some easy diagnoses. Deep wrinkles on the forehead, not associated with old age, indicate long-term stress and associated headaches that are not relieved by analgesics.

People are accustomed, thinking about something, to wrinkle the frontal muscles so often that as a result, over time, deep wrinkles form prematurely on the forehead or between the eyebrows.

It is better to mentally follow the expression of your face during a conversation or in thought than to run to beauticians to trim extra wrinkles in the eye area and on the forehead.

Everyone knows that the so-called Duchenne smile or a sincere smile, named after the memory of a French doctor who founded in the last century, deserves deep attention in the world of smiles. He distinguished thousands of types of free and involuntary smiles. He distinguished the difference between children's harmless and senile smiles.

The face is a mirror of the state of the internal organs. You can't hide your face, it's always in plain sight. Therefore, a person can be diagnosed without even asking him, but only by looking at his face. The skin of the face is directly related to the work of many organs of the body. By coloring in certain places of the skin, you can determine the state of certain organs. Paleness, grayness, yellowness, redness, darkness and cyanosis of the face, in each case, speaks of certain problems within a person, and sometimes throughout the body as a whole. In a seriously ill person, the brightness of the eyes and the lightness of the face are lost, and as their health improves, they return. Hidden anxiety is immediately observed by a dull look and an increase in the number of wrinkles on the forehead. With not clear fear, the lips tremble. The appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows with frequent inclinations to the right side, with grimaces on the face indicate the onset of a serious liver problem. The new appearance of swelling with redness of the lower eyelids indicates an acute onset of inflammation in the kidneys associated with the adrenal glands or a thyroid problem. When losing weight, the cheeks fall, and when gaining excess weight, the first thing the cheeks begin to gain weight. A whole book can be written about the change in the color of the facial covering in various diseases.

To raise the general tone of the whole body, every morning after waking up while still in bed, take a toothpick and go over the entire surface of the face and ears, slightly tingling every millimeter. In the course of acupressure of the face with a toothpick, stop longer at the painful points encountered with prolonged pressure on them until the pain at this point disappears. When you feel in any part of the body transmitted irradiation sensations from the point that you press with a toothpick, immediately go there and press it with a toothpick until the pain sensation of that point disappears, then again return to facial massage with a toothpick. Pay special attention to the nose area, the edges of the eyes and the frontal part of the face. This treatment gives you an uplifted mood and strength for the whole day and will increase metabolism throughout the body.

With prolonged twitching of the eyelids, first check for a violation of the magnesium metabolism in your body. Make up for the lack of magnesium in the diet with legumes and nuts, as well as the use of germinated wheat, and not pharmaceutical tablets.

In each particular case we can judge Thus:

Cheeks can mean the condition of the lungs and bronchi.

The tip of the nose is the heart, spleen and diaphragm.

Nostrils - chest, small or large intestine.

Middle part of the nose pancreas , stomach and duodenum.

Top and sides of the nose liver, bile ducts, gallbladder and also the pancreas.

The interbrow part of the nose is the genitals and sex glands.

The end angles of the nose are the endocrine glands: adrenal gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus and thyroid gland.

The eyeball is the liver, heart, reproductive organs and endocrine system. Blood pressure, ocular and intracranial pressure.

The inner corners of the eyes are the adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder, genitals.

The outer corners of the eyes are the vascular system, the brain, the spinal cord, the liver, the gallbladder, the diaphragm.

Between the eyebrows - the brain, liver, kidneys and genitals.

Whiskey - vascular system, brain, ears, kidneys, spleen and liver.

In the forehead there are projections of all organs: on the left, right-sided, and on the right, left-sided organs are indicated, and the state of the middle of the forehead is used to judge the work of the central nervous system.

Along the inner edges of the eyebrow - the entire intestinal system.

Along the edges of the lips - the upper edge - the sympathetic nervous system, and the lower peripheral nervous system.

In the center of the upper and lower lip are the psyche, the central nervous system, the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the pineal gland.

The corners of the lips are the psyche, the genitals and the gastrointestinal tract.

With acupressure, you can have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on these areas, provide effective assistance in various ailments, or stimulate the work of the whole organism as a whole with daily massage. Acupressure can be done with fingertips, a toothpick, or an empty ballpoint pen. Bitter splinters of trees or plants give the fastest effect, which fakirs and natives constantly used. Especially the binding of needle-shaped tribulus seeds to pain points at night is widely practiced by Asians.

To the right of the lower part of the right temple, closer to the corner of the eye, are the strong points of the liver and gallbladder, and to the left of the spleen and pancreas. Many functional and organic diseases of these organs are treated by point massage. On the face, ears and in the head area, biologically active points of the liver and brain are located in more than twenty places. With the help of them, hundreds of diseases in the body are treated. One of them is located in the center of the sulcus of the upper lip, which is a universal emergency point. In epileptic seizures and in any kind of loss of consciousness or fainting, a sharp impact on this point will bring the patient to consciousness. A passive long-term impact on this point weakens or removes the feeling of nausea, severe pain in the head or chest. Not all points are active at the same time. Each active point of the body works in certain cases. In order to know the purpose of the meridional or extra-meridial biologically active point of organs, one must have extensive experience in working on zhen-jiu or study their purpose through special books dedicated to acupuncture.

Relieve fatigue or reduce the functional increase in blood pressure does not require much experience. By palpation, find painful points on the face and massage them with nails or the pads of the hands in a few minutes gives a quick effect. Over time, you will know when to do what for yourself and how to help others.

Massage fingers or warming the cheek with wormwood cigars relieves inflammation not only in the chest and throat, stimulates the entire central nervous system and improves immunity after several days of exercise. The right cheek helps the organs that are located on the right side of the body, and the left cheek on the left side. With the tip of a toothpick or nails, massaging and warming the cheeks and wings of the nose with wormwood cigarettes give a good effect in spasms and chest pains, intercostal neuralgia, hepatic, renal and gastrointestinal colic.

The bridge of the nose is such an effective section of the nose, it can be called as a separate organ, according to the volume of diagnosis and treatment of organs on it. Each millimeter of the bridge of the nose can reflect the projection of several internal and external organs. In the hump of the bridge of the nose and on both sides of it, almost all the organs of the body are located, which are activated only during a malfunction of certain organs, some of which have already been mentioned above. At the beginning of the nose, it is not strange that the head, genitals are reflected from above, and the gastrointestinal tract from below, and the spleen and liver are somehow mixed among them, which are activated only in severe conditions when they need emergency help from the central nervous system. On both sides, you need to activate or relieve the pain of the endocrine, hematopoietic, digestive, secretory and excretory systems of the body. All spasms through these places are very easily removed. The main thing is to find the maximum pain point and act on it. And work experience is acquired over time, if only to have a strong desire to learn. Especially through the end points of the bridge of the nose, close to the area between the eyebrows, blood pressure, urination, bile secretion are easily regulated and menstrual and intestinal cramps are relieved. All women intuitively massage the ends of the bridge of the nose for headaches and migraine.

For spasmodic and congestive pains, do not forget to massage with your fingertips not only from the outside of the nasolabial fold, but also from the inside, since the inside of the gums are also a good reflex zone. In case of acute and subacute pains in the head and internal organs, for first aid it is necessary to press not only the upper gums and lower gums. Sometimes light bleeding from the anterior gums quickly relieves various spasms of blood vessels and internal organs, and can even prevent myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke.

Renal colic is removed through the inner corners of the edges of the bones of the eyes, and biliary colic by strong action through the outer edges of the corners of the eye bone. During colic, such severe pain is felt in these zones, some patients lose consciousness when exposed to these points, and the pain from the kidneys or gallbladder, according to the law of determination, disappears, temporarily or forever.

The chin zones also reflect the reflex projections of the male and female genitourinary organs. From here you can relieve spasms of these organs or stimulate their activity. Never forget: not all biologically active points are activated at the same time, in some cases, points on the arms or legs work, and in others on the ears or in the head area, in the third case, corporal points on the body. Currently active points are determined by palpation and experience.

Massaging the eyeballs with a slight pressure on them, especially useful in the morning before getting up and when tired during the working day, stimulates the activity of the central nervous system, brain, peripheral nerves and improves cardiac and cerebral circulation. To fix the effect, then you need to intensively massage the lobes, tragus and antitragus of the ears. In this case, the tragus of the ears must be painfully pressed several times with nails. By doing this, you stimulate the work of the adrenal glands and, along with it, provide an additional release of hormones into the bloodstream from the gonads, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It is also very useful to massage until redness in the morning and several times during the day the entire inner and outer surface of the ears. These procedures will provide you with good energy and good mood for the rest of the day, especially if you do them regularly.
