Aloha, Hawaii! Famous Hawaiian traditions and customs. New Year Traditions in Hawaii

Theme: New Year's Eve / Scenarios for a corporate party

Good afternoon dear friends! How nice to see you today so beautiful, smart, smiling and cheerful! But explain to me, please, why are you so happy? Ah, that's it! New Year! Do you even know what it is? Here we will see now. The auction "New Year" is announced.

So, by common efforts, we found out that the New Year is .... But for some reason, all this is not observed in our hall. There are some strange newspapers on the walls - “Repairs are underway” ... Strange ... But maybe this envelope (envelope with a letter) will clarify the situation for us. We received it this morning in the mail. Let's print it out. (Letter is read.)

Well, I think you understand everything. Any questions? To take part in a Hawaiian party, you need to look the part. Wait a second... (bringing a bag of things for the Hawaiian party). Here are the things, take apart and dress up ... (I Like To Movie It melody sounds)

And now, let's wish each other a good journey, but always in Hawaiian. I tell you: "Aloha, dud!" - and you answer: "Yes, kaine, bra!". Ready…

Great! So are you ready??? Then, in order to be transported to Hawaii, you need to close your eyes and do not open them until I say. (The Pink Panther) (Change of scenery)

Welcome to Hawaii! (Hawaiian music) (Hawaiian dance)

Good evening, good hour!
I salute you all!
Vari good, salam alaikum,
Bona sir, you from das!
More bonjour, shalom and chao,
Buenas Diaz, Swaiki, hello!
Gomarjoba, buna, yeti,
Namaste, aloha, turvist.

We are glad to welcome you to the Hawaiian Party. You are probably already familiar with the rules. I will say a few more words: now I will give you 9 sheets with the expected number of the ball with a key phrase. On our today's holiday, the rule "-1" applies. This means that after each contest you will receive a paper with the number of the ball in which the phrase is not exactly located, that is, the chances will increase. Do you need to explain anything else? (Not). Very well. Then I declare the Hawaiian New Year Party open! Hooray! (the song "Malinki" sounds)

First competition. I put the prize on the chair. Participants of the competition are located around the chair, i.e. you. I'll ask you to stand up. I am reading a poem. Those who try to grab the prize out of time are eliminated from the competition. In the course of the poem, you will understand the rules.

I will tell you a story
Half a dozen times.
I'll just say the word "three" -
Get your prize now!
Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside
Small fish were counted -
And not one, but TWO.
Dreaming boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, and better FIVE!
Newly train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends,
When was the opportunity to take?

Now you are invited to "discover" a new planet. It is necessary to inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then "populate" this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw figures of little men on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more "inhabitants" on the planet is the winner! (Buttons Remix)

Something seems to me that you are already tired of sitting. We must move. And the next competition will help us with this. It's called tangerines. You probably think that now you just need to move the tangerines from one end of the room to the other without using your hands. But no! We've made it harder. One participant comes out, I turn on the music, and you must transfer all the tangerines to the music, dancing beautifully. You have to move to the music. For example, if I turn on the waltz, you dance the waltz, if I turn on the tango, you dance the tango.

The most favorite delicacy of the Snow Maiden is ice cream - therefore, a competition is announced for the name of the ice cream. You take turns calling the varieties of ice cream. Whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

In order to take part in the next competition, you must stand up. I give everyone one balloon, which you tie to your left leg. On my command, you try to crush the opponent's ball with your right foot. The one who bursts the opponent's ball with his foot the fastest wins. (Potential Breakup Song)

I suggest taking a break. Meals are prepared for you. (Bring food) (Apologize)

The next competition is called a chain. Here you see, there are paperclips. You need to make a chain with paper clips. Whose chain is longer, he wins the competition.

In this hat are small pieces of paper on which one word is written. Each of you takes turns taking notes from a hat and sings a song - always New Year's or winter, in which there is a word written on its leaf.

This is such a New Year's holiday - noisy, cheerful, but there is always a lot of garbage. As you may have noticed, there is a lot of rubbish scattered on the floor. But we can't celebrate the New Year with garbage! Therefore, it is necessary to get out. I give you plastic bottles. And you need to collect the weight of this garbage in bottles as soon as possible. (Siny Siniy Ticket)

Song Jingle Bells (Jingle Bells) Well, the evening has come in Hawaii - a magical time when you can make wishes and they will definitely come true ... Now I will tell you when the New Year begins in different countries of the world ... (see the application "New Year by the clock" ) (Drink Up Me Heartless Yo Ho)

It turns out that the New Year in Hawaii will come only tomorrow, so we need to return home. The contests are over and you should have only one piece of paper with the number of the ball left. And you need to find this ball. Get started. Congratulations, you have found a ball with a key phrase. Gotta bust it.

What is written here? Yep, not in Russian. Look, (point to a piece of paper that says "Happy New Year" in Hawaiian) it's "Happy New Year" in Hawaiian. I give you a paper airplane. You must write this phrase on it and let it out through the window. Let's! Now, as the letter sent to us says, everything should return to its place. To do this, I suggest you change clothes, (I bring a package with things for the New Year) (Give It Up To Me) and close your eyes for a few minutes. I'll tell you when they can be opened. (Spybreak) (Change of scenery)

New Year's Scenario "Hawaii New Year"

If you and your employees are tired of the cold winter, you miss the summer and the sun, and you don’t like hackneyed New Year’s scenarios, then New Year’s Eve is the time to experiment. And it does not matter if it is not possible to go with the whole company to the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii will come to you, so a Hawaiian-style New Year's Eve party is the way to go.

Interior decoration should be in bright colors: yellow, orange, blue and green. Put flowers in bright colors in vases, and it is best to put transparent bowls with water and put flowers without legs in them, they will float. After all, water is the main element of the party, as well as marine-style accessories: shells, pebbles, sand, figurines and dummies of marine life, palm branches. And, of course, a Hawaiian volcano in miniature, spewing its lava, which will be an interesting sight for guests. Regardless of whether you adhere to the dress code in the company or not, at a party it is more than mandatory. Here you have to say “no” to hackneyed blacks, dull grays and warlike reds.

Bright dresses, T-shirts and T-shirts, trousers will do. If you have a trendy "Hawaiian" shirt lying around at home, then this is exactly what you need. Clothing should not be monochromatic: a cage, a stripe, a flower and other cheerful prints, and to complete the appearance: a symbolic Hawaiian garland (ley) on each person present.

At the buffet table, you should give preference to seafood and tropical fruits dishes. Fruit juices, liqueurs and punch as drinks. However, who said that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden do not fit into this party? Santa Claus will come to the middle of the celebration in a cowboy hat, in multi-colored boxer shorts and a "Hawaiian" shirt, the Snow Maiden will appear in a bikini and a pareo draped over the top. They are wearing Hawaiian garlands (lei), and why not? It was at the very moment when Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden just came to the celebration that the volcano explodes (special effect), in response to which Santa Claus calmly, as if nothing had happened, says.

Father Frost:
- This brainchild of nature is designed to shake you up! so what? Are you ready for the tests?
Hall answers: "Yes!"

Snow Maiden asks a question:
- Who could dance the Hawaiian dance, known in the world as hula?
Both participants are invited, and the winner is determined by the number of applause, who is awarded the Blue Hawaii cocktail (recipe at the end of the article) or another, at the discretion of the bartender.

The next contest is which of the participants will drink the punch more effectively, Santa Claus will make his verdict and reward with another cocktail.

And the last final competition for all employees, it's called "Learn Hawaiian".

Guests will make up words similar to Hawaiian. All participants stand in a circle, the Snow Maiden gives a word consisting of two letters, the one she points to must repeat this word and add another letter, creating a new word, which he passes to the next participant. And so on, the one who cannot repeat the word named by the previous participant is automatically eliminated. The game continues until the most persistent participants remain, and they are awarded special prizes from Santa Claus, and all other guests are given consolation prizes. After all, summer, sun, sea, and no one should remain offended.

And then, under another roar of the volcano, the party continues, at which Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at the DJ console put on summer hits.

Cocktail Blue Hawaii

Shake 20 ml of orange juice, 30 ml of gin, 10 ml of Blue Curacao liqueur and some crushed ice in a shaker. We wipe the edges of the glass with a slice of lemon, dip in sugar. Strain the cocktail into a glass. Ready!

You may also need a script in the style: with a policeman and a gypsy.

Nowadays, theme parties on various topics are becoming more and more fashionable. We offer celebrate corporate New Year in Hawaiian style.

All attendees must wear bright, light clothing. Bright shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, shell necklaces, flowers stuck in hairstyles - all this should accompany the corporate New Year "Hawaiian Style Holiday". Hawaiian lei will be handed out to guests upon entry.

Book an instrumental band and let them entertain you all evening singing Hawaiian style songs with guitar and drums. Also invite a group of girls dancing go-go.

There should be plenty of fruits on the tables, freshly squeezed juices, tequila, exotic cocktails, fried bananas and pineapples, slices of fried meat with fruits, and many, many other treats.

The hall for the corporate New Year according to the "Hawaiian style holiday" scenario should be decorated in Hawaiian style: artificial palm trees, hammocks, deck chairs, umbrellas, flower wreaths and many bouquets.

When all the guests are assembled, the host appears, he announces that now everyone is on one of the Hawaiian islands, that entertainment, music and dancing await them ahead. Everyone is asked to take their sun loungers and taste the food served by beautiful Hawaiian girls. Go-go dancing girls come out to Hawaiian music. In the rhythm of the dance, they treat guests with cocktails and snacks.

While the guests are eating, they are entertained by the Hawaiian ensemble with their incendiary songs and dances.

Let work be a joy
Waiting for all the work rewards!
Let's taste the sweetness today
We will be happy to leave!
Let things go well
For business success! Aloha!!

The floor is then given to the company's accountant, who makes the following toast:

So that there is always success in everything,
And in general, everything was fine in life,
Let's pour a glass for prosperity,
As they say in Hawaii: "Aloha!"

One of the employees of the company also volunteers to make a toast:

Let's make a toast to love ourselves -
And not "Moskvich", not an old house on stilts,
I would have to buy myself as a gift,
A cool yacht with a house in Hawaii!

After the toasts, hot Hawaiian dances are arranged. You can learn the Hawaiian Limbo dance and have a blast. You can also dance "Lambada" and "Macarena". Give the best dancer an award in the form of a bunch of bananas.

During the dances, you can hold a couple of interesting contests with Hawaiian prizes. And arrange real Hawaiian karaoke.

Corporate New Year "Hawaiian Style Holiday"

Hello Book Week!

March 21 in the municipal libraries of Lipetsk begins the Week of Children's and Youth Books. It will open with a big celebration, which will take place in the Central City Library. S. Yesenin and will be timed to coincide with the International Day of Poetry.

Meanwhile, backstage...

March 18 at 18:00 at the Library and Information Center of National Cultures (117 Moskovskaya St., tel. 31-48-43) a creative meeting with the actor of the Lipetsk State Academic Drama Theater named after L.N. Tolstoy Alexander Skachkov.


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  • Meeting with Alexandra Tambovskaya

    Meeting with the writer Alexandra Ivanovna Tambovskaya is always an event. And this meeting in the library and information center of national cultures with high school readers became special. Because not so long ago, just on her anniversary, Alexandra Ivanovna became the winner of the city literary award named after Alexei Lipetsky.

  • New Year for all Russians is winter, Christmas trees, snow and frost. Have you tried, while in Lipetsk, to celebrate the New Year in Hawaiian style? The regulars of Yeseninka's art environments did it with pleasure!

    Hawaiian "natives" came to the party with their songs, dances and rituals. Our familiar and beloved Santa Claus, of course, could not help but go to this party. He managed to charm with his winter games and riddles so much, he conquered the inhabitants of Hawaii so much that they decided to kidnap him and settle him on their island. To prevent Santa Claus from melting on a tropical island, the party participants went to his rescue.

    I had to remember all the New Year's songs, arrange a raffle for tickets to the circus, show acting skills - but the rescue operation was successful!

    Here is such an amazing story that happened in the Central City Library. S. A. Yesenina.

    New Year in Japan is celebrated for almost a whole month. The festivities begin on Catholic Christmas, December 25, capture the New Year and continue until mid-January. The main tradition of New Year's Eve is to treat each other with rice cakes. They are traditionally baked in white and pink. According to Japanese beliefs, it is these colors that bring good luck. It is impossible to see Christmas trees in Japanese houses for the New Year. Instead, at the entrance are Kadomatsu, living compositions of bamboo, spruce branches and plum branches. They symbolize wealth, success in business and personal life. On the eve of the new year, the Japanese must visit a Buddhist temple to repent of their sins and ask the gods to send them health, peace and good luck in all endeavors in the coming year.

    As for the celebration itself, the Japanese like to meet it in noisy companies, preferably in nature. New Year's days are the time for winter sports, competitions in sculpting figures from snow, creating ice compositions. The most popular competition is for the best snowman.

    New Year in China

    The traditional New Year on the night of January 31-1 is practically not celebrated in China. Chinese New Year is the Spring Festival and is celebrated according to the Chinese calendar.

    New Year in India

    It is curious that there are several "New Years" in India. The date of the celebration depends on which calendar is used in a particular Indian state. If the traditional New Year in India is celebrated, then in a European way. Yes, and it is celebrated, for the most part, by foreigners, not local residents.

    New Year in Hawaii

    Hawaii is part of the USA. Therefore, the New Year is celebrated in a purely American way these days. Unless, all the main actions, festivities, fireworks and parties take place on the beaches, on the ocean coast, among tropical greenery.

    New Year in Brazil

    New Year in Latin American countries, and especially in Brazil, is another bright and enchanting carnival, which is held on the night of December 31 to January 1. Interestingly, Brazilian New Year traditions are a burning mixture of European and African customs. Here on holidays you can see beautifully decorated spruces and dressed up palm trees, try classic New Year's English cuisine and exotic dishes of the Hawaiian Islands. You can go to an exquisite party or celebrate the New Year on the beach, dancing incendiary Brazilian dances in national costumes. Of course, football competitions occupy a central place in the celebrations, where would we be without them. In a word, those who wish to celebrate the New Year in all countries of the world at once can go to Brazil. In this country, all the traditions and customs of different peoples are visible at a glance!
