Anticellulite massage. What to choose: a massage therapist or a machine? How to perform a hardware vacuum abdominal massage

Conducting a hardware massage session involves using one of several techniques developed in accordance with the physiological characteristics of the human body. Three types of hardware effects on fat deposits have received special recognition from those who have lost weight.


With a competent approach to the process, vacuum massage has a fantastic tightening effect. It is this method of getting rid of extra pounds that most patients in massage parlors prefer to use.


  1. Silicone containers are attached to preheated areas of skin affected by cellulite, creating a vacuum in the space between the skin and the walls of the cans.
  2. On each problem area of ​​the body, intensive circular movements are made with the nozzles strictly in a clockwise direction for 10 minutes. Then move on to the next part of the body.
  3. The massage is performed from bottom to top, starting from the feet.

How it works:

Blood flow to tissues increases, excess fluid is displaced, metabolism accelerates, the skin is smoothed and tightened.

If massaged inappropriately or too intensely, silicone vessels can leave bruises and bruises on the body. Especially in the case of delicate, sensitive skin.

It is important to remember that increased pressure on fat deposits will not speed up the process of their breakdown, just like daily procedures.

Number of sessions:

To achieve a noticeable effect, you will need about 10-15 visits to a massage therapist. Frequency: every other day.

However, if the body mass index exceeds 20%, hardware anti-cellulite massage will not be very effective.

One of the most gentle and comfortable methods of hardware massage against cellulite. Hydromassage also has a beneficial effect on muscle tissue, helping a person to relax completely.


An intense stream of small bubbles is directed onto the skin, resulting from the interaction of water and air supplied from high-pressure injectors.

How it works:

The bubbles, together with minerals dissolved in water, tone the massaged areas of the body. The subcutaneous fat layer is leveled out.

As a result of accelerated hydroexchange, the body gets rid of edema caused by excess fluid in the body.

Accelerated metabolic processes caused by stimulation of blood circulation and lymph outflow help to quickly expend the energy accumulated in the form of fats.

Number and duration of sessions: one hardware hydromassage procedure lasts 30 minutes. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure, however, several sessions will be required to consolidate the result.

The initial stages of cellulite are especially easy to treat.

The anti-cellulite vibration massage procedure is not only a comfortable and effective way to get a toned figure that you won’t be ashamed to undress on the beach. This is also an excellent opportunity to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


The massage therapist works on problem areas with a device with a vibrating attachment. The surface of the nozzle is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, the thickness of the fat layer, and the patient’s health condition.

How it works:

Vibrations transmitted under the skin enhance blood microcirculation and accelerate tissue metabolism. The body reacts to the massage with an increased release of energy, and as a result, the orange peel in problem areas is smoothed out. The skin tightens, becomes smooth and elastic.

Number of procedures:

Any anti-cellulite massage requires a course of several sessions. Vibromassage is no exception. To consolidate the effect obtained, it is recommended to visit a massage therapist at least 15 times.

Which anti-cellulite massage is more effective - manual or hardware?

In order to make an informed choice, you need to know the features, advantages, disadvantages and contraindications for each of them.

In certain cases, a superficial hardware effect on subcutaneous fat is sufficient. Sometimes you can’t do without deep and precise manual massage of problem areas.

Which of these methods is better, and how do they differ?

Features of hardware massage

  1. A session of hardware anti-cellulite massage will not cause discomfort or pain. But this is also its tangible disadvantage - insufficiently deep penetration and effect on subcutaneous fat. This means you will have to wait a little longer for the desired effect.
  2. Hardware massaging of problem areas does not just accelerate the breakdown of fat deposits. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. With regular sessions, the orange peel is smoothed, elasticity is imparted and a tightening effect is felt.
  3. If there is too much excess weight, monotonous hardware procedures may not help. The fat fold is not captured and treated completely.

Features of manual massage

  1. Manual action is characterized by precision. Tactile sensations give the massage therapist the opportunity to assess the condition of the subcutaneous layer and, if necessary, change the pace, intensity or method of massaging.
  2. Variety of techniques. Rubbing, kneading, pinching, light blows - manual massage allows you to work different areas of the body in different ways.
  3. The ability to completely capture the skin fold allows you to achieve a greater effect, since even the deep layers of fat are affected and worked out, and not just the superficial layer.
  4. Manual anti-cellulite massage is quite traumatic - and this is its most significant drawback. In some cases, patients who choose manual massage experience bruising. It depends on the level of skin sensitivity, the individual characteristics of the body and the skill of the massage therapist.

Both methods have their fans and their opponents. And it is impossible to say for sure which anti-cellulite massage is more effective, hardware or manual.

The best option is a combination. Moreover, first they perform manual manipulations, and only then move on to hardware effects.

This sequence allows you to thoroughly knead and prepare the skin for the second session, and at the same time enhance the effect of the vacuum or vibrating massager.


Hardware anti-cellulite massage will do more harm than good if you do not pay attention to a number of serious contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Excessively overweight;
  • Hypertension, kidney stones/gallbladder, inflammatory processes;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Implants in the breasts or other parts of the body.

To avoid unexpected and unpleasant health consequences, before signing up for a hardware massage session, it is recommended to be examined for diseases that are incompatible with this procedure.

Video about how massage is performed with vacuum cans

Anti-cellulite massage is wonderful because it fulfills the cherished dream of many women - to lie down and lose weight.
In this case, the skin does not remain hanging, but is tightened and smoothed.

The orange peel disappears, the functioning of internal organs is normalized, and metabolism accelerates.
Getting a massage is useful not only for weight loss purposes, but also for health in general.

Photo: Before and after anti-cellulite massage

Nowadays, beauty salons offer a lot of interesting and unusual procedures to get rid of cellulite. One of these manipulations is anti-cellulite vacuum massage. It is carried out using a special device. By changing attachments, you can work on different areas of the body, even hard-to-reach ones.

The effect is achieved through absorption of the affected tissues. This puts pressure on them, which helps break up the fat capsule. This activates blood circulation. All the fat that is in them is excreted along with the lymph.

The manipulation is carried out in a beauty salon by a cosmetologist. He selects the necessary attachments, depending on the condition of the skin. In addition, there are home devices for vacuum massage.

The benefits of hardware vacuum massage for cellulite

The main goal of massage is to remove signs of cellulite. At the same time, it turns out to improve the condition of the skin and improve health. This is a very useful procedure.

Benefits of hardware vacuum massage:

  • Removes cellulite. Of course, it is difficult to get rid of orange peel in one session, but with regular procedures you can significantly improve the condition of your skin.
  • Reduces volumes. By removing fat and fluid, the buttocks, thighs and abdomen become slimmer.
  • Reduces swelling. Thanks to improved blood circulation, water is removed from the body. Legs and thighs become less swollen. Excess fluid often causes sagging skin.
  • Prevents the appearance of varicose veins. Varicose veins develop due to low physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, massage, while improving blood flow, also enhances venous outflow.
  • Stretch marks and scars are reduced. Massage will help reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars. This is possible due to the outflow of lymph and tissue restoration.
  • Safety. The fact is that using cans it is not always possible to choose the right vacuum. Vessels often burst. With a hardware massage, it is difficult to overdo it, since the suction pressure is set on the pressure gauge.

Contraindications to hardware vacuum massage

Despite the benefits, this type of massage is not for everyone. There are a number of contraindications to the procedure.

List of contraindications:

  1. Thrombophlebitis. With this disease, blood clots form. Improved circulation promotes blood flow and increases the formation of blood clots.
  2. Skin diseases. This applies to viral, bacterial and systemic ailments. The fact is that massage can damage the skin and contribute to the rupture of small capillaries. The course of the disease may worsen.
  3. Heart diseases. All fat deposits that have been broken down into their component parts are excreted along with the lymph. Because of this, the load on the heart increases.
  4. Oncological diseases. Vacuum massage activates the lymphatic system. Next, the breakdown products are eliminated from the body. In case of cancer, improving the functioning of the lymphatic system will lead to increased growth of tumors.

Types of vacuum massage

There are several types of hardware vacuum massage. The main difference is the attachments used. Thanks to changing attachments, it is possible to work on both delicate areas and parts of the body with a high fat content.

Types of massage:

  • Vacuum roller. This is a complex massage, which is carried out using rollers located inside the cans. Thus, the compressor sucks the skin, and the wheels knead the epidermis. This results in a double impact.
  • Vacuum laser massage. This variety is used in advanced cases. Often performed when it is necessary to correct the figure and treat cellulite. The installation itself is equipped with a compressor and a laser beam. Under pressure, the can absorbs the skin, and laser radiation breaks down fat.
  • Vacuum acupressure massage. To carry out the procedure, special installations are used. Several tubes extend from the compressor, to which cans are attached. They are installed on the back or other places. After turning on the compressor, the pressure increases after a certain period of time.

How to do a vacuum hardware massage

The procedure is carried out at home or in a beauty salon. The doctor assesses the condition of the skin and independently selects attachments, pressure and exposure time. The areas that take the longest to work on are the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

Technique for performing hardware vacuum facial massage

It is carried out using a special device. The basis of the device is a compressor that sucks in air. It is thanks to him that tissue absorption occurs. With the help of such a compressor you can regulate the pressure. Accordingly, minimal impact force is applied to the face.
  1. Initially, the cosmetologist removes the remaining makeup from the face. After this, the skin is wiped with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol.
  2. Sometimes oils and special healing compounds may be applied. This helps saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals.
  3. Most often, at the beginning of the procedure, the cosmetologist massages the chin, cheeks and forehead with his hands. Thus, it warms up the dermis and helps reduce marks after the procedure.
  4. Next, a small nozzle is put on the tube. Its diameter can reach 4 cm. Small diameter attachments are used for the face.
  5. After this, the doctor sets the pressure value and turns on the compressor.
  6. At the very beginning, a chin massage is performed. A nozzle with a diameter of 4 cm is suitable for these purposes.
  7. The massage is carried out along massage lines, from the chin to the ears. Next, the nozzle is held on the chin for 10-15 seconds.
  8. After this, the cosmetologist changes the nozzle to a small one. Its diameter is 2 cm. It is used to work on the area of ​​the cheeks and forehead.
  9. At the very end, a tiny nozzle is put on for sensitive areas. This is the area of ​​the lips and around the eyes. In this area, the doctor changes the pressure to minimum so as not to injure the dermis.

How to perform a hardware vacuum abdominal massage

The procedure is noticeable and is carried out with nozzles of the largest diameter. In just 7-12 sessions you will significantly tighten your stomach and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Vacuum roller hardware anti-cellulite abdominal massage is combined with massaging the thighs and buttocks.


  • Treatment with anti-cellulite composition. This can be regular massage oil with the addition of orange essential oil. The cosmetologist distributes the oil throughout the abdomen.
  • The procedure can be static. That is, the cans are installed over the entire area of ​​the abdomen and do not mix. But most often the cosmetologist moves them. If the device has the function of alternating suction and pressure reduction, and also vibrates, then the nozzles do not move.
  • Most often, a simple device with one nozzle is used. In this case, massage is carried out from the lower right corner of the abdomen clockwise. Massage can also be performed in the direction of the intestines.
  • After the manipulation, the master lubricates the skin with cream. Treatment with drugs for resorption of hematomas is possible. This helps remove bruises from hardware vacuum massage.
Such effects improve intestinal motility and remove gases. The most interesting thing is that the manipulation allows you to get rid of visceral fat, which is not located under the skin, but in the abdominal cavity.

The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes. After the session, redness and even slight bruising are possible.

Hardware vacuum massage technique for the sides

This massage is used not only for the treatment of cellulite. This type of intervention helps eliminate fat deposits and relieve muscle pain. Along with the treatment of cellulite, the lower back is massaged.


  1. After applying the oil, the doctor puts on the largest nozzle and performs circular movements in the area of ​​the sides, choosing the suction strength.
  2. In the area of ​​the sides, direct movements are carried out from bottom to top along straight lines. From behind, the doctor makes circular movements if the pillows on the sides are of a decent size.
  3. Next, the doctor moves to the central part of the lower back. All manipulations are carried out close to the spinal column, but do not affect it.
  4. In the lumbar area, the doctor changes the attachment to a small one. In this zone, the amplitude and diameter of the described circles decreases. There is little pressure in this area.
  5. The massage ends with stroking movements. The doctor makes them manually.

How to do a hardware vacuum massage of the thighs for weight loss

The manipulation is carried out for 20 minutes. This is exactly how much is needed to properly work out problem areas. The doctor works on the breeches area, as well as the inner thighs.

Technique of hardware vacuum massage of the thighs:

  • The doctor lubricates the area to be massaged with oil. It usually begins with a stroking manual action.
  • Directly with the device, the massage begins from the area just above the knees. These are longitudinal movements with rollers in the direction from the knee cavity.
  • Next, the doctor works on the hip area. The movements are also from the bottom up to the buttocks. This is where the strongest suction is applied as there is a lot of fat in this area.
  • Basically, the doctor massages the areas where there is the most fat. This is the area of ​​the riding breeches and the side of the hips. The movements are predominantly circular.
  • After this, the client turns over onto her back. A massage is performed in the area of ​​the front side of the thigh.
After the massage, the doctor may suggest procedures that enhance the effect. These can be wraps or special baths.

Technique for performing vacuum anti-cellulite leg massage

Basically, it is not the calves that need work, but the area above the knee. People call it thighs. But to reduce swelling and improve fluid outflow, the doctor also works on the calf area.

Order of conduct:

  1. The doctor applies the oil and begins moving the nozzle from the bottom up along the calf to the knee cavity. You cannot move from top to bottom in this area. Strictly straight lines are carried out.
  2. Next, the doctor skips the area under the knee and moves from bottom to top to the buttock. The development is carried out in several stages.
  3. Next, massage the front of the leg. It is not carried out in the front area of ​​the shin. Just above the knee, the doctor makes movements from bottom to top. Here you can do circular movements. The circumscribed circle is of small diameter.

Features of performing vacuum massage of the buttocks

There is quite a lot of cellulite in this area. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle and congestion. It takes 30-40 minutes to work the buttocks. In this case, vacuum laser devices can be used, which quickly break down cellulite.


  • Anti-cellulite massage oil is applied to the buttocks and distributed evenly. Next, the doctor places several cans in a row at a short distance from each other. Over time, the pressure increases.
  • Vacuum laser massage is possible. In this case, the doctor moves the handle of the device in a circle, working on every centimeter of the buttocks. The laser beam breaks down fat deposits, and the vacuum enhances the outflow of lymph.
After the procedure, a wrap is performed, which warms the skin and removes excess fluid.

Review of devices for home vacuum massage

There are a lot of inexpensive and high-quality devices for performing vacuum massage at home.

Equipment overview:

  1. NOVA NV600. A good device with a fairly powerful compressor. The set includes many large and small attachments. There are also metal handpieces to combat cellulite. There is a vibration and pulse function on large banks. This helps to quickly remove cellulite in the buttocks and thighs. The cost of the device with attachments is $400-450.
  2. MBT-01. A small desktop device. Powered by AA batteries. The set includes a lot of attachments for massaging the buttocks, abdomen and face. The power of the device is small, but the price is quite reasonable. The cost of the device is 250-300 dollars.
  3. 818A. An excellent option for home use. Very powerful. The set includes 7 glass jars and attachments for chest and face massage. There are also roller attachments for figure correction. The cost of the device is $300. It can often be seen in beauty salons.
  4. Cehuloss. Cheap handheld device. Used to eliminate cellulite. It is not possible to use the device for facial care. The set includes only two nozzles with diameters of 11 and 7 cm. The power is not adjustable. The cost of the device is $15.

Results after hardware vacuum massage

Regarding the results, they differ significantly. The less fat, the more distinct they are.

Let's consider what effect can be achieved after a course of vacuum massage:

  • Weight loss. Many women claim that in just one session they managed to lose up to 3 kg of weight. It's not actually fat. Vacuum massage promotes fluid outflow. Therefore, swelling disappears first.
  • Improving skin texture. During the entire course, the bumps and relief disappear. The orange peel is smoothed out.
  • Reduces the appearance of varicose veins. Many women note that after the procedure, veins and capillaries become less noticeable and distinct.
  • Volume decreases. This is observed due to the breakdown of fat and the removal of fluid along with lymph. Many noted a decrease in volume up to 8 cm after the entire course of massage.
How to do anti-cellulite vacuum massage - watch the video:

As you can see, vacuum hardware massage is an excellent solution for those who have little time and are unable to visit the gym. When combined with a diet, you can lose significant weight.

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Many women have had to deal with cellulite. These are stagnation in fatty tissues and their degeneration. Previously, it was believed that orange peel appears only in obese women, but thin representatives of the fair sex also find it.

Due to impaired microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, the skin becomes flabby, sagging, covered with tubercles, indentations, and fatty tissue becomes clogged. A hardware vacuum device for cellulite copes well with this problem.

It is necessary to consider the main pros and cons of vacuum massage, as well as the rules for performing the procedure.

Hardware anti-cellulite has a comprehensive effect on problem areas. After the procedure, blood circulation becomes stronger, and metabolic processes also intensify.

Cosmetologists use vacuum massage apparatus to:

  • eliminate the appearance of cellulite;
  • remove stretch marks after childbirth;
  • revive sagging and loose skin;
  • improve dry and flaky skin;
  • get rid of scars and scars;
  • restore the oval of the face;
  • achieve a lifting effect on the body and specific areas;
  • improve overall health.

Hardware massage for weight loss is suitable for female representatives who take care of their own body, but are accustomed to passive self-care.

Cellulite vacuum cleaners for home use

Effective devices for home use:

  1. Nova NV 600. The device comes with many attachments. It is possible to supply impulses to large banks. Eliminates cellulite on the buttocks and thighs.
  2. MBT-01. A small device for combating cellulite. Enhances the effect of cosmetic preparations.
  3. IM-818 A. Powerful device, 7 cans included. There are roller attachments for body shaping.

In what areas is it used?

Using gentle methods you can massage your face, neck and chest.

When it comes to hardware weight loss, the maximum result is noticeable in the following areas:

  • buttocks;
  • outer thighs;
  • belly.

Restrictions on massage

Temporary contraindications for hardware massage are critical days, increased body temperature, pregnancy and lactation.

  • increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • vascular diseases - varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergic reactions of various origins;
  • gynecological ailments;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • kidney problems in the acute stage;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart problems;
  • chronic diseases in the active stage;
  • bleeding and exhaustion of the body as a whole;
  • skin pathologies - eczema, psoriasis, etc.

In addition, you should not use a vacuum for weight loss if you have abrasions, scratches, burns or open wounds.

Skin preparation

In order for it to be pleasant, painless, effective and not harmful, the skin must be prepared: cleansed and warmed up. The best option is to take a shower with hot water for 10 minutes, directing the stream from the feet to the shoulder girdle.

When massaging a small area of ​​skin, it can be rubbed using a rough cloth. When taking a bath, it's a good idea to scrub to cleanse your skin. After using the scrub, the skin is treated with oil. During the procedure, pain, hematomas and swelling may appear on unprepared skin.

You can use a special anti-cellulite cream or other cosmetic product. The specialist mixes the cream and massage oil; when applying the cream in its pure form, it is quickly absorbed, which makes it difficult for the jars to slide across the epidermis.

Carrying out vacuum anti-cellulite massage at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit a salon, since this is an expensive procedure, and it must be carried out in a course. In this regard, many women do this on their own at home. In this case, you can purchase special jars at the pharmacy.

At home, you can use jars: glass, rubber, silicone, latex, vacuum with a pump. The choice of cups for massage at home is carried out taking into account the purpose of the manipulation.

If you need to massage your back, hips and chest, jars with a larger diameter are selected, but if you need to massage your face and neck, you need a smaller diameter. Special devices for cellulite at home, according to reviews, will simplify the procedure at home.

The principle of massage at home

To install an ordinary glass jar on the body, use tweezers with a lit cotton swab soaked in alcohol; you can also use a lighter with an extended cap. Remove the air from the jars with fire for a few seconds and apply the jar to the skin.

Installing glass jars yourself is inconvenient - it is painful and dangerous (there is a possibility of getting a skin burn). In this case, outside help is needed, or it is recommended to purchase a vacuum massage device. This device controls the pressure in the jar, which allows for an almost painless massage.

The installed jar moves smoothly and slowly across the skin in the direction of the flow of blood and lymph through the veins, namely from the edge to the center on the lower and upper extremities, in the abdomen - from the umbilical cavity to the sides. Each area is massaged by passing the device 3-4 times along the named contours.

When removing the can, the skin is held near it until air enters, then the can can be easily peeled off. After the massage, the epidermis is lubricated with regular or anti-cellulite cream, and then wrapped in a blanket for a short time.

After using a vacuum, the skin needs to be given time to rest and recover, so massage cannot be done every day. The best option is to massage 1-2 times a week for no more than 2 months, then you need to rest for at least 8 weeks, and the course can be repeated. One course consists of 10-15 procedures.

The desired effect can be achieved if certain requirements are met:

  1. One zone is massaged for a maximum of 10 minutes, and at first - no more than 5 minutes. If you increase the procedure time, hematomas may appear.
  2. Massage is recommended in combination with a herbal bath and sauna for greater effect.
  3. Beginners are recommended to use silicone cups; with them the procedure is not so painful and the air is not so thin.
  4. You should not use this method for the skin of the elbow, knee and thigh areas, as well as the breast, in the heart area, on the spine, in the genital area and kidneys.
  5. It is recommended to perform a massage at night so that the skin can rest well.

Possible side effects

It is believed that such a procedure is harmless, but it is recommended to consult a specialist before use. Sometimes female representatives feel worse after such a massage, fatigue in the legs and lethargy in general are observed, but after some time the condition returns to normal.

The main side effect is hematomas and lumps on the skin after the procedure. This phenomenon is observed in patients who have very sensitive skin. By reducing the procedure time to 4-5 minutes, you can avoid their appearance or reduce their number.

When a massage is performed by a specialist, no adverse reactions occur, but if a hematoma is obtained during the procedure at home, you can use anti-inflammatory and absorbable ointments.

There is an opinion that cupping massage causes spider veins to appear on the skin as capillaries are destroyed. It should be noted that the formation of stars is observed even in people who have never used a vacuum massage.

Some people already have a spider vein, it’s just not visible because of the swelling, but with its disappearance it became visible. If there are already stars, it is recommended to consult a phlebologist. When performing a short massage without strong pressure, new burst blood vessels will not appear.

Hardware treatment of cellulite: reviews

Let's consider reviews about hardware treatment of cellulite:

Galina, 28 years old:“At first I used creams and self-massage, but vacuum massage cannot be compared with them. I was never overweight, but after just a couple of sessions I noticed a restoration of my body contours. Now I recommend this device to everyone I know.”

Elena, 31 years old:“In my search for means to combat sides and cellulite, I came across laudatory reviews of anti-cellulite hardware massage. It turned out that this is a fairly effective and safe method, during which there are no bruises, there is no recovery period, and it is possible to influence different areas. After a course of massage, the results obtained last for a long time.”


Hardware vacuum massage is an effective procedure that allows you to remove stretch marks, cope with cellulite, and tighten the skin after childbirth. You can also perform a massage session at home. The main thing is to follow the instructions for the procedure, do all movements smoothly and be sure to read the list of contraindications.

In contact with

In the fight against cellulite, for a beautiful body, all means are good. However, massage has gained the most popularity. If manual massage techniques have been known for a long time and are used everywhere, then hardware massage is a novelty of our time. Clinics and salons began offering hardware massage procedures for figure correction relatively recently. How to determine which method is more effective in dealing with “orange peel”? Let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons of manual and hardware massage for figure correction.

Manual massage

There are several manual massage techniques that can remove cellulite and correct figure imperfections. The most common types of massage include: anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, honey and sculpture. Read more about the technique of lymphatic drainage massage in our article “Lymphatic drainage massage”. Each massage has its own special technique. But everyone has the same goal - to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system and blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, improve metabolic processes, remove excess fluid from the body, reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and break up cellulite tubercles.

Advantages of manual massage

The benefits of manual massage include:
  • Precision and efficiency. When performing a massage aimed at correcting the figure, the condition of the patient’s muscles, subcutaneous fat and blood vessels is important. The manualist kneads and probes every part of the body with his hands, so he can accurately target problem areas. Because of this, the effectiveness of the massage also increases.
  • Improved skin condition. During manual massage, additional oils, creams, scrubs, and honey are often used, which have a positive effect on the skin, nourishes, moisturizes and smoothes out unevenness.
  • Reduction of subcutaneous fat and cellulite. With the help of manual massage, all problem areas are worked out; not a single bump on the body escapes the master.
  • Removing excess fluid and normalizing blood circulation in the body. Massage helps restore the proper functioning of the lymphatic system and blood vessels, as well as cell nutrition, so the weight loss process is faster and easier.

The main advantage of manual massage is considered to be direct contact between the massage therapist and the patient; this helps to better feel and work out problem areas, eliminate muscle spasms and establish proper functioning of the whole body.

How is manual massage performed?

Each manual massage technique has individual characteristics, but they have one thing in common - a sequence of actions. To begin with, the specialist carries out drainage, then the striated muscles are worked on, the last stage is work on the subcutaneous fat. Thanks to consistent actions and different massage intensities, the “orange peel” is significantly reduced.

Disadvantages of manual massage

The disadvantages of this procedure include:
  • Human factor. The choice of specialist and clinic must be approached carefully. An incorrectly performed massage can significantly harm and worsen the patient’s condition.
  • Traumaticity. Manual massage can be traumatic. Unfortunately, in some cases, bruises or leaks cannot be avoided, and during the massage there may be painful and unpleasant sensations.

Hardware massage

As in manual massage, there are several types in hardware massage: vacuum-roller, LPG, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite, etc. For each massage, a special device, attachments and even a suit are used. Modern clinics, massage rooms and beauty salons have great opportunities for hardware massage. Therefore, finding an acceptable procedure will not be difficult.

Advantages of hardware massage

The advantages of this type of figure correction include:
  • Strict execution of the given program. When working with the device, the specialist sets the necessary parameters based on the condition of the skin, the severity of the problem, setting both the pressure force and the time of the massage. All this undoubtedly improves the quality of the massage, and therefore its effectiveness.
  • Does not injure tissue. Hardware massage produces a good drainage effect and helps remove excess fluid from the body without injuring the tissue or leaving bruises. This massage is especially effective in the initial stages of cellulite.
  • Restoring skin tone and elasticity. With the help of hardware massage, skin tightness is better restored. Using various attachments you can increase blood circulation and also affect the deeper layers of the skin. Activation of metabolic processes improves skin tone.

How is hardware massage performed?

No special preparation is required for hardware massage, but a necessary condition is consultation with a specialist. Since this type of massage has a number of contraindications. After the examination, the specialist selects the type of hardware massage that will be most effective. Hardware massage is performed with smooth movements and is so relaxing that patients fall asleep during the session.

Disadvantages of hardware massage

With all the positive qualities of this massage, it has its disadvantages:
  • Despite the variety of massage and devices, there are not many techniques and special techniques used. In this regard, manual massage is richer in techniques for body correction.
  • Hardware massage has a number of contraindications, including: varicose veins, rosacea, pregnancy and lactation, oncology, heart disease, etc.

According to experts, it is impossible to determine which is better for dealing with cellulite, manual or hardware massage. Based on the results, as well as patient reviews, many recommend combining these two types of massage. It’s worth starting with a manual one, as it will help to stretch and prepare the skin, and then connect visits and hardware massage. In combination, they will give the best result, skin elasticity will increase, cellulite will noticeably decrease, volume will go away, and the skin will receive the necessary nutrition and hydration.

Comparative table of manual and hardware massage

The problem of “orange peels” or cellulite affecting the hips and buttocks area is familiar to many women. Half a century ago, few people knew about such a skin defect, but now modern salons and cosmetology clinics are vying with each other to offer to get rid of it. Sessions of special anti-cellulite massage continue to be one of the most effective means in the fight for smooth body skin. With its help, you can quickly break down stagnant fat under the skin, restore smoothness and elasticity to the body, and make the surface of the skin more even.

Hardware or vacuum massage is performed using special equipment. These are compact devices consisting of a stationary housing and a flexible hose with a tip. At its core, the device is an air compressor in which a vacuum is created using an engine.

The specialist performing the procedure makes smooth circular movements, pressing the tip against the surface of the patient’s body (inner and outer thighs, buttocks). The suction cups located at the end of the hose alternately pull and then release the folds of skin. As a result, accumulations of subcutaneous fat, resembling small tubercles, gradually dissolve.

Main types of procedures

There are several types of anti-cellulite hardware massage. Classic vacuum is reminiscent of cupping procedures, only in an improved form. In addition to it, they also use:

  • combined (with vacuum action and roller smoothing);
  • vibration (using vibration massagers or a special chair);
  • hydro sessions;
  • pressotherapy;
  • pneumatic treatment of problem areas;
  • ultrasound procedures;
  • endermology.

LPG - combined anti-cellulite massage

Using devices, combined anti-cellulite massage, or LPG, is performed. The patient's body skin is simultaneously massaged and smoothed. Ultra-modern equipment “can” create a small fold of skin, holding it with a vacuum. The fold gradually moves from side to side, and then is smoothed out with a roller without a trace. A similar technique is used by specialists during manual massage; this allows you to quickly break up stagnation of subcutaneous fat without injuring the dermis.

Features of LPG sessions are:

  • use of disposable suits to prevent damage to the patient’s skin;
  • no pain.

The average duration of a vacuum massage session is 30–40 minutes. The minimum recommended course consists of 10 procedures performed at intervals of 1–2 days.

Body correction using an LPG device - video


A course of vibromassage can be carried out both in salons and at home. For this purpose, small compact devices, stationary or manual, are used. The essence of such procedures is that the equipment, through replaceable attachments, transmits certain vibrations to the body, the power of which can be adjusted. Some models of massagers successfully combine vibration and infrared effects. Heat rays accelerate the metabolism in body cells, the breakdown of fat deposits occurs much faster than with a regular massage.

The most common types of attachments for vibrating massagers are:

  • roller - for smoothing the surface layers of the skin;
  • finger - for breaking up subcutaneous fat tubercles;
  • ball - to eliminate old cellulite;
  • needle - for deep impact, massage of subcutaneous tissue;
  • wave (flat) – for a soft massage of a large area of ​​the body;
  • fabric - for working with sensitive, thin skin.

Hydromassage - the power of water

During hydromassage, it is not a vacuum that is used, but narrowly directed jets of water, which are supplied by a compressor under a certain pressure. This anti-cellulite massage causes pleasant sensations in patients, it has:

  • mild impact, no damage to the skin;
  • ability to relieve muscle fatigue.

Hydromassage sessions, like classic vacuum procedures, accelerate blood circulation, improve cell metabolism, and eliminate lactic acid


Pressotherapy is aimed at:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • removing excess fluid from cells;
  • breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

Before such a procedure, elastic cuffs are pulled over the patient’s body, connected by hoses to the body of the device. The essence of the procedure is that problem areas of the body are affected alternately with compressed and ordinary air.

Why is pressotherapy necessary - video

Features of classic hardware massage

  • production of “youth proteins” (elastin and collagen fibers);
  • improving blood circulation, vasodilation;
  • improving the quality of lymphatic drainage (removing excess fluid out).

As a result, the number of fat cells decreases. In addition, massage helps increase the elasticity of untrained muscles, although the use of hardware cannot completely replace a visit to the gym.

Numerous studies confirm that in 91% of cases, patients after undergoing a full course of hardware massage experienced an improvement in the appearance of the skin on the thighs and buttocks. In the age group of 25–55 years, a decrease in hip volume was also noted in 95% of cases. However, other types of cellulite treatment (diet, increased physical activity) were not used.

Some doctors firmly believe that hardware anti-cellulite procedures can replace a more radical treatment - liposuction.

Recommendations and contraindications for sessions

  • fatty “tubercles” (lumps) under the skin in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, in the worst case - the appearance of an “orange peel”;
  • heterogeneous skin density;
  • reduced joint mobility;
  • local swelling of soft tissues.

General contraindications to vacuum massage are:

  • thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • diseases of the blood, heart, vascular system;
  • persistently high blood pressure (hypertension, hypertension);
  • excessive excess weight (20 kg from the norm, taking into account age, gender, height, and more);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of various nature;
  • bearing a child;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • skin diseases (dermatoses, psoriasis, etc.);
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • the presence of tumors of various types.
  • nausea;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary organs;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before conducting a course of anti-cellulite massage, you must consult a specialist who will accurately determine the type and duration of impact on problem areas of the body.

Tips for performing massage at home

You can perform anti-cellulite hardware massage not only in clinics and beauty salons. Convenient compact massagers with various functions are produced for home use.

In order for the independent fight against cellulite to be successful, you must follow several rules:

  • the movements should be performed at a leisurely pace, without strong pressure on the body;
  • if discomfort is felt during the session, the procedure must be stopped immediately;
  • Try to relax the body muscles during a massage session;
  • Pre-clean the skin of problem areas and then lubricate them with a thin layer of non-greasy moisturizer, gel or essential oil;
  • some areas are not subject to massage at all (groin and popliteal cavities, etc.);
  • Avoid any impact on moles and papillomas, if any, on the treated area of ​​skin.

Massage movements can go in different directions:

  • clockwise - intense pressure is allowed;
  • against - only light stroking techniques are permissible.

The duration of one procedure ranges from 30 minutes to 1 hour - it depends on the stage of cellulite and the type of effect on the skin. The best time for sessions is the morning, although you can devote part of the evening to massage, 1–2 hours before bedtime.

During menstrual bleeding, women should avoid massage. In addition, the session should be 2 hours before or several hours after eating.

Ways to fight cellulite at home

To combat cellulite at home you can use:

  • special brushes;
  • regular spoons;
  • hand massagers;
  • multifunctional stationary devices.

In the initial stages of cellulite, it is necessary to start with gentle treatment methods. An ordinary brush with natural bristles and a large nickel silver spoon will be useful for this.

The brush model is selected individually, the main thing is that it has a comfortable long handle. Beginners are advised to opt for soft bristles, and then gradually move on to harder bristles. Using a dry brush, massage problem areas of the dry body daily clockwise (without cream), making 40 to 60 circular movements during one session. The full course lasts 1–2 months. If skin irritation occurs after the first session, it is recommended to take a time-out for several days. Rubbing an anti-cellulite product into the skin at the end of the sessions will help enhance the effect.

Brush massage can be alternated with scrubbing. To do this, once a week, instead of a massage, the skin of the problem area is exfoliated using coffee grounds.

Massage with a cupronickel spoon, or the Koch technique, is also suitable for eliminating cellulite in the initial stage. The massage rules are similar to using a brush.

Massage with a brush from 52-year-old supermodel Elle Macpherson - video

Hand-held and stationary massagers for home use are now offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. They differ in cost, number and type of attachments, power, intensity and depth of impact on problem areas of the skin.

The choice of anti-cellulite massager model is approached individually. However, it is necessary to remember the influence of vibrations on the internal organs of the peritoneum, etc. Abuse of vibration massage can lead to negative changes in the body (prolapse of the uterus, etc.).

Vibrating massager for home - video

Side effects and possible consequences of anti-cellulite massage

Specialists in hardware massage note that after the first few sessions, people with untrained, flabby muscles feel slight soreness in the area where the skin was applied. Usually, unpleasant sensations disappear by the 3-4th procedure, i.e. after 3-4 days. It is also possible that slight redness of the skin may occur immediately after the massage session. It is caused by the dilation of blood vessels located shallow under the skin. After 30–60 minutes, the skin returns to its normal shade.

Among the possible consequences of vacuum anti-cellulite massage are:

  • pronounced painful sensations;
  • the appearance of bruises or bleeding;
  • local change in skin color (hyperemia).

The reason for this is the incorrectly selected force of action of the suction cups or the wrong technique.

In very rare cases, the consequence of anti-cellulite massage is an allergic reaction caused by individual intolerance to the components of the emollient. However, almost all modern gels and ointments used for hardware procedures in the salon are hypoallergenic.

Similarities and differences between manual and machine massage

There are many similarities between manual and hardware massage:

  • both types of procedures are aimed at improving the appearance of the body's skin;
  • in both cases it is possible to adjust the depth of exposure and pressure;
  • The effectiveness of the course of procedures is high, the positive results last for a long time.

Performing sessions manually requires highly qualified and sensitive hands of a massage therapist. In the hardware method, these parameters are preset in the program, so it is impossible to quickly change them in the middle of a session.

There are also fundamental differences between the two massage methods. Swelling of the soft tissues does not allow for a vacuum procedure, since hematomas (bruises) form at the site of contact of the suction cups with the body. But lymphatic drainage, performed manually, helps remove accumulated fluid out and reduce swelling in size.

In addition, the machine does not feel tired, it is ready to work for a long time in intensive mode. Unlike machines, massage therapists need rest between sessions.

The biggest difference between manual and hardware massage is the depth of impact on soft tissues. Modern models of equipment significantly benefit compared to the hands of a specialist.

The patient’s sensations during manual and hardware massage are also different. Here everyone is guided by their own preferences. By hand, you can lightly knead the skin fold with girth. This is the only technique that devices have not yet “learned” how to do.

Classic anti-cellulite massage, performed manually, can be combined with other similar procedures (honey massage, etc.). In contrast, vacuum treatment cannot be combined with spa sessions. Otherwise, bruises form on the body, damage to blood vessels and capillaries occurs, which are subsequently very difficult to restore.
