Beryl what stones belong to it. Healing and healing properties of beryl

The name comes from the Greek "beryllos" - beryl; the name of the precious stones that the ancient Romans polished to obtain visual glasses; hence the German name for glasses (Brille)

The English name for the mineral is Beryl

Synonyms: Belir, veryllos (old Russian names), verliy; pseudo-emerald - pseudosmaragd - the name proposed by Berzellius for an altered mineral from Körarfvet, Falun, Sweden (according to Dana).

Blue beryl. Sherlova Gora deposit. Transbaikalia

Crystallographic characteristic

Syngony. Hex L 6 6L 2 7PC.

Symmetry class. Dihexagonal bipyramidal - 6/mmm. Axis ratio. c/a=0.4989.

Crystal structure

A characteristic element of the structure are rings of six silicon-oxygen tetrahedra, which are arranged parallel (0001) one above the other at a distance of s/2 and rotated relative to each other around the L 6 axis by 25°. The centers of the rings are located on the gear axis, due to which the structure has channels with a diameter of 2.5 to 5 A. The rings are held together by octahedrons, each of which has Al atoms in the center, and somewhat distorted tetrahedra with Be in the center. The Al and Be atoms are located at the 3c/4 and c/4 levels, respectively, and closely bind the ring radicals into a common strong backbone.

The channels in the beryl structure are often filled with alkali metal ions (except for Li). There are two main orientational types of water, directly dependent on the content of large compensator ions. Water molecules are located in the center of the channels and directly interact with their protons with unsaturated anions of the silicon oxygen radical, which, along with the entry into the Cs, Rb, K, Na channels, leads to the restoration of the electrostatic balance of the structure. The reason for the deficit of positive charges may be the replacement of beryllium with lithium and aluminum with magnesium and iron. In addition, the channels contain inert gases. The value of c0 depends on the manifestation of isomorphic substitutions in Be-tetrahedra, and 0 - on the average radius of octahedral cations. The entry into the beryl lattice of alkalis (mainly Li), according to Sosedko and Frank-Kamenetsky, causes a change in the parameters of its cell; while c0 changes more than a 0 .

Form of being in nature

Crystal Shape. The crystals are mostly prismatic, hexagonal in cross section. The faces of the prism (1010) and the pinacoid (0001) are most often developed; the faces of the dipyramids (1011) and (1121) are much rarer. There are pyramidal crystals, expanded from one

nca and narrowed to another, cone-shaped, fusiform. The shape of the crystals varies depending on the chemical composition of the mineral and on the conditions of its formation. Long-prismatic crystals are most characteristic of non-alkaline, and short-prismatic - for alkaline varieties. Cone-shaped, thick-prismatic crystals, as well as crystals with a very short prism, are characteristic of pegmatite veins. Long prismatic to acicular are more typical of hydrothermal deposits; fine-grained aggregates, skeletal and sheath-shaped crystals - for metasomatic formations. The cross-sectional shape of a prismatic beryl crystal can change from one end to the other. The faces of the prism of alkali-free varieties usually have a coarse vertical shading; alkaline varieties have no hatching on the faces of prisms, they are smooth and shiny. Forms of growth on the faces of prisms (1010) are represented by protrusion strokes of different widths and thicknesses and hexagonal layered protrusions with uneven contours; dislocation growth structures are also noted.

According to the nature of the development, the figures of natural etching and dissolution on the faces of beryl crystals of different genetic types are not equivalent. In beryls from pegmatite burrows on the (0001) faces, these are pyramidal and dipyramidal depressions, in plan having the shape of a hexagon, rhombus, trapezoid or triangle. On the faces of the prisms, only pyramidal depressions are noted. Figures of more intense etching-dissolution on the faces of prisms represent rectangular depressions; the surfaces of the faces bear a tiled columnar pattern, the edges of the prisms are rounded, the crystals become curved spear-shaped, and then fusiform or needle-shaped. Partial dissolution of crystals leads to the appearance of peculiar cone-shaped formations (funnel) with different angles of inclination relative to the axes and up to 70°. Dissolution channels with a five-sided mouth are also described. There are also fine-fibered crystals, abounding with longitudinal vertical channels with a cross section of 0.12-0.004 mm or less and 2-10-5 cm.

The nature of the microrelief of beryl may reflect the conditions of its formation and be a typomorphic feature. With the help of micromorphological studies, for example, the metasomatic genesis of emerald in mica and other reactionary rocks has been proved. In addition, the micromorphological study of beryls is of practical importance, which makes it possible to distinguish natural precious beryls from artificial ones.

Beryl crystals sometimes reach very large sizes. So, in Brazil, on the river. Mukuri, near Marambaya, on March 28, 1910, a greenish-blue broken crystal was found measuring 48.3 cm in length and 41 cm in diameter, weighing 110.2 kg. This crystal was completely transparent. Later, a crystal ‘22 X14 cm, weighing 5.4 kg was found here. Academician A.E. Fersman pointed out that in the pegmatite veins of the state of Connecticut (USA), beryls 67 g feet (about 2 m) long were described, and in the province of Galicia in Spain, jambs for doors were made from beryl crystals. In Madagascar, pink morganites were found, from which faceted stones weighing over 500 carats were obtained.

Beryl twins

Twins are rare and poorly understood. A twin according to (4041) is known, as well as twins of germination along (3141) with an angle of about 47° between the axes L 6 of both individuals and along (1121) with mutually perpendicular prisms of both crystals. Abnormally biaxial beryls are pseudomonoclinic, sometimes considered as the result of twinning of three or six rhombic individuals like aragonite (Vinchel, 1953). Regular intergrowths with quartz are noted.

Physical Properties


Snow white, greenish, greenish white, yellow, yellowish green, light blue, dark blue, greenish blue (aquamarine), cobalt blue (mahihe-beryl), bright green, emerald green (emerald), golden ( heliodor), pink (rosterite), colorless, smoky, dark brown, crimson, orange, crimson red. Sodium and lithium-sodium beryls are usually light greenish or white. As the lithium content increases, the color brightens, a barely noticeable pinkish tint appears; with increasing cesium content, beryls become pale pink, pink, hot pink, carnation red.
The color of yellow, blue and green varieties is presumably due to the quantitative ratios of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ , which replace Al. The green color of the emerald is caused by Cr 3+ , V, Fe. According to Borovik, an increased content of Sc increases the color intensity of aquamarine. The crimson color is due to Mn. Smoky coloration is caused by prolonged exposure to radioactive radiation. The dark brown color may be due to inclusions of rutile and muscovite. The blue color of mahihe-beryls from Brazil, which disappears when they are heated and exposed to the sun, is due to defects in the crystal lattice. The pink coloration is also caused by lattice defects associated with high alkali content, especially Cs and Li. Prolonged exposure to X-rays of pale blue beryl changes its color to green, colorless. beryl under this irradiation becomes pale brown.
Known crystals with a zonal color distribution both across and along the axis L 6 . The appearance of a banded (transverse) color, as shown by Matveev's studies, is not associated with a change in the composition of beryl; it manifests itself in the form of thin stripes parallel to the basis with different shades of the same color, but of different intensity or with slightly different shades.

  • The feature is missing. The powder is white.
  • Glass luster.
  • Ebb to oily (resinous). An iridescent sheen (“cat's eye”) and asterism are observed, due to the oriented arrangement of inclusions of rutile, muscovite, ilmenite, tabular pyrrhotite, quartz, epidote, apatite, pyrite.
  • Transparency. Transparent, translucent to opaque.


  • Hardness 7.5-8. Transparent beryls, regardless of composition and color, have greater hardness than translucent and opaque, which is explained by the abundance of solid and gas-liquid inclusions in the latter.
  • Density from 2.6 to 2.9. There is a direct relationship between density and alkali content and with changes in light refraction. Density also depends on the presence of gas-liquid inclusions
  • Cleavage according to (0001) imperfect to perfect (possibly corresponding separately), according to (1010) imperfect.
  • The fracture is conchoidal and uneven.

Chemical properties

Acids, with the exception of hydrofluoric, do not work. With borax gives a transparent colorless glass; emerald - pale green pearl (chromium). For quick diagnosis, a reaction with quinalizarin is used (the surface of beryl crystals turns blue).

Beryl - diagnostic signs

similar minerals. Apatite, topaz, tourmaline, quartz, chrysoberyl, prehnite, fluorite.

It differs from apatite macroscopically by greater hardness, under a microscope - by lower refractive indices. Beryl in the form of white granular aggregates differs from fine-grained albite in the absence of cleavage, translucency of grains, and a characteristic greasy luster. Beryl differs from topaz by the absence of perfect cleavage, from tourmaline - in most cases by color, hexagonal cross section, under a microscope - by low birefringence. It differs from similar segregations of milarite and quartz by higher refractive indices, and from quartz by higher density and optical sign. Natural crystals differ from artificially grown microsculpture faces, the composition of mineral inclusions, etc.

Associated minerals. Feldspar, biotite, muscovite, quartz, topaz, tourmaline, cassiterite, etc.

Mineral change

Under the action of hydrothermal solutions, it corrodes, dissolves, redeposits and is replaced by other minerals. “Semi-dissolved crystals” are described, which are fragile intergrowths of thin skeletal needles (remains from the dissolution of a large crystal) and “sucked” crystals with cone-shaped etching figures. There are cavities in quartz that have arisen due to the complete leaching of beryl. In some voids among the aggregates of clevelandite, acicular relict beryl crystals are covered with herderite crystals. The dissolution of beryl occurs presumably when it is exposed to fluorine or alkaline solutions. The substitution of beryl individuals by pairs of minerals was noted: albite and phenakite, phenakite and muscovite (or chlorite), phenakite and microcline, phenakite and orthoclase, bertrandite and muscovite. In the Yveland deposit (Norway), beryl is replaced by bertrandite, muscovite, and euclase. In Alto do Guise (Brazil), beryl pseudomorphs of hydrothermal kaolinite were found. In Vezhna (Czech Republic), milarite or milarite with epididymite, as well as bavenite or bavenite, and bertrandite are developed after beryl. Pseudomorphoses after beryl of bavenite and beryllium-containing microcline are known.
In experimental studies in various fluoride, fluoride-carbonate hydrothermal systems, the dissolution of beryl is accompanied by the formation of quartz, bertrandite, and albite. In fluorine-carbonate-boron solutions at 500°, beryl dissolves and is replaced by chiolite, cryolite, topaz, phenakite, beryllium phase "X". In alkaline boron solutions, beryl decomposes with the formation of albite and bromellite; according to Emelyanova et al., under comparable conditions, beryl is replaced by albite, nepheline, and cancrinite.

When beryl is exposed to NaOH solutions of different concentrations, the predominant newly formed phase is chkalovite, the secondary products include bertrandite, bavenite, milarite, cancrinite, trimerite, albite, cristobalite, phenakite, bromellite, chalcedony. Beryl is stable in the zone of hypergenesis.

Practical use

The ore of one of the lightest metals is beryllium, which is significantly lighter than aluminum; finds versatile application as an alloying metal (beryllium steel, material for spacecraft). Transparent color differences, emerald green and pink, are used as gemstones.

Beryl includes a group of famous minerals. Emerald, aquamarine and many other varieties are popular all over the world. All crystals share a similar chemical structure.

The first mention of the stone is 300 BC. e. in the works of the scientist Theophrastus, who was a student of Aristotle and Plato. Already in those days, beryl was used as an ornamental stone. Archaeologists have found a gem necklace made much earlier than this date.

Scientists have not come to a consensus about the origin of the name beryl. There are several popular versions:

  • from the Sanskrit word vidala - cat;
  • in Latin and Greek from the word vaidurya - "very far";
  • from the German brille - glasses.

Beryl is formed in granitic pegmatites, skarns, and in hydrothermal vents. Often, other stones are also mined next to beryl: topaz, feldspar, morion, etc.


Gems of extraordinary beauty are mined in Namibia. Several more large African deposits are known in Zimbabwe, Botswana and Madagascar. Many jewelry and collectible gems were found in Brazil. The sizes of minerals sometimes reach 70 cm.

In America, deposits of polychrome and rare pink crystals have been discovered. Specimens larger than 5 cm are mined in India. Some of the most spectacular crystals up to 35 cm are found in large quantities in Ukraine. In Russia, mining is carried out in Transbaikalia and the Urals.

Physicochemical properties

Beryl belongs to the class of silicates, a subclass of island silicates. Differs in nonmetallic gloss and considerable hardness. Outwardly, beryl is similar to topaz, the difference is the absence of cleavage.

Index Characteristic
Chemical formula Al2(Be3)
Shine Glass
Mohs hardness 7,5–8
Specific gravity 2.6–2.9 g/cm3
Colors Green, yellow, blue, red, white, colorless
Transparency Transparent
Syngony Hexagonal
Dash color White
Density 2.6-2.9 g/cm³
kink conchoidal
fragility Fragile

The weight of one crystal can reach several tens of kilograms. The color of beryl depends on impurities.


Beryl of high quality is divided into groups depending on the color. All crystals have their own names.

It has the highest cost among beryl. The gemstone is valued for the purity of the green stone and the absence of defects. The shade of the mineral depends on the deposit. The color range is extensive, it captures all shades of green.

The most popular specimen is bright green grassy. Samples of deep dark green color are in great demand. They have a high price, capable of including as many shades as possible.

Beryl stone is the common name for a whole group of precious and semi-precious stones used in the jewelry industry. This name is used in two meanings: in the first it is the designation of a class of gems of the same origin and related chemical composition, in the second - the name of a specific natural stone of yellow-golden color.

History and origins

The mineral beryl is one of those that caused difficulty in recognition for people of antiquity. In the Middle East, in the cradle of Western civilization, it has been known for a very long time - about 6 thousand years. The tombs of some Egyptian pharaohs were decorated with beryl products from the inside. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians mined some varieties of beryl, such as yellow beryl, but the location of the mines is now forgotten. Modern African deposits of this stone would have been inaccessible to the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt due to their territorial remoteness. They are in South Africa.

Popular rumor connects the beryl mines with Queen Cleopatra, but the details have not reached us.

This stone was also known in ancient, pre-Aryan India. The modern name "beryl" is erected by most scientists to the Dravidian language and identified with the Indian city of Belur. From the Dravidian language, it passed into Sanskrit, and from there into the languages ​​​​of the Indo-Aryan group, common in Europe. The name of the stone acquired the form beryllus in Greek, from there it migrated to Latin. It literally means "expensive blue-green stone." From the Latin language, the word got into the later Romance, and from them - in particular, into the Russian language. Interestingly, "beryl" and "diamond" are related words, coming from the same root, meaning "to shine, brilliant."

The ancient Greeks and Egyptians called "beryllos" any transparent hard stone of a greenish or blue color. Not being able to establish the exact physical and chemical properties of the stone, they could call green stones both beryl and chrysolite, although in fact they could be specimens, for example, chrysoprase. Transparent types of beryl were identified with quartz and so on.

Beryl (it is not known what variety) was one of the stones with which the breastplate of the Jewish high priest was decorated.

Currently, jewelers call beryl only yellow or golden transparent crystals of a certain chemical composition. There is also base beryl, it is a raw material for obtaining beryllium metal, the price of which is high.

Noble beryl is a gemstone of the I group of the II order according to the classification of Fersman - Bauer. Considered a gem. The cost of yellow beryl is only slightly lower than that of emerald, its relative. Some subspecies of this mineral are so rare that they exceed the price of diamonds.

Physicochemical properties

Without exception, all minerals of the beryllium group are a complex compound of beryllium oxide, aluminum oxide and silicon dioxide with a percentage predominance of the latter. As impurities, they may contain iron, manganese, in small quantities - uranium and other metals, which act as chromatophores that provide the color of the stone.

This is a hard gem - from 7.5 to 8 units on the Mohs scale. It is on the same level as topaz, second only to diamond - 10 units, and corundum - 9. Luster - glass. Noble beryl is characterized by transparency, industrial - opaque, has a white or grayish color.

Resistant to caustic acids and alkalis. Melts at very high temperatures.

Mining sites

Beryl deposits are found in pegmatite rocks, in particular granites, as well as in rocks containing quartz, its derivatives and mica. This mineral often accompanies rock crystal, morion, topaz and feldspars.

The jewelry variety of beryl is mined in Russia on the Ilmensky Range (part of the Urals, near Miass), in the Murzinka and Shaitanka deposits, in the emerald mines of the Tokovaya River, and also in pegmatites of the eastern part of the Kola Peninsula. In other countries, mining is carried out: in India - the district of Coimbatore, in Brazil - Minas Gerais, in Colombia. On the African continent, there are deposits in the South African states of Mozambique and Namibia. Some particularly rare varieties have been mined in the United States of America, but have now ceased to be mined.

Industrial beryl is mined in France, Germany, Sweden and Ukraine.

In nature, there are both individual crystals and druses of this stone. They can reach large sizes. It is theoretically possible to detect a crystal weighing several kilograms, although the probability of this is extremely small.

Varieties and colors

There are a large number of colors and shades of beryl, many of which have their own names and are considered separate gems. The most famous of them:

  1. Emerald. Precious stone of the 1st order, equal in class to diamond, blue sapphire and alexandrite. Intense green color, the shade of the stone can be from grassy to light green. The brighter the copy, the more expensive it is.


  2. Aquamarine - transparent, bluish-blue, like the southern sky. Shades of green are possible. A precious stone of the II order, comparable in value to topaz, noble opal and zircon.

  3. Noble beryl, it is also light green, yellowish or colorless, slightly colored. II order in value.

  4. Sparrow, aka morganite - pink or reddish, sometimes red-orange.

  5. Heliodor - golden.

  6. Bixbit - "red emerald". Extremely rare, the price is set individually for each processed copy.

    "Red Emerald"

  7. Augustite, he is maxis - dark blue. Rare.

  8. Bazzite - light blue.

  9. Goshenite is transparent, colorless.

The rarest are red and pink beryls. Bixbite, for example, was found only in one place on the planet, located in the United States. Now this mine is flooded, and the extraction of the "red emerald" has been stopped. About 3,500 faceted bixbeats have survived, each of which is literally priceless - you can’t set a market price for it, you can only sell it at auction. All bixbeats are kept either in museums or by private collectors.

Blue stones are also subject to individual evaluation.

The average cost of an emerald (depending on quality) is up to $8,000, aquamarine and chrysoberyl - $1,500–2,500, heliodor costs $800 per carat. But the price fluctuates depending on market conditions.

Fake diamond

During the 20th century, in different countries of Europe, as well as in the USSR, they repeatedly tried to synthesize beryl, but did not achieve much success. The synthetic crystals obtained as a result of the experiments differed from natural stone either in physical properties - hardness, refractive indices of light, density - or in chemical composition. Composites obtained in 1960 in Austria had the greatest similarity with true beryl. They had a base of ordinary transparent beryl, on which layers of synthetic emerald were built up.

At the moment, there are no synthetic gems of this group that can deceive a professional jeweler. But research and experimentation in this area continues.

Medicinal properties

Please note: hereinafter, we will mean ordinary noble beryl - a golden-greenish, fairly common subspecies of the mineral. The fact is that the healing and magical properties of different beryls are different, and each type should be considered from the point of view of lithotherapy, magic and astrology as an independent mineral.

This gem has the following meaning for a person: it affects the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra. This means the impact primarily on the organs located in the chest and in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. Among them:

  • lungs;
  • a heart;
  • organs of the digestive system - esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen.

A greenish-yellow stone will relieve you of colds, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, help calm the heart during arrhythmia, and normalize blood pressure. He will make sure that the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are in order, put metabolic processes (metabolism) in order, and alleviate pain in the thoracic spine.

There is evidence that beryl is useful for women with various gynecological pathologies. The energy of the stone is a receptive yin, just female.

magical properties

The main magical property of the stone is to ensure the outflow of negative energy from the human body and attract positive energy. Beryl plays the role of a kind of energy pump combined with a filter, so its magic sharpens the mind, gives clarity to consciousness and relieves chronic fatigue syndrome.

Beryl is suitable for people who are actively engaged in mental work. It will help them not to burn out, will give strength to complete all the tasks on time, while avoiding mistakes. Beryl jewelry can be used as a good luck charm for prosecutors and lawyers, as well as employees of the legal departments of large corporations who often have to represent their companies in court, as this gem brings good luck in litigation.

Products from this stone are good amulets for the home and family hearth. They keep the family from any internal problems - scandals, betrayals, mutual misunderstanding.

Zodiac Compatibility

Golden beryl belongs to the element of Air and is associated with Gemini according to the sign of the zodiac. Amulets and talismans with it can be worn by Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer.

The stone will not fit the fire and earth signs according to the horoscope, especially Virgo, Aries and Leo.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion-

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - categorically contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

Since this is a stone of Air, the optimal neighbors for it are one-elemental ones. These include:

  • all relatives of beryl, except emerald and heliodor;
  • demantoid;
  • uvarovite;
  • rhinestone;
  • rauchtopaz (except morion);
  • citrine;
  • blue chalcedony;
  • amethyst;
  • tourmaline;
  • topaz.

The stone goes well with Fire, to which its subspecies belongs - heliodor, as well as garnets, rubies and diamonds. In relation to the Earth - and these are all opaque stones, such as jasper, turquoise, malachite, chalcedony, jadeite, obsidian and others - beryl is neutral.

But you should not combine it with "water" counterparts - emerald and aquamarine, as well as with any other Water stones:

  • noble opal;
  • moonstone;
  • pearls;
  • alexandrite;
  • euclase.

He does not like the company of sapphire either.

Application area

All subspecies of noble beryl are used for inserts into jewelry made of precious metals - silver, gold, platinum. The choice of a specific metal depends on the stone - emeralds are set in gold, aquamarines look good in silver.

Here the rule applies: the more expensive the stone itself, the more expensive the metal of the frame. The emerald is the most popular - any jewelry is produced with it.

Golden beryl is used to inlay luxury items: church utensils, expensive wall decorations, and so on. Small figurines are cut out of large crystals - up to chess pieces.

How to recognize a fake

Despite the fact that there are no officially synthetic beryls on the market, their similarities can be grown in laboratories. With a high degree of probability, it is possible to distinguish a fake only with the help of a professional jeweler or an employee of the assay office who has special tools.

On your own in a store, you can only identify the simplest fake made of glass or cheap stone covered with a colored film. Beryl is harder than glass and can scratch it. If you buy a crystal without a frame, then look at it with a magnifying glass: if there are even the slightest defects - cracks, chips, air bubbles - then the gem is real. Fakes are always perfect.

Ask the seller if it is possible to test the stone for hardness. If yes - this is already a sign of quality, if not - definitely a fake. If you suspect that the crystal is tinted with a bright film, carefully scratch it with the tip of a knife or key. You cannot scratch a real crystal of beryl, emerald, aquamarine in this way.

But to determine a fake made of expensive and cheap stone glued together (expensive from above) will be able only in the laboratory.

How to wear and care

There are no special rules for wearing and caring for this mineral. Beryl is durable, resistant to alkalis and acids. It can be washed with any means from the arsenal of household chemicals, except for the most caustic ones. A 10% ammonia solution is recommended.

Store jewelry with a stone separately from the rest, in individual packaging. While wearing, you should only avoid strong blows, as the stone is fragile and can crack.

Time to buy

The best time to purchase beryl, according to the "calendar of stones" of the German Archbishop Marbrod of the Rhine, is the middle and end of autumn - October and November.

At this moment, the so-called “break of the year” falls, during which beryl receives a special power.

Beryl, in itself, does not belong to the first class of precious stones, unlike aquamarine and emerald, which fascinate with their uniqueness and magnificence. This fossil was already written about in manuscripts, and amulets and amulets inlaid with processed materials are often studied by historians.

Beryl: description and meaning of the stone

The gem has been known since ancient Greece. It was then that he was given a name, and at that time it was most likely something else: the Greeks called any transparent green stone that way - the nuances were not taken into account then. The correct value has not been preserved.

History and origin of beryl

The first mentions date back to 300 BC, but even earlier, in ancient Egypt, it was mined in the Namibian desert (now this place is known as "Cleopatra's Mines"). The booty was sold by transporting it to the southern countries along several seas - such as India and Persia.

Gem deposits are either pegmatite veins (narrow cavities in mountain ranges), or placers that appear on the site of already destroyed mountains (only in a rounded state). The scale is always different: there are both massive and tiny monoliths. So, for example, in Madagascar, 380 tons of gems were once found, enclosed in an 18-meter monolith.

Beryl deposits

The gem is mined all over the world, but Brazil brings the most production. There are large deposits in America, Argentina, France, Canada and Germany.

It is also mined in Russia: in the time of Peter I, attention was paid to the Ural deposits (jasper, rhodonite, malachite are also obtained there to this day). It was there that in 1828 a rare yellow gem was discovered, weighing 2.5 kg. Now it is one of the exhibits of the St. Petersburg Museum of the Mining Institute. Crystals are also mined in Siberia and beyond Baikal, although in the last ten years the number has decreased.

What does beryl look like?

The gem does not have an unusual appearance, it is translucent. It does not have a clearly defined color, and often does not even have a significant jewelry value. At the same time, it has asterism (when illuminated, a six-pointed star appears on the surface) and iridescence (after polishing, or in bright light, a rainbow is reflected - otherwise the phenomenon is called a cat's eye).

Physical Properties

From the point of view of physics, it is an aluminosilicate. It is from it that the beryllium used in industry is isolated. Sometimes inclusions of sodium, lithium, rubidium, iron, magnesium, cesium, manganese, helium and water are found in crystals. Less often - chromium, scandium and calcium. All of them to some extent affect the properties, weight and color.

The crystal lattice is an island structure (annular). Crystals are prisms with 6 regular shape angles, arranged singly (sometimes - in parallel or in the form of rays). They have a glassy sheen.

  • The refractive index is 1.5-1.6.
  • Hardness - 7.5-8 (Mohs).
  • Density - 2.75.
  • It does not split along the planes. Very fragile.

The magical properties of beryl

According to esotericism, any product from this fossil is capable of:

  • symbolize friendship;
  • cope with difficulties on the “personal front”, maintain the warmth of the family hearth;
  • protect households from negativity;
  • to give the owner sociability and improve mood, calm the nerves;
  • surround the wearer with an aura of invincibility and irresistibility;
  • get rid of laziness;
  • help to think more critically and make more informed, thoughtful decisions;
  • clarify thoughts.

Healing and healing properties of beryl

If you turn to the old scrolls on astrology, you can find a lot of evidence that the use of material in medicine helps to fight various diseases.

For example, morganite helps against:

  • colds, coughs, runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • pain in the spine, coccyx, spinal joints.

Heliodor is effective against:

  • inflammation of the digestive and excretory systems - in the liver, pancreas and spleen;
  • tachycardia.

Emerald is able to heal:

  • disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • eye strain;
  • insomnia;
  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

Aquamarine helps to get rid of:

  • phobias, stress;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • inflammation of the gums and nerve canals in the teeth;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • allergies;
  • sea ​​sickness.

In general, it supports immunity and restores lost health. Already in antiquity, it was used as a means of traditional medicine for chronic processes in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In Babylon, they were treated for hepatitis and malignant tumors in the kidneys.

For a very long time, there was a belief that to heal an internal organ, it was enough to direct a beam of light refracted through this mineral to it.

Beryl products

Crystals are quickly processed and cut, and jewelry is a huge success with women and some men - a ring in a gold or silver frame, beads, a bracelet, earrings, even costume jewelry. Any purchased jewelry can be combined with expensive fabric and pick up a stylish, elegant look.

Beryl Jewelry

Due to the variety of shades, the jewelry sells very well. It is combined with other jewelry: pearls, citrine, topaz and even a diamond. The assortment will always help you choose exactly what will perfectly emphasize the color of the eyes and the elegance of the chosen outfit. In addition, they act as protective amulets and bring good luck.


Astrologers believe that the mineral symbolizes Venus, the Moon and Pluto. When a crafted gem is inserted into a gold frame, the wearer acquires a useful connection that positively affects his thinking abilities. This was once successfully used by orators, publicists, rhetoricians and philosophers.

Aquamarine amulets can often be found among sailors. Brooches, rings, pendants protect them and inspire faith in a speedy return home.

Radiant heliodor always improves mood, gives joy and puts thoughts in order.

According to legend, emeralds attract wealth, and also teach the wearer to make wise, informed decisions.


Although crystals are very hard, they are easy to process, so even in ancient times they were often used to make amulets. Figures of birds, animals and insects were carved from it.

The scarab could open the owner's third eye and enable them to see the future clearly. A figurine of a frog could be presented as a sign of friendly disposition. Former enemies exchanged them, marking reconciliation.

Colors and shades of beryl

Colors include almost the entire spectrum. What color the material will be depends on the impurities of other chemical elements - hence the varieties are taken. Sometimes the colors are unevenly applied to the surface: in this case, they say that the crystal is colored in zones.

Aquamarine (blue)

Aquamarines are in many ways reminiscent of the sea surface, and therefore their shades vary from light blue to dark blue. This happens due to iron ions. The coloration is uniform, but there is also zoning. There are both small ones (they do not have special value) and large ones.

Bazzite (blue)

Saturation is weak, and therefore processed very rarely. Contains scandium.

Mashishé (dense blue)

Produced in Brazil, named after the city near which it was first discovered. It fades quickly and is therefore not of high value. Processing work is practically not carried out.

Heliodor (yellow)

It got its name from the Greek language, in which "helios" means the sun. "Heliodor" can be translated as "gift of the sun". Even tiny minerals reflect light and sparkle. If it is heated to 400 °, it will turn blue. The spectrum of shades is widened due to small impurities of iron and uranium penetrating into the lattice through ore deposits.

Emerald (green beryl)

Saturated green is obtained from impurities of chromium and vanadium, sometimes there is a zonal color - the gradient is superimposed either along the main axis of the monolith, or stretches from the center to the periphery. Physical properties differ depending on the genetic type of deposits. In a rare case, it can cost even more than a diamond.

Bixbit (red)

A very rare fossil, which is also reflected in the cost: more than 15,000 rubles can be paid for one carat. In saturation, it can even compete with emerald. There are almost no deposits of bixbite - and what is, from time to time is flooded with groundwater.

Vorobevit, morganite (pink)

There are impurities of manganese, lithium, cesium and rubidium - it is to these elements that sparrowite owes its rich palette. Crystals softly shine, they are transparent. The largest deposits are in Madagascar, but, in general, are rare.

Pezzoatite (hot pink)

Like sparrow, it is mined in Madagascar. It struck the researchers with its brightness and brilliance, achieved, apparently, due to the high content of cesium.

Rosterite (colorless, bright pink)

Unlike other varieties, rosterite has massive inclusions of alkalis. It costs about the same as goshenite.

Goshenite (white or colorless)

Discoloration due to lithium and sodium. Faceted goshenite vaguely resembles a diamond, but with a weakened luster, and has practically no jewelry value. If used, then for strict, restrained headsets that do not shine in the light and do not scatter rainbow sparks around them.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

The mineral has the most influence on Gemini, Libra and Scorpio.

For those Gemini who do not like to sit still, the mineral will give self-confidence and help in achieving the main goals. Any started business will not remain abandoned halfway, and the result will always exceed expectations.

Libra mineral helps not to lose heart when it seems that everything around is set against them. Gloominess, depressive moods, melancholy - energy will help get rid of them. Like Gemini, she can give more self-confidence, exterminate laziness and weak will, as well as make new friends and restore lost relationships.

For Scorpions, the mineral will be indispensable for managing their own anger. He will remind you of the most important thing in life, and direct the flow of thought in a more positive direction. Scorpions wearing beryl amulets become more caring, acquire an iron will, a strong character and some invulnerability.

If representatives of these signs wear jewelry with this stone for a long time, wisdom, glory and approval of others will come to them. Such energy is able to protect the financial situation and even attract patrons.

How to distinguish natural beryl from a fake?

A specialist gemologist will not spend much time trying to distinguish a fake from an original. It's all about the inclusions that are found exclusively in this form. The surface must be examined under a microscope to draw a conclusion.

There is an imitation of a green gem made of diopside, it is called "Siberian emerald". Their only difference is in hardness (6 for diopside and 7.5 for emerald). Sometimes a dark green plastic film is applied to cheap fossils of natural origin. You can see this by carefully examining the product under a magnifying glass.

Beryl Care

The rules of care are simple. How to care for him? It’s worth starting with the fact that this is a fragile mineral, and therefore you need to be careful with it. Any careless movement, carelessness will lead to cracks and scratches. It is better not to store light minerals in bright light: this can discolor them.

If there is a gold frame that has lost its luster, you can wipe it with ammonia diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and soap that does not contain dyes (so that there are no traces of paint left).

How to clean silver? Simple baking soda will work for this as well. After cleaning, it is washed in water and dried.

Stone price: how much is beryl worth?

The cost of beryl jewelry varies depending on various factors: for example, weight, transparency. Color is also of great importance.

The most expensive stones do not have any impurities or cracks, and retain their original, clean appearance. When evaluating, both the frame and the number of facets that can reflect light are taken into account. Prices ranging from pendants to large earrings range from 2000 to 20000.

Where could I buy?

You can buy precious items in any jewelry store. Jewelry of various types and styles are very popular, and therefore they have a very flexible pricing policy, and everyone can find something for their pocket.

Not only scientists, archaeologists, but also ordinary people have always been attracted to stones. Beryl is one of the few minerals that is credited with numerous healing and magical properties. The name of the stone comes from the ancient Greek "beryllos", but the exact translation and meaning have been lost for centuries. Let's learn more about such a mineral as beryl. A stone whose properties are so popular cannot be left without attention.

A little about the mineral itself

An interesting fact is that in its pure form, the stone does not have any color, but they get one or another shade due to impurities (magnesium, iron, chromium, manganese). The result is amazingly beautiful stones. Beryl can be completely colorless, and bluish, and golden, and dark green, and red-pink. In nature, it is most often a hexagonal translucent or completely transparent gem. It is thanks to its even and regular shape that beryl has long been loved by people. The stone, whose properties are being studied to this day, is one of the most durable and strong minerals. An interesting fact: the largest stone weighing 61 tons and 8.5 m long was found in the USA. And the most famous varieties of the mineral are blue aquamarine and green emerald. The largest deposits of stone are in Russia, Ukraine, India, Kazakhstan, USA, Greenland, Brazil.

Beryl in ancient times

Blue beryl is a stone that was more valued during that period. It was believed that only he could bring happiness to a person. Even Theophrastus already mentions this magnificent gem. The very same word "beryl" was then used to refer to any light green stone. Even then, the healers were sure that the presence of beryl in the ring would avoid such an ailment as prolapse of the uterus. If you wear it in earrings, you can forget forever about a toothache or headache. The value of the beryl stone was enormous for all women. They sought to get bracelets with him, because it was believed that this would protect against diseases of the ovaries and uterus.

What do they say in the East today?

The precious stone beryl in the East is considered to be the mineral that is able to turn negative energy into positive, and vice versa. Gems are still called there “minerals of peace of mind”. Stones help a person avoid overwork, maintain peace of mind, be calm, think clearly and adequately assess any situation. These stones are also advised to be worn by lazy people and workaholics. The stone is considered so strong that it must be worn when there is a threat of family breakup, bankruptcy, and dismissal.

Varieties of the mineral

Precious and semi-precious stones are numerous and varied. Beryl, as you understand, is a generalized name, and depending on the impurity, we get one or another gem. What are the varieties of beryl?

  1. Emerald. The most expensive and refined type of beryl. As a rule, it is green, but the color may vary depending on the place where the stone was mined.
  2. Aquamarine. The hue can vary from pale blue to deep blue. If the weight of a stone is less than 3 carats, then it is not of particular value, but large stones are a real find for jewelers.
  3. Morganite. An exceptionally rare and expensive gem that has a huge number of shades of red.
  4. Heliodor. These are light green stones with a rich golden sheen. Beryl of this variety turns from gold to blue when heated to 400 degrees.
  5. Mashish. The stone is so named after the Brazilian city near which it was found. Similar in properties to augustite, but fades faster.
  6. Rosterite. The stone can be colorless or bright pink. It differs from other varieties by a high content of alkali metals.
  7. Augustite. This is a very expensive stone. Beryl, which can cost as much as $150 per carat, is often counterfeited. The mineral fades from prolonged exposure to the sun and from time to time.
  8. Goshenite. This colorless stone surprises with its discreet brilliance. It does not particularly attract jewelers, but is still popular with gem lovers due to the huge amount of multi-colored sparks that it scatters around it.
  9. Bixbit. Red beryl is so rare that the price for 1 carat can reach 15,000 rubles! Some even call it a red emerald.

Does variety matter?

According to knowledgeable people, it does not matter at all which beryl you have chosen for yourself as an amulet. All of them have undeniable magical and healing properties. This is the talisman of psychologists, philosophers, scientists and all other people whose work is related to mental work or research. Despite the fact that many call it a “female” gem, men also successfully use all the unique properties of the mineral. All types of beryl perfectly accumulate and conduct cosmic energy. For a talisman, it is more difficult to find a gem that is more reliable and durable. The stones are completely permeated with energy flows, and they are light and clean.

Beryl (stone): magical properties

Beryl has long been considered the guardian of the family hearth, it protects family ties, protects against betrayal and misfortune in the house. If you place an amulet with this gem in your house, then the relationship between adults and children will certainly improve, the husband and wife will understand each other better. There will be fewer quarrels, mutual understanding will reign everywhere. The mineral has a very high power. It will not allow negative energy to enter the house, which can be brought by both the household members themselves and the guests. After all, it happens that a person, crossing the threshold, even with the best intentions, can bring bad luck to the house. Beryl will instantly remove any negativity, because this gem is a talisman of goodwill and peace.

What else is the magical power of the stone?

The gem is often associated with the mind and thinking. They say he helps win an argument, win in court. However, it is worth noting that the stone loves justice, therefore it will only help a person with good intentions, in a just cause. Only this mineral is able to purify energy, which is why it is so desirable to have it in the house so that a calm atmosphere reigns there without quarrels and misunderstandings. Contemplating beryl in front of you is highly recommended for those who are engaged in scientific activities. Jewelry with beryl, worn on the road, will protect you from evil and ill-wishers throughout the trip. Gems always protect wanderers and help them in business. There is even a belief that any owner of jewelry with a gem becomes friendly, open, invincible. The stone sharpens the mind and helps to cope with laziness.

Beryl will help a lot

As we have said, the stone helps to win in court. It should only be said that the lighter the mineral for these purposes, the better. If a woman dreams of her husband becoming more attentive and caring, and her children obedient, she needs to wear a medallion with this gem or earrings. Beryl will be invaluable for those people who have been married for many years, and their feelings have cooled. It will help bring back the passion. When a person goes to a new place, for example, to get a job, it is advisable for him to have such a talisman with him - this increases the chances of success. The green stone is a symbol of maturity, so it is not recommended to be worn by persons under 35 years of age.

The healing power of beryl

These stones have Yin energy. It is believed that they help to cope with back pain, runny nose, colds. If a woman wears jewelry with such gems, this will allow her to avoid gynecological ailments or cure existing problems. Lithotherapists advise wearing stones to those people who have disorders of the nervous system, problems with the respiratory tract. They especially note the power of pink beryl. It can cure neurosis, heart disease, irritability. The circulatory system will function perfectly if you wear an amulet with burgundy or red beryl. Stones are indispensable for pupils, students, as they help to better perceive information and remember it.

Beryl and the signs of the zodiac

In principle, anyone can purchase jewelry with this gem, it will not get worse. But there are such signs of the Zodiac for which beryl is really recommended, since it suits more than others. For example, a stone for Gemini, Libra and Scorpio will be an excellent amulet. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Beryl and Gemini

This zodiac sign is constantly moving and very active. Its representatives are very difficult to see unambiguous. The stone for Gemini will become a real talisman, allowing you to achieve your goals, fulfill your wishes (and they are constantly changing) and move forward faster and faster. Geminis are not patient, they tend to leave things unfinished if something does not suit them or is simply tired. The stone will help you to be more constant, go to the end in your endeavors, achieve success and be happy.

Beryl and Libra

Libra is prone to bouts of disappointment, gloom, discouragement, pessimism. Every time such a state arises or there are prerequisites for its occurrence, one must keep beryl with oneself. The stone will help you get out of depression faster, restore strength, it will cheer you up, you will move towards happiness with a smile. Representatives of this sign are ideal intermediaries. Jewelry containing beryl will become indispensable, because it will be easier for a person to communicate and establish friendly relations. Such character traits as laziness, weak will, indecision, sometimes prevent Libra from being successful in work and communication with the opposite sex. Here again, beryl will come to the rescue, it will support the owner throughout his life.

Beryl and Scorpio

Very often, Scorpios accumulate negative emotions, anger, negativity. Beryl will help transform everything bad into good. Thanks to the stone, you will “lose” all your anger on the way home so as not to spoil the mood of your family and friends. Representatives of this sign are able to achieve a lot in life, but there is one minus. They are ready to trample anyone in their path. The stone will help them to be more restrained, friendlier and more caring.

This is such a wonderful stone! Even if you do not belong to the indicated zodiac signs, it's okay. Believe in the tremendous power of beryl - and it will definitely help you!
