Do-it-yourself bouquet of socks and underpants for men: new ideas with photos step by step. We will tell you how to make a bouquet of socks with your own hands

How often do men in your family brush off the obsessive question of what to give them for Defender of the Fatherland Day, for a professional holiday or on February 14 with the words: “I don’t need anything”? And once again you have to give socks, shorts and T-shirts - things, of course, that any man needs, but how banal as a gift! However, girls and women with imagination and not without a certain sense of humor came up with a new way of unconventional gifting with traditional gifts. Meet the hit of the season - a bouquet of socks!

Do-it-yourself bouquet of socks for a man

To create such a masterpiece, neither any needlework experience, nor special skills, nor long hours of training are needed. All you need is:

  • directly socks, divided by the piece;
  • tape or pins;
  • wooden skewers;
  • beads, corrugated paper, chiffon, ribbons, other decorations as desired.

As for the colors of future "flowers", it is better to choose light (white or beige) socks. The combination of light and dark shades also looks spectacular.

However, practical black and dark blue options, which are preferred by most men, should not be dismissed: if you think over the composition as a whole and choose the right color combinations in the decoration of the bouquet, then it will look very stylish.

Colored (checkered, striped) socks are the most risky option. Such a bouquet will look cozy at home, but not stylish at all.

Each sock must be laid out evenly and carefully twisted in the direction from the elastic band to the sock. You need to twist the sock not too tight, but not too loose - so that you end up with a neat “flower” that resembles a rose. The sock can be rolled tighter to give it the shape of a bud that has not yet blossomed, or you can roll it looser and slightly unscrew the “petals” to create volume.

You may need some training to choose the best option, but you will already roll the rest of the socks into “buds” like clockwork. Secure the resulting flower with tape, thread or a pin and plant the flower on the “stem” - a wooden skewer. The skewer can be wrapped with green corrugated paper.

The more socks there are in the bouquet, the more magnificent and impressive it will look. For a lush bouquet of 15-20 pairs of socks, you don’t even need to invent special decorations - just wrap it in paper and tie a ribbon. Such a bouquet looks chic in a large basket.

Well, if your bouquet is supposed to be modest, you can give free rein to your imagination in terms of decoration: attach large beads to the “flowers” ​​with pins, decorate the bouquet with artificial or dried flowers and leaves, cones, rowan branches, wrap each bud with chiffon fabric.

A more solid bouquet of socks for a man - with dollar leaves. Such a bouquet is well suited for a son, grandson or brother with whom you are in a close relationship.

You can complement the flower-sock bouquet with another no less popular men's gift: shorts.

A practical-sweet bouquet of sweets and socks also looks original - in this case, you need to insert a candy into the middle of each sock flower.

Who can give a bouquet of socks?

Of course, such a gift suggests a certain degree of intimacy and is perfect only for close people: a spouse, father, son, brother or boyfriend with whom you have been dating for a long time.

Colleagues at work, friends and more distant acquaintances may not appreciate your efforts, or even refuse to subsequently wear socks that have undergone such an original treatment. Do not forget about this and in an effort to be creative and surprise with your originality, do not overstep the bounds of etiquette and simple human logic.

It is worth saying that such a gift is good for minor, already mentioned reasons. It is especially popular as a present on. If we are talking about a gift for a birthday or New Year, then you should think about other ideas.

It is commonly said that the best gift is a handmade gift. Now handicraft is very popular among the people and it is highly valued. There are a lot of holidays in the year, and on the eve of each of them, needlewomen begin to create. Most often, women create a bouquet of socks for a man with their own hands. Such a gift is very original and practical. Making flowers from underwear is not difficult if you have the right tools and materials at hand.

Work materials

In order to make a gift from socks for a man with his own hands, you will need basic materials, which you definitely cannot do without, and additional elements that will serve as decoration. This list should include:

  • Several pairs of socks are future flower buds.
  • Adhesive tape - for connecting colors.
  • Wooden sticks - as stems.
  • Small pins - to secure the "petals" of flowers.
  • Corrugated paper - preferably green, for wrapping the stems.
  • Ribbons and beads - to decorate the bouquet.

Important! You can use any decorative elements you like. For example, shreds of organza - you can make small bows out of them. Everything depends on your imagination.

The decoration part of the bouquet

Rolling socks with a rose is not as difficult as it seems. It is necessary to follow a certain algorithm of actions, then you get a beautiful flower:

  1. Carefully straighten the sock.
  2. We begin to roll a roll out of it, moving from the heel to the fingers.
  3. In order for the rose to keep its shape better, it must be fixed in the heel area.
  4. We fix the bud with a pin.
  5. Straighten the top of the rose.
  6. We put the buds on tubes or wooden sticks.

By following these simple steps, you can very quickly and in an original way arrange socks as a gift.

To whom to give unfading roses?

You can give a “fading” bouquet to anyone, regardless of gender and age:

  • Most often, such presents are made to men on “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. They create with their own hands not just bouquets of socks and shorts, but also cars (tanks).
  • A girl can also appreciate such a bouquet if it is made of underwear and beautifully decorated.
  • Little children are often made toys out of socks - all sorts of bunnies, dogs, etc. You can make a bright colorful gift from socks for your child. Moreover, on the Internet there are a lot of options for ideas and master classes.

Creating such a gift does not require special efforts and skills.

Master class: a bouquet of socks for a man

For the holidays, men are used to receiving standard sets of gels and shaving accessories. But there is a way to surprise your man and present the desired and original gift at the same time - make a bouquet of socks. It is not difficult to create it if you follow the steps indicated in the master class:

  1. We twist the sock from the side of the elastic to the fingers.
  2. The remaining piece of material is filled into one of the lower folds.
  3. We fix the base of the flower with a pin.
  4. We put flowers on the tubes.
  5. We wrap the tubes with corrugated paper to make green stems.
  6. We connect all the flowers to each other, fix with tape.
  7. We wrap the bouquet with parchment paper.
  8. We decorate papers with organza bows, satin ribbons. It is advisable to choose cold shades - white, blue, gray.

Important! It is not necessary to wrap the bouquet with paper, you can put the flowers in a box, decorate it with beads or other decorative elements. For a paper basket, you can make an interesting decoupage from napkins or glue it with corrugated paper.

Cute bouquet for a child or a girl

In order to make a bouquet for a child or a girl, you will need almost the same materials and tools. However, it is worth considering that socks will need to be chosen in a more delicate shade - pink, red, yellow.

Let's start the creative process:

  1. Turn the sock almost halfway out, twist the bud out of it.
  2. Gently push the “stem” into the bud in the form of a kebab skewer.
  3. To prevent the roses from falling apart, fix them with tape or paper.
  4. Attach artificial leaves to the stem.
  5. Place the flowers in the box to match the buds.

Important! The thinner the sock, the smaller the flower bud will turn out. Therefore, choose the most dense materials.

Floral underpants and socks combo

A combination of underpants and socks can be given to both a man and a woman. To create such a bouquet you will need:

  • Briefs, socks of harmonious colors.
  • Tapes.
  • Wooden sticks.
  • Pins.
  • Decorating elements (beads, bows).

Let's start creating:

  1. We twist underwear, socks into rolls, fix them at the base with pins.
  2. We fix the resulting flower buds on skewers.
  3. We wrap the junction of the flower with the stem with tape to more securely fix the rose.
  4. We place the flowers in a basket or box.
  5. We decorate the combination with beads.

Important! Choose underwear or socks made of durable material. Also, do not forget about their color - make sure that they look harmoniously with each other. To complete the combination, use decorating details.

Delicate buds from underwear

If you want to surprise your beloved woman, then the idea of ​​creating a charming lingerie bouquet is perfect for you. To create, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Lace underwear of the same style (one or different colors).
  • artificial roses.
  • Satin ribbons.

Let's get to work:

  1. We fold the lace linen in half, twist it with a roll.
  2. We put the resulting flowers on artificial buds, fix them with a satin ribbon.
  3. We decorate each flower with a ribbon to match the whole combination.

Not a single woman will refuse such a present, as it is very original and unusual.

Women are always tormented by the question of what to buy for their man as a gift. Everyone wants to give something original, and not the traditional set of shampoo and shaving gel. However, even the simplest thing can be turned into a unique and interesting gift. For example, men's socks. What is original about them, you say? So let's make together a bouquet of ordinary classic or colorful handmade socks!

From socks, you can make such a blooming bouquet:

The master class below will tell you in detail how to make a bouquet of socks. If you want to surprise your man with such a gift, then first you need to buy several pairs of new socks in a color that will look good in a bouquet, and the socks will suit your man. Socks can be of different colors, which will give color to your piece of handicraft art.

We make a beautiful bouquet of socks with our own hands

We start work from the side of the elastic band of the sock. The photo shows how to make the first hem of the sock.

Now we begin to twist the sock. We need to continue until we reach the heel.

Then we bend the sock like this.

We twist the sock a little more.

When the sock is completely twisted, you need to tuck the remaining piece of fabric into the fold.

After the flower is ready, we plant it on the stem. To do this, you can use either a skewer or a cocktail stick.

Thus, we produce the required number of colors. We connect them into a bouquet, tie them with a ribbon and the gift is ready. If you need a gift for a man, a bouquet of socks is the best choice.

There are a lot of options for "sock" bouquets, but they are all made according to the same principle. Here are some photos of sock bouquets that represent different versions of the same craft.

Such a gift can be made not only to a man. By slightly changing the technique of needlework, you can make a bouquet for a baby no worse.

So, in order to make a bouquet of socks for a child, you will need several multi-colored socks, adhesive tape, skewers, wrapping paper, ribbons.

  1. We wrap the sock in a bud in the same way as we did in the case of a man's sock. Make sure that the sock is not pulled together, because. otherwise, it will not resemble a bud. At the same time, if you make the bud too weak, it will fall apart and all your efforts will be wasted. Experiment for a start on the toes, try different options, and only after that make out the bouquet.
  2. Next, we thread a skewer into the resulting bud shape to make a stem. So that the bud does not fall apart and the skewer does not fall out, we glue the resulting figure with adhesive tape (see photo). If your bouquet is small, so to speak, a “cuff bouquet”, you can take ordinary toothpicks to play the role of a stem. But then the socks should also be small. Make as many of these buds as you like. It all depends on what composition you decide to make, in what colors and in what subject.
  3. After all the buds are ready, put them together and wrap them with decorative paper. You can add leaves, tulle and other decorations.

Another option for a children's gift is a sock cake. For him, you will need two socks in pastel shades, a handkerchief with lace around the edge, a cake pan, and a ribbon.

In this case, the technique is the same as with a bouquet of socks. But there are some differences.

After you have wrapped the first sock in a tube, start winding the second sock on it (see photo below). After winding the second sock, put the resulting bud on a handkerchief. The scarf should be folded several times so that the edges with lace look up. We wrap the bud in a scarf to make a cake. We put the resulting composition in a cake mold. At the end, we tie a white mold with a ribbon.

Such cakes can be put in a basket with gifts for a newborn. Additions of this kind will decorate any banal gift.

Another original gift from socks can be made to a boy or a man.

To make a tank from socks, we need 4 pairs of hosiery, scotch tape, pins.

We take 4 or 5 socks (not pairs, but individual socks) and roll them up with a roller. Then we lay them out in the middle of another sock so that they can wrap all our rollers. Then tightly (but not overdoing it) we drag them with a colored satin ribbon, preferably in two stripes. We got tank tracks. Then we twist one sock so that we get a circle, we fix the resulting figure with pins so that it does not fall apart. We attach the resulting circle to our tracks with pins to the place where the tank's cabin should be. We also tie it with a ribbon and fasten it with a pin.

The muzzle can be made by rolling another sock into a long roller (pulling the sock out a little while rolling) and then fastening it with tape. You can also insert a pencil into the middle of a rolled up sock as a muzzle. If you take a decent pen, it will be an additional gift.

If you are interested in such crafts, then in the video below you will find some more original solutions.

With a little imagination, you can completely transform even the most trivial gift. For example, create a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands. This present combines several advantages at once: practicality, originality and beauty of design, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate to the donee a special approach to both the gift and himself. How to make a bouquet of socks and / or shorts?

How difficult is it to make such a masterpiece? Our tips will help you evaluate this in practice.

Why turn socks or underpants into bouquets?

It is believed that such wardrobe items can only be presented to the closest people: husband, son, father, brother. However, this rule can be broken - with an original presentation and the hero of the occasion has an excellent sense of humor. A practical and beautiful bouquet from a combination of underpants and socks or these items of men's wardrobe, taken separately, will be a great addition to the main gift. Complementing your masterpiece with a floristic net, beads and artificial leaves, you will make the recipient thoroughly break his head before he realizes what the composition presented to him is made of!

So, how to make a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands?

First, decide whether the "flowers" will consist of individual socks or folded in pairs. Remember that the number of colors must be odd. And therefore, when choosing the first option, one pair will need to be added together. Such a flower will turn out to be larger and denser than others, so it can be used to decorate the central part of the composition.

So, let's start creating a gift-bouquet.


  • several pairs of multi-colored socks;
  • pins or rubber bands for pulling bills;
  • floral tapes, nets, etc.;
  • corrugated paper, decorative bucket, vase or other items used to finalize the gift.


If you want to create a bouquet of socks for a man, the master class will help you successfully solve this problem.

For greater convenience, you can consider the process of making a gift step by step.

  1. Gently straighten the sock.
  2. Start rolling it into a roll, gradually moving from the toe to the heel, and then to the fingers.
  3. In order for the flower to keep its shape better, the sock must be bent in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot.
  4. Gently wrap the bottom of the sock around the base of your bud and secure it with a pin or rubber band.
  5. Gently straighten the top of your flower.
  6. For the convenience of assembling a bouquet, all tightly twisted socks should be put on bamboo skewers or cocktail tubes.

To make an original bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands, it can be supplemented with artificial flowers in a contrasting color. They will enliven the composition and make it truly festive.

Alternatively, your creation can be placed in the original "vase". For this purpose, a decorative bucket of bright color is suitable. Dried flowers and floral paper, indispensable for decorating bouquets, will complement the picture.

In general, turn on your imagination at full capacity!

A bouquet for a man made of socks and shorts will look no less original.

Do not be afraid to be original, especially if your addressee is a fairly close person! A gift in the form of a beautiful bouquet of socks or using it as a non-standard “appendage” to a more solid offering will appeal to any man with a developed sense of humor. And you will be assigned the title of a person who knows how to transform even the most ordinary things. Create - and your talent will not remain unappreciated!

If you think that socks for a man - a gift completely banal and uninteresting, you are absolutely right, and there is not even anything to argue about. Nevertheless, if with all this you think that giving a man socks does not make any sense, then you are absolutely wrong in the same way - because it all depends on how this very gift is presented! By decorating ordinary men's socks in an unusual way, you will receive an incredibly original souvenir that will be remembered and will bring positive emotions, and will not get lost in a pile of unnecessary signs of attention. Plus, you will most likely be the only one who will present such an unusual and interesting gift. In general, if you are still in doubt whether it is worth it, do not hesitate! See the note and get to work.

How to give socks - 5 fun ideas:

1. Bouquet of socks

Do you think bouquets are not a men's gift? Well, depending on what bouquets. Such, for example, as this one assembled from socks, is very masculine, so urgently buy your spouse / brother / father / grandfather many, many socks and collect them in a charming, stylish, unusual sock bunch, which will bring pleasure, and will benefit!

2. Basket with flowers

What if it's not a bouquet? Then - a whole basket! Basket of flowers. Such a gift will cause amazement, delight and a sea of ​​gratitude, because, you see, socks for men are almost expendable, there definitely aren’t many of them, so the more “flowers” ​​there are in your basket, the more positive the owner will receive.

3. Cupcake socks

When you live with a man for a long time, you are faced with a situation where there really is nothing to give him. Everything has either already been passed, or it was, or it’s not relevant, or it just exists, so every idea is worth its weight in gold. It is for this reason that grab the idea to arrange a "sock" gift in the form of cupcakes firmly and firmly and carry it into your mink - for implementation.

4 Sock Sushi

Does your man love Japanese food? Sushi and rolls? And he probably always needs socks - in non-stop mode: some are lost, others are wiped, the third are not dry, and the fourth are unpacked, so no one will refuse to have NZ on hand in the form of a dozen pairs of new socks, agree? In general, combine sushi and socks into one and congratulate your man!
