Michael Kors Women's Watch. Michael Kors watches for women Where can you order Michael Kors watches inexpensively

Michael Kors watches, compared to similar well-known brands, are distinguished by their low cost. But despite this, counterfeits of such watches are very common. Moreover, there are different types of fakes:

  • it may be a low-quality, cheap product, buying which you will not even doubt that it is a fake;
  • there may be a thing that is not inferior to the original in appearance and price (in this case, under the guise of an original watch, you risk buying a watch with a low-quality mechanism).

It is quite easy to distinguish fake watches if you know some subtleties.

The most important condition for purchasing an original Michael Kors watch is to purchase from a store that is an official dealer of this manufacturer. Also, too low a price should alert you. Remember that real Michael Kors cannot cost less than $140 - this is the minimum price for such watches.


Real high-quality Michael Kors watches are always characterized by the presence of a square branded leather case. There should be no glue drips or strong chemical smell on it. All seams must be smooth and neat. A company logo must be present.

Inside the case of the original watch there is a pad made of high quality material. As well as an instruction booklet in several languages.

In older collections the case has a low lid, while in newer ones the lid is high, covering the entire height of the box.

And this is what a fake case might look like. As you can see, the seam is made sloppily, and even with contrasting threads. The shape of the case is rectangular, not square. The instructions are also not the same as in the original.

Consider a watch

The original watch must have a branded tag on which all information about the product is placed: price, model code, barcode, as well as the country of manufacture - Japan movement, strap China. This inscription means that the case of real Michael Kors is made in China, and all mechanisms are made in Japan. Any other inscriptions indicate a fake.

See if the watch has branded engravings. An original watch should have them on the clasp, dial, caseback and crown.

On the back cover, in addition to the engraving with the logo, the watch model code, the material from which it is made, as well as information about moisture protection are also indicated. The model code must match what is indicated on the tag.

All windows and indicators in the original product are working. In fakes, they can be painted and have exclusively decorative functions. The hours and minutes are marked evenly and neatly.

As you can see, the copy is made quite well and the main differences are in the packaging. But there is one main point by which you can absolutely identify a fake watch – the price. Counterfeits usually cost $10-30.

You may ask: why pay more then? And the answer is that low cost always means low quality of the watch mechanism. Externally, they may be no different from the original ones, but the internal structure is many times inferior to real high-quality Michael Kors watches.

Michael Kors watches at a discount

About the brand

Michael Kors is a famous American fashion designer, the ideological inspirer of the most fashionable collections of clothing, shoes and accessories that bear his own name - Michael Kors. Michael is known from the reality show Project Runway, where he serves as an honorary member of the jury.

Michael received an excellent education at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, and began developing his own clothing line at the age of 19. Michael founded his own enterprise for the development of women's clothing in 1981. Already his first independent collections were sold in prestigious and expensive stores Saks Fifth Avenue and Bergdorf Goodman.

Young Michael was invited to the position of the first designer of women's clothing, and then art director of the French fashion house Celine, where he developed collections of clothing and accessories. Michael was awarded the most prestigious awards in the world of the fashion industry: “Elle/Cadillac Fashion Award” in 1995. and “CFDA awards” in 1999. – as the best designer of women's clothing. After 6 years, Michael left the famous house in order to direct all his efforts to developing his own brand. Today, the Michael Kors brand produces clothing, shoes, women's handbags, glasses, watches and perfume.

The fashion house of Michael Kors, without exaggeration, has a stellar clientele: Jennifer Lopez, Heidi Klum, Catherine Zeta Jones, Sharon Stone, Sigourney Weaver, Liv Tyler and Gwyneth Paltrow.

The style created by Michael is unique in that, like no other, it successfully combines luxury and practicality, fashionable chic and the comfort necessary for living in a metropolis. The image of Michael Kors is all the components of the wardrobe of a metropolis resident who, due to the unpredictability and speed of city life, may suddenly find himself at an important meeting or press conference, or just on a walk - and everywhere his suit will be appropriate and appropriate to the situation. Michael tries to ensure that his clothes and accessories are not only comfortable, but also stylish, not devoid of individuality and chic.

Michael Kors watch collections have the same signature: the fast pace of city life and the pretentious style of a successful person. Michael pays a lot of attention to materials: his watches use stainless steel, precious metals, and leather. Very often, bracelets and straps are decorated with stones and rhinestones. Michael Kors men's watches always have advanced functionality, which makes them indispensable for people who love outdoor activities and sports. Michael Kors women's watches are interesting in their rich selection of materials and shapes: in addition to traditional steel, Michael Kors uses ceramics, gold plating of all shades, and rhinestones. You will see the most unusual weaves of bracelets, eye-catching colors of the dial and a scattering of sparkling stones here. The Michael Kors watch catalog is constantly updated and surprises fans with the inexhaustible imagination of designers. All watches are equipped with Japanese Miyota movements, the dial is protected by durable mineral glass.

Michael Kors watches always emphasize the status and individuality of their owner. This watch is for those who live a dynamic and eventful life, for those who are self-confident, for whom it is important to always be independent and self-sufficient.

For several years now women's watch Michael Kors enjoy enormous popularity in the domestic market. The main feature of the brand is the fact that when making products, designers are guided by the preferences of a young audience. An important point is the affordable price; in addition, the brand is close to the world of Haute Couture. In all respects, Michael Kors brand products are for the average resident of our country.


Michael Kors women's watches are manufactured in Japan and China. Chinese factories produce cases, and Japanese factories produce mechanisms. If the product has “Made in the USA” engraved on it, it is 100% counterfeit. The brand itself does not have production facilities; assembly is carried out at the Fossil factory. An interesting fact is that the average price for a watch from the brand is 130 US dollars, that is, two times cheaper than the cheapest Michael Kors chronometer.

This is explained by the fact that only the highest quality raw materials are always used for production. The strap for women's watches Michael Kors is most often made of first-class stainless steel, but in some models the manufacturer may use alternative materials, for example, smooth or snakeskin, silicone, ceramics, plastic. The dial is always protected, characterized by resistance to mechanical damage and scratches. I work with all products exclusively using .

Before creating a new collection, the manufacturer carefully studies consumer demand. The main audience of buyers are women from eighteen to forty years old. It is their preferences that are usually taken into account when developing the design.

How to distinguish the original?

The popularity of the brand has led to the fact that today you can often stumble upon women's watchesMichael Kors, which are not original. Before making a purchase, you should pay attention to a number of signs that the manufacturer always uses to distinguish branded products in order to indicate the truth of its origin:

  1. Cost is most likely the main factor. Real MKs cannot cost fifty dollars by default. For this price, you can purchase models from past seasons exclusively in the company boutique, where a new collection will be displayed on the counter next to them at a cost of two hundred to five hundred dollars.
  2. As a rule, Michael Kors women's watches are equipped with additional mechanisms or windows. The chronograph and calendar must be working; the current date is always set automatically. If we talk about a copy, the arrows are usually just glued on. The same rule applies to additional side buttons.
  3. The manufacturer always marks original models with his own logo twice: on the factory movement head and clasp.
  4. Mandatory on the back cover women's watchesMichael Kors the model's article number, its serial number, the material from which the case is made, as well as information about water resistance are indicated.
  5. The original is sold inside a dark brown, almost black rectangular box with a user manual translated into different languages.

Such signs will help a woman who has decided to purchase a branded, high-quality product not to make a mistake in her choice. To choose the right model of Michael Kors women's watch, you need to familiarize yourself with the assortment. Gold and silver MK considered the most popular over the past few years. Models in rose gold color are especially in demand, used exclusively for the design of the women's collection. The design of the brand is distinguished by an arrogant pretentiousness that “screams” about luxury. However, there are also relatively restrained variations that are suitable for formal and casual outfits.

The Michael Kors brand was created in 1981 and today is one of the most popular and in demand among the most famous people on the planet. Both expensive and cheap watches from Michelle Kors display a single style: they are created to emphasize the success and style of a modern business person in a fast-paced city life. Particular attention is paid to the use of high-quality materials: medical and stainless steel, silver, gold, precious stones. Each part is manufactured on modern equipment using the latest technologies, each stage of production is subject to the strictest control, thereby ensuring the highest quality of products. Key Features:

  • Using only the highest quality materials;
  • Unique design solutions;
  • Resistance to scratches and mechanical damage;
  • Durability;
  • The clock mechanism is made in Japan.

The company produces both men's and luxury women's collections of Michelle Kors watches, the price of which is quite high, but there are also several budget models.

Where can you order Michael Kors watches inexpensively?

You can purchase original Michael Kors branded watches in our online store. Our company is the official representative of Michael Kors in Russia and supplies goods directly from the manufacturer without the involvement of intermediaries, which allows us to set the minimum price. On the website you can read a full description of the characteristics, photographs, customer reviews of each model, and leave your wishes and suggestions. The watch is supplied complete in original packaging. The order is carried out as follows: selection from the catalog, filling out an application, confirming the order, agreeing on the time and place of delivery, receiving the order, payment. Thanks to us, buying original Michael Kors watches in Moscow has become completely possible. Our advantages:

  • Wide choose;
  • Low prices;
  • Prompt delivery in Moscow and Russia;
  • Everything that is in stock in the online store is ready to ship now
  • Payment in any convenient way;
  • Warranty service.

The stereotype that has developed about American men sees them as pragmatic, often calculating people. However, real Americans skillfully combine practicality and chic. Michael Kors women's watches in this sense are truly American. They are distinguished by their accuracy, durability and at the same time beauty of the models. For example, straps combine not only the strength of genuine leather, but also precious inlays.

You can buy women's watches from Michael Kors online store. This brand pleases with a variety of models and options, widely represented in our collection.

Which watch should you choose?

Gold-colored quartz chronometers with a white dial look very stylish and non-trivial. There are options with the usual bracelet, and there are options made in the form of a gold chain. For true fashionistas this is definitely a must-have.

Models with blue or light blue dials look nice. There is nothing superfluous here (American type of product), but sometimes less is more!

There are options in which, in addition to the traditional date indicator, there are other additional functions that are located in the field of the main body in the form of small dials. Suitable for active and independent ladies as an indicator of self-confidence and strength of character.

For extravagant young ladies, watches are ideal, the case of which is encrusted with crystals from Swarovski. At the same time, you get both a reliable chronograph and a piece of jewelry that you can wear both at a social gathering and in a fashionable club. There is never enough attention!

When buying Michael Kors women's watches in our store, you may encounter pleasant surprises. Thanks to ongoing promotions, an expensive, in principle, model can be purchased for a small amount. We deliver goods throughout Russia and even beyond its borders. And in Moscow itself there is a network of retail stores where you can try on the option you like and see how it suits you. In addition, when buying on the site, you don’t have to worry about counterfeits: all products are certified.
