Fourth week of pregnancy: signs and sensations. A month is coming soon: what a four-week-old baby has learned and how it develops

The fourth obstetric week of pregnancy is the end of the very first month of pregnancy. All the most important things that needed to happen - conception and implantation of the fetus - have already happened.

It is this week that the completion of such an important and significant period in the life of the embryo - blastogenesis. This is the first two weeks of pregnancy before the blastocyst implants into the uterus, and then the intrauterine development of the human embryo begins. Completely new morphological and biochemical changes occur, both in the woman’s body and in the development of the unborn baby.

Thus, the female body and the body of the unborn child have come a long way over the past three weeks:

  • fertilization of a female egg by a sperm and the formation of a single stem cell - a zygote;
  • division of a single cell into blastomeres and its movement through the fallopian tube into the uterus;
  • the gradual transformation of the zygote into a morula, which is already beginning to look for a place of attachment to the uterine mucosa (preimplantation development);
  • blastocyst implantation (first critical period of pregnancy) and decidual transformation of the endometrium;
  • placentation (that is, the formation of primary and secondary chorionic villi) and blastogenesis (differentiation of germ layers) - this is considered the second critical period of your pregnancy.

What happens in week 4

In most cases, women are not yet aware of their magical state. The fourth obstetric week of pregnancy is only the second week after conception.

Since the period is still very short, a woman can feel the same as when her period is approaching.

The most global changes are now taking place in the uterus. According to experts, even at such an early stage, the waist can already increase by a couple of unnoticeable centimeters.

Under the active influence of hormones in the female body, the uterus begins to change and prepare to become a good “home” for the future baby, this is the main task of the hormone progesterone. It becomes softer, loosens, and a dense mucus plug is formed in the cervix - to protect the “house” from external penetrations and infections for nine long months. The level is steadily growing

Woman's well-being at 4 weeks

Possible physical sensations

  1. Breast tenderness and nipple sensitivity - the female body is preparing to feed the baby.
  2. Strange sensations in the lower abdomen- like nagging pain, you can also find that you begin to feel a pulse beating there - this is explained by the fact that the uterus is actively restructuring.
  3. Discharge- from those similar to menstruation, and more abundant, but colorless. If the discharge is pink and spotting in nature, then it’s okay. It is necessary to pay attention to heavy bleeding with clots, which is accompanied by pain and cramps. Read about the nature of discharge during pregnancy
  4. Headache- due to dramatic changes in the body, this can happen even in women who previously had no idea what a headache was.
  5. Increased sleepiness and fatigue - this is due to the fact that the pregnant body works for two and needs rest.
  6. Mild nausea- It is caused by hormones in the blood.
  7. Change in taste preferences. This can be noticed by the fact that you no longer want to smoke or drink alcohol - you should listen to your body, trust your desires, our body is smarter than us.

If the pregnancy is expected, then fear and doubts about whether you will get pregnant or not are quite natural for an expectant mother.

If you don’t have the strength to wait for a delay, then now there are other ways to determine early pregnancy:

  • pregnancy tests(50/50 chance of truth). Due to the early date, complete certainty is not given. But if the treasured second stripe still appears, but weakly, then this is more likely a “yes” than a “no.” Read about types of pregnancy tests
  • ultrasound examination(probability of the correct answer is 70/30). Depends on the quality and modernity of the equipment and the professionalism of the specialist.
  • blood analysis test for the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - gives almost one hundred percent results. Read about a blood test for hCG levels

Read about the physiological signs of pregnancy

Remember that the longer the pregnancy, the more accurate the result will be.

Possible emotional experiences

Feedback from women in week 4

Svetlana: “We’ve been trying to get pregnant for the first month, I feel exactly the same as before my period - I want to sleep, I’m distracted, my breasts are enlarged and hurt, it’s generally disgusting to touch my nipples, I hit my husband’s hands. We hope everything worked out?”

Marina: “Girls, with some sixth sense I felt that I was pregnant, although there were no signs. I tell my husband, but he can’t be! Adults, already two children, where from?! Well, here’s where you come from...4 weeks. So...we're waiting now..."

Angela: “We tried for several years, nothing worked, we went to so many doctors, we almost gave up, but then... I started to feel strange, well, there’s something wrong with the body, a strange malaise in the morning, some sort of absent-mindedness during the day, nausea in the evening . It didn’t even occur to me right away that finally! I took a morning test - it showed infection, one line. But I felt worse and worse, I had to go to the clinic and yes! We're pregnant!

Christina: “But my eccentric nature could not resist! I took a test - two lines were very faint, so I decided to make sure, and went to the laboratory and took a blood test for hCG, or whatever it was called, I could barely wait for the result! But now I know for sure - I'm pregnant! I’ve already told everyone!”

Elena: “I’ve been waiting for this pregnancy for so long that I’m afraid of literally everything. I have problems with sex - I am terrified of it. It began to reach the point of absurdity, I understand in my head that I cannot refuse my husband, but for me sex has turned into hard labor, I deliberately choose positions with the least penetration, I pull my husband back - not so deeply, not so hard, not so quickly, but I myself shrink and think only about when it will end."

Fetal development at 4 weeks of pregnancy

At the fourth obstetric week embryo, as a rule, already firmly invaded the uterus and the primitive circulatory system begins to function, which is already able to provide every cell of the small organism with oxygen.

What does the future baby look like now? First of all, let's start with the fact that the baby now still looks like a small fish. And this “fish” already has the head begins to form, the eyes appear, they already have a cornea, a lens and a double wall.

The unborn baby weighs only about 2 grams and measures from two to four millimeters.

The embryo now consists of two layers of layers - the upper one is called the ectoblast, and the lower one is the endoblast. Between them a middle layer is formed - the mesoblast. Surprisingly, it is from these three layers that all the organs and tissues of the future person are formed. Thanks to active cell division, the ectoblast will give rise to the nervous system and our skin, the mesoblast is the progenitor of the skeleton, muscles and circulatory system, and the endoblast is responsible for the formation and development of the digestive and respiratory systems.

As the fertilized egg develops in the fourth week of pregnancy, extraembryonic organs begin to form- these are organs that are not located inside the embryo, but around it. The role of the fetal membrane is now performed by the amniotic sac, nutrients are contained in the yolk sac, and the chorion forms the placenta.

Photo of the embryo

Photo of ultrasound during pregnancy with twins:

Advice for men

  • Do not forget compliment your wife about her body;
  • understand her fears and try to dissuade her from them;
  • show her your care and provide support in household chores;
  • perhaps you are now feel more father than a lover, you will need some time to get used to the new role;
  • Don’t be surprised if your wife turns into a “tiger,” especially in the second trimester. The fear of miscarriage subsides, hormones calm down, and the woman’s sexual desire increases;
  • try to calmly discuss your desires, do not put pressure on your wife, try to find a compromise and a way to satisfy both of you.

Respect and understanding of each other's sexual desires and needs during pregnancy is a very important stage in the life of spouses, and it is up to you whether you bring love and understanding into your life or whether there will be another conflict.

1. Keep a pregnancy diary- this will be the story of your baby's development.

Why write? Your connection with your future baby will become even more real when you write down your feelings and sensations, your condition and the condition of the child. In addition, writing down your thoughts, feelings and fears on paper will make it easier for you to deal with them and calm down.

These recordings will help your husband understand your condition better. And imagine how in a few years you will enjoy re-reading all this, you can show your diary to your adult children, and they will learn how they developed and grew in their mother’s tummy. In addition, by re-reading the entries in the future, you will return to this magical state again.

What to write? You can write whatever comes to your mind - describe how you found out about pregnancy, your feelings, emotions and experiences, joys and anxieties, your husband’s reactions, the baby’s first push, the first ultrasound, in general, all the entries depend on you.

If you want, keep a diary chronologically, or if you want, keep it in the form of a conversation with your child. Write to him everything you want to say. After reading this as an adult, your child will become closer to you. It is especially good to write down your actions that are aimed at improving your condition, which helps with toxicosis, for example, or heartburn. This may help you in future pregnancies. Invite your husband to take notes with you, because he also has feelings.

How to write? Now publish special diaries for expectant mothers, but if you don’t want to look for them in stores or you don’t feel well, get a regular notebook. Perhaps someone would like to use a voice recorder.

Write as it is written - don't worry about wording or grammar. This is not a test, but a pleasant pastime.

It is quite possible that you will enjoy keeping a pregnancy diary so much that you will continue these entries after the birth of the child, there will definitely be something to write down there.

2. Enjoy sex during pregnancy. For most women, making love during pregnancy is completely safe. Now there is no need to worry about pregnancy - it has already come, there is no point in worrying about contraception. You need to relax and have fun. What to do if fear of sex during pregnancy interferes with sexual activity?

  • be prepared for changes - your body changes and so do your sensations;
  • accustom yourself to the idea that your body is now at the peak of sexuality, it is beautiful, say “goodbye” to your old figure in advance and enjoy your new body;
  • make your appearance more beautiful and attractive - change your haircut or style, choose new makeup and wardrobe, try to choose beautiful clothes, new sexy lingerie and sleepwear that will highlight your new figure. This will support you and attract your husband's attention;
  • believe that in the eyes of your spouse you are still sexually attractive;
  • talk about sex, don’t be shy to hint, explain or even show your husband where and how it’s most pleasant for you now, and what actions of his may cause painful sensations;
  • arrange romantic evenings with your husband - such “springs”, because after the birth of the child there will be very little time left for the two of you;
  • Be positive because your positive thinking affects your attitude towards sex. Learn to think correctly . Think about what you gain rather than what you lose.
  • do not look at sex as an obligation - your husband will feel it very quickly, and he should feel that he is still loved and desired.

Often, the majority of all pregnant women can make love for the entire nine months right up to the day of birth, but, be that as it may, there are certain cases when it is advisable to abstain from sex

It's better not to have sex if:

  • if you and your partner had untreated sexually transmitted diseases before pregnancy, because during sexual intercourse the pathogens of this disease can penetrate the uterus;
  • if you have had or are currently experiencing bleeding or vaginal discharge pinkish brown colors, your gynecologist may prohibit you from making love for a while;
  • if your doctor obstetrician-gynecologist suspects that there may be a threat of premature birth. This is explained by the fact that during female orgasm, uterine spasms can provoke contractions, and this can be a direct cause of the birth of a premature baby;
  • if an ultrasound examination reveals placenta previa, then having sex can lead to the separation of the placenta from your uterus;
  • if you have already had miscarriages, your doctor may also advise abstinence, especially in the first months of pregnancy;
  • if you have been diagnosed with cervical insufficiency;
  • if there is a rupture of the amniotic membrane;

What to stop doing:

Video about 4 weeks of pregnancy

The four-week pregnancy period is characterized by a very important event: the transformation of the embryo into an embryo. And this can already be safely called a real miracle. These days, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, a connection is established between it and the female body, although not as strong (both physiological and spiritual), and the mother may already show the first signs of pregnancy. Although, they are very weak, and in most cases are not heard, because the next menstruation has not yet arrived, and the woman is not yet aware of the miracles that are happening in her body.

The embryo at the 4th week of pregnancy grows, and from 0.36 mm in size it already reaches 1 mm. This is a very important stage in his life. Its mass during this period already reaches 0.5 g.

Externally, the embryo is a small round disc. Its body consists of three types of cells. These cells are called “germ layers” in medicine:

  • the first type of embryonic cell is the ectoderm (the outer layer from which hair, tooth enamel, skin, eye lenses, the brain and the nervous system will later be formed);
  • the second type of embryonic cell is the endoderm (the inner layer from which the digestive system and internal organs such as the thyroid and pancreas will later be formed);
  • the third type of embryonic cell is the mesoderm (the middle layer that will begin the formation of the baby’s skeleton, its connective tissues, its muscle tissues, systems such as the circulatory and excretory systems, as well as its genital organs). All these systems and organs will begin their formation a little later, and at the 4th week of pregnancy the development and formation of the baby’s head and all its organs (brain, eyes, and so on) begins.

Additional information: at the site of the rupture of the follicle, the so-called corpus luteum has now formed, which is a small vial of liquid, the size of which is 1-3 cm in diameter. This corpus luteum is responsible for the production of progesterone, a hormone that is responsible in a woman’s body for maintaining a healthy pregnancy in its initial stages.

Woman's feelings and toxicosis

Since a woman's entire hormonal profile undergoes major changes at four weeks of pregnancy, some symptoms may be observed in her general condition. These will include:

  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands, their swelling, an increase in their weight to the touch;
  • drowsy state;
  • excessive irritability, sudden changes in mood, changes in characteristic features;
  • in rare cases, nausea may occur.

All these symptoms are no different from the signs of premenstrual syndrome, and since the next period has not yet arrived, they cannot be recognized as one hundred percent symptoms of pregnancy. One can only suspect this if the pregnancy was planned.

From the gynecological observations, the doctor can see slight changes in the structure and color of the cervix, but still no one can give an unambiguous conclusion.

The pregnancy test will not show two lines yet either. For a positive response, at least one day of delayed menstrual bleeding must pass. But in the last days of the fourth week you can already take a blood test for hCG, and its result will be correct with 98% accuracy.

Toxicosis, of course, does not yet occur at four weeks. And all symptoms similar to it are not diagnosed until pregnancy is established.

What does the tummy look like?

At this stage of pregnancy, since the uterus has not yet enlarged, the expectant mother’s belly does not change at all in size. The abdomen will increase gradually as the fetus develops and the uterus enlarges. But it will become noticeable to the naked eye much later.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy, you should not conduct any further tests or examinations. In addition, it is important to avoid X-ray examinations, as this may disrupt the normal course of pregnancy. But, visiting the dentist is completely permitted at this stage, provided that you do not have to take an x-ray.

The only test that can be done at 4 weeks of pregnancy is to donate blood to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that should already be in an elevated state, since pregnancy has occurred and the development of the embryo has begun.

An ultrasound examination can only show the presence of a corpus luteum; in rare cases, an embryo in the uterus can also be distinguished. But still, an ultrasound at 4 weeks is almost never prescribed, only if there are serious problems and it is important to diagnose pregnancy as soon as possible

Possible dangers and problems

More than 70% of pregnancies end early. And very often, such a breakdown occurs without even being noticed by the woman herself, since bleeding begins, similar to menstrual bleeding, and with almost the same symptoms that a woman experiences during premenstrual syndrome.

In cases of planned pregnancy, as a rule, future parents at the end of the 4th week have already become the owners of the results of the hCG analysis, and already know that pregnancy has occurred. Therefore, in cases of bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen, back and pelvic area, you should immediately consult a doctor. All these symptoms may be the first signs of an incipient miscarriage or missed pregnancy.

In this case, you can try to save pregnancy with the help of strong progesterone support. But, as a rule, doctors do not try to interfere with this process, since it can be caused by various genetic abnormalities in the embryo, which subsequently cannot be compatible with life.

Also, the causes of missed abortion may include pathologies in the female body such as:

  • acute phase of an infectious disease;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • heavy smoking or drinking alcohol;
  • pathological changes in the endometrium of the uterus due to frequent abortions and other surgical interventions.

In addition, at four weeks there is a high risk of developing such anomalies as conjoined twins. This can occur when the embryo is not completely divided.

Sirenomelia also develops after the stage has already passed. It leads to poor circulation in the lower part of the fetus, and the child may be born with underdeveloped fused limbs, underdeveloped genitals and kidneys.

That is why it is so important during this period, if the pregnancy is planned, to create the most comfortable conditions for the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman should take her diet very seriously. To do this, you should limit the consumption of so-called heavy foods (flour products, pies, animal fats, preserves, etc.), but be sure to include fresh vegetables, fruits, and protein products in your daily diet.

Sports and physical activity

You cannot engage in professional heavy sports, but small physical activities will only be beneficial, for example, jogging in the fresh air, morning exercises, swimming in a free, easy style.

Baths and saunas

There is no ban on taking a bath or sauna at this stage of pregnancy. But it is important to remember the dangers of too high water and air temperatures for the health of the expectant mother. Therefore, you should not make the water in the bathroom higher than 37 degrees, and stay in the sauna for longer than 5-7 minutes.

Medicinal and medical procedures

Since the four-week pregnancy period is critical for the future health of your baby, it is strictly forbidden to take any pharmaceutical drugs during this period, you must be very careful with herbal teas and infusions, and it is prohibited to undergo any procedures associated with x-ray exposure, including fluorography.

Bad habits

There should be no memories left of bad habits at this time. Smoking, alcohol, drugs - all this should remain a thing of the past, especially if the pregnancy is planned.


If you didn’t have pets in your house before, now is not the time to get them. By the 4th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s immunity is significantly weakened, and therefore you should not tempt fate and “provoke” various allergic reactions, which will certainly have a negative impact on the development of the fetus and on the woman’s well-being.


Intimate relationships during this period are allowed, but only with mutual consent, and without aggressiveness.

From all this we can summarize the following:

The following are prohibited: the use of alcohol, drugs, nicotine, medications (except for vitamin complexes prescribed by a doctor), heavy physical activity, especially weight lifting, negative emotions, stress, any kind of anesthesia, even during dental operations.

In order to avoid or reduce the level of intensity of psycho-emotional disorders (sharp changes in mood, increased excitability and irritability, etc.), it is important during this period for a woman to adhere to a certain day and night routine that is comfortable for her. That is, get up and go to bed at the same time, sleep at night for at least eight hours, eat healthy meals at least three times a day, and preferably more often, but in small portions, avoid staying in crowded places so as not to become infected with infectious diseases. or viral diseases.

4th week of pregnancy with IVF

Since in vitro fertilization is characterized by late implantation, it does not take place at the beginning of this period, but closer to its end, approximately on days 5-7 of 4 weeks.

If two or more fetuses develop in the uterus at once, this pregnancy is called multiple. If during the fertilization period two or more eggs were fertilized at once, then already in the fourth week of pregnancy each of them is independently attached to the wall of the uterus in its cavity and begins its own, separate development.

For each embryo, its own chorion and amniotic sac are formed. The babies in this case will be called dizygotic. They can be of different sexes, and necessarily with a different genetic makeup.

If twins are obtained from one fertilized egg, which is divided into two (three or more parts), then these babies will be called identical. Depending on the location of cell division, the formation of the placenta and amniotic sac will depend: if the division occurred at the free blastocyst stage, they will have a common placenta and an individual amniotic sac. And if the division of the egg was at the zygote stage (in the fallopian tube), then each baby will have a separate placenta and bladder.

The same sex and the same gene set occur only in babies who develop in the water bladder with one common placenta.

Video about 4 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a magical period for every woman, because a new life grows and develops inside her day by day. An interesting fact is that at this time many processes occur in the expectant mother’s body that affect her well-being in different ways. These can be either attacks of unprecedented joy or states of deep depression. Often a woman may feel sick, tired and very weak. But no matter what happens, this is always a very exciting period, because very soon there will be a long-awaited meeting with a tiny little man.

The 4th obstetric week of pregnancy is 1 month, the first trimester. The first month of pregnancy is coming to an end, and most women can only guess about their interesting situation, since no doctor can give 100% confidence that pregnancy will occur.

What happens in a woman’s body at 4 weeks?

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo can only begin to penetrate the uterine wall. When this happens depends on the patency of the fallopian tubes, the woman’s menstrual cycle and individual characteristics. Therefore, at this stage there is still a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

If the tubes have poor patency, then the embryo moves through them very slowly, overcoming many obstacles on its way. As it progresses, it constantly increases in size, as the cells continually divide. As a result, a situation may arise when the embryo cannot reach the uterine cavity, and begins to grow and develop directly in the fallopian tube. This is very dangerous and can threaten a woman with dire consequences, including losing her pipe.

Fortunately, ectopic pregnancy is not a common occurrence, so there is no need to worry or be upset, especially since all the mother’s experiences are now reflected in the condition of the baby.

If the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterus at 3 weeks, then at 4 weeks of pregnancy the hCG level should reach a level of 10-156 mIU/ml. This means that the first tests will show the coveted two stripes. The second stripe may still be pale, but already visible. By repeating the test a few days later, you can finally confirm that pregnancy has occurred.

What happens to the fetus at 4 weeks?

At the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus looks like a small grain. In length it measures no more than 0.35-1 mm, and weighs about 0.5 grams. Despite the fact that your baby is still just a baby, he is constantly actively developing. It is now that the baby's head begins to develop. Now he no longer looks just like a ball, but becomes like an embryo.

At week 4, the placenta and amniotic fluid begin to develop.

The fertilized egg at this stage consists of three layers, from which the baby’s skeleton, nervous system, brain, liver cells, pancreas and all other tissues and organs will subsequently be formed. This is a very complex process that will take as long as 9 months. It seems incredible that just two parent cells can produce a little person.

Feelings and first signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy at such an early stage often goes unnoticed by the expectant mother. Changes in hormonal levels have already begun, but so far they have no effect on overall well-being. Most likely, a woman at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy feels the same as before her period: the lower abdomen pulls, sometimes the lower back hurts and stretches (the pain is aching, not severe), the breasts fill up and become more sensitive, the emotional state is characterized by sudden changes, Appetite disturbance may occur.

Each woman experiences the first signs of pregnancy to varying degrees, everything is purely individual. Expectant mothers with a highly sensitive body may experience dizziness, weakness, lethargy and drowsiness, and in rare cases, even toxicosis is possible.

In women with a short menstrual cycle, at the 4th obstetric week there may already be a delay. And this is a clear sign that the baby has already settled in the tummy. You can confirm your assumptions using a test.

During the examination, the gynecologist can also draw conclusions about the onset of pregnancy by changes in the cervix; it becomes looser and softer, and acquires a bluish tint.

It is too early to do an ultrasound, because the baby is still very tiny and cannot be detected by an ultrasound machine. The first ultrasound is prescribed at the first screening at 12 weeks. But if there is pronounced pain in the lower abdomen, brown or bloody discharge, then it is better not to delay the first ultrasound examination and do it at 5-6 weeks to exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

Caring for your baby from the first weeks of pregnancy

It is very important for the mother to maintain the pregnancy and adhere to all the recommendations that doctors can give. For example, during planning and throughout the entire period, it is strictly prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages. The first trimester of pregnancy is a time of active development of the fetus and the period of formation of all major organs and systems, so the mother must create all the conditions for the normal development of the baby.

In addition to leading a healthy lifestyle and limiting the intake of alcoholic beverages and nicotine into the body, care should be taken to ensure that the child receives all the vitamins he needs. Many doctors recommend starting to take multi-vitamins for pregnant women while planning. This will help the child receive all the necessary substances for proper development, and the woman will keep hemoglobin levels under control.

If you haven't started taking folic acid yet, now is the time to start. It has a huge positive effect on the development of all the main organs and systems of the child, including the nervous system. It should be taken throughout the entire 1st trimester of pregnancy.

You should refuse any antibiotics, and take medications in case of colds, allergies and other diseases in consultation with your doctor, since many medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. It is also better to postpone dental treatment until 15-16 weeks, because any anesthesia is very harmful and dangerous for the baby at such an early stage.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

V.: My husband and I dream of having twins. The test showed a positive result at 4 weeks. Is it possible to find out now whether there will be twins or one child?

A: It’s impossible to know for sure now. The fact of multiple pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound at 5-6 weeks.

Q: 4th obstetric week, how long is it from conception?

A: Conception occurs differently for everyone, depending on the length of the menstrual cycle. With a cycle of 28 days, conception occurs on the 13-14th day of the cycle, respectively, the 4th obstetric week is 2 weeks from conception.

V.: The temperature has been 37.3 for two days. The test showed a weak line, there are still 2 days left before the delay. Is it normal to have a fever and there are no signs of a cold?

A: During pregnancy in the very early stages, a slight increase in temperature up to 37.5 degrees is possible. This is how the body can react to an increase in progesterone. If the temperature does not return to normal after a couple of days, it is better to consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of inflammation or a viral disease.

How to find out your due date?

The first thing a woman thinks about after calming her emotions after confirming her pregnancy is: “When will I give birth?”

Of course, it is impossible to calculate the exact date of birth, since each organism is individual. On average, babies spend 38 to 42 weeks in the womb. The expected date of birth is calculated by adding 40 weeks to the first day of the last menstrual period.

Intensive cell division slows down in the second week after fertilization. The embryo is divided into layers that will become the fetus, the placenta and the amniotic sac. The umbilical cord is formed. Everything that happens during this period is associated with the formation of a convenient place for the further development of the fetus and the formation of organs and their systems. The embryo actively feeds at the expense of the mother, its weight reaches 0.5 g, and its length is about 5 mm.

The sensations in the fourth week of pregnancy are not the most pleasant. The nagging pain stops, appetite increases, the stomach becomes slightly rounded, and the waist expands. Fatigue, mood swings, and bowel dysfunction appear. The breasts swell, the sensitivity of the nipples increases, and they even become painful.


At this stage, the critical period of embryo development continues, which began at week 3 and will end at approximately week 6. This concept refers to certain phases of intrauterine development when the embryo is most vulnerable to the effects of damaging environmental factors. It includes three processes - implantation, organogenesis and placentation. High sensitivity is explained primarily by the active differentiation of organs and tissues of the embryo, as well as the intensive processes of biosynthesis of nucleic acids, proteins and lipids for the construction of membranes. It is during these periods of organogenesis that, under the influence of the damaging environmental factors mentioned earlier (week 3), the embryo may die or develop developmental defects. Therefore, during this period you need to be very careful. Although, of course, as mentioned above, not all women know about their pregnancy, which leads to sad consequences: pregnancy fading or spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) may occur. And the reason for this may be taking certain medications, heavy physical activity, drinking alcohol, smoking, severe emotional shock, an infectious disease with high temperature.

Stomach ache

Abdominal pain, as mentioned earlier, may be present, and many women attribute them to the upcoming menstruation, but this is due to the processes occurring in the endometrium, which transforms during pregnancy. Pain can be especially pronounced in women whose menstruation was accompanied by pain. But of course, not all pain is physiological, especially when it is accompanied by brown discharge and is felt in the lower back. In such cases, you need to contact a specialist.

Mom's nutrition

Knowing that at this stage the fetus is in a critical period of development and is subject to the influence of various negative factors, of course, it is worth considering the diet of the expectant mother. One of the negative factors may be malnutrition, namely a lack of vitamins and micro- and macroelements that are required for the normal formation and development of the fetus. It is worth abandoning “synthetic” products flavored with artificial additives and flavors. Completely forget about harmful products. Eat less sweets and starchy foods, eat more fruits, vegetables, porridge - all this contains vitamins and fiber, and you should also eat steamed or boiled meat. Salty, hot, spicy, and smoked foods should also be excluded from the diet; perhaps, for such a short period of time, this will not affect the woman’s well-being, but in the future, excessive salt consumption can lead to increased blood pressure and edema.

It is also necessary to add that vegetarianism, diets, fasting days are not the best gift for a baby, because he is deprived of a large amount of nutrients, so the expectant mother needs to give up this lifestyle.

What do we have to do

It is necessary to establish a work and rest schedule. Walk more, breathe fresh air, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Heavy physical activity should be postponed. If a woman is not bothered by pain, after consulting with a doctor, she can practice yoga for pregnant women, but strictly after discussing this issue with the doctor supervising her. If a woman lives in the city, then it would be ideal to go out of town, take a break from the bustle of the city, exhaust fumes and daily stress.

Speaking of stress. As mentioned above: stress is one of the negative factors that can lead to adverse consequences, so you should avoid them as much as possible, get positive emotions, and do your favorite things. Listen to pleasant music, go to the theater, watch beautiful and inspiring paintings; some researchers claim that this has a beneficial effect on the fetus and shapes some of its character traits. In a word, enjoy your current position.

Belly photo
