Read curse academy 4 full version. Elena Zvezdnaya - Academy of Curses

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Curse Academy

Book Four

Annotation: What is the difference between passion and love? The one who unknowingly sent the Curse of Eternal Passion has yet to find the answer to this question. At the same time, find out what Presentation to the court of the Dark Empire is worse than even death. Deya will have to endure communication with high society, parting words from the father-in-law and the wrath of the groom ... And also somewhere you need to find time to write diplomas, an office and look for someone who is trying to kill Lord Ryan Thiers over and over again ...

Great Rhian Thiers, a member of the Order of the Immortals, the First Sword of the Empire, the master of Dark Magic and the Art of Death, the only one at the sight of which even Tesme turned pale, looked at me wearily with faded black eyes. A haggard, as if darkened face, chapped weathered lips, and a silent question in his eyes.

I lowered my head, I did not want to say anything in the presence of strangers, and in addition to the two of us, Master Tesme, Captain Veris, Lady Oris and our chief librarian Mr. Bibor were present in the office. Considering that I was caught hacking into the library vault, and the vault only for master level teachers, by using a curse on Mr. Bibor himself, I was indeed in danger of being expelled.

"I'm sorry, Lord Headmaster," I said softly, lowering my head.

I was really sorry, but Dara refused to help rudely and flatly. Master Tesme answered all my questions very sharply: "Don't get involved in this, adept Riate." Rian… Rian was gone for four days, two of which I spent under house arrest. The rules at the academy are strict, I broke them. Even the intervention of Okeno, who was now hesitating outside the door, did not help.

"You're sorry," Ryan sighed heavily. “Is that all you want to tell us, adept Riate?”

I wanted to say more, but not in front of everyone.

“Very well,” the Lord Director said wearily, “go on, Adept Riate.”

Throwing her head up, she looked at him incredulously, but the Master didn't even deign to look at me. But no, as if sensing my gaze, they paid attention to me to remind:

- You are free.

I had no choice but to silently turn around and leave, though I had to make an effort not to slam the door.

And in the secretary's room, Okeno was waiting for me, who, ahead of Lady Mitas, quietly asked:

- Withdrawn.

Holding back my tears, I quietly answered:

- Don't know.

The senior investigator shook his head reproachfully and once again asked:

- Why did you go there?

“Riate-Riate, there are things that defenseless people like you better not get involved in. What did this stunt of yours with the theft of the plate lead to, Riate. Two drow died, you were attacked, nine guards suffered in the fight with the carraghs. And all this because of one stupid act of yours!

What to say to that? We wanted to reveal the secret, both Yurao and now we are paying. Officer Knights has been suspended from duty, and I'm likely to be expelled. They just put us in our place quite rudely. Nobody doubted that we did not agree with this very place, but our opinion was completely ignored.

“I will talk to Lord Thiers,” Okeno said softly, “but even if he expels you, you will go as an intern in the Day Guard, in a year you will enter the guard academy, seven years and you are with us, Daya. You are an excellent investigator, so I will provide you with a job.

“Thank you, but… Yurao and I are planning to do some private detective work, Master Okeno.

“Private investigation requires experience and knowledge, Deya, you will only get this in the Night or Day Watch. Although the Night is closer to you, the Day ones do not deal with the affairs with a magical component.

He was interrupted by Verees, who opened the door a crack and invited the senior investigator into the headmaster's office. I sadly trudged to the women's hostel.

Wrapped up in a cloak, I impassively walked around the yard, not immediately paying attention to the group that was coming across me. And, probably, I wouldn’t even look if I didn’t hear the sarcastic:

“Wow, who’s coming, the venerable blacksmith Gort herself!” This voice was unrecognizable.

Throwing my head up, I saw Rigra, her two brothers, and servants with suitcases—lectures were starting tomorrow, so the fact that adepts who had been on vacation had arrived at the academy did not surprise me. I wasn't surprised by her "greeting", because I already knew about the meeting with Aunt Rui. But I had no desire to deal with her, and therefore, having overtaken them, I hurried to the hostel.

“Dirty waitress ignoring high society?” Although there is nothing to be surprised about - the director's favorite, not to say - a mistress, now a respectable woman, almost a blacksmith, is her older brother.

- Hey, Daika-server, did you lose your voice from happiness? - and this is the youngest.

I stopped, and despite the fact that my eyes were wet, my heart was completely torn to pieces, I slowly turned to the bastard Dakene family. And she almost screamed, because behind the vile trinity towered Lord Ellohar, whom our local aristocrats did not see. On the other hand, the master winked at me merrily and, putting his finger to his lips, called for silence. In general, the director of the School of the Art of Death looked strange - a black thin sweater under the neck, black trousers and that's all. Considering that it is not summer at all, and Rigra and his brothers, wrapped in fur coats, still shudder in the gusts of an icy wind, Ellohar's attire was really strange. But the smile is cheerful, a little sly, and I smiled in response.

- She has a strange look, and she smiles. Are you by any chance stray? Rigra's older brother stepped towards me. “Hey, brat, answer when you're spoken to.

From the sly, the master's smile became some kind of predatory.

“It looks like she wants us to teach her manners again, doesn’t she, Deika?” The younger took a threatening step towards me.

Ellohar stopped smiling instantly and asked gloomily:

"Riate, what are you talking about?"

The Dakene family jumped in surprise, the servants dropped their suitcases, and Rigra, seeing the master, groaned and sat down in the snow with fright. Ellohar came slowly closer, thus standing between the brothers, and amiably embracing both of them by the shoulders, with emphasized gaiety, asked:

- What, my killer whales, are we having fun with fisticuffs? the young aristocrats turned white. - Silence, my brave? And you are doing the right thing, when with torture, it is always more fun! Both Dakene brothers were now trembling with fear.

A blue flame erupted.

When two adepts of death stepped out of it, the younger Dakene fell to his knees and howled, the master was not at all embarrassed:

“Well, well, it will be for you, my joy, you have to pay for everything in this life, for beating a weak woman too, especially since it will be so fun and exciting, right, Adept Gorhe?”

The first person to appear grinned wickedly and asked only one question:

- Is he for my test or term paper?

“To the essay on the History of Torture,” Ellohar smiled so happily. - Orves, you take the second one and give it to the first-year students, they are just practicing very interesting blows there today. At sunset, return both to the family nest. Tell your parents that they can send claims to me personally. All.

The howling Dakenes were dragged into the blue flame, they turned to the howling Rigra and politely reported:

- Director Thiers will deal with you, adept, I will notify him personally about the incident. Now get out of my sight.

Rigra has probably never run so fast. The servants, picking up the suitcases, rushed off after her, and in the middle of the courtyard Ellohar and I were left alone, although I didn’t know what to expect from the master. It turned out - nothing good:

- Riate, are we breeding snot again? he asked lazily.

I involuntarily sniffed, and reminded him of the obvious:

Winter, actually.

- AND? The Master raised an eyebrow. - Is this a reason for increased snot separation? Riate, at such a pace you will reach mate, and this is not only a pitiful sight, but also disgusting. Will you have lunch with me?

Shaking my head in the negative, I tried to explain everything, and started with:

I'm under arrest and...

“Think of it as an escape,” Ellohar interrupted me.

A blue flame erupted.

When the flames disappeared, we found ourselves in the master's office, in the very school of the Art of Death. And here the window was open, and through the whistle of the wind, I heard in the distance:

“Attack, lord,” the woman ordered, in the same tone Verees had used when she ordered us to start the run.

- Attack!

A strangled scream, and then the woman spoke again.

- The "Dead Loop" grip allows you to inflict maximum damage on the attacker, with minimal effort and time costs ...

Ellohar went to the window, closed it, locked it, and all this with an insidious grin, after which, turning to me, he asked:

— Tea, juice, handkerchief?

“I don’t like this place at all,” I said honestly.

“Noticeably,” Ellohar, slightly bowing his head, watched me with interest. “Riate, do you sleep well at night?”

Shaking my head negatively, I went to the already familiar sofa, sat down, and realized that I definitely needed a scarf. And not alone.

“He didn’t show up for four days,” I groaned, “four days… They don’t let me out of the academy… Dara doesn’t know anything, Tesme knows, but doesn’t speak… And I’m slowly going crazy with anxiety and uncertainty. Where is he? What about him? Why doesn't it show up? How did the study of Ardam by the Immortals end? Questions, questions, questions… and no answers… And also anxiety, constant, maddening, terrible anxiety for him…” I sobbed. - I can't do this anymore...

Ellohar came up, sat down beside him, put his arm around his shoulders, held out a handkerchief and said thoughtfully:

- Tantrums were not supposed to be on the lunch menu, but I am ready to make sacrifices. What's next?

“Nothing,” I answered sharply, after a caustic remark, remembering who I was talking to at all and tried to get up.

I blushed.

- Ashamed? – the master asked mockingly, – come on, with your experience in the robbery of the respected Tesma, there can be no question of any shame. But what I got, yes, it's a shame.

Another silent but determined attempt to get up, but I was again restrained.

- Quietly, - and Ellohar, already without mocking notes, said: - Thiers was afraid for you, Deya. He was very scared for you.

I stopped escaping, the master continued:

“I warned you not to get into this, as I felt, Riate. You and the drow climbed into the arena, where the strongest fight and the weak are not treated with ceremony. The smart ones, realizing where they got into trouble, immediately retreat, and you and Knights continued. And the height of stupidity is the story with this plate. All right, you would have dragged her away, but it's getting worse, Riate, you betrayed the fact of owning her.

I took a deep breath and quietly asked:

— How are the same artifactor, who had the first Thiers medallion, and the murdered dwarf, who, in addition to the second medallion, also hid a tablet, and ...

They shut my mouth imperiously, waited until I stopped making even an attempt at liberation, and rudely asked:

— Riate, how is your hearing?

“I have wonderful hearing,” I thought, but I didn’t tell Ellohar about it.

Removing his hand from my face, the master thought, and suddenly asked:

“And what answers were you going to find in a closed library?”

The director of the Art of Death School was the first and only person to ask me this question, which is probably why I answered:

- It's all somehow connected - the theft of artifacts from the Thiers clan reminded me very much of the story told by one vampire about the theft of artifacts from the clan of metamorphs.

— Coming in the Dream? – as it turned out, Ellohar knew about the incident.

“Yes,” I thoughtfully crumpled my handkerchief, “and suddenly artifacts pop up in the imperial treasury. It would seem unbelievable, but only a stronger clan can defeat the clan, so everything is logical and it is not clear only one thing, for which the emperor needed these artifacts. - Ellohar was silent, I continued: - And then a group of people steal artifacts and scatter around the empire. And it would seem that what is common between an artifactor, a dwarf and a magician? Yes, nothing, except for the obvious participation in the very theft. And it is not clear why they went for it, if this did not bring any benefit to them? They didn’t try to sell the artifacts, they didn’t try to give them to the same Spellcasters, and I have a feeling that they just wanted to hide them ... - I remembered the corpse of the gnome-tanner and added in a low voice, - to hide, at the cost of my own life. For what?!

Bowing his head politely, Ellohar listened to me thoughtfully, and his gaze, the attentive and penetrating gaze of a very experienced and wise lord…

"And you won't shut my mouth?" I asked with a bitter smile.

He only narrowed his eyes provocatively in response, then smiled sadly.

“Let’s go,” rising, the master held out his hand. “I’m hungry, so it doesn’t hurt you to eat too.”

We had lunch in the school cafeteria. If the name “school cafeteria” was appropriate for this place, I would rather call this place a restaurant. A cozy hall in the imperial style, round tables covered with snow-white tablecloths, exquisite cutlery, impeccable service and dishes for every taste.

We went to one of the tables by the window, and as soon as we sat down, a waiter dressed in a school uniform greeted us, then handed us a list of dishes to choose from.

“As usual for me,” said Lord Ellohar lazily, “but the lady should have offered a more conservative menu, don’t you think?

The waiter, a half-breed vampire, suddenly turned pale, and saying: “I humbly ask you to forgive me,” carefully took away from me a thin book with gold stamping, I didn’t even have time to open it.

“Believe me, if I were you, I wouldn’t get upset,” the master consoled.

“I like looking at the menus in different establishments, it's always interesting,” I said.

“All right,” Ellohar smiled enigmatically, “I’ll ask you to bring it back… after dinner.”

A waiter appeared, brought a menu, obviously in a hurry, wiped from dust, on which the monograms of the capital's restaurant "Semaron" appeared.

- And, you will prepare everything that I order from this? I asked suspiciously.

“Undoubtedly,” Magister Ellohar said with an evil smile.

The half-vampire swallowed hard. I suddenly felt sorry for him and the cooks, and I asked for the simplest:

- Can I have an omelet with greens?

Someone obviously immediately felt better, and they asked me with gratitude:

What do you want in drinks?

- Just tea. Anyone,” I quickly replied.

- Guilt maybe? suggested Lord Ellohar.

My eyes instantly filled with tears, my heart spasmed, and I quietly answered:

- No thanks.

Throwing a mocking glance at me, Ellohar ordered:

— White, from my stocks. And yes, I'm hungry.

It was the first time I saw a waiter moving around running, and even running so fast. And it never happened that the order was brought almost instantly. Before I had time to smooth the napkin on my knees, the half-vampire returned with a tray and began deftly setting the table. The master, as it turned out, is in solidarity with Rian in culinary preferences and they brought meat for him. True, the chunk turned out to be barely fried, but apparently it was intended, at least Ellohar was very pleased with what he brought. So did I - the puffed omelet looked appetizing, and the tea was just the way I like it - with a sprig of curry. And then the vampire deftly poured the wine into glasses. I looked at him indignantly, wanting to stop pouring the drink into my glass, since I was not going to drink wine, but then ... “Don't drink,” the waiter whispered with his lips.

I choked with indignation, squeezed out a miserable smile and asked in a hushed voice:

“Can I have some dessert for tea?”

“Of course, lady,” the half-vampire bowed ceremoniously, and left us.

My heart beat a frightened fraction, my palms turned cold, I got sick of eating. These aristocrats and their wine.

“I propose a toast,” Ellohar raised his glass, “to the beautiful darling of Lord Rian Thiers.” Come on, just one sip.

With a trembling hand, I took the glass, tried to smile, and raised it to my lips. In general, imitating a small sip is not so difficult, I tried to make everything look natural. Unnatural in this whole situation was only the master's gaze, and then he emptied his own glass in one gulp. And so we began to dine, myself, trying not to flinch, and Lord Ellohar, who dined with the grace of a true aristocrat.

And then the strangeness began:

“In this situation, the easiest thing to do would be to declare you my bride, Daya. I managed to deceive a small people, and there would have been no problems with Thiers. And then you would be safe, Thiers out of grief would have dug up this whole gang of conspirators, I would have been able to play my part, and then return you to Ryan. A brilliant and fail-safe plan, Daya, the best under the circumstances. There is one unpleasant and small "but" - I like you. And to my sincere regret, a little more than just the chosen one of my best and, perhaps, only friend. It could be attributed to your personal qualities, and it's hard not to admire you, Deya, but ... - he poured himself another glass of wine, - but I like you. And this happened only once in my life, and I… lost her.

I looked at the master in shock, he, mockingly grinning, saluted me with a glass, again drank everything to the bottom, and, cutting the meat into pieces, continued:

“If someone else were in Thiers’ place, my choice would be obvious, and this is how a sickly moral component interferes, and I simply have no right to act so cruelly with those who saved my life at the cost of their own. Thus, the option of a bloodless solution to the problem disappears, solely due to my lack of confidence in my own willpower. In general, I must admit - good girls have always been my weakness. However, let's not talk about it.

They smiled at me charmingly, and for a while the master returned to dinner. As soon as he poured the wine again, he continued:

- I am sincerely amazed in you, Deya, that with such a small number of facts, you are able to draw such correct conclusions. Exceptionally correct conclusions. However, this is not so important. - Ellohar drank everything to the bottom again, and then thoughtfully said: - I have a feeling that someone is playing, controlling the situation and manipulating the actors. Such a little pleasant feeling ... You know, in my life there was a situation when a mere trifle, an accident, an absurdity, I would even say, so she opened her eyes to a conspiracy aimed at overthrowing the imperial dynasty. It would seem utter stupidity, but ... while conducting that investigation, for the first time I experienced a feeling of horror. And I thought in horror - what would happen if one of my adepts did not pay attention to that strange pattern that the rest simply did not notice.

Drumming his fingers on the table, as if pulling himself out of an unpleasant memory, he aimed his gaze at me and said softly:

“I will answer your questions, Deya, it’s a pity you will never remember this conversation, but at least you will stop tormenting yourself with unnecessary worries. So: First, the investigation in Ardam gave us nothing. At all. That curser who hunted Knights, as he was an asshole, so an asshole and died. You next time take it easy with curses. By the way, he turned out to be a simple and ordinary person, not even a magician, however, he did not belong to the indigenous inhabitants of the empire, and the defector control authorities did not recognize him. The thread has broken. Second, the Immortals also found nothing. At all. The only traces of magic were associated with karraghs, or rather their calling. Based on Erhi's testimony, realizing that the first karragh was unable to deal with you, this creature, which we assumed contained a sea witch, summoned three more cute representatives of the sea world. But since the guardian spirit blocked the summoning magic by taking measures to preserve the territory entrusted to him, she had to summon them to the square. From there they crawled towards you.

The square where Ryan and I stood that morning! More than sure the witch was there and saw us. I suddenly really wanted wine.

“But alive and unharmed,” I thought stubbornly.

“Don’t be sad,” Ellohar held out his hand, flicked my nose, “Thiers will figure everything out, he is stubborn and persistent, and does not calm down until everything is sorted out.

A scarlet flame erupted.

Rian came out in the middle of the dining room, looked around, saw us, his gaze glided over the bottle of wine, his eyes instantly narrowed and, approaching, the master looked exclusively at Ellohar. I don't know how the headmaster of the Art of Death school reacted to his approach, because I myself, without looking up, looked at Lord Thiers, who again ignored me.

- About what exactly? Ellohar asked lazily and signaled to the waiter, and as soon as he approached, he said: - You are aware of Lord Thiers' preferences. - Then again to Rhian: - Thiers, I have known you for twelve years, and Lady Thiers constantly has warnings. What is this time?

Ignoring his hint, the Lord Director leaned down, lightly touched my lips, then brought a chair and sat down closer to me, frozen in awareness of the information received.

- Something happened? Ryan asked politely.

I shook my head, still wide-eyed, looking at him.

"You're pale," the master gently stroked his cheek.

“Dea is all right,” Ellohar said lazily, pouring himself another glass of wine.

Ryan grabbed the bottle, raised it to his lips, took a sip, then quickly peered at the remnants of the seal that had been torn off at the opening. Once again he looked at me carefully, then turned to the director of the School of the Art of Death, who was just slowly sipping this very wine, and asked the incredible:

- Did you talk a lot?

The glass in the hands of Ellohar trembled, after which the master directed an attentive look at me, but what is there attentive - practically burning through.

"She didn't drink a drop," Ryan confirmed his fears.

The unforgettable look of Magister Ellohar and me, slowly blushing underneath. I had to justify

“I didn’t want to drink… I pretended to be… polite.”

The waiter came up, placed the dishes in front of the Lord Director, and, bowing, left our table, drowning in awkward silence. I sat and tried to understand - Master Ellohar said all this seriously or is it a mockery of his neighbor in his usual manner, however, if you remember the words and hints of witches ... it becomes somehow uncomfortable. Raising her eyes, she came across the gloomy and wary look of Lord Ellohar, she became completely uneasy.

"Day," Ryan called softly, "what's going on?"

And what can I say, I again silently lowered my eyes, leaving the masters to discuss what had happened without my participation. It's a very embarrassing situation, and in light of what I've heard, I don't feel like asking Ryan any more questions. Although no, one question was important:

- Have I been expelled? Still without looking up, I asked.

In response, I was asked my own question:

“What do you want to hear from me, Daya?”

I want to hear that you will no longer disappear from my life for four and a half days without even saying goodbye. And that's probably the only thing I want to hear right now, because everything else, including being expelled from the academy, I can handle ... but not your loss.

Taking a deep breath and still not raising my eyes, I said softly:

If you don't want to tell me, don't. I'll ask the curator Veris, however, she also issues the documents in her hands.

And having crumpled a napkin, I got up, turned around and left the dining room, unable to find the strength to continue this conversation. And then she remembered that Rian was clearly hungry, and so all haggard, and turned around to go back.

But the master opened the door before me.

“You weren’t expelled,” I still listen in silence, “although I had a desire to sign the librarian’s petition, throw you over my shoulder and take you to the family castle. But…

Has your conscience awakened? I asked, raising my head to look at him.

His face darkened, his eyes narrowed, and Ryan asked hoarsely:

- And here it is?

Yes, indeed, moreover ... Although who am I to make the great Lord Rian Thiers report about his whereabouts to an ordinary adept.

“Are you going to remain silent?” the master asked with dull irritation.

I turned away, restrained all the statements that I so wanted to voice about his absence, and quietly answered:

“Let’s go back, you need to eat…”

“I don’t need to tell you, Daya! Ryan said sharply.

Something inside me bursts and flies into the Abyss like a hundred sharp fragments. I'm in pain. It hurts a lot, but is there any point in talking about it? None.

“All right,” I said in a barely audible voice, trying not to burst into tears, “do whatever you want, as much as you want, and you can disappear again, no one knows where.” Now please take me back to the academy if you can.

The master silently took my hand, brought me back, seated me on a chair, and moved him to the table. Nothing at the table had changed, except that a new bottle of wine had been added, red this time, and the Lord Director's glass was full.

Seeing my gaze, Ryan asked:

- Will you?

Smiling bitterly, I quietly asked:

- And what is it with? - and explained the question: - A potion of oblivion, poison, or something more interesting?

Rian mentioned the abyss and drank it all in one gulp, Ellohar, winking at me, also emptied his glass of white wine, I just turned to the window, dreaming more than anything else to be somewhere very far away.

The waiter came up, served me a curry pie, I smiled gratefully in response, and then it sounded:

- Stand! from Ellohar.

The half-vampire and I flinched at the same time, and then I simply decided to prevent the interrogation that the master was clearly about to start:

“I have a huge request, Lord Ellohar,” I said, trying to cover my fear for the half-vampire with notes of irritation, “could you refrain from shouting at the table? Or is the hysteria of an adept at the academy of curses still included in your mandatory menu?

Ellohar waved his hand and the waiter vanished. I squeezed out a "Thank you" with difficulty and pushed the barely touched omelette aside to take the pie. And as soon as I broke off a piece with a spoon and brought it to my lips, Rhian Thiers deigned to speak to me:

Why did you have to break into the academy library?

Lord Ellohar intervened unexpectedly.

“Give the man something to eat, and what she did there is already well known to you, Thiers.

“Enlighten me,” said the Lord Headmaster unfriendly.

With a chuckle, the Headmaster of the Death Art School replied cryptically:

- For example, the answer to the question: "Can I send a certain Master Thiers through the forest?"

Ryan put down his fork and knife, not finishing an impressive piece of equally barely fried meat, and folded his arms over his chest, looked at Ellohar.

“Or,” continued the insolent master, “Mistress Riate has become interested in the problem of refusal of marriage obligations. Or maybe...

- May be enough? - with such impeccable politeness that it seemed like an outright mockery, Ryan inquired.

“Or maybe,” Ellohar did not pay the slightest attention to his outburst, “the young adept was simply tired of sitting on the windowsill all night, waiting for the great and omnipotent to stop reveling in imaginary insults?”

Rian did not move and did not even change his face, but somehow suddenly there was a feeling that the clouds were thickening ... And deciding not to allow quarrels, she said quietly:

- I was going through.

Forgetting about Ellohar, the Lord Director turned to me and answered in a hollow voice:

— I followed the trail.

Angry, tired, irritated and prickly all over!

“Okay, I was wrong.” Grabbing my cup of tea, I hurriedly took a sip, drinking more of a desire to speak out than just being thirsty.

And here is a strange thing - the tea had a taste of ... wine!

Throwing up my head, I look at Master Ellohar, who grinned insidiously in response and saluted me with a glass.

- What's the matter? Ryan asked instantly. He reached out, took the cup from me, took a sip, angrily inquired of Ellohar: - And behind what Abyss did you do this ?!

“Like your mother used to say: Beware of him, Ryan?” You can start.

- In vain, Ellohar, - Lord Thiers poured a full glass of red wine, handed it to me and said: - In white wine, there really is an oblivion potion, a rather weak concentration, but this is for us, and a sip will work on you. The wine that I drink, on the contrary, stimulates both the memory and the mind, I need it now, because four days without sleep and rest begin to affect my intelligence, which I cannot allow in the current situation. If there is information received during a conversation with the master that you do not want to forget, it is enough to drink half a glass. Hold it, and they handed me the wine.

It seemed to me that under the gaze of Lord Ellohar I would definitely choke, but I drank the whole glass to the bottom, despite the fact that I needed only half.

“My dearest,” called the lord director of the waiter, “replace the tea and glass for my bride, and yes, be so kind as to serve for her the same as I have.

I look at Ryan in some amazement, and then I suddenly feel that I really really want to eat. And the hunger...

Before the waiter appeared, I ate the whole omelette, Ellohar’s gaze didn’t bother me at all, and I also didn’t refuse thinly sliced ​​​​and barely fried meat, and then the incredible happened - forgetting about embarrassment, anger, and even resentment, I suddenly said:

“I couldn't let you go. I don't know why, I couldn't. And if I had to stop you at the cost of my own life, I would do that too!

Ryan put down his fork and knife, leaned back in his chair, folded his arms over his chest, and said with his excessive calmness:

“Yes, but in the end, you may well pay with your life for keeping me back then, dear.” Because I didn't find this creature. I followed her trail day after day, I moved after her, I used up all my reserve, thank the Abyss a familiar witch helped me, and yet I missed this creature. And where now to expect a blow is unknown.

The Lord Director sighed heavily, and I looked at him, realizing with horror that he had not slept ... all these days, and I understand where both irritation and fatigue come from.

“She attacked in Ardam,” the magister continued, “and this was my chance to capture her. And it looks like he was the only one.

What about your family castle? Ellohar asked.

“Yes, we have spread the word that my father has the blueprint for the ritual, but tell me, who will go to Langred?”

"No one," the Master chuckled. “Even an idiot wouldn't risk it.

"That's what it's all about," Ryan said thoughtfully.

Probably, this wine really influenced me, because before I would have kept silent, now I allowed myself to make an assumption:

“The same one who attacked years ago when the Thiers family artifacts were stolen.

For some reason, both masters simultaneously grimaced as if they had eaten something extremely sour and unpleasant, then Ryan reluctantly said:

- There happened an unpleasant situation about which the participants of those events are extremely sorry, and I have no desire to discuss it.

Sometimes they just don’t hear us, although sometimes for some reason - I’m used to the fact that rarely anyone is ready to listen to me. And she just returned to dinner, trying, as always, not to pay attention ... And yet it is extremely curious what happened then and who are those mysterious, regretful participants in the events? I wonder if the father-in-law is one of them, and if so, you will definitely need to talk with Lady Thiers.

The master's hand lay over mine, clenched into a fist, and he said quietly:

- There really happened a very unpleasant story, someday I will tell you, but now I am too exhausted and angry for this.

I smiled sadly in response, and we returned to dinner, although Lord Ellohar was clearly not up to food.

And only after the meal was over, Lord Thiers calmly said:

“From now on, refrain from trying to get my fiancée drunk, that's the first, and second, no more dinners with Daya.

Why joint? Ellohar replied. "I was sure you would join." You couldn't help but notice where I went after leaving your office.

“I couldn't help but understand who you were watching before you left my office.

“Of course, you “couldn’t help but understand,” I would be very surprised if Dar didn’t tell you about it. Your reborn hates me.

"To begin with, you're mostly hated by everyone," Rian remarked.

“But there are those who worship,” Ellohar smiled enigmatically.

“Yes,” said Lord Thiers calmly and confidently, “your adepts and the few you hold dear. Ellohar, I said you heard.

The Headmaster of the Death Art School stopped smiling and replied in a muffled voice:

- I heard.

And I silently finish my carrice pie.

They waited for me in silence, and as soon as I finished chewing the last piece, Rian extended his hand.

Hellfire erupted.

I stood in Lord Thiers' bedroom with my arms around my shoulders and wary eyes on that very bed. Ryan walked out as soon as we were transported, and here I am standing here…alone. After standing for a while, she went to the window, but before she had time to touch the curtains, steps were heard. Then the question:

— What's the story with Ellohar?

“I think you’d better ask him about it,” I answered, giving up trying to get to the window.

The master approached, his hands gently slipped over his shoulders, embraced. After some silence, Ryan said:

“Your classes start tomorrow,” since I didn’t say anything, he continued, “I will lift your travel ban and you can do business with Yurao in the office, but I have one condition.

Now I am silent with interest, studying the pattern on the fabric with my eyes.

“You will forget about this story with the artifacts. Forget about it. You will no longer look for a translation of those words, you will not store any information about artifacts. You will simply forget about this whole story, both you and Yurao.

“Yes,” said the Magister coldly, “give me back the ring.”

I slowly turn in the circle of his arms, throwing my head up, staring at Ryan.

“Not in that sense,” he said sharply, “unlike some, I never go back on my word.

“Does that mean I refuse?” I asked angrily.

And even with witnesses!

Remarkably simple.

“I wasn’t the one who refused to listen and demanded, “Hold her Ellohar.”

“Oh yes,” Rian replied venomously, “you held on much tighter, using a very weighty argument - your consent to our marriage!”

“I’m afraid if I let you go, there would be no one to marry!” I blurted out.

Magister Thiers' handsome face bulged with black veins, and he growled:

- I'm letting you go.

Taking a deep breath, I held out my hand and said with difficulty:

“Your ring, Lord Director.

Black eyes flickered, and Magister Thiers sank into threats.

- I'll kiss you.

The accustomer of the Academy of Curses decided to keep up with the leadership of her own academy, and decided to threaten in the same way:

- Damn it!

Black veins showed up clearly, and the threats moved to a new level:

“I’ll kiss you so much that there won’t be any strength left for cursing.”

But I had something to say:

- And I will curse so much that I will not want to kiss!

Suddenly, the master's face returned to its original form, his eyes twinkled cunningly, and they suggested to me:

- Start.

“Sooooo,” I drawled incredulously, “and if I start…”

“I’ll kiss you,” they answered me unexpectedly cheerfully, after which they clearly smiled with anticipation.

For some reason, I also smiled, but I was in no hurry to curse.

“Well, a little bit,” the master suggested provocatively.

“No,” I replied brazenly.

I heard in response:

- Coward.

And at the same time such a look - expectant, and mocking sparks in the eyes, and a very sly smile.

- And ... and you ... - I chose the whole word, - offended!

- Am I offended? Ryan asked in surprise. “My own fiancee is threatening me in front of everyone, and am I offended?” And what is this word anyway?

- Coward is no better! I blurted out.

- Offended - it doesn’t sound right at all, - he was indignant.

- I like this! I made a bold statement.

Ryan suddenly smiled warmly and quietly answered:

- And I like you.

I smiled back and hugged him, the master squeezed in his strong arms, and then I asked:

What's wrong with this ring?

"You," Ryan replied calmly.

- In what sense? I tensed up again.

Smiling, the Lord Director leaned towards me and exhaled in my face:

“Lady Riata, may I take one small liberties?

“No,” I answered confidently.

“Coward,” Ryan hissed, and picked me up in his arms.

Hellfire erupted.

Never been to the Eternal Woods...until now. And somehow all those horrors that tell about the green elves and their eternal allies, the lessars, immediately presented themselves. And if it is still possible to negotiate with the elves, then the lessar will kill and not notice.

Ryan, huh...

“Coward,” he repeated mockingly, continuing to carry me through the forest, somewhere to where the water was roaring.

“We are in the elven territories,” I whispered in fear, “only here is eternal summer.”

“I know,” he said calmly, continuing to maneuver through the trees to carry me forward.

“Rrryaaan,” I drawled.

“Dear,” he smiled warmly at me, “this is my sister’s husband’s territory, but even if it wasn’t, I sincerely pity those who would try to attack.

I cringed anyway, waiting for one of those green elves' nightmares to come true. They are so harsh that some green elves run from the green elves to us, and, despite the fact that they are terribly cold in our harsh climate, they don’t want to go back!

“I've been here before,” Rian explained, noticing my pale appearance, “and more than once. And nothing happened to me, - and then he added sarcastically, - but you can threaten to break off our engagement, and then something will happen to you.

- For example? I instantly asked.

- And you threaten, for starters, - Ryan calmly replied.

And then we came out of the forest. And ended up on the shore of a small rounded lake. Such an almost fabulous lake, with clear water and water lilies already familiar to me, and green shores, and ...

- Man! sang the mermaid sitting on the shore.

- Where? - several green-haired heads poked out of the lake - where is the man?

And so it became very interesting to me - how often does the Lord Director visit this lake?

- Where is the man? - one of the water lilies rose, revealing the muzzle of a mermaid with a snub-nosed nose, very close to the shore on which we were.

And it was this face that suddenly distorted and the mermaid cried out:

It's Thiers!

A screech rose above the lake, in the next instant a crowd of mermaids left the lake and rushed away, breaking bushes ... soon the screams and clatter died away in the distance.

In response to my astonished look, the master shrugged his shoulders imperturbably and reluctantly replied:

“They were…too pushy with their proposals last time.

That was the end of the explanations, and they made me an offer:

- Get undressed.

“Thanks, I’m fine as it is,” I replied politely.

unknownAcademy of Curses Book Four

Great Rhian Thiers, a member of the Order of the Immortals, the First Sword of the Empire, the master of Dark Magic and the Art of Death, the only one at the sight of which even Tesme turned pale, looked at me wearily with faded black eyes. A haggard, as if darkened face, chapped weathered lips, and a silent question in his eyes.

I lowered my head, I did not want to say anything in the presence of strangers, and in addition to the two of us, Master Tesme, Captain Veris, Lady Oris and our chief librarian Mr. Bibor were present in the office. Considering that I was caught hacking into the library's vault, and the vault only for Master level teachers, by using a curse on Mr. Bibor himself, I was indeed in danger of being expelled.

I'm sorry, Lord Director," I said softly, lowering my head.

I was really sorry, but Dara refused to help rudely and flatly. Master Tesme answered all my questions very sharply: "Don't meddle in it, adept Riate." Rian… Rian was gone for four days, two of which I spent under house arrest. The rules at the academy are strict, I broke them. Even the intervention of Okeno, who was now hesitating outside the door, did not help.

You're sorry, - Ryan sighed heavily. - Is that all you want to tell us, adept Riate?

I wanted to say more, but not in front of everyone.

All right, said the Lord Director wearily, go, Adept Riate.

Throwing her head up, she looked at him in disbelief, but the master did not even deign to look at me. But no, as if sensing my gaze, they paid attention to me to remind:

You are free.

I had no choice but to silently turn around and leave, though I had to make an effort not to slam the door.

And in the secretary's room, Okeno was waiting for me, who, ahead of Lady Mitas, quietly asked:


Holding back my tears, I quietly answered:

Don't know.

The senior investigator shook his head reproachfully and once again asked:

Why did you go there?

Riate-Riate, there are things that defenseless people like you better not get into. What did this stunt of yours with the theft of the plate lead to, Riate. Two drow died, you were attacked, nine guards suffered in the fight with the carraghs. And all this because of one stupid act of yours!

What to say to that? We wanted to reveal the secret, both Yurao and now we are paying. Officer Knights has been suspended from duty, and I'm likely to be expelled. They just put us in our place quite rudely. Nobody doubted that we did not agree with this very place, but our opinion was completely ignored.

I’ll talk to Lord Thiers,” Okeno said softly, “but even if he expels you, you will go as an intern in the Day Guard, in a year you will enter the guard academy, seven years and you are with us, Daya. You are an excellent investigator, so I will provide you with a job.

Thank you, but… Yurao and I are planning to do some private detective work, Master Okeno.

Private Investigation requires experience and knowledge, Daya, you will only get this in Night or Day Watch. Although the Night is closer to you, the Day ones do not deal with the affairs with a magical component.

He was interrupted by Verees, who opened the door a crack and invited the senior investigator into the headmaster's office. I sadly trudged to the women's hostel.

Wrapped up in a cloak, I impassively walked around the yard, not immediately paying attention to the group that was coming across me. And, probably, I wouldn’t even look if I didn’t hear the sarcastic:

Wow, who's coming, the venerable blacksmith Gort herself! It was impossible not to recognize this voice.

Throwing my head up, I saw Rigra, her two brothers and servants with suitcases - lectures began tomorrow, so the fact that adherents who had taken a break from their holidays arrived at the academy did not surprise me. I wasn't surprised at her "greeting" either, since I already knew about the meeting with Aunt Rui. But I had no desire to deal with her, and therefore, having overtaken them, I hurried to the hostel.

Dirty waitress ignoring high society? Although there is nothing to be surprised about - the director's favorite, not to say - a mistress, now a respectable woman, almost a blacksmith, is her older brother.

Hey, Daika-server, did you lose your voice from happiness? - and this is the youngest.

I stopped, and despite the fact that my eyes were wet, my heart was completely torn to pieces, I slowly turned to the bastard Dakene family. And she almost screamed, because behind the vile trinity towered Lord Ellohar, whom our local aristocrats did not see. On the other hand, the master winked at me merrily and, putting his finger to his lips, called for silence. In general, the director of the School of the Art of Death looked strange - a black thin sweater under the neck, black trousers and that's all. Considering that it is not summer at all, and Rigra and his brothers, wrapped in fur coats, still shudder from gusts of icy wind, Ellohar's attire was really strange. But the smile is cheerful, a little sly, and I smiled in response.

She has a strange look, and she smiles too. Are you by any chance stray? Rigra's older brother stepped towards me. - Hey, brat, answer when they talk to you.

From the sly, the master's smile became some kind of predatory.

It looks like she wants us to teach her manners again, right, Deyka? The younger took a threatening step towards me.

Ellohar stopped smiling instantly and asked gloomily:

Riate, what are you talking about?

The Dakene family jumped in surprise, the servants dropped their suitcases, and Rigra, seeing the master, groaned and sat down in the snow with fright. Ellohar came slowly closer, thus standing between the brothers, and amiably embracing both of them by the shoulders, with emphasized gaiety, asked:

What, my killer whales, are we having fun with fisticuffs? - young aristocrats turned white. - Silence, my brave? And rightly so, with torture, it is always more fun! Now both Dakene brothers were trembling with fear.

A blue flame erupted.

When two adepts of death stepped out of it, the younger Dakene fell to his knees and howled, the master was not at all embarrassed:

Well, well, it will be for you, my joy, you have to pay for everything in this life, for beating a weak woman too, especially since it will be so fun and exciting, right, adept Gorhe?

The first person to appear grinned wickedly and asked only one question:

Is he for my test or term paper?

To the essay on the history of torture, - Ellohar smiled so happily. - Orves, you take the second one and give it to the first-year students, they are practicing very interesting blows there today. Painful for male ... vanity. At sunset, return both to the family nest. Tell your parents that they can send claims to me personally. All.

The howling Dakenes were dragged into the blue flame, they turned to the howling Rigra and politely reported:

Director Thiers will deal with you, adept, I will notify him personally of the incident. Now get out of my sight.

Rigra has probably never run so fast. The servants, picking up the suitcases, rushed off after her, and in the middle of the courtyard Ellohar and I were left alone, although I didn’t know what to expect from the master. It turned out - nothing good:

Riate, are we breeding snot again? he asked lazily.

I involuntarily sniffed, and reminded him of the obvious:

Winter, actually.

AND? The Master raised an eyebrow. - Is this a reason for increased snot separation? Riate, at such a pace you will reach mate, and this is not only a pitiful sight, but also disgusting. Will you have lunch with me?

Shaking my head in the negative, I tried to explain everything, and started with:

I'm under arrest and...

Consider it an escape,” Ellohar interrupted me.

A blue flame erupted.

When the flames disappeared, we found ourselves in the master's office, in the very school of the Art of Death. And here the window was open, and through the whistle of the wind, I heard in the distance:

Attack, lord, the woman ordered, in the same tone Verees had used when she ordered us to start the race.


A strangled scream, and then the woman spoke again.

The dead loop grip allows you to inflict maximum damage on the attacker, with minimal effort and time…

Ellohar went to the window, closed it, locked it, and all this with an insidious grin, after which, turning to me, he asked:

Tea, juice, handkerchief?

I don’t like this place at all, I honestly admitted.

Noticeably, - Ellohar, slightly bowing his head, watched me with interest. - Riate, do you sleep well at night?

Elena Star

Curse Academy. Book 4

Great Rhian Thiers, a member of the Order of the Immortals, the First Sword of the Empire, the master of Dark Magic and the Art of Death, the only one at the sight of which even Tesme turned pale, looked at me tiredly with faded black eyes. A haggard, as if darkened face, chapped weathered lips, and a silent question in his eyes.

I lowered my head, I did not want to say anything in the presence of strangers, and in addition to the two of us, Master Tesme, Captain Veris, Lady Oris and our chief librarian Mr. Bibor were present in the office. Considering that I was caught hacking into the library's vault, moreover, the vault intended only for teachers of the "master" level, using a curse on Mr. Bibor himself, I really threatened to be expelled.

"I'm sorry, Lord Headmaster," I said softly, lowering my head.

I was really sorry, but Dara refused to help rudely and flatly. Master Tesme answered all my questions very sharply: "Don't get involved in this, adept Riate." Rian… Rian was gone for four days, two of which I spent under house arrest. The rules at the academy are strict, I broke them. Even the intervention of Okeno, who was now hesitating outside the door, did not help.

"You're sorry," Ryan sighed heavily. “Is that all you want to tell us, adept Riate?”

I wanted to say more, but not in front of everyone.

“Very well,” the Lord Director said wearily, “go on, Adept Riate.”

Throwing her head up, she looked at him in disbelief, but the master did not even deign to look at me. But no, as if sensing my gaze, they paid attention to me to remind:

- You are free.

I had no choice but to silently turn around and leave, although I had to make an effort not to slam the door.

And in the secretary's room, Okeno was waiting for me, who, ahead of Lady Mitas, quietly asked:

- Discharged.

Holding back my tears, I quietly answered:

- Don't know.

The senior investigator shook his head reproachfully and once again asked:

- Why did you go there?

“Riate-Riate, there are things that defenseless people like you better not get involved in. What did this stunt of yours with the theft of the plate lead to, Riate. Two drow died, you were attacked, nine guards suffered in the fight with the carraghs. And all this because of one stupid act of yours!

What to say to that? We wanted to reveal the secret, both Yurao and now we are paying. Officer Knights has been suspended from duty, and I'm likely to be expelled. They just put us in our place quite rudely. No one doubted that we disagreed with this very place, but our opinion was completely ignored.

“I will talk to Lord Thiers,” Okeno said softly, “but even if he expels you, you will go as an intern in the Day Guard, in a year you will enter the guard academy, seven years and you are with us, Daya. You are an excellent investigator, so I will provide you with a job.

“Thank you, but… Yurao and I are planning to do some private detective work, Master Okeno.

“Private investigation requires experience and knowledge, Daya, and you can only get that in the Night or Day Watch. Although the Night is closer to you, the Day ones do not deal with the affairs with a magical component.

He was interrupted by Verees, who opened the door a crack and invited the senior investigator into the headmaster's office. I sadly trudged to the women's hostel.

Wrapped up in a cloak, I impassively walked around the yard, not immediately paying attention to the group that was coming across me. And, probably, I wouldn’t even look if I didn’t hear the sarcastic:

- Wow, who's coming, the venerable grasshopper Gort herself! It was impossible not to recognize this voice.

Throwing my head up, I saw Rigra, her two brothers and servants with suitcases - lectures began tomorrow, so the fact that adepts who had taken a break from their holidays arrived at the academy did not surprise me. I wasn't surprised by her "greeting", because I already knew about the meeting with Aunt Rui. But I had no desire to deal with her, and therefore, having overtaken them, I hurried to the hostel.

“Dirty waitress ignoring high society?” Although there is nothing to be surprised about - the director's favorite, not to say - a mistress, now a respectable woman, almost a blacksmith, is her older brother.

- Hey, Deyka-server, did you lose your voice from happiness? - and this is the youngest.

unknownAcademy of Curses Book Four

Great Rhian Thiers, a member of the Order of the Immortals, the First Sword of the Empire, the master of Dark Magic and the Art of Death, the only one at the sight of which even Tesme turned pale, looked at me wearily with faded black eyes. A haggard, as if darkened face, chapped weathered lips, and a silent question in his eyes.

I lowered my head, I did not want to say anything in the presence of strangers, and in addition to the two of us, Master Tesme, Captain Veris, Lady Oris and our chief librarian Mr. Bibor were present in the office. Considering that I was caught hacking into the library's vault, and the vault only for Master level teachers, by using a curse on Mr. Bibor himself, I was indeed in danger of being expelled.

I'm sorry, Lord Director," I said softly, lowering my head.

I was really sorry, but Dara refused to help rudely and flatly. Master Tesme answered all my questions very sharply: "Don't meddle in it, adept Riate." Rian… Rian was gone for four days, two of which I spent under house arrest. The rules at the academy are strict, I broke them. Even the intervention of Okeno, who was now hesitating outside the door, did not help.

You're sorry, - Ryan sighed heavily. - Is that all you want to tell us, adept Riate?

I wanted to say more, but not in front of everyone.

All right, said the Lord Director wearily, go, Adept Riate.

Throwing her head up, she looked at him in disbelief, but the master did not even deign to look at me. But no, as if sensing my gaze, they paid attention to me to remind:

You are free.

I had no choice but to silently turn around and leave, though I had to make an effort not to slam the door.

And in the secretary's room, Okeno was waiting for me, who, ahead of Lady Mitas, quietly asked:


Holding back my tears, I quietly answered:

Don't know.

The senior investigator shook his head reproachfully and once again asked:

Why did you go there?

Riate-Riate, there are things that defenseless people like you better not get into. What did this stunt of yours with the theft of the plate lead to, Riate. Two drow died, you were attacked, nine guards suffered in the fight with the carraghs. And all this because of one stupid act of yours!

What to say to that? We wanted to reveal the secret, both Yurao and now we are paying. Officer Knights has been suspended from duty, and I'm likely to be expelled. They just put us in our place quite rudely. Nobody doubted that we did not agree with this very place, but our opinion was completely ignored.

I’ll talk to Lord Thiers,” Okeno said softly, “but even if he expels you, you will go as an intern in the Day Guard, in a year you will enter the guard academy, seven years and you are with us, Daya. You are an excellent investigator, so I will provide you with a job.

Thank you, but… Yurao and I are planning to do some private detective work, Master Okeno.

Private Investigation requires experience and knowledge, Daya, you will only get this in Night or Day Watch. Although the Night is closer to you, the Day ones do not deal with the affairs with a magical component.

He was interrupted by Verees, who opened the door a crack and invited the senior investigator into the headmaster's office. I sadly trudged to the women's hostel.

Wrapped up in a cloak, I impassively walked around the yard, not immediately paying attention to the group that was coming across me. And, probably, I wouldn’t even look if I didn’t hear the sarcastic:

Wow, who's coming, the venerable blacksmith Gort herself! It was impossible not to recognize this voice.

Throwing my head up, I saw Rigra, her two brothers and servants with suitcases - lectures began tomorrow, so the fact that adherents who had taken a break from their holidays arrived at the academy did not surprise me. I wasn't surprised at her "greeting" either, since I already knew about the meeting with Aunt Rui. But I had no desire to deal with her, and therefore, having overtaken them, I hurried to the hostel.

Dirty waitress ignoring high society? Although there is nothing to be surprised about - the director's favorite, not to say - a mistress, now a respectable woman, almost a blacksmith, is her older brother.

Hey, Daika-server, did you lose your voice from happiness? - and this is the youngest.

I stopped, and despite the fact that my eyes were wet, my heart was completely torn to pieces, I slowly turned to the bastard Dakene family. And she almost screamed, because behind the vile trinity towered Lord Ellohar, whom our local aristocrats did not see. On the other hand, the master winked at me merrily and, putting his finger to his lips, called for silence. In general, the director of the School of the Art of Death looked strange - a black thin sweater under the neck, black trousers and that's all. Considering that it is not summer at all, and Rigra and his brothers, wrapped in fur coats, still shudder from gusts of icy wind, Ellohar's attire was really strange. But the smile is cheerful, a little sly, and I smiled in response.

She has a strange look, and she smiles too. Are you by any chance stray? Rigra's older brother stepped towards me. - Hey, brat, answer when they talk to you.

From the sly, the master's smile became some kind of predatory.

It looks like she wants us to teach her manners again, right, Deyka? The younger took a threatening step towards me.

Ellohar stopped smiling instantly and asked gloomily:

Riate, what are you talking about?

The Dakene family jumped in surprise, the servants dropped their suitcases, and Rigra, seeing the master, groaned and sat down in the snow with fright. Ellohar came slowly closer, thus standing between the brothers, and amiably embracing both of them by the shoulders, with emphasized gaiety, asked:

What, my killer whales, are we having fun with fisticuffs? - young aristocrats turned white. - Silence, my brave? And rightly so, with torture, it is always more fun! Now both Dakene brothers were trembling with fear.

A blue flame erupted.

When two adepts of death stepped out of it, the younger Dakene fell to his knees and howled, the master was not at all embarrassed:

Well, well, it will be for you, my joy, you have to pay for everything in this life, for beating a weak woman too, especially since it will be so fun and exciting, right, adept Gorhe?

The first person to appear grinned wickedly and asked only one question:

Is he for my test or term paper?

To the essay on the history of torture, - Ellohar smiled so happily. - Orves, you take the second one and give it to the first-year students, they are practicing very interesting blows there today. Painful for male ... vanity. At sunset, return both to the family nest. Tell your parents that they can send claims to me personally. All.

The howling Dakenes were dragged into the blue flame, they turned to the howling Rigra and politely reported:

Director Thiers will deal with you, adept, I will notify him personally of the incident. Now get out of my sight.

Rigra has probably never run so fast. The servants, picking up the suitcases, rushed off after her, and in the middle of the courtyard Ellohar and I were left alone, although I didn’t know what to expect from the master. It turned out - nothing good:

Riate, are we breeding snot again? he asked lazily.

I involuntarily sniffed, and reminded him of the obvious:

Winter, actually.

AND? The Master raised an eyebrow. - Is this a reason for increased snot separation? Riate, at such a pace you will reach mate, and this is not only a pitiful sight, but also disgusting. Will you have lunch with me?

Shaking my head in the negative, I tried to explain everything, and started with:

I'm under arrest and...

Consider it an escape,” Ellohar interrupted me.

A blue flame erupted.

When the flames disappeared, we found ourselves in the master's office, in the very school of the Art of Death. And here the window was open, and through the whistle of the wind, I heard in the distance:

Attack, lord, the woman ordered, in the same tone Verees had used when she ordered us to start the race.


A strangled scream, and then the woman spoke again.

The dead loop grip allows you to inflict maximum damage on the attacker, with minimal effort and time…

Ellohar went to the window, closed it, locked it, and all this with an insidious grin, after which, turning to me, he asked:

Tea, juice, handkerchief?

I don’t like this place at all, I honestly admitted.

Noticeably, - Ellohar, slightly bowing his head, watched me with interest. - Riate, do you sleep well at night?

Elena Star

Curse Academy. Book 4

Great Rhian Thiers, a member of the Order of the Immortals, the First Sword of the Empire, the master of Dark Magic and the Art of Death, the only one at the sight of which even Tesme turned pale, looked at me tiredly with faded black eyes. A haggard, as if darkened face, chapped weathered lips, and a silent question in his eyes.

I lowered my head, I did not want to say anything in the presence of strangers, and in addition to the two of us, Master Tesme, Captain Veris, Lady Oris and our chief librarian Mr. Bibor were present in the office. Considering that I was caught hacking into the library's vault, moreover, the vault intended only for teachers of the "master" level, using a curse on Mr. Bibor himself, I really threatened to be expelled.

I'm sorry, Lord Director," I said softly, lowering my head.

I was really sorry, but Dara refused to help rudely and flatly. Master Tesme answered all my questions very sharply: "Don't get involved in this, adept Riate." Rian… Rian was gone for four days, two of which I spent under house arrest. The rules at the academy are strict, I broke them. Even the intervention of Okeno, who was now hesitating outside the door, did not help.

You're sorry, - Ryan sighed heavily. - Is that all you want to tell us, adept Riate?

I wanted to say more, but not in front of everyone.

All right, said the Lord Director wearily, go, Adept Riate.

Throwing her head up, she looked at him in disbelief, but the master did not even deign to look at me. But no, as if sensing my gaze, they paid attention to me to remind:

You are free.

I had no choice but to silently turn around and leave, although I had to make an effort not to slam the door.

And in the secretary's room, Okeno was waiting for me, who, ahead of Lady Mitas, quietly asked:


Holding back my tears, I quietly answered:

Don't know.

The senior investigator shook his head reproachfully and once again asked:

Why did you go there?

Riate-Riate, there are things that defenseless people like you better not get into. What did this stunt of yours with the theft of the plate lead to, Riate. Two drow died, you were attacked, nine guards suffered in the fight with the carraghs. And all this because of one stupid act of yours!

What to say to that? We wanted to reveal the secret, both Yurao and now we are paying. Officer Knights has been suspended from duty, and I'm likely to be expelled. They just put us in our place quite rudely. No one doubted that we disagreed with this very place, but our opinion was completely ignored.

I’ll talk to Lord Thiers,” Okeno said softly, “but even if he expels you, you will go as an intern in the Day Guard, in a year you will enter the guard academy, seven years and you are with us, Daya. You are an excellent investigator, so I will provide you with a job.

Thank you, but… Yurao and I are planning to do some private detective work, Master Okeno.

Private Investigation requires experience and knowledge, Daya, you will only get this in Night or Day Watch. Although the Night is closer to you, the Day ones do not deal with the affairs with a magical component.

He was interrupted by Verees, who opened the door a crack and invited the senior investigator into the headmaster's office. I sadly trudged to the women's hostel.

Wrapped up in a cloak, I impassively walked around the yard, not immediately paying attention to the group that was coming across me. And, probably, I wouldn’t even look if I didn’t hear the sarcastic:

Wow, who is coming, the venerable grasshopper Gort herself! It was impossible not to recognize this voice.

Throwing my head up, I saw Rigra, her two brothers and servants with suitcases - lectures began tomorrow, so the fact that adherents who had taken a break from their holidays arrived at the academy did not surprise me. I wasn't surprised by her "greeting", because I already knew about the meeting with Aunt Rui. But I had no desire to deal with her, and therefore, having overtaken them, I hurried to the hostel.

Dirty waitress ignoring high society? Although there is nothing to be surprised about - the director's favorite, not to say - a mistress, now a respectable woman, almost a blacksmith, is her older brother.

Hey, Daika-server, did you lose your voice from happiness? - and this is the youngest.

I stopped, and despite the fact that my eyes were wet, my heart was completely torn to pieces, I slowly turned to the bastard Dakene family. And she almost screamed, because behind the vile trinity towered Lord Ellohar, whom our local aristocrats did not see. On the other hand, the master winked at me merrily and, putting his finger to his lips, called for silence. In general, the director of the School of the Art of Death looked strange - a black thin sweater under the neck, black trousers and that's all. Considering that it is not summer at all, and Rigra and his brothers, wrapped in fur coats, still shudder from gusts of icy wind, Ellohar's attire was really strange. But the smile is cheerful, a little sly, and I smiled in response.

She has a strange look, and she smiles too. Are you by any chance stray? Rigra's older brother stepped towards me. - Hey, brat, answer when they talk to you.

From the sly smile of the master became some kind of predatory.

It looks like she wants us to teach her manners again, right, Deyka? The younger took a threatening step towards me.

Ellohar stopped smiling instantly and asked gloomily:

Riate, what are you talking about?

The Dakene family jumped in surprise, the servants dropped their suitcases, and Rigra, seeing the master, groaned and sat down in the snow with fright. Ellohar came slowly closer, thus standing between the brothers, and amiably embracing both of them by the shoulders, with emphasized gaiety, asked:

What, my killer whales, are we having fun with fisticuffs? - young aristocrats turned white. - Silence, my brave? And rightly so, with torture, it is always more fun! Now both Dakene brothers were trembling with fear.

A blue flame erupted.

When two adepts of death stepped out of it, the younger Dakene fell to his knees and howled, the master was not at all embarrassed:

Well, well, it will be for you, my joy, you have to pay for everything in this life, for beating a weak woman too, especially since it will be so fun and exciting, right, adept Gorhe?

The first person to appear grinned wickedly and asked only one question:

Is he for my test or term paper?

To the essay on the history of torture, - Ellohar smiled so happily. - Orves, you take the second one and give it to the first-year students, they are practicing very interesting blows there today. Painful for male ... vanity. At sunset, return both to the family nest. Tell your parents that they can send claims to me personally. All.

The howling Dakenes were dragged into the blue flame, they turned to the howling Rigra and politely reported:

Director Thiers will deal with you, adept, I will notify him personally of the incident. Now get out of my sight.

Rigra has probably never run so fast. The servants, picking up the suitcases, rushed off after her, and in the middle of the courtyard Ellohar and I were left alone, although I didn’t know what to expect from the master. It turned out - nothing good:

Riate, are we breeding snot again? he asked lazily.

I involuntarily sniffed and reminded him of the obvious:

Winter, actually.

AND? The Master raised an eyebrow. - Is this a reason for increased snot separation? Riate, at such a pace you will reach mate, and this is not only a pitiful sight, but also disgusting. Will you have lunch with me?

Shaking my head in the negative, I tried to explain everything, and started with:

I'm under arrest and...

Consider it an escape,” Ellohar interrupted me.
