To leave the child alone in. Is it worth leaving a hamster alone and how long can it live without food and water?

We discussed the topic about the USSR, there are many who were offended, and on our forum there are those who were offended under Tsarist Russia, those whose families suffered from the tyranny of the nobles, from merchants or the same kulaks who took slave labor for a sack of flour for a year or more ? It’s just interesting to listen to the other side, otherwise Lenin and Stalin were all bad, but their predecessors were good?


In clouds

Available: husband and wife, both have children from their first marriage. The woman has a daughter, the man has two sons. There are no common children.
My husband buys an apartment first for one son, and a year later for another. The wife is dissatisfied: they say, what about my daughter again? Who do you think is right? The husband is sure that the girl has her own father, and he is not obliged to provide her with housing.

The question was stolen from another resource, but it’s really interesting to listen to the opinions of local people. What do you say? Whose side is justice on?



Good day everyone! Considering the numerous requests from the local people, I decided that a continuation was needed about Masha. At the same time, maybe someone will express a useful, good or bad opinion on this issue - I will study everything with interest. This time we will talk mostly about everyone’s “favorite” (however, maybe quotation marks are not needed here), a very controversial, hot, ambiguous and burning topic on this forum - real estate. I can't write briefly - I like to tell. Therefore, if you don’t like to read a lot, please pass by, don’t “barely finish it” and “didn’t finish reading.”

About three months after the wedding, my brother made a deal with Masha’s mother - he took advantage of her business offer and bought a three-ruble studio apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, in which he and Masha lived together for 3-4 years before the wedding. The money was entirely brotherly, Masha does not officially work, she gives vocal lessons privately (when there are many students, when there are few), it is unlikely that her vocals will be enough for an apartment. The apartment belonged to Masha’s mother, she herself lives permanently in a comfortable dacha (the one with the blue tablecloths, as people called it here), and in recent years Masha lived alone in the Moscow apartment, then her brother moved in with her when they decided to live together. No one bothered them all these years and no one drove them away. At the same time, my brother and I’s parents were happy to see my brother and Masha at home or for permanent residence, as my mother thinks - he is at home, but I have to get married and leave my father’s house (those are the old principles in her head ). Those. Even without a car, my brother had an apartment where to go with or without Masha. The apartment was purchased at a price 2 times lower than the market price, but the deal was formalized specifically after the wedding, so that if Masha and her brother suddenly separated, then Masha would still receive half of the apartment as joint property during the marriage. At the same time, not only Masha herself is registered in the apartment, but also her mother remains registered there, so as not to lose Moscow benefits. Of course, for the amount that my brother paid, he would not have bought a separate full-fledged apartment in another place. But all this still looks ambiguous no matter how you look at it.
In our family there was a mixed reaction to this, and by the same people. And the parents found out when my brother was almost finalizing the deal and shared the news. On the one hand, what a great brother, he bought his corner! Earned it. On the other hand, it seems like they lived there and lived there before, no one drove them, the only difference was that they continued to live the same way, only the brother gave the money to his mother-in-law. What was especially annoying was the fact that Masha’s mother remained registered there. She is a former realtor; it is unlikely that she calculated everything at a loss. Personally, my opinion is that it’s commendable if before this my brother and Masha were living in a refrigerator box at the station or paying 90% of their wages for rent or living, for example, five of them in a one-room apartment, and here they have their own independent corner without any burden bought. Yes, that would be good. But in their case, I personally didn’t feel any “housewarming” - although she and Masha even invited our family and parents to visit for a “housewarming” - they made the table small, although they didn’t have to move anywhere and move in.

I asked my dad later - why didn’t your brother just as well buy a three-ruble apartment from you and your mother? It would be the same thing, only he would give the money to his own parents, and not to an aunt who is essentially a stranger to him. It was all his money, not the cars. To which dad replied - why should he buy from us what he will already get after us? But you can just as well argue that they bought something from Masha’s mother that Masha will get anyway in the future? Masha has a brother, whose mother had already helped him financially with an apartment. This means that Masha, if anything, would not be deprived, most likely. And with the money she received from her brother for the apartment, Masha’s mother bought a new car (she gave the old one to Masha’s brother), a new kitchen for the dacha, some kind of cool stove for the dacha, and something else. Those. everything was not basic necessities.

But it was still unclear to me. My mother praised my brother, saying, “He’s such a good guy, he’s got his own corner, not like your husband!” And then after a while - my mother said about my brother “he’s a fool.” And so does dad.
My personal opinion is that even if we imagine the worst case scenario and my brother runs away from Masha, he still won’t be able to live fully in the purchased apartment, because... half will be a car, if only the share is sold for pennies, or handed over. And will Masha and her mother then let him rent it out or sell it, if something happens? And in the end he will still come to live with his parents, and Masha will continue to live there, only her brother gave the money.

If I were my brother, I would buy a separate apartment with a mortgage in a better house and area, I would give the money that my brother gave to Masha’s mother for the down payment, and I would pay off the mortgage the first time, renting out the new one or the one Masha bought to my mother, living with my parents . Because the apartment, to be honest, is not that special: the layout is so-so, the area is crime-prone, the first floor is a 5-story building (2-3 times even visiting tour musicians broke in through the window and stole some valuables and money).
I was also surprised by the position of Masha herself - money, one might say, was given from her family with her brother. Although she and her mother have an excellent relationship, she constantly hangs out at the dacha to buy meters from a loved one.

This is how people here think - did your brother do the right thing? Or should I have taken my time and saved up for independent housing without any burden? Are there any real-life situations? Just don’t write, they say, the author, go through the forest, the brother decides for himself. I know that he has the right to throw his savings in the trash, I just want outside opinions on the merits or his own examples.


Is it possible to leave a seven year old child alone at home? There are several answers to this question. We will give the most common one. 7 years is the most optimal age when you can start leaving your child alone at home. It is not for nothing that schooling begins at the age of 7. During this period of his life, the child has certain skills and abilities and consciously uses them. But you can’t just leave a child like that. First you need preparation, and you need to prepare not only the child, but also the parents. Read on to learn how to do this correctly...

Verbalization of the problem is very important for the final solution. Not all parents today can devote all their time to their child. Sometimes situations arise when a child needs to be left at home alone. Some people start doing this earlier, some later, but everyone comes to this. There are many reasons to take a break (even if just for 30 minutes). Parents often need to go to the store, to work, or to visit. There is not always someone to leave the child with. Relatives are busy, and hiring a nanny for a seven-year-old child is somehow “indecent.” Until the age of seven, it is better not to leave a child at home alone, although if your child is quite independent and you are completely confident in him, then you can try to start leaving him alone at home even from 5-6 years old. But for most children this is too early. The child may not understand the reason why he was left and be afraid, because the baby does not know where you are, how long you will be there and whether you will return to him, what if something happens to you or him during this time. There are many reasons for fear and they all live in a child’s head, rich in imagination. In general, when leaving a child alone at home, take into account his individual character. If your baby often cries and is fearful, then fighting fears will not help in this case, the fears will only intensify and the problem will worsen.

Let us note that it is generally better to deal with fears with the help of a specialist. If your child is not afraid of anything, then you can safely begin to teach him to be independent and leave him alone.

Your first absences should be short-term. Start with 10 minutes. You can stand outside the door during this time if you are very worried, or sit on a bench under the entrance. Gradually increase the time.

Every time before leaving, explain to your child that the door cannot be opened for anyone, not even a neighbor or a policeman, perhaps even mom and dad (they have their own keys!).

In a visible place, in large numbers and letters, write down the phone numbers of mom and dad, grandparents, and neighbors.

The most important thing is to prepare a comfortable and safe environment for your child. Minimize potential problems: close the gas valve, lock the balcony, etc. If you have an intercom, turn it off or teach your child to pick up the phone and hang it up immediately, without talking to anyone, but so that someone understands that there is someone in the apartment.

Create an activity or even a list for your child. For example, turn on cartoons or ask them to clean the house: make your bed, collect toys, water flowers. While the baby is busy with business, he will have no time to come up with fun things for himself, which means that upon returning home you will find both the child and the apartment safe and sound.

Now let's talk about food. Of course, the baby will not eat soup if no one forces him. Therefore, it is better for you to leave yoghurts, cereals, pies, cookies, juices and similar foods for your child. By the way, all of the above will help the baby pass the time. You can even leave Coke and popcorn in front of the TV with a cartoon - let your child imagine that he is in a movie theater.

Naturally, the child needs to be warned about possible dangers, but only warned, not frightened, so that he sits under the table or in the corner behind a chair the entire time you are away. Build a specific algorithm for each situation. The child must know what to do in every case: fire, flood, attempts by strangers to get into the apartment, power outage, and the like.

By leaving your child alone at home, you not only allow yourself to be absent, but also cultivate independence in the child, preparing him for adulthood. The child must be able to plan his time in order to have time to do everything that his mother asked, and even play on the computer and watch cartoons.

It is up to the parents to decide whether to leave the child at home. Is this necessary or can we do without it? If you decide to devote your whole life only to your child, do not forget that you need to let him go at least sometimes so that he learns to live, make decisions and grow up...

You can either write your own.

A loving owner will not check how many days a hamster can live without food and water at home. Such an experiment would be inhumane, so there is no exact data on the endurance of the body of small rodents. But the question still worries hamster owners if they need to leave and have no one to leave their pet with.

Home preparation:

  • Give the cage a thorough cleaning and add a good layer of fresh litter.
  • Hide food in different corners of the cage, and also fill the feeder full. The amount of food should be sufficient (calculated based on the weight of the animal - 80% of the hamster’s weight per day).

Only dry food is left and succulent and protein foods are excluded due to the risk of food spoilage.

  • You can leave a piece of apple or carrot, which the hamster will eat on the first day.
    It is very important to provide a small rodent with provisions - hamsters have an intense metabolism, and starvation is contraindicated for them.
  • Fill the drinking bowl with fresh water to the top. Provided that the rodent is large and the drinking bowl is small, you need to buy a second drinking bowl.
  • A Syrian hamster can drink up to 25 ml per day. The Djungarian drinks much less (2-7 ml), but the Djungarian will not last long without water. The second drinker is a safety net in case the ball gets stuck in the first one, or the mechanism breaks, and all the water spills onto the litter.

Such situations are rare, but according to the law, meanness happens when no one is at home. If the drinking bowl is faulty, the pet will have a hard time. How long a hamster can live without water depends on the temperature in the room and the characteristics of the body. Provided that the animal will only eat dry food - no more than 2-3 days.

It is a mistake to believe that without food and water, a hamster will simply wait out difficult times.

A hungry animal can actually go into energy saving mode. But such numbness does not last long.

A hamster is not a bear; even in nature, during hibernation, it wakes up to feed on its reserves. A rodent does not have the ability to survive for a long time on fat deposits. If you don’t treat your baby with a nutritious treat after waking up, he will die from exhaustion and dehydration.


Each owner must decide for himself how long he can leave his hamster alone. Long absences are risky. But sometimes it is better to leave the baby to live at home than to expose him to stress in a new place.

Is it worth leaving a hamster alone and how long can it live without food and water?

4.7 (94%) 60 votes


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When children begin to stay home alone, it is a great achievement. After all, parents don’t have to worry about what their children will eat, what to play and how to spend their time alone. For some people, they really like being alone in an apartment, since they can do whatever they want. But if you try to leave a child alone at an early age, won’t this harm his perception?

Is it possible to leave a child alone at home?

If children are not accustomed to the fact that their parents are absent for a long time, even in the same room with them, then you should seriously think about it. Over time, it is worth nurturing independence in every child, since being left unattended is already a step towards a small adult life.

Of course, those who follow their mother on their heels, afraid of even losing sight of her, will not be able to come to terms with the fact that it is time to be alone for a long time.

If a minor shows a desire for independence, then such a child can be left alone at home. It is after this that a serious question arises, which requires an immediate answer.

When is it okay to leave a child alone at home? First, try leaving the room unnoticed, let him get used to the fact that you are not around. Then, you can agree: “I’ll go out to the store, and you don’t open the door for anyone but me.”

With such small steps, you will come to the point that the child will get used to the fact that mom and dad need to leave home at certain times on business.

At what age can you leave a child alone at home? It all depends on how developed the children are. Some people get used to being alone from the age of four, while others, even at ten, throw a tantrum about why their parents are not at home.

In any case, until the child is one year old, he still does not understand that he is alone, and can harm himself with careless movements. Therefore, parents are not recommended to leave their children alone when they are just getting used to their moms and dads.

On average, from the age of six you can leave your child in an apartment without worrying about how he will spend his time. The main thing is to start with a small interval, gradually increasing the period of your absence by 10-20 minutes.

Here's something you can do to keep your baby occupied while you're away:

  • Leaving minor children alone at home is allowed if there is a source of distraction: for example, cartoons on TV, games on the computer, bright coloring;
  • Pets are good at distracting a child’s attention for at least half an hour.

When can you leave your child with grandma? Usually, if the parents go somewhere, the baby is at home, either alone or with a person who can always take care of him. So, leaving the child with the grandmother is a great idea. Moreover, she will never mind looking after her beloved grandson or granddaughter.

Is it possible to leave a child with a stroke? This idea is not the best, since people who are sick cannot always take care of a minor child. Such basic things as preparing a meal, going for a walk or playing something active can be the result of bed rest for a stroke patient.

On the other hand, if a person feels quite well and it is not difficult for him to stay with the child, which he has already experienced, then why not try.

Children are very restless, so at some points they need to be closely watched. The question of at what age your baby can become a little older while remaining alone is a delicate one. But one thing is important to know for sure: sooner or later you will still have to instill independence.

Where can I leave my child for a few hours?

You can leave a child for several hours, depending on age, with relatives, neighbors, friends, in private mini-gardens, with a nanny, or at home.

It is better to leave a child under 3 years old with relatives or well-known friends, neighbors, since a baby at this age requires more attention and care than older children.

Private mini-kindergartens offer hourly childcare services. A nanny might be an ideal option. It is acceptable to leave a child from 7-8 years old alone at home for several hours.

Where can I leave my child? It happens that a mother needs to leave for a short while to visit a doctor, government agencies, or an interview, but at the same time she does not want to take the child with her for a number of objective reasons: a long journey, queues. Then the question arises where you can leave the child for several hours.

A good option would be to have the child under the supervision of relatives or close friends of the parents. For him, this will be less stressful than staying with complete strangers, because he perceives relatives and acquaintances as part of the family, associating them with relatives.

If neighbors live next to the family and you can entrust the baby to them, this is very convenient. Neighbors can take the child to their place, but at the same time have access to things and toys the baby may need. Often neighbors stay with the children - pensioners who are at home, but want to receive a small additional income.

For a couple of hours, the child can be entrusted to a friend or mother, with whom they meet at the playground for walks together. The children will have fun playing together and it will be easier to supervise the little ones playing for a while.

The services of private mini-kindergartens and nannies are much more expensive, but if you take a serious approach to their choice, they will allow you to leave your child under the supervision of qualified specialists who can not only feed/water the baby, but also conduct educational or developmental activities with him.

It is permissible to leave a child from 7 to 8 years old alone at home, with a mobile phone, so that in an emergency the child can contact his mother, neighbors, relatives, and the mother can call and find out if everything is okay with her child.

How long a mother can leave her child alone at home depends on the age and obedience of the child. The older and more obedient the child, the longer he can stay at home on his own.

In summer, you need to make sure that the child has water and the car is not parked in the sun. Because the temperature in the car rises very quickly and the baby can get heatstroke. In winter, care should be taken to ensure that the child does not freeze.

Is it possible to leave a child crying? A child's crying is an emotional reaction to separation from his mother. Like any other, it passes quickly enough, as soon as the child is distracted with games and conversation. Otherwise, if the baby understands that the tears have given the desired result, this will become a tool for manipulating the baby with the mother.

To leave a child for a few hours or for the whole day, you need to take care of this in advance: find a nanny, make an agreement with neighbors or friends, book a place in kindergarten. If the child is left on his own, he needs to be prepared for this in advance: teach him how to use the telephone, tell him the rules of behavior at home, report and write down emergency numbers.

You can begin to accustom your child to the fact that his mother cannot always be with him from the age of 1. It is worth leaving the child for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of such separation. With age, the baby will be able to bear separation easier and easier.

A question that worries all parents - because everyone wants to have the opportunity to at least go to the store as soon as possible, not to mention longer absences...

The site will tell you not so much about at what age to leave a child at home alone (because there is not and cannot be a single suitable age), but about how to track the moment when your baby is ready for this.

Here the question has less to do with age, but with psychological maturity. If you ask people you know with children, you will definitely find both a fearless supporter of early childhood who will say, “But I’ve been leaving mine since I was three - and nothing!”, and a “crazy mother” who doesn’t dare leave even a ten-year-old unattended.

There is no age when you need to teach your child to sit at home alone at any cost if you see that he is objectively not ready. What is psychological readiness?

  • The child is sane and more or less obedient (that is, he adequately fulfills demands and requests, is able to listen, remember and do what he was asked to do). If, even in a normal situation, “it goes in one ear and out the other,” and you are never sure that he will do what you talked to him about, then there is no guarantee that he will behave correctly without you.
  • He does not have panic attacks for no reason or provoked by biased reasons, or other strong emotions during which he has little control over his behavior. Young children may be really afraid to be alone, cry, and feel extreme emotional distress.
  • His usual behavior and actions are more or less predictable, he rarely does obvious stupidities and strange things.
  • He is able to independently provide himself with at least minimal everyday comfort - go to the toilet, take food where it was left for him, get dressed if he is cold, open the window if it is hot, wash himself if he is dirty, etc.

What does the law say about whether it is possible to leave a child alone at home?

The law is strict - both in the Russian Federation and in Ukraine, children under the age of 14 cannot be left unattended by parents or other responsible adults (close relatives, teachers). In other countries of the world, this age ranges from 12-16 years.

What does this mean in practice?

If something happens to a child under this age while he is alone at his place of actual residence, then this incident will be considered the result of parental negligence and violation of the law, and not just an accident.

How to prepare for leaving your child alone at home?

It is not enough to issue kilometer-long instructions in writing and read a two-hour lecture. Important:

  1. Make sure your child is able to behave safely.
  2. Make every effort to ensure that there are no potential sources of danger around him.

How can this be done in practice? Before leaving your child truly alone at home, do a few trials:

  • Say that you are leaving for a certain time (for example, half an hour), but will return supposedly due to unforeseen circumstances or for a forgotten item in five minutes. Look what happened during your absence and what your child is doing.
  • If it is possible to monitor your child remotely, that’s great. Install a webcam and watch the movie “Home Alone” with your child in the title role, without leaving your apartment.
  • During the trial absence, test your child for one of the alarming situations that you instructed him about. For example, the doorbell rings (ask someone you know to play this role). Or an acquaintance - say, a neighbor. How will the baby react - according to the instructions, or will he start improvising?

But when deciding whether it is possible to leave a child at home alone, you still cannot rely only on his obedience and responsibility. Do everything yourself to minimize the number of potential sources of danger.

  • Put knives, scissors, sewing accessories, matches and lighters, etc. in a truly inaccessible place.
  • If there are foods that the child is really categorically forbidden to eat, hide them, lock them up, or try to ensure that there are no such foods in the house by the time you leave. Children really suffer the most from gastronomic prohibitions and usually sincerely believe that “if I eat a small piece, it won’t be noticeable.”
  • Hide medications and alcoholic beverages away. Not always, but sometimes children get a crazy idea to try it, but what do adults drink?
  • If you are not sure that the child knows how to use the stove well, turn the water taps on and off, it is better to simply turn off the gas pipe valve and the valves on the water pipes before leaving. Of course, leave a supply of drinking water and “technical” water (for example, for washing hands in a basin), and some food that does not require heating.
  • If you are afraid that your child will wander into some wrong site in the absence of his parents, turn off the Internet or set a password to log into the computer. Just keep in mind that visiting non-children’s sites can easily take place even when the child is not alone at home...

The best thing is, when leaving your son or daughter alone at home for the first or second time in his life, before leaving, give him some gift that will certainly keep him busy: a new sketchbook, a box of plasticine, a book... or at least download a new game to his tablet. A child busy with a new thing will have no time or enthusiasm for pranks!
