Quotes of famous women about men. Sayings and aphorisms about women and men

Wise thoughts, beautiful quotes with meaning about men and women. The best thing a woman can do for a man is to accept him for who he is, regardless of his achievements. It is important for him to feel that he is still loved. The energy of unconditional love of mother and wife gives inner support. This is how a leader grows out of a boy, a man out of an insecure husband. It is a woman who gives energy to gain strength. Oleg Gadetsky.

Go to the end and achieve the goal in any way ... that's what it means to be a man. Povalyaev Igor Stanislavovich.

Impeccability of manners and attentiveness to others are the two main features that distinguish a true gentleman. Benjamin Disraeli.

If God had appointed a woman to be the mistress of a man, he would have created her from the head; if I were a worker, I would create from a foot; but since he appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created from a rib. Augustine the Blessed.

If I hide from the stones of censure, I am not a man. A true husband is protected by fortitude, like armor. Saadi.

Flattery always seduces men, especially when it concerns qualities that they do not have. Tell a fool that he is very clever, and a liar that he is the most honest man in the world, and they will hang around your neck. Henry Fielding.

A man is the meaning of a woman's life, and a woman is the meaning of a meaningless man's life. Rukhvarov Alexander.

Without a woman, a man would remain rude, stern, lonely and would never know all those charms that are only smiles of love. The woman entwines him with the flowers of life, as vines adorn the trunk of an oak tree with their fragrant garlands. Fraesois Chateaubriand.

Most men demand virtues from their wives, which they themselves are not worth. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

A real man hides a child who wants to play. Nietzsche Friedrich.

The weakness of men is the strength of women. Voltaire.

Loyalty is the strength that holds relationships. A man, if he does not see loyalty in the eyes of a woman, he cannot build a relationship with her. He cannot bring her a salary, because for him a salary is life. He gives his life energy to the woman who is faithful to him. Loyalty means: this is my only person with whom I have connected my life, I do not need others. Oleg Torsunov.

The main decoration of a man is a beautiful woman and a luxurious car: but you have to be content with what you can earn.Chernitsyn Roman Vecheslavovich.

A hot temper is not always a bad temper. But the faster and hotter a person is, the more skill he should have in self-control. Shelgunov Nikolay Vasilievich.

He wants two things: danger and games. Therefore, he wants a woman as the most dangerous toy. Friedrich Nietzsche.

Girls need to know that serious young people who behave more restrained are real husbands.

If a man requires only one thing from a woman, then she is not capable of another. folk wisdom

If men value beauty more than intelligence in women, it is because there are more fools in the world than blind people. Louise de Vilmorin.

Hindus say that for every man his wife is the most beautiful. But if a man does not care, the subtle nature of a woman is not revealed. A woman lives like a closed flower. Ruslan Narushevich

When a man touches a woman's hand with his hand, both of them touch the heart of eternity. Jubran

Only the attention of women is worth who knows how to protect them. Faust by Goethe

Love can change a man beyond recognition. Terence

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman! Omar Khayyam

Courage usually goes along with gentleness of character, and a courageous person is more capable of generosity than others. Shelgunov Nikolay Vasilievich.

A man deals with a woman, like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes in her processes that he does not understand, which he himself produces. Vasily Klyuchevsky.

The man personifies the triumph of thought over morality. Oscar Wilde

A man is the meaning of a woman's life, and a woman is the meaning of a meaningless man's life. Rukhvarov A.

A man capable of deeds is doomed to be loved! Coco Chanel

A man with dignity and intelligence is never ugly. Jean Labruyere.

A man is the one who acts, and a woman is the one who gives strength or takes strength to act. A woman is an environment that either catalyzes activity or, on the contrary, burns it.

It is easier for a man to refuse a twenty-year relationship than a twenty-year relationship. Folk wisdom.

Men feel uplifted and energized when they feel needed.

We often see that a man is something and a woman is excellent. This means that we do not know the hidden dignity of this man, appreciated by a woman: this is selective love, and, probably, this is real love. Mikhail Prishvin.

A real man achieves everything by his own efforts. Confucius

A real man, if, of course, he is really real, and not a rag, will choose what he personally likes. And this very real man does not care deeply about public opinion, the current fashion. Sergey Tarmashev

It is impossible to be the husband of a very beautiful woman with impunity, unless one has sufficient youth, wealth, and generosity to give her everything that others offer. S. Narrey

There is no fool who can compare with the old fool - there is no substitute for experience. D. Brode

Nothing flatters a man's pride so much, nothing raises a man in his own eyes as much as the boundless, unaccountable love for him of a woman, to whom he, in turn, is indifferent. Angel de Coetier. All your life you've been waiting.

Only a man offended by fate can offend a woman. Marilyn Monroe

From birth to death, a man remains a child of a woman who constantly needs something from her and who never gives her anything, except to hold and keep something that can be useful to him. Bernard Show

Romanticism arises when a woman has feminine power over a man and, to the pleasure of both, becomes more important to him than everything else. Byrne E.

Modesty adorns a man, but a real man does not wear jewelry. Yaroslav Gashek

Women's tears are touching, in men they are real melted lead; because for a woman tears are a relief, but for us they are torture. Voltaire.

Talent in a man is the same as beauty in a woman - just a promise. To be truly great, his heart and character must be equal to his talent. Honore Balzac

For a real man, the wealth of the wallet is not a substitute for the wealth of the soul.

What does it mean to be a gentleman? Doesn't it mean to be honest, kind, brave, smart and, having these qualities, to show them in life? Yes, it is very rare in life to meet a real gentleman. William Thackeray.

To conquer a man, it is enough for a woman to awaken the worst that is in him. You make a god out of a man and he leaves you. The other makes a beast out of him, and he licks her hands and keeps up with her. Oscar Wilde

I will be a man while real women still walk the earth, those women who do not smell of cigarettes and beer, who have natural charm and kindness, in whom the instinct of motherhood has not yet died ... Jason Statham.

Section topic: Beautiful quotes with meaning about men and women.

A single man definitely knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise, he would already be married.
Henry Louis Mencken

The weakness of men is the strength of women.

“Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Both marriage brings disappointment.
O. Wilde

"A man can be happy with any woman except the one he is in love with."
O. Wilde

A real man will always get what a woman wants.

There are men I could spend eternity with. But not life
Kathleen Norris

A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else thinks only of him.
Louise Leblanc

A man's house is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside it is most often a children's room.
Claire Luce

I remain under the impression that I made on a woman for a long time.
Karl Kraus

Men usually do not listen to what you say to them - they listen to what they are going to say themselves.
Wanda Blonskaya

There is no doubt: the more powerful a man, the more sexy he is.
Angie Dickinson

Women without a male society fade, and men without a female society become stupid
Anton Chekhov

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say.
Most men love flattery because of their humble opinion of themselves, most women love it for the opposite reason.
Jonathan Swift

A charming woman and a magnificent man are often separated by a mere trifle: the fact that they are married to each other.
Robert de Fleur

A man deals with a woman like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes in her processes incomprehensible to him, which he himself produces
Vasily Klyuchevsky

At eighteen a man adores, at twenty he loves, at thirty he wants to possess, at forty he thinks.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

That's what men are! They are more ashamed of their tears than of their sins! Why not show a clenched fist? But crying eyes - no!

For a man, unhappy love is a pretext for enjoyment without any love.
Carmen Silva

A man is a creature opposite in sex to a woman.
explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegov

A man of great virtue and intelligence is never ugly.
Jean La Bruyère

Men look like April when they are courting, and December when they are already married.

Men are convinced of the weakness of women, and they themselves are their slaves.

Men are like soap bubbles: the first is always unsuccessful, the second is already better, but only the third is truly beautiful and rosy.

A real man is a man who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. A man who never remembers a woman's birthday but knows exactly how old she is is her husband. Faina Ranevskaya

Only those men who are not afraid of women are truly cowardly.

Tell a man passionately in love that his beloved is deceiving him, present him with twenty witnesses to his beloved's infidelity, and you can bet ten to one that a few kind words from her will refute all the evidence of the accusers.
John Locke

The general notion that men have remorse is based on the bold assumption that men have a conscience at all.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski

It is not customary for gentlemen to ask many questions in a conversation.

A clever facial expression in men is the same as the correctness of features in women; this is the kind of beauty that even the most vain people would like to have

A married man has only one opportunity to have the last word: to tell his wife, "You're right."
Vittorio De Sica

A man needs a wife, because not everything in the world can be blamed on the government.
Leonard Louis Levinson

Men who speak badly of women usually have only one in mind. Remy de Gourmont

All men are the same, only their salary is different.
M. Arshevsky

At fifty a man is more dangerous than at any other age, for he possesses costly experience and often a fortune.
Honore de Balzac

A real man hides a child who wants to play.
Friedrich Nietzsche

A man can be stupid and not suspect about it - but only if he is not married.
G. Menken

Most men demand from their own
and virtues that they themselves are not worth.
L.N. Tolstoy

The first symptom of love in a young man is timidity, and in a girl it is courage.
V. Hugo

Only the last love of a woman can equal the first love of a man.
O. Balzac

Men say what they please about a woman, and women do what they please with men.
S. Segur

The smartest man becomes a fool when he loves; the most empty girl, having fallen in love, becomes smart.
M. Safir

Women without a male society fade, and men without a female society become stupid.
A. P. Chekhov

They try gold with fire, a woman with gold, and a man with a woman.

Before a decisive matter, a man thinks how to speak, a woman - how to dress.
M. Pussier

Men pay attention to what people think about them, but for women it is more important what people say about them.
T. Gippel

The test of good manners for a man or woman is their behavior during a quarrel.
B. Show

When people love each other, they do not quarrel, but calmly sort things out.
A. P. Chekhov

The most stupid woman can deal with a smart man, but only the smartest can deal with a fool.
D. Kipling

On one issue, men and women certainly agree among themselves: both do not trust women.
G. Mencken

A man, even if he could understand what a woman thinks, he still would not believe.
Dorothy Parker

  • A man in love is a pitiful sight. Christy A.
  • The weakness of men is the strength of women. Voltaire
  • Most men demand virtues from their wives, which they themselves are not worth. Lev Tolstoy
  • When a man marries, he hopes that his wife will remain the same, and a woman expects her chosen one to be different.
  • That's what men are! They are more ashamed of their tears than of their sins! Why not show a clenched fist? But crying eyes - no! F. Goebbel
  • There comes a time in every man's life when clean socks are easier to buy. Maureen Murphy -
  • A man capable of action is doomed to be loved. Coco Chanel
  • A single man definitely knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise, he would have already been married. Henry Louis Mencken
  • Nothing ages a man like living with the same woman. Norman Douglas
  • All women are like that - it is unbearable for them to think that a man can be happy away from them.
  • It is not customary for gentlemen to ask many questions in a conversation. S. Johnson
  • A man in the house is needed not for furniture, but for its repair. Stas Yankovsky
  • A real man hides a child who wants to play. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • For a long time I remain under the impression that I made on a woman. Karl Kraus
  • Men love to put a woman on a pedestal so they can give her a kick later. Without a pedestal, the pleasure would not be the same. Claire Luce
  • Yes, it does not happen that a man cheats once. Here's what happened once, that's what happens.
  • You always lose by being too intimate with women and friends; and sometimes in doing so you lose the pearl of your life. - F. Nietzsche
  • You can’t trust men, but how can you not trust compliments. Boris Krutier
  • A man can be happy with any woman except the one he is in love with. O. Wilde
  • A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else thinks only of him. Louise Leblanc
  • Women without a male society fade, and men without a female society become stupid. Anton Chekhov
  • Even if men want to fuck all the women, this does not mean that they cannot fall in love, and thank God, because this is the most beautiful thing in our broken society ...
  • A real man is a man who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. A man who never remembers a woman's birthday but knows exactly how old she is is her husband. F. Ranevskaya
  • A man who embodies all the best qualities is a real punishment. Sophia Loren
  • Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Both marriages are disappointing. O. Wilde
  • There are men I could spend eternity with. But not life. Kathleen Norris
  • A man listens with his ears, a woman with her eyes; the first - to understand what they say to him, the second - to please the one who speaks to her. Vasily Klyuchevsky
  • A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price.
  • Not one of them will fall in love with a man whom all women love. V. Klyuchevsky
  • A noble man always thinks of virtue; the commoner thinks of convenience. Confucius -

Sayings and quotes about men of famous philosophers and thinkers.

Men who talk smart about women are often bad lovers. Great practitioners do not speak, but act.

A gentleman is a man in whose company a woman flourishes.

All men have only two thoughts on their minds. The first is about money.

Men would calmly cede dominance of the world to women if they agreed to admit that only a man can drive a car well.

Men and prices always strive to rise as high as possible.

A man has no right to die in bed. Either in combat, or a bullet in the forehead.

A man who is not inspired by civic interests is only a male being who shaves his mustache and beard.

The man is already half in love with every woman who listens to him speak.

A man feels seven years older the day after his wedding.

- Whom do you consider spoiled?
“Those men who admire innocence.

All men belong to married women; this is the only correct definition of the property of married women.

Man - poor, awkward, faithful, necessary man - belongs to a sex that has been reasonable for millions and millions of years. He can't help it, it's in his blood. The history of women is different. They have always been a picturesque protest against the very existence of common sense; they understood its danger from the very beginning.

All men are monsters. The only thing left for women is to feed them better.

A man who once loved a woman will do anything for her ... but will not continue to love her.

Men learn life too soon, women too late.

Men often propose just for practice.

If we men married the women we deserve, it would be bad for us.

Men think. Women only think that they think.

Men can have a feminine mind just as women can have a masculine mind.

Good husbands are unbearably boring, bad husbands are terribly presumptuous.

The man who fails to break through in life is good for nothing, and the woman who fails to get herself the worst and at the same time the most necessary of evils - a husband is stupid.

To conquer a man, it is enough for a woman to awaken the worst that is in him.

It's good that you smoke. Every man needs something to do. And there are too many idlers in London.

Men come and go, and some still stay.

When a man is fed with promises, he lasts longer.

A man who has been under a heel is able to endure any hairpins.

Man's independence: he gave his salary - and is free.

Every man wants his wife to look good, but not too good.

The history of male resistance to female emancipation is almost more interesting than the history of emancipation itself.

I don't think that a man is a woman's natural enemy. But here's his lawyer - maybe.

A man forgives a woman everything except superiority in wit.

A man is tender only to torment; a woman torments only in order to give vent to tenderness.

Women present their honor to deserving men, but if they were given a choice, most of them would choose a slightly depraved man.

To keep a man in your hands, you must first of all keep yourself in your hands.

The male world and the female world are, in essence, two cultures with completely different life experiences.

The image of a woman that we know is created by men and tailored to the measure of men's desires.

He who becomes a man at sixteen will be a child at sixty.

Some men get what they deserve, others remain single.

A successful man is one who earns more than his wife can spend. A successful woman is the one who managed to find such a man.

The biggest disgusting thing you can do to a man who has taken your wife away from you is to leave her to him.

Men hunt, women grab prey.

Be afraid of men who cry. It is true that they have heightened sensitivity and receptivity; but the only thing they are susceptible to is themselves.

The trump card of men who fear the liberation of women is the question of whether there is sex after emancipation.

Men - their rights, and no more; women - their rights, and nothing less.

Marriage—not only for men but also for women—should be a luxury, not a necessity; one of the events of life, and not all of life.

There are not as many rich men in the world as beautiful women deserve them.

If there are troubles, be sure that the man will stay away.

A man is jealous because he loves himself too much; a woman is jealous because she doesn't love herself enough.

All men are weak, and gentlemen are the weakest.

A man who embodies all the best qualities is a real punishment.

Who will agree to live with a man who is perfectly handsome, charming and, moreover, holy?

A man has at his disposal all four seasons, a woman - only spring.

A man deserves to be drowned at best.

A man who has to take some decisive step thinks: “What will I say?”, And a woman: “How will I dress?”

Men are generous with respect for a woman only when they are determined to stop giving her this respect as soon as possible.

A man, if he could understand what a woman thinks, he still would not believe.

Men shouldn't call often, they don't like it. If you call them, they understand that you think about them all the time and want to see them, and they begin to despise you for it.

Men do not like it when we tell them that we are unhappy because of them. If we tell them this, they think that we are too demanding and selfish. And they start to hate us. They always hate us when we tell them what we really think. Apparently, there is no such love when you can say everything.

Men make women helpless when they take on all the decisions by giving them directions. In my life, men have done everything to make me dependent on them.

A man prefers to think that his wife was abused by her first husband than to assume that it was just the opposite.

Many of those who consider themselves Don Juans are just fauns.

There are more naive men than naive women.

Old maids have the worst and best opinion of men.

A rich man is like a beautiful woman.

It's not that gentlemen actually prefer blondes, it's just that we look dumber.

Gentlemen prefer blondes but marry brunettes.

Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about men of famous people in English with translation.

A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her.
A man can be happy with any woman as long as he doesn't love her.

Men always want to be a woman's first love. That is their clumsy vanity. We women have a more subtle instinct about these things. What women like is to be a man's last romance.
A man always wants to be a woman's first love. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become the last love of a man.

Men marry because they are tired, women, because they are curious: both are disappointed.
Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Both are disappointed.

Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about men of famous people in Latin with translation.

Forma viros neglecta decet.
Men shouldn't care too much about appearances.

There is nothing worse than a woman.

The husband will not enjoy when the wife does not like pleasure.

Not the beauty of every woman is gold, but intelligence and silence.

Herodotus was wrong when he said that along with clothes, a woman removes shame from herself; on the contrary, a chaste woman, taking off her clothes, is clothed in shame, and the more modesty between spouses, the more love this means.

A woman is more likely to understand a woman.

Whoever loves the female sex excessively, Destroys a living soul in himself: How to repay God God, If it is too much to please the ladies?
Brant S.

Forget peace, who decided to rule a woman.

A man usually loves women whom he respects: a woman usually respects only men whom she loves. Therefore, a man often loves women who are not worth loving, and a woman often respects men who are not worth respecting.
Klyuchevsky V.

Even the severity of the beloved woman is full of endless charm, which we do not find in the happiest moments for us in other women.

Women love most when they are spent on them.

There are no more terrible traps in the world, Than secret snares and nets, That women from time immemorial. A woman cannot be a good wife who is not and is not capable of being a friend to her husband.
Payne T.

O woman!.. A weak and treacherous creature!..
Beaumarchais P.

The one who first called women the fair sex, perhaps, wanted to say something flattering to them, but in fact he expressed something more.
Kant I.

We, men, hate arrogance passing any measure - believe an experienced person! - and often, without even saying a word to a woman, we begin to hate her for her one look.

The woman is sacred; the woman you love is doubly sacred.
Dumas A. father

The love of a woman is more to be feared than the hatred of a man. It is a poison, all the more dangerous because it is pleasurable.

A man listens with his ears, a woman with her eyes, the first - to understand what is being said to him, the second - to please the one who speaks to her.
You are a woman and you are right about that.
Bryusov V.Ya.

The measure of a woman's dignity can be the man she loves.
Belinsky V. G.

There is a saying that the most beautiful woman cannot give more than she has. This is not true all around: she gives a man absolutely everything that he expects from her, because in relationships of this kind, the imagination sets the price for what is received.

One woman will never recognize the beauty of another.
Women are usually chaste with meritorious people, but rarely with rake.
Fonvizin D.I.

If the wife surpasses her husband in prudence and skill, and he willingly yields, then a higher and more natural law comes into play, according to which the wiser should rule the less wise, no matter whether he is a man or a woman.
Milton John

Nature said to a woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must be prudent by all means.
Beaumarchais P.

This is such a serious step - parting with girlhood, turning into a woman ... The day comes - and a woman wakes up in a young girl ... And then some fool appears. And invariably penetrating gaze is deceived for the first time - and sees the fool in the most rosy light. If a fool reads poetry, he is mistaken for a poet. They give him their heart - a wild garden, and he likes only mowed lawns. And the fool leads the princess into slavery.
Saint Exupery A.

Women and young people know how to appreciate only those to whom they have an inclination.

A woman is not only able to understand self-sacrifice: she herself knows how to sacrifice herself.
Turgenev I. S.

Of young people, those who blush are better than those who turn pale.
When courting, tears also help - with tears you will soften at least a diamond! If possible, try to make the beauty see your cheeks wet with tears. If there are no tears - they are not always on time - wet your fingertips and apply to your eyes.

Women have been granted by the gods Such pernicious power over the best husbands! And wives are weak, immortals amuse the gaze, Over the strong, alas, and the brave reign!
Corneille Pierre
Young people do not know well what beauty is: they only know passion.

A man with an effeminate character is the most poisonous libel on a person. A good woman, when she marries, promises happiness, a bad one is waiting for him.
Klyuchevsky V.
How many stars in the sky, so many girls in Rome.

Honest people love women, deceivers adore them.
Beaumarchais P.

Forgetting service for a woman is unforgivable. To be a prisoner of a mistress is worse than a prisoner in war; the enemy is more likely to have freedom, but the woman's fetters are long-term.
Peter the First

There are women with whom no one falls in love, but whom everyone loves. There are women that everyone falls in love with but no one loves. Only that woman is happy, whom everyone loves, but in whom only one is in love.
Klyuchevsky V.
A woman loves or hates: she has no third.
We know a rich husband everywhere and has friends on a foreign side, but a poor man and in his own side we hate walking.
Daniel the Sharpener
A thin roof is not terrible -
Terrible grumpy wife!
What is Satan to that poor thing,
Who lived in the same harness with the witch!
Brant S.
It is not safe to praise the object of your love to a friend - as soon as he believes your praises, he will follow in your footsteps.
Most men demand virtues from their wives, which they themselves are not worth.
Tolstoy L.N.
If wives think only of their husbands, They don't need to dress up to the nines at all.
Women have an extraordinary ability to create illusions, to be different from what they really are.
Berdyaev N. A.
A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a man who would awaken love in her.
LaBruyere J.
... For a hundred deceived beauties,
Whatever their rank among people,
Always five hundred deceived men.
Lope de Vega
Women drink flattering lies in one gulp, and bitter truth in drops.
Didro D.
No matter how badly a man thinks of women, any woman thinks even worse of them.

A woman understands children better than a man, but a man has more children than a woman.
Nietzsche F.
Women are prone to extremes: they are either much worse or much better than men.
LaBruyere J.
The main thing for a woman is to be pleasant and soft, calm and balanced. And then her manner and kindness will pacify. Let you be fickle and windy, if your nature is open by nature and it is easy for people to be with you, they will not condemn you. The one who puts herself too high in speech and appearance is arrogant, draws attention to herself unnecessarily, even if she behaves with caution. And if eyes are fixed on you, then there can no longer be avoided barbs about how you enter and sit down, get up and go out. Those whose speech is full of absurdities, judgments about people are dismissive, attract even more eyes and ears to themselves. If you do not have bad inclinations, then they will not speak evil of you and will treat you with sympathy, even if it is ostentatious.
Murasaki Shikibu
The happiness of a man is called "I want." The happiness of a woman is "He wants."
Nietzsche F.
Do not try to expose a woman to her shortcomings.
In some cases, a woman is much more insightful than a hundred men.
I have always wondered why the worst of men attract the interest of the best women.
Christy A.
A good wife is not easy to find.
Men who do not forgive women for their little flaws will never enjoy their great virtues.
Jubran X.
You will almost always achieve more with caress than with brute force.
Get married no matter what. If you get a good wife, you will be an exception, and if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher.
This is how I want to see a man and a woman: him - capable of war, her - for childbearing, but so that both of them can dance - not only with their feet, but also with their heads.
Nietzsche F.
A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Whether you marry or not, you will repent anyway.
What makes a woman beautiful is what makes her more beautiful, but it is not gold, emeralds and purple that make her so, but modesty, decency and modesty.
Robbers demand a purse or life, women - both.
Butler S.
The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.
One thing is impossible for a man to get rid of: the desire for a woman.
Gregory the Theologian
A good wife is a crown to her husband and carelessness, and an evil wife is a fierce grief ... A worm grinds a tree, and an evil wife ... exhausts her husband's house ... An evil wife will destroy her husband's whole life.
Daniel the Sharpener
The upbringing of a man or woman is tested by how they behave during a quarrel.
Show B.
A righteous wife is the wealth of the house and the salvation of her husband.
Gregory the Theologian
Husband to wife and wife to husband render due love, and drink pure water from their source, and do not go to other people's wells, but drink their own water. I just say: do not fornicate from each other and do not desire someone else's beauty. In every well the water is the same and no different from the other. So is the copulation of husband and wife, only beauty is someone else's ability to sin, and the sweetness of mixing is one.
The husband is affectionate, if the wife is tender, And he is harsh, if the wife is evil.
Brant S.
The fault of any woman is the fault of a man.
Herder I.
Heart - love potions Potion - the truest of all. Woman from the cradle Someone's mortal sin.
Tsvetaeva M. I.
Probably, in general, there are no such lovers, That because of trifles they do not frown at us.
Babur 3.
A man should beware of a woman when she loves: for then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.
Nietzsche F.
A shy husband has shy thoughts.
Gregory the Theologian
The lover is the most chaste of men, he needs only one woman.
Aldington R.
If you want a woman to continue to love you, try to inspire her with the idea that you are delighted with her beauty. She will be in a red dress, praise the red dress, she will be in a dress made of light matter, say that it suits her. If she has gold jewelry on, say that she is more precious to you personally than gold; if she decides to put on a suit of winter cloth, praise her for putting on a suit of winter cloth. She will come up in one shirt, shout: “You are burning me! ..” - and in an imploring voice ask her not to catch a cold. If her hair is skillfully combed into two braids, admire that it is combed into two braids; if this hair is curled, praise the curl. Admire her hands when she dances and her voice when she sings; if she stops, express regret that she finished early.

The collection includes quotes about men and women with meaning about the most important thing:

  • I never tan - I like to be a solid blonde. Marilyn Monroe
  • What happens if you love a little less than a whole woman?
  • The trouble with many women is that they admire literally nothing - and then marry him. Cher
  • All I know for sure is that if people loved each other more, our lives would be much better. Mother Teresa
  • The bliss of the body consists in health, the bliss of the mind is in knowledge. Thales
  • Emancipation is the ability of women to firmly defend their positions.
  • To be loved by those who cause general astonishment is the best fate that can fall to the lot of a woman; but this happiness entails much anxiety. Germaine de Stael
  • Nowadays, a real woman is a real man. Yefim Shpigel
  • A person with a good heart tries to turn every thing and deed into good; a person with a bad heart tries to find evil in good. Catherine II
  • The great advantage of the physician is that he is not obliged to follow his own advice. Agatha Christie
  • It is tiring when a person is right all the time. Agatha Christie
  • Contrary to popular belief, the most difficult thing to conquer is a stupid woman - because nothing impresses her. Gianni Monduzzi
  • I was smart enough to live my life stupidly. I live only by myself - what self-restraint. Faina Ranevskaya
  • All marriages are successful. Difficulties begin when the joint life begins. Françoise Sagan
  • Only a really good woman can do a really stupid thing.
  • The main difficulty is finding a girl who is attractive enough for you to like and stupid enough for her to like you.
  • Creativity is a common cause, created by the solitary. Marina Tsvetaeva
  • Stupid women often become the wives of smart men. Anatoly Rakhmatov
  • Bitches are the best of women: they will never deceive your expectations (Alex Grachev)
  • The sin is not in the darkness, but in the unwillingness of the light. Marina Tsvetaeva

  • Old age does not protect against love, but love protects against old age. Coco Chanel
  • Girls! If you want your husband to never cheat on you, marry an impotent man.
  • At first, men in girls like the secret, and then - only the highlight. Vladimir Borisov
  • The only girl - not a bitch is kept in the Chamber of Weights and Measures in France. And in the warehouse, as not meeting the standards.
  • Strongest in the world Rays of calm eyes. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova
  • If girls are selling their bodies with might and main, and the police are grazing this business, then you are going the wrong way, comrades. Georgy Alexandrov
  • He collapsed into himself, as if into an abyss. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova
  • If a woman wants to refuse, she says no. If a woman indulges in explanations, she wants to be convinced. Alfred de Musset
  • Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. Sarah Bernard
  • If every real man should go to war, every real woman should work in the street
  • Having overcome any kind of labor, a person feels pleasure. Catherine II
  • A woman is a human being who dresses, talks and undresses. Voltaire
  • The popularity of bitches is explained simply: men have forgotten how to elevate their spirit, and women who help in this are of no use to them. And the bitch is always here and now, and it is so convenient to blame her for her insignificance. Elena Ermolova
  • A woman wants everything - from one, a Man - one from all.
  • Very often, in order to give the impression of being smart, a woman needs to look stupid. Olga Anina
  • A woman wants to see in the eyes of a man the look of a gentleman, a friend and a male. And, according to the proportion of these views, in response, he may be offended, despised, or fall in love at first sight. Ishkhan Gevorgyan
  • Wasp in human growth. Zinaida Gippius
  • A woman does not need so much to be happy - just a few things. And new ones every day.
  • Men are more often prevented from winning victories by their awkwardness than by the virtue of women. Ninon de Lanclos
  • Women are just bitchy, very bitchy and terribly loved. Stas Yankovsky
  • Well, how can a woman and a man understand each other, because they both want different things: a man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man. F. Carinti
  • The gesture should reflect the thought, it is harmonious or stupid, depending on whether the artist is smart or not. Sarah Bernard
  • You cannot allow a woman whom you respect and love to be insulted in front of your eyes. Romain Rolland
  • Of the two co-authors, each is sure that all the work and only half of the fee fell to his lot. Agatha Christie
  • I don't see why, in this gigantic comedy that is human life, I shouldn't play my own. Francoise Sagan.
  • Every woman knows that a lover remembers more compliments than a husband. Vladimir Borisov
  • A real man will never offer a woman something that she cannot refuse. Mikhail Mamchich
  • As a rule, a woman does the most stupid things with the words "I'm no fool to you!".
  • A real woman, one who has a turbulent past, but there is still a chance for an equally turbulent future.
  • When a woman wants to change tactics, then she either cries or undresses. Anatoly Rakhmatov
  • A real woman wins by being defeated. Leonid S. Sukhorukov
  • A beautiful woman is a bare fact. Valery Afonchenko
  • A real woman will give oats to any ram. Valery Afonchenko
  • Beautiful women in old age are very stupid only because they were very beautiful in their youth. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky
  • A real woman has to cut down a tree, destroy a house and raise a daughter...
  • The beauty of a woman is in the care that she gives with love, and in the passion that she does not hide. Audrey Hepburn
  • We were accustomed to single-celled words, scant thoughts, play Ostrovsky after that! Faina Ranevskaya
  • The beauty of some women only peeps out. Valery Afonchenko
  • We stop loving ourselves when they stop loving us. Anna de Stael
  • Who is envious or desires this and that, he will not wait for fun. Catherine II
  • Men are often crazy about the most stupid women. Georgy Alexandrov
  • A man's palm can replace at least three things for him: a comb, a belly comb and the most beautiful woman in the world.

  • Men always hear a woman, but almost never listen to her. Yana Dzhangirova
  • Better than virtue, a woman is adorned only by nudity. Yuri Tatarkin
  • A man becomes greedy only because of the whims of women. If there were no women, there would be no money, and men would be a tribe of heroes. Erich Maria Remarque
  • Loving one person all your life is a privilege, and it does not matter if you have to pay for it with longsuffering. Agatha Christie
  • A man should be courageous, a woman should be married. Magdalena the Pretender
  • Men's logic - women's intuition in details, usually unnecessary. Elena Ermolova
  • Love subjugates deceitfully, In a simple unskillful melody. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova
  • You can joke with a person, but you can't joke with his name. Marina Tsvetaeva
  • People are not interested in fashion, but in the few who create it. Coco Chanel
  • It seems to me very distressing that we, at first wisely declaring ourselves the weaker sex, are now compared in position with primitive women who have been bending their backs all day. Agatha Christie
  • Petty rules and pathetic refinements should not have access to your heart. Catherine II
  • Metaphysical systems are to philosophers what novels are to women. Voltaire
  • Dear girls, it's silly to worry about some stains there. You have to worry when they are not!
  • People are often the cause of their own happiness and unhappiness. Catherine II
  • Fashion is what goes out of fashion. Coco Chanel
  • People are beautiful from the point of view of people, men are beautiful from the point of view of women, women are simply beautiful, that's all! Vladimir Sukhorukov
  • Youth fashion - pleonasm; There is no old fashion. Coco Chanel
  • Love must be shown in action, and this action is service. Mother Teresa
  • A man is great on earth and throughout the ages, but every iota of his greatness has grown out of a woman. W. Whitman
  • Love without reverence and delight is only friendship. George Sand
  • A man can be happy with a woman until he loves her. Oscar Wilde
  • Any woman who understands the problems that come with running a home can understand the problems that come with running a country. Margaret Thatcher
  • A man who has overcome a woman's long resistance does not value her virtue most of all, but his own perseverance. Guy de Maupassant
  • It is easy to love those who are far away, but it is not so easy to love your neighbors. Mother Teresa
  • Men and women are worth each other, but pay differently.

  • Whoever has contacted a stupid, vicious wife, He was not combined with a woman - with trouble. M. Saadi
  • Martyrdom is not the end, but only the beginning. Indira Gandhi
  • Beauty requires sacrifice. And the first victim is a friend of a beautiful woman. Alexey Kalinin
  • There is not a single man in the world who is able to be satisfied for a long time only with the soul of a woman. George Sand
  • Beauty and intelligence in a woman are not a luxury, but a means of transportation through life. Boris Trushkin
  • A real woman should be harmful and capricious.
  • Beauty is also a virtue, a beautiful woman cannot have flaws. Johann Friedrich Schiller
  • A real woman knows that she is better than any of her rivals. A true woman has no rivals.
  • A beautiful woman is the center of any composition. Valery Krasovsky
  • A real woman can insist on someone else's. Harry Simanovich
  • Cosmetics on a child looks vulgar, but on a teenager, a girl and a woman - already for granted Ekaterina Gerdt
  • A real woman smiles at everyone, makes friends with the chosen ones and loves the only one!
  • The book has always been for me an adviser, a comforter, eloquent and calm, and I did not want to exhaust its benefits, saving them for the most important occasions. George Sand
  • A real man is one who does not seek to prove it. A real woman is one who proves it, even if she does not strive.
  • Each book is a steal from its own life. The more you read, the less you know how and want to live on your own. Marina Tsvetaeva
  • Our best words are intonations. Marina Tsvetaeva
  • Art must take reality by surprise. Françoise Sagan
  • And women can keep secrets. But they cannot keep silent about the fact that they have kept silent about the secret. Somerset Maugham
  • There is no shame in admitting to a person in your mistake. Catherine II
  • Women and statesmen like to present us with a fait accompli, often out of stupidity, more often out of cunning. Karol Izhikovsky
  • Oh, if it were possible for people to produce children in some other way: if there were no women! Then the person would not know any troubles. Euripides
  • We adore a woman because she rules over our ideal dream. Bunin
  • She is such a good friend that she would throw everyone she knows into the water just to have the pleasure of getting them out. Germaine de Stael
  • A woman who does not love anyone cannot cause jealousy in anyone. Miguel de Cervantes
  • Disgust often comes after pleasure, but often precedes it. Coco Chanel
  • A woman wants a lot, but from one man, and a man wants one thing, but from many women.
  • True beauty always knows the measure. V. I. Mukhina
  • A woman can create three things out of nothing: a hat, a salad, and a quarrel.
  • A stunning woman is a woman who can shock not just anyone, but anyone ... with all parts of her body!
  • Our women, eternally young, should not be accepted into United Russia, but into the Young Guard of United Russia. A.V. Ivanov
  • It is generally accepted that luxury is the opposite of poverty. No, luxury is the opposite of vulgarity. Coco Chanel
  • If a woman wants sweets, then she can always convince herself that this cake is dietary. Alexey Kalinin
  • Forgiveness means it's already over. Françoise Sagan
  • If a woman is not beautiful, then she is simply stupid. Coco Chanel
  • Restraint in love and friendship would be a stupid whim and, moreover, an act of selfishness, killing all feeling, first in ourselves, and then in the loved one. George Sand
  • If death were a blessing, the gods would not be immortal. Sappho
  • Tell a woman that you love her and you will understand how you got there! Mikhail Razumovsky
  • The soul of a man is deep, its turbulent stream rustles in underground caves: a woman senses his strength, but does not understand it. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • I stumble, the reason for this is not bad roads, but beautiful girls.
  • The two most beautiful human states: a man in work and a woman in love. Olga Muravieva
  • Bitch is a real woman! She always knows what she needs, where it is and how to get it, and does not stick her pretty nose where what she needs is not!
  • Looking at the hole in her skirt: Nothing can hold back the pressure of beauty! Faina Ranevskaya
  • Happiness is not in conquering the body of a woman, but in becoming her chosen one. André Maurois
  • The stupidity of the female, that's why she loves men. Leonid S. Sukhorukov
  • What a woman wants, a man can.
  • All those you truly loved will remain alive for you. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova
  • A woman always has three ages: apparent, real and ascribed to herself. Alphonse Carr
  • Time will put everything in its place. Just wait a long time. Maya Plisetskaya

A selection of aphorisms, statuses, quotes about men And women. Trying to highlight the difference between us...

Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know who you really want to be. Everything else is secondary. /Steve Jobs/

If a woman shows character, they say about her: "A harmful woman." If a man shows character, they say about him: “He is a good guy.” / Margaret Thatcher /

A woman differs from a man in that she thinks over not her steps, but her gait.

In order not to annoy a man, a woman changes dresses, and in order not to annoy a woman, a man changes women.

Only a random number generator can argue with female logic.

Darling, let's talk about fools, shall we?
- Let's.
Is your ex still calling?

A man can be happy with any woman. Until he loves her.

If a man opens the car door for his wife, then it is either a new car or a new wife.

I have the opportunity to have a goat, but I have no desire. I have a desire to have a car, but the goat says "first a fur coat."

Men kneel in front of a woman just to look under her skirt.

The more beautiful a woman is, the faster a man's time and money fly by.

It is less and less possible to meet a woman holding out her hand to you, palm down.

The highest virtue of a man is the ability to keep a secret. /Marquez/

These days, if a man opens a door for a woman, he is most likely a doorman.

aphorisms and jokes
about women and men

Previously, men took off their hats when they met ... But now they pull an earpiece out of their ear.

A handsome man is like an expensive beautiful dress: it seems to me that it looks good, but I have already seen him on some bitch ...

Thanks to all men! The real ones make us happy, the rest make us strong.

Only our men laugh at the girls behind the wheel, sitting in a trolley bus.

I believe one man in this world who, to the question "Do you love me?" replies, “Of course, daughter!”

The biological age of a man is determined by what exactly shrinks in him at the word “children”.

I never saw men cry until I formatted my hard drive.

A man must help a woman to be weak ... she can be strong without him ...

Mom and dad made me nice, the teachers made me well-mannered, the teachers made me educated, and my husband made me happy!

Women have made themselves such an instrument of influencing sensuality that a man cannot calmly treat a woman. As soon as he approached her, he fell under her dope and went crazy. / /

Girls lack femininity, and women lack virginity.

A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing. /Napoleon Bonaparte/

Ten men are stacked at the woman's feet, and she chooses the eleventh, who is standing and looking in the other direction.

A man is never as weak as when a pretty girl starts telling him how strong he is.

The girl wants to first go to restaurants in order to understand whether it is worth going to bed with the guy. And the guy wants to put the girl to bed as soon as possible in order to understand whether it is worth taking her to restaurants

I would like such a prince ... like a white horse ...

They say that all men want one... In fact, they want more than one.

God, give wisdom to understand a man, give love to forgive him, patience to endure his character. Just don’t give strength, otherwise I’ll kill him in FIG!

When a man and a woman are together, she thinks: “Finally we are together!”, And he thinks “Finally we are alone!”.

It is easier for a man to refuse a twenty-year relationship than a twenty-year relationship.

A woman loves when she is used to it, and a man loves when he is not used to it.

How a woman wants love! First, she inspires herself that she loves, then she inspires herself that she is loved, and then she inspires all this to her beloved.

This article contains the best aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings about men.

Men! How much has been said about you, good and bad, good and evil. Yes, and evil. Well, yes, this is nothing ... However, it’s enough that the beautiful half of humanity dreams of its very, very man.

The world, no doubt, is ruled not only by love, but also by the most primitive stereotypes. Where do stereotypes come from? People think they know and talk, talk, talk.
This is how folk wisdom appears, which is also called aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings.

About men: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings

Every man, in the end, chooses the girl who believes in him more than he does.

The visiting card of a real Man is a happy Woman next to him.

From time immemorial, men let women go ahead to appreciate their priests, and kiss their hands to calmly look at their breasts.

A man next to him should be such that he wants to listen and obey.

On the personal front, it’s like at a banquet… I don’t take what they offer, I’m embarrassed to ask what I want… I have to pretend that I’m not hungry…

Men are afraid of girls they need to grow up to ... It's easier to use those that you can sink to.

You can’t understand a man with your mind, you just need to believe in a man! He must prove by deed that he can be trusted with his life!

Men are like taxis. When they are free, they light a green light. One fine day, a man decides that it's time to start a family, children and all that, and lights a fire. And the first woman he meets, he immediately proposes. It's not destiny. This is an accident.

Most women give up not because their passion is strong, but because their weakness is great. That is why enterprising men usually have such success, although they are by no means the most attractive.

A woman should be like ice cream - white, sweet and melt in your hands, and a man should be like coffee: strong, hot and not letting you fall asleep.

A woman, in order to calm down, needs to take herself into strong male hands.

A woman loves a man because he loves her.
A man loves women in general...

Since it was mainly men who knew how to write, all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women.

Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak at nightfall.

Men are convinced of the weakness of women, and they themselves are their slaves.

The deepest delusion of a woman:
“He will change!”
The deepest delusion of a man:
"She's not going anywhere!"

Sometimes you look at men whom you used to feel sympathy for, and you involuntarily begin to doubt your adequacy ...

While men, being boys, play war games and cars, women, being girls, immediately prepare to manipulate people and play with dolls.

A man will never look stupid if he makes the first move.
It is a pity, but many do not know that taking the first step is a man's duty.

To be happy with a man, you need to understand him well and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, one must love her very much and not even try to understand her.

One day a man asked God: “Why are all girls cute, affectionate, gentle, and women are all bitches and bitches?”
And he received in response: “I create girls, and you make women out of them!”

The ideal man can only give birth to herself.

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves, he either allows her to do this, or sets an example with his behavior.

At least they talk about female logic!
About the male - nothing is known at all!

A real man has the right to hurt his beloved only twice: depriving her of her virginity, and when she will give birth to their child.

The most precious thing that a loving man can give to his beloved woman is his time. Collected carefully, bit by bit, throughout the day. No other gifts, cars, furs and diamonds will ever replace the one who loves him - his time dedicated to her alone.
If your man, despite his hard and stressful day, still always finds his time for you, it means that he wants it that way. It means he loves.

If men knew what women think, they would be twenty times more impudent!

If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already considered everything else.

A real man is recognized by a woman.

Men are illogical: they say that all women are the same, but constantly change one for another.

Weak men make mistresses, and strong men make strong families.

A man who claims that a woman's place is in the kitchen just doesn't know what to do with her in the bedroom!

Friendship between a man and a woman does not honor a man and deprives a woman of honor.

A real man opens the door with his foot ... because his hands are full of flowers and sweets!

Men often miss the decent, picking up the available.

Never show a man how much you need him. You won't see anything good in return.

It's great when your man combines such qualities as: husband, lover, breadwinner, best friend and your personal Guardian Angel!

The kiss was invented by a man to silence a woman even for a minute...

A man should be like an expensive car - so that everyone wants it, but few can afford it.

The best smell in the world is the smell of the man you love.

Long live the man! If desired, he can achieve everything in the world.
Long live the woman! If desired, she can achieve any man.

I will be a man while real women still walk the earth, those women who do not smell of cigarettes and beer, who have natural charm and kindness, in whom the instinct of motherhood has not yet died.

For girls, childhood ends with pregnancy.
Men never grow up.

They say that men only want sex. Don't believe! They also ask to eat!

A veil is the white flag of a man!

Cats and men are alike... If they suddenly become affectionate, it means that they either need something from you, or have already spoiled somewhere...

The last word should always be for a man, and it should be like this: “Of course, my love !!!”

The best man is not a set of qualities and material baggage. This is the person next to whom you feel desired, the most beautiful, loved and just happy ...

It shouldn't be fun or boring with a Man... With a MAN it should be HEAT, RELIABLE, and CALM!

A man is the same child ... only you can’t leave him with a nanny ...

All men are hunters, no matter what kind of game is in front of them - an animal or a woman.

It is a woman who helps a man to understand himself, she makes him better.

To keep a man in your hands, you must first of all keep yourself in your hands.

To accept a man as he is, only the draft board can!

A single man definitely knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise, he would have already been married.

The weakness of men is the strength of women.

“Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Both marriage brings disappointment.

"A man can be happy with any woman except the one he is in love with."

A real man will always get what a woman wants.

There are men I could spend eternity with. But not life.

A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else thinks only of him.

A man's house is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside it is most often a children's room.

For a long time I remain under the impression that I made on a woman.

Men usually do not listen to what you say to them - they listen to what they are going to say themselves.

There is no doubt: the more powerful a man, the more sexy he is.

Women without a male society fade, and men without a female society become stupid.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Most men love flattery because of their humble opinion of themselves, most women love flattery for the opposite reason.

A charming woman and a magnificent man are often separated by a mere trifle: the fact that they are married to each other.

A man deals with a woman, like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes in her processes that he does not understand, which he himself produces.

At eighteen a man adores, at twenty he loves, at thirty he wants to possess, at forty he thinks.
Author: Vasily Klyuchevsky
