4 year old boy birthday at home ideas. Child's fourth birthday

Irnazarova Anna


Fairy - presenter

Equipment and materials:

Hall decoration

Presenter's costume – Fairy

Musical cheerful accompaniment, dance of little ducklings, song "Loaf".

Fairy costume - Lush ball gown, airy cape.

Treats - Fruit, sweets, or toys

Birthday gift: puzzles by age

Attributes for the game:

2 flower centers,

Petals for 2 flowers by quantity children

The fairy welcomes guests.

Fairy: Hello, dear guests. I flew to you from a fairyland to congratulate Valeria on the day birth!

(children join hands in a chain and follow the birthday girl into the hall)

Fairy: Today is Valeria’s day birth. She turned 4 years old. Let's clap for the birthday boy. (Guests clap their hands.) Valeria and I are very glad that we have so many guests.

To make it more fun for all of us,

Let's sing "Loaf"


The players stand in a round dance and sing.

How on ___ (Player name) name day

We baked a loaf.

Such a height! Participants raise their hands.

Such lows! Participants squat down and lower their arms.

That's how wide it is! Participants spread their arms to the sides and move wider.

These are the dinners! Participants narrow the circle.

Loaf! Loaf!

Choose who you love!

I love, I confess, everyone

Only ___ more than anyone. Indicates the selected player.

They dance together to applause and spin around.

Then the game continues.


Fairy: Close your eyes and repeat the magic words with me words:

“Abra-kadabra-sim-sim-sim! (children repeat the words - The fairy gives the birthday girl a magic wand)

This is a magic wand! Now we will play with her.

A game “Wand-congratulations”

(children pass it from hand to hand to the music, the one on whom the music ended congratulates the birthday girl)

"The Owl and the Mice"

Fairy: And now a couple has come for us kids to play.

The kids, like mice, will jump and jump,

Ah, we have a task,

Catch them, these handsome guys.

And pat your ears,

So that you grow faster,

Not by days, but by hours!

A game "The Owl and the Mice"

Fairy: We won’t be bored with you,

And we will continue the holiday,


To play you will need a small beautiful bag containing small prizes (whistles, birthday caps. Take 3-4 people for the game. The birthday boy is first. Children put their hand in the bag and, without peeking, find and guess the gift. Whoever guessed right takes it for themselves as a prize.

The fairy takes out another one - a gift for the birthday boy (Puzzles)


Fairy shares children into two teams, scatters the petals and places 2 flower centers on the floor. On account "three" teams begin to collect petals for their centers.

Fairy: We won’t be bored,

I suggest you dance!

And now for all the guys, Dance of the Little Ducklings!

Dance of little ducks.

Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's, guys, once again congratulate our birthday boy, wish him all the best, happy day birthday of you. And I’m returning to my fairyland, well, so that you remember me, I’ve prepared a gift for you (takes out a basket of apples). Goodbye! See you again!

The holiday ends.

Content: A holiday for a child who turns four years old can already be organized not only within the walls of the house, but also in a children's cafe, playroom or entertainment center. Choosing a place for a special event is a matter of your desire.

Where to celebrate the birthday of a 4 year old child

Preparing a celebration in honor of a child’s fourth birthday at home, as in previous birthdays, involves decorating the room yourself. The main emphasis of a home birthday party should be on a fun and interesting entertainment program, including games and competitions. A festive table and congratulations to the birthday boy are a matter of course.

A birthday held in a game room should still be celebrated without the involvement of animators and other third parties. Rent a playroom for a few hours and take on the role of host of a special event. The same applies to birthday parties in a children's cafe. At the entertainment center, the birthday boy and his guests will be able to ride on carousels, frolic on trampolines and “swim” in dry pools.

The time of year also plays a role in choosing the location for your baby's birthday. So, in winter it is better to limit the celebration indoors. In the summer it is possible or a camp site. The main points of the ceremonial event in the case of an outdoor birthday celebration remain the same: congratulating the child and presenting him with gifts, welcoming guests, an entertainment program, a “loaf” and tea with cake.

What to give a child for his fourth birthday?

A child who turns four years old probably already has his own clear and specific wishes for a gift. Therefore, when choosing a gift, you need to focus on them. For example, you can invite your child to go with you to the shopping center and choose exactly what the birthday boy dreams of.

But a birthday without surprises is not a birthday. Therefore, in addition to the gift chosen by the child himself, be sure to prepare another one, which he will not know about until the onset of his personal holiday. Of course, here too you need to take into account the child’s preferences, gender and age characteristics. A doll's castle would be a great gift for a girl, and a pirate ship with sailors for a boy.

How to celebrate a child’s birthday at 4 years old - organizational aspects

You should start preparing for your baby's fourth birthday in advance, about three to four weeks before the celebration. Make a list of guests and send invitations to them a week before the holiday. The day before the birthday, check with your guests whether they will definitely be able to attend the celebration. You will also need a menu plan and shopping list to avoid unnecessary fuss while preparing for the special event.

A week before the due date, tell your baby that his due date is approaching. During this time, discuss with the future birthday boy how he sees his personal holiday in order to take into account all (of course, possible) wishes of the child. Involve him in decorating the apartment if you plan to hold a celebration within the walls of the house.

Make a throne for the birthday boy and organize a play area. Collect drawings of the hero of the occasion and hang them along the walls of the apartment along with other decorations. The optimal number of people invited to a four-year-old child’s party would be five to six children. It is advisable that their parents also be present at the ceremony to supervise their children.

“Help mom cook soup”

If you have a small inflatable pool at home, you can safely use it for this fun competition. Place decorative (plastic) vegetables in it and give the kids a ladle each. If you hold this competition at home, you do not need to pour water into the pool. Explain to the children that they need to help you cook the soup, and to do this they need to catch the vegetables from the pool using a ladle, one at a time. The winner is the contestant who brings you the most vegetables.

"Swift-footed turtles"

Line up the kids in two lines - two teams of participants. Give each team a plastic basin and tell them the rules of the competition: all children will need to temporarily turn into turtles using a basin, run to a given place, come back and pass the baton to the next player on their team. “Turtles” must move on all fours with a basin on their back. The pelvis should not fall while crawling. The team whose players complete the task faster will win.

"Blind Cat"

Choose a driver among the children, blindfold him, he will be a cat. The rest of the guys will become mice that he will have to catch. Kids can tickle the “cat” and have fun running in different directions. In order to make the “cat’s” task easier, the “mouse” that he touched at least once will be considered caught.

"Balloon Race"

The kids are divided into two teams. The task of each participant is to hold the balloon between his legs and thus jump to a given place. This could be a chair at the opposite end of the room. The winner is the team whose members not only completed the task more quickly, but also more efficiently: the ball should not fall to the floor, or at least fall as little as often as possible. At the end, all participants in the competition are awarded prizes, but the winning team should have a slightly more significant prize than the one that did not win.

Organization of the festive table

As on previous holidays, do not cook a lot and variety. The entertainment program of the holiday is of much greater interest to four-year-old children than the feast. Limit yourself to preparing light snacks and fruit and berry, as well as cottage cheese desserts. Many kids love cheese, so you can make small canapes for them from pieces of cheese, pineapple and green apple.

To dress salads, use olive oil or sour cream; it is better to avoid using mayonnaise and soy sauce. Sandwiches, which children love so much, are usually an integral part of the holiday table, and the birthday boy can be involved in their preparation. Cut the bread into small squares, and give your child cheese, sausage, and cookie cutters to cut out a variety of shapes. Such unusual and fun sandwiches will appeal to everyone invited to the holiday.

And, of course, don’t forget about the decor of the festive table: umbrellas, flags and colored napkins folded into interesting shapes. As a hot dish, you can prepare traditional chicken with boiled potatoes. At the end of the evening, non-hot tea and a birthday cake with four candles should appear on the table. It's better if you bake it yourself.

End of the holiday

The birthday has come to an end. The cake is eaten, the tea is drunk, the games and competitions are left behind. Now you just need to end the holiday with a bright and memorable event. We invite you to consider two options.

  • Option one: take the birthday boy and his guests outside, taking with you small pieces of paper, pens and sky lanterns. Hand out sheets of paper and pens to the kids, ask them to draw (not write), namely, draw what they wish for the hero of the occasion in his future life. The birthday boy also draws what he dreams of. Collect wishes, tie them to sky lanterns and with a loud “Hurray!” launch them into the sky.
  • Option two: the idea of ​​wishes can be realized with the help of candles. In this case, you will need to take the children to water: any pond or river.
You can make boats and put “lights” on them, or you can buy ready-made floating candles. All guests take turns saying their wishes to the birthday boy and lowering the candles into the water. Such a magical sight will surely be remembered by your dear and beloved baby for a long time.

In conclusion, we suggest you look at how to prepare a fun children's holiday table. There will be everything here: sandwiches, canapés, hot dishes and even chocolate pizza.
Elena Smernykh

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Your baby continues to grow. He has more and more friends, and he feels more and more confident in the company of children. How to celebrate the birthday of a 4-year-old child, especially since by this age the birthday has already managed to turn into the most favorite holiday? Do not exclude your child from preparing for this celebration; he will be happy to take a direct part.

Of course, the morning on this day should be special. And the morning, as you know, begins with waking up. Therefore, wake your baby differently than usual. Perhaps you will gather the whole family for this ceremony. Or maybe you can play quiet, gentle music to wake up your baby. The only important thing is that the child wakes up and immediately understands that the holiday is beginning for him.

After waking up and washing your face, breakfast follows. By the way, washing can also be made festive. For example, a new towel with his name may be waiting for your baby in the bathroom. Or – new slippers and a shower set. As for breakfast, it should be solemn and festive. Mom should try to prepare even ordinary and very healthy dishes accordingly. Before breakfast or immediately after it, you can give your baby a gift.

If possible, be sure to take this day off. Go for a walk, take your baby to the zoo or the circus, devote your time today only to him.

How to celebrate a 4 year old child’s birthday and where to do it

There are several options for where exactly you can celebrate a 4-year-old child’s birthday: in an apartment, in a country house or outside the city, in a children’s cafe or in a club. In the latter case, it will be better if you do not use the common room, but rent a separate room for a few hours.

If you want to make the holiday more diverse, you can invite a professional animator or even two. As a rule, they arrive in advance, about half an hour before the start of the main holiday, change clothes and then the performance begins. Much will depend on the size of your apartment. Of course, it’s good if you have enough space to hold noisy competitions, but if not, don’t be upset. In the arsenal of professionals there are enough scenarios for small spaces.

If you decide to go to the kids' club, this option has many advantages. Firstly, you will not need to worry about the festive decoration of the room. Secondly, as a rule, every children's club has comfortable places where parents of young guests can sit. You won't need to worry about sound and lighting equipment. There is a lot of space for various games and competitions and, finally, you won’t have to give the room its original appearance for a long time after the end of the holiday. But there are also some disadvantages - in the children's club you cannot fully demonstrate your culinary talents, the maximum that can be done here is a sweet table.

Child's birthday at the dacha

It is convenient to celebrate your child’s birthday at the dacha only if you and your guests have your own vehicles, and the dacha itself is located relatively close to the main place of residence. Or, if your dacha is large enough and you have somewhere to accommodate all your guests for the night. On the other hand, the dacha option has many undoubted advantages. Firstly, you don't have to worry about the premises - all the main action can take place in the yard or garden. Secondly, as a rule, at the dacha there is enough space for both outdoor games and a festive table, and these two indispensable attributes do not interfere with each other. Thirdly, you can be sure that the children are almost completely safe at the dacha, which, unfortunately, cannot be said if you are throwing a birthday party in nature or in a forest park closest to your home.

Wherever you decide to celebrate your 4-year-old child’s birthday, you should remember that children are still quite small, they get tired quickly, and by a certain time they will need to be put to bed. All holidays, unfortunately, end sooner or later. And this one too.

4 years old is an important age. The child already understands a lot, knows how to count, read and knows many fairy tales. He is very inquisitive at this age and very active.

Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate your birthday. And it must be organized carefully. Where to begin?...
You need to start with the Celebration Scenario. You need to prepare a program in advance, and this is not so easy. It is necessary to take into account all the age characteristics of the baby and his interests.

My nephew turned 4 years old on December 4th. I adore him, so I couldn’t help but take everything into my own hands. His mother is still too young, so I helped my sister in organizing the holiday.

Naturally, in the morning, before kindergarten, Makarik was congratulated at home by his mother, father, and sister Evochka, who will turn 2 years old in two months.

Makar went to kindergarten, and preparations began at home. After all, you need to decorate the apartment, set the table for the arrival of guests. I entrusted this to my parents. And I'm done with the entertainment part!

The Tricks of Baba Yaga - Children's Birthday Scenario!

When all the guests had already gathered, there was a knock on the door. Makar was asked to open the door and see who else had come to visit him?

Little Red Riding Hood appeared on the threshold with a gift in her hands and balloons! The role of Little Red Riding Hood was played well by my daughter Olesya. She handled it very well!

Little Red Riding Hood:

“Hello, dear Makarik, hello kids!
Dear Makarik, happy birthday to you! Today I was in such a hurry to see you, I was in such a hurry, and I rushed straight out of a fairy tale, just to be in time for your birthday.

I wish you to grow up to be a healthy, smart and handsome boy. I see how many friends came to your birthday!!!

Let's all shout in unison: "CONGRATULATIONS!" Everyone congratulates you today and gives you gifts. But I also came to you with a gift. - And gives a gift to Makar.

So what is today's holiday, guys?

Children: Birthday!

Little Red Riding Hood: - I'm lucky! Wait, guys, I'll call you now... (takes out the phone and calls Baba Yaga):

Hello, Baba Yaga, hello! Imagine, I went to the holiday, it’s so interesting, so beautiful and full of kids. Come soon, let's have fun together!

Well, while Baba Yaga is getting to us, let’s get to know each other. One, two, three - say your name!

Now I want to find out something...

One two three four five!
Who will we congratulate?
Whose dreams will come true?
Who do we have flowers for?
Who will be proud today?
Will he eat a huge cake?
Will the candles be blown out?
And open gifts?
Who is this verse for?
And in the eyes of joy - whose?
Who's ahead today?
Birthday boy, come out!
How old is Makar now?

Makar: - Four!

Little Red Riding Hood:
Let's congratulate Makar!
(everyone stands in a circle, Makar stands in the center of the circle):

We'll stomp 4 times! Have fun!
We will clap 4 times! Make friends!
Come on, Makar, turn around!
Come on, Makar, bow!
And once again we all stomp!
And let's clap our hands again!

- Come on, adults, let's go
Help your children!
Say "yes-yes-yes"
If you like the words.
And if I get confused,
I'll get my words mixed up
Don't upset me -
“No, no, no,” shout:

Happy birthday? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Is everyone in a bad mood? (No no no!)
Makarik, be kind and sweet? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Naughty and pugnacious? (No no no!)
For mommy to love? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Did you hit your butt with a strap? (No no no!)
How about feeding her ice cream? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Be healthy and smart? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Like a green crocodile? (No no no!)
May success await you! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Our Makarik is the best! (Yes Yes Yes!)

Well done parents, now let’s check your children and play the game “I am not I”
If I'm talking about you, then you raise your hand up and shout - it's ME!

If this is not about you, then stomp your foot and shout - this is not me! So, here we go:

Who is cheerful and skillful,
The most dexterous, the most courageous? (pause)

Who doesn't listen to mom?
Who is angry, stubborn,
Mischievous and naughty
And he's telling lies? (pause)

Who respects all elders
Doesn't hurt kids
Loves to sing and draw,
Play good games? (pause)

Who is capricious and whiny,
Acts unsightly
He's rude to mom and dad
And tries to offend? (pause)

Who loves fairy tales so much?
Loves books and coloring books
About mysterious countries
About seas and oceans? (pause)

Who doesn't want to go to bed,
Who keeps jumping and laughing,
And when it's time to get up,
Does he say he wants to sleep? (pause)

Who is neither with a friend nor with a girlfriend
Would you like to share a toy? (pause)

Who helps mommy?
Does he put his things away? (pause)

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Well done, how good we all are! Let's always behave this way. Now let’s say loudly to the birthday boy again: “Happy birthday!” three four...

Then there is a strong knock on the door. Everyone gets scared and asks: “Who else is knocking so hard???”

Little Red Riding Hood: - Makarik, did you by any chance invite anyone else??? Makar opens the door and Baba Yaga flies in on a broom. I played Baba Yaga myself...

Baba Yaga:
- A-ah-ah, who’s making noise here, who’s getting hungry here??? Kids??? Oh, so many kids! I love eating babies. Will you let me visit?

Mom Makara and children:
- Of course, grandma, come in, just promise not to scare us, not to cast spells or misbehave.

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Baba Yaga, don’t scare our birthday boy and the kids! Come on in and join us! Meet our birthday boy Makarushka and his friends.

Baba Yaga:
- Oh, my dears, don’t be afraid, I’m a kind Baba Yaga, well, maybe just a little harmful, but I’m friends only with good kids, and I don’t like bad boys and girls, naughty ones.

I found out that today is Makar’s birthday, I abandoned my business, my hut on chicken legs and flew to you, Mak4ar. Are you a good boy??? - Yes. Well then, let's be friends with you!!!

But I didn’t come empty-handed either, here’s my gift for you!!! (handing over my broom)

What? I do not like? Hey, okay, I’ve persuaded you... Now I’ll do a little magic and you’ll get a present! Shirley - Myrli, Fufty-Mafufty, you stop the broom and turn into a horse! oh - it worked! Hold your horse, Makar! Do you like it now? You can ride on it - it will serve you well!

(children ride a horse for about 5 minutes)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Children, do you know a crow? There is such a bird... Yes, well? Let's check it now!
The crow Karkusha from a magical land loves only those things that have her favorite word KAR in the name. For example, the favorite city of the crow Karkushi is KARAGANDA. My favorite sport is KARATE, and my favorite candy is CARAMEL.

But what else does a crow from a magical land like?


What is Karkusha's favorite cartoon? "Baby and..." (Carlson)
Name Karkushin's favorite vegetable. (potato)
What is Karkusha's favorite attraction in the amusement park? (carousel)
What does Karkusha like to draw most? (pencil)
Where does Karkusha hide his handkerchiefs? (in pocket)
What song does Karkusha sing to the birthday boy during a round dance? ("Loaf")
What boy name does the crow like? (Makar)
How does a crow croak? (Children croak)

Baba Yaga:
-Who's making noise here? Who made this noise? I thought that a flock of crows was organizing a song festival here!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Oh, Baba Yaga, don’t swear!

Baba Yaga:
- Don’t like me swearing? Then I'll catch everyone and eat them now! (trying to catch the children, they dodge)

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Wait, wait, wait! You promised not to spoil our holiday! Our children are all good, smart and dexterous. Check it out!

Baba Yaga:
- Okay, now I’ll give you a dexterity task! The only agreement is this: If you fail to complete the task, then I will choose the most incompetent one and eat you! Agreed?

Game - Bumps

There are piles of newspapers scattered on the floor.
Baba Yaga explains that she lives next to a swamp, and in the swamp they only jump over bumps, and if your foot gets into the swamp water, you will immediately drown.

A path of bumps is laid out, the participant must jump to the end of the path, turn around, jump over the bumps to his team, hit the next player with his hand, after which the next player enters the path of bumps.

At the end of the game, Little Red Riding Hood gives everyone a candy, the prizes may be small, but this will distract the children from the further program...

Little Red Riding Hood:

You see, Baba Yaga, how clever all our children are. No one fell into your swamp.

Baba Yaga:
- Well, so what, but I see here someone who almost fell into the swamp, and I’ll take and eat this girl... Or not, that boy...
Little Red Riding Hood:
- Stop, stop, Baba Yaga, it’s so unfair, we need to play again.

Baba Yaga:
- Well, okay, well, let's do it again, but only now in a different game.

The hummocks are laid out in two rows against opposite walls. Each player stands on a bump. At one wall there is one team, at the other there is another. Baba Yaga has a whistle. At the sound of the whistle, the teams run to change places. We do this 5 times. Prizes are awarded for participating in the game.

Baba Yaga:
- Well, look how inept they are, I’ll probably eat them all now...

Little Red Riding Hood:
- You’re not playing fair, Baba Yaga, look - all the children coped with your task!

Baba Yaga:
- Well, it’s okay, I’ll outwit you! To prevent me from eating you, make me some soup! Collect all sorts of yummy things from my swamp for a super soup: worms and fly agarics.

Here's a saucepan, and here's a list of what I put in the soup. If you collect what I need, then you win, and if not, then I’ll put you in the soup... Ha-Ha.

There is a piece of paper hanging on the wall that says:

Sinister Soup:
2 cones,
2 insects,
1 spider,
2 caterpillars
1 +1 Fly agaric
3 mice,
2 worms
2 crumpled pieces of paper,
1 frog...
At the very end it says: “1 harmful child.” This end is tucked in so that it is not visible at first.

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Let me see the list. Cones... one spider... ugh, who eats such disgusting stuff!

Baba Yaga:
- I eat, I do! So, collect without talking!

On the floor we poured a bunch of all sorts of toys and pieces of paper, rubber vegetables and fruits, and we had all the ingredients for the soup in the pictures, we didn’t find toy ones... but where were there such...

After the children have assembled, we check...

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Well, is everything right? Check the pan - have the children cooked everything?

Baba Yaga:
- But no! There is one more point here, you missed it! (expands the sheet to the end, and the children read: “1 harmful child”)

Baba Yaga:
- I need another mischievous child for soup, so now I’ll take this child! (again half a minute of Baba Yaga running after the children)

Little Red Riding Hood:
- You are behaving dishonestly! The children did everything right, so you don’t need to catch the children, but reward them.

Baba Yaga:
- Yeah, we're daydreaming! They left dirty cones in my soup, and caught some small spiders... No, you won’t get any gifts from me.
Little Red Riding Hood:
- Then I’ll reward the guys myself! (distributes surprises) Well, you’re harmful after all!

Baba Yaga:
- Why are you staring at me like that?! And, probably, you want to play a staring contest!

Game "Peeping Game"

Baba Yaga explains that children dance to music, and when the music suddenly turns off, everyone freezes.

Children should not laugh or move, but Baba Yaga tries to make them move - she groans, scares, makes faces, suddenly blows a whistle next to her ear, etc.

Whoever moves or laughs is out of the game...

Baba Yaga:
- We have two winners, and I’ll eat them!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- What, the winners are rewarded, not eaten!

Baba Yaga:
- I won’t reward anyone.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Well, okay, then I’ll give the guys prizes. And not only for the winners, but for everyone, because everyone tried, and you cheated and cunning, confused them - scared them and made them laugh.

And now, guys, let's once again congratulate our birthday boy: look what I have! (I take out a chamomile, and Baba Yaga snatches it from me and begins to read it herself)

Congratulations "Chamomile"

It has a cardboard circle-core, to which leaf-petals are glued at one end. On one side of each petal there are cartoon or fairy tale characters: Kolobok, Pinocchio, malvina, hare, Bear, crocodile, Carlson, Lion and Cat. (you can: Luntik, the Wolf from Well, Pogodi, Cheburashka, Winnie the Pooh, Leopold the Cat, Shrek, Spider-Man, etc.)

Baba Yaga:
- Dear Makar, happy birthday to you,
we wish you to be strong like..., a bear
smart as..., malvina
beautiful like..., Pinocchio
brave as..., kolobok
patient like..., crocodile
smart as..., Carlson
fast as..., a hare
So that you have the same cozy home as..., cat
We wish you a friend like..., a lion!

You can pin the chamomile to the wall as a keepsake!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Look, Baba Yaga, our children are dexterous, fast, and talented, is it really possible to eat such people?

Baba Yaga:
-Then I'll eat the stupidest one!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- And we don’t have stupid ones!

Baba Yaga:
- This cannot be, it must exist!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- And we will prove to you that it is not! Our children are really smart. They know how to count, read smart books, and know a lot of poetry. I'll prove it to you now. Guys, I will start poems and songs for you, and you finish!

Finish the poem or song:

Our Tanya is loud... (children continue)
There lived with grandma two cheerful..., (children continue)
One is gray, the other... (children continue)
Once upon a time there lived a little gray boy with his grandmother... (children continue)
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman and they had a chicken... (children continue)
Leopold the cat said: “Guys, let’s live...” (children continue)
Born in the forest... (children continue)
In the forest she... (children continue)

(Baba Yaga disturbs the children and inserts her own options, like “The chicken crow” or “Once upon a time there lived a gray elephant with my grandmother”, “Our Tanya gallops loudly”, “One is gray, the other is yellow”, “Leopold the cat said: “Guys, let’s live unfriendly”... a palm tree was born, it slept in winter... The children laughed.)
Little Red Riding Hood:
- You know poetry worse than us, and songs too...

Baba Yaga:
- So what, I’ll eat someone anyway! This girl, probably, or better yet, that boy! And better yet - you!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Yes, why don’t you just eat and eat everything! Are you hungry?

Baba Yaga: (starts whining):
- Hungry. Here you are celebrating my birthday, inviting all your friends, feeding me delicious food, but everyone has forgotten about me.

Well, at least once they would invite you and treat you to some delicious candy. And I’ll immediately become kinder, I’ll become good, good, if you treat me with candy!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Well, come on, we’ll treat you, we’re not evil or greedy, right?! Come on, children, let's treat Baba Yaga to something tasty! All the children treat Baba Yaga with sweets from the table. Baba Yaga puts everything in her purse and thanks everything. Saying that now she will definitely get better.

Baba Yaga:
- So you became kind, you even wanted to play with you? Shall we play?

We are brave pilots:

At the controls of an airplane! (hands depict turning the steering wheel)
We're flying high (hands up)
We fly far! (palms fold as if a person is looking through binoculars)
Day and night we fly, (wave your palms like wings)
We don't want to go to bed! (palms under the cheek, like a sleeping person)
Then we'll look back (look back)
Then let's look forward (turn back)...
Don't break down, plane! (wag a finger)


We are funny monkeys
We play too loud
Let's all clap our hands
We all stomp our feet
Puffing up our cheeks
Jumping on your toes
And even to each other
We'll show you the tongues
Let's stick out our ears
And let's pat the belly
Ponytail on top of head
And there are pens on the nose
Let's jump to the ceiling together
Put your finger to your temple
Let's open our mouth wider
We'll all make faces!

Then Baba Yaga asked riddles...

Baba Yaga:
- Now let's bake a cake for our birthday boy! Children, hold hands and line up in one long chain. Let's start baking!
If there are few children, involve adults. In front of everyone is Little Red Riding Hood, behind is Baba Yaga.

On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: they turn around themselves, winding the entire chain. Little Red Riding Hood spins until a big “cake” is formed. The condition is not to release your hands. As soon as the entire chain wraps around Little Red Riding Hood, you should stop. Some music plays during the game.

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Well, now let’s sing for the birthday boy
We bring in the cake and do a “loaf” round dance.

How we baked a loaf of bread on Macarina’s name day,
This height, this width,
These are the dinners, these are the lows.
Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you love.
I love you all, and Makara most of all!

Baba Yaga:
Well Makarik, congratulations again, and it’s time for me to fly to my forest. And you can play with your friends, ride a magic horse, look at the gifts that were given to you.

Bye-bye everyone, invite me again. I'll definitely come. Thanks for the party, I'm going home. And finally I’ll tell you a poem, sit back and listen:

A fly landed on the jam......
That's the whole poem!
Ha ha ha!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Yes, you’re great Baba Yaga, you’ve become very kind. And it’s time for me guys to return to my fairy tale. I really liked it, Makrik was with you, did you like the holiday? Will you invite us to your place again? Yes? Well then: SEE YOU SOON, GOODBYE!!!

Wow! We are already 4 years old! We feel confident in the company of the guys. Even children a year older or younger are not too confusing if you get to know them quickly. New types of games are appearing: mom and dad, doctor, store.

The baby already has a significant amount of knowledge and there is a constant desire to expand it. The child clearly expresses complaints about situations he does not like. It is quite possible that the baby has already experienced a certain number of quarrels and reconciliations, which has had an impact on his psychological world.

Modeling from plasticine and painting with watercolors can get boring, but cutting out colored paper and coloring with felt-tip pens is added to them.

The child becomes more and more aware of himself as an individual and relates his “I” to the world around him: family, kindergarten, playground. He has more and more questions, some of which he repeats several times, because the answers are not immediately clear to him. In general, development is taking its course, and the birthday should be celebrated, as always, fun and healthy.

Tell your baby a couple of weeks in advance that his due date is approaching. You'll see, the baby will immediately remember last year's celebration and will be most actively involved in preparing the event.

Go get balloons together and think over your guest list. Coordinate the overall decor of the room with the birthday person. Maybe last time he didn’t like the flashing garland that hung idle all evening and only worked when the cake appeared. Down with her in that case.

Rebuild the gift throne and play corner on the floor. Ask your child to help cut out several garlands from colored paper, and together attach his drawings to the walls in the hallway and room. Create with the help of your child and listen to such small and such important opinions.

On the morning of the holiday, traditionally gather around the table with the whole family present. Congratulate your child and make sure he eats everything, including a delicious holiday dessert.

Give a gift and enjoy this toy or new thing with your baby. After that, go together to play in the room, for example, with your favorite construction set, cars, “mothers and daughters”.

Approximately halfway through the gameplay, a bunch of beautiful helium-filled balloons should appear in the nursery window. Attached to the balloons will be a small package with a note. The appearance of balls in the window will be ensured by a smart dad. He made an agreement with the neighbors below and is now waiting for your reaction so that, at a signal, he can release the string before the ball rises to your window. And you stocked up on a stick with a hook in advance to drag the balls out the window.
Secretly from the child, you wrote him a note from an unknown “heavenly addressee”, drew beautiful pictures and enclosed a large delicious candy. The note should be something like this:

“Hello, baby (child’s name)! I received your letter and was very happy. I am very pleased to see how you grow, enjoy life and share this joy with others. My letter will reach you in exactly a year - I live so far away. So on your fourth birthday, I want to wish you health, strength and obedience. Be kind and love your parents. I enclose my favorite drawing and a delicious candy.”

Come up with some unusual, beautiful name and sign the letter with it. So, when in the middle of the game in the room you suddenly see a ball outside the window, do not forget to be very surprised.

Open a window or window and grab the balls by the thread so that they don’t fly away (at this time, dad slowly lets go of the thread from below).

Take the balloons into the room and ask if your baby remembers how last year on a walk you sent balloons with a note and candy into the sky. They flew and flew until they were out of sight.

If the child does not remember, then tell the details of this episode, refreshing his memory. Then unfold the message from your heavenly friend and read it loudly and clearly to the birthday boy.

Don't forget to give the candy. It would be nice to have a camera on hand to capture the sight of a little man encountering a real miracle.

Most likely, the baby will want to write a reply message to his unexpected friend. Help him with this and enjoy creating another family tradition. Discuss this event with all family members and put the child to rest. Let him dream of a cloud that writes the answer on a piece of paper, and then wraps a delicious candy in it.

To the beginning of the second part of the holiday you and your baby are already in a cheerful mood and in beautiful holiday outfits.

Everything is as usual: you meet guests together, the number of which can increase to 8 people, including children. Together you accept congratulations and gifts, together you make sure that those congratulating you write something in a notebook.

Listen closely to your child's story about the incident with the ball. Smile. If the little guests do not know each other, then remember about the ball and play an acquaintance game (see Birthday at 3 years old).

Only now, instead of the last question, ask to tell you a little about yourself and your interests. For example, the new boy Petya, who is almost 5 years old, loves to build cars and play football. A girl I already know, Masha, turns out to be building houses for teddy bears and hates plastic dolls. After everyone has become acquainted, sit down at the table.

After the festive feast, it's time for fun. The number of prizes for winning competitions may increase slightly, although the main thing is still parental praise.

First, let the children congratulate the birthday boy on his birthday again. On the back of beautiful cards with flowers, draw the following: a piece of paper with sketchy lines on it (this means that you need to read a poem as a gift to the birthday boy), a note and a microphone (you need to sing a song for the hero of the occasion), a little man moving in a dance (task - dance beautifully to the music), etc.

Then invite all children, except your baby, to draw a card and complete the tasks indicated on the back. Some will read poetry, some will sing, and some will dance. Do not rush the children; some forfeits may require time to prepare.

In this game, the help of adults is simply necessary; you must not only explain to the child what needs to be done, but also suggest a forgotten rhyme or sing a melody.

Then defuse the situation. Offer an outdoor game "Snowballs". Prepare about thirty “snowballs” in advance from crumpled paper wrapped in foil. Place a box or bucket in the far corner of the room. From a long distance, children need to hit the bucket with a snowball.

If the task turns out to be too easy, you can complicate it. Ask a parent to hold the basket with their hands and catch snowballs in it. Whisper to the children that they don't have to aim straight at the basket. Together with the kids, rejoice in the resulting chaos.

Next, arrange relay race with balloons. Let the child hold the balloon between his legs and jump from one end of the room to the other, trying not to lose the balloon. It’s very good if you have a long corridor, it will be perfect for this competition.

Remember the good old game "Into a Blind Cat". Blindfold the driver (who can be selected using a nursery rhyme) with a tight bandage. He is a cat. All the rest are mice. The cat stands in the middle of the room and, guided by the sound, catches mice. The mice squeak, giggle, gently tickle the cat and dodge his tenacious paws.

To make the task easier for children, the one who was touched by the cat can be considered caught. You don’t have to grab him in a hug and throw him to the floor so that the mouse doesn’t run away. A caught mouse becomes a leading cat. Adults will bring liveliness and energy to this fun if they play with children.

Offer a game for the whole company "Guess what I'll catch". Place various small items in an opaque bag: soft toys, bracelets, rings, notepads, a few markers, etc.

Let the children take turns putting their hand into the bag and feeling for an object. After the child grabs something in the bag, he must guess it by touch. If he names the item correctly, he takes it for himself. In case of an error, wait for the circle to complete and try again.

At the end of the holiday, be sure to perform “Loaf” and turn off the lights at the climax. The garland is no longer there, you took it off.

Therefore, ask dad to bring in the cake with candles and a couple of fireworks at the same time as turning off the lights. These cake toppers are sold in toy departments and look like short tubes with plastic tips.

They burn quickly, but you should not let your baby blow out the candles right away. First, take out the used fireworks tubes and only then bring the cake with candles to your baby.

After tea, see off the guests with your baby, thank everyone and make them promise to come back in a year. Then go to bed for a well-deserved rest.

The most optimal and joyful option for a child and his friends to celebrate a birthday at this age is a children's playroom. No bars, cafes or a bunch of balls can replace a child’s enjoyment of having fun on bouncy trampolines and frisky cars. And together with friends! Happiness, not life.

Believe me, if you throw a celebration in a playroom, it will become incredibly difficult to capture the attention of children. Therefore, decide right away: either you spend the holiday on your own at home, or go with the whole company to the game room. The choice is yours.

At this age, children are very eager to be independent, but they still dream that mom and dad will compete and play with them, watch them make progress, and support them if something doesn’t work out.

You can't do without balloons, soap bubbles and prizes. I know that many adults are still not indifferent to all these components of the celebration.

Play with your children, show them your emotions, give in sincerely, and sometimes, on the contrary, win. Show your child that in some competitions he is much faster and more agile than you.

Favorite balls.
Inflate and scatter balloons around the room. You can run around, leave them, some are further, some are higher. Organize fun aerial relay races, such as jumping while holding a ball between your legs.

“One-two-three, say your name.”
All guests are assembled. It's time to get acquainted. Very often the composition of the invited people changes and the little friends of the birthday boy do not know each other by name. Ask the children to say names in unison on the count of three. Whoever is louder is who you will hear. You should end up with a friendly choir of children speaking at the same time.

Decorate and enliven the room funny air men. How can they be made? Tie two balls together. On one, children, armed with felt-tip pens, will draw cheerful faces, and on the second, arms and legs.

Meanwhile, cut pieces of corrugated colored paper. You can use it to make colorful bows or skirts, beautiful curls or a hat that can be easily glued or tied with a ribbon. The elegant aerial guest is ready. It will serve as a wonderful decoration, and will also amuse and entertain the children. After all, the little man jumps, flies, sits, stands and dances beautifully.

- Oh-oh-oh, nothing is clear. In my opinion, all girls are called Mashami, and boys are called Maxim. Right? No? Fine. Let's do this: whoever I throw the ball to, he calls his name out loud.

The children introduce themselves, after which you find out from the children why everyone is dressed up and cheerful, and in connection with what holiday they have gathered together. In honor of this event, offer to arrange a fireworks display - clap loudly, stomp, jump and sit down as many times as the birthday person is old or how many guests have gathered.

Now is the time go to a magical land why you need to sit on little train and walk around the room.
Children stand in a column one after another, hold onto their shoulders and, under the guidance of adults, make several circles around the room with loud sounds imitating the sounds of a train moving.

The first stop of the train is in the clearing of mysteries.
Children sit on the floor and close their eyes. At this moment, adults scatter cardboard flowers everywhere and tie cardboard stars on ribbons, with riddles written on the back of them. Kids must collect flowers without opening their eyes to see who is bigger. And to get the star, you will need to work hard: jump high or climb on daddy’s shoulders. After everything is collected, the children sit in a circle, the trophies are counted, one of the parents reads the riddles, and the children guess.

The journey the guys go on is, naturally, imaginary. How reliable it will seem to children depends on you.

Let's move on. Need to cross the stream.
Stretch a ribbon or rope that will either lower or rise higher and higher each time. And children must jump or step over it. When the height reaches such a level that the children cannot step over it, invite them to “swim underwater,” that is, crawl under the tape without touching it.

Next stop - in the land of sweet tooths.
A rope is tied to two chairs, and candies are attached to it using colored tape. You need to tear or cut off the candy with your eyes closed. Once all the fruits from the candy tree have been removed, the children can move on.

Their path lies in magical forest, which can only be reached in bags, jumping from one end of the room to the other.
Kids are given two large identical bags or bags in which they move around the room. Adults insure the participants so that no one trips or hits sharp corners.

The game is more fun if adults portray the animals, and children guess and name them.

In the magical forest, everyone turns into animals or natural phenomena. Ask the children to imagine themselves as a bunny, a frog, a cat, a tree, a breeze, or the sun. They need to make appropriate sounds, show the character and habits of the creature.

For some exercise, visit sports country. Play some active game with your children, for example “head, elbows, knees, cheeks”.

The guys, together with the leader, repeat the words “head, elbows, knees, cheeks” and show those parts of the body that they name. It turns out to be a kind of exercise for the hands. The pace increases. After some time, the adult begins to deliberately confuse the children and point to other parts of the body. The guys must be careful not to fall into the trap.

Here are some more fun outdoor games that kids will love.

"Sticky Stumps."
Two adults are sitting in the middle of the room, children are running around, mothers and fathers are trying to grab them without moving from their place. The one who is grabbed also becomes a stump that catches and sticks players to himself.

"Day - night - hunter."
If the presenter says the word “day”, everyone runs around the room. If it’s “night,” they squat down and close their eyes. Having heard the word “hunter”, they quickly climb onto a chair, into an armchair, that is, into a house, and whoever didn’t have time becomes the leader and catches the unwary players.

At the end of the holiday, when the train takes passengers to the Teatralnaya station, you can act out a well-known fairy tale, for example, “Teremok”.
The tower can be chairs or a table that children crawl under. One of the adults will be the author, and the children will play the main roles. They put on the appropriate masks, and everyone is responsible for their animal: “It’s me, the little mouse,” “It’s me, the frog,” etc.

If the kids are shy, make two characters each: a frog mother and a frog daughter, a mouse father and a mouse son.

The guys have passed all the tests, the journey is coming to an end, it’s time to remember the most important person of the day and congratulate him on his birthday.
Musical congratulations.

Everyone stands in a circle and sings the song “Let them run clumsily...”, one of the adults shows the movements, the rest dance, repeating them. If you find rattles and tambourines in the toy box, or take spoons from the kitchen, you will get a real musical orchestra. Continue the dancing with round dances or games with repetition of movements. Jump and have a lot of fun, spin the children around, taking them by the hands or sitting them on your shoulders. They will be delighted. Dance game.

“If you have fun, do it this way”
If you have fun, do it.

Let's clap.
If life is fun, we will smile at each other.

“If you have fun, do it this way”
We smile at our neighbors to the right and left.

We clap our hands together three times.

Don’t forget about the main ritual - blowing out the candles, a festive round dance and standing up on a chair to the general applause as many times as you are old. Your baby has been waiting for this moment all day.
