Where is it easier to open a jewelry business - in Russia or in the EU. How to open a jewelry store

The jewelry business is a promising and sought-after occupation. Growth in this economic segment is currently declining, but output is growing. The purchasing power of Russians has grown significantly over the past 10-20 years, despite crises and other economic problems. Today, many can afford to purchase really expensive, exquisite jewelry. And the choice of jewelry as a gift is considered not only a sign of respectability, but also of good taste.

Directions of jewelry

Before opening your own jewelry business in Russia, you should determine what niche to occupy in the market.

There are several different directions. You can start with any of them, but each has its own characteristics.

Product design is a highly demanded activity. Although most stores focus on classic options, a certain segment of buyers expects new, fashionable collections. When choosing this profile, do not forget that it is better to start with creating a spectacular portfolio.

The supply of precious metals and stones is attractive to business start-ups for many reasons, but it is largely controlled by the state. In Russia, it is possible to engage in such a business only if there is a considerable start-up capital and guaranteed sales markets.

The pawnshop is a small but profitable business. Especially tangible income it gives during periods of economic recession. So that it does not require large investments at the initial stage, however, it will not be able to work without qualified appraisers, and it is not easy to find such ones.

Buying jewelry is very similar to the work of a pawnshop (often the same company provides both types of services), but Russian residents are reluctant to sell such things, rightly believing that the price in this case will be sharply underestimated.

The repair shop is a business that successfully operates in every city, as the owners of expensive jewelry constantly need these services. The workshop requires expensive equipment (only scales will cost about 30-35 thousand rubles), and income will be tangible only with low competition.

The store is perhaps the most popular jewelry business. It requires the most preparatory work, but also brings the most noticeable profit. Without what a jewelry store will definitely not become successful, it is without a competent business plan.

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The main points of the business plan:

Definition of a niche in the market

The choice of the consumer audience has a real impact on the assortment, pricing and promotion of the goods. It is important, on the one hand, not to try to cover all buyers at once, and on the other hand, not to focus on some narrow group.


Of course, for such a business it is necessary to register a legal entity. When processing documents at the tax office, take seriously the choice of activity codes. You will also need a license to trade in jewelry.

Legal support

It is necessary to carefully study the entire underlying legal framework. There are a number of legislative acts that strictly regulate this area of ​​business activity, including the Federal Law of March 26, 1998 No. 41-FZ “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones” and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2010 No. 1137 “ On Approval of the Regulations on Import into the Russian Federation from Countries Not Members of the Customs Union. The rules for accounting and storage of precious metals and stones were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2000 N 731, and the rules for the sale of products - by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55. The main requirements are as follows: each product must have an imprint containing sample data. In addition, the goods with precious stones must have all the necessary documents.

Special orders of the Ministry of Finance of Russia prescribe the registration of jewelry enterprises in a special state institution - the Assay Office of Russia. Decree of the Government of Russia N 731 obliges jewelry stores to be under the protection of licensed firms, to have alarm buttons and alarms. And, finally, the retail space must comply with all the requirements of the SES and fire services.

Room selection

It is most reasonable to open a store in the city center, in large shopping malls or near elite leisure centers.

Supplier search

First of all, they must guarantee the quality of the goods and be law-abiding. It is also desirable to prefer domestic suppliers - working with them will save you from the hassle and taxes associated with customs. In addition, many buyers in Russia prefer Russian gold.

Organization of the store

Personnel must be trained to work specifically with jewelry. The main equipment is a safe, counters, alarms, scales, a cash register and office equipment.

If you are looking for a startup to launch, consider opening a jewelry store. Having thought through all the nuances of the business, you will be able to achieve success in this business.

♦ Capital investments – 1,350,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 6–10 months

Products made of precious metals are undoubtedly a product that is not purchased so often, but the demand for which remains stable.

Jewelry is often purchased as a gift for a special occasion or for yourself.

If we compare the number of stores selling precious metals in our country and in Europe, it is clear that we are lagging behind, so if you are looking for a startup to launch, think about it.

Yes, there is quite a lot of competition in this sector, yes, you need to invest a lot of money in starting a business, but it is worth considering all the nuances of the future business, and you will be able to achieve success in this entrepreneurial environment.

Types of Jewelry Store You Can Open

The jewelry business is multifaceted.

If you decide to become the owner of a salon that sells products made of precious metals, then think over its concept in advance.

Focus on the amount of capital investment you have to open:

  1. Franchise showroom.
    This business is suitable for those who do not have much money.
    By purchasing a franchise, you get help with the design of the premises, the purchase of commercial equipment, the purchase of goods and more.
  2. Stand in a large shopping center.
    Just the perfect startup for those who want to try their hand at the jewelry business.
  3. A small salon for the sale of exclusive (designer or antique) jewelry.
    Since you're going to be selling a high-value product, there's a lot of focus on interior design and other aspects of the business.
  4. A jewelry store targeted at the middle-income consumer that would sell mass-produced jewelry at an affordable cost.
    When opening such a store, establish contacts with domestic manufacturers.
  5. A large market that would sell various groups of goods: antiques, designer jewelry, inexpensive jewelry, dishes of famous brands, souvenirs made from precious metals, and more.
    Such a jewelry business requires huge investments, so only entrepreneurs who managed to raise a large sum to launch a startup can do it.

How to open a jewelry store: advertising and competitive advantages

The high level of competition in the jewelry business often discourages newcomers from launching a startup that sells precious metals.

In order not to be afraid of competitors, you need to organize a good advertising campaign and take care of the formation of competitive advantages.

Benefits that will set you apart from your competitors include:

  1. A rich assortment of goods: antiques, serial inexpensive products, designer jewelry, souvenirs, etc.
  2. Reasonable pricing policy.
  3. Issuance of discount cards to regular customers.
  4. Various promotions and sales.
  5. Possibility to purchase goods in installments.
  6. Different payment methods: cash, by terminal, by recalculation.
  7. Original interior.
  8. Friendly service.

Take care of making a large and beautiful sign.

  1. Handing out flyers.
  2. Ordering commercials on radio and television.
  3. By purchasing advertising space on banners and billboards.
  4. By placing a folding bed at the intersection of streets, one of which leads to your store.
  5. Communicating with potential buyers on social networks and forums.

How to open a jewelry store: calendar plan

Interesting fact from history:
The first jewelry was worn by the men of Ancient Egypt, this fact was confirmed by both archaeological excavations and ancient images. The Egyptians were among the first who found gold deposits and began to use them not only for making money and figurines of a deity, but also perfectly mastered the technique of jewelry art.
Earrings, which emphasized the nobility of the family and high position in society, were a favorite decoration for men.

Opening a jewelry business is not a start-up that needs to be launched in too much of a hurry.

You need not only to devote time to the registration procedure, but also to think over the interior design of the rented / purchased premises, purchase commercial equipment, hire staff, purchase goods for sale, and settle many other nuances.

To do everything as carefully as possible, get ready for the fact that you can open a jewelry store no earlier than 6-7 months after the idea came up.

Premises for rent
Indoor repair
Purchase of commercial equipment
Recruitment of salesmen, security guards and other employees
Purchase of goods

How to open a jewelry store: a step-by-step implementation of a business plan

Naturally, it is impossible to start such a risky business as jewelry without one, which would contain specific calculations, taking into account the prices of your region.

In order to write the most effective business plan, conduct market research yourself or seek the help of specialists.

You need to learn how to open a jewelry business in the most profitable way.

And for this you need to collect the following data:

  1. How many jewelry stores operate in your city.
  2. Which of the jewelry stores is your most dangerous competitor and what needs to be done in order to form a client base.
  3. Demand for which products made of precious metals is observed among consumers.
  4. Competitors' pricing policy to set prices for your product.
  5. Which sales areas are free at the moment, and which of them is best suited for opening a jewelry business.

The more detailed you think over the startup that you are going to launch, the more chances you have for success.

You should not act "at random", because the jewelry business is not as simple as it seems, it has many nuances, ignorance of which can lead to financial ruin.

Registration of a jewelry business

You should start by choosing a form for legalizing your business: individual entrepreneur or LLC.

If you decide to open a small jewelry store, then it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to launch a large startup, then it is better to opt for an LLC.

After that, you receive permission from the Assay Supervision to organize your business, in this case, it is the purchase, storage and sale of precious metal products.

Such a permit is issued for a period of 5 years, and then extended if necessary.

If you have recently been interested in the jewelry business, and you still don’t know where to start launching a startup, then heed the advice of experienced entrepreneurs: after you have applied for registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, start looking for premises for a future store.

This must be done, because you will not only have to repair it, but also bring it into line with the requirements of the SES and the Fire Department.

Jewelry store space

The location is very important for the salon, which sells products from precious metals.

Don't look to the outskirts, no matter how attractive the rent here is. The best choice for those who decide to open a jewelry store is the city center or the central parts of large densely populated areas.

You need to locate your salon only on streets or squares with high traffic.

The area of ​​the rented premises depends on the size of the business that you are going to open.

For a small salon, 20-30 squares are enough; to launch a large store, you need an area 2-3 times larger.

You should hire a professional designer to design the interior of your store, because such an expensive product cannot be sold in some kind of shack.

Jewelry store equipment

You can't think about how to open a jewelry store without understanding the types of retail equipment needed to run this business.

The best way to showcase your jewelry is to order horizontal displays that are tilted towards the customer.

Crockery and other large items made of precious metals should be placed on the shelves of vertical showcases. All showcases should be made of thick glass and metal, locked with a key and backlit so that the buyer does not have to look at what you want to sell him. To equip a jewelry store for 30 squares, you need to purchase:

Item of expensesQtyPriceAmount (in rubles)
Total: 250 000 rub.
Vertical showcases with lighting
2 20 000 40 000
Illuminated horizontal showcases3 15 000 45 000
Counter-showcase with lighting
2 30 000 60 000
Air conditioner
1 20 000 20 000
Cash machine
1 15 000 15 000
Sales Chairs
2 5 000 10 000
Other 60 000

jewelry store staff

Even if you decide to open a small jewelry store, you will have to hire at least 8-9 employees: 4 sales assistants, 2 security guards, 2 cleaners and an accountant.

One shift is 2 sellers, a security guard, a cleaner.

In total, you will need two shifts that will work 2/2, 3/3 days or a week / week. If you are ready to do bookkeeping on your own, then you will not have to hire an accountant separately.

Sellers can take both men and women who have a pleasant appearance, know how to politely communicate with customers and are well versed in jewelry.

It is better to hire security guards not on your own, but to conclude an agreement with a security company.

In total, get ready to spend about 105,000 rubles a month on employee salaries:

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Total: 104 000 rub.
Salesman4 15 000 60 000
Security2 13 000 26 000
Cleaning woman2 9 000 18 000

Product and suppliers of the jewelry store

Having thought over the concept of your future business, you can begin to form an assortment of goods.

If you are going to focus on buyers with an average material income, then you should contact domestic jewelry factories for the purchase of goods: they make good products that are in demand among consumers and at the same time are ready to provide all quality certificates for it.

If you are going to sell only exclusive items in your store, then establish contacts with antique shops and private workshops that make jewelry in single copies.

But again, ask all your suppliers for quality certificates so as not to sell a low-quality or fake product to the client.

Remember that no one will give you products made of precious metals for sale.

You will have to purchase them in order to put them up for sale, so a large amount of capital investment will go to the first purchase.

If one of the suppliers agrees to provide you with goods in installments, then do not delay the mandatory payments.

If you get blacklisted by the main suppliers, you can close your jewelry business.

How much does it cost to open a jewelry store?

Businessmen who are looking for a profitable startup to launch are primarily interested not in how to open a jewelry store, but how much it will cost.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to invest a lot in the jewelry business.

If you are going to open a business in a small city, then you can meet one and a half million rubles, but in megacities the cost of such a startup will be several times higher.

Get ready for a substantial expenditure on the maintenance of a jewelry store, the amount of which will be 180,000 rubles per month.

We suggest you watch a short video on how to choose and wear correctly

jewelry for women:

Possible profit in the jewelry business

The profitability of this business is estimated by experts at 10-20%.

The average bill of jewelry stores that have been operating for more than a year and have a formed customer base is 3,000 - 3,500 rubles.

If at least 4 customers make purchases from you per day, then the daily revenue will be 12–14,000 rubles, and the monthly revenue with a daily work schedule will be 360,000–420,000 rubles.

180,000 rubles will be spent on maintaining the store, at least 50,000 rubles. - for the next purchase, but 130,000 - 190,000 rubles. remain to you as profit.

If you can increase traffic and improve sales figures, you will earn much more.

You can make your business self-sustaining after six months of active work.

And this, you see, is a good reason to continue to study the issue, how to open a jewelry store.

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The jewelry business is considered successful and profitable. If you are interested in how to open a store in this direction, and what equipment is needed to equip it, we will describe the intricacies of this case in more detail.

True, due to the presence of certain difficulties in paperwork and high initial investments, only those entrepreneurs who already have some practical experience in creating business projects can implement this idea.

Registration process

Start by making sure your business is legal. To do this, they visit the tax office and register an LLC (limited liability company) or CJSC (closed joint stock company). Such a form of business as individual entrepreneurship is not suitable for opening a jewelry store.

The rest of the organizational steps will look like this:

  1. Indication of OKVED codes.
  2. Choice of tax scheme.
  3. Preparation of company documents.
  4. Designation of the amount of the authorized capital and its distribution among the co-founders.
  5. Registration with the statistical authorities and the state register.
  6. Registration of the employer in the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.
  7. Production of a corporate seal.
  8. Opening a bank account in the name of a legal entity.

You will also need to complete a number of other documents:

  • draw up a business plan with calculations;
  • create internal governance rules;
  • register with the Assay Office;
  • obtain a license to trade in jewelry;
  • conclude an agreement with a security company that will install an alarm;
  • separately issue a special certificate for the sale of emeralds and diamonds (if they are available in the assortment of goods).

Like any trading premises, a jewelry store will be checked by services such as SES and GPI, and if all the details meet their requirements, they will issue a permit to conduct trading activities in this place. Do not forget to check the purchased goods for sale. All jewelry must be stamped, and the label and seal indicate the cost, weight, name and metal used.

If you don’t know how to start a similar business and are trying to open a jewelry store from scratch with no experience, then it is advisable to purchase a franchise. In this case, you will be provided with a finished project, goods from well-known brands and will be helped to go through all the stages of organization and design. With a relatively low fee, you can get a successful business that makes a profit from the first days.

In what format to work?

Jewelery today is represented by various areas. You can choose any suitable form:

  1. Pawnshop - here people often rent out precious things in order to get a cash loan. This type of business becomes especially popular in times of crisis. And an entrepreneur can benefit from the first days after opening.
  2. The development of a unique design of jewelry is a special branch of jewelry, thanks to which you can create an exclusive product and set appropriate prices for it. Even at a high cost, such products will be in demand and favorably distinguish your business from competitors. But for such an activity, you need to have a certain level of jewelry skill and creative thinking.
  3. The supply of precious metals and stones - although this type of activity is considered profitable and promising, it still often falls under the control of the state. In addition, the implementation of such a project will require start-up investments in especially large amounts.
  4. Jewelry repair shop - people often turn to a specialist in order to remake, improve or fix existing jewelry. This service is popular among the population, but only a professional can perform this type of activity.
  5. Opening a store is the simplest form of business of all those listed, which we will focus on.

To increase profits and expand your customer base, you can combine some of the varieties of jewelry. So, very often workshops are opened nearby or directly in the store itself. It all depends on your capabilities and available professional masters.

Room selection

In order for such an institution to make sales, you need to think carefully about all the little things. Start by choosing a good location. And since jewelry and ornaments are not essential goods, but are made more often during the solemn periods of life, then for this it is better to choose:

  • large shopping centers;
  • crowded streets of the city;
  • or near business complexes, hotels, restaurants, offices, banks, elite clubs, etc.

Various bedroom and industrial areas are not suitable. Therefore, you will not be able to save money on renting a room. But it will pay for itself with a high flow of visitors. Experienced entrepreneurs disagree on whether to open a jewelry store next to other competitors.

On the one hand, visitors can go to their neighbors and make a purchase there. On the other hand, the acquisition of jewelry is a creative and individual matter. Customers usually go around several different stores first before choosing what they like best. Therefore, having direct competitors nearby may not be as risky as it seems.

The dimensions of the room must be at least 20 square meters. m. But remember that when arranging all the counters and other commercial equipment, visitors need to leave enough free space so that they do not feel cramped.

Interior design

Special attention should be paid to the design of the hall and the facade of the building. The level of sales largely depends on how the product is presented. Jewelry is associated with a holiday, high status, elite position, financial success, etc. Therefore, the design of such a store should be spectacular and luxurious.

Respectability of appearance is ensured by:

  1. The severity of the lines.
  2. Rectangular shapes.
  3. Monochromatic shades.
  4. Bright lighting.
  5. high ceilings.
  6. Free space.
  7. Perfect cleanliness in the room.

Designers do not recommend using bright, flashy colors, cheap wallpapers, various patterns and graffiti on the walls, sharp color transitions, heavy carved counters, etc. for the interior. Cheap finishing materials will also be a bad solution.

Provide an expensive and classy look for your jewelry store and customers will want to visit. Separately, it is worth taking care of lighting. There are some subtleties here:

  • silver needs cold tones;
  • gold looks better in soft warm rays;
  • some stones and metals lose their attractiveness with constant bright lighting, so they try to create diffused light for them;
  • it is best to use discharge lamps for this purpose, which provide balance.

It is important to remember the feeling of moderation. Beginners in the jewelry business often make the mistake of overloading the windows with a variety of goods. From such an abundance and piling up, it is difficult for visitors to concentrate and decide on the choice of the product they like. Therefore, it is better to focus on ensuring that the product is laid out evenly, conveniently, and easy to reach or view from all sides.

Retail store equipment

We list what you need to open a jewelry store:

  1. Showcases and counters are glass, transparent, having a height of about a meter, with a slight slope towards the client, so that it is convenient for him to choose goods.
  2. Glass cabinets and vertical stands - for the presentation of exclusive jewelry in all its beauty.
  3. Special scales - for weighing delicate small items.
  4. Cash machine.
  5. Reliable safe for storing valuables.

Be sure to carry out a burglar alarm for each showcase and stand, as well as around the perimeter of the store. In order for all elements of furniture and interior to be harmoniously combined with each other, it is advisable not to purchase them in standard versions, but to order them according to the features of the trading floor.

Product range

When starting your jewelry business, first decide which products you will focus on when selling:

  • exclusive jewelry, elite and expensive;
  • for a wide range of customers, affordable price range.

All jewelry differs in the metal used, additional stones, varieties (rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants, chains, crosses), etc. It is advisable to present a little of each option in the assortment. It is recommended to sell about 80% of all goods in the low and medium price range, and only 20% are exclusive and expensive.

It is important to establish relationships with a reliable supplier who offers only high-quality goods and has all the required certificates for it. The markup is set at 100-250%, but due to ongoing promotions and discounts for the holidays, in reality it will be a little less.

In addition to the usual purchase and resale of finished jewelry, you can use more convenient and profitable schemes:

  1. Settle with suppliers only after customers have purchased goods from you.
  2. Invite visitors to order jewelry from the catalog.

Do not initially purchase many different items at once. To start, it is enough to purchase several varieties of each category and only then find out what interests customers more and what product can be offered in a wider range.

Forming a staff

It depends on the work of the staff whether the client wants to buy expensive jewelry in your store. And although this component is not the most important, it still occupies not the last place. Be sure to hire the following workers:

  • sales consultants;
  • security guard;
  • accountant;
  • manager;
  • a master jeweler, if it is planned to repair finished products or create exclusive jewelry right on the spot;
  • cleaning woman.

Consultants are required to:

  1. Honesty.
  2. Sociability.
  3. Nice and neat appearance.
  4. Accuracy.
  5. The ability to attract customers and persuade them to buy.
  6. You need to understand the finer points of jewelry and the differences between jewelry, metal, stones, etc.

Since the goods in such a store are very valuable and expensive, additional requirements are imposed on each employee, and especially on the security guard. They must be honest and decent. Carefully study their history, identity documents, check for a criminal record. It is desirable that the security guard has experience in law enforcement or military training.

It is not enough just to open a jewelry store, you also need to attract customers. And you can’t save on this, since your profits directly depend on the number of customers. Use several available methods at once:

  • Place ads throughout the city, on free boards, in newspapers, magazines, on transport, etc.
  • Distribute brochures and flyers in high-traffic areas.
  • Create pages on social networks, your own website, where you can view enlarged photos of products, find out their cost, and leave reviews.
  • Give advertisements on radio, television.
  • Pay for banners or billboards.
  • Create promotions and make discounts in honor of the holidays, newlyweds, offer interesting gifts or draws with prizes.

By carefully considering the location of the store, choosing an attractive assortment of affordable and unique goods, as well as hiring friendly employees, you can count on the fact that customers will often buy expensive gifts and jewelry in your establishment.

Where to get money for the jewelry business?

One of the difficulties in the implementation of such a project is to find the right amount for the initial investment. After all, the cost of goods and equipment is quite high. You can use the following resources:

  1. If you already have a successful business, redirect some of the capital to open a jewelry store.
  2. Take a bank loan, but first study all the available offers and stop at the most profitable one.
  3. Remember that the state allocates certain funds to start-up entrepreneurs to help at the initial stage, and sometimes provides benefits when choosing a taxation system.
  4. Discuss the project with friends, perhaps some of them will share financial difficulties with you and become co-founders of the business.


The main investment will depend on the scale of the conceived idea. If you are focusing on a small store with an assortment of about 100-200 items, then this will be one amount, and completely different indicators will turn out when you open a jewelry store in a separate building on 2-3 floors with a selection of exclusive expensive products.

We will provide brief calculations in the middle range.

In addition, monthly you will have to allocate a certain amount for the maintenance of the jewelry store.

The average monthly revenue in such salons is usually approximately 900,000 rubles. Taking into account all payments, the full payback will come in 6-12 months. But if we take into account that a high level of sales is not achieved from the first day of the store, then it is better to calculate the time for this within 1-1.5 years.

Video: how to open a jewelry store?

Jewelry is in demand because it is a good gift and a great way to keep your savings. A jewelry store business plan will come in handy for those entrepreneurs who have considerable start-up capital and are ready to compete for buyers.

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The main service of the jewelry store is the sale of products made of precious stones and metals.

The assortment of a classic jewelry store is represented by the following types of jewelry:

  • products made of gold, silver and platinum;
  • products with semi-precious and precious stones;
  • high quality jewelry (non-precious metals are used, for example, brass, titanium, steel);
  • products with artificial stones.

Entrepreneurs should not neglect the sale of products made from inexpensive materials. They are also in demand due to their spectacular appearance, strength and durability.

Commodity items of the assortment of the store:

  • rings (wedding, engagement, cocktail, seals, anniversary, etc.);
  • earrings;
  • pendants/pendants (jewelry, medallions, religious, aroma-medallions, flash drives-pendants, watches-pendants, etc.);
  • chains;
  • bracelets;
  • necklace;
  • brooches;
  • cufflinks;
  • clock, etc.

In addition to the sale of precious products, additional services can be provided to customers:

  • changing the size of the purchased product (for example, shortening the links on a chain or bracelet; reducing or increasing the size of the ring);
  • cleaning and maintenance;
  • service;
  • repair;
  • pawnshop;
  • granting a loan.

Since jewelry is influenced by fashion, a businessman should regularly update the range of products in accordance with the latest trends.


The relevance of the business is due to the following key factors:

  • high profitability and profitability;
  • a wide target audience - about 90 percent of the inhabitants of Russia;
  • over the past years, there has been a tendency to increase the production of gold and the sale of precious products.

Varieties of jewelry stores

To implement the idea of ​​a jewelry store, an entrepreneur can take advantage of a franchise offer or build a business on their own.

Franchise showroom

The most famous franchisors:

  • "Adamas";
  • "Gold";
  • "Magic of Gold";
  • "Esthete";
  • "Moscow Jewelry Factory";
  • Sofiyskaya Embankment (Orthodox jewelry);
  • Pandora;
  • Majorica (pearl jewelry);
  • Silversoul (silver);
  • Swarovski
  • Silver & Silver (silver);
  • sunlight;
  • Trollbeads (beadwork on a bracelet);
  • Jenavi (jewelry with Swarovski crystals).

The video provides information about the franchise of the JENAVI branded jewelry store. Filmed by Ves Zelenograd channel.

Some franchisors specialize in the sale of gold jewelry, the other part - in silver, tritium - in jewelry, etc. Depending on the specific franchise offer, the amount of investment can range from 300,000 to 8,000,000 rubles.

Possible formats for franchise jewelry stores:

  • salon in a shopping center;
  • an island in a shopping center;
  • street shop.

As a fee for using someone else's brand, the franchisor may charge:

  1. Lump sum. In most cases, it is either absent or does not exceed 200,000 rubles.
  2. Royalty. It ranges from 0 to 70,000 rubles.

An inexpensive jewelry store franchise is ideal for a novice businessman, as it allows you to get:

  • high and stable profit with small capital investments;
  • timely consultations of specialists in various areas of business;
  • a detailed description of the key aspects of doing business;
  • information on how to properly motivate staff, how to correctly lay out goods in the hall;
  • marketing support, etc.

Store selling consumer goods

Mass-market jewelry is a product that was once created and replicated for as long as there is a need for them. There is a maximum demand for such products in Russia, since their cost corresponds to the possibilities of low- and middle-income visitors.

Salon of designer jewelry

The salon of designer jewelry sells premium-level products.

Selling here:

  • works of jewelry art;
  • author's products, characterized by an individual approach to manufacturing;
  • jewelry, which are distinguished by high design and impeccable quality.

Exclusive jewelry products are designed for high-income consumers. In such a store, an entrepreneur can sell elite high-quality jewelry from famous designers and artists.

Description and analysis of the market

Main market trends:

  1. Silver products are the most popular on the market, followed by gold products.
  2. The most popular items are wedding rings, earrings, chains, crosses, pendants and bracelets.
  3. 46 percent of total sales (in monetary terms) are diamonds and jewelry. Gold jewelry - 11 percent, and products with precious stones - 9 percent.
  4. Most often, inexpensive jewelry made from Russian gold is bought.
  5. The market is dominated by domestic products (about 80 percent). Prior to the introduction of economic sanctions against foreign manufacturers, the share of imports reached 70 percent.
  6. The leading market player is the Adamas network (6.7 percent of the market capacity). Second place - Pandora, and third - "Moscow Jewelry Factory". Today, a third of the Russian jewelry market is occupied by seven players.
  7. There is a growing demand for luxury jewelry. The consumer increasingly prefers the unusualness of the product and its style.
  8. Demand reacts sensitively to changes in the income level of the target audience.
  9. In a crisis, demand is shifting towards cheaper goods, such as silver jewelry.
  10. Seasonal nature of sales. The store receives 40 percent of its income between October and December. Sales in December reach 25 percent.
  11. About 50 percent of purchases are made with credit.

The target audience

Target audience of the jewelry store:

  • young people aged 20 to 30;
  • women from 18 to 60 years;
  • men from 30 to 60 years old.

At the initial stage of the functioning of a jewelry store, it is recommended to focus on reaching a wide target audience with different levels of income. Therefore, the product range should be presented as products made of precious metals and stones, as well as silver products, bijouterie.

Competitive advantages

To attract the maximum number of customers, a jewelry store must have the following competitive advantages:

  • thoughtful assortment of goods;
  • variety of sizes, designs and colors of products;
  • sale of relevant products, in terms of fashion and demand;
  • high quality personalized service;
  • careful control of sales and stocks;
  • mutually beneficial relationships with reliable suppliers;
  • comfortable environment and atmosphere in the store;
  • thoughtful pricing policy;
  • additional service;
  • effective marketing campaign.

Advertising campaign

The new jewelry salon is not yet known to anyone and needs to be advertised through the following promotion channels:

  • placement of ads in newspapers, on the radio, in transport, on information boards, on virtual platforms, in social networks, on forums, etc.;
  • distribution of information booklets, leaflets or business cards;
  • creating an online store or your own website;
  • regular promotions and competitions;
  • bonus program;
  • discounts for regular customers and when making expensive purchases;
  • gifts for the main purchase on birthdays and other holidays.

The store must have a spectacular sign.

Step by step instructions and what you need to open

In order to open a profitable jewelry store from scratch, it is necessary to conduct marketing research on the local market first. After that, you should evaluate your own potential in this area of ​​​​entrepreneurial activity.

After deciding to open a jewelry business, you need to carefully consider the following questions:

  1. Register a store with the Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, medical, social and pension insurance funds, as well as obtain permits from supervisory services.
  2. Select manufacturers and suppliers of products.
  3. Create an assortment.
  4. Develop a business plan for a jewelry store.
  5. Find a place to place a jewelry store and sign a lease agreement.
  6. Order a store design project.
  7. Perform room renovations.
  8. Select employees.
  9. Buy trade equipment and furniture.
  10. Set up store fixtures.
  11. Sign a contract with a security company.
  12. Carry out marketing activities.


Features of registration and operation of a jewelry store:

  1. According to the current legislation of Russia, any entrepreneurial activity must be legally registered. For a jewelry salon, the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is suitable. The second option is more preferable.
  2. For a retail jewelry store, activity 52.48.22 "Specialized retail trade in watches, jewelry, sporting goods, games and toys" is suitable.
  3. Prior to the opening of the store, it is necessary to register with the State Inspectorate for Assay Supervision (GIPN). It oversees precious stones and metals in Russia.
  4. A license is required to sell jewelry.
  5. To open a store, you need to obtain an opinion from the fire inspection, the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  6. If an entrepreneur plans to sell products with emeralds and diamonds, then he will need special certificates (for each batch).
  7. Each product must have a sample print and a label with a seal. All products are issued as follows: sample, product name, metal name, price per gram, weight, full price of the product.
  8. A suitable taxation system is UTII.

A properly designed jewelry store should have the following basic papers:

  • documents confirming the registration of the store, including a certificate of tax registration;
  • premises lease agreement;
  • employment contracts with employees;
  • documents confirming registration with the GIPN;
  • trade license;
  • conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor and fire inspection;
  • waybills and certificates for the goods sold;
  • documents on opening a current account;
  • cash register documents;
  • book of complaints and suggestions (for buyers).

Room and design

Requirements for the location of the jewelry salon:

  • the city center, as there is the largest flow of potential buyers;
  • the store can be located near the shopping center or in it;
  • banks, restaurants, business centers can be located in the neighborhood;
  • away from major competitors.

Room requirements:

  • the area depends on the planned sales volumes (from 20 square meters);
  • appearance of the facade;
  • a place for a sign on the facade;
  • availability of communications: heating, lighting.

The room is divided into:

  • shopping room;
  • utility room.

It is important that in the trading floor, after placing the windows, there is enough space left for the free movement of customers. It should be a good repair on the design project. Professionals recommend using cold shades in the interior. Rectangular lines and shapes, rigor and uniformity are also welcome.

In window dressing, care should be taken to properly present each piece of jewelry. They are located with a slight slope so that visitors to the salon have a good view of the assortment. Showcases should be spacious, with good lighting, but not too bright. The light in the room should be diffused and balanced. Gold products look most impressive in warm light, and silver - in cold lighting.

Not only the interior of the cabin is important, but also the exterior. The facade of a building or trade pavilion is the face of the store. It should be neat, strict and refined, with notes of aristocracy.


Jewelry store equipment.

NameApproximate cost in rubles
Showcases horizontal with glass lids300 000
Safety glass cabinets300 000
Vertical stands with a mirror wall400 000
Safes200 000
Video surveillance system100 000
Signaling50 000
Accurate electronic scales5 000
Furniture in the back room20 000
Mirrors30 000
Showcase lighting20 000
Shop lighting30 000
Other equipment20 000
Total1 275 000

It is advisable to order showcases for a jewelry store, rather than buying standard ones, since it is difficult to find suitable designs among ready-made items.

Showcases horizontal - 300 000 rubles Safes - 200,000 rubles Vertical stands with a mirror wall - 400,000 rubles Electronic scales - 5,000 rubles


The staff of the jewelry salon.

Sales Consultant Requirements:

  • no criminal record;
  • sociability;
  • presentable appearance, well-groomed hands;
  • preferably higher education;
  • knowledge of the range and products;
  • knowledge of effective sales techniques;
  • compliance with internal standards of customer service;
  • knowledge of etiquette;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • the ability to conduct a detailed presentation of jewelry;
  • the ability to restrain;
  • learnability;
  • friendly attitude towards customers.

Accounting and reporting documentation can be performed by a third-party specialist. In this case, the entrepreneur saves on the costs that arise when organizing a workplace and the remuneration of a permanent accountant.


It is more profitable for large stores to negotiate the supply of goods with manufacturers directly, while for small stores it is better to work through suppliers.

It is important to find reliable suppliers or manufacturers of goods with the following conditions:

  • good reputation;
  • high quality products;
  • a wide range.

An entrepreneur can agree on the sale of jewelry under a commission agreement, that is, he receives a deferred payment for the goods until the moment of its sale. An alternative work option is to order, through the catalog.

Calendar plan

It will take about three months from the moment of development of the project for the implementation of the business idea of ​​the jewelry store, and until the date of its opening.

Jewelry store calendar.

Stages1 month2 month3 month4 month
Business project preparation+
Search for product suppliers+
Preparing documents for store registration+
Store registration+ +
Selection of commercial premises and conclusion of a lease agreement+ +
Premises renovation +
Installation of commercial equipment +
Obtaining approvals from supervisory authorities +
Purchase of jewelry +
Conclusion of employment contracts with personnel +
Advertising + +
Opening a jewelry store +

Financial plan

Financial planning allows you to compare the expected income and expenses of a future company and evaluate the effectiveness of a business project.

Starting investments

Starting investment to open a jewelry store.

ExpendituresApproximate prices in rubles
Registration of a company and obtaining permits50 000
Commercial premises rent (for three months)200 000
Cosmetic repairs inside and outside300 000
Purchase and installation of commercial equipment1 275 000
Purchase of jewelry2 500 000
Marketing costs100 000
Insurance50 000
Other costs50 000
Total4 525 000

A jewelry store from scratch will cost an entrepreneur approximately four and a half million rubles.

Recurring expenses

Monthly investment in the store.

Income and payback

Monthly income is determined based on the fact that:

  • average check - 5 thousand rubles;
  • trade margin - 50 percent;
  • average profit from one sale - 2,500 rubles;
  • number of customers per day - 10 people;
  • daily income - 25 thousand rubles.

As a result, it turns out that the monthly revenue will be equal to 750 thousand rubles.

The payback of the initial investment will come in 19-24 months. The profitability of the store is 25 percent.

Risk Analysis

Qualitative risk analysis of the jewelry business.

RisksProbability of occurrenceDescription
seasonalityHighDuring holidays and weddings, the demand is very high, and the rest of the time it is moderate.
Irresponsible, incompetent and dishonest employeesHighThe store's revenue depends on the quality of customer service. Unprofessional staff will not be able to provide the required level of sales. And theft of employees will entail additional losses.
Store robberyMediumIf the store does not have security, video surveillance and alarm systems, then it becomes an easy prey for thieves.
Negative FeedbackLowWith good service and high quality goods, the likelihood of this risk is minimal.
Poor product qualityLowThe quality characteristics of the product are very important for the buyer. You need to choose reliable manufacturers of jewelry.
Bad locationMediumIt is necessary that the store is located in a place with high traffic of potential customers.
CompetitionHighThe active behavior of competitors (all kinds of advertising, promotions, contests, discounts, etc.) may affect the behavior of the target audience not in our favor.
Legislative changesLowStricter requirements for doing business.

The jewelry business in Russia, despite the crisis, does not lose its relevance. Every year the production of gold, the sale of precious products only increases. Therefore, this type of earnings can be safely called, but this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity, which is in demand today.

In the previous publication we discussed, in this article I want to talk about how to start a jewelry business.

Before you start your business in this attractive and profitable area in all respects, you need to decide on the direction.

Choosing a direction in jewelry

  1. A pawnshop is a place where you can pledge any valuable thing, in our case, it is gold jewelry. This business is relevant in times of crisis, you can rise well, quickly recoup all costs and soon receive a net profit from this business;
  2. Development of design of gold products. This type of employment is quite promising, albeit troublesome. Such work requires a certain skill, knowledge in the jewelry field, so it is best to start with people who know this skill. Prices in jewelry stores for exclusive jewelry are always much higher, so you are guaranteed a good income;
  3. Delivery of precious metals. The supply of precious metals is a promising and very profitable business. But in Russia, this process is controlled at the state level, therefore, there is nothing for a beginner to do in this business. Here you need a solid start-up capital and not a small initial investment;
  4. Workshop for the repair of gold items. Very often, such workshops open next to jewelry stores. As a rule, people turn to the nearest jeweler for a repair service, so it is very important to open a workshop near or in the same room as a jewelry store;
  5. A jewelry store is a fairly profitable business, but it requires a large initial investment, so it is not very suitable for beginners.

In this article, I want to discuss more specifically the question of how to open a jewelry store.

Opening a jewelry store

To begin with, it is worth drawing up a detailed business plan for a jewelry store, this is necessary in order to competently study all the nuances of this field of activity. Namely, the amount of initial investment, the payback period of the business, competition. All this is necessary in order for your future activity to be successful.

Where can I get money to open a jewelry store?

There are several ways, but you must clearly understand the possible risks. In business, there are no 100% guarantees of success.

Opening a jewelry store from scratch will not work, this business area requires considerable financial investments, therefore, for a start, you need a solid start-up capital.

Start-up capital

You can borrow money to start your own business from the bank. Apply for a loan and get start-up capital. If you try, you can find the most favorable loan terms.

Help from the state. Each person is entitled to one-time assistance from the state for the development of their own business, do not miss this opportunity.

Companionship. The jewelry business requires considerable investments, so you can look for partners, people who will be ready to work with you for the benefit of the common cause. It is desirable that investments in the business be approximately equivalent.

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Registration of a jewelry store

To get started, it is worth registering with the tax service as a legal entity. You also need to obtain a license to trade in jewelry.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire inspection.

All goods must be certified, all products must have appropriate samples confirming their authenticity.

Jewelry store space

Let's start by choosing a store location. It should be crowded, passable, the best option is large shopping centers. Do not worry if there are competitors nearby, as a rule, customers are creative in their choice of jewelry, they go, choose, visit several points before making a purchase. Therefore, the location of the store next to competitors is more of a plus than a minus.

Premises for rent

Prices vary quite a bit due to the location of the outlet. But here it is important not to miscalculate, because jewelry is not essential goods, so it makes no sense to open a store in a residential area of ​​​​the city. You will have to shell out a considerable amount for a monthly rent in a good, crowded place, but this makes sense, because there are more chances to get targeted customers.


First of all, you will need to purchase display cases. They must have an attractive appearance. There must be an alarm.

Also, every jewelry store should have a security guard, make sure that he has a presentable appearance.

Scales. Mandatory presence of scales for weighing jewelry. Sometimes clients need this service, but they will be needed in work.

Equipment options for jewelry stores:

  • Classic counters are glazed showcases, horizontal or tilted towards the client, with a height of one meter.
  • Glass cabinets - look very presentable and allow the client to see the decorations in more detail. As a rule, such showcases are used in exclusive jewelry stores.
  • Vertical stands - easy to use, allow you to place a large assortment of goods.

Purchase of goods

Most of your capital will go just to buy gold items with a view to reselling them. It is very important to find good suppliers with whom it will be profitable to work.

It is best to choose a certain direction: exclusive handicrafts, vintage jewelry or standard inexpensive products.

Do not buy too much product at the initial stage. It is more profitable to sell goods under a commission or commission agreement. In this case, you pay for the goods after its direct sale.

Many jewelry stores also work on order, that is, you choose the jewelry you like in the catalog and after a while you receive your goods. It is much more profitable to work this way and almost all exclusive salons have switched to this type of activity.


It is very important to choose the right employees for your jewelry store. There are some requirements for sales consultants that should be considered. The consultant must be competent, good-looking, sociable, understand the intricacies of the jewelry business, be able to attract customers and advise them competently.

Remember that the profit and success of the whole business directly depends on the professionalism of your employees.

Security guard. In addition to sellers, you must hire a person for the position of security guard. Treat this candidate responsibly, carefully check all the information about this person before hiring.


Advertising plays an important role in promoting a business. This is especially true for new jewelry stores that have just opened.

To attract customers, people need to know about a new jewelry store that has opened in their city. To do this, you can distribute leaflets with the address of the store in crowded places in the city.

Promotions and discounts. A competent pricing policy will help you attract customers and beat your competitors, so this issue should be paid close attention. The presence of discounts and promotions has a positive effect on people and on a subconscious level makes them participate in a profitable offer. Consider this fact, and you will always be one step ahead of the competition.

What is the name of the jewelry store?

Oddly enough, a lot also depends on the name, so approach this issue creatively. The sign in the store should be bright, eye-catching, the name should be concise, memorable.
