Gel for intimate hygiene. Means for intimate hygiene

For the intimate hygiene of a woman, it is unacceptable to use conventional cosmetics, with which she takes care of her whole body. These products in most cases have a pH level in the range of 6-9. The intimate zone of women is characterized by a more acidic environment (pH 3.3-5.2), which creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of lactobacilli.

They produce lactic acid, which destroys pathogens. If the microflora of the vagina becomes more alkaline, which happens after using ordinary soap, then optimal conditions are created for the reproduction of microbes. As a result, the risk of developing various diseases is significantly increased, which is highly undesirable.

When choosing intimate hygiene products for women, you should pay attention to who they are intended for. Gynecologists recommend following these rules:

  • girls before the onset of the first menstruation should use products that have a neutral pH of 6-7. At this age, the vaginal microflora does not yet consist of lactobacilli, which provide protection against pathogenic microorganisms. This feature makes the intimate areas of girls vulnerable, requiring soft and delicate care. Also, cleansers may contain plant extracts that provide additional protection;
  • women of childbearing age should wash only with products containing lactic acid. This will maintain the optimal balance of the microflora of the vagina, which will prevent many problems of an intimate nature. Also, the composition of the gels may contain natural plant components with anti-inflammatory, regenerating and restoring effects;
  • women who lead an active lifestyle. Sports, swimming in the pool, frequent travel do not always have a good effect on the state of the vaginal microflora. Also, a temporary imbalance causes sex without a condom, since sperm has an alkaline environment. Active women need to choose a hygiene cream or gel that provides enhanced protection against various infections;
  • pregnant. As a result of hormonal changes in the whole organism, the vaginal microflora also changes. It becomes more acidic - pH 3.2. Such an environment is detrimental to various bacteria, but favorable to fungi. Therefore, thrush is a frequent companion of pregnancy. Getting rid of it during this period is not so easy. Cleansing intimate products for pregnant women should contain lactic acid and other ingredients that provide additional protection against fungi;

  • women during menopause are faced with the extinction of reproductive function, which leads to a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, thinning of the walls of the vagina. This provokes a feeling of dryness and discomfort in the intimate area. This condition can be improved by means that have a neutral pH level.

Popular remedies

  • Intimate Natural by Nivea. This product contains lactic acid, which helps restore normal vaginal microflora. Due to the presence of chamomile extract, it has a mild cleansing, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. This gel perfectly moisturizes the skin and is hypoallergenic;

  • Lactacyd Femina. It is a light emulsion that does not contain soap and other hazardous ingredients at all. With its help, you can carry out daily care of the intimate area. Lactacid does not cause irritation on delicate skin, it is well suited for a woman of any age, because it contains lactic acid. This tool helps to prevent inflammatory processes that are caused by an active lifestyle of a woman;

  • Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel. This tool is suitable for women who often suffer from thrush or inflammation in the vagina. The positive effect of the intimate gel is explained by the presence of burdock extract, panthenol and hyaluronic acid in its composition. The last component provides skin elasticity, which women of any age need;

  • Carefree Sensitive. Inexpensive product that can be used for sensitive skin. Ideal for daily care, it has a pleasant aroma and foams easily.

Restoration of intimate microflora

If there are problems of an intimate nature, which include thrush, inflammatory diseases, conventional gels for cleansing the genital organs are indispensable. Creams, ointments, candles for intimate hygiene can not only restore the normal microflora, but also destroy pathogens.

Such funds have almost no contraindications, have a mild effect and give a positive result in the shortest possible time. Many of them can be used even during pregnancy, because during this period a woman needs additional protection.

To eliminate vaginal dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

  • Vitaprinol. These candles effectively eliminate many problems of the female reproductive system - colpitis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, erosion, etc. They contain only natural ingredients that provide a positive result after their use. The composition of the candles: phytosterols, vitamin supplements, chlorophyll, polyprenols, essential oils and resins, and others;

  • lactonorm. Available in the form of vaginal capsules that contain live strains of lactobacilli. They are compatible with the natural female microflora. Lactonorm ensures the active growth of beneficial microorganisms and inhibits the growth of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria. Also, the vaginal capsules contain lactose, which creates a favorable environment for the normalization of the vaginal microflora. The drug does not contain hormones, so it can be used even during pregnancy and while breastfeeding;

  • Bifidumbacterin. Available in the form of a powder from which a suspension is prepared. It is used to sanitize the female genital tract in the presence of vaginal dysbacteriosis or specific secretions. The drug is often used during pregnancy and before delivery. Bifidumbacterin not only restores the vaginal microflora, but also inhibits the growth of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms;

  • Lactagel. This vaginal cream contains lactic acid and glycogen. The first ingredient is necessary to lower the pH of the vaginal microflora, which allows you to restore the protective functions of the female body. Glycogen promotes the reproduction of beneficial bacteria that should populate the intimate area;

  • Vaginorm C. Contains large amounts of vitamin C, lactose and other auxiliary components. This drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets. Their positive effect is explained by the presence of ascorbic acid, which normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates. As a result, a favorable environment for the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms is created on the mucous membrane of the intimate zone.

How to deal with dryness?

Many women are concerned about dryness in the intimate area. It can be associated with hormonal disorders (during menopause, after childbirth, etc.) or be formed as a result of past inflammatory diseases (colpitis of various etiologies, including those caused by fungi). In this case, for intimate hygiene, you should choose specialized products:

  • Ortho-Ginest. This is a vaginal cream that contains estriol. This tool restores the epithelial tissue in the vagina and on the cervix, improves blood circulation in the mucous membranes, which improves the condition of the woman;

  • Gynophyte. This vaginal cream does not contain hormones, so it can be used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. When it is used, an increase in natural mucus occurs, which produces a pronounced moisturizing effect;

  • Divigel. This ointment or gel for external use contains estradiol. When using it, it is possible to eliminate the lack of female hormones, leading to a weakening of the vaginal wall;

  • Montavit. This vaginal cream is used to correct the lack of natural vaginal lubrication. It contains an effective antiseptic substance - chlorhexidine. Therefore, Montavit additionally protects a woman from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;

  • Gynocomfort. Provides optimal intimate care and preserves women's health. Under this brand, several products are produced with different effects - restoration, cleansing, moisturizing, specialized care. Gynocomfort contains natural ingredients and can be used by women of different age categories;

  • Estriol. Contains female sex hormones, positively affects the condition of the vaginal epithelium. This drug helps to get rid of dryness, discomfort and other problems of an intimate nature.

A gynecologist will help you choose a specific product from the many that exist for daily hygiene or for caring for the intimate area if you have any problems. He will select the best gel, cream or suppositories in accordance with the state of the woman's reproductive system.

We place this article on our website not with the aim of convincing women of the importance of observing intimate hygiene, hardly anyone else needs to be convinced of this. Magazines and Internet sources post a wealth of information on this topic. Our goal is to make a kind of "squeeze" from a huge amount of information on the topic woman hygiene which we hope will be useful to you.
By studying and analyzing publications on intimate feminine hygiene, we have collected the most important and interesting information for you, taking into account the rapidly changing modern realities and knowledge.
We will not bore you with large texts, we will build our information in the form of concentrated, concise conclusions and expert advice based on scientific knowledge and practice.

The main rules for observing intimate hygiene:

It would seem that we already know everything about the regular washing of the genitals. However, such, at first glance, the usual procedure for washing the delicate zone has its own rules:

1. If you are going to have any procedure, whether it is the usual washing of the genitals or inserting a tampon, suppositories, applying cream, etc. the first thing you must do is Wash your hands thoroughly with soap .
2. Wash by hand only. Do not use newfangled advertised things from allegedly special washcloths, sponges, and the like, as you risk injuring the sensitive mucous membrane of the genital organs, and thereby provoke irritation or inflammation.
3. Should be washed properly:
Be sure to wash yourself under running water , do not do this while sitting in a basin or bath;
When washing, your hand should move from front to back (from the pubis towards the back of the perineum). This direction can significantly reduce the risk of microbes from the rectum entering the vagina.
4. Wash off with warm water only. Hot or, conversely, cold water can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and, as a result, the development of inflammatory processes is possible.
5. In order not to cause irritation of the external genital organs, after washing, specialists pay special attention to such an important detail as towel :
use a soft towel;
wash the towel for intimate hygiene in a hypoallergenic powder, rinse thoroughly (it is advisable to use hypoallergenic conditioners);
the towel should be absolutely individual (make such a rule for all family members - only individual towels).
6. After washing, do not rub the surface of the external genitalia thoroughly, just get wet easily soft towel. It will be useful and let the skin "breathe", if possible, walk for at least 10-15 minutes without underwear.
7. Without medical advice do not douche . It is recommended to wash only the visible surface. If your body is healthy, then the inner surface of the genital organs is cleaned on its own, in a natural way.
8. Ideally, if the genitals are washed after each visit to the toilet. Most often, this is not possible, so wash at least 2-3 times a day, and for the rest of the day, use special wet wipes designed for women's intimate hygiene.

How to choose the right cleanser?

Gynecologists and hygienists are unanimous in their statement - you can not use soap to care for the genitals. The main motto of intimate hygiene: “Do not dry out!”, do not dry the skin in the intimate area. Soap violates the acid-base balance of the vaginal environment. As a consequence - a feeling of obvious discomfort, the appearance of micro cracks and irritations on the vaginal mucosa, which can lead to more serious problems.
That is why for permanent use special gels for intimate hygiene are used, which gently care for your skin. And thanks to special additives, they additionally disinfect the skin in the intimate area, eliminate specific odors. As a tip: do not use universal means. The more careful the approach in choosing the means to care for the intimate area, the better the result.

The main criteria for choosing an intimate hygiene product:

1. Before buying, be sure to look at what components are included in the product. Always preferred natural supplements . In intimate hygiene products, they not only refresh, but also have a healing effect: they relieve burning sensation, remove itching and discomfort. Here is a list of components, the presence of which is preferable in the composition of intimate hygiene products:
- Lactic acid
(supports the microflora of the vagina);
- Extract calendula(anti-inflammatory effect, against redness);
- Extract chamomile pharmaceutical (healing of damage to the skin, mucous membranes; elimination of itching and burning);
- Extract sage possesses (antiseptic property);
- Aloe vera(soothing property for the skin, eliminates dryness and irritation);
- Panthenol(skin moisturizer);
- Vitamin D(softening, moisturizing and soothing agent for the skin).

2. It is recommended to choose intimate hygiene products that will not violate normal acid-base balance . The acid-base balance of a healthy person is 5.5 pH units. The acidic environment of the vagina is somewhat different - a balance of 3.8 - 4.5 pH units is considered the norm.
- use mild soaps that do not contain chemical additives and fragrances. Once again, do not use ordinary soap or shower gel, they destroy the normal environment of the vagina (the pH level of ordinary soap is 9-10 units).
- with increased vaginal humidity (during ovulation or prolonged menstruation), choose products that support an acidic environment.

3. In the case of high vaginal dryness, the causes of which are menstrual irregularities, the menopause period, it is best to use neutral intimate hygiene products.

4. If dysbacteriosis is detected, select products that contain antiseptic components that prevent the spread of bacteria.

Means for intimate hygiene

With the advent of a huge number of newfangled products, it has become easier for modern women to observe intimate hygiene, but the choice of products that are right for you has become much more difficult. To maintain cleanliness, freshness and health, take note of the main criteria that you should use when choosing intimate hygiene products:

Gel for intimate hygiene . Such gels are a soft emulsion (soap-free). Most often they are packaged in bottles with dispensers. The composition of the gel for intimate hygiene includes lactic acid, which maintains the natural acid balance of the vagina. Admissible in the composition of such gels are additives from plant components that prevent various infections.
Soap for intimate hygiene . This soap is produced specifically to maintain normal acid balance in the intimate area. The composition of such soap for intimate hygiene necessarily includes lactic acid, as well as plant components that have anti-inflammatory effects. Pay your attention to the fact that it does not contain dyes and other chemicals that can change the acid balance of the vaginal mucosa. (Most often, the presence of dyes is indicated by an unnaturally bright color of the soap).
foam or mousse . These products are designed for very sensitive skin, do not cause dryness and are able to gently cleanse the skin. Shake foam and mousse thoroughly before use. It is more convenient and economical to use packages in which there is a dispenser on the bottle.
Wet wipes for intimate hygiene . Such funds are indispensable if you do not have the opportunity to take a shower, freshen up (on the road, at work, during menstruation). The agent used to impregnate wet wipes should contain lactic acid and, preferably, plant extracts. They must not contain alcohol. The fabric from which the napkins are made should be pleasant to the touch. Wet wipes for intimate hygiene will not take up much space in your purse, carry them with you all the time.
Cream for intimate hygiene . They prevent irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. An intimate hygiene cream is applied before or immediately after swimming in a pool or pond. Among the components of the cream, lactic acid and substances that have a soothing effect on the skin must be present. Such creams for intimate hygiene can be used as lubricants during sex.
Deodorant for intimate hygiene . Deodorant (usually an aerosol) is sprayed directly onto underwear. Apply preferably after a shower on fresh linen.

Women's hygiene on "critical" days

During menstruation, in addition to the standard rules, experts recommend paying attention to the following:

do not take a bath, take a shower. Why? A warm bath slows down the process of blood clotting, which can cause profuse bleeding. In addition, the existing likelihood of introducing impurities into the vagina when taking a bath on "these" days is greatly increased.
don't wait until your pad or tampon is completely saturated. In order not to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, be sure to change them every 3-4 hours.
ideally, if you wash the genitals before changing the pad. Most often, this is not possible, so wash at least 2-3 times a day, and for the rest of the day, use special wet wipes designed for women's intimate hygiene.
avoid sexual contact during menstruation. This is a separate topic, widely covered and discussed by experts. There are many opinions, but the fact remains that on “critical” days, the likelihood of inflammation increases sharply.
change your underwear every day.

What you need to know when choosing underwear

The modern lingerie market is truly huge. We are offered an incredible number of options and sets of beautiful and comfortable underwear. The choice is not easy, but try to use these tips:

- for everyday wear, choose models from natural fabrics;
- the style of underwear should not give a feeling of physical discomfort;
- thongs or slimming underwear should not be worn all the time;
- leave for special occasions and synthetic lace beauty;
- only in underwear made from natural fabrics your skin will breathe and keep fresh.

Tampons: 5 reasons not to use them

Perhaps, at first glance, you were surprised by the title of this section of our article, however, studying and analyzing a lot of information about intimate female hygiene, we decided to bring this information to you as well. Ultimately, the choice will be yours, but using the rule: "Forewarned is forearmed" we give you the opportunity to find out the opinion of a fairly large number of gynecologists and hygienists on the use of tampons.
When we choose intimate hygiene products, we most often opt for sanitary tampons, considering them more comfortable than sanitary napkins. Sanitary pads are increasingly perceived (especially by young girls) as something terrible, uncomfortable and obsolete. However, as practice has shown, tampons are not the best option.

So, warnings or reasons not to use sanitary tampons:

1. An incorrectly chosen tampon becomes a beneficial breeding ground for pathogens. It is not recommended to use tampons with high absorbency, and those that are designed for very long use (up to 24 hours). You need to know that a health-safe tampon cannot absorb more than 20 ml of moisture (see packaging).

2. Professionals in the field of intimate hygiene and gynecologists recommend changing tampons every 4 hours (this is much more often than usually indicated on the package). But it is most often impossible to fulfill this recommendation, given the conditions of public toilets, and the need to ensure personal hygiene when changing a tampon. Using a tampon for a long time and the inability to change in suitable conditions can significantly harm women's health.

3. Most often, we are specifically looking for sterile tampons, the most protected from the pathogenic environment. However, you need to take into account that tampons that are impregnated with various herbal antiseptics are not always better than ordinary ones. Why? It is impossible to predict how your body (especially the vulnerable mucosa of the external genital organs) will react to any new drug.

4. Tampons are not recommended for any inflammation or infection of the genital organs (including thrush, cervical erosion). It is strictly forbidden to use tampons after gynecological procedures (surgery, cauterization, etc.).

5. It is important to know that tampons lead to a violation of the natural temperature regime, and the increased temperature of the "clogged" internal genital organs creates optimal conditions for the rapid development of pathogenic flora.

Intimate hygiene is a very important aspect of women's health, so take care of yourself, follow the above rules every day. Be healthy!

Accompanied by a whole bunch of specific symptoms, one of which is vaginal dryness. Undoubtedly, menopause is an inevitable natural period in the life of every mature woman.

However, this does not mean that a lady should put up with all its manifestations and endure the dryness of the intimate area during menopause. To date, many special products have been developed to moisturize this zone: gels, creams, candles. Exactly, they will be discussed in this publication.

As you know, hormones affect the functioning of the female body. The most important female hormone affects the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Including the production of a special lubrication of the vaginal mucosa and cervix.

What women are talking about...

This specific mucous fluid performs several very important functions:

  • moisturizes the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • protects it from pathogenic bacteria;
  • provides a woman with a sense of comfort in the intimate area, both during intercourse and at rest.

With the onset of the ovaries begin to synthesize less estrogen. Hormone deficiency leads to the fact that lubrication during menopause is produced in a smaller amount and the woman begins to feel vaginal dryness.

In this state of the body, the passage of sexual intercourse is difficult. After intimacy, women may feel irritation or itching. Such unpleasant manifestations contribute to a decrease in the sexual activity of a lady or a complete rejection of intimate life.

What are the possible consequences

Many women are embarrassed to address the problem of discomfort in the vagina to the doctor and endure discomfort. This is fundamentally wrong. Firstly, dryness in the intimate area is a typical manifestation of menopause that every woman faces without exception.

Secondly, this symptom not only reduces the activity of sexual activity, but also reduces the overall immunity of the lady.

There are many options for intimate hygiene gels and creams on the market today.

Thirdly, if nothing is done from dryness in the intimate area, then such serious consequences are possible:

  • microcracks form on the mucosa, which will subsequently grow;
  • the appearance of candidiasis is possible;
  • increases the risk of developing infectious diseases, which over time can affect neighboring organs.

Thus, if there is a feeling of vaginal dryness, a woman needs to visit her gynecologist in order to get advice on which moisturizers are better to choose, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

What to look for when choosing a product for the intimate area

To normalize the condition of the vaginal mucosa during menopause and prevent the consequences described above, various moisturizers have been developed: gels, creams, suppositories, and others. They are both hormonal and non-hormonal. Therefore, when dryness appears in the intimate area, it is important to see a doctor who can correctly choose the remedy.

When buying a remedy for an intimate area from irritation or dryness, you need to carefully study its composition. What should you pay attention to first of all?

We can distinguish the following conditional list of mandatory components:

  • lactic acid - allows you to maintain the optimal balance of microflora;
  • panthenol - moisturizes the skin well;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • high fat content.

It is important that the product for the intimate area has a neutral acid-base balance. It should not include in its composition fragrances, dyes, aromatic components.

The normal acid-base balance of a woman's skin is 5.5 pH units. The vagina is acidic, with a healthy balance between 3.8 and 4.5 pH units. That is why shower products or toilet soap are not suitable for intimate hygiene.

What are the gels for dryness in the intimate area

Moisturizing gel is a soft emulsion that has a runny consistency. They are very convenient to use and qualitatively moisturize the entire intimate area of ​​a woman during menopause.

Consider what types of gels are and what their general instructions for use are:

  1. Gel for intimate hygiene - contains lactic acid and herbal ingredients.
    It does not contain soap, and therefore, it does not lather much. It is produced in bottles with a dispenser. They are used for hygiene procedures, which are performed at least 2 times a day during menopause. To do this, a small amount of gel is squeezed onto the hand and, after being diluted with water, is applied with gentle movements in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intimate zone. The agent is thoroughly washed off.
  2. The gel against dryness in menopause is intended both for application to the surface of the genitals and to the internal genital tract, using a special applicator that is attached to the drug.
    Such gels are hormonal and non-hormonal. The latter contain plant components that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Lubricant gels are products that mimic natural lubrication during sexual intercourse.
    Some dryness gels also act as lubricants.

I would like to note that all non-hormonal gels do not eliminate the cause of dryness of the mucous membranes, but they significantly increase comfort in the woman's intimate area. The only obstacle to their use is the intolerance of some constituent component.

Hormonal remedies can remove the symptom completely, but they absolutely cannot be used on their own. Only a doctor prescribes such a gel and always after a comprehensive examination in order to exclude all contraindications for use.

Creams and suppositories for moisturizing the vaginal mucosa with menopause

Cream-based moisturizers or vaginal suppositories should only be prescribed by a doctor. Ointment or cream for dryness in the intimate area, as a rule, is prescribed to a lady for permanent use. Lubricating the surface of intimate places with cream, the lady not only manages to remove the feeling of discomfort, but also stimulates the natural processes of producing natural lubrication. Thus, improve your sex life.

In addition, the use of menopause or vaginal suppositories will help a woman not only get rid of dryness in the vagina, burning and itching. They reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases such as bacterial vaginosis or prolapse of the vaginal walls.

Expert opinion

Alexandra Yurievna

General practitioner, associate professor, teacher of obstetrics, work experience 11 years.

Women note that regular use of the cream removes a mild form of urinary incontinence. Instructions for use of the cream for the intimate area states that it is a good moisturizer before and after bathing.

Therefore, dryness cream is applied before swimming in the pool or the sea. A lady who uses such a tool feels very comfortable on vacation.

Tools to look out for

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of products, the action of which is aimed at eliminating dryness in the intimate area in women in menopause.

We will focus on only a few drugs from each category we have considered that are popular with women.

Non-hormonal gels

Gel Vagisan is a product for everyday intimate hygiene. The gel is based on lactic acid, which maintains the natural level of acid-base balance for the vagina. Thus, a healthy microflora of the vagina is preserved. The gel relieves mild sensations of discomfort, dryness, burning and itching.

Let's get acquainted with gels popular among women:

  1. Gynocomfort - the manufacturer offers two products that have a different effect due to the herbal component in their composition.
    Gynocomfort moisturizing intimate gel has the following composition: mallow extract, as well as chamomile extract, lactic acid, panthenol and bisabolol. The use of the gel permanently eliminates the feeling of dryness in intimate areas. Gynocomfort restoring intimate gel instead of mallow extract contains tea tree oil, which has a good antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The tool not only promotes the regeneration of the vaginal mucosa, but effectively moisturizes it, eliminates burning and itching, and also prevents damage. Gynocomfort gels can be used as lubricants. Both drugs are injected into the vagina with an applicator 1-2 times a day.
  2. Bliss is a means for moisturizing the intimate area, which effectively eliminates uncomfortable sensations with dryness of the vaginal mucosa.
    Due to the fact that the gel contains oil extracts of chamomile and calendula, it promotes the healing of microcracks in the mucosa. Its use prevents the appearance of new damage to the epithelium. It is recommended to take courses as prescribed by a doctor or as needed (after visiting the pool, before sexual contact, when the climate changes, etc.). A small amount of gel is applied to the genital area. Can be used with condoms.
  3. Gynofit is a vaginal gel that effectively eliminates the sensations of vaginal dryness, burning and itching.
    The product has a hydrating effect (abundant hydration). Made with glycerin and hydroxyethyl cellulose. Glycerin not only moisturizes the mucous membrane, but is able to retain moisture in the epithelium for a long time. The gel is better than other means to replace natural mucus in the postmenopausal period. It is recommended to use after visiting the pool, before sexual intercourse or to eliminate discomfort. As prescribed by the doctor, it can be used in courses. It is introduced using a special applicator.

All considered gels will effectively moisturize the vaginal mucosa during. Ladies allocate these funds because of the good hydrating effect.

Hormonal remedies

Gels can be used by women who are prescribed combined replacement therapy. If a lady has indications for continuous hormone intake, then for this purpose a combined two-phase drug Femoston is often prescribed.

It contains two female hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Femoston effectively eliminates many menopausal symptoms, including vaginal dryness, itching, burning and discomfort.

At the stage of menopause, Femoston 1/10 or Femoston 2/10 is prescribed. At the stage of premenopause, drugs can be prescribed: Pauzogest, Kliogest or Femoston 1/5. But a woman can use monotherapy - she drinks pills, which include only the synthetic hormone estrogen, and receives progesterone locally - using a hormonal gel.

The new hormonal drug Ovipol Clio deserves special attention. Its active substance is the hormone estriol, which selectively affects the tissues of the vagina, uterus, bladder, etc. Ovipol Clio are vaginal suppositories that have a beneficial effect on the vaginal mucosa. They are used to treat the organs of the genitourinary system. Candles Ovipol Clio effectively eliminate dryness and itching in the intimate area.


Women's health requires careful attention always, and especially during menopause. At the stage of premenopause, the use of a special hygienic gel helps to eliminate discomfort in the intimate area. Moisturizing gel with menopause relieves a woman from vaginal dryness and its accompanying manifestations. We wish you good health!

What moisturizing gels do you use?

Vaginal dryness is an inevitable sign of menopause. Many women do not pay due attention to this fact and try to put up with it, but it is unnatural and dangerous to endure dryness. To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, there are special moisturizers.

How to choose intimate hygiene products for a woman over 50

With the onset of menopause in the female body, the production of the hormone estrogen gradually decreases, which entails certain consequences. Frequent accompaniment of menopause is dryness of the mucosa and pain in the vagina. The causes of such ailments are stress, antibiotics, bad habits, lack of sex, etc. Vaginal dryness weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of developing inflammatory diseases. To improve the condition, it is necessary to choose the right moisturizers for intimate hygiene during menopause.

What should be included in the product

When buying moisturizers designed to care for a delicate area, women need to pay special attention to what is included in the product. She must:

  • contain lactic acid, which allows maintaining the optimal balance of microflora;
  • have D-panthenol, sea buckthorn oil, herbal extracts;
  • be pH neutral;
  • do not contain aromatic substances, fragrances;
  • include a high fat content;
  • have an antibacterial substance and vitamin E.

Intimate soap for hygiene must be liquid so that the polymers in it do not cause irritation and are easier to wash off with water. Cream for moisturizing the intimate area should not contain dyes. As a rule, the product has a delicate delicate aroma due to the presence of natural ingredients (sage or chamomile extract). For sensitive skin that is prone to irritation, you need to choose a product with aloe vera.

What drugs for dryness in the intimate area are better

The modern market of care products includes a large number of items, each of which has its own indications and application features. In addition, their price will vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. Here are some of the most popular and sought after moisturizers for intimate hygiene with menopause:



Price in rubles

Vagilak gel

Relieves pain during sexual intercourse. Helps relieve vaginal dryness.

Bliss Gel

Has a powerful moisturizing effect. Promotes natural lubrication.


It is used only after a medical examination. Contains estradiol, due to which dryness is eliminated.


The cream against dryness in the intimate area acts gently, perfectly cares for the vaginal mucosa.

Gynofit gel

Quickly relieves burning sensation. Normalizes microflora.


With menopause, doctors recommend not to stop having sex. Regular sex life will help keep the walls of the vagina in good shape. Even a few days of abstaining from intimacy can cause dryness and cracking in the vagina, which can make it painful for a woman to have sex. You can fight the problem with a lubricant (artificial lubricant) that has a low pH. The most popular lubricants on the market are the following:


Any woman with the onset of menopause should begin to use intimate hygiene products, as well as constantly apply appropriate creams. It is better to choose products on the advice of a gynecologist. There are special hormonal preparations that perfectly moisturize the mucous membrane and stimulate the natural process of mucus production. You can choose a neutral intimate cream that helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms. List of the most popular tools:


Suppositories are a good remedy for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the vagina. Candles differ from lubricants in that they are able to restore the production and secretion of vaginal mucus for a long period. Means well remove irritation and favor the renewal of the mucous membrane, while reducing signs of vulvar atrophy (burning, itching, discomfort and tension during intercourse). The most popular drugs are:

How to apply moisturizing creams for the intimate area

With menopause, it is important to monitor vaginal hygiene and wash yourself at least twice a day. In the instructions for the use of special preparations to eliminate dryness in the intimate area, it is recommended to use them every day. Funds can be applied after visiting the bath, pool, sauna. The method of use and dosage of moisturizing preparations is prescribed only by a doctor. Intimate cream application scheme:

  • before using the product, it is necessary to carry out a procedure using a gel or liquid soap with a neutral pH;
  • to do this, moisten the genitals with water, then drop soap, gel, mousse or foam on the palm of your hand and lather;
  • then we transfer everything to the vagina, carefully massage, rinse;
  • hands should be thoroughly cleaned;
  • then we take the cream, squeeze it into the palm of your hand;
  • evenly distributed over the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • for the treatment to be effective, you need to use a tip to introduce a small amount of cream into the vagina.

Means for intimate hygiene is a very delicate topic. We buy hair shampoo, deodorant, cream, soap with great care. At the same time, shampoo, for example, we do not use every day. Therefore, when choosing a product for the care of the intimate area, one cannot 100% trust the beauty of the packaging, super-pleasant smells and other attractive factors.

If you use any care soap every day, then it is quite possible to disrupt the natural microflora, to allow bacteria to penetrate. That is why the products for our intimate hygiene are not just a move by manufacturers or a fashion for market novelties, but a thing that is very necessary on the shelves in the bathroom of a modern woman.

  1. Intimate soap. Its composition must certainly include lactic acid and any anti-inflammatory components. The most important thing is that such soap should be free of dyes, fragrances, fragrances, and various suspicious components that change the acid-base balance.
  2. Gel for intimate hygiene. There are more and more such goods on the shelves, only the cost is different. The quality can already be judged by how this product foams. If it's strong, it's suspicious. It is very important that the composition includes physiological acid (mainly lactic acid), which will maintain the pH level. As for antibacterial components, many experts have come to the conclusion that they are needed only in hospitals, and at home you can do without them.
  3. Foam and mousse. Such products are designed for hypersensitive skin, they are delicate and perfectly refreshing. Pay attention to the presence of a dispenser - it is necessary.
  4. Cream for intimate hygiene. Of course, it does not replace a full wash. Their goal is to soften and soothe the skin. You can use such creams before going to a public pool or swimming in a pond.
  5. Deodorant. Use only after bathing, as it does not replace washing. It has a pleasant smell that gives a feeling of freshness, or no smell at all.
  6. Intimate wipes. To many, this often seems stupid. But such napkins are just a godsend when there is no way to wash normally. The composition includes lactic acid, disinfectant components, gentle lotion.

It is believed that the first ever means of delicate care for the intimate tender places of our body appeared in Egypt.

How to choose intimate hygiene products

  • Always read the composition, look for obligatory lactic acid, D-panthenol, extracts of chamomile, calendula, sage, tea tree, etc. among the components;
  • Pay attention to the pH level (3.8 - 4.4);
  • Avoid products containing phosphates;
  • Not an unimportant moment is the expiration date. The higher it is, the more likely the product is unnatural;
  1. Do not use ordinary soap or baby soap for intimate hygiene. The task of every woman is to protect herself from getting inside microbes and bacteria. This is possible if they get into an acidic environment (the one that nature gave us). So soap destroys it with its aggressive components. Fear of buying funds from manufacturers and excessive conservatism can turn into problems much worse. Remember that many diseases are a disturbed microflora of the intimate area.
  2. For extreme dryness, look for a neutral pH product.
  3. In high humidity, it is better to use products that are designed to maintain an acidic environment.
  4. Have a separate towel after washing, dry yourself, because many germs love moisture.
  5. Do not replace intimate hygiene products with shampoos or shower gels. This is mistake!

Recipes for tinctures for intimate areas

If you still do not trust any purchased products, you can use homemade recipes. The only disadvantage of such preparations at home is that they do not contain lactic acid, which is extremely important. I offer 3 recipes.

  • 1 tsp honey is stirred in a glass of warm boiled water;
  • 1 st. l. chamomile, calendula or other herbs, on the advice of your doctor, pour a glass of boiling water, insist and use it as a washing agent;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Althea root is poured with cold water, in the amount 0.5 l, and insist on 8 h.

Means for intimate hygiene do not treat diseases and their manifestations. Their task and ours is to prevent, preserve, purify, do no harm.

Sincerely, Anna Statsenko
