Heterosexual is a correct and natural sexual orientation. Who is heterosexual? What is heterosexuality

Often, when filling out various profiles, and first of all on a dating site, it is necessary to fill in the orientation field on the page. The site offers three options: hetero-, bi- and homo-. Heterosexuality means choosing a member of the opposite sex as a sexual partner.

Orientation hetero - how to understand it?

Despite the fact that the number of same-sex couples is increasing every year, the majority of people in the world are heterosexual. They experience romantic, emotional and erotic attraction to the opposite sex.

To understand what hetero orientation means, scientists in different parts of the world conducted research. For the first time this topic was touched upon by Richard Kraft-Ebing. The scientist suggested that heterosexuality is a kind of instinct in living beings, since it is he who allows you to continue the race. Research by another scientist, Kinsey, allowed sexual orientation to be divided into subtypes.

Many scientists, understanding the meaning of hetero orientation, argue that it is laid down in a person at the genetic level, but there is also a version that it is formed during life, namely in the process of upbringing.

As already mentioned, in addition to heterosexual orientations, there are both bi- and homosexuals. Let's talk about this in more detail:

  1. Bisexuality is an orientation that implies the presence of attraction to both a man and a woman.
  2. Homosexuality is an orientation that presupposes existence towards persons of the same sex.

Today, the issue of recognizing other sexual orientations other than hetero is quite acute. In some countries, for example, in America, even the registration of same-sex marriages was officially allowed. The situation is opposite in the Russian Federation, where in 1999 a decree was issued that heterosexuality is the norm, and other sexual preferences are deviations.

How to determine the sexual orientation of hetero, bi and homo?

Since sexual orientation is multidimensional and changeable, not all people can accurately determine their affiliation. Klein's sexual orientation grid will help with this task.

To measure your sexual orientation, you need to evaluate seven parameters in three time dimensions: past (5 years ago), present (last year) and ideal future

  1. Sexual attraction - representatives of which sex cause more excitement.
  2. Sexual behavior - with representatives of which gender they performed different sexual actions: kissed, had sex, etc.
  3. Sexual fantasies - representatives of what gender you usually represent in your erotic fantasies, as well as who you think about during self-satisfaction.
  4. Emotional preferences - what kind of people do you like to be friends with, maintain relationships, share your innermost, etc.
  5. Social preferences - with representatives of which gender it is easier to find contact in everyday life: work, communicate, spend leisure time.
  6. With representatives of what orientation do you mostly spend your free time: with homo-, hetero- or bisexual people.
  7. Self-identification - what orientation do you identify yourself with.

Take a piece of paper and divide it into three columns: past, present and. After that, fill in each of them seven lines according to these indications. As a result, numbers from 0 to 6 should be written in 21 cells.

Answer transcript:

Traditionally, in any society, it is customary to distinguish three sexual orientations: hetero, homo and bi. In many countries (including Russia), it is the heterosexual orientation that is currently recognized as the only correct and possible one. This means that representatives of minorities have a very hard time: they are forced to adapt to the norms of society, which dictates their own (opposite, but unacceptable for them) laws, or publicly admit their peculiarity, and this is fraught with negative consequences.

Heteroorientation is actually one of the possible sexual directions that can be found in both humans and animals. In this article, we will consider issues related to the formation of the most ordinary and familiar behavior model.

Hetero orientation. What does it mean?

The essence of the concept lies in the fact that in this type of union there are partners of different sexes. This is a prerequisite. The sexual orientation of hetero always implies the presence of a man and a woman. Their relationship, regardless of whether they are married or just dating, live together, society recognizes as normal, traditional. No one will ever judge young people who want to start a family if they act in a traditional way.

Formation of inclination

There are many conflicting opinions on this issue in psychology. Some researchers believe that the sexual orientation of a hetero is laid down at the genetic level, while others argue that it is formed in the process of upbringing. In fact, the model proposed by society is quite clear and does not allow any variability, so there is nothing complicated here. The principle "like everyone else" works. How easy and painless it is!

In addition, young people who are oriented towards people of the opposite sex see a positive example from their parents in 99% of cases in childhood. Getting older, young girls dream of meeting a boy who looks like their father, and boys subconsciously program themselves to find a chosen one who is somewhat reminiscent of their mother.

Manifestation of sexuality

Heteroorientation is a natural, inherent in nature, the appeal of a man to a woman and vice versa. Here the call is so strong that no matter how much a person wants to hide his sympathy for a certain person, as a result, everything seems to add up by itself. How do young people learn to express emerging feelings? Everything is very simple: an example to follow is always in front of your eyes, so it’s easy to navigate.

The young man understands perfectly well that the girl needs to be looked after: he gives her flowers, invites her to the cinema, invites her to walk. The girl, on the other hand, subconsciously expects certain manifestations of courtship from the guy she likes and knows how they should be expressed.

Realization of the intention to be loved

As already mentioned, hetero orientation is the closest to the norm, as it is considered, a natural option. The exception to the rule in our society is homo- and bisexual relationships, which are still considered a deviation.

The most familiar and common thing that a young man or girl can have is a hetero orientation, which means observing the canons of society and complying with the norms of public morality. It should also be noted that such people are never tormented by questions about how they will be perceived in their own family, whether relatives will condemn them for wanting to be close to their loved one. That's what hetero orientation means. Since it is on a par with the opinion of the majority, it always fully fits into generally accepted standards.

Thus, hetero orientation is a person's ordinary predisposition to procreation. There is nothing unusual in it, just as there are no special merits of the individual: after all, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone, defend your position, suffer from the fact that your closest and dearest people do not understand you. A homo-oriented person, unlike a hetero, must completely independently build his own personality, defend the individual right to happiness. And this, you see, is not always as easy and painless as it might seem at first glance.

March 14, 2014, at 19:42

The ancient Greek language is very widely used in the modern world, as words are actively used in everyday life. I especially like to use that language, or rather words, for people of scientific, medical professions. Every person uses them every day, and even he does not know it. For example, the words lantern, laurel, space, and many others. It turns out that any language consists of half of the ancient Greek.

There are such words in the language as heterotrophic, heterosexual, heterogeneous and another strange word heterophony. All these words have one thing that brings them together, the root hetero, but what it is is known to units. So, what does this word mean anyway?

Meaning of the word

The word hetero itself has only two meanings, and if you call them a simple word, then they say different and different. But they are not used this way, since the general meaning of the word is lost, the prefix used is primarily consonant with other words. But even here, words starting with hetero are used extremely rarely in everyday life. Many people think that this is something obscene or abusive, this is fundamentally not the case, these words are used in scientific circles and applied to the definition of something, and not only orientation. The most popular word used in the lives of ordinary people is hetero-sexuality, which literally means sexual attraction to the opposite sex, hetero (other) orientation. It's sexy most people on the ground. In general, in science, hetero can mean a lot, for example, the phrase heterogamy stands for the marriage of people who are different in their social status (businessman and governess). The prefix hetero was used in ancient Greece only to designate a certain orientation, as a rule, the standard majority of people.

It is also used in descriptions of something incomprehensible, but still, the ancient Greek prefix homo is mainly used to describe something else, just as hetero is mainly used to designate in scientific circles. In life, they mostly remember the homosexual orientation, which means attraction to the same sex in the sexual aspect. Although having one root, the homo prefix has nothing to do with the hetero prefix.

Sometimes people themselves use such expressions without knowing it, thereby emphasizing their general ignorance about the meanings of this or that. In this case, it is worth recommending only one, do not use unfamiliar words, which have a riddle for you, because it may turn out that an inappropriately spoken word will show others that you are stupid. And few people want this. And if you still need to, then say only what you know.

Heterosexuality(Greek getero - opposite, different, different and sex - gender) is a concept that can literally be defined as attraction to the opposite sex. In a narrow sense, heterosexuality that is how it is understood. As sexual attraction exclusively to the opposite sex.

But there is a broader understanding of the term "heterosexuality". And in this context, heterosexuality is interpreted as a certain phenomenon of human sexuality, in which the components included in it can be distinguished. These are heterosexual orientation, heterosexual identity and heterosexual behavior.

Heterosexual orientation is the sexual, erotic, emotional attraction of an individual to an individual of the opposite sex. The heterosexual orientation of a person assumes that he - this person - is more or less constant in his sexual attraction to the opposite sex. That even if he had, say, homosexual contacts, they are not of a regular nature, but remain only episodes in his sexual life. Whereas heterosexual relationships prevail by a significant margin.

Heterosexual identity is understood as the self-identification of a person with persons of heterosexual orientation. If this is a man, then he himself refers to heterosexual men, that is, to those who are characterized by heterosexuality. If this is a woman, then she herself ranks among heterosexual women, for whom heterosexuality is characteristic.

Heterosexual behavior is such sexual behavior that is inherent in a person with a heterosexual orientation. In a man, his heterosexuality, heterosexual orientation determines the attraction to sexual contacts with women and the corresponding behavior. The heterosexuality of a woman also manifests itself in the behavior characteristic of a woman with a heterosexual orientation who is interested in intimate contacts with a man.

From the requests of Internet users on the topic of heterosexuality, it becomes clear that the audience is interested in what heterosexual means, the meaning of the word "heterosexual".

The concept of "heterosexual", the definition of this word stems from the interpretation of the term "heterosexual orientation". A man who is a carrier of a heterosexual orientation is called a heterosexual. Sometimes in the literature a heterosexual is referred to as a heterosexual. And in Russian, another name has been coined for a heterosexual - straight.

The heterosexuality of a person is manifested in his intimate life. In the sexual activity that this person accepts. In the forms and varieties of their sexual practices. Finally, heterosexuality also determines the sexual experience of a person.

A heterosexual experience for a man is the experience of sexual contact with a woman. And for a woman, heterosexual experience means her sexual contact with a man.

It is believed that heterosexuality dominates among the forms of human sexuality. Some authors argue that it is heterosexuality - and only it - that is natural for a person, since the connection of opposite sexes, characteristic of heterosexuality, provides the main function of copulation - the function of reproduction. All other types and forms of sexuality are, they say, deviations from the norm.

But there are other points of view. According to some of them, heterosexuality is only one of the three types of human sexuality. The other two accepted in modern sexology - homosexuality and bisexuality - also have the right to exist. Along with heterosexuality.

There are experts who do not limit the list to three types of sexuality. Noting that, for example, pansexuality is also known, they consider heterosexuality to be simply one of the manifestations of human sexuality.

Traditionally, in any society, it is customary to distinguish three sexual orientations: hetero, homo and bi. In many countries (including Russia), it is the heterosexual orientation that is currently recognized as the only correct and possible one. This means that representatives of minorities have a very hard time: they are forced to adapt to the norms of society, which dictates their own (opposite, but unacceptable for them) laws, or publicly admit their peculiarity, and this is fraught with negative consequences.

Heteroorientation is actually one of the possible sexual directions that can be found in both humans and animals. In this article, we will consider issues related to the formation of the most ordinary and familiar behavior model.

Hetero orientation. What does it mean?

The essence of the concept lies in the fact that in this type of union there are partners of different sexes. This is a prerequisite. The sexual orientation of hetero always implies the presence of a man and a woman. Their relationship, regardless of whether they are married or just dating, live together, society recognizes as normal, traditional. No one will ever judge young people who want to start a family if they act in a traditional way.

Formation of inclination

There are many conflicting opinions on this issue in psychology. Some researchers believe that the sexual orientation of a hetero is laid down at the genetic level, while others argue that it is formed in the process of upbringing. In fact, the model proposed by society is quite clear and does not allow any variability, so there is nothing complicated here. The principle "like everyone else" works. How easy and painless it is!

In addition, young people who are oriented towards people of the opposite sex see a positive example from their parents in 99% of cases in childhood. Getting older, young girls dream of meeting a boy who looks like their father, and boys subconsciously program themselves to find a chosen one who is somewhat reminiscent of their mother.

Manifestation of sexuality

Hetero orientation is a natural, inherent in nature, the appeal of a man to a woman and vice versa. Here the call is so strong that no matter how much a person wants to hide his sympathy for a certain person, as a result, everything seems to add up by itself. How do young people learn to express emerging feelings? Everything is very simple: an example to follow is always in front of your eyes, so it’s easy to navigate.

The young man understands perfectly well that the girl needs to be looked after: he gives her flowers, invites her to the cinema, invites her to walk. The girl, on the other hand, subconsciously expects certain manifestations of courtship from the guy she likes and knows how they should be expressed.

Realization of the intention to be loved

As already mentioned, hetero orientation is the closest to the norm, as it is considered, a natural option. The exception to the rule in our society is homo- and bisexual relationships, which are still considered a deviation.

The most familiar and common thing that a young man or girl can have is a hetero orientation, which means observing the canons of society and complying with the norms of public morality. It should also be noted that such people are never tormented by questions about how they will be perceived in their own family, whether relatives will condemn them for wanting to be close to their loved one. That's what hetero orientation means. Since it is on a par with the opinion of the majority, it always fully fits into generally accepted standards.

Thus, hetero orientation is a person's ordinary predisposition to procreation. There is nothing unusual in it, just as there are no special merits of the individual: after all, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone, defend your position, suffer from the fact that your closest and dearest people do not understand you. A homo-oriented person, unlike a hetero, must completely independently build his own personality, defend the individual right to happiness. And this, you see, is not always as easy and painless as it might seem at first glance.

Heterosexuality is:

psychosexual love for the other sex, sexual orientation, present in the vast majority of people. The opposite orientation is homosexuality, which is held by a minority. From the point of view of sexology, heterosexuality and homosexuality are equal variants of human sexuality. A person cannot choose or force his will to suppress his sexual orientation; everyone should have the right to live in accordance with their orientation, without being subjected to any discrimination. Heterosexuality and homosexuality have, on the one hand, their real manifestations in the form of sexual contacts between a man and a woman, between a woman and a woman, between a man and a man, as well as related moods, preferences and lifestyles. On the other hand, we are talking about theoretical constructions that do not satisfy all types of sexual behavior of men and women. In an erotic system, in which the coordinates of homosexuality and heterosexuality are indicated on one scale, and sexual activity (intensity) on the other, numerous patterns of behavior are possible. To this must be added a temporal dimension, depending on the respective society and on the life path of a particular person, during which a strict homo- or heterosexual order may be interrupted. Of decisive importance for homo- or heterosexual behavior, especially for male and female homosexuality, is how sexual relationships are formed in society and how sex roles are distributed.
(See Heterosexuality, Bisexuality, Homosexuality). (Source: Sexological Dictionary)(from hetero... and lat. sexus - sex), a set of motivations, attitudes, behavior, etc., aimed at people of the opposite sex. cf.: bisexuality; homosexuality. (Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms) preference for sexual partners of the opposite sex; manifests itself in appropriate behavior (Source: Concise Glossary of Sexopathological Terms)

Hetero guy - who is this?


Heterosexuality is a sexual orientation characteristic of most people, defined as emotional, romantic (platonic), erotic (sensual) or sexual attraction to persons of a different biological sex. Most psychologists call homosexuality and bisexuality the other two sexual orientations (some researchers also distinguish pansexuality). The term "heterosexual" is used to refer to people of heterosexual orientation, but in colloquial speech the word "straight" and the expression "normal orientation" are also used (based on the belief that only heterosexual relationships are normal, since they can lead to the satisfaction of the reproductive instinct).

The American biologist Kinsey, in his studies of human sexuality, proposed a scale of sexuality (the so-called Kinsey scale), in which homo- / bi- / heterosexuality acts as one of several subscales, along with such subscales as homo- / bi- / heterosociality, homo -/bi-/heteroestheticity, homo-/bi-/heteroeroticity, etc. - see Sexual Preference Studies (Alfred Kinsey) .

Due to the ambiguity of the term "heterosexuality" in the scientific literature, it has recently become customary to use clarifying or narrower terms - for example, to talk about heterosexual orientation or heterosexual behavior, about heterosexuality in general (as a phenomenon) or about heterosexuality as a point on a subscale " sexuality" of the Kinsey scale - except in situations where the meaning of the term "heterosexuality" is clear from the context.

What is hetero orientation?

Ruslan Surin

This is just the most common orientation - a man who wants only women, or a woman who wants only men (as opposed to bisexuals (Lks) and lesbians. This word comes from Latin:
In ancient Rome, a girl belonged to her father before marriage, and when she got married, she became the property of her husband, the woman had no property other than gifts from her husband, but if they divorced, he took all the gifts back (!). Hetera was a woman who did not want to get married, but preferred (and had the opportunity) to live in her own house, be the mistress of all her property and her life (ordinary women did not even have names, before marriage they were called by the name of their father, after - by the name of her husband, and only a hetaera could come up with a name for herself.Hetaeras most often never married in their entire lives, they had slaves, fields, gardens, vineyards, many of them were famous poetesses and musicians, all this brought them money , but since a free woman ("without complexes"), as a rule, had many lovers, some of them, being rich, gave them money and gave them expensive gifts, patronized them, so many now call them prostitutes or even whores.
Many lovers of heterosexuals, being married, considered them only REAL, NORMAL WOMEN, and all the rest (and their wives, including) DAMAGED - apparently, this was guided by the creator of the terms HETEROSEXUALITY, HETEROORIENTATION, i.e., in his opinion, heterosexuals are real , normal people, and adherents of non-traditional sexual orientation - flawed.
But this is just a version.

mad tramp

Hetero corresponds to the word "different" in Russian.
In everyday life, hetero orientation is normal orientation
Hetero is a prefix for compound words. Translated from the Greek "heteros" means "other" or "other"
