Greek hairstyle with technique and step-by-step photos. How to do a hairstyle with a headband in the Greek style Greek hairband

How to do a hairstyle in the Greek style? What events is Greek hairstyle suitable for? What length of hair is a Greek hairstyle suitable for? Basic tools and step-by-step instructions for creating a Greek-style hairstyle

At all times, a woman strives to look attractive. Dresses that fit her figure, jewelry, and also help her with this. Beautifully decorated hair in a bizarre shape attracts the admiring glances of passers-by and makes you want to admire female beauty.

The right hairstyle will help you create the image of a coquette, a business lady, or even a seductress. An aristocratic style is given by a hairstyle in the Greek style. This model emphasizes the curves of the neck, combining severity and extravagance, lightness and femininity at the same time.

What events is Greek hairstyle suitable for?

When going to an important celebration, a girl often racks her brains over which hairstyle to choose. After all, you really want to make the right choice that will match the type of event, match the clothes and emphasize the dignity of women’s nature. All this can be achieved if you look closely at this option.

Unusual styling in the Greek style is useful for the following types of events:

  • A wedding, the main event in the life of every girl, can bring even more joy if you get a Greek hairstyle. In combination with a wedding dress, it will look original on the bride’s head. The use of openwork ribbons or coquettishly pinned decorative flowers will elegantly complement the wedding look;
  • Christening is an event that requires a thorough approach and appropriate attire. This type of styling will complement the image of the goddaughter and make it even more touching;
  • A birthday is a special celebration that simply requires you to look special. The right hairstyle will help complete the look. Moreover, it is appropriate to use it not only at your own holiday, but also at friends’ birthdays;
  • Graduation evening - an unforgettable event for a young girl is accompanied by an elegant appearance. For this event, you can complement the look using a lace headband or tiara;
  • Gala ball - any significant event with dancing requires careful styling of curls in a lush, airy design. The Greek style will fit perfectly into your image, and slight negligence will give it majesty and grace.
  • Office? Why not! With a little practice, you can do this hairstyle option quite quickly, and it will go well with a business dress or shirt. The only thing is that for the office, a Greek hairstyle does not have to be too careless, rather the opposite - more clear boundaries, less loose strands.

At the same time, this type of hairstyle would look appropriate for a walk in the park, on a romantic date or a debut performance on stage. It all depends on imagination in the implementation process and on the appropriate use of various accessories.

Creating an everyday style is also within the power of anyone who decides to take this hairstyle as a basis. Alluring airiness will give lightness to your image and make it mysterious. The good thing about Greek hairstyle is that it allows you to experiment, choosing the type of hairstyle for a specific event.

What length of hair is a Greek hairstyle suitable for?

Parting is an important nuance when creating a hairstyle. Its presence allows you to accurately distribute the curls at the final stage. Curly curls that flow freely from the temples are suitable. Twisted curls are key.

To perform a hairstyle in the Greek style, any hair length is suitable, but most often it is done on medium and long, slightly curly curls. The specificity is that it requires additional backcombing to give even more volume to curled hair, so it looks best on curls just below the shoulders.

If your hair is naturally curly, this will be an additional advantage. However, in the absence of such a structure, it is necessary to create the effect artificially, using large curlers, curling irons or flat irons.

Short hair length will make the look romantic and careless. Layering on medium curls will add modest innocence. And styling it with long curls will help you create a truly sophisticated look that will blow your mind.

Girl having bangs, can also create a unique image if you use valuable advice. The variety of variations allows you to choose the appropriate option to suit your hair structure and highlight your advantages.

Basic tools for creating Greek style hairstyles

When creating a styling, every detail that is directly involved in the process plays a role. The standard set includes basic hairdressing tools. To add even more beauty, you can use accessories. For example, it will do using a tiara, openwork headband or bobby pins.

These accessories will not only complement the romantic look, but will also contribute to the long-term preservation of your hair in its original form. Using thin bobby pins, you no longer have to worry about windy weather, because in this case your hair will remain luxurious for a long time.

There are several important tools with which you can create a Greek-style hairstyle:

  • Comb – used during initial hair styling to normalize its structure and for backcombing;
  • Elastic headband – smoothes hair that curls in different directions, helping to create a unified basis for the beginning of the implementation of the image;
  • Hairpins and bobby pins - are used at the main stage when attaching curls and curling hair to give a certain shape;
  • The tiara complements the created image, emphasizing the thin figure and feminine silhouette.

Pay attention to the color, size, design of all details, choosing the perfect combination. Careful selection of details will improve the appearance, making it more memorable. Hairstyles with a headband will look best if you choose a bandage several shades darker than the curls. Also, consider the width of the headband based on the desired look - the wider the headband, the more emphasis will be placed on your hairstyle. If the headband is narrow, the hairstyle will complement the entire look.

There are special nuances for the Greek hairstyle. This is not only curls curled from the temples, twisting of plaits, bundles and rollers. Careless disheveled braids, open temples, and creating volume at the back of the head are encouraged.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a Greek style hairstyle

Hairdressing often requires creativity and free imagination. Thus, the creation process is often accompanied by various experiments with the color of details, type of styling, and adding appropriate accessories to the image. This type of hairstyle is suitable for a woman with any hair color. The length of the curls in this case also practically does not matter.

How to do a Greek hairstyle step by step:

  • 1 step. Gather the top of your hair at the back and secure it with bobby pins. The bangs can be left uncollected. The lower part of the curls is fixed with an elastic band.
  • Step 2. We use a chain or a long bandage to secure the top of the hair. We thread a bobby pin at the end of the chain and secure the resulting structure to the back of the head. We wrap the chain around the head, fixing it tightly. After which a second, exact same revolution is made.
  • Step 3. The lower part of the hair is divided into two equal strands. From the resulting rows, two braids are woven and wrapped around the head. We secure the result obtained with invisible threads.
  • Step 4 We curl the remaining free part of the hair from step 1 with a curling iron or curl it with curlers.
  • Step 5 We wind each individual strand around a finger and secure it with bobby pins. This is how all the curls on the head are gradually laid out. Until we twist it completely.

This is a classic option. At the final stage, you can fix the installation with varnish. The resulting styling has a naturalness and simple negligence. Slightly stray strands will only complement your already attractive look.

Execution options

Is it possible to do a Greek hairstyle for girls?

This type of styling is quite suitable for different ages. Young nymphets and nymphs can also boast of a beautiful hairstyle. It is possible to do this on curls of different lengths; in this case, you only need to first twist the strands if the girl’s hair does not naturally curl.

When creating, you will need a standard set of tools, just like for an adult woman. A comb, bobby pins, decorative hairpins, and a tiara if necessary will come in handy. Using all this, without leaving home, create a beautiful hairstyle for the holiday or add variety to your outfit.

Instructions for creating hairstyles for girls:

  • 1 step. Comb your hair and separate a strand of medium width near the forehead. Let's separate another strand at the temple and weave them together in the form of a tourniquet.
  • Step 2. Add a strand from below to the resulting flagellum and twist it inward. You will get a twisted roll of hair.
  • Step 3. Let's add another strand from below to the existing flagellum. Let's twist it into a roller again. Let's fix the harness with pins.
  • Step 4 Take the end of the rope and add a strand of hair from the bottom to it. We tuck all the strands inside and secure them with hairpins.
  • Step 5 We intertwine exactly the same tourniquet on the other side, gradually repeating steps 1-4.
  • Step 6 The hair is collected in a basket. Stray strands of hair are secured with bobby pins, but a little carelessness will make the hairstyle comfortable.

The result will please you with its speed and ease of execution. The resulting hairstyle can be decorated with beads, a tiara, lace ribbons or a headband. All these elements will add tenderness and lightness to the image.

A hairstyle in the Greek style can be suitable for a prom, a matinee, a children's party, a family celebration or a birthday.

Varieties of Greek hairstyle

There are several types of this hairstyle. Each of these types is attractive in its own way. It is better to choose the type of styling based on your own preferences, hair type and structure. It is easy to create a hairstyle with an emphasis on the side, with braids, and a headband. Let's look at each of these types.

The principle of creating a hairstyle with a headband:

  • 1 step. We divide the hair into a middle parting and comb each part separately.
  • Step 2. We put the headband on the head so that the back is lower than the front.
  • Step 3. We separate individual strands of hair, placing them under the bandage so that the bandage is hidden under the curls.
  • Step 4 We tuck the strands randomly to give a natural look.

The resulting hairstyle will add charm to your look and will not require much effort. It will take about 10 minutes to create this type of hair. You will need skill and auxiliary tools to complete the result. To make your curls last longer, you can use hairspray.

Hair with an emphasis on the side:

  • 1 step. Comb all the strands except the bangs.
  • Step 2. Gather the combed strands into a ponytail on the right side.
  • Step 3. Curl the hair in the ponytail with curlers or use a curling iron. Then dry and style as desired.
  • Step 4 Styling your bangs in the form of a curling wave in a convenient direction.
  • Step 5 Place a flower or any other decoration at the very base of the tail.

This hairstyle will be useful for a festive event, and will also appeal to you at a wedding celebration. The advantage is that with its help you can easily hide facial imperfections. For example, a thin face no longer looks elongated, and the neck will become thin and graceful. A slightly raised top will highlight the grace of a woman.

Greek hairstyle with twisted braid:

  • 1 step. The hair is combed, a headband is put on top of the head so that it is located more in the lower part of the head.
  • Step 2. The hair is divided into two parts.
  • Step 3. A regular braid of three strands is braided.
  • Step 4 When weaving, we increase the braid by adding new curls.

To implement a braided hairstyle It is not recommended to curl your hair too much. The strands should be slightly curled and remain almost straight, because then the braiding will be uniform and individual strands will not get out of the overall structure.

The classic execution of the Greek hairstyle will give a feeling of airiness to the curls, making the image unforgettable. Additional variations will add charm and extravagance. The ability to add various accessories leaves room for imagination.

This hairstyle is suitable for holidays, significant events, special occasions. A woman with such a hairstyle will stand out from the crowd, thanks to her carelessly stray strands and thin figure.

Complete your look with a beautiful dress and delicate makeup, slightly noticeable and elegant accessories and feel like Aphrodite, whom everyone will admire!

Recently, Greek hairstyle has become incredibly popular. Despite the fact that it appeared more than a thousand years ago, girls all over the world still love to decorate their heads with curls and headbands. The versatility of the Greek hairstyle lies in the fact that it can be done both for a special event, such as a wedding, and for a romantic summer walk around the city.


You can see the original Greek hairstyles by looking at the images of the beautiful goddesses of Hellas. Each of them had its own unique charm and was distinguished by its special taste. Beautiful flowing curls came from the image of the goddess of love Aphrodite, the goddess of justice Themis wore an elegant hairstyle with her hair gathered under a bandage, and a high bouffant with several headbands could often be found in images of Athena. This historical background for the origin of this beautiful hairstyle gives a special aesthetics and charm to the Greek hairstyle.

Types of Greek hairstyles

You can do a Greek hairstyle in different ways - there are many variations of it, both for long hair and for very short hair. The entire success of the hairstyle will depend on the accessories. Headbands and headbands are often used, and the hair is often decorated with flowers. You can even borrow a special hippie headband - a hairdresser.

Depending on your preferences, you can create the following headband hairstyles:

  • Classic Greek hairstyle. It is based on the fact that all the hair is collected into flagella and placed under an elastic band or bandage.
  • Greek hairstyle with ponytail. Similar to the first option, but there is a long tail of curls at the back.
  • Greek style hairstyle with braid. An elegant option with a hairdress and a braid of curls.

Creating a Classic Greek Hairstyle

For this elegant and romantic option, you will need an elastic bandage, hairpins and nail polish. First you need to wash and dry your hair. After this, put the headband on your head and start twisting several strands into flagella, one by one tucking them into the elastic band.

If you have very long hair, it is better to thread the back strand several times and secure it with a hairpin to the headband. The Greek hairstyle is very simple and quick, and with a little practice you can create new and interesting variations.

Greek tail

Another popular variation of a romantic and delicate hairstyle. To do this, you need to curl your clean hair into large curls. This can be done using a curling iron or hot rollers. The actions at the initial stage are similar to the first method, however, when it comes to the back of the hair, there is no need to bend the tail into a bandage - you can leave it to fall beautifully on your shoulders and secure it at the base with a beautiful hairpin.

Hairstyle with braid and headband

If your hair is long enough, you can wear a graceful braid. It will be especially romantic if you decorate your finished hairstyle with flowers. You can choose a decorative bandage so that it serves only as decoration. There is no need to tuck your hair. It is enough to comb the strands and curl them. After this, you can put on a headband and braid your hair. In this case, the bangs can be beautifully tucked under the hairdresser.

In addition to headbands, headbands are often used in Greek-style hairstyles. Styling with multi-layered accessories looks especially interesting. If you have short hair, then don’t despair, because the Greek hairstyle suits strands of any length. It is only important to choose the necessary accessories and properly secure the result using hair styling products.

Feminine and beautiful hairstyles. Master classes on creating several Greek headbands.

Keeping in mind the popularity of the Greek style and Greek hairstyles, I think it will be very relevant to make a selection of Greek headbands. The Greek style headband is very easy to use. To create a Greek hairstyle, we can use absolutely any ribbons, headbands, hoops, chains, beads, elastic bands, ropes, and in general absolutely anything of a thin and flexible structure.

The Greek headband gets its name from the fact that it is used in a Greek hairstyle, nothing more. At least in the modern world. In the hairstyle itself, the Greek headband is secured either with bobby pins or hairpins, depending on where exactly it needs to be secured.

The most relevant one in creating Greek hairstyles is an elastic band. There are a lot of them being produced now, especially a lot specifically for Greek-style hairstyles.

So you see that any headband can serve as a Greek headband.

Several master classes on creating headbands.

How to make a Greek headband.

Greek headband made of white lace.

To make a double Greek headband, we will need 2 laces, each approximately 48 cm long, and 10 cm of elastic. Designed to fit tightly around your head; if you want it looser, add a couple of centimeters of elastic.

Ribbon for Greek hairstyle.

For a Greek style hairstyle, you can use a ribbon of any width and any color. We twist the wide ribbon, as in the picture, and simply put the narrow one on the head and fasten it.

How to make a headband with your own hands.

How to make a headband at home.

Another bandage.

MK video on creating a Greek hairstyle.

And one more video. I really liked the girl!

"We do hair and makeup in 5 minutes! Spectacular!"

Greek hairstyle with a headband looks very elegant and romantic. It is simple to perform and does not take much time.

Who suits the Greek hairstyle with a headband?

The Greek hairstyle with a headband is best suited for ladies with medium length hair, but girls with long and short curls can also afford a charming hairstyle.

It is best if the hair is curly or curly, but this is not a problem, you can always curl it with a curling iron or curling iron.


How to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband?

There are several options for how to style your hair in a Greek-style hairstyle using a headband.

Choice of dressing

Girls with low foreheads and wide eyebrows are not recommended to use wide ribbons and bandages.

Otherwise, the choice of dressing is a matter of taste. It is most convenient to use special elastic bands, but it is also important that they do not put too much pressure on the head. You can also twist a rope from the tape.

Low Greek hairstyle with and without bangs

  1. We put the headband on combed hair. If you have bangs - on top of it, without bangs - freely as desired.
  2. We begin to evenly wind the hair onto the tape, securing it with hairpins. The longer the hair, the more difficult it will be to do this work.

The process of winding hair onto a headband

Greek hairstyle for short hair

For short hair length from ears to chin, the scheme is the same:

  1. We put on a bandage, or twist it from a curled curl.
  2. We twist the strands onto an elastic bandage.
  3. We fix the hair with bobby pins and hairspray.

Updo hairstyle with headband for evening

  1. Gather your hair into a loose high ponytail (you can leave strands framing your face)
  2. Curl the hair in the ponytail into ringlets
  3. Place the resulting curls one by one into a neat bun.
  4. Put on a bandage, securing and smoothing any protruding curls with it.

The inhabitants of ancient Hellas have long been distinguished by their grace, naturalness, and flowing outfits.

Styling their hair “in Greek” is the embodiment of femininity, soft lines, natural carelessness, and amazing grace.

Features of Greek hair styling

The style of these hairstyles, reflected in the myths about the goddesses Artemis, Athena, Artemis, today is very impressive with fashion trends and a dynamic lifestyle. The attractiveness of Greek hairstyles lies in their ability to visually correct certain appearance features.

Greek styling ennobles the image, focuses attention on the eyes and lips, emphasizes the graceful lines of the neck, and is suitable for different face types

The Greek hairstyle has the following distinctive features:

  • freely falling strands of hair curled from the temples, twisting of all kinds of plaits, bundles, rollers
  • volume of hair on the back of the head
  • open temples and forehead
  • straight, even parting of hair
  • elegant “disheveled” braids
  • availability of accessories.

The classic Greek hairstyle is performed, most often, on long hair, but you can do it with your own hands on medium hair.

Creating the necessary foundation for a Greek hairstyle

Important to remember! For any of the length options, you need to prepare your hair, create its volume, and choose accessories.

To achieve the desired result how to properly do a Greek hairstyle for medium hair, a few simple steps are performed, namely:

Be careful! When choosing jewelry, you should know when to stop and avoid excessively cluttering your hair or being too pretentious.

Here are some examples of how to do a Greek hairstyle for medium hair at home without visiting luxury beauty salons.

Classic hairstyle with headband

Interesting fact! Bandages on the forehead helped Greek women maintain the canons of beauty regarding a relatively low forehead. According to them, no more than 2 fingers should be placed between the hair and eyebrows.

This is one of the most accessible opportunities to learn how to do a Greek hairstyle for medium hair for everyday life. This option is characterized by ease and simplicity of execution, the absence of ingenious weaving or pretentiousness. To create it, you need to twist the curled strands of hair into a rope, throwing the remaining curls onto the back or weave a small braid from medium-length hair.

Classic Greek hairstyle

The hairstyle must be complemented by a bandage made of fabric tape and decorative elastic bands., threads of beads, headband. Accessories that harmonize with clothing are worn on lightly combed hair in the forehead, back of the head, or slightly higher. The headband is also used for wrapping curls.

Greek hairstyle with headband

Note! Hairdressers advise doing this hairstyle not on freshly washed hair, in order to avoid the bandage slipping.

Performing the famous "Greek knot"

This most famous “Greek” is the prototype of an ancient type of braiding and was present in all the hairstyles of the daughters of Eve of Ancient Hellas.

It is distinguished by many simple and complicated variations, but this knot is always a type of bun with braids, plaits, strands of hair, giving free rein to imagination. The beam location level is chosen arbitrarily.

The algorithm for creating it is as follows:

  • form bundles from 2 halves of hair separated in a straight parting, create strands from each, which are brought to the bundles so that the 2nd part of the hair frames the 1st. The loose ends of the hair need not be hidden, since in Greek hairstyles a certain carelessness in the appearance of the bun is allowed, increasing its volume
  • Collect curled and parted hair into a single bun and place it in a voluminous knot using hairpins, bobby pins, and fixative sprays.
  • decorate the knot with a hoop, mesh, and the forehead with thin ribbons.

Knowing how to do a Greek knot hairstyle for medium hair also requires some experience with curly hair.

It is important to know! This type of gentle, feminine “Greek” is also called “korymbos”. However, this type of hairstyle differs in the technique of execution and the location of the knot at the very base of the neck. This is one of the most relevant options for especially important rendezvous and weddings with appropriate accessories.

The hairstyle can be done in the form of side shifting braids, braided braids, or a ponytail. Creating such a multi-variant styling will require a minimum of time and effort.

Ribbons, flowers, rhinestones, strings of beads, braid and other accessories are used for mandatory decoration.

Carefully! The choice of accessories should be in harmony with the color scheme of makeup, wardrobe, features of going out and (day/evening, work/celebratory event, etc.).

Scythe in Greek

This is the optimal technique for those who want to learn how to make a Greek braid hairstyle for medium hair to feel their femininity every day. There are different options available here, limited only by imagination. One of the simplest is an imitation of a hoop made from a braided braid placed around the forehead.

You can braid the braid and fluff it slightly, pulling the hair to the sides. The weave should be light, giving volume. It is good to weave braids in several rows, connecting them at the back, or weave ribbons/braid of different colors, flagella interspersed with small flowers, or bobby pins with decorations into the strands.

Hairstyle "Aphrodite Waves"

Thanks to the simplicity and perfection of the hairstyle technique, you can use different variations of it.

The basic steps for creating Waves of Aphrodite are as follows:

  • weave a braid from ribbon or fairly coarse rope
  • Well-combed hair divided into a side parting
  • fasten an overlapping braid/rope on the forehead
  • twist locks of hair in small sections into not very tight strands
  • wrap the strands around the braid previously woven and secured to the forehead (start from the side with more hair)
  • Fix the voluminous tourniquet obtained at the back of the neck with your favorite styling device.

Hairstyle "Hellas"

This is one of the types of “Aphrodite Waves”, but here instead of a braid, a metal arc is used for an inconspicuous rim.

Here are step-by-step instructions for doing it:

  • Divide the hair not into a side parting, but into a middle parting
  • attach a rubber headband to your head, through which pull strands of hair from 2 edges with one turn to the center
  • weave the rest of the hair into 1 strand (you can do this carelessly)
  • roll the braid into a “snail” and then secure it to the back of your head.

Hairstyle "Beautiful Amazon"

This antique styling option is one of the versions of Greek braids. A distinctive nuance is creating the effect of carelessness, looseness of the braid with the help of mousses, foams, and styling products.

The “Beautiful Amazon” is performed in this way:

  • divide the combed hair into 4 parts, making it thicker on the outer sides
  • create 4 ponytails using invisible elastic bands, braid 4 braids and lightly “pull” them with your hands
  • twist each braid, secure them without the slightest gap with decorative pins at the very base of the hair.

Hairstyle “Melon slices”

This, unlike other antique hairstyles, is done quickly and quite easily. It was introduced into fashion by Aspasia, the wife of Pericles.

To perform it, you need to curl large curls, lay them vertically along the hair growth line from the forehead in wide “slices” to the back of the head, where they are collected, and then secured with a pair of ribbons.

All this creates the appearance of original melon slices. You can decorate your hair with a hoop or ribbon.

Evening Greek hairstyle

Choosing any type of hairstyle for a formal, intimate evening will make you feel like a goddess. After all, even during fun, somewhat disheveled hair will only add charm...

Crucial for creating Greek evening hairstyles are their decorations, which can transform the simplest option.

Here you should use more expensive accessories with rhinestones, pearls, luxurious beads, etc. For special occasions - tiaras, flowers. It is also important to remember that your hair is in perfect condition.

Even this small list of ancient Hellas hairstyles allows you to create a unique image with your own hands, appropriate in different situations. In each of the options, any lady can choose something of her own or show creativity in creating a new version. After all, even the same option can be different depending on the structure of the hair and on how the curls “want” to lie.

Useful videos on how to do Greek hairstyles

Useful video on how to do a Greek hairstyle quickly:

Interesting video clip: How to do a Greek style hairstyle with a headband:
