Wedding dress games. Barbie wedding dress up game

Wedding ceremony

Two people met their gazes in the crowd, and now their peace was disturbed, exciting images were dreamed at night, food and drinks acquired a completely different taste, and when it came to dressing, one half of the things suddenly turned out to be a terrible fit, and the other - not at all suitable. Love always comes unexpectedly, and when this happens, the world changes, familiar objects are seen in a different light, and hearts rush towards each other in order to quickly unite by performing a ritual. A wedding is an event that gives birth to a whole storm of feelings in the soul; those who love it look forward to it, trying to give it individuality. All kinds of rituals, performances, and the revival of ancient legends are used.

The main event is the wedding. Different countries observe their own laws, but the meaning remains the same: the bride’s family, having fulfilled part of their obligations, hands over the beloved beauty into the hands of the groom. This is not yet the moment when two people begin to live together, and a stamp in a passport legitimizes their rights. Here, the focus is on getting to know the families; a ceremony is expected when two people announce to the public that they are preparing to get married.

A lot of time can pass between these events: from a month to a year, and in past centuries sometimes they waited several years, content with a short meeting with their beloved under the supervision of countless mother-nannies, so that the young did not go beyond the bounds of decency. There were also bitter families who clung to the purity of their bloodline with such greed that they were ready to sacrifice the happiness of their children rather than allow the warring clans to unite. Modern laws have undergone changes, but mothers still worry about the virtue and honor of their daughters, and fathers teach their sons to show courage and bravery in order to protect their fragile beauty in a difficult situation. A wedding is a ceremony full of subtleties, purity and spiritual harmony.

In essence, it can be called a wedding, only in this case everything is directed towards the spiritual side, and therefore is held in a church (cathedral, mosque, etc.). But the unity of two in the face of not God, but the law is an official part, when the meaning of the ring on the finger is confirmed by the stamp in the passport. If the wedding does not yet imply continuation of the family or living together, then after the wedding all relatives and guests are looking forward to the newlyweds notifying about their first child. It is no coincidence that preparations for the official part of the event take so long and meticulously: outfits, the venue, vehicles, a banquet, and a thousand other details must be taken into account.

Play here free wedding dress up games for girls online. Dress up games have gained great popularity among young and middle-aged girls. So they have already started, divided into different categories and one of them is presented on this page - wedding dress up games for girls. Every girl someday begins to dream or just think about her future wedding. And from a very early age he imagines a chic and lush white wedding dress and a beautiful veil, fashionable wedding shoes and a huge and noisy feast. This section of games will allow girls to imagine that exciting and significant day for themselves. Even those who are still very far from this day can to some extent prepare for it. With the help of one of the games, any girl will be able to dress up a character, as she would like to look like herself at her wedding, experiment and test different options.

Play wedding dress up games

Wedding dress up game on a ship.

Prepare Prince William and his beloved Kate for the royal wedding.

Dress the royal bride for her wedding day.

Dress up a girl from a fairyland in fantasy style.

Dress the newlyweds for their long-awaited wedding.

Feel the precious moments of preparing for the wedding together with the game character.

Presentation of a new collection of wedding dresses by Mori Lee.

Dress up a beautiful bride on the seashore.

Dress the bride to pleasant music before the wedding ceremony.

Choose only the best outfits for a beautiful and glamorous girl.

Choose a worthy outfit for this pretty and shy bride.

Develop a wedding dress salon.

Today is Lisa's wedding day and she wants to take a pre-wedding photo.

Try on different elegant dresses on your beauty before the wedding.

The princess gets dressed before her wedding.

Makeover a pretty bride.

Choose an outfit for the royal bride.

Find a beautiful dress for Ellis.

Whenever you dress, you shouldn’t forget about makeup. It should be harmoniously combined with the hairstyle, dress and jewelry. There are also toys in this section, of different categories, these can be summer or winter, weddings in different places and styles, wedding dress-up games for fairy-tale characters. In some games you can select not only clothes for the bride, but also decorate the hall of the future wedding ceremony. Of course, in some games they also don’t forget about the groom and provide no less opportunities to create a charming image of the groom. You can also choose different hairstyles, costumes, jewelry for him and make the character a real groom and the ideal man of your imagination. Don’t be afraid to fantasize and experiment, because this is just a game, a place where some of the talents and abilities of young identifiers are revealed. All wedding dress up games are easy to operate, which will allow the littlest princesses to have fun. We wish each girl a pleasant holiday and hope that you will return to us.

Do you also want to get married and regret that it’s too early for you? It’s okay, because the best Wedding games are collected especially for you on this page! To play Wedding games for girls, you don't have to wait for 18 years or look for a groom. With their help, you can feel like a bride right now, without even leaving your browser!

It's very difficult to wait. But so that your young years don’t go to waste, you can use them to plan the perfect wedding! You can get ideas from anywhere: from books, TV series, films, Wedding games or from the traditions of different peoples of the world. Remember the main thing: to make your wedding truly unique, you will have to work hard on organizing it!

Weddings of the world

All over the planet, people love each other, create families and live in pairs until old age. Of course, all nations of the world definitely have weddings! And in every corner of the Earth, people have their own traditions regarding how to celebrate a marriage.

Among wedding traditions, there are touching, beautiful, and some downright strange. So, on the island of Bali, newlyweds during their wedding... have the edges of their teeth sawed off to thereby prove that they do not belong to the forces of evil. True, it must be said that the groom will not need teeth soon: after all, during the festive feast, he, along with the rest of the men, rests away from food! Very strange, considering that it is the men who prepare the wedding dinner.

A wedding in Korea is impossible without ducks: the residents of this area consider funny birds to be a model of fidelity, and therefore their presence at the wedding promises the newlyweds many years of a happy life together. And in the Philippines, as a sign of future prosperity, the bride and groom must release white doves into the air - by the way, this tradition recently came to our country. The British prefer to invite children to their weddings rather than animals. While kids around the world are just playing wedding games for girls, English children are taking an active part in the ceremony, leading the wedding procession to church!

In many countries, spouses, in order to ensure a long life and no less long family happiness, plant trees near their home - and the young trees grow and get stronger as the young family grows and gets stronger. In Bermuda, a tiny tree decorates the top of a wedding cake - and the newlyweds plant it next to the threshold of their home. In Norway, on their wedding day, newlyweds plant two Christmas trees on both sides of their new home, while the Swiss prefer to grow one pine tree. But Czech brides and grooms do not plant anything: their friends do it for them, also decorating the young tree with ribbons and colored eggs.

The center of any wedding is the bride, and for the bride the main thing is her outfit. When we talk about a wedding dress, we first of all imagine something white and fluffy. However, not all wedding dresses in the world are the same! So, in China, girls get married in red, in Spain - in orange, and the Navajo tribe of American Indians sews a four-color dress, in which each color symbolizes one of the cardinal directions. But the most unusual dresses are worn by Samoan brides: they are made from mulberry bark.

Russian folk wedding

No matter what various games for girls come up with, a wedding always remains a favorite theme of their fantasies. After all, in Rus', since ancient times, it has been the custom that a girl prepares for her marriage almost from birth! The brides prepared their dowry with their own hands, without which no one would have gotten married. Yes, it was not easy for the girl and her entire family to prepare for marriage!

But the wedding itself among our ancestors was a holiday that modern newlyweds can only dream about. The entire village took part in the festivities, tables were set right in the open air, and any passerby could join the feast. “There was not enough room for this big wedding, there was not enough sky, and there was not enough earth” - this is our way!

To maintain these traditions, you need to think about your wedding as early as possible: it’s never too early to start planning the most important event of your life! The free wedding games for girls that we have collected on our website will allow you to immerse yourself in pleasant chores right now. Play wedding games, get inspired, and let your future wedding be the most beautiful!

But romantically inclined young ladies are able to spend hours on end contemplating wedding ceremonies, enjoying the smallest details. In the place of every beautiful bride, they, of course, imagine themselves and are firmly convinced that their own wedding will be at least no worse. True, you will have to wait another 15-20 years, but what can you do for the opportunity to wear a chic wedding dress.

And so that this grandiose event does not take you by surprise as time passes, we suggest you start actively training now with the help of any Wedding game you like. In it you will be able to organize what you think is the “perfect” ceremony from start to finish and even take a few photos as a souvenir.

The main secret of success

The central figure of any wedding is, undoubtedly, the bride. Of course, you can’t cook porridge without the groom either, but what could be interesting in his appearance: a classic suit and a boutonniere in his buttonhole. While the bride’s appearance represents endless space for women’s imagination.

Not only the dress itself, which can exist in a thousand different styles, but shoes, gloves, earrings, tiara, gloves, etc. - all of the above can be changed until you lose your pulse. You will find at least a dozen options for just one veil in the menu of each of our Wedding games for girls. And since this beauty is available absolutely free, have a blast designing an endless number of elegant outfits.

Some games for girls offer you to complicate the task and take care of the appearance of the heroines who decided to rush things a little and combine a wedding with pregnancy. This means that now they need a special cut dress and comfortable shoes. Try to choose several sets that are not only stylish, but also as comfortable as possible.

But try not to focus only on the appearance of the participants in the celebration. To make the wedding truly bright and unusual, all the details are important. Musical accompaniment, an arch of flowers, the design of invitations and bridesmaids' dresses - everything should be in the same style. Only then will you be able to organize a truly memorable and elegant holiday.
