How to quickly break in new tight leather and suede shoes. How to break in leatherette shoes

We all made purchases in shoe stores more than once and therefore more than once faced the question of how to break in shoes that are too tight at home? It seems that they bought their size, and measured carefully, but put it on at home - it was tight. What to do if the shoes are tight? In our article you will find time-tested tips for stretching shoes made from different materials.

How to break in new leather shoes?

This is the most environmentally friendly and practical material. She breaks down pretty well. There are several ways to quickly break in new shoes at home.

Daily wear

You can try to break in your shoes at home a little every day. This option is good if putting on a new pair of shoes is not in a hurry, it gives a 100% result. You should simply put on new shoes with a tight toe, terry if possible, and walk in them for an hour or two a day. It can be longer. After a week, the shoes will become wider and will not press.

Shoe workshop

In the shoe workshop, any shoes will be stretched for you with the help of special tools and lasts. You can also buy a shoe stretcher from a shoe store and try it yourself.


If leather shoes are tight, you can try the old method of stretching the material with an alcohol-containing liquid.


  1. Wipe the inside of the shoes with alcohol or vodka.
  2. Put thick socks on your feet and put on shoes.
  3. Walk around the apartment for a couple of hours.

This method will help stretch a new pair of shoes in one go. After treatment with alcohol, the skin becomes very supple and stretches well.


Table vinegar also softens the skin well.


  1. Wipe problem areas with vinegar.
  2. After treatment, put on shoes with thick socks and walk in them for half an hour.

Glycerin or shoe cream

It is a well-known fact that glycerin has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it softer, more elastic and pleasant to the touch. This property also applies to footwear, if you use the tool like this:

Stretching with ice

A rather unusual, but perhaps the most effective way:

  1. Find two strong plastic bags, preferably with zippers.
  2. Place the bags inside the shoes and pour water into them. Water should fill the entire interior of the shoe.
  3. Tie (zip) the bags. Check that water is not leaking anywhere.
  4. Put the shoes in the freezer for 10-12 hours, overnight.
  5. After the specified time, remove the shoes, wait half an hour for the water to thaw a little and remove the bags from the shoes.

Now they are guaranteed not to reap.

Boiling water

Also a very radical, but giving excellent result, method:

  1. It is necessary to boil water in a kettle and pour boiling water over the inside of the shoe.
  2. Immediately drain the boiling water from the boots.

Important! Do not forget to remove the insoles before the procedure, otherwise they may become deformed.

  1. Next, you must immediately put on shoes with a thick toe and walk in them for at least 1 hour. Shoes will take the shape of your foot and will not press.

Important! If you are afraid to use boiling water, you can simply hold the boots over the steam and immediately put them on thick socks.

hair dryer

Another "hot" way to stretch shoes. It also works well.


  1. You need to put on shoes with thick socks and blow hot air on them with a hair dryer.
  2. When the shoes are warm enough, turn off the hair dryer and wear them until the leather is completely cool.
  3. Then try on the shoes without socks. If the shoes are not stretched enough, repeat the procedure.

Important! Do not overdo it with hot air, otherwise you will ruin the skin.

Special foam and spray

Similar products are sold in shoe stores. This method is suitable for those who do not trust people's advice and are afraid to experiment with their new clothes.

  1. Apply spray or foam inside the entire boot or on problem areas.
  2. Put on the toe shoes and wear until dry.

Important! Try to buy stretchers only from well-established manufacturers so as not to spoil your purchase.


Moisture also softens the skin well. But leather shoes or boots should not be wetted abundantly, otherwise the leather may become deformed and lose its texture, stains and stains may appear on it. Also, shoes can simply stick out. Therefore, you need to act carefully to spread shoes that are tight at home:

  1. If the skin is thin, delicate, then simply wrap a box of shoes with a wet, well-wrung out towel and leave overnight.
  2. Put on your shoes in the morning and walk around the apartment until completely dry.
  3. If the leather of the shoes is rougher, then you can put them on with a damp sock and walk in them until the shoes stretch.


It's the old way of real cowboys. If you are confident in the quality of your shoes, you can experiment, otherwise we do not recommend using a similar method:

  1. Pour grain into tight boots and fill it with water.
  2. Wait a day until the grain swells and thereby stretches the shoes.

How to break in suede shoes quickly at home?

Suede is the same leather, just treated differently. It stretches very well, so wear it in with caution. What to do if the shoes are tight? How to break in suede shoes? Use one of the following methods.

Stretch foam

Foam is a special tool for stretching suede shoes. You can buy it at a shoe store or workshop.


Vodka or alcohol:

  1. Pour some vodka or diluted alcohol on a cotton pad and wipe the inside of the shoes. Pay special attention to those places where it presses the most.
  2. Put your new shoe on with a sock and walk around a bit until you feel that the shoe is no longer tight.

Important! If you use alcohol, then it is better to dilute it with water in a ratio of 2: 1.

Daily wear

If there is no hurry, then just put a new pair of socks on and wear a little every day until the result is achieved.


A bold and effective method:

  1. Dip a cotton pad in beer and lubricate the inside of tight suede boots.
  2. Put on your sock shoes and walk around until the beer is dry.
  3. After you have achieved the desired result, remove the smell of hops with baking soda. To do this, wrap a couple of spoons of soda in a handkerchief and put it in your shoes overnight.

Important! This use of soda will help in the future to get rid of the unpleasant odor in worn shoes.

hair dryer

As with leather shoes, a hair dryer will help stretch suede shoes as well. Suede from the action of heat will become more elastic and stretch on the leg:

  1. Put on a new thing on a terry sock and blow hot air until the entire surface of the shoes warms up well.
  2. Walk in these shoes until the material cools down.

Important! Suede, although it refers to the skin, but unlike it does not react well to moisture, creams and fatty compounds.

You can play it safe and give your new pair of suede shoes to the workshop. Professionals know what to do in this case.

How to stretch patent leather shoes at home?

Patented shoes must be handled very carefully, although they are most often harsh, especially if they are patent leatherette. Stretching patent leather shoes at home by 1 size will not work. Therefore, when buying such a pair, be especially careful when choosing. If you make a mistake with the size and then diligently stretch the shoes, then the varnish will simply crack. In this case, it is better to immediately return them to the store.

Important! This type of shoe cannot stretch more than a couple of millimeters.

If the shoes are very tight, then you can try one of the following remedies.

Vaseline or castor oil

Castor oil or petroleum jelly will help to spread patent leather shoes that are too tight at home. These drugs are especially effective if they rub the back of the shoes:

  1. One of these substances can be used to lubricate patent leather shoes inside and out.
  2. Let the material soak for 1-2 hours.
  3. Remove excess fat with a cotton pad and put on shoes with a tight toe.
  4. Wear shoes at home until they stop pressing.


With careful use of vodka, it can stretch shoes made of patent material a little:

  1. Put a little vodka on a cotton pad and wipe those places that are most pressing.

Important! Be careful, try not to get on the varnish.

  1. Put on your toe shoes and walk around the house for a couple of hours.

Important! Since patent leather shoes are quite specific, it is better to give them to the hands of the masters to stretch them.

How to break in faux leather shoes at home?

Such shoes can also be stretched. To do this, there are the following ways.


You can try stretching leatherette boots with ice:

  1. Insert strong bags into the shoes and fill them with water so that it fills the entire inside.
  2. Put the boots in the freezer overnight (as we remember from physics lessons, water expands when it freezes).
  3. Take out your shoes in the morning, wait a bit and remove the bags. Shoes should be wider.

Shoe polish or petroleum jelly

Such fatty substances soften the material from which the shoes are made and thus, to some extent, can help stretch the shoes.


  1. Lubricate leatherette shoes generously with cream or petroleum jelly and put them on thick socks.
  2. Walk around the house for a couple of hours.
  3. Remove the remaining cream with a sponge and measure on a thin sock.
  4. If you do not feel the result - try another method.


The procedure for using this liquid for stretching leatherette shoes is the same as for stretching leather shoes. Follow the instructions already given, and you will be able to quickly break in shoes at home.

Wet socks

In the warm season, you can try to wet your socks in water and use them to spread tight shoes made of artificial material:

  1. Try wearing tight boots with wet socks.
  2. Wear until they dry.

Should help.

Wet newspapers

This method is known even to our grandmothers. But it can be used if you are sure of the quality of your shoes and the leatherette is quite dense.


  1. You need to moisten the newspapers in warm water, wring it out well and stuff it tightly into shoes.
  2. Wait until the paper is completely dry.

Important! It will take a long time, maybe even 2-3 days.

  1. Take out the newspapers.

Important! Sometimes, after such procedures, whitish stains on shoes may appear, they can be easily painted over with cream. But before using this method, try all the others.

Summer fabric shoes are small. How to stretch shoes made of fabric and oilcloth?

This type of footwear should not be stretched. The fabric has almost no stretch, and the oilcloth can simply tear if you try to stretch it. Therefore, it is better to buy such shoes clearly in size. And if you are not sure of the right choice, then it is better to pay attention to the model made of leather or leatherette, since such shoes can be stretched at least a little.

  1. If the shoes are the right size, but the hard heel rubs, then take paraffin or hard soap and rub this place well from the inside.
  2. For fidelity, stick the patch on the place on the leg where the callus is likely to appear. Then in the evening, when you come home from work, you will not tear off new shoes from your feet “with meat”.
  3. Even if you've been breaking in a new pair of thick-toed shoes at home, don't rush to put them on all day at once. Go in new clothes at first a little.

How to choose the right shoes?

In conclusion, a few tips for choosing a new pair of shoes. If you approach this matter wisely, then most likely you will not need ways to quickly break in new shoes at home. In order not to be disappointed with the purchase later, try to follow these rules when choosing a pair of “shoes” for yourself:

  1. Go shopping for new shoes in the afternoon when your foot is a little swollen. Then there are more chances not to miscalculate with the convenience of a new pair.
  2. If you are looking for winter boots or boots, always try them on with a tight toe.
  3. If there is even the slightest doubt about the size, it is better not to take it, look again. Then you don't have to worry about breaking shoes.
  4. If you bought a pair of shoes in a hurry "by eye", and it turned out to be small or large - do not try to stretch it, it can be a waste of time. Better take it back to the store right away. Shoes can stretch out in breadth, but it is unlikely to become longer, except perhaps a little.
  5. The heel should be comfortable and stable, especially if it is shoes for the winter season.
  6. If you have a large foot, then take shoes of a larger size.
  7. Carefully inspect the new pair for flaws so that you do not have to return it in the near future. Pay special attention to the seams, heel, sole.
  8. Try to buy shoes made from natural materials. It is more durable and the legs “breathe” in it.
  9. Shoes should not be heavy. Legs already get tired in a day, and from excess weight they will get doubly tired.
  10. When choosing new shoes, first of all evaluate their comfort, not beauty. Of course, you will look spectacular in high heels, but your legs will not say “thank you” by the evening.

Using the useful information in this article, you will not only be able to find great comfortable shoes, but also stretch them if necessary. Simple and proven methods will help you with this.

01/05/2017 2 22 439 views

We bought the last pair of shoes, but it turned out to be small and now the question arose before you: how to break in shoes that are small at home? There is a solution to this problem and the choice of the optimal method depends on the material from which the product is made.

But first you need to find out which shoes can be worn in.

What shoes can be broken in?

Genuine leather products usually lend themselves well to wearing out and can increase in size, suede can react in a completely different way, so the process must be very careful, you should not rush in this situation. But artificial leather shoes are rarely stretched, because the material from which they are made is usually very hard.

A product made of natural material can be both increased in length and expanded.

Folk remedies?

People always encounter the problem of tight or narrow shoes, someone ordered a model on the Internet and decided to keep it, someone really liked the model, and he could not help but buy it. To make wearing shoes comfortable, they are trying to bring them to the ideal, in this case, to expand and this can be done if you use some folk secrets.


The fact that in order to increase new shoes by one size you can use newspapers is probably known to many. This process is quite simple, for its implementation it is necessary:

  1. A large number of newspapers need to be moistened in plain water, torn into small pieces and put inside the shoe, and it is important to push as much paper as possible into it.
  2. Shoes with newspapers are left for several days until the scraps of paper are completely dry.

Using this simple method, you can get shoes or boots a size larger, but it is important to understand that, most likely, they will also become wider.

In no case should an artificial heat source, such as a battery, be used to dry the product. Exposure to warm air will cause the skin to become much rougher and lose its structure.


If the question arose that you need to stretch leather shoes, then you can resort to the help of ordinary medical alcohol, which, if necessary, can be replaced with vodka. This method allows you to increase it by one or even two sizes without harm to the product. It is important to remember that this method is absolutely not suitable for shoes made of suede, nobuk, artificial leather, and if it has a patent or fabric coating.

  1. The product made of genuine leather is abundantly wetted with alcohol or vodka from the inside.
  2. It is necessary to wear shoes or boots and walk in them until the alcohol has evaporated and absorbed, after which the procedure should be repeated.

Stretching shoes in this way can take several days, so be patient.

If there was no alcohol or vodka in the house, then 3% vinegar can be used, it will have a similar effect on shoes.

Bags, water and freezer

When time is limited, and there is simply no strength to endure pain, you can remember another way to stretch shoes, it will be the most humane, however, it will give an excellent result.

  1. To carry it out, you will need two plastic bags and a freezer.
  2. Bags are placed in the shoes, water is poured into them and tightly tied so that if suddenly the water does not leak out.
  3. Put in the freezer and wait until the water turns into ice. As soon as the liquid changes its state to a solid, it will begin to put pressure on the shoes from the inside, which will cause the product to become wider and slightly longer.

Since this method of stretching is quite difficult to control and you can only rely on chance, you should not use it when it comes to summer shoes made of thin leather, you should not use it when it comes to winter shoes.

hair dryer

Currently, a hair dryer is used not only for its intended purpose, you simply cannot do without its help if you decide to stretch your shoes. The procedure is quite simple, but requires patience and possibly discomfort in the fingers.

  1. The thickest sock is put on the leg, or several thin ones.
  2. Shoes are put on, you may have to try to squeeze your foot in.
  3. The hair dryer is switched on to the hot mode and with the help of it they begin to heat the surface of the product.

After a few minutes, the hair dryer is turned off and the material is left to cool, while the leg should not be pulled out. Once the skin has cooled, the procedure is repeated.

After “hot” stretching, shoes must be lubricated with a special conditioner so that they do not harden. Do not use a hair dryer to increase the size of a suede product.


You can quickly increase the size of shoes with the help of grain and it is quite simple to do this:

  1. Grain is poured inside the product, which is poured with a sufficient amount of water and left for one night.
  2. During this time, the grain in the shoe will swell and begin to press on the material from the inside, stretching it.
  3. The contents are removed and the product must be shoes and worn until it is completely dry.

This method of stretching is quite simple, but it is important to take into account the fact that not all material is able to "survive" such an interaction with water.

Special remedy

If you don’t want to experiment at all and look for “grandmother’s” methods of stretching shoes, then you can contact a specialized store where they will pick up a tool that is perfect for your material.

Professional stretchers can be sold as sprays, foams or creams, which is your preference - this is your personal choice.

To stretch shoes with a special tool, you must:

  1. Spray the product in the place where you want to achieve an increase.
  2. Put on shoes and walk around for a few minutes, you can even put on thicker socks.

In just a few minutes, the result will be noticeable, in addition, these products are excellent not only for natural leather or suede, but also for artificial. At the same time, you don’t have to worry that stains or marks will remain on the shoes; you can buy either a transparent spray in the store, or the one that suits you in color.

Means intended for stretching shoes should not be used thoughtlessly. Often, their application can cause the leather or leatherette to lose its original structure and appearance.

Video: how to break shoes at home?

In order not to run into shoes that are too tight for you, it is very important to choose them correctly, especially if you like to shop in online stores:

  1. You need to buy shoes based not on your usual size, but on the length of the foot. Put the ruler on the floor and place your foot so that the heel is at zero and look at the scale. It is important to remember that most people's feet have different sizes, consider this feature when buying.
  2. If you buy shoes in a regular store, then tell the seller your size. In our country, European standards are used, so a professional will easily select a suitable pair of shoes.
  3. Be sure to consider what a particular pair of shoes is made of. You should not buy a product "for growth" or hope that it is easily spread over time. Walking in shoes that are large is quite uncomfortable, and there is also a risk of blisters, but wearing shoes that are small is even worse. Constant discomfort, and as a result, pain in the foot and calluses both on the fingers and on the heels.
  4. If you buy high-heeled shoes, then before you pay for them, go around the store, check if you are comfortable, if the foot fits well and if it does not press in the nose area.
  5. Try to shop during the daytime when your feet are not swollen all day. Buying shoes in the evening, you can find out the next day that they are too big for you.

A few more ways to help deal with the problem of tight shoes:

Leather shoes can be stretched if you lubricate them with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, this must be done both from the outside and from the inside. After that, be sure to wipe the shoes with a dry towel.

If the shoes are pressing in the heel, then the bulk of the mass must be applied precisely to this zone. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use castor oil, but you need to be extremely careful with it, as it can ruin the color of the product.

A few tips to help avoid blisters and other troubles if your new shoes are tight:

  • after the purchase, do not rush to put on shoes and go out for a walk, it is better to first try to walk in them at home, it is better if you do this for several days;
  • genuine leather shoes are much easier to stretch, so almost any means and methods can be used to correct the size of such a product;
  • before wearing new shoes for the first time, seal the most vulnerable places, i.e. those where corns most often appear;
  • to prevent the appearance of corns in advance, moisten the back with soapy water, alcohol or petroleum jelly and let dry - the skin will become much softer;
  • the inside of the shoes can be safely lubricated with castor oil;
  • you can stretch the product in shoe repair, a specialist with the help of special tools will adjust the size to fit your foot.

In order not to have to torment yourself and new shoes, you need to buy them wisely and be sure to first try them on and walk around in them for several minutes.

If you still couldn’t refuse to buy shoes that didn’t quite fit you, then you can try to fix the situation at home and use one of the listed methods. If the risk of ruining new shoes or boots is much higher than getting the desired result, contact the specialists, but remember, even they are not able to increase shoes by two or three sizes.

What to do if shoes are tight - posting methods?

Darina Kataeva

Often women buy shoes not because they are comfortable, but because they are exceptional because of their visual appeal. As a result, they lie on a shelf, and you can only admire them. However, there is a solution to the problem that any woman will love! There are many ways to break in shoes, but you should do it strictly according to the instructions so as not to ruin your favorite shoes or sandals!

The main ways to break in shoes:

Wear at home.

This is the main and most effective method to use when breaking in shoes. And your task is not just to sit in new shoes or boots, carry out normal activities, cook lunch or dinner, clean up or play with the children. So you will notice that gradually the shoes lie down on your foot, and you are more comfortable and comfortable in them.

Don't wear shoes too often at home so that your feet get used to the new shape. At the same time, do not allow the appearance of corns. Some people even take their shoes to work so they can break in a new pair of shoes quickly and efficiently.


This method is quite severe for some materials. Be sure to read what is written on the package so as not to spoil it. To implement this method for stretching shoes, you will need 2 bags of water. Be sure to let the air out of them. The bags should be large, as their task is to put pressure on the shoes or boots. Put bags of water in your shoes, pull the bag on top and send them to the freezer.

Make sure that the bags are tightly closed, otherwise you will pull out the frozen shoes from the freezer.

Shoes will be ready in 3-4 hours. Under pressure, it expands, due to which it stretches. The advantage of using this method is the ability of the water to conform to the shape of the foot, so the shoe expands neatly, as if you stretched it yourself. After you take it out of the freezer, wait a few minutes for the shoes to warm up. Then immediately put it on and run like it's running shoes. So it will take the shape of your leg.


It is worth starting this method with the preparation of shoes. To do this, you should put it on for 10 minutes. Then remove it with your hands and try to stretch it. The next step is to heat up the boots. To do this, you can use a hair dryer or other device that creates a good flow of hot air. It could be a heater or solar heat outside. Under the influence of a jet of air, the shoes expand and become more comfortable for constant wear.

Heat the shoes with a hair dryer for 2-3 minutes. Care must be taken to ensure that the skin does not wrinkle or deteriorate. Immediately after heating, put on shoes and walk around the apartment in it for 10 minutes. If you are still not very comfortable in your new shoes, repeat the procedure again and several times!

Folk methods for stretching shoes

In some cases, you should immediately purchase a special stretching spray with your shoes. Use it according to the instructions and only for certain material. It is better to purchase this tool in the same store where you bought the shoes. If you do not want to process it chemically, then use folk methods that have already proven themselves from the best side.


If new shoes often feel tight and uncomfortable for you, then get a shoe stretcher. It's easy enough to use. First, insert the device inside each pair of shoes, turn the knob clockwise.

To achieve the desired effect, the stretcher must fit snugly into shoes or boots. Please note that as a result, the shoes should stretch on the sides. Then leave the stretchers to fix the effect for 8 hours in the shoes. Remove the device and, if necessary, repeat the procedure until the shoes are comfortable and comfortable for you.

Before using this method, you should definitely check how the leather or other material from which the shoes are made reacts to alcohol. To do this, wet a cloth with alcohol and rub it on the inside. If after alcohol there are no traces left on the material, then you can safely use it to stretch the shoes.

On the inside, in those places where your shoes are tight, rub with alcohol. It should be enough to achieve the desired effect. Then put on thick socks to stretch the shoes. Walk around the apartment so that it takes the shape of your leg. If you have used alcohol to stretch your shoes, be sure to keep them away from heat. Otherwise, it will shrink again.

Remember that alcohol tends to evaporate, so do it as quickly as possible.

Using hot air is an effective way to stretch your shoes. You will need thick socks for this. Put 2 pairs on one leg, then turn on the hair dryer and blow hot air on the parts that pinch you. At the same time, lift the heel, then the tips of the fingers, helping the shoes to stretch.

If the shoe has not molded to your foot and is still tight, repeat the procedure or try another method.

Wet a large amount of newspapers with water, then form them into balls. Pack them tightly into boots or shoes. Leave your shoes with wet newspapers overnight or all day. After the specified time, remove the newspapers from the shoes and check how comfortable and practical it has become to wear. If she still presses you, repeat the procedure again.

It is better to use not landscape paper, but newspaper, as it is softer and more pliable.


Be sure to remove the skin from the potatoes and prepare a hot mashed potatoes from it. Then put it in shoes. Potatoes tend to absorb odors, so you don’t even need to put them in a bag. Puree is easily cleaned from the surface of the shoe.

This method is actively used in the Wild West. Cowboys used grain to stretch their shoes. They filled them with boots, then poured water into them so that it completely covered the grain. During the night, it swells and gradually expands the shoes. There is no need to dry afterwards, it is enough to put the boots on your feet when wet, so that they take the shape of the foot.

What should housewives remember?

Buy shoes before a scheduled performance, wedding or other holiday. It takes time for the foot to get used to new shoes or boots.
Don't try to break in your shoes too quickly or wear them for too long. So you will have calluses, and you will not be able to put on your favorite shoes for the planned event.
If you decide to put on new shoes, be sure to take your old ones with you so that you can change your shoes in case of blisters.
Be sure to try on shoes before buying them. If it is too tight, do not trust the seller that it will stretch.
If you use different ways to stretch your shoes, then experiment with the old model and the cheap version. If the leather, suede or nubuck has not deteriorated, then feel free to proceed.
Be sure to look at what it says on the packaging as most brands don't stretch and this is clearly stated on the packaging and labels.
Do not use those methods that have a dubious reputation. They include a hammer. Do not hit the shoes with heavy objects, otherwise you will ruin the shoes.
Don't let another person break it in. This is inefficient and completely unsuitable for proper stretching of the shoe. Shoes may expand, but they will not take the shape of your foot, but of another person.
Buy shoes made from stretchy materials that are more pliable and comfortable.
Stretch the shoes gradually, do not rush, otherwise the shoes will break!

With the help of proven methods and folk recipes, you can stretch shoes that are uncomfortable for you. However, it is better to immediately purchase such boots or shoes that fit you in size. In this case, you will not experience discomfort during wearing. Be sure to test each method on an inconspicuous area of ​​the new shoe to avoid damaging it. Use each of the methods 2-3 times until you reach the desired effect.

January 15, 2014

Probably, every person in his life had a situation when freshly purchased shoes look great on the leg, but after a few minutes of wearing it, it turns out that they cause some discomfort, or simply squeeze. Concern immediately begins to arise in my head about how to break in shoes that are too tight at home, because it is not always possible to return the goods to the seller. Shoes made of different materials have different ways of breaking in.

Genuine leather shoes are of the highest quality and are the easiest to break in. There are many different ways to break in leather shoes that are tight.


Tear up newspapers and dampen them with water. Then push these wet scraps tightly into your shoes. Apply maximum force. leave the shoes until the newspaper filling is completely dry. Do not expose the shoes to any heat devices, so that the material is not deformed. After 1-2 days, you can try on your favorite shoes.

Alcohol products

Alcohol is a great help for those who do not know how to quickly break in new shoes. It perfectly softens the skin. Apply the alcohol solution to a cotton pad and thoroughly wipe the inside of the shoe with it. Then put thick socks on your feet, and over them - a problematic pair of boots or shoes. Be patient for 30-60 minutes. After the specified time, you will definitely see the result of your efforts.

Tip: If you do not have alcohol, then you can replace it with vodka or cologne. But the outside can not be treated with alcohol or its analogues, so as not to damage.


How to break shoes at home quickly using cold? Apply ice. Place empty, durable plastic bags in your shoes and fill them with water. Tie tightly the resulting reservoirs of water and send a pair of shoes to the freezer. Wait about 6 hours. During this time, the water will freeze and expand, pushing the walls of the shoes a little apart. It’s a pity, but winter shoes cannot be corrected in this way, because, expanding, the ice will knock down the fur.

hair dryer

How to break tight shoes at home in your fingers? Use a simple but slightly agonizing recipe. Put on thick socks on your feet, put on shoes and warm up your shoes with a hairdryer. Then wait until the shoe is completely cool. All is ready! Under the influence of a hair dryer, your legs will not be easy, but the result is worth it.

farm way

This method will appeal to the villagers. It does not require any special devices. It is necessary to fill the shoes with grain to the very edges, and then moisten it with water. Leave such a blank overnight so that the grain swells and stretches the supple skin. In the morning, you need to pour out all the grain from the shoes, put plastic bags on your feet and put on problem shoes or boots. Walk in them until the material is completely dry.


This method can only be used on high-quality genuine leather shoes. Often we suffer not so much from the fact that the shoes are tight, as from the rigidity of the material itself. He rubs delicate female legs and makes us suffer. To correct the situation, try bending the shoes up and down, twisting them in different directions. On solid shoes, this should not have creases or other damage, but the foot will feel much more comfortable in rumpled shoes.

Tip: Special conditioners for leather shoes are also used to soften shoes. Lubricate with them those places due to which blisters or corns have formed.

Suede leather

You can carry tight shoes or suede boots without special tools. Just put them on periodically for a short time and walk around the house. There will be no harm to the legs, and the size will gradually increase. To make the process go faster, you can ask someone from relatives or acquaintances with a slightly larger foot size to break the shoes.

A short treatment of shoes with hot steam brings a good result. Just don't forget to put on those shoes right after that and walk around in them a bit.

For those who do not know how to quickly break in shoes that are tight, a beer option is suitable at home. Simply soak a cotton ball in the beer and rub the outer surface of the shoe with this liquid. After that, also walk around shod for about an hour.

For lovers of more classic ways of solving problems, many special tools are sold in stores. These are stretching sprays that are produced for shoes from different types of materials. You can also give your problem pair to a specialist who uses more professional methods to increase the size.

Leatherette and fabric

The following methods are suitable for such shoes:

  • Pour boiling water over shoes or boots from the inside. Water must be drained quickly. When the material has cooled to a comfortable temperature, it is necessary to put shoes on your feet in socks and walk a little before drying.
  • You can use the newspaper method described above. Just be careful not to overdo it and tear the stubborn leatherette or textile material.
  • Buy a special foam stretcher from the store. Please follow the instructions when using.

Patent shoes

How to wear patent leather shoes at home:

  • Ask a friend with a larger foot size than you to wear your shoes a little.
  • Lubricate the inside of the patent shoe with a greasy cream. After that, put on your shoes and warm up the shoes with a hairdryer. Use only a slightly warm air stream to avoid damaging the material.
  • Use the alcohol method, but be sure to process the shoes only from the inside.
  • Try applying vinegar diluted with water to the inside of your shoes.
  • A new pair of patent leather shoes can be held in the hot steam for a while and then worn until dry and cool.
  • Moisten a terry towel with hot water and wrap the problematic shoes in it. Leave overnight, and in the morning feel free to put on shoes.
  • Buy a special shoe stretcher from the store or use a spray.

Helpful Hints

Of course, it is better not to get into situations with the purchase of the wrong size, so as not to experience different ways of wearing shoes later. That is why, it is necessary to arm yourself in advance with knowledge about the right choice of shoes:

  • Be sure to tell the seller your foot size, because different manufacturers may have a whole size error. And if we are talking about a product from China, then shoes can be small by two sizes.
  • Pay attention to the material from which the shoes are made. Some types of leather are prone to self-expansion after a few days of wear. As a rule, sellers know about this, so feel free to clarify all the nuances.
  • Many people have one foot wider or longer than the other. In this case, do the fitting exactly on the leg that is larger.
  • In high-heeled shoes, you must definitely walk around the store's trading floor several times, checking the shoes for stability. If you notice at least a minimal stagger, you should not even look in the direction of these shoes, because the amplitude will only increase during wear.
  • It is worth buying shoes only in the afternoon. Ideal after work. At this time, the legs swell to the maximum, and you can only try on the shoes that are most comfortable for you. But do not overdo it so that in the morning the shoes are not too big.

All of the above methods of wearing shoes have been tested and tested more than once. They help to increase the size a little, but at the same time, they hopelessly reduce the life of the shoes you love so much. Very soon, cracks, creases and wrinkles may appear on boots, boots or shoes. They lose their brilliance and novelty. And this is all the result of rash decisions made in the store. It is for this reason that when you see a simply stunning pair of shoes in the window, you should not rush to purchase it. Stay calm and shop smart.



Tight shoes are not only ugly, but also very dangerous for health. A crooked gait and a stooped back are the least that can happen to a person who wears small shoes. In a tightly clamped leg, blood circulation is disturbed, resulting in varicose veins and thrombosis. Therefore, it is very important that shoes match the size of the foot. But there are situations when in the store a couple sat down like a glove, but at home the shoes do not fit or squeeze the legs very hard. What to do in this case? How to break in shoes that are too tight?

If the product was purchased recently, the buyer has the right to return the unsuitable product within 14 days. But there are situations when you really like the product or the return period has expired. Then you have to make sacrifices and break in narrow shoes at home using different methods.

It is worth trying to expand the pair in the following cases:

  1. The shoes are small, but there is no suitable size in the store.
  2. The width corresponds to the width of the foot, and the length of the shoe is a bit short and pinches the toes.
  3. Optimal length, but too narrow shoe width.
  4. The couple becomes small at the end of the day.
  5. After getting wet and drying, the shoes became very tight.

In order to quickly stretch the shoes at home, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • wear a new pair for a short time. A couple of hours daily will be enough. A radical measure - wearing shoes without taking off for several hours a day will only harm the foot and shoes;
  • use a bactericidal patch, applying it to the places of the greatest rubbing of the skin;
  • softening the back is the most common cause of calluses. This can be done with a piece of dry soap or paraffin wax from a candle;
  • as a preventive measure for rubbing the legs, use castor oil, which is applied with a cotton pad to the back of the shoe;
  • if home remedies don't work, you can always purchase specialized foams, sprays, and other liquids and creams that stretch your shoes.

It is advisable to follow all the recommendations immediately after buying a new pair of shoes.

Unfortunately, sometimes the above actions are not enough. If the shoes are significantly small, then the methods should be more efficient and effective.

General options for any material quality

There are methods to help stretch shoes that will work with any material. They are versatile in their action and will stretch shoes made of leather, suede or patent leather.


It is contraindicated only for patent leather shoes and summer sandals, where there are a lot of jewelry with rhinestones. To carry it out, you need: a freezer, water, a good tight bag. You need to act as follows:

  • pour water into the bag in such an amount that it fits inside the shoe in cellophane. The package should fill those places where the shoes press the most;
  • The bag must not be water-tight. Moisture that has fallen on the inner surface of the shoes when they are frozen can be detrimental to the shoes;
  • put shoes filled with water bags in the freezer compartment for 6-8 hours. When freezing, the water will expand, respectively, the shoes will stretch;
  • after the specified time, remove the steam from the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature.

Important! It is forbidden to use hot air streams from a hair dryer or fan, as well as place shoes near radiators and electric heaters.

Woolen or terry socks

An easy way to break in shoes if they are tight and chafed. You need to try on new shoes, walk around in them for a while, in order to understand in which specific places it presses the most. Wear socks made of thick terry cloth or wool. In places of strong friction, you can put additional stretch marks in the form of helium inserts, silicone pads or ordinary rag napkins. Put on shoes, walk in them without taking them off for 1.5-2 hours. Don't try too hard to widen your shoes. Otherwise, it will begin to fall off the leg and look ugly.

professional ways

In addition to the aforementioned folk methods, there are also specialized professional methods that solve the problem of how to break in new shoes. You can visit the workshop. There, experts in their field will very quickly stretch the shoes, expand them in those places where necessary, without prejudice to the pair.

You can also not spend money on the services of specialists, but try to increase the inner surface of the shoes at home on your own, using special shoe cosmetics in the form of foams, gels, sprays, etc. How to act in such a case?

  1. Buy the necessary funds. For example, stretch foam.
  2. Distribute the light white mass inside the product, paying particular attention to the places of greatest pressure.
  3. Put on socks on your feet and put on treated shoes. Wear a pair until the foam is completely dry.

The main thing in such a thing as expanding shoes is not to overdo it. You can not pull the shoes with your hands, applying maximum effort, use too hot water, as well as creams and other products of unknown origin.

In addition to the universal methods mentioned above, there are methods that are only suitable for a certain type of product. So, stretching leather shoes may be contraindicated for a suede pair and vice versa. How to quickly break in shoes depending on the type of material used?


Its benefits are no secret to anyone. In addition to the breathable surface, leather shoes do not retain moisture, thereby preventing the appearance of fungus and unpleasant odors. But leather shoes sometimes have to be paced and widened. Here are a few simple ways to help you:

  1. wet stretch. It is necessary to take a large towel made of terry cloth, moisten it with plenty of water and wring it out thoroughly. Wrap a cardboard box with a pair of shoes that require expansion in several layers with a wet towel and leave it like that all night. Abundant moisture will soften not only the paper on the box, but also the shoes, which will be put on and vilified for two or three hours. To prevent re-compression of the pair, shoes should be stuffed with old newspapers after each use.
  2. Boiling water. Heat the water on the stove until it starts to boil. Pour a small amount of hot liquid into each product for 2-3 minutes, then drain the water. Put on shoes, vilify for a couple of hours. You can use thick socks, they will expand the pair more.
  3. Alcohol-containing products. In this case, both alcohol in its pure form and vodka or cologne are used. Soak a cotton pad in liquid, wipe the inside of the shoe with it. Put on shoes with warm socks, walk around the house for several hours.
  4. Glycerol. They are smeared with the inner surface of the shoe, after which they are applied to the smeared places soaked in warm water and wrung out cloth napkins. In this form, leave the shoes for 6-8 hours, and then vilify, as in the previous methods, until the necessary stretching.
  5. A more gentle, but long method - old newspapers or blotting paper wetted with water. They are placed inside the shoes, tightly stuffing every millimeter of the pair and left to dry completely. Then they take out the paper and get shoes that have become one size larger.

It is forbidden to speed up the drying process with heaters or a hair dryer.

Faux leather

Shoes made of such material, in addition to poor physical characteristics in terms of poor breathability, non-natural material also have another significant drawback - they are very difficult to stretch if necessary. However, there are a few proven methods to help remedy the situation:

  1. shoe cream. They lubricate the outer side of the pair. Then the shoes are put on thick socks and worn without taking off for several hours. For better stretching of the material, the inside of the shoes can be treated with cologne or alcohol.
  2. If the strength of the pair is beyond doubt, then you can wear wet thick socks on which to put on shoes, wear them for several hours.

Suede shoes

This material never goes out of trend. But breaking in such shoes requires a careful approach, as the risk of ruining a pair increases. The following methods will help here:

  1. A layer of socks and hot air. You need to put on a few thin socks on your foot, put on a shoe and warm it up with air from a hair dryer, holding the hot streams in the folds. If it works, then you need to move your toes and all feet. 10 minutes after the start of "warming up", remove the hair dryer, vilify the product for several minutes around the room. After that, repeat the drying procedure with a hairdryer.
  2. Beer- a definitely unusual component for such an activity as expanding shoes, but no less effective for this. Moisten cotton pads in an intoxicating drink and wipe the inner surface of the product, stopping in those places where the fingers and skin experience the greatest pressure. Wear a pair in socks for several hours.

The elastic structure of the suede material can stretch out if overworked and the shoes become ugly.

Patent shoes

Shoes made of such material, despite the external beauty, have increased rigidity. Walking in a pair that is tight will be very painful, so measures should be taken before injury to the skin of the feet occurs.

It is important to understand that the risk of damaging patent shoes is very high, so stretching methods should be used with extreme caution:

  1. Castor oil or any other fatty substance (Vaseline, baby cream). Apply the product to the inside of the shoe with a cotton pad. You can also process the outside of the product. Leave the shoes like this for several hours. Put on thick socks, put on shoes, walk for 10-15 minutes. This time is enough to notice a positive result.
  2. Alcohol-containing products. They are applied to the inner surface of the shoe, which is then put on a warm sock and worn without taking off for several hours.

If the first time you fail to expand the shoes, do not get upset and give up. Perhaps the product requires a different approach or repetition of the same method.
