How often should you wash bed linen - recommendations for children and adults. How often should bed sheets be changed: once a week, twice a week, or once a month

Most recently, we found out, and in this article we will touch on a related question - how often do you need to change bedding at home? Of course, each hostess decides this issue herself, but it’s still better to find out the expert opinion and the reasons for a certain regularity.

How often should bed sheets be changed at home?

Bed hygiene is very important. After all, a person spends a third of his life in a dream, and you have to contact with all the contents of the bed. This is not about the husband, of course, but about something more unpleasant:

  • Dust mites that infest unwashed bedding. Allergies often appear from them, immunity decreases and, in general, unpleasant consequences appear.
  • Dead skin cells - people shed every night and tiny particles that are invisible to the human eye fall off the skin.
  • Dandruff and hair from pets that love to lie on the master's bed.
  • Sweat is most abundant on hot summer nights, when the body needs to cool down more.
  • Babies - some households are very fond of snacking in bed before going to bed, and often they will not be able to wean them from a bad habit. After such a meal, there are many small pieces and crumbs that interfere with peaceful sleep.
  • Spots - where without them. Moreover, stains can remain not only from sweets or other products, but also from cosmetics, dirty hands, saliva or other human secretions.

Just imagine what will happen in your bed if you put off washing for too long a period of time. Even if you are not clean and such a neighborhood does not scare you, then think about your health. When you sleep, you breathe in dust, wool, and other contaminants from your bed, which can lead to asthma or allergies. If you already have these diseases, then you should all the more think about cleanliness in the house - this is a guarantee of health!

How often should bed linen be changed?

Much depends on the time of year, the fabric and the individual characteristics of your family. For example, if your cat really likes to sleep on the bed, you should change the bed a little more often or at least brush off the hair. If the husband sweats a lot, you need to change it more often, and if the whole family takes a shower before going to bed, it can be done less often.

It's pretty obvious about the time of year - people sweat a lot more in the summer than on cold nights. Therefore, on hot days, it is imperative to change the bed once a week, especially pillowcases and sheets. In winter, it is enough to change every 2 weeks.

Well, you shouldn’t wait for X hour, if suddenly a child drops a sandwich on a sheet, change it right away.

Twice as often, it is worth changing children's bedding and if someone in the family catches a cold, so that pathogenic microbes do not accumulate.

What should be the bedding?

The best materials for bedding are cotton or linen. In summer, you can use silk, and in winter, woolen blankets. Do not use synthetic materials that do not absorb moisture well and do not allow air to pass through. After all, one of the main purposes of a sheet, pillowcase and duvet cover is to absorb sweat. In addition, they get dirty faster and absorb odors, so they will have to be washed more often.

Now you need to check the contents of your bedding to ensure that your bed is optimally protected. So, to keep your bed clean, make sure you have:

  • The pillowcase protects the pillow from adverse effects, so you do not have to wash it too often. But even if there is a pillowcase, pillows should be washed at least 2 times a year, and preferably every 3 months. After all, they also accumulate a lot of everything harmful, which you need to get rid of.
  • Duvet cover - serves to protect the duvet so that it does not have to be washed and dried every week.
  • A mattress topper or sheet is placed over a mattress to collect all the dirt and protect the mattress. Otherwise, a whole colony of dust mites will develop in it and dust will accumulate. It is best to put special sheets with oilcloth in cribs to protect the mattress from urine. After all

Sleep is an integral part of every person's life. The quality of sleep is affected by many factors: the environment, the size of the bed, the softness of the mattress and the bed linen. The question of how often to wash bedding is of interest to many housewives, since the mood and well-being in the morning depend on the cleanliness of the sleeping set. In addition, a dirty bed can cause allergies. For the timely change of the sleeping set and its proper washing, you need to know some recommendations.

How often should bed sheets be changed

The frequency of changing the bed set is individual. Each of us knows how often to wash things, but does not think about how to properly care for bedding. Weekly washing of bed linen is recommended, but in winter this can be done less often or as it gets dirty. The speed and degree of contamination of the kit depends on a number of factors:

  • shower frequency;
  • sleep in pajamas or naked;
  • sweating;
  • sexual life;
  • the presence of pets.

Regular washing of the sleeping set eliminates dirt, dust mites, bacteria, and unpleasant odors. In addition, changing the bed prevents it from getting greasy, prevents allergic diseases, and contributes to a good mood. In many families, bed linen wears out quickly, so it is important to know the recommendations for changing it depending on the type of fabric from which it is made.

From natural fabrics

  • coarse calico;
  • satin;
  • percale;
  • silk.

When washing cotton bedding and sets made from natural fabrics, you should first read the recommendations on the label. Bed linen is recommended to be washed weekly at a temperature of 60 degrees, with the exception of being in the house of a patient with fungal diseases, then the optimum temperature is 90 degrees. When washing colored laundry, it is recommended to use a powder for colored fabrics or a gel with a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

Sets made of silk must be washed on a delicate cycle without wringing or dry-cleaned. Laundry washed at low temperature must be ironed to kill germs and bacteria. It is recommended to iron a sleeping set, especially silk and linen linen, slightly damp. If no conditioner was added during the washing process, you can treat the kit with an antistatic agent.

Made from synthetic fabric

Sleeping sets made of synthetic fabrics: polyester, lycra and others are often found on the market, attracting at a low price. However, the hygienic properties of such a kit are far from perfect. When washing synthetic fabrics, remember that they should not be boiled or ironed at too high a temperature. Viscose, modal should be washed by hand, at a low temperature using mild detergents. For other fabrics, the optimal washing temperature is 40-60 degrees.


The body of a child is different from adults, so the older generation needs to follow some recommendations for changing children's sleep accessories. For newborn babies, it is recommended to change underwear at least once every 5 days. For preschoolers, primary school students, linen can be changed every 10 days, and for teenagers weekly. If the child is sick, then the sheet and pillowcase are changed daily, and the duvet cover is changed every 4 days. It is necessary to wash children's sleep accessories with a special powder, at 60 degrees.

How often to wash bedding

Contamination of bedding depends on various factors in our lives. In contact with the face and hair, pillowcases absorb the remnants of night cream, decorative cosmetics, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the hair, and become dirty much faster. Sheets, in contact with the body, absorb human sweat, a large number of microbes are bred on them. Duvet covers get dirty the least, so it is recommended to wash them every 10 days.

Sheets and duvet covers

Large components of the bed have their own washing characteristics. First of all, the body sweats, leaving traces on the sheets. When preparing your duvet cover for cleaning, turn it inside out and shake the corners, as this is where most of the dust collects. Wash sheets and duvet covers once a week. In winter, washing can be done less often, while in summer, fresh sheets need to be covered much more often.

Pillowcases and pillows

Cleaning pillowcases and pillows has its own characteristics. Caring for pillows involves shaving them 2-3 times a year. In the warm season, you should ventilate the pillows in the fresh air. A large amount of cream, sweat and decorative cosmetics accumulates on the pillowcase, so if you find inflammation on your face, you should reconsider the schedule for changing pillowcases. In the case of using synthetic materials, pillowcases should be changed more often, since synthetics adversely affect human skin.

Mattress covers

The use of a mattress pad is an additional protection of the mattress from stains and damage, reducing the risk of an allergic reaction to dust mites, which can even settle in mattresses from elite manufacturers. In addition, mattress covers increase the operational life of the product. As for washing the mattress cover, it is necessary to wash the cover from dirt monthly.


Blanket cleaning also has its own characteristics. If the duvet is covered with a duvet cover, then it is cleaned on average twice a year, except for serious soiling. If you cover yourself with one blanket, you will have to load it into the washing machine weekly, along with the rest of the set. Due to the heavy weight, it is recommended to dry-clean the blanket, as the specialists will clean it taking into account the characteristics of the fabric and filling.

Blankets and bedspreads

The regularity of washing blankets and bedspreads depends on the frequency of use. If the bedspread is near the bed, wash it 2-3 times a month. If you use the blanket regularly, you need to wash it every 10-14 days. Before loading the bedspread into the drum, be sure to read the contents on the product label in order to select the correct temperature and washing cycle for the product.


Everyone uses bed linen, it is a necessary attribute of our sleep. But not everyone knows how often it should be changed and why it should be done with such frequency. Sometimes, waking up with a stuffy nose or finding another pimple on the skin, many do not realize that the reason for this may be the failure to meet the deadlines for replacing bedding.

Comfortable sleepwear

Bedding is in contact with our skin for 6-8 hours a day even more than underwear. Therefore, the main selection criterion for them should be naturalness. Products made from natural fibers perfectly pass air, absorb moisture and help heat transfer. These properties are very important for a comfortable sleep.

Clothes for our bed

Fabric composition

  • cotton;
  • linen;
  • silk;
  • synthetic;
  • bamboo;
  • mixed.

The most common are cotton fabrics.

This is a whole group of fabrics that differ in the way weave.

Baptiste Percale Coarse calico Ranfort
Poplin Satin


Thin fabric with a low weave density, fragile, wears out quickly and wrinkles a lot. Linen from it is considered budget.


The thinnest, but very dense fabric. Wears out quickly, not suitable for everyday use. Linen is made from it for “ceremonial” occasions: for newborns, newlyweds.


Very strong and thin fabric, silky and soft. One of the most wear-resistant and durable. It is used for tailoring luxury linen. Products made of percale serve for a long time, absorb moisture well, are pleasant to the touch, are easy to wash and do not require ironing.

Coarse calico

Perhaps the most popular material for sewing bed linen among consumers. Made from thick threads. The fabric is durable, wear-resistant, well breathable. The density of coarse calico is different, from low to very high. You should not expect high density and durability from cheap fabric. The best characteristics of calico-lux.


This is a kind of calico, but with a large number of threads per square centimeter. Due to this, it is distinguished by increased density and durability. Pleasant to the touch, a bit like poplin.


Thin and light, well absorbs moisture and retains heat, does not lose shape, pleasant to the touch, wear-resistant. Good density.


The fabric is soft, smooth, velvety, shiny due to satin weaving from twisted threads. High density, resistant to abrasion. But it does not breathe well and can cause sweating, so it is better not to use such underwear in the summer.

The linen cloth differs in rigidity and knotty invoice that provides massage effect. In the heat it cools, in the cold it retains heat, absorbs moisture well. The fabric is very strong, durable, with each wash it only becomes softer. Flax is credited with bactericidal properties.

Linen due to the nodular texture has a massage effect

Linen is quite expensive; semi-linen is more common on sale - a mixture of linen and cotton.

From a medical point of view, this is the best material for bedding. Silk absorbs water better than other fabrics and at the same time repels water, which allows you to regulate body moisture during sleep. This fabric has the best breathability and thermoregulation properties: it is warm under it in winter, and cool in the heat. Silk threads are similar in composition to human hair, therefore they have great strength and abrasion resistance. Soft and delicate to the touch, it is simply gorgeous.

Silk is the best choice for bedding

It is believed that silk delays the aging of the body. Silk underwear is very expensive, but it's worth it.


The advantages of these fabrics include their brightness, easy washing, crease resistance, low price. Actually, that's all. From a hygienic point of view, the fabrics do not meet the requirements for bed linen. They do not allow air to pass through, have low thermal conductivity, and it is uncomfortable to sleep on them.

Blended fabrics

Made from a mixture of natural and synthetic fibres. They have slightly better hygienic properties than synthetics, but much worse than natural fabrics. Like synthetics, it is not recommended to use such fabrics for sleeping.


Bamboo fabric is credited with antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Linen made from this material is soft and delicate, practical in care. Well passes air, possesses thermoregulating properties. Durable and abrasion resistant.

Has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties

What else to pay attention to

An important role in the choice of bed linen is played by the dye. If the new fabric smells of paint, it is better not to take it. Most likely, low-quality dye was used, the fabric may shed during washing, and during sleep the dye will be absorbed into your skin. The more expensive the linen, the better the dyes used in its production.

Video how to choose underwear

Now on sale there are sheets with an elastic band, which is very convenient, especially for linen made of thin fabrics. Such a sheet stretches over the mattress and holds its shape during sleep, without straying or wrinkling. It is selected according to the size of the bed, not suitable for thin mattresses.

Sheet with elastic band

Buttons are gradually disappearing from the production of bed linen, but sometimes they are still used as fasteners for duvet covers and pillowcases, more for decorative purposes. Such fasteners can create discomfort for sleeping, besides, buttons tend to break during washing. It is strongly not recommended to wear underwear with such fasteners for children, especially newborns, for their safety.

Convenient zippers on duvet covers and pillowcases. As a rule, they are hidden in a fold of fabric and are not felt during sleep.

From a hygiene point of view, the bed should be changed daily, as is done in good hotels. At home, this is difficult to do, but airing the bedding after sleep is not difficult.

Beds need to breathe too

Air your bed every day

It is best to throw back the blanket and give access to fresh air by opening the window or window for 10 minutes and only then cover it. If possible, shake out the bed in the fresh air. In a closed room, this should not be done, dust along with ticks will scatter around the room.

How do we stain clothes?

Even shaking out and airing the laundry every day, it will not be possible to get rid of all the dust and mites that have accumulated in it overnight. And each time these contaminants will be added. The body that works at night also releases sweat, which is absorbed by the sheets, dead epidermis, fat, hair, dandruff settle on the fabric, penetrate between the threads and become a breeding ground for mites.

Dust mites are our nocturnal companions

The mites themselves do not pose a danger to humans, but the excrement of these insects is inhaled by a person during sleep and can cause asthma. Allergic reactions are also possible.

Spores, viruses, various microorganisms, bacteria settle with dust and remain on the fabric, and then enter the body of the sleeping person. This leads to irritation of the respiratory tract, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, and even respiratory problems.

If there are animals in the house, this adds to the problems. Wool and particles of the epithelium settle on everything, including the bed. On such a bed it is difficult to sleep well and relax. And that means you will feel overwhelmed in the morning.

In order to protect yourself from such problems, change your underwear regularly.

How often should bed linens be changed

The optimal time is once a week or 10 days. In the hot season, when a person sweats more, it is better to do this more often. As in the case of illness, especially with high fever. And be sure to do this after recovery to prevent re-infection.

It is believed that things store information about the disease. Believe it or not, it doesn't hurt to take precautions.

Pay special attention to the hygiene of the bed of children.

The body of a child does not yet have the same protective functions as an adult. Often there are problems with the respiratory tract and dermatitis, the cause of which may be a violation of hygiene standards.

The younger the child, the more often you need to change clothes, but in any case, do this at least once a week.

Often children have excessive sweating, in this case, reduce the interval to 3-4 days. Especially in hot weather.

Often, young mothers change their newborn underwear every 10-14 days, citing the fact that the child does not sleep on underwear, but on an oilcloth and diaper laid on it. At the same time, they do not think that the baby's sheet collects dust during these two weeks, which the child then breathes. The baby's bedding is changed every 2-3 days. The pads are washed twice a week.

You need to wash not only the linen, but also the chin

Compliance with these simple rules will preserve the health of your child and save him from many problems.

We erase correctly

For good hygiene and the destruction of ticks, wash linen at a temperature not lower than 60 0 C. Chlorine bleach provides a good additional disinfection, but chlorine fumes can be an additional problem for the respiratory tract.

Before washing pillowcases and duvet covers, turn inside out and clean the corners and seams of dust and fibers. For heavy soiling, set the prewash or soak mode, many machines have this.

Do not wash bedding with other items, especially colored ones. Set the wash cycle according to the type of fabric.

Add conditioner and bleach as needed.

Wash at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees

Be sure to wash new clothes with a small amount of powder. So that it does not wrinkle much, set the washing mode for delicate fabrics, at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, and spin 600 revolutions.

Iron - do not iron

Until now, there is no consensus on ironing or not ironing clothes. Supporters of ironing argue their position by the fact that mites are destroyed during ironing and the fabric is disinfected by high temperature. And the ironed bed looks much neater.

Opponents have their own reasons. According to recent studies, the hygroscopic properties of the material are violated during ironing. The fabric absorbs moisture worse, “breathes” worse and this affects the quality of sleep.

Whose side to take in this dispute is up to you. It should be remembered that it is imperative to iron the clothes of children, especially infants up to three months of age. The same applies to patients with infectious diseases, ironing is mandatory for them.

To avoid ironing, add fabric softener when washing and set the "easy iron" mode. Then straighten the laundry well enough during drying, and then carefully straighten all the folds and fold so that it does not wrinkle during storage.

If you decide to iron, do not overdry the bedding, it is much easier to smooth it out in a slightly damp state. Straighten the seams and corners, iron linen and cotton items from the front side. Set the temperature based on the composition of the fabric.

Refuel in 60 seconds

It is not difficult to make a sheet, but you have to tinker with a duvet cover and pillowcases. In order to quickly refill these items, there are a few tricks.

Knowing little tricks, you can quickly change clothes

Turn the pillowcase inside out, put your hands inside. Take the corners of the pillow with the corners of the pillowcase and turn it inside out. That's all. So you can fill a small blanket.

Duvet cover with a diamond hole in the center, turn inside out, lay the hole down, lay the blanket on top. Fold the comforter and duvet cover together with the corners towards the center. Put your hands in the hole, grab the corners and turn first one side, then the other.

Turn the duvet cover with a slit at the bottom inside out, spread it out, put a blanket over it. Roll both items into a roll towards the incision. Aligning the lower and upper corners, turn first one, then the other side. Zip up the slit and simply unroll the blanket.

Video instruction of this process

Armed with the information received, you will be able to choose the right accessories for sleep, properly care for them and ensure a healthy and comfortable rest for yourself and your loved ones. After all, we spend almost a third of our lives sleeping. And it is very important that this time be spent recuperating for the day's worries.

Many of us do not even know what they have to sleep with if the bed is not fresh. Not everyone examines the sheets with a magnifying glass before bed for dirt. By the way, the latter is not the worst thing that can be found on underwear.

Sleep best on a clean bed

Health hazards are:

  • dead skin cells;
  • body fluids;
  • oils;
  • food crumbs.

In addition, dust mites can live in the bed. These microscopic organisms feed on dead skin cells. The less bedding is changed, the more cells accumulate on it, respectively, more ticks live and die on sheets, pillowcases and a duvet cover. The only way to protect yourself is to regularly change and wash clothes. Otherwise, a person develops an allergy, and a decrease in immunity is also observed. The patient does not find the causes of these phenomena and begins to go to the doctors, simultaneously swallowing mountains of pills and vitamins.

The ideal option is weekly. In extreme cases, you can do this once every two weeks. It is not recommended to change the bed less than once a month, even if before going to bed, a person takes a shower or bath, never eats in bed, the air conditioner is on in the room, and the adjacent pillow is empty, as a result of which there is no privacy, and with it and physical activity in the intimate sphere.

As for pillows, they also require washing, at least once a year. ? Can this be done at home? Quite! Moreover, washing is done both by hand and in a washing machine. What happens if you don't clean your pillows? They form yeast, mold and bacteria - the causes of asthma and bronchitis. If the pillow has never been washed due to the fact that a person could not even think that this is possible, it is better to throw it away and buy a new one. And already take care of her in accordance with hygienic rules and regulations.

In addition to all of the above, regular washing, as it gets dirty, makes it easier to get rid of dirt. A weekly change of bedding does not allow the latter to be salted. By the way, in winter, when many people sleep in pajamas and nightgowns, linen can be changed less frequently. Attention! In this case, you need to wash your night clothes more often.

If you sleep in pajamas, you can change the linen less often, but wash your pajamas more often

Pillowcases are generally recommended to be changed every 2-3 days. The reason lies in the faster pollution. The fabric is in contact not only with the skin, but also with hair, often oily. In addition, on the skin of the face, and with it the pillowcase, the remnants of creams and decorative cosmetics accumulate.

A separate item is the bed for bedridden patients and temperature patients. It should be changed daily! In the absence of the opportunity to re-lay the entire set, at least put on a fresh pillowcase on the pillow.

Yes, washing requires a preparatory step. Important! Bed linen is not recommended to be washed together with towels, socks, scarves, other clothes, especially outerwear. The first stage of preparation is sorting:

  • by color (very important if some product sheds at least a little);
  • according to the degree of staining (light with light, dark with dark, color with color);
  • by type of fabric (each has its own temperature mode of washing);
  • according to the degree of soiling (lightly soiled fabrics need less intensive washing, which causes premature wear).

Before washing, the duvet cover, pillowcases and mattress topper must be turned inside out. This procedure is necessary to get rid of the dirt that accumulates in the corners as much as possible.

If there are stains on the fabric, the procedure for removing them is carried out first. For this, stain removers or folk recipes are used. It is not necessary to pre-remove stains from cotton and linen sheets, it is enough to adjust the washing mode.

Preparing laundry for washing is required

One load of things should take up no more than 50-70% of the drum volume. In this case, it is better to combine large things with small ones, for example, sheets with pillowcases. Thus, they will be evenly distributed in the drum and not affect the operation of the unit.

Washing bed linen

With how often you need to change bed linen - figured out. Now you need to figure out how to wash them most effectively.

  • wash in hot soapy water and tumble dry;
  • processed separately from clothing;
  • in the presence of stains, before loading into the machine, the latter are removed by special means;
  • in order not to raise the question "", you should add a quarter cup of lemon juice to the water;
  • when washing and drying use low and medium temperatures according to the type of fabric, high temperature weakens the fibers, reducing the life of the linen through thinning.

Duvet cover and sheets must be washed at low and medium temperatures

  • wool products are washed only in cold water so that they do not sit down;
  • one or two washings can be replaced by cleaning with a vacuum cleaner that removes dust and fibers;
  • before loading into the drum, check the integrity of the seams.

Not all duvets are machine washable.

  • shedding products are recommended to be dry-cleaned;
  • Blankets are washed in cold water and dried at low temperatures.

The blanket should be washed at low temperatures.

  • it is recommended to wash in cold water and dry at low temperatures;
  • daily whipping of pillows allows you to get rid of dust and dead skin cells;
  • regular hanging on a balcony or street allows you to breathe freely in a dream.

Ventilate pillowcases and pillows for better sleep

Each machine is designed for a specific maximum load weight. This takes into account the weight of dry laundry. Duvet covers and sheets are very heavy, so you should not clog the drum to the maximum, because when wet, the laundry will weigh even more, and this is a very big load on the unit. In addition, the fewer elements of the kit are loaded into the machine, the better the dirt is washed and the soapy solution is rinsed out. Therefore, the weight of dry laundry should be one and a half to two times less than the recommended maximum load.

Approximate weight of the elements of a one and a half bed set:

  • duvet cover - 550-750 grams;
  • sheet - 300-500 grams;
  • pillowcase - 150-250 grams.

Calculate the weight of the bed so that there is no overload of the washing machine

That is, one set of bedding will weigh approximately one and a half kilograms plus or minus 500 grams. This means that in one wash you can load a maximum of two sets, and preferably one and a half, so that they do not overload the unit and are well cleaned.

Washing machines appeared not so long ago. Many still remember the days when washing was done exclusively by hand. Therefore, the laundry was pre-soaked in very hot water, and sometimes subjected to a boiling procedure. Although the latter is effective, especially when it comes to white fabrics, it still negatively affects the quality characteristics. Products that are regularly exposed to boiling wear out quickly. Yes, at the same time they are disinfected and bleached, but... The threads become thinner, and the fabric becomes more fragile. Therefore, it is recommended to boil things no more than once every five to six washes.

Modern detergents and appliances do not require such a "harsh" treatment, allowing washing at gentle temperatures, ensuring a longer preservation of fabrics.

Linen and cotton items can be washed at a maximum of 60 degrees. This temperature is sufficient for disinfection and cleaning of dirt. Higher temperatures are acceptable, but it should be understood that the threads will thin out faster. Also, at higher degrees, the product may decrease in size, that is, sit down.

Choose a product depending on the fabric and color of the bed

These fabric types are compatible with universal powders and gels. Stubborn stains can be removed with bleach or detergent boosters. All these funds can be produced in the form of capsules, gels, powders. Each hostess chooses independently the most suitable and convenient means.

Delicate fabrics are washed at 30-50 degrees with products marked Color. It can also be gels, designed for use even in cold water, or powders. Modern detergents have excellent cleansing properties. And we are talking not only about expensive, but also accessible to a wide layman, means.

Laundry washed at low temperatures must be ironed afterwards. Ironing is also required if there is a person with skin diseases or a newborn child in the house. Only high temperature can kill germs. Therefore, either you should wash clothes at at least 90 degrees, or iron after washing. What to choose? What will be best for the fabric. If it is delicate, then it should be washed at medium temperature, and then ironed.

Ironing bed linen is necessary if there is a small child in the house

Children's things and linen are washed only with special means. Ideally, they should be anti-allergic and phosphate-free. Product labels and kit packages always indicate the recommended temperature for washing and drying, as well as the possibility of using bleach and other details.

  • flax - 60-90 degrees with the possibility of pre-soaking and strong spin;
  • ranfors, calico, percale - 60-90 degrees, with possible soaking, pre-washing and any mode;
  • poplin and satin - 30-60 degrees, with the same soaking and any mode;
  • colored chintz - at a maximum at 40 degrees, without the use of bleach, with a medium-intensity spin;
  • bamboo and cambric - 30-40 degrees, on a delicate mode with a weak spin;
  • polyester or fabrics with the addition of polyester - at 40 degrees on a delicate mode;
  • silk - 30 degrees on the delicate mode of the machine.

Choose the right wash

The best materials for bedding are cotton or linen. In summer you can use silk products, and in winter - woolen blankets. You should not buy bedding made of synthetic materials. They do not allow air to pass through and do not absorb moisture well. The main purpose of underwear is sweat absorption. At the same time, synthetics get dirty faster, which means that they require more frequent washing.

tucked bed linen

For optimal protection of the bed, the bedding set should include:

  • pillowcase;
  • duvet cover;
  • sheet or mattress cover (both are better);
  • oilcloth (for a crib).


A clean bed is a sound sleep, a cheerful morning, a good mood and good health. Fresh sheets are needed not only for aesthetics, but also for well-being, like fresh air, freshly brewed coffee, breaking news.

Everything old is the cause of despondency, blues and depression. Therefore, it is better to leave dirty bedding in the washing machine, remembering to choose the right detergent and program.

The hygienic cleanliness of the place to sleep is the main factor for a productive night's rest for every member of the family. Any housewife has already developed her own habits for changing bed linen - from two days to three months of using the same set.

But studies conducted by specialists in the field of immunology and microbiology have proven that linen should be changed at least once a week. The main reasons for replacement are:

  • dead skin cells and human dandruff.

Dust microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, yeast microorganisms, spores, viruses) and mites, leading to allergic reactions and reduced immunity.

  • scales of the epithelium and wool of domestic animals;
  • secretion of sebaceous, sweat and sex glands;
  • cosmetic residues.

Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and diet, leading to persistent pollution and a lot of crumbs from snacking in bed.

These factors reduce the body's defenses and contribute to the manifestation of allergic reactions, asthma and other diseases.

How often do adults need to change bed linen and towels during the summer and winter periods of the year

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and its cleanliness. Taking a shower every day after a hard day at work and sleeping in pajamas or a nightgown does not contribute to the rapid contamination of sheets and pillowcases at any time of the year.

Increased sweating on hot summer days or an active sex life requires changing underwear at least once every 7 days. At the same time, the duvet cover can be washed once every two to three weeks, because it gets dirty much less.

Nightgowns and pajamas should be changed every two days, and towels should be laundered after four uses. Drying is recommended in a ventilated place.

How often do newborn bed linen change?

According to pediatric requirements, it is necessary to change the bed for an infant at least once every three days, and sometimes daily. If the newborn sleeps in a diaper and there is no contamination of the bed linen with urine and feces, then the sheets can be changed at weekly intervals.

But, given the delicate baby skin and unstable immunity of the child, it is recommended to replace the baby bed sets as often as possible. This will help protect the baby from the occurrence of dermatitis and allergic reactions, will allow you to gain strength, resist bacteriological attacks from the aggressive outside world, and grow up healthy and active.

How often are bed linen changed for children, including in preschool institutions

The younger the child, the more often a change of sleep sets is required. According to the "grandmother's" instructions, it is not easy to wash things for babies, but it must be boiled and ironed on both sides. This helps to reduce the risk of persistent diseases that require long and expensive treatment.

Moreover, children are very fond of eating candy before going to bed, which was treated by loving relatives, or drinking fermented milk products and juice, they leave stubborn stains. In this case, it is necessary to replace and wash the soiled linen within a short period of time with special products to remove stubborn dirt.

In kindergartens, in accordance with the hygiene standards of preschool institutions, bed linen is changed at least once a week. At the same time, its obvious pollution for each group of preschoolers should be taken into account. Parents of babies have every right to check compliance with the standards for changing sleeping sets at any time.

How often to change bed linen for a sick person

Acute periods of the disease with high body temperature, contribute to increased sweating and infection of the bed with pathogenic viruses or bacteria. Especially any skin manifestations - dermatitis, chickenpox, prickly heat, allergies and intestinal infections lead to the spread of pathogenic microbes inside bed linen.

Do you like to spend any free moment in the arms of Morpheus? Need some sleep after a busy week at work? Do you prefer breakfast in bed with your loved one while watching an interesting series?

Think about a timely change of bedding and enjoy a comfortable rest in the arms of a loved one.

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