How can you tell if a girl is in love with you? Signs of a girl's interest in you, Calibration, Hidden Sexual Signals of girls (C.C.C).

Non-verbal communication, despite our best efforts, betrays our secrets. Girls take advantage of this and think they know everything about men. And how do you get to them? How to win the girl you like?

The answer is in front of your eyes. What matters is not what, but how. It doesn't matter what you say, it matters how you say it. Girls feel male insecurity, and in most cases, because of it, rejection will follow. Be natural, observe, and the girl herself will tell you how and in what direction to move.

1. Take a closer look at the girl you like and try to draw conclusions: what mood can she have, tired or cheerful, what does she do, etc. The more information you find, the easier it will be for you to communicate and find topics for conversation.

Usually a girl charms with her appearance, but this does not mean that she will be good in communication. It is important to look closely at her movements so as not to inadvertently be disappointed. If the manners, gestures, behavior of the girl are similar to yours, then your interests will most likely coincide. Body language in non-verbal communication, unlike words and appearance, never lies.

2. Look at her: if she notices your gaze and looks away, then she saw a man in you and acted like a woman. If she steals a glance at you again, she likes you. In that case, what are you waiting for? You can safely go to get acquainted, otherwise at the moment when you muster up the courage to approach, she will get up and leave.

3. To get sympathy - smile when you approach a girl. When you speak, look at her, and not to the side, otherwise you will betray your insecurity. Flirt - Women love to flirt.

Non-verbal communication with a girl: Learn to see the interest:

- often looks into your eyes;

- straightens hair, any item of clothing or handbag;

- turns the whole body towards you;

- smiles at you

- listens carefully;

She is a little tense.

The girl does not want to meet:

turns away from you;

Often looks the other way;

Yawns constantly.

I'm not talking about such frank gestures as deliberately not answering, getting up and leaving.

You must speak naturally, and most importantly, confidently.

4. Do not forget about the distance at which you should stand so as not to scare her. Girls do not tolerate intrusion into their personal zone, without their consent. The personal zone of the girls is an oval: you can approach them closer from the side than from the back or front.

5. If she warmed up to you, you can start invading your personal zone. Move closer to her, try to touch her more often so that she perceives you not as a “girlfriend”, but as a man. Do not forget to monitor the reaction and adjust your behavior.

6. If you have little time, then end the conversation at the moment when she is very interested in you, then she will want to see you again.

Signs of a girl's sympathy for you in non-verbal communication

  • It's good if the girl reflects your pose and changes in pose (adjustment/leading). [By the way, even if she teaches NLP, she will still not adapt to those who are not interesting to her, huh?]
  • In your presence, the skin of her face or exposed areas of her body turns red
  • With you, the girl starts to get nervous or make stupid mistakes, drop things, make reservations, etc. Especially when you don't know each other very well.
  • Watch the distance between you when communicating. If she stands closer to you than other girls during a conversation, this may indicate that she wants to stand near you. At a party or disco, she may randomly appear near you, then again be near you when you move to another place. “Accidentally” touches you, “accidentally” touches, looks in your direction (i.e. at you).
  • Does the conversation go well, or does she respond in monosyllables? The paradox here is that a girl can imitate indifference if she really liked you. When talking, if a girl likes you, she can either look into your mouth, “as if you are speaking prophecies” or, conversely, object exaggeratedly (BZ). Look for non-verbal responses. More indicative are the reactions of the body that are difficult to control (shine of the eyes, dilated pupils, reddening of the skin, erection of the nipples).

When communicating, it does not hurt to give yourself answers to questions such as:

  • Does she concern you?
  • Does she respond positively to your touch?
  • Does the girl laugh at your jokes? By the way, raising your spirits in your presence is a good sign.
  • Is there a dynamic? Is there an increase in the intensity of signs or an increase in their number? “The most common mistakes are the loss of the process - for example, a girl with sparkling eyes, standing nipples, a smile and a lot of sexual non-verbalism - you are nearby and conclude that it's TIME, and she was sitting like this before you appeared and will continue to sit like this after you leave , because just recently she had a hot boyfriend and she is still all over there .... "

In "Secrets of Sexual Body Language" it was written that there should be at least 4 signs at once and they should be directed at you. There are options when people flirt with everyone except the object of their interest. Look carefully at everything in the complex.

Non-verbal communication: details

Principles are good, but the details are the key. So, let's analyze our sympathetic girl in parts.

Non-Verbal Communication: Lips

  • The face is relaxed, smiling widely, showing teeth [if she has ugly teeth, this may not be]
  • Bites lip or licks lips (some lick one lip, others run tongue over both lips).
  • Shows tongue or touches front teeth with tongue.
  • Biting nails [might just be a habit, look at how she behaves with others]
  • Slightly protrudes lips (they swell when excited).
  • When he smokes, he exhales smoke in your direction
  • Passionately returns your kisses (OL)

Non-Verbal Communication: Eyes

  • The more he looks into your eyes, the better. The longer it holds the eye, the better.
  • He looks into your eyes with interest, the pupils are dilated [the dilation of the pupils can be in the dark - you can compare it with your own by looking in the mirror; pupils also dilate when using certain drugs] . First, take a closer look at the diameter of the pupils of people during normal communication in different lighting conditions. In a bar, on the street in the evening. So you yourself will get an idea of ​​​​the normal diameter of the pupils in different lighting conditions. Over time it will be automatic.

A small note about the diameter of the pupils. I liked this sign. It is easily visible (except for people who have very dark irises, such as blacks and Indians). It reflects the state of the body, as well as reddening of the skin, that is, it is harder to fake it than postures, intonations, and so on.
It happens that a girl pretends that she likes you in order to fuck something with you. I had it. Great sympathy is depicted, she touches you, stands close, and the pupils are quite normal, not a bit dilated. There is no reddening of the skin. mess ;-)

There are only problems with the reliability of this symptom: girls sometimes instill atropine in their eyes to dilate the pupils. Beladonna, from which it was obtained, is called in translation: "beautiful woman." Belladonna tincture has been instilled into the eyes for a very long time. Pupils can also dilate when some drugs are used, such as cocaine.

What I noticed from my experience. Pupil diameter depends on the topic. Sometimes you see how normal it is when you talk to a girl about serious topics, about work or study, but it increases as soon as the conversation moves on to non-work topics (still without vulgar anecdotes). Sometimes a girl talks to one guy, her pupils are normal, and when she talks to another, they immediately dilate.

Another interesting point. When you want to find out what a girl's pupil size is, you look straight into her pupils, don't you? Such a look in itself can be regarded as a sign of sympathy on your part, so that by calibrating a girl you can start her interest. But we, in general, this is what we need, right?

  • The eyes are shining. The brighter, the better.
  • Exaggeratedly raises and then lowers his eyebrows, sometimes combined with a smile and a look into your eyes.
  • Winks when talking or from a distance
  • When talking, blinks more often than usual, eyelashes flutter
  • Looks first into the eyes, and then appraisingly starting from the feet, higher, and again into the eyes. (IK)

Nonverbal Communication: Hair

  • Fixes her hair.
  • Twisting her hair around her finger when she looks at you.
  • Shakes hair back with head movement (Pease: even with short hair)

Nonverbal Communication: Clothing

  • If the nipples are visible through the clothes, they begin to stick out (a sign of arousal).
  • He lifts the hem of his skirt to show his leg.
  • Fixes clothes. (wants to like :-)
  • Wears red shoes.

Non-verbal ways of communication: When sitting or standing

  • Moves to the beat of the music, looking at you
  • Begins to sit very straight, straightening his shoulders.
  • In noisy rooms, leans towards you to better hear what you are saying
  • She herself offers to change the place, go somewhere in a less noisy environment, or agrees to your proposal (no, I'm not talking about “to you or to me?” :-))
  • If you are in a club / bar / discotheque and say “I’ll leave for a couple of minutes and come back”, then when you return, you find her in the same place or she returns there when she sees you.
  • Sitting with legs apart [depends on upbringing]
  • He rubs his leg against his leg (guess what else rubs there ;-)
  • Rub your foot on a table leg
  • She crosses her legs to show her thigh.
  • If he crosses his legs, the sock points in your direction or swings towards you - away from you.
  • If you are sitting nearby (in the cinema, for example) - touches you with your shoulder
  • Watch the distance between you. If she tilts her body towards you - good, from you - not so much. Although you may have bad breath, for example. Therefore, if there is a smell, for the purity of the experiment, it does not hurt to go to the dentist, check the teeth and gums, and to the ENT to check the tonsils.
  • She doesn't lean away when you reach out to grab something behind her (she's comfortable around you).
  • If you stand in the company, the toe of the exposed foot points to you (Pease). “The direction of the toe of the shoe is very important, and if both socks are looking at you, then this is even better! (She often does not see her legs, so the signal is quite subconscious and poorly controlled)… It is very important to pay attention to Dynamics, that is, changes! If we take the toes of the shoes, then in this case - some, albeit minimal, turn in your direction is enough every time you try to attract her attention - the more she reacts, the better .... "

Another thing with legs that I noticed quite often. The non-supporting leg can be turned with the inside of the foot towards you so that the supporting and non-supporting legs are at right angles to each other, forming, as it were, the letter T. It is more difficult to describe than to show, stand up and see for yourself. Here it turns out that the girl turns the inner surface of the thigh of the non-supporting leg towards you. Turns to show the figure in the most favorable angle, especially on the dance floor

Non-verbal behavior of the girl. When walking

  • Touches you with his shoulder (hints that you take her hand)
  • When it turned out that you were walking (or sitting) behind, he periodically looked as if to the side, but in fact he was trying to catch you out of the corner of his eye.

Non-verbal behavior of the girl. Hands

  • In conversation, shows palms when gesticulating
  • Strokes himself: rubs his hands up and down, rubs his cheek or chin. It's bad if he pinches himself.
  • Sitting with hand touching chest
  • When talking, puts one hand palm up on the palm of the other
  • Plays with any objects (keys, jewelry), strokes the glass.
  • Touches your arm, shoulder, hip, knee, back (if you didn't start first ;)
  • When you walk by, he pretends to look at his watch
  • If the arms and body are still, that's good (she feels comfortable). Worse if she drums her fingers [but she may be nervous, look for other signs as well].
  • When he takes something from you, he touches yours with his fingers.
  • If he shakes your hand, he holds your hand in his a little longer. By the way, you can also use this technique.

Non-verbal behavior of the girl. Speech

  • Raises or lowers his voice after you (tuning)
  • Speeds up or slows down speech after you (same)
  • Laughs in unison with you
  • Laughs at your stupid jokes (she gets excited in your presence)
  • Chest laugh, low
  • Gives you compliments
  • In a crowd or company, he speaks only to you and focuses on you

Sometimes it happens. Some time after a girl likes you, she tries to show you, they say, I don’t communicate with you alone, I like others as well. Then she is nice to other guys in front of your eyes, laughs, etc. What is the purpose here, I don’t know, to test your feelings, to cause jealousy or something else.

Here it is very interesting to watch how she seems to flirt with another, and the toes of BOTH legs look at you at this time or the body is turned in your direction. Non-verbal communication is controlled by the right hemisphere, and it gives out all these signs.

I will talk about the signs of girls' sympathy for you. I hope this makes your life as an effective seducer much easier.

Often there are such phrases in a conversation: “She looked at me with interest,” “She looked at me excitedly,” or similar delusional hallucinations. These proposals have one drawback, which is called "mind reading". Mind reading is an interesting phenomenon, which lies in the fact that we generalize clearly distinguishable gestures, facial expressions to an implicit "interested". In this way, we create a very interesting perceptual filter in the style of “she is interested in me”, although this may be radically wrong. We wishful thinking.

But what is there in reality? What do girls like in guys?

There are many signs by which you can determine that a girl is interested in you. And you should understand that these signs matter only during a conversation with you, and not in a photo sent via the Internet. In addition, it is advisable to pay special attention to how these signs manifest themselves during a conversation with you. They were not there, and suddenly bam - they appeared. So, it means you can speak vulgarities more actively and touch more actively.

What matters are the signs that appeared during communication with you, and not by themselves, and only a change in state matters. For example, if she didn’t show signs before communicating with you, and during communication they climbed in dozens, everything is going well. Only in this case, you can say: "She is interested in me." Okay, let's start.

  • Looking at you, playing with a strand of hair
  • Lets you pet your head
  • Straightens hair with a sharp movement of the head
  • Leaves, and during the absence combs
  • Touches you (probably the most important of the signs of sympathy)
  • Stroking objects, such as a beer mug
  • Constantly showing you his wrist (for example, while smoking)
  • Sits cross-legged
  • straightens the dress
  • Rubbing his feet
  • Strokes a stool or other objects with the toe or foot
  • Both socks point in your direction
  • Swinging the toe in the direction "towards you - away from you"
  • Very long eye contact
  • Looks at you, meeting your gaze
  • If you are on the side or behind, constantly looking for you with eyes
  • Eyes are shining

Complex signs

  • Always by your side
  • Communicates exclusively with you
  • Accidentally touches your chest or pubis
  • During a conversation, her cheeks or exposed areas of the skin turn pink
  • Dancing while looking at you
  • She's breathing fast
  • Lips open, licks them with tongue

This is a set of signs that indicate that a woman is interested in you. If these signs are not present, you are not interested. These signs are there - everything is fine, we continue further.

Are you surprised and do not understand how many guys who are not gifted with natural beauty easily seduce beautiful girls? Do you want to master the secrets of seduction in clubs and cafes in order to “take away” girls home a couple of hours after meeting? Or just want to increase your personal effectiveness in communicating and seducing girls? Then your path lies to us, to

How to learn to touch the girl you like? It's hard to know when to start and when you've already gone too far. If you have found a girl that you like and the attraction is mutual, you need to overcome this barrier, and then find clever ways to touch her as often as possible. How do you touch a girl without sending her the wrong signal? Read and find out.


Break the barrier of touch

    Make sure the girl likes your touch. Before you start artfully planning how to touch a girl, make sure your flirtations are appropriate. If a girl likes you, then she will stand closer to you, will not be nervous if you accidentally bump into the corridor, and will generally show that she likes your company. Does she make eye contact? Does he smile, laugh and have fun? If yes, you are on the right track. Here are a few other ways to understand that she wants you to touch her:

    • If she likes you, she will look you in the eyes for a long time or drop her eyes sharply. These two signs may mean that she likes you. If you accidentally look at a girl and notice that she is looking at you, then this means that she likes you, although she may turn away sharply in the opposite direction. If she quickly takes off, it may mean that she is nervous, but she still likes you.
    • Assess her personality. If she's open and friendly, she's less likely to get upset and back off if you try to touch her. If she is shy and more private, you will need to make sure she is interested in you before touching her.
  1. Touch her lightly and as if by chance. Accidentally touch your hand to her hand, put your hand on her back, or simply pass a pen or notebook and let your hands linger next to each other. Did she jump back like she was on fire, or did she let your bodies slow down for a second and smile? If she shares your feelings, then she will happily respond to your plan to break the touch barrier.

    • Let the first touch be casual and friendly to see how she reacts. There is no need for romantic gestures yet.
  2. Stay a little longer. If the first trick worked, try touching it a little longer next time. Put your hand on her back for a few seconds instead of just letting her through the door. Rest your hand on hers for a few seconds as you share gum with her. If your knees or feet accidentally touch under the table, let that touch last a little longer than usual.

    • This will prepare the girl for more personal and prolonged touching, and you will get a better feel for how much she likes this kind of contact.

Be a gentleman

  1. Look for opportunities to break the touch barrier like a gallant gentleman. This will give you an excuse to touch her in the guise of a gentleman courting a lady. Make sure she's the kind of girl who likes the gentlemanly so she won't think you're too old fashioned. Once you're on a date or spending time in a date-like setting (you're alone and your friend likes you), you need to find ways to be a real gentleman to touch her.

    Hold onto her coat. If you're both about to leave and she needs to put on a coat or jacket, hold it like a gentleman so she can slip her arms through the sleeves. Your knuckles will likely touch her gently as she dresses. If she answers yes and you notice that her hair is caught between her coat and her back, gently pull it out.

    • You can also help her take off her coat at the beginning of the evening, whether you invited her to your house or went to a restaurant.
  2. Give her a hand. This is especially useful if she needs to keep her balance if she gets out of a car or steps over a puddle or any other uneven surface. This will be especially appropriate if she is smartly dressed or wearing heels.

    • Again, make sure she's not the type of girl who thinks it's demeaning to offer her help with everything she does.
  3. Invite her to take your arm, especially if you are going for a walk together. It's a classic gesture, romantic but not overly intimate. Do it after Good luck on your date, where you had a great time together. After dinner or a movie or whatever you did on your date, going for a walk is the best way to show each other how you feel.

    • If this is your first time trying this maneuver or making such physical contact, don't do it on a busy street where both of you might meet someone you know. Find a more intimate setting.
  4. Use the "girl forward" technique. Open the door for her and let her go through doors, corridors, or small gatherings. It would be a good idea to press your hand to her waist before letting her go. Other points to touch are above her elbow (especially if she is wearing short sleeves), or hold her shoulder very gently and carefully.

    • While it's considered good manners to let a girl go first, don't touch her too often every time or she'll think you're only pretending to be a gentleman to touch her.
  5. Lead her along. If you are going to go through a huge crowd, give her a hand so that you can go through the crowd and not lose each other. This will not only show that you care about her, but also that you can be in charge. Once you've gotten past the crowd, you can continue to hold her hand if she feels like it.

    • Holding hands is a big step for girls. If she doesn't like it now, don't be upset. She may want to be your girlfriend first before holding hands, especially in public.

Find reasons to touch

  1. Remove something from her face or hair. No, it's rare to see an eyelash on someone's face, especially on the cheek. If you see her, say, “Wait. You have an eyelash on your face. Let me take it." Carefully remove the eyelash. Don't push too hard, especially if the girl is wearing makeup. Do the same if fluff or dust has stuck to her hair.

    • Of course, do not look for an eyelash on her face all evening long. But if you see it, great.
    • You can lie. Tell her that there is something in her hair, even if there is nothing there, and thus break the barrier of touch.
    • Do not remove food from her face. If you say "wait, you've got a piece of bacon on your chin" that's not going to be sexy.
  2. Compliment her jewelry or manicure. Maybe she has a new ring, haircut or nail polish color? Express it in words (“What a beautiful ring!” or “Did you buy a new polish?”). Raise your hand palm up and ask for a closer look. Find something new, ask a question, and make a positive comment. If she has beautiful earrings, take them in your hand and tell her how cute they are. You can use this technique if you have already touched her - touching the face is very intimate.

    • As you do all this, feel how she responds to having her hand in yours. After she has responded to your comment or question, rub her hand with your thumb and release. Smile and change movements quickly, but try not to look suspicious.
  3. Warm her up. If it's cold outside and you notice she's cold or shivering, offer her your coat. Dress her up. Depending on how comfortable she feels with you, you can rub her hands with yours to warm her up a bit. If you notice that her hands are cold, ask her to give you her hands and put them between her palms. Place them in your palms and rub them gently but quickly to warm them up.

    • If you have the courage, bring her hands to your mouth and warm her with your breath. But only if you are sure that you do not have bad breath!
  4. Be playful. If you're teasing each other, you can shove a little, pat your arm, or touch your shoulder playfully. If you're flirting with each other, it's natural for you to touch each other if you both do. She may even begin to touch you more than you touch her. If you both love fun and flirting, you can touch her this way.

    • Ideal if both of you are in a playful mood. If you notice that only you are touching her, and she is not responding, step back.
  5. Take a bold step. If she reacted positively to all of the above, take the next step (or you risk staying in the friend zone forever). You can put your hand on her shoulder or around her waist, hold her hand. The back of her neck and lower back will also work.

    Notice if she's interested. If the girl doesn't respond positively to your actions, just back off. It doesn't have to mean that she's not interested. She may just be in a bad mood or tired. However, if you've tried more than once and always get the same reaction, she probably isn't interested in you touching her.

Touch it during physical activity

    Dance. Any type of dancing with a partner, such as salsa, tango, or swing, can be a good way to break down your touch barrier. However, always remember that just because she's having a good time dancing with you doesn't mean she's interested in you off the dance floor. And yet it is a start.

    Go to the skating rink. Ice skating is a great occasion for physical contact. You can support her so she doesn't fall if she's not doing well, or you can help each other ride backwards. In the cold, you will also have the opportunity to warm her in your arms or wrapped in your jacket.

    Play tennis. Let her be your partner in a two-on-two game. This will give you plenty of opportunities to high-five her or playfully touch her after a good hit. At the end, you can also touch her back or shoulder and say that it was a great game. Just remember that if she sweats, she may not want to be touched during or after the game.

    Try any activity that requires you to hold her from behind. For example, a trip together on a motorcycle, on a sled, a parachute jump in pairs, and so on. Go to a golf club together if you know how to play. There are many ways to get close to her.

  • Be gentle and caring if you want to touch her. The most delicate moment is to ask permission to hug her goodbye or rub her hand with yours, if she does not like you, then you will immediately understand this.
  • Some women don't like to be touched before they start a relationship. If you're interested in meeting her, take it easy and take your time so you don't scare her away.
  • Tickling is an innocent activity at first glance. But it is better to tickle girls with whom you are already friends, and not strangers.
  • Even the most sophisticated tricks will not work if she is bored or uninterested. Keep up the conversation and make sure you're having fun.
  • Some girls don't like being touched, especially on the first date. Take your time or the relationship will end before it even starts.
  • Joke so that she slaps you on the arm, trying to silence you, but still laughs. Such techniques are very risky and can put you in an awkward position with vulnerable people. Try this method at your own risk.
  • If you're not sure if she's ready to be touched, or you're not sure what it means to be ready, watch how her friends act around her and how she reacts. If you spend time with her friends (and with her, of course), it will help you understand when she is ready and getting used to you. If she starts acting the same way with you as she does with her friends, this is a hint that she is ready (or that you are already in the friend zone; take risks).
  • If you're not dating, you can touch her arm or palm when she says something funny. If she reacts positively, you can touch her leg or maybe even hold her hand for a while.
  • Warnings

    • You may want to be on the safe side by waiting until the girl touches you first, but that can put you in the friend zone and it's hard to get out of it. For many people, the big difference between relationships and friendships is how people touch each other. Learn to understand body language, and if you see a signal or expression that tells you to back off, then respect her boundaries and her feelings by refraining from further contact.
    • If she rubs the area you just touched, it may be a sign that she thinks you are dirty or too rough. For example, if you playfully touch her arm and then she scratches, rubs, or rubs the area, watch out. She either thinks you're dirty, or she's not interested. You can try again later if you think it's just a coincidence, but if she repeats the move, back off for a while.
    • If shortly after you have made physical contact with her, she says she needs to leave or go to the bathroom, this may mean that she did not appreciate contact with you, so you need to be sure that everything is in okay before continuing to touch it.
    • Please note that some people express their emotions very violently. A girl may constantly hug you and think that this is just a friendly sign, while you will receive double messages.
    • Different cultures have different forms of acceptable physical contact. In Korea, holding hands is a very serious step, and hugging and kissing in public is considered indecent. At the same time, in Latin America it is considered the norm. In Bulgaria, hugging a girl goodbye is just as normal as shaking hands. Learn more about the cultural context and stick to the rules.
    • Do not touch her in intimate places, so as not to scare her away.
    • Don't be too pushy if she sends out negative vibes.
    • Don't overdo it! Some girls think that too much manners is boring and sometimes even rude!

    Women are such contradictory creatures that sometimes men spend a lot of time learning to understand them. However, many young people never succeed with the fair sex, because they are not able to recognize secret signals, signs and hints.

    And yet, you can understand women by paying attention to their facial expressions, gestures, and behavior in social networks during correspondence. How to understand that a girl likes you? Watch her, recognize the signs of interest in your person and act.

    You have been talking with a young lady for a long time, but you still can’t understand if she likes you as a friend or is there something more possible between you? Pay attention to her gaze, body position, and involuntary (or arbitrary) gestures.


    Girlish eyes are truly a "lethal weapon". When answering the question of how to understand if a girl likes you, watch her look. If she loves you or is passionate about your persona, then you will notice the following:

    • eye contact lasts longer than usual (at least 6 seconds);
    • the pupils expand when the charmer looks at you;
    • a classmate or company friend looks at you more often than at the people around you;
    • the girl looks sideways, as if looking in the other direction (the fair sex has excellent peripheral vision).

    Remember that if a young lady looks at you, this does not mean that she likes you. Sociable people prefer to make eye contact with their interlocutors. Watch how she behaves with others. If a girl is restrained with other men, and flirts with you, you were not mistaken in her look!


    Playing with curls is a favorite pastime of a girl in love or flirting. In addition, being next to a man pleasant to her makes the young lady nervous, which also affects the involuntary movements of the fingers, including:

    • constant touching of the hair, throwing the bangs back or blowing it off the forehead;
    • winding hair around a finger, pencil or other writing utensils (for example, at school or in the office);
    • throwing back hair from the neck, and at this moment the girl is trying to catch your eye.


    Communicating with a cute young lady, pay more attention to her lips. To say about her sympathy, a girl does not have to say anything at all. If she likes you, then she is very likely to:

    • lick lips;
    • barely noticeable bite the lower lip;
    • smile seductively;
    • touch lips with fingers, as if wanting to check makeup.

    body position

    Watch the position of a girl's body during a conversation to see if a girl likes you. If she crosses her arms over her chest, does not look at you, you can make an assumption of indifference. Signs of interest and sympathy are movements such as:

    • tilt and turn in your direction during a conversation;
    • reducing the distance between you;
    • a touch, even a fleeting one;
    • pointing the toes of her shoes at you;
    • arbitrary or involuntary mirroring of your actions and gestures.

    However, do not forget that modest girls are often nervous, shy, so they begin to “squeeze”, and you may not find the above signs. Wait until she relaxes in your presence and let her know that you also like her.

    The most important sign of a young person's sympathy for a guy is flirting. You are attractive to a girl (or even she loves you) if in your company she begins to laugh, touch you or engage in polemics. However, remembering that every woman is a bright individuality, consider the following rules:

    In addition, pay attention to the changes in the appearance of the young person. If she likes you, she will try to change her wardrobe, hairstyle or makeup. However, there are girls who look almost perfect in all situations. In this case, you need to watch her for some time to notice changes in her appearance.

    It should not be assumed that the changes in the appearance of a young charmer are associated with her sympathy for your person. Some girls do not consider it necessary to change their appearance, because they are self-confident and prefer to remain themselves.

    To find out if a girl likes you, first of all, look at her behavior while communicating with you. A classmate at school, a young lady in a company or a colleague at work, upon contact with a pleasant young man, begins:

    • listen carefully to him (and it is not so important what he says), actively maintain a conversation on almost any topic;
    • smile at the guy's jokes and laugh at the jokes and funny stories he told (smart girls in love understand that even unsuccessful jokes need to be positively evaluated).

    Interest in a guy when communicating on social networks

    In this case, we will talk about how to find out by correspondence in VK and other social networks that a girl likes you. It is rather difficult to determine female sympathy from a distance. However, there are several signs that will help to make at least an approximate picture and establish how interested the interlocutor is in you.

    Pay attention to such signs and features of communication by correspondence in VK, such as:

    • the speed of her responses to your message (not the most accurate point, since the young lady can just be very busy);
    • whether she writes to you first when you appear on the network or prefers to wait for your messages (shy girls may not write first);
    • numerous likes and comments on photos, videos or music videos on your VK page;
    • how detailed her messages are, whether she readily answers what words she uses (“clearly”, “yes” are considered impersonal and indifferent words);
    • whether she likes to be frank with you.

    To resolve all issues, force the situation. No need to ask every morning about the state of her affairs, about the weather, just offer to meet, sit in a cafe or exchange phone numbers. If she refuses, you will not waste much time on fruitless courtship.

    How can you tell if a girl likes you?

    There are a couple of simple but effective techniques to understand if a certain young person has warm feelings for you. In practice, they look like this:

    1. Smile at her when she looks at you. Just like that, without any ulterior motive. If a girl immediately returns your smile, you can consider this a good sign.
    2. Try to cause jealousy by flirting a little with her friend or just another young lady in her presence. During flirting, carefully observe the response. The girl will definitely try to hide her irritation, but she can be given out:
      • rapid breathing;
      • drastically changed mood;
      • nervousness;
      • any attempt to get your attention.

    Of course, these signs are not enough to say with "reinforced concrete" confidence that a girl likes you. Perhaps the best way out would be to invite her on a date, to a cafe or cinema, where you can accurately answer the question that torments you.

    So, it should be recognized that young people cannot always accurately understand all the signs that the fair sex gives.

    Remember that no two girls are the same. One, absolutely indifferent to you, can show almost all of the above signs of interest, the other, in love with you, will not show a single secret signal. Therefore, be patient, get to know your interlocutor better and feel with your heart whether she likes you.

    Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

    Introduction: When you communicate with a girl, most of your communication takes place on a non-verbal level, using body language and meta messages, and the girl also always sends you meta messages and communicates with you using her body language.
    Over time, female body language will become like an open book to you.

    It is very important when you can “read” her body language, as this allows you to determine the readiness of the girl for this or that action of yours + for this, about female checks, the girl does not want to seem like an easily accessible whore, so to directly tell you, “I am now I want” is difficult for her, but she will convey her message to you with her body language, and she may not even be aware of this message of hers.

    That is why it is so important to be sensitive, to notice details.

    Signs of interest, S.S.S. Examples:
    Picture this to yourself as you read so you can remember it better.

    1. The girl will fix her hair
    , shakes her hair, plays with her hair (twirls her hair around her finger), lets you stroke her head, Leaves and combs her hair during her absence.

    2. The girl's eyes begin to shine, in general, when girls' eyes become very wet, this is a sign of a girl's strong sexual arousal.

    3. The girl starts to play with her jewelry, for example, with your pendant on a chain, touch your earrings.

    4. The girl extends one or both of her legs towards you., points her toe at you (it doesn’t matter if you are standing or sitting), when communicating with you, the girl shows you her leg, foot, holding her foot on the heel, as if showing you that she is watching you carefully, tuned in to your wave. More about legs, when you are talking with a girl and she suddenly crosses her legs, it is very possible that she is excited and flowing, she is playing with a shoe.

    5. The girl starts asking you questions., for example (where do you study, where do you work, what do you do) - these questions may not be female checks, she just wants to know you better. If you are in a group, then the girl communicates mainly with you, leans in your direction.

    6. She stares at you for a long time, right in the eyes - look at her also answer her, this is a female test - reconsider her, she casts her glance at you and turns away sharply (as if embarrassed). Looking for eye contact with you.

    7. She approaches you, she places one of her objects closer to you, a purse, a lighter, hands, a hand.

    8. She shows you her neck., as if “saying” bite me, she can simply tilt her head, exposing her neck, or she can remove hair from her neck, from your side.

    9. The girl shows you her wrist,“oooh” is a great signal that makes me very happy when a girl gives it to me. She can fix her hair by showing you her wrist, she can sit down and put her hands with her wrists up, she can show you her wrist while smoking, but the best thing is when she lies down and you have her and she shows you her wrist :-)

    10 Girl touches you, very strong and good CCC, the girl, when communicating with you, strokes objects, for example, run your finger along the rim of a glass or along its leg.

    11. Adjusts his clothes as if to tell you to look at me.

    12. Clenches his hands into fists, talking to you.

    13. The girl starts to tremble- This is a sign of strong sexual arousal.

    14. Strokes his feet something under the table.

    15. Girl, shakes her leg towards you.

    16. The girl begins to sing, dance, very often they do this when you go to meet her with your chic gait.

    17 The girl tries to be near you and tries to touch you.

    18 The girl turns pink, or her cheeks start to burn.- a sign of sexual arousal.

    19 She takes the same pose, how about you.

    20 She pushes you from behind- initiation of acquaintance.

    21 She starts breathing fast, the girl takes deep breaths.

    22. She licks her lips looking at you, she tries to show you her teeth, opening her lips - a very good sign of a girl's interest in you, plays with her tongue, pouts her lips, smiles at you, even when nothing particularly funny happened. She bites her lips.

    23. While smoking, she points a cigarette at you.

    24. She shows you her armpit.

    If you notice one or more of these signals, this means that the girl is telling you to move on in your communication with her, pick up the phone, kiss, take home, love, etc., do it right away.

    It's very good if you can read a girl's body language, because if you understand that a girl likes you and she tells you “I want more”, it gives you confidence.

    And more about body language: It can differ from person to person, what means one thing for one person can mean a completely different thing for another, so try to feel the general physiological state of a person, and draw conclusions after talking with him for a while.

    Chatterbox: Now, about one chip, which will help you determine whether a girl likes you, it is especially useful to use this chip on a date.
    So the chip is as follows: - you begin to actively, emotionally, for a long time talk about something to a girl, in order to overload the girl’s consciousness so that she starts unconsciously giving you S.S.S.

    Chat the girl, overload her consciousness, let her start acting unconsciously, so you will find out what she really feels right now.
    To do this, start talking about something and jump from topic to topic, zoom out, detail your story, and jump from topic to topic, zoom in, speak in general terms, turn on your nonsense generator.

    For example, you communicate with a girl on a date: And she tells you “I don’t kiss on the first date”, “I’m not like that”, “I don’t like you”, “We won’t have anything” (Women’s check on how you are confident and able to endure such a statement of hers and despite this seduce her) ignore what she said, watch her body language, turn on your chatterbox, paired with your delusion generator and start actively talking about something, and watch her body language , perhaps she will begin to lean or approach you, support your conversation, mirror, adjust to you or serve other S.S.S. - this means that she is deceiving you, and she really likes you.
