How to get certified for a toy. Mandatory certification of toys

In 2012, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR TS 008/2011 "On the safety of toys" came into force. Since then, toys sold on the territory of the Customs Union, and now the Eurasian Economic Union, are subject to mandatory certification.


But not everything is a toy that seems to be a toy. The Technical Regulations mentioned above have a whole list of products that are not covered by TR CU 008/2011.

Be very careful with this list. If the types of products indicated in it are not toys, this does not mean that they are not subject to other technical regulations. Therefore, in order to avoid problems at customs or with other inspection authorities, check the need for mandatory certification for your products in advance.

Also, handmade toys do not need a certificate if they are not intended for children.


Toys intended for sale on the territory of the EAEU are checked for compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR TS 008/2011 "On the safety of toys", as well as the requirements of the GOST 257779-90 standard. Children's toys containing chemical current sources in their construction are tested for compliance with the requirements of STB IEC 62115-2008.


During the conformity assessment, the expert auditors first check the safety of the toy. A toy, regardless of its type, method of manufacture, material and purpose, must be made in such a way as not to harm the child or the one who looks after him. The more complex the toy, the more details it contains, the more tests it undergoes. The most incredible options are taken into account: the child should not hit, cut, scratch.

Criteria for assessing the safety of children's toys

  • The material from which the toy is made, must be clean, free from contamination and comply with the requirements of the technical regulation TR TS 008/2011 "On the safety of toys." In toys for children under 3 years old, it is forbidden to use natural fur, leather, glass, porcelain, brushed rubber, cardboard, paper, and stuffing granules less than 3 mm in size without an inner cover. Also in toys it is unacceptable to use recycled materials from materials that have already been in use. But the use of own production waste is allowed.

  • Toy design. Toys must be designed and manufactured in such a way that, when used, they do not endanger the life and health of children and those who look after them. Parts of the toy must be manufactured and installed in such a way that they cannot enter the upper respiratory tract of the child or injure him.

  • Flammability. Any toys, regardless of their material, method of manufacture and purpose, must be fireproof. They must not ignite or explode under any circumstances.

  • Chemical properties. The likelihood of chemicals entering the respiratory tract, skin, mucous membranes, eyes or stomach should be minimized.

In addition to the listed indicators, microbiological and toxicological and hygienic indicators, electrical properties and radiation safety of toys are also evaluated during certification.

There are also separate requirements for packaging for children's toys.

Do not forget to take into account the age restrictions of toys. These can be toys for children up to three years old, as well as from three years old and older (up to 14 years old). To warn adults that a toy may be dangerous for children under 3 years old, it must be marked with the following sign:

Toy labeling

The labeling of toys must be reliable, clear, easy to read, accessible for inspection and identification, and also contain the following information:

  • name of the toy;
  • name of the country of manufacture;
  • name and location of the manufacturer (a person authorized by the manufacturer), importer, information for contacting them;
  • manufacturer's trademark (if any);
  • the minimum age of the child for which the toy is intended or a pictogram indicating the age of the child;
  • date of manufacture (month, year);
  • service life or expiration date.

If necessary, also indicate:

  • storage conditions;
  • main structural material;
  • how to care for toys

The marking and technical documentation supplied with the toy must be in Russian and in the state language(s) of the member state of the Eurasian Economic Union, subject to the relevant requirements in the legislation of the member state(s) of the Eurasian Economic Union. union.


As we wrote above, before being released into circulation on the market, toys must be certified without fail.

We have already talked about all the stages of certification common to any type of product in the article "The whole truth about the procedure and rules for certification". But the process of certification of children's toys has some peculiarities. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Prior to the certification of toys, you need to submit an application for certification work and a package of documents to the certification body.

Then the certification body reviews your documents, conducts sampling (if necessary) and identification. After that, samples are tested for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and standards. If you are a manufacturer and mass-produce toys, then the certification body analyzes the state of production. If in the course of all inspections and tests it turns out that your product meets the requirements for it, you will be issued a certificate of conformity for toys.

The validity period of the certificate of conformity for toys produced in series is no more than 5 years; for a batch of toys, the validity period of the certificate of conformity is not established

After receiving the certificate of conformity, all you have to do is put on the toys a single mark of circulation of products on the market of the Eurasian Economic Union.

If you have a serial production of toys, be prepared for the subsequent certification of the inspection control of your products. For more information about what can happen to you after certification, we wrote in the article "What to do with a certificate of conformity".

The certification body "Certification Center Standard" is accredited to carry out work on the certification of children's toys. For more information, use the free consultation form on our website.

If the degree of usefulness of a child's product is determined by adults responsible for the child, then safety should be determined by special regulatory authorities.

What is a certificate for children's toys? How can you get it? And what should adults do when faced with low-quality children's goods?

Certificate for toys. Requirements, features

A certificate for toys is a document that must be obtained by every manufacturer and seller of children's goods intended for the development of speech, mental and emotional functions of a child.

However, unfortunately, not all small private entrepreneurs want to provide a sample of their products for verification.

In addition, you should not lose sight of unreliable sellers selling toys of unknown origin (most often we are talking about goods from China). Competitive price, bright attractive appearance, as well as taking into account all modern trends make such products a "tidbit" for adults and kids. How can you protect your own child?

Toy classification

All children's toys subject to certification are divided among themselves according to the following number of features:

  • child's age (0-3, 5+, etc.);
  • the appearance of the toy (cube, puzzle, rattle, machine);
  • the material used for its manufacture (rubber, plastic, wood);
  • the purpose of the toy (sound development, development of fine motor skills, etc.);
  • its device (mechanical, electrical, etc.).

In addition, some types of children's products are subject to additional requirements, for example, in order to obtain a certificate for toys for kindergarten, the manufacturer must pass:

  • laboratory research;
  • research on compliance with pedagogical standards.

What it is? In simple terms, a toy, which children of different ages will later play within the preschool educational institution, must develop the right spiritual, intellectual and physical qualities in kids.

Compliance testing is carried out by the Federal Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia or other state institutions that are created at the initiative of the state educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Toys for children from 0 to 3 years

To begin with, it is worth noting that in 2012 the technical regulation of the Customs Union called "On the safety of toys" came into force. That is, for about 5 years, all such goods must have an appropriate certificate.

However, the younger the child, the more requirements are placed on a toy intended for use by very young children.

So, for example, those manufacturers who used to manufacture their products in the 0-3 year category will not receive certificates for children's toys:

  • natural fur and leather (allergic reactions may occur);
  • easily breaking or easily soaking materials (e.g. glass, cardboard);
  • recyclables;
  • stuffing granules smaller than 3 mm without special additional packaging.

In addition, in order, for example, to obtain certificates for wooden toys, the manufacturer will need to obtain a hygiene certificate.

The standard procedure for obtaining permits assumes that this certificate is issued after receiving a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

However, today a fairly large number of organizations offer toy manufacturers their services in obtaining such permits at the same time. For this reason, talking about the procedure for obtaining certificates is not entirely correct.

So, in order to obtain a hygiene certificate, a children's product made of wood must:

  • have well-finished edges;
  • do not have paintwork.

Stuffed Toys

As in the case of wooden toys, obtaining a certificate for soft toys is associated with certain difficulties. So, for example, the material from which the soft-filled figurine is made must correspond to the age norms of the child (this has already been discussed above).

In addition, soft toys must be tested for:

  • water absorption of the stuffing;
  • no chemical substances of the 1st class;
  • fire safety;
  • organoleptic features.

At the same time, manufacturers have the right to produce both frameless soft stuffed products and toys with a frame “backbone”.


In order to obtain a certificate of conformity for children's toys, the manufacturer must be responsible not only for the production of his product, but also for the process of creating packaging for it.

What must be indicated on the packaging?

  • Product Name.
  • Manufacturer or importer (country, address, contact phone number).
  • Trademark (optional).
  • Age restrictions.
  • The material used to make.
  • Methods of storage, care.
  • Date of issue.
  • Lifetime.

If another country acts as a manufacturer or importer, then all inscriptions on the packaging must be made in at least 2 languages ​​(in the native language of the manufacturing country, if it is a member of the EAEU, and in Russian).

In addition, the packaging must contain an image of the toy and, in some cases, instructions for its use. However, these requirements are not mandatory, they rather affect the increase in consumer demand.

Verification steps

On the territory of the Russian Federation, quality certificates for toys are issued after the following:

  • filing an application for certification with the provision of all necessary documents;
  • conducting laboratory tests;
  • issuing a certificate.

All children's toys are tested for safety in operation. Simply put, laboratory workers determine what the product consists of (materials, packing, fittings and other elements), study its design, chemical and microbiological properties.

The probabilities are also calculated that the child may injure himself with a toy (cut himself, swallow small parts). At the same time, everything is considered, even almost fictional situations.

Based on the results of the inspection, a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion is issued.

Sample certificate of conformity for toys

The Customs Union is a mutually beneficial cooperation of certain states, giving the right to unhindered trade in equipment, goods and raw materials (upon receipt of the relevant document) to representatives of Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

It is for this reason that obtaining a certificate for a product such as children's toys is not just a necessary measure, it is also very beneficial.

A major Russian toy manufacturer dreaming of working for export will not be able to offer its product to EAEU members until it receives a certificate of conformity.


There is a certain list of products that do not require a certificate for toys, since such products are either directly intended not for children, or for them, but in the 14+ age group.

This includes:

  • artificial Christmas trees (+ all accessories for them, including Christmas decorations);
  • decorative dolls (category 14+);
  • scale models for modeling, collecting (category 14+);
  • equipment intended for playgrounds (including toys installed in public places and intended for general use);
  • goods with heating elements (used in the educational process with mandatory adult supervision);
  • toys operating at a voltage of 24 V (+ battery chargers and steam engines);
  • protective goods and goods for swimming (bicycle helmets, inflatable sleeves, etc.);
  • flying toys launched with a rubber device;
  • children's slot machines;
  • sports equipment;
  • children's jewelry;
  • exact copies of firearms and throwing weapons (a bow, the length of which in the “working”, stretched state exceeds 1.2 m, a catapult, etc.);
  • pneumatic weapons;
  • goods made of latex or rubber intended for sanitary and hygienic purposes;
  • big puzzles (from 500 puzzles);
  • bicycles intended for use on public roads;
  • Vehicles with internal combustion engines (14+).

Poor quality products

Too many people do not even think about what to do if they accidentally find a seller selling toys without the appropriate permits (without a certificate for toys).

And completely in vain, because if every person consciously begins to relate to the problem of counterfeit children's products, then its number on the Russian market will noticeably decrease.

So, if you find low-quality children's toys (soiling your hands, emitting a sharp chemical smell), contact the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in your city. This can be done both by calling the hotline, and by means of a written application submitted to the supervision service in person or by e-mail.


So, buying something for a child from a seller who does not have a certificate for toys is extremely imprudent. However, even if there is a corresponding document, all things must be checked, because it is never worth excluding the fact of a fake certificate.

And if during the inspection of the toy no external damage to the material is found, no traces of contamination are visible, no unpleasant smell is felt, and the packaging has the correct marking, such a product can be safely purchased.

Rostest-Moscow is the largest in Russia and the most well-known center for practical metrology, standardization and testing abroad. It conducts safety tests on a wide variety of products. All over the world, children's toys are subject to mandatory certification, and our country is no exception.

Why is toy certification necessary?

The safety of our children depends on many factors, including what toys they play with. There is GOST, which is called “General safety requirements and methods for controlling toys”. It lists 99 types of tests. Each toy is addressed to children of a certain age, made of a certain material, made for a specific purpose. Based on this, we test various toys. Absolutely everything is checked: marking, packaging, cleanliness of the surface of the toy, as well as various functional qualities, fasteners, folding devices. Requirements for toys comply with European standards. In the game, children are in close contact with toys, and the materials from which they are made should not be allowed to harm their health. According to a study by KOMKON, safety has come out on top today in the list of criteria that consumers are guided by.

The facts testify to how serious this is. During the certification procedure for toys, several times the maximum permissible content of salts of heavy metals, lead in plastic toys, the presence of surface dyes, and poorly fixed elements were repeatedly found. Such toys are dangerous for the health of children! And certification is not superfluous, but an extremely necessary measure.

How is our product tested?

On July 1, 2012, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of toys" (TR CU 008/2011) came into force. Now there is no need to obtain a separate sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. It was simply cancelled. And all the requirements for the safety of toys are contained in one document. Its essence is that toys must be designed and manufactured in such a way that, when used for their intended purpose, they would not pose a danger to the life and health of children and persons looking after them. Certification confirms the compliance of toys with safety requirements.

How is certification carried out? A certificate, that is, a document confirming the compliance of a toy with safety requirements, is issued by an accredited certification body. But the certification expert can make such a conclusion only on the basis of the results of preliminary tests. To receive a certificate, a toy must pass (and pass!) Tests for the following safety indicators: organoleptic, toxicological, hygienic, microbiological, sanitary-chemical and physical-mechanical. Special requirements apply to toys for children under three years old.

The volume, the length of the handle of the rattle, and the strength are checked (we throw a kilogram weight on the toy from a certain height). Toys containing children (tents, tunnels) must pass a fire safety test. It may occur to children to light a fire in the tent, so the flame should not spread too fast for the child to get out of there. The door should not be locked, but only opened outwards. Carriages for dolls are tested with weights of 50 kg. They must be able to support the weight of the child. The folding mechanism should not injure the baby. Masquerade costumes are tested for fire safety. For water toys, the seams should not let water through. A non-return valve is required. The child should not pull out the lid. The test program for each specific case is formed by the certification body. Only after analyzing the received test report, the expert can conclude whether the toy is safe or not. Therefore, each certificate must indicate the number of the test report, on the basis of which it was issued, and the testing laboratory that issued it.

What happens to a product that has not passed laboratory tests?

The fact that the toy does not meet safety requirements is reflected in the test report. This means that it will not receive a certificate and cannot be sold. Unfortunately, cases of fake certificates are not uncommon. Do I need to explain that we are talking about the legalization of frankly dangerous products? Even the fact that they endanger children does not stop unscrupulous entrepreneurs. Therefore, be sure to ask for a certificate, and if any doubts crept in, do not be too lazy to call the certification body that issued the certificate to check it. And be careful when buying toys.

What should parents pay attention to?

The marking must certainly indicate the address of the manufacturer (his representative, the seller), so that there is someone to complain to. So-called impersonal goods, that is, made by no one knows who and no one knows where, are always potentially dangerous. It is for this reason that the manufacturer strives to remain unknown and inaccessible in order to avoid problems. Meanwhile, the lack of information about the manufacturer is one of the most common violations today. Extremely important information is the age for which products for children are designed. After all, children are in the process of growth and development, and the things that surround them must correspond to their physiological capabilities. Neither clothes nor games can be bought for children "for growth". They will do nothing but harm.

The marking of the toy, in addition to the mandatory requirements, must have:
- an indication of the user's age for which the toy is recommended;
- an indication of how to care (soft toys);
- instructions for assembling toys, if produced by the consumer, and instructions for the safe operation of toys;
- the maximum allowable load (user weight) for toys that carry the weight of his body.

Sound level of toys other than impulse sound, toy modules for sports competitions, tuned musical toys, wind and percussion instruments:
- for children under three years old - no more than 60 dB;
- from three to six years - no more than 65 dB;
- older than six years - no more than 70 dB.

The sound level of toys for outdoor games is no more than 85 dB, toys emitting impulse sound is no more than 90 dB. All this is included in the format of mandatory certification of children's products for compliance with safety requirements. And if the products have been tested and certified as required by law, then there is no doubt that all requirements are met. If you find at least one of the listed signs of danger, then you have low-quality products in your hands. And don't be fooled by the seller's assurances that it's safe.

Toy- an object or product intended for the play of a child (children) under the age of 14 years.

The main parameters of the classification of toys:

  • age of the child (children under one year old, children under 3 years old, children from 3 to 5 years old, etc.)
  • production material(metal, fabric, rubber, plastic, wood, fur, combined)
  • educational purpose(musical, sound, motor, groovy, visual, constructive, figurative)
  • device (soft, electric, mechanical, simple (cubes), collapsible (designers), inflatable (balls, balls), on wheels (cars, etc.)
  • appearance (toy weapons, dolls depicting animals, people, other creatures, toy cars, musical instruments, toy objects (household items, saucepans, toy construction tools, toy mobile phones), etc.)

Children's toys are covered. This regulation establishes requirements for toys in order to protect the life and health of children and persons looking after them. Poor-quality toys can cause irreparable harm to the health and life of a child, so they are subject to mandatory certification. At the moment, the market for children's goods is not in a very pleasant situation, it is filled with toys that do not meet the proper quality and safety requirements. Many toy manufacturers know that in Russia, few people carry out certification with tests and supply toys from cheap raw materials in an attempt to extract momentary benefits without thinking about a potential buyer, and even more so about the health of our children. From such toys, a child can get injured, poisoned, cut, in a word, there is little pleasant from such products. Children's toys must be manufactured and designed in such a way that, when used for their intended purpose, they do not pose a danger to the life and health of children. Before being released into circulation, toys must pass the appropriate confirmation of the safety requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union. Confirmation of the corresponding requirements of toys is carried out in the form of certification. Certification of children's toys is carried out by the certification body, according to certification schemes 1s, 2s, 3s.

Each toy is designed for a child of its age group, made of a specific material, designed for a specific purpose.

When checking a toy, the following factors are taken into account:

  • surface cleanliness of the toy
  • functional qualities
  • fasteners
  • folding devices
  • marking
  • package

The basis for issuing a certificate is . First, toy samples are tested in an accredited laboratory included in the Unified Register of Testing Laboratories of the Customs Union.

Experts compare test results obtained in laboratories with acceptable values ​​​​of safety indicators:

  • organoleptic (smell, taste)
  • physical and mechanical (level of local vibration, sound level)
  • chemical (harmful substances, release of harmful substances into the environment)
  • flammability (fire safety)
  • toxicological and hygienic (toxicity index, irritating effects on mucous membranes)
  • electrical
  • microbiological
  • radiation (presence of radioactive particles)

If the safety indicators obtained as a result of testing comply with the standards specified in TR CU 008/2011, then on the basis of the test report, a

The list of documents required to obtain a certificate:

  • Charter
  • TIN certificate
  • OGRN certificate
  • Lease agreement for production areas
  • Description of products, drawings, diagrams (if necessary)
  • Specifications (if the products are not manufactured according to GOST)
  • Application for certification
  • ISO certificate
  • Contract or invoice (if imported products)

Marking of children's toys:

Until recently, certification of toys on the territory of the Russian Federation was carried out on the basis of PP No. 982 dated 01.12.2009. The following groups of toys were subject to mandatory conformity assessment:

  • electrical;
  • pyrotechnic;
  • Christmas tree garlands, ornaments and similar products;
  • video games.

Decision of the Customs Union No. 798 dated September 23, 2011 approved the operation of the unified Technical Regulation of the Customs Union on the safety of toys from July 1, 2012 on the territory of the three member countries of the Customs Union. In the accepted coding system, this regulatory document has a code - TR CU 008/2011.

So far, there have been no adjustments to PP No. 982 related to the entry into force of the new TR CU. Therefore, it is important (especially during the transitional period) to apply to special bodies that have the right to conduct certification for clarifications and clarifications of the specific situation for certain types of conformity assessment.

Certification of children's toys based on TR CU

The action of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union on toys does not apply to all types of toys. Exceptions from the general list of goods are contained in Appendix No. 1 to the TR CU (they cannot be issued a certificate confirming the fulfillment of the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the CU). This applies in particular to the following types of toys for children and teenagers:

  • electric garlands and other Christmas decorations;
  • collectible models (made on the basis of scaling) intended for children over 14 years old;
  • sports equipment and sports equipment for playgrounds;
  • decorative dolls for children over 14;
  • gaming machines and similar toys for general use;
  • complex puzzles (more than 500 pieces).
  • pneumatic weapons and copies of firearms;
  • devices and some types of projectiles for throwing;
  • battery chargers, transformers and other power sources, including those supplied with the toy;
  • products with heating elements and for the educational process;
  • transport toys with internal combustion engines and steam engines for children under 14;
  • bicycles;
  • toys operating at a voltage of more than 24 V;
  • children's jewelry;
  • means of protection and devices for swimming;
  • flying toys and bows;
  • sanitary and hygienic products made of rubber, latex, rubber and other materials.

The main general safety requirements are formulated in Article 4 of the first section.

Children's toys must be designed and manufactured in such a way that, when used by children for play, they are not dangerous to health and life and the following risk groups are absent:

  • related to the design features of the toy;
  • related to the materials used or possible substitutions.

All risks must take into account the characteristics of the age for which the toys are intended.

Toys, depending on the chosen classification feature, belong to different types. For example, by age they are divided into toys for newborns (28-30 days), for babies (up to one year old), for children under two years old, up to three years old, up to five years old, for schoolchildren, for teenagers.

According to the type of material from which certain toys are made, they are divided into wooden, fur, rubber, plastic and others. TR TS imposes special requirements on materials depending on the type and age category of toys. So for the age groups of children under three years old, many types of materials for the production of toys (paper, cardboard, fur, pile, leather, glass, and others) cannot be used. At the same time, there is a general requirement for different types of materials: they must all have certificates of conformity for their use in the manufacture of children's toys.

The following toy safety indicators associated with various risk areas are subject to analysis and conformity assessment by an expert of the certification body, among other things:

  • organoleptic indicators (smell, taste);
  • physical factors (e.g. sound level, level of electrostatic stress on the surface);
  • sanitary and chemical indicators;
  • microbiological indicators;
  • indicators of radioactive radiation and others.

TR TS imposes special requirements on the labeling of children's toys, including graphic symbols and graphic prohibitions on use.

The maximum period for which a permit for serial production is valid is five years (the period of validity depends on the certification scheme for children's toys chosen on the basis of the TR CU permits). When certifying toys in the amount of one or more batches, a certificate is issued without indicating the expiration date for its validity.

Sanitary certificate for toys and other types of permits

It is possible to obtain a mandatory certificate for toys required by the legislation of the Customs Union only if there is a document confirming the sanitary safety of this type of product. The requirements for sanitary certification of games and toys are established by the CCC Decision No. 299 dated May 28, 20010. An Expert opinion is established as such a document, because children's toys are listed only in the first section of the document.

You can get this document in Russia at Rospotrebnadzor on the basis of a protocol for testing product samples in a testing laboratory accredited in this federal structure. If the conclusion of the expert document is positive, an appendix is ​​drawn up to it in the form of a Letter, indicating the sanitary and hygienic safety of children's products.

In some cases, it can be quite difficult to prove certain types of security, because. For some toys, according to test methods, it is necessary to conduct studies of more than a hundred different characteristics and indicators.

Pyrotechnic products are subject to conformity assessment based on TR CU 006/2011, which came into force on the territory of the Customs Union on February 15, 2012. On its basis, a certificate for pyrotechnic toys (such as household toy fireworks and other similar products) must be obtained.

In addition, on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 123 “On Fire Safety”, it is necessary to issue a fire certificate of conformity for garlands on the basis of tests of toy samples in a certification body accredited by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Radio-controlled toys are included in groups 9504 and 9503 according to the TN VED codes of the Customs Union (CU). For them on the territory of the Russian Federation, compulsory licensing of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is required. Without this permit, it is prohibited to conduct any activity related to the circulation and release of such product names.
