How to understand that a Taurus man has lost interest. When a Taurus man is in love, his behavior

Taurus is a very strong sign that is influenced by Venus and the Moon. Taurus' feelings are intense, the secrets of the soul are deep. He is very sentimental and sensitive. Emotions are his driving force, which makes him strive for a better life. He is always confident in himself, prefers practical things and comfort. Taurus are guided by their feelings, and the truth for them is hidden only in what they can independently verify in practice.

Feelings of Taurus - what the secrets of his soul will tell about

Representatives of this sign are very difficult to anger. However, if this happens, they sacredly keep grievances in their souls and memories, so they can show rage even after many months and years. Characteristics force Taurus to curb their sensuality, so they most often mask emotions and suppress anger.

In extreme cases, they can resort to endless moralizing or use sarcastic jokes. If there is a need for this, Taurus can also perfectly feign contempt or anger, even if in fact they do not experience it.

Taurus feelings - love and passion

Even in their youth, they begin to dream of love and often fall in love with this feeling long before they have their first lover. When they truly fall in love, they need time to open up to this reality and to the other person. And even at a more mature age, passion does not suddenly arise in them. And when Taurus' feelings speak, there is no more sensual sign.

For Taurus, there is an equal sign between feelings and desires. They completely succumb to their passion and go to the end, no matter whether it is sweet or bitter for them. And although in everything else Taurus are very practical, when it comes to love, nothing can stop them, not even criticism, inconvenience, or discomfort.

Sensitivity for Taurus is higher than sexual intercourse and it is visible in everything that concerns a loved one. The love of representatives of this sign is tender, touching, long-lasting and uncomplicated. For Taurus, the old-fashioned, but incredibly romantic promise of eternal fidelity and death, like Romeo and Juliet, if their love is thwarted, remains valid. Taurus wants to completely belong to their lovers and completely own them. If reality is too far from the ideal, Taurus experiences despondency, jealousy, and does not want any distractions or reconciliations. He does not forgive deception and betrayal.

Taurus men have a thorough approach to everything related to their personal life.

The sign is mysterious, so women wonder about ways to determine male sympathy.

We will talk about the nuances of a Taurus man’s behavior in love.

Determining if you're in love by a man's appearance

The zodiac sign is usually distinguished by its sophisticated style and restraint in choosing a wardrobe.

If a woman notices that a Taurus man is increasingly dressing too elegantly or luxuriously to meet her, then we are talking about deep sympathy.

People don’t like to experiment with style, but if they decide to do so, their goal is to please their partner.

What other features of Taurus’s appearance can indicate that he fell in love?

  1. Astrology experts say that Taurus people in love blink a lot and often, which looks funny.
  2. Excessive sweating (especially sweaty palms) is a clear sign that a Taurus is in love.
  3. Taurus never allow themselves to be careless in their clothes, but during the period of falling in love, they pay even more attention to their appearance.

Sometimes a man decides to completely change his style. For example, having fallen in love, a man may decide to change his hairstyle or buy an original item for his wardrobe.

Since Taurus is considered a reserved zodiac sign, they often express their excitement through gestures and facial expressions.

For example, in the presence of his beloved, a man may gesticulate a lot, expressing his thoughts.
His former restraint in behavior is replaced by the passion of a real storyteller. The frequent blinking mentioned above sometimes becomes the best expression of Taurus' feelings.

It is difficult to determine the depth of feelings by appearance, and it is easier to base this on the man’s behavior.

His manners and nuances of communication

If your man is a Taurus, how can you tell if he is in love? Men born under this zodiac sign are considered true gentlemen. They are always ready to help a lady, they can do housework, just like that, showing their courtesy. If a representative of the stronger sex falls in love, his courtesy increases noticeably.

Many astrologers note that men in love try in every way to help the woman they like, taking upon themselves all their worries. Taurus tries to be attentive to women's problems, making every effort to resolve them. There are several other signs that directly indicate love emerging in the heart of Taurus.

  1. A man listens to a woman, trying to find out as much as possible about her interests and plans for life.
  2. Taurus people love to give gifts, sudden and without reason.
  3. A Taurus in love will never allow himself to raise his voice to his partner or show his tactlessness or inattention.
  4. From the very beginning of the relationship, Taurus begins to listen to the opinion of his partner, trying to make the relationship equal and happy.

Astrologers call Taurus the main monogamous people. It is difficult for them to part with their childhood dreams of ideal love. Taurus always listen to their partner, trying to understand whether their views on life coincide.

For this zodiac sign, it is important to build a family nest and achieve fulfilling and happy relationships. Therefore, if a girl suddenly tells Taurus that she does not want to have children and a family, their relationship is unlikely to continue. Men fall in love with one goal: to live together all their lives and have many children.

Regardless of how the relationship between a man and a woman will proceed in the future, a Taurus in love will never allow himself to be rude. Ideal manners, as well as an impeccable appearance, are the most reliable ways to determine if a Taurus man is in love.

Representatives of the sign are considered thoughtful people in financial matters, but love deprives them of all rationality. If Taurus used to scrupulously calculate expenses, but now he showers a woman with flowers and gifts, it means he has fallen in love with her without memory. Paradise life will not continue indefinitely, because usually, as soon as Taurus is convinced of the reciprocity of their feelings, they return to their previous financial rationality.

Frequent actions of a Taurus man in love

Since Taurus people are sometimes called introverted and secretive, determining the depth of their love can often be difficult. There are actions by which you can identify a Taurus man in love.

  1. A representative of the sign in love tries to spend as much time as possible with the object of his affection.
  2. If a Taurus falls in love, then usually all his secrecy comes to naught, which allows the man to have frank conversations with his beloved about life.
  3. Taurus are often reserved, but representatives of the sign in love always try to make their partner laugh, lifting her spirits in every possible way.
  4. If a girl rejects the advances of a Taurus in love, he will show amazing persistence, simultaneously demonstrating his courtesy.

Sometimes representatives of this zodiac sign carefully hide their feelings until they are convinced that the love is mutual. Men begin to spend all their free time with their beloved, listening to all her experiences.

Another important step that a Taurus man will take is meeting his parents. As soon as Taurus realizes how deep his feelings are, he will immediately try to introduce the woman he loves to his parents . For representatives of this sign, family always comes first. The parents' opinion about the girl can become decisive regarding the development of their future relationships.

People are different, and it is impossible to determine the behavior of a man in love based on knowledge of his zodiac sign. This knowledge will help the girl behave correctly with her partner so as not to offend his feelings.

The Taurus man takes his choice of partner seriously and will not be content with small affairs. He hopes to find true love that will fully meet his expectations. If Taurus has met his ideal, he will not rush to immediately show feelings. For some time he will remain the same reserved, but the presence or absence of sympathy can be determined by his behavioral characteristics.

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Characteristics of a Taurus in love

Finding an approach to Taurus is difficult - he is closed, phlegmatic, lacks initiative and hides his feelings. During the period of falling in love, these qualities disappear, and a romantic, passionate nature awakens in a man. It is easy for him to communicate with people, and you can often see a smile on his face. At the beginning of acquaintance, the guy jokes, has fun and easily maintains dialogues on any topic. He is open to the needs of other people, but all his charisma will be directed towards the chosen one.

A Taurus in love, no matter how much he wants it, does not control his gestures and behaves a little strangely. His hands will always be in his hair or on his face. He will try to shake something off and straighten his back, trying to appear taller. During a conversation, a man moves objects and leans closer to his interlocutor. When a girl looks into his eyes, she will try to look away.

Taurus are slow and cautious, so sometimes they are simply afraid to take the first step. The girl may not notice that he is checking her and is committed to a long-term relationship. But in this case, you should take the initiative. A girl should be affectionate and gentle, be able to share the interests and hobbies of a man.

No matter how secretive Taurus is, when he falls in love, he will tell his new girlfriend everything she wants to hear. With his conversations, the man tries to keep attention and often talks about some unreal events. If Taurus is a man of few words and prefers to talk about the weather or everyday matters, then he probably has no feelings. he can call a girl more than 10 times a day - and he will always have something to tell.

If he has feelings for a girl, Taurus will listen carefully to everything she says. The representative of this zodiac sign tries to find out everything about his friend. In the absence of a common opinion, he will not argue and prove that he is right. The representative of this zodiac sign is always on the side of the chosen one and considers her opinion to be correct. Most women are flattered by this, so they reciprocate. Other signs of a Taurus in love:

  • does not skimp on gifts and compliments;
  • gives the girl maximum attention;
  • constantly calls and writes;
  • tries to look as good as possible;
  • sociable and easy-going;
  • spends most of his time with his chosen one;
  • expresses feelings through correspondence;
  • doesn’t argue and listens to the girl in almost everything.

Next to a loving representative of this zodiac sign, a woman feels truly happy. After all, no one else can surround you with such care and attention. Proof that a Taurus likes a girl is his interest in everything that happens in her life. He will be ready to do anything for her and will gladly fulfill any requests. The behavior of a lover is aimed at proving that he is a reliable and better partner.

How to win a Taurus man

Signs of falling in love by correspondence

Initially, you should pay attention to the very essence of what the man writes. Even when they are in love, Taurus are not prone to meaningless conversations. They prefer communication in reality, and there is no point in waiting for long philosophical conversations. If he writes messages, he tries to do it as competently and briefly as possible.

In general, Taurus people do not like to talk on the phone for a long time or write long SMS messages. They prefer real communication and try to spend more time with their friend. Only in rare cases does a Taurus in love express all his feelings and emotions through correspondence, giving the girl compliments and all sorts of signs of attention.


general description

Taurus people have a noble and independent character. Having power, they, oddly enough, are in no hurry to use it, waiting for the most favorable opportunity, but often missing it. Hard work, not luck, consistency, not impulse - this is the key to Taurus' success in life.

In decisions, as in actions, Taurus are usually unhurried. It’s good if they have the opportunity to think alone - people of this sign do not seem to succumb to direct outside influence, but sometimes they take other people’s thoughts as their own.

Taurus are usually kind, but they are awkward in showing their kindness, and they are also overly persistent. In addition, they sometimes too stubbornly impose their opinions on others, urge them to follow their example, and do not neglect other ways of influencing people. Taurus hate lies, but sometimes they still resort to it, and, as a rule, their words inspire confidence.

Taurus strive to earn the respect and admiration of others, so they are attentive to their clothes and strive to look as successful as possible, although they may not be so.

Taurus are constant in their goals and affections. They are able to postpone the implementation of their plans, but they never seem to forget about their plans. Taurus usually make friends in their youth, when their character is especially flexible, but they keep them for life.

Taurus are usually not characterized by cruelty and a thirst for revenge, but they do not forgive deception and betrayal, experiencing resentment for a long time and painfully.

Taurus women are extremely strong-willed but soft-spoken; They are characterized by gentle persistence rather than aggressive stubbornness. They will not prove their superiority, even if they feel it: complete confidence that the moment will come when this will become obvious helps them to wait patiently - sometimes for the rest of their lives.

Taurus men incomprehensibly combine their calmness and prudence with romance and sentimentality. They tend to dominate in the family, and, while calmly submitting to the boss's demands at work, they will ignore their wife's requests with their usual stubbornness.

Problems in love

One of the strongest aspects of Taurus, useful in all areas of life, is the caution of representatives of this sign, the ability to make decisions slowly, carefully weighing the possible consequences of each step. When moving towards a goal, Taurus does not always choose the shortest and most direct path; They like the roads that are the safest and leave freedom for maneuver. Despite their outward gentleness, compliance and peacefulness, they are often very stubborn and selfish; Those who deal with Taurus are well aware of the duality of the representatives of this sign.

Taurus people, for the most part, can be very happy in marriage and love relationships; Their desire for peace and harmony usually prevails even over stubbornness. Taurus craves no less for spiritual comfort, which in their minds is inextricably linked with the stability of their financial situation, confidence in the future and the ability to satisfy all their needs. Far from being lazy, representatives of this sign are calm about everyday affairs, but are always ready to share them with a partner.

Seven common problems - seven keys to happiness in love

1. “I can’t find a suitable partner.”

Despite the fact that Taurus’ social circle is quite wide, it is not so easy to find a person with whom representatives of this sign would like to get closer and (even more so!) start a family. People around you may say that your expectations are too high, but you don’t think so.

Indeed, you take the choice of a partner, even a potential one, very seriously. There is nothing shameful or worthy of condemnation in this - after all, you are looking for a person who meets your requirements, and you have every right to do so! However, it is still worth slightly adjusting your approach to the problem. Remember that people change and perhaps a relationship with you will be a great incentive for someone to succeed in everything.

It is important that you and your chosen one have common goals - your intuition is enough to understand whether a joint future is possible with someone who in the present does not seem to you to be the ideal chosen one. Allow yourself to look forward and keep in mind that achieving success is sometimes easier together - if you have the desire.

Another aspect of the problem is related to the fact that Taurus can be surrounded by people who are ready to do a lot for his favor - but do not make a choice, because they see only the shortcomings of each of them. The solution is simple: try to focus on the merits of the candidates for your heart. Legibility is commendable, but objectivity sometimes does not hurt.

The following situation is also common: Taurus meets a wonderful person, highly values ​​his spiritual qualities and intellectual abilities, admires his achievements - but has absolutely no sexual interest in this wonderful person. The fact is that the influence of Venus forces you to pay a lot of attention to the appearance of both your own and your potential chosen one. You are more sensitive to beauty than others and it is you who are especially hurt by any imperfection. This is one of the properties of your character and the only thing you can do is to expand your “aesthetic horizons” as much as possible. It is possible that your sense of beauty is formed, for example, by stereotypes or certain impressions received in childhood. The more diverse your ideas about beauty and harmony are, the more attractive people you will notice around you.

2. “I doubt I made the right choice.”

It would seem that you have met the ideal person, but the further the relationship develops, the less the partner meets your expectations. He does everything wrong, or asks too many questions, sticks to the right habits, ignores your advice...

It is unlikely that you lost sight of any significant shortcomings of your potential partner when making your choice: Taurus are very attentive both at the initial stage of the relationship and at the “preparatory” stage, when it has not yet reached not only the first bouquet, but even exchanging smiles. So, stop blaming yourself for a wrong decision, and your chosen one for all or some of the mortal sins, and try to understand why he does things that irritate you so much.

Taurus loves to lead, and the real reason for your dissatisfaction may be the feeling that you are met with a worthy rebuff again and again. Concessions and compromises are sometimes not enough for harmony: try giving your chosen one a little more independence.

Sometimes what makes Taurus doubt the correctness of their choice is not so much disappointment in their partner, but in the relationship itself - for example, what started out as an ideal romance turns into a series of reproaches and quarrels. You feel undervalued, hemmed in, and unable to act. In a word, unhappy.

The cause of your problems may be your conservatism and stubbornness. Even if you have found “your” person, the relationship may not correspond to the pattern that has always existed in your head - if only because he may have his own pattern and act in accordance with it! You are not always ready to give up your own habits and inclinations. So, try to express your wishes in a correct manner, and recognize that criticism towards you can be constructive. You really are capable of not only getting along with the most “difficult” person, but also getting genuine pleasure from communication - you just need to try a little!

3. “I’m doing something wrong”

Taurus have developed intuition and always feel if their partner is dissatisfied with something. But finding the cause of this phenomenon can be quite difficult; Instead of enjoying the company of your loved one, you begin to look for mistakes in your own behavior, not suspecting that you have embarked on a dangerous path. There is no way to isolate yourself in such situations.

Taurus usually pay a lot of attention to solving material issues, value comfort in everyday life and financial independence, but spiritual comfort escapes their field of vision. That is why, having felt that their partner does not feel happy, many representatives of this sign think, first of all, about practical things, without even suspecting that the cause of all the troubles may lie precisely in their increased attention to the material world.

When taking an interest in your partner's affairs, pay more attention to his mood, take an interest in his plans and dreams - believe me, for many people they are very important. It is likely that it will be easier for you to achieve mutual understanding if you do not look for unambiguous answers to all questions, but leave a bit of understatement and some “freedom for maneuver”. By the way, it is not always necessary to keep the situation under strict control - sometimes it is enough to relax so that tension decreases and solving any problems turns out to be achievable and uncomplicated.

4. Romantic relationships don't work out the way you'd like them to.

Taurus are reasonable and reasonable, they know what they want and know how to achieve it - but in romantic relationships, alas, they do not always know how to apply these wonderful qualities. Even if your partner is ready to meet you halfway, his actions may seem unreasonable and inappropriate, which will cause irritation and lead to quarrels. Another cause of discomfort may be your too high demands on your chosen one, the expectation of actions that are not characteristic of him.

It is important to learn to communicate your desires to your partner in a timely and tactful manner, but it is also useful to be ready to take care of your own needs. Remember also that, while doing your own extremely exciting and important things, you sometimes do not pay enough attention to your loved one, giving him the feeling that he has only a modest supporting role in your life.

It should also be borne in mind that “loving” and “owning” are not at all the same thing. Taurus is characterized by some authority, and sometimes they are not able to recognize that their partner has the right to personal space, the presence of which can become a prerequisite for the harmonious development of relationships. It doesn’t really matter whether you are married or just dating - your chosen one is still not your property, he has his own desires, aspirations and dreams; otherwise, it would hardly arouse your sincere interest.

If your relationship is serious and trusting, you should talk frankly with your chosen one, discuss what each of you expects and wants. Coming to a compromise is not always easy, but in most cases it is possible if you do not forget that the reward for concessions will be harmony in the relationship.

5. The person I like doesn’t take any steps towards getting closer to me.

A Taurus who is unsure of the feelings of the person who has captured his heart (or simply arouses special interest) turns into a skilled strategist. Representatives of this sign know well what is needed to start a romantic relationship, and find a lot of ways to create the necessary conditions. Usually they quickly give up on a hopeless struggle, but in those cases where there seems to be reciprocal sympathy, but it is not possible to move on to a closer relationship, they get lost.

Try to act more simply - sometimes hints and coquetry are powerless, but an unexpected invitation or frank confession is irresistible. Another scenario is possible: sometimes you are so carried away by your own maneuvers and focus on the expected development of the situation that you simply do not notice those actions of your chosen one that do not correspond to your ideas. In other words, when you expect to receive an invitation to a romantic date, you miss the opportunity to simply communicate in an informal setting and exchange opinions on an issue that interests both of you. Sometimes it’s enough just to relax and be yourself to make rapprochement possible, tune in to a less serious mood and try to re-evaluate the situation.

Finally, some Taurus stubbornly conquer fortresses that should be avoided. Think about what is happening - has it ever happened that in a situation that allowed you to begin rapprochement, you got lost and did not find the right words? It is possible that in such a strange way the subconscious warned you that the choice was made incorrectly, and the beginning of a relationship would not lead to anything good. What glitters very much may not even be gold-plated, and later you will be glad that the matter did not go beyond a simple hobby.

6. Unhappy love ruined my life

Taurus experience severe discomfort after breaking up with a partner, even if the relationship was not serious and deep. If we are talking about really strong feelings, it can lead to depression, complete loss of interest in people and hope for happiness. Representatives of this sign always take their choice of partner very seriously and, if the relationship does not work out, they reproach themselves for having made a mistake.

On the one hand, you feel uncomfortable being alone and strive to start a new relationship, on the other hand, you don’t like anyone, and the fear of making a mistake in your choice does not help change the situation. Remembering your sad experience, you promise yourself this time to be even more circumspect, careful and attentive, and sometimes you push away those with whom you could be carried away. Some representatives of the sign build around themselves a completely insurmountable wall of grievances and claims, a negative, pessimistic attitude towards the world, not allowing themselves to enjoy life and receive the gifts that fate is ready to give.

Remember that you have every chance of finding happiness - such is the influence of the planets. Now it is important for you to maintain self-confidence and not get hung up on finding the ideal. It is impossible to insure yourself against unpleasant experiences, and the development of relationships requires the same seriousness as their beginning.

Don't make finding the perfect partner your main goal. Lead an active life, enjoy communication and be more open. It is enough to let events develop their course so that everything turns out as it should. You shouldn’t forget about the past, but you shouldn’t plunge into it headlong, ignoring the present and not giving a chance to the future.

7. He (s) does not show initiative in relationships

Taurus are demanding. Being strong people by nature and capable of sharing their emotions, they strive to receive no less than they give. The beginning of a romantic relationship makes them believe that their partner’s attention will not weaken for a minute, and his interest in them will always be extremely strong. However, already at this stage, discord is possible, because sometimes, trying to be pleasant to your chosen one and please him, you do not feel a response.

The cause of discomfort at the beginning of a romance, when the partners do not know each other well enough, may be Taurus’ increased attention to physical intimacy. Let your chosen one understand that you are also interested in emotional contact, otherwise complete mutual understanding will not be achieved. In addition, at this stage it may be useful to reduce the level of requests of a material nature. Dates at luxury restaurants and trips to “fashionable places” are wonderful, but your partner may not find them as exciting as “democratic” walks in the park - do not regard this as a lack of interest in yourself.

When the relationship becomes more serious, Taurus does a lot to ensure that the person close to them is happy and satisfied, and they are deeply worried if they do not receive any attention or gratitude in return. Indeed, can it be considered fair that the responsibility for developing relationships, solving everyday issues, eliminating material problems falls on your shoulders, while your partner can only enjoy?

Taurus people tend to give a lot. Happiness in love and family is important to you, and hardly anyone would consider this worthy of reproach. However, you spend too much time trying to bring reality into line with the ideal picture that exists only in your head. Sometimes you even put pressure on your loved ones to live up to your expectations. It’s worth reducing your activity somewhat and allowing everyone - including yourself! - behave naturally and in accordance with your own needs. Learn to listen to the advice and recommendations of your chosen one, and also think about whether his behavior, which may seem passive, is not dictated by concern for your well-being and peace of mind.

Sexuality of the sign

Taurus rarely has many novels, and almost never several at the same time. In love relationships, Taurus adhere to traditions, and many of them retain their virginity until marriage, and then become impeccably faithful.

In sex, Taurus are more tender than passionate; they are not inclined to experiment. Taurus men spare no effort in satisfying their partner’s desires, do not allow her to dominate, and sometimes are simply frightened by her excessive activity. Taurus women willingly accept affection, but will never allow someone to do something that is unpleasant to them.

Taurus knows the value of himself and his sexual abilities, and is also endowed with intuition, so he always feels pretense.

A Taurus in love will succumb to persuasion, but is unlikely to admit that the innovation proposed by his partner gave him pleasure; In general, loyalty to traditions, characteristic of people of this sign, manifests itself in the erotic part of life as strongly as in all other areas.

Marriage and compatibility

Taurus takes issues of family and marriage very seriously. They choose a life partner with their usual leisureliness, and if they marry at an early age - it usually turns out to be unsuccessful and has a bad effect on the future life of Taurus - the heart wound inflicted on people of this sign takes a long time to heal, especially if the family broke up due to betrayal.

Taurus are able to take light flirting from their partner calmly (however, they themselves determine what kind of flirting can be considered “light”), but if they find out about the betrayal, they simply lose their heads. Perhaps this is why they are in no hurry to fall in love, studying the potential partner and his character for a long time.

Taurus expects thoroughness, constancy and readiness to live for tomorrow from their chosen one. They are not able to appreciate changeability and a penchant for variety, but they will be grateful for the ability to be content with little and not lose their heads.

Taurus is capable of being seriously carried away by Pisces and Gemini, and can count on a reciprocal feeling, since it will give them a feeling of stability, confidence in the future and peace.

The union of two Taurus is good in work, but not in love, but with Capricorn, Taurus can experience a bright romance. The union will be strong with the homely and economical Cancer, calm but pleasant - with Aries.

Every person knows the inspiring feeling of falling in love. The world around seems more colorful, people are not annoying, and you want to shout about your love.

But before you build a serious relationship, you need to find out whether your feeling is mutual, whether the object of your love is suitable for you. To understand that a Taurus man is in love and wants a serious relationship, you need to pay attention, first of all, to his behavior.

Characteristics of the sign

The sign of Taurus is distinguished by its mystery. These are not the people who, after a couple of glasses, will reveal the whole truth and untruth about themselves. They are very smart and thoughtful. If a Taurus man has singled out a certain girl, there is no doubt that the process of conquering her is already underway in his head. Although in life he may not show this for some time.

How a Taurus man in love behaves, can be determined based on its main qualities:

  • attentiveness;
  • respect;
  • desire to please.

They are only capable of deep and serious feelings, so when he attacks, detailed questions about hobbies, favorite places, a desire to help carry heavy packages and help with the move will be used. Taurus are also distinguished by their ability to solve many of the problems of their loved ones, thereby creating for them the most comfortable living conditions.

Financial condition

Taurus are very hardworking and stingy. for extra expenses. Therefore, at the beginning of family life, it is worth explaining to your chosen one that a new refrigerator is an investment, not an expense. Otherwise, in some situations, Taurus simply begins to accumulate savings aimlessly, being afraid to spend them anywhere at all or cherishing the dream of making an investment in the distant future.

Whatever the life situation, this man’s family will always be behind a stone wall. There will be food in the house, even if the end of the world comes and you have to kill a fellow tribesman to get it. For the sake of their family, these people are capable of much.

Wounded pride and anger

It's worth remembering that Taurus likes to be praised. There are frequent cases of wounded self-esteem in this sign. Their pride reacts very sharply to criticism and sarcastic jokes. To gain deep trust and respect, you should abandon the usual jokes about appearance or failures.

An offended Taurus is capable of long and scrupulous revenge. He will develop a plan for revenge for as long as he developed it to win your heart, while he may hide his resentment, and then give out something like that. If you remove it completely, the consequences may be irreversible. When angry, these people are scary and capable of much.

Seeing Taurus in anger, you can change your mind about eternal love and fidelity. And no matter how much you would like to return everything back, it will no longer be possible, so it is better not to bring them to white heat. Fortunately, these are very patient people, and for a long time they will not show any negative emotions.

Character Flaws

With all the advantages of this young man, it also has its disadvantages:

  • stubbornness;
  • anger;
  • hidden grievances.

These are often stubborn and demanding people. They need an ideal woman in the household. They can't stand clutter, and they are very picky about food. Moreover, in case of failure at work, they can transfer a bad mood into the home. But if he is met by a beloved and well-groomed wife, he will immediately turn into a peaceful calf, just give him a few minutes.

He is only able to have fun and enjoy himself with people he knows well. Large groups of new people and unfamiliar women seeking his attention can even frighten a man.

How to behave as a woman

Women who themselves begin to woo Taurus will never become the heroines of his novel. It is important to take this into account. And if you want to catch this rare specimen on the net, you need to do everything as if it had reached you. And don’t remind him later that he should be the one saying thank you. Then, feeling like a man, he will love a woman until the end of his days.

It is also worth considering that a real man needs a feeling of some kind of superiority and greatness. To really get what you want from him, you will have to portray a gentle and flexible woman, if you are not one. This fortress cannot be taken by storm.

Choosing a companion

Taurus chooses special ladies as their chosen ones. To fall in love, he needs a good reason. A woman should be well-groomed, gentle, but have a spark inside. Between plastic ideality and lively character, a man will choose the latter.

If we are talking about a young guy, chances are that he is very popular with the ladies. This may lead to a polygamous life at the beginning of the journey. But even the most inveterate ladies' man will eventually look for a faithful companion.

How Taurus men fall in love

Since they are slow in everything, their great feeling can grow out of ordinary sympathy. Rarely do they fall in love at first sight, passionately and with confessions at the first meeting. Their feeling begins with a small spark that can warm their heart for months, or even years, until the very hour comes to show their intentions.

Even seemingly friendly interest can serve as a sign of falling in love. It is with her that a big and bright love story can begin.

To confess your love, Taurus needs to be two hundred percent confident of success. Only then will it be possible to hear three cherished words from them.

Don’t be afraid of big confessions from a man or modest love from a young man who can blush just by being nearby. Both are capable of creating a magnificent family with values, customs and their own foundations. As a rule, Taurus is an earth sign, so they especially value such seemingly simple things.

A way to recognize a Taurus who has fallen in love

He is gallant and listens to everything the girl says. He really listens, and if after 5 years of relationship, you ask what dress you wore on the first date, he will accurately answer your question.

Taurus people love stability in everything.. They will have one favorite profession with promotion. The same friends, time-tested in happiness and sorrow. And also the one and only beloved for life and even more. Therefore, having heard sweet speeches from Taurus, you should not be afraid of his serious intentions. Paired with him, you can find true feminine happiness. Having chosen his beloved, he will achieve her at any cost.

Attention, TODAY only!
